

Good news my friends, I will very shortly transition from temporary to permanent in my job. This means a few things: 1. They will not have to fire me when I hit 1000 hours as a temp 2. I will have a pay raise, around $3/hr, 3. I will have benefits, even as a part-time permanent employee 4. I will not need to worry so much about my permanence in a job that I like. This makes me fantastically happy.

The second bit of good news is this:
I was quite happy to see such love from another artist. :)


Wow! Isn't it awesome to see your work paying off? My goodness, making a name for yourself as an artist! Awesome!

Oh, and congratulations on the job! What a sigh of relief - especially in this economy ;-)

See you tonight/tomorrow morning!

We'll have to celebrate your achievements this week, Kristen!

Very good text. I've found your blog via Google and I'm really glad about the information you provide in your posts. Btw your blogs layout is really messed up on the Chrome browser. Would be great if you could fix that. Anyhow keep up the great work!

Resignation has been half a month of work, but wages have not been made.

resignation that day, my boss said he was sorry to leave. Yes, we would get along came good, but this year my work has entered the formal, anything already know, what are hundreds of times; now left, really sorry. Yes, I said a last resort. I have almost 30 people, and everyone has their own family, even some with their own children, and I also have nothing, whether my family or his family, are hurried to do things to do. Thought, too, so the total drag is not the answer, simply, a bite, a walking foot. Too, do you do it, in order not to affect the work, I made a resignation. The beginning, he expressed understanding, but also in recognition of my approach is very thoughtful. At the same time, I also want to return to Beijing next to continue to work here. As a matter of wages, if today's financial leaders came back that day, if that day will never come back, I can leave the card number, the accounting will be the next day to pay into my account.

I was so touched!

after the first few days, call me. Thus, his First, I did not tell her, after she was not given time to recruit people, had an impact on the company, and then after that is not the wages of the day's wages until the day of ... ...

... ...

wait another week has passed, the wages of the previous day, I called again and asked the wages thing. The chatter is a pass - how the child you so naive Yeah, do not tell you the wages you have not yet settled; What is it you always reminders ... reminders ... that day, you say with what you × × , her air of not (in fact, that is, pay me to do, that we are straightforward people, do not always roundabout,North Face Jacket Sale, make it clear to me what in the end when wages do) ... so, my back to the company and then to call you ... ...

I am wrong, but my right ... ...

... ...

several phone calls, to no avail, not to say that the meeting busy now ... ...

today called again I just want to ask you about when my wages, the day you call me, did not fight, I have been waiting for ... ...
how wages you did not come that day, × × are sick, the office is still waiting for your day
You do not say give me a call, I have been waiting for ... ...
you how the child this? Wages of the day how can you not come? The day you do it? ... ...
I have been waiting for you call it, you have not been playing, I have been waiting for, and each call, you always say you busy, say a few words, you hang up, so look for a while accounting, he says the accounting to find what ... ...
(his wife grabbed the phone) × × what you say, what is it you speak to me, and I on this matter
Well, I just want to ask When do you intend to end my salary?
day wages how can you not come, you are not in Beijing, I do not care where you are, the day how do you come ... ...
You do not listen to me ah ... ...
you do not say. You say how do you not come, the day wages do not come, call now, what do you mean ... ...
me dizzy I'm angry ... ...
She said the company is how to take care of me, I said I was not in the company also sorry for her ... ...
falling out ... ...
do not give, I just do not give you, you can figure it out ... ...
phone hung up ... ...
I played in the past that he connected the

how, and you just say what
you ask her, I have nothing to say, I just want to give me time to ask what end wages?
(on wages is the topic of the day ... ...)
Well, so be it, I still have something to say Well
feed this thing ... (before I speak, the telephone hung up)
I once again played in the past that he does not take

I call back, he picked up
do not say, say it, the days of wages next month I say
would like to ask, What does it mean to say? I pay when you can settle in the end?
do not say, how your child is always the case, I am busy now, there are things ... ...
the telephone hung up
I just want to tell you, if these days You can not pay my end I had to go to Bureau of Labor resolved
that is your right ... ...
not wait for him to say, I hung up the phone

I wronged ... ...

front of him, I cried ... This is the first time to work for so many years by such grievances, and perhaps in others, it seems normal, but my own in the company try to make things perfect, do something are to his satisfaction, but in the end ... ...

I can not let it go, pay a few days, less than a month, more than a thousand dollars, but I can not swallow this feeling, can not let them This according to potential deceptive ... ...

stay up all night is normal, but often stay up late on the body will have a bad effect, happened to see this article, reproduced over, perhaps often colleagues will be staying up late to help.

of medical know-how to sleep and my experience, observation, sleeping when a person really only a maximum of two hours, the rest are a waste of time, lying on the pillow dreaming, no people do not dream . As he did not wake up that dream, it is because he forgot.
usually a person to sleep two hours is enough, why do some people to sleep seven or eight hours? that you stay in bed resting on a pillow lying on the habits, not so long that we need to sleep, especially do people who know martial arts meditation, eyes closed, really asleep at noon as long as three minutes, is equal to two hours sleep, but to noon for a good time. Will have to fall asleep at night is midnight, five minutes is equal to six hours.

on this big time science, and the same universal law, rule the Earth, I Ching Yin and Yang of the truth of a relationship, and you will feel, literally with a force following the heart down, and the pubic region (kidney) and fusion power, the so-called
insomnia or so people who really want to stay up late at night, midnight is the time, even twenty minutes is also necessary to sleep, sleep must train yourself to sleep.
had a positive after midnight about half past twelve, you will not be sleepy, and this is very bad. More serious, to the dawn, four, five o'clock, five or six mao shi, you and sleepy sleepy, then sleep if one day would faint head.
so wish to engage people who work late at night, is a house, even if there is a big thing should be put down to sleep it half an hour, to the Mao Shi want to sleep do not sleep, the spirit of the day is enough.
But people survive the twelve insomnia, tossing and turning in bed, the results fell asleep almost dawn, the next day afternoon dippy, so you will feel insomnia, lack of sleep, in fact, you do not have experience.

a sleep and health, sleep doctors rule
Warring States Period of Emperor WEI of QI Zhi Wen said: and the growth of animals was only sleep, sleep help the stomach digest food, so, so sleep is the first health nourishing people a night without sleep, the loss of one hundred days is difficult to recover. point for the effective sleep time. People are animals, and plants belong to the same biological, daytime (5:00 to 21:00 pm) activities to produce energy at night (21 pm to 5 am) to begin cell division, put energy into new cells, human cells recuperate , get rid of the time, but also the people back on the sun as the Earth rotates to the side. Yinzhu Jing, is a human sleep really good time, this time to rest, will have good physical and mental state. This baby sleep longer and more fat, grow fast, and playful sense of stunted children is the same reason.
sleep is a major function of health, support is to use a large number of healthy cells to replace the corruption of the cells, such as the night can not sleep on for the new cells. If the demise of one million cells during the day, one night just make it up five hundred thousand cells, then your body will be deficit, a long time, people bran, like bran carrot-like. Why does the world have centenarians? Because they are in the 21 o'clock every night to sleep on time.

plants to absorb the energy of sunlight, night the growth of crops in the countryside at night so the ground could hear the voice of jointing. Belong to the same human and plant biology, cell division, roughly the same time period, missed the really good time at night to sleep, fall short of the newborn cells die, people will premature aging or illness, people want to go with the flow, it should follow the sun to go that day I wake up wake up, day sleep I sleep. In front of the sun as small as dust, This is an objective truth.
real life, many people have difficulty falling asleep,just beats by dre, sleep problems is not high quality. Poor sleep is a comprehensive issue, such as excessive anger, sleep alert; excess stomach fire, sleep disturbed; liver and lack of sleep tired.

two, sleep and disease
modern living habits and lifestyle to bring a lot of people's negative impact on the body to form the stay up all night sick. There is a feature of liver: lying is the return of blood, sitting outside the blood supply.
midnight (23:00-1:00), 23 points is actually the beginning of a new day, not a 0:00 start, which is made of false consciousness. Hepatobiliary phase table, each one, 23 points gall bladder was opened, if it does not sleep, sap courage, because eleven organs are also dependent on bile, courage of a virtual, decreased body organs function, metabolism, immune system have decreased , greatly reduce the human body, courage to support the central nervous, prone to injuries courage of all mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, restless psychosis. Midnight to replace the bile bile, gallbladder getting busy person who does not lie, bile adverse change, too thick and crystallized into stone, a long time that was gallstones, if the gall to pick up a pick on the timid, the body's immune system declined by 50% or more, it can not pick, to use its enormous potential of this system to dissipate it.
Chou Shi liver by the most prosperous, Chou Shi (1:00-3:00), insomnia, toxic liver can not lift the thing off, resulting in fresh blood, the blood due to the adverse possession, leaving it blue, long susceptible to various types of liver disease, now Some liver is not very good, particularly in Europe an average of 4 individuals have a HBeAg or three positive, mostly because of violation of the laws of nature do not sleep after a midnight caused. Better treatment of hepatitis, hepatitis B is very difficult to treat. Hepatitis B virus carriers, due to often do not sleep at night, people are too weak, and that order is too messy, the virus has reached inside the cell. That hepatitis B virus has reached inside the cell, but now it can not afford to cause hepatitis, when people are most vulnerable when the body is formed as hepatitis, hepatitis B means that in the future 40% - 60% of cirrhosis. Intelligent person should know heaven, earth, human relationship between people is not smart people who should be eliminated.

junk sleep bring much harm to the liver?
Liver Shuxie, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver Shuxie negative, liver qi stagnation, showing irritability, headache, dizziness, red eyes, eye pain, tinnitus, deafness, Sternocostal pain, menstruation does not tone, constipation can also cause liver with less than l, will head tired Shenpi, weak knees, dizziness, insomnia, heart palpitations, trance, heavy will be collapsed in the street, unconscious.
liver stores the blood, regulate the function of blood, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, can also cause vomiting, epistaxis, subcutaneous bleeding, gum bleeding, retinal bleeding, ear bleeding bleeding card-like.
liver opens into the eyes, over neutrons do not sleep, can lead to liver deficiency, the blurred vision, presbyopia, night blindness, photophobia, Yingfengliulei, and other symptoms, but also the formation of glaucoma, cataract, retinal arteriosclerosis, retinal disease and other eye diseases.
liver reinforcement, the Chinese in the claw, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, appeared tendon pain, numbness, flexion and extension problems, cramps, convulsions, could easily lead to onychomycosis, calcium, chondromalacia patella, epilepsy, osteoporosis embolism.

liver and heart, over neutrons do not sleep, can cause liver blood deficiency, the main one as heart blood, liver function blood storage and regulation, will result in insufficient blood supply to the heart, causing palpitation, fibrillation, etc. symptoms, severe form of heart disease, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
liver and spleen, after midnight does not sleep, can cause disharmony of liver and spleen due to liver to help digestion, the liver can not help the stomach digest the Void, make bad stomach digestive function, the performance of thick fur, a long time will cause the gas collapse.
liver and lung, do not sleep through midnight, unable to Yin and Yang, liver and loss, anger caused by excessive burning lungs, dry cough, or cough, expectoration of blood and other wooden stake gold card-like, easily lead to psoriasis and other skin diseases.
liver and kidney, do not sleep through midnight, liver deficiency leading to kidney failure, due to liver and kidney origin, likely to cause reproductive disorders, infertility, bone, dental, hair loss, diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases.

Third, sleep method
rules of the road - you do not know are likely to have an accident. For example, 23 pm to 3 am to Zichou, the liver and gall bladder by the most active, liver and gallbladder to return to the blood, If you lie down every night around 22 o'clock, do not speak too quietly, to 23 point, also fell asleep. Bile began to return to the blood, to filter out toxic blood, resulting in fresh blood, to a hundred and no gallstones, no hepatitis, cysts category of disease. If you are staying up until 1 am every day, the liver can not return the blood, the blood of toxic discharge can not afford to, not a raw fresh blood, gall bladder and bile can not be changed, so these people prone to gallstones, cysts, three positive, three positive variety of diseases.
In Europe, there is an average of four carriers of hepatitis virus, which is called not understand the rules. Best not to talk for half an hour before going to bed, sleep when not to speak, like a talking, moving through the lungs, and then they move through the heart, (because the focus on the heart and lung total) who are likely to enter the excited state, so it is difficult to sleep.
21:00-23:00 for the Hai Shi. Haishi three Jiaojing Wang, triple burner through Lotus. Hai Shi sleep, Lotus Ru Yang Chieh-te, so that the common characteristics of centenarians was 21:00 (Hai Shi) before sleep. To maintain the appearance of women Jiao good long-term, should be early to bed early.
bed to shut the window, not open fan, not air conditioning, a lot of people sick with this, since the person being in sleep, blood circulation is slow, the temperature drops, the body will form a yang in the surface layer, This makes it yang layer called Air conditioning, open fan, not the case, open the window, the window is taking the wind, into the muscle, if air conditioning, but also wind, into the muscle, cold Life, morning, yellow body, face, hair yellow, stiff neck and back piece of tendon, joint pain, fever and even some people, this is the wind and the cold penetrated to the tendons and bones of the reason, this gas is injured. If the window does not sleep at night, no air conditioning, do not open the fan, even the door is shut, the best, if hot, the door opened, the windows shut, the effect will be quite right, but the next day he will not morning whole body fatigue, back stiffness.
the air conditioning was the open living room, the bedroom door open, and direct air conditioning is similar to sleep, open air after that cold air into the bone, so cold heart, heart in which heart in the brain, the brain is sea of ​​marrow, bone marrow, there are cold, it is certainly my heart cold, and how to do, kidney yang, up in the air, when the heart is not up to the cold, burning on the back, went out cold.

sleep to try to go to bed early, sleep late, hurt Shaoyang of gas, must be tired the next day unable to close the window, no air conditioning, fans, to protect the yang.
hepatobiliary next focus, if the stomach problems, he will be sleep disturbed sleep, one is cold stomach, the stomach if the sun were already inadequate, too much to drink green tea, there will be Wei Han, Wei Han When people sleep well, or eating things with too much sediment, stomach faint for the cold, definitely sleep;
another one stomach heat, heat is going up, breath of his mouth are hot, as this is also not sleep well; then a stomach dry, dry mouth, stomach felt dry;
is a stomach and a thick smell of taste, stomach thick, this situation is tired of eating the taste of this thick, it was seafood, fish, eat chicken, tastes delicious, eat more, not more delicious with these things in it to dilute it, do not dilute it, taste it in there too thick, so this is also not sleep well;
Another abdominal distention, abdominal swelling was up, could not sleep, could not sleep over and over again; Another is Wei Qi Void, cold sweats, which sleep good sense, these reasons are likely to form the stomach, restlessness, stomach restless sleep well.
to sleep warm limbs, limbs to warm, as is the yang of the limbs, which we all know, limbs not warm, certainly kidney is less, should cover their hands and feet before going to bed to warm hands and feet and navel, behind Vital to be covered.

sleep method varies, the following describes three kinds of practice:

1, a simple stretching before going to sleep, then sit cross-legged on the bed natural, both hands placed on the legs overlap, natural breathing , feeling the body with the breath, one of a pore, the best results if tears yawn, to fall to sleep when they sleep.
2, supine, natural breathing, breathing feel like a spring, first melt the big toe, then the other toes, then foot, leg, thigh and gradually melting. If not yet awake, and then make from scratch.
3, people can fall asleep fast right lateral, right palm right ear care. Palm heart is fire, the ear is water, fire and water that is formed between the two economies, in the body intersecting to form kidneys. A long time, Yang Xin ney.
sleep must get up early, even in winter, and not more than 6 points to get up, spring and fall as much as possible before getting up at 5:00, because people in the yin shi (3 -5 points) lung busy time to get up to the lung anger to stretch to conform to the Shu yang long to complete the metabolism, the aggregate of the Su-down, so that lung clearance, which helps Nourishing and adapt to the sun rising trend of days the body yang, yang enough people one day Otherwise, if the engine, and have a good time this is difficult to mobilize the body yang, yang deposition in the lower body the human body can not start rising up from the Gate of Life, will form a kinky gas, serious damage to human health.

5:00 to 7:00 is the most popular of the large intestine through the body when the body needs to excreted metabolites of the cloud at this time if you do not get up, the large intestine are not fully active, complete the row can not be good cloud, enabling the formation of turbid matter stayed toxins harmful to human blood and organs Bai Hai. 7:00 to 9:00 the human stomach by the most prosperous, 9 am to 11 points by the most prosperous human spleen, when people's ability to transport and absorb the best, if not then get up, a serious erosion of human gastric acid the human body to absorb nutrients in the best time to get nutrition, long suffering from stomach diseases, resulting in malnutrition, in the gas collapse. So do not stay in bed, stay in bed can cause dizziness, tired, feeling of lack of sleep, but should get up, many great men in history are three or four o'clock in the habit of getting up, like Washington, Napoleon, Emperor Kangxi, Tseng Kuo-fan and so on. Another early can increase the effectiveness of the work, saying:
Modern medicine has proved less pressure early hours of spirit of the people, not prone to mental diseases. Do not go out too early morning exercise, because the sun did not come out in the morning before the underpass of the Zhangzhou gas, sewage is going up (especially cities), the gas on the human body injury is very serious.
cultivation three events, a sleep, two facilities, three restaurants, the rest of living, clothing etc are secondary.
three things in sleep first. However, no appetite and who, disturbed night sleep, so as to facilitate the second pass. The diet-free festival, over those who hunger and eat, the stomach will hurt, and diminishing nutrition. Sleep to soothe the nerves mainly God with peace of mind-based, should be compatible with the age, middle-aged up to seven to eight hours, sleep the intellectual faint dizziness jealous inflation, limb weakness, childhood will get enough sleep eight hours or over nine hours not to obstruct , the old or the patient up to six hours is enough.

sleep disorders can not be ignored warnings
should be noted:
(a) should sleep early and not more than ten, the elderly to eight o'clock is positive, do not over nine. Where to pay 11 am, when the sun, a kidney, then insomnia, loss of renal water will, heart and kidney connected to the water loss is Huo, most likely to trouble. Ten million not to be sleeping tablets to help sleep.
(b) pillow avoid thinking about the calculation of future things, sleeping all the time should not think, breath and mix thoroughly, listening their own gas, from thick, thin, thin and fine and by the interest. Depending on the body as nothing, or as sugar into the water, come to naught, natural sleep.
(c) any idea, can not be safe with, not on the pillow Zhuance minds, the most exhausting, can sit up a time to sleep.
(d) as in the noon, to the point that eleven o'clock, when the shade, a heart, then if they can not sleep, can sit a quarter of an hour, eyes closed, then the heart qi strong. Where heart disease Qieyi attention, pay attention to two o'clock this day, the strength stronger by the day, no diarrhea or frequent urination, heart rate of the disease.
(e) should be early summer onwards, should be from late winter. Home should be cold northern air, such as Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces, to get up early in the disease, anti-malaria Sam Rainsy. Do not eat after his back to sleep, get up early as three to five points in the Yin Shi, Yu Nu avoid this time, will damage liver and lung injury, Wan Wang attention.

7, Life is like a train, there are always all kinds of people on board shuttle. You may also encountered in the car that you have the fate of many people, but the car will have to stop when someone from the train up and down this life, when you go when you waved, turned around you can remember only the way home.

28, if a woman can not give the basic material of life, What can you say you love.

14, do not dream too seriously, enough to eat is the premise of all; not too much focus on reality, she is willing to accompany you, is enough.

17, everyone is tired, no one can take you all sad, people always have some time to learn to grow up.

16, whenever you are bored, always give you messages of that person, is concerned about you. Do not accustomed to think that it should be. You should know that no matter and no attempt will give you a call a few people, and if the chat for a long time, then you should know why.

33, your efforts to get rid of your temper and machismo, should not think that's cool, it is personality, should know that it is fatal.

3, please open your mind to see that the injury will be less.

22, if the cell phone to contact old friends less and less, do not feel alone, it is inevitable.

15, love is not all life, 24 years old, should know that it is only a part of life, every day, their love, lovesick man with a woman will despise him.

24, a man can cry, but can not easily admit defeat.

39, should always be grateful to those who remember life on the road helped you.

4, a lot of things, always will know later in the experience, as feelings: missed, regrets, in fact, life does not need to know so much unnecessary persistence.

21, to learn to say

6, cherish the happiness of hand, do not wait until later regretted having lost, perhaps, your life, it was only then will the true intentions of a person in your body.

1, not to be used to send text messages, less call life.

23, must always remember that love and marriage can not be built on top of money, now you can choose a boat that can withstand setbacks in life with you woman.

13, do not expect you to pay each other all the weight you feel you really should be better than their parents or friends is more important? If you are very important, it is just more than one or a few important, but perhaps necessary, she will pay for your life!

18, one can cold, not cold-blooded. For example, you see a beggar on the street, you can not give him money, because you are cold, do not say that he may be a liar, this is not the reason you do not help him; if you throw him without looking a few cents, It was cold-blooded.

34, not to say that a woman can not conquer you, if you like, please put down your endemic that Virgo is too critical of the pursuit of perfection and the characteristics of it, so he is very willing to listen to that person's word for it.

20, you can not believe in love, but can not not believe in love.

9, do not owe my friend too much, because you may never have the opportunity also to him.

8, you saw some people a lifetime, but they ignore a lifetime. Some people looked at you, but affect your life. Some people are very warm and happy for you, you was cold. Some people let you have a short happy, but get your chain of thoughts.

19, Love is two people, if you just verbally say more love and more love, but when she asked you to do for her meal, you have to ask, You think you love her with it? Did you ever think when her parents say you are poor boy, do not agree with you, she is the pressure when you contradict their parents.

5, graduation is a cruel season, with mature immature to be harvested. Everything will be in the fall and winter alternating flash gone with the wind, the only way that a pool of bright memory of Sun City-like flow of rushing in my heart forever ...

30, which requires only a house and a car of a woman far point, to give parents some of the love of it, not to pursue their own future life of comfort at the expense of the hard work of their parents life, your goal is not to let their children future life is good, but parents too can live the life you want to sacrifice themselves, let them enjoy their life should be enjoyed.

40, health above all else, intellect than emotion, parents will always be first.

26, to pay a return that is not normal, like cafeteria food, to money, like others more than your bowl of meat the same reason.

2, wait, is itself a mistake, that will not allow others to wait for you.

31, friends do not need every day to contact you if he needs time to please his own as a matter of running things, do our best.

32,24 years old before you can have many copies of feelings, because when you're young, after 24 years of age please do not say love, a promise is a debt owed.

