I've got threaded comments and authentication working over at *The Definite Article* if you want to have a look.
They'll require that you use one of the new styles, but there are some really cool ones out. For an example, check out Ingrida's blog over at http://dornbrook.com/Blogs/Ingrida
Yes I would like slickness. Ingrida's is beautiful.
Also, I was trying for something more... impressive, but all of the style sheets that I tried to apply sort of had the same result. Is there something I'm missing?
Better? I'm afraid there are bits and pieces that you'll have to add back, but I've backed up your code and saved copies of your old templates, just in case you need them.
Hey, maybe this is a bit offf topic but in any case, I have been surfing about your blog and it looks really neat. impassioned about your writing. I am creating a new blog and hard-pressed to make it appear great, and supply excellent articles. I have discovered a lot on your site and I look forward to additional updates and will be back.
Comments are an invaluable part of the blogosphere. On more than one occasion, I've learned a SIGNIFICANT amount of information from the comments section. But that being said, I do believe in moderation. If the comments are not productive, then they should be moderated if the site owner so chooses.
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Bonne approfondie here.I idées "souhaitez vous conseillons de prendre un coup d'oeil à beaucoup autour de l'idée de frites françaises. Quelles sont vos pensées?
I got recommended this site by my cousin. I��m unclear whether this post is authored by him as nobody else know such detailed about my trouble. You��re incredible! Thanks!
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About this Entry
This page contains a single entry by published on April 16, 2009 3:23 PM.
Hey, Kristen!
I've got threaded comments and authentication working over at *The Definite Article* if you want to have a look.
They'll require that you use one of the new styles, but there are some really cool ones out. For an example, check out Ingrida's blog over at http://dornbrook.com/Blogs/Ingrida
How come your page has no formatting to it anymore?
I'd guess that she's experimenting with formatting.
Kristen, would you like me to make your blog look all slick?
Yes I would like slickness. Ingrida's is beautiful.
Also, I was trying for something more... impressive, but all of the style sheets that I tried to apply sort of had the same result. Is there something I'm missing?
Nathan, I can't speak for Kristen, but I sure would!
Better? I'm afraid there are bits and pieces that you'll have to add back, but I've backed up your code and saved copies of your old templates, just in case you need them.
I hate this have to click read more on the comments to read the whole comments. Guh!
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I can't say that I agree with you on this completely, but you definitely make some valid points.
This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. I too love blogging and expressing my opinions. Thanks :)
Hey, maybe this is a bit offf topic but in any case, I have been surfing about your blog and it looks really neat. impassioned about your writing. I am creating a new blog and hard-pressed to make it appear great, and supply excellent articles. I have discovered a lot on your site and I look forward to additional updates and will be back.
Comments are an invaluable part of the blogosphere. On more than one occasion, I've learned a SIGNIFICANT amount of information from the comments section. But that being said, I do believe in moderation. If the comments are not productive, then they should be moderated if the site owner so chooses.
Sometimes I just think that people write and dont really have much to say. Not so here
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