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is the number of people who marched for Take Back the Night tonight. It was good to see them. To feel them, as a presence.

Take Back the Night is a confusing program to me. This sort of march and demonstration is so essential to addressing the issue of sexual assault on campus, but at the same time, there are so many disheartening issues surrounding this attempt. What about the assualts that happen during the day? What about the other days of the year when we are not marching? Why is it less than 2% of the campus that shows up for this? More than that percentage alone have been assaulted. I'm still confused, but I'm also pleased to have been able to take a part in standing up for the elimination of such painful and widespread abouse.

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I never went to those myself. It just didn't appeal to me. On the other hand I did connect to the vagina monologues. It was empowering for me to perform in them- especially in the my short skirt one.