36, always keep up a heart, do not indulge in memories of his past and achievements.

29, no matter what kind of job, to remember a man worthy of your conscience.

11, a man after a two-year-old, not a promise at every turn, it will not be apt to give up this ideal, to give it. Mature men have thought there must be rational.

12, no matter what state they were in, do not give up and forget to learn, to meet the most terrible thing is, please keep up the ambition, ambition is not necessarily to achieve the ideal, but there are ambitious you will move forward, will not degenerate.

10, had Sentimental feelings, have a simple expression, the experience was sincere, was not let go of nostalgia ... ... are experiencing happiness, is looking forward to a bright, growing excitement and fear through the young ... ... , gradually grew up together in the memory of you and me, are those on campus in the tradition of sounding song.

38,25 to 35 years old, the most important in life 10 years. Target is his wife, children, houses, cars, tickets, face.

35, in life there are many opportunities to change their destiny, these opportunities to you to find, to grasp, rather than waiting for someone else.

27, a beloved woman not to give up their principles in life, you can lend a hand but can not lose yourself, macho bad a bad idea.

37, to intention to treat everyone around you.

there is a sad , is unspeakable heartache

such an outcome at the outset thought
we have not started already with the end of the
is a non- emergency the ending is an anti-
moment as the sun rises in the east
sunset view

not want to say what the injury and the pain will cover
in the heart
Because no amount of language can not express
heartbreaking sorrow and grief

Although to give up a virtue
but who may have tasted
This is how to give up the taste of bitter
after all this is what they have invested some ,

have feelings too

learn to endure the pain
some words for some bad pain in my heart

; for quietly forgotten


; ;


marriage, and love when his wife is still the same, overbearing rude and unreasonable.

this day is that this couple would be good to go with a friend, the wife can not unreasonable to come halfway up the wrist to her husband, her husband is usually the toe, but this time I do not know how, actually to cattle temperament, I turned around, he came home not to go, lost his wife the first time on the road, the wife was almost angry tears streaming out, but can not throw in the towel, she single-handedly to attend the meeting only to a fit of anger.

wife to go home at eleven o'clock, see the room lights are off, thinking her husband is asleep, there is no bell, dig the key to open the door, they found a note on the door close, write : You have to apologize to me! Angrily to his wife, I do not find you afterwards!

entered the house after the lights closed, found the door and then close to a note that read: my shoes or polish is required. His wife shouted, fie! I'll give you wipe ass.

changing his shoes and found that her slippers have a note that read: Pooh, rubbing ass! His wife was funny, she thought, should I apologize, I have one week to ignore you, do you mind a few good points.

wife to wash, have a cup on a piece of paper, wrote: If you do not know how to apologize to me, then there are tips on the desk. His wife ran over the book table, I saw lying on the table half a page, the front reads: I put on the back, then read aloud twice on the line.

turn back, see above close to a torn newspaper ads and word is written this way: Being a woman, upset a few days every month to the day .... ..

wife wanted to laugh, he thought it was my Why not say that I am to menopause, the next step as it not better, ridiculous. Gas consumption of the wife's half.

After washing, the wife went to bed, turned to see her husband fell asleep on one side, she did not care for him, want to open a few pages bedside light sleep, which is her habit over the years. Open book, inside there is another piece of paper, wrote: I know your heart has been sad, you feel sorry for me, a little sad on the line, do not blame yourself. In fact, I should also review, if I found across the road want to see my cousin who is a joke, I will not tell you to go against, man Well, in addition to the face outside the points in front of outsiders, who make life difficult for his wife right now Yeah .

wife, my heart burst of heat, feel that they are a bit too much, and against my husband, then his hands holding his head, Banguo to face, but found her husband on the cheek, he wrote two letters: my parents

. . . . . Husband cute!


doing this posture, our hands clasped together in the position of the heart chakra , close my eyes . You can also place your hands on the location of the third eye ( brow round ) , bow to pay tribute , and then place both hands placed on the heart chakra . This represents the deepest respect . In the West

for teachers and students , Namasta actively between the individual into one , into the eternal , from the self ( ego ego) in bondage . Deep within the heart and the feeling of surrender of the mind , the spirit of harmony will be bright flowers bloom .

best beginning and end of the course have done Namasta. Usually until the end of the course we do , because after practice mind (heart ) activity decreased, the energy of the room is more peaceful . Teachers begin to Namasta courses represent for students but also for their teacher's gratitude and respect , which is to invite their students to join in their own heritage , so that the truth movement , including the heart when we live to be one when .

we will put their hands together with the heart chakra to expand the flow of divine love . Close your eyes and then down to pay tribute and help our hearts to submit to the divine . We can do this meditation practice round position to further the depths of the heart ; when we and others take this position , it was also a short but wonderful meditation .

Namasta represents a belief : the location of the heart chakra of our blooming on a sacred spark . This position is a gesture of thanks to the soul to another soul . Therefore , Namasta literally means

same, do not explain


in the United States, almost every family tomatoes, tomatoes, the purpose is not cancer. This is just 5,6 years ago, they know. Cancer may not eat tomatoes, you know? Not uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer. This is not just to eat these tomatoes, I ask you, how to eat tomatoes? Some people say that's not easy to wash raw chanting. Others put the slices of sugar, then drink beer. If it is such a food, I tell you, ride it! Not cancer. Inside there is something called tomato tomato element, it combined in one protein, fiber wrapped around it is difficult to come out. It must be heated, heated to a certain extent it out. I tell you, fried eggs, tomatoes, the most valuable. There are tomato soup or tomato soup is a good egg. Raw tomatoes are not cancer, please pay attention. [/ Url]

garlic Garlic is also the king of cancer. I say just a how to eat garlic, it was said: that thing too warm to eat. What are you hanging heating? I tell you, heated garlic zero! Shandong Province, Northeast favorite, a prosthetic to eat, and said not to eat garlic cancer, but cancer of the few days he served. Why? Now the world knows how to eat garlic, only we do not know. Tell you, the original must first cut it into pieces, a piece of sheet on the air for 15 minutes, it combines with oxygen to produce allicin. Garlic itself is not cancer, Allicin only cancer, but cancer of the king. I see people eat garlic the day, he took a bowl, peel the garlic and then quickly put out, a one to eat, eat less than 5 seconds into it. Not even 5 seconds, what is the use of garlic that you? Not at all. If you do not follow my method, it is quite unlikely
garlic flavored not worry, eat hawthorn, chewing peanuts point, then eat a good taste of tea, no. Foreign eat every week, and why we eat it!

the following about the black fungus.

[/ url]

black fungus do? Now one to the New Year a time to suffer a myocardial infarction, increasingly early age, has 30 years of age. Why New Year? Two reasons, one is thick blood coagulation constitution, is fat, high. We remember the people called thick blood coagulation constitution. Hypercoagulable hypercoagulable physical person with food, so the New Year many people, especially myocardial infarction, irrespective of age. Myocardial infarction, although they can not cure, but it can be prevented. Some doctors tell you take aspirin, and why? Can make the blood is not sticky, not myocardial infarction. But the consequences of what the consequences of aspirin is retinal hemorrhage, retinal hemorrhage is now a lot of people. I advise you not to eat aspirin. Aspirin is now Europe has not eat, eat? Eat black fungus. Black fungus has two roles, one of which is that blood is not sticky. The role of black fungus found in U.S. cardiologist, he got the Nobel Prize. He found that after all the Europeans, who have money and rank black fungus eat, and eat aspirin. What kind of person is the coagulation constitution? The answer is short, thick, fat people, especially menopausal women compatriots. And blood type AB are more likely to high coagulation thick. The shorter neck, the easier high coagulation thick. First New Year do not eat Hesse Hu; second drink plenty of tea, blood circulation; third do not get angry, and his blood thick. Thick blood also easy to drink liquor, drink to drink wine, such as lychee wine, red wine, etc., does not exceed 100 ml.

If you eat peanuts, [/ url]

do not eat, really eat, peel and eat. You see we Chinese peanuts, spiced peanuts, fried peanuts, fried peanuts all the skin. You go to Europe to see, not all skin of peanuts, people know not to eat the skin. Some people said: Who said that, I tell you, there is no nutritional peanut skin, it can only rule hemagglutination films, increased platelets, used to stop bleeding. We do not eat in the elderly. Note also watching TV, good TV to watch a moment, the TV does not look bad. Why? Sat there a long time, hemagglutination degrees will rise. I am particularly worried about? He had short and thick fat, no neck, still menopause, blood type is AB, Hu eat Hesse, then an angry, drink liquor, eat peanuts not skinned over, he condemned improper myocardial infarction my doctor had. Here to talk about the pollen

Wu eat pollen, the Empress Dowager Cixi eat pollen. As you know, plant pollen, sperm, conceived of life, the most abundant nutrient in the plant where the best thing. Ancient times, but we ignored it. Please do not buy the pollen in the street, the street selling pollen crusty, not broken. Broken to have high-tech treatment. Second, pollen is the wild, easily contaminated, should be disinfected. Third, it is the protein, must desensitization. Pollen must have these three to use: treatment, disinfection, desensitization. Pollen in Japan, with the most powerful, no matter how old people are using it beauty. France, no one model without it. Literature, pollen cure rate of 97%. As with pollen cure, medicine can not solve, and finally renal failure, hematuria, and renal tumors. So to rule Do not wait until early renal failure. There is also a gastrointestinal disorder, female compatriots and more habitual constipation. Many people take a laxative and is very easy to get cancer, colon cancer. Pollen has called intestine police, eat pollen, the police can maintain intestinal order. Third it is fit and maintain shape. The role of pollen of the three can not be ignored.

material balance has a law, I will brief you. Birth to 5 months old breast-fed is best, more than five months, breast milk also die, need 42 more than the food. Old people are even harder and eat? Eat seaweed, dried it and eat the bag, and then drink seaweed soup. Spirulina was found in 1962, it 1 gram is equal to 1,000 grams of various vegetables synthesis. Queen was the only emperor, the Olympic champion eat, others eat vain. Many years later found that particularly good thing, particularly rich in nutrients, the most comprehensive, most balanced nutrient distribution, and is an alkaline food. I tell you why Japan is the world champion long life, they consume 500 tons of spirulina for one year, they travel to China each have with it. We asked them, why take Spirulina? They say, 8 grams of spirulina can sustain life for 40 days. Now space food, no pie with dumplings, all Spirulina. Spirulina is very famous in the world, so you if nutrition is not good, do not forget these things, it can balance the diet. It is particularly important number of patients, the first is cardiovascular disease, it can lower blood pressure, blood fat; second is diabetes, the disease is the lack of protein, vitamin, it is difficult to cure, spirulina supplement vitamins, and spirulina The biggest advantage is that complications of diabetes may not trophies with normal diet. Diabetes lack of energy, but not sugar, dried spirulina is sugar, there is energy intake after a dry sugar. Third, gastritis, gastric ulcer, Spirulina has chlorophyll, a recovery effect on the gastric mucosa. Fourth, hepatitis, hepatitis international no, why? Dining the people. So call each family to pay attention, the best Dining. Note that many people seem to be healthy, you see he is a carrier. Spirulina can not replicate the virus, and liver cells can restore a large number of amino acids. It has choline, can restore liver function, improve immune function. Spirulina also radiation effect. Soviet nuclear explosions, Japan experts to the rescue, holding is Spirulina, which a strong anti-radiation effect. Spirulina purified, it is plain that a very small algae called rehabilitation, radiation is the only algae rehabilitation. So people who work at the computer, eating algae rehabilitation. Its anti-radiation, anti-tumor, anti-virus, anti-oxidation, and improve immune function.

me to summarize, we have a great impact of radiation on, but there are several ways to prevent: the first drink green tea, the second to eat vegetables, carrots, eat Spirulina third, fourth eat algae rehabilitation. Algae rehabilitation is the best. According to their economic conditions, choose one, it is not eat apples and oranges. Radiation is exposed to everyone. International warned: Do not put appliances on the bedroom. Especially damaging to our microwave, it has to us within 7 meters of radiation. And while a variety of electrical appliances do not open. Another TV, another refrigerator, but also microwave ovens, cooking on the side you have cancer is very innocent ah.
aerobic exercise

has a very principle of experience, do not the morning exercise. Suggest that you exercise the evening. International regulations, and, after a meal 45 minutes before exercise. And the movement of elderly people walking on it, 20 minutes. To lose weight do not have this method, a half hour to an hour before meals, eat 2-4 spirulina, and appetite waned, and lack of nutrition. Europeans to lose weight all with spirulina, the domestic eat Dora not a solution. The second is the time to get up the morning, the provisions of international 6:00, for your reference. International regulations on the time window 9 to 11 am, 2 pm to 4 points. Why? Because after 9 sinking of air pollution, pollutant reduction, and no reflux phenomenon. Members note that the morning open the window, not where the big breath, as carcinogens, reflux material have come to your lungs, and easy to get lung cancer. International warned that the 6:00 am to 9:00 is the cancer most dangerous time. Get up early and go to bed early good health, can not be generalized. Your stomach at night at home, a carbon dioxide absorption, respiratory tract of toxins than 100, then went to a small woods, the woods all morning, and carbon dioxide. Morning exercise, basal blood pressure is high, the basal body temperature is high, adrenaline is 4 times higher than in the evening, people with heart is easy to go wrong. To the sun must be out of the woods, sunlight reacts with chlorophyll to produce oxygen. Woods full of carbon dioxide, easily poisoning, easy to get cancer. Huang Di Nei Jing says, I recommend early hours in summer, winter, do not go out the morning workout, evening workout instead. Is not to say what kind of person are spouses, good health, a large majority of people do not fierce play.

nap problems mentioned