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This is remarkable. I've been doing a modest amount of research on the sexual assault of males for the past 2 weeks or so. I've read a book and a half and then a few more articles. I think the article head count is at 6. Not much, especially because the last 4 of the 6 I picked up tonight. While reading through these 4, and while browsing online trying to find mainstream support sites, I realized that I am familiar with a large majority of the literature. Specifically, when reading the articles, all of their sources were the ones I just finished reading. More than making me feel knowledgable or competent as a researcher, it makes me concerned for the males that have been sexually assaulted. The literature base for those professionals designated as their advocates, detectives, judges, prosecutors, and doctors is so small that these professionals will be hard pressed to be educated enough to do their jobs fairly. In addition to that, the lack of support must make male victims/survivors of sexual assault feel very, very isolated and alone.

What's worse: Many feminist orgs which were created to support female victims of sexual assault are refusing to let men into their client base for fear of losing the ability to serve their female clients (loss of funding, inadequate staffing, etc). It's just one big, bad situation.

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I am sorry that this hidden abuse is so hidden. I think it is shameful that it is so neglected. And that femininists are so hostile.