General list of things I've learned in India


Baby powder, talc, call it what you will, is amazing when it comes to keeping one from feeling sticky. Hillary, I think this is something you would appreciate.

I really like clean. I do. I like clean dishes, clean floors, clean Kristen, clean computers. The rest of the world cares less.

There are some things that Americans are good at. Pies, cakes, ICE CREAM and cookies are the first that come to mind. There are some things that other countries are good at, like chocolate. India is good at none of these. Well, India is good at spicy and overly-sweet.

Being overly-concerned with one's weight is contagious. I'm ready to go back to my quarantine.

"Cheapest and best." Heard often. I love the philosophy.

Cockroaches don't smush when you hit them. They explode.

Geckos are great. More than their useful cleaning that I already knew about thanks to Mendon, their movement is humorous.

I feel guilty when I don't give to beggars. I feel guilty when I do give to beggars.

I am white. Or, I learned what being white can mean.

Silence is golden, even if it is one-sided. Being able to shut my mouth and effectively disappear is useful.

Mendon was 100% correct about chocolate. It is necessary for being challenged abroad.


I've learned recently that there are fullbright programs for teachers. After two years of teaching I could teach abroad for a year or just a summer. I'm not thinking that I'll go to India but it was a pretty exciting thing to learn.

I'm sorry that I never mentioned how fun to watch lizards are. they're great. They're damned quick too.
if you kill cockroaches with your bare hands, they don't explode but wash your hands afterwards.

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. or a spouse. or both (bravo mara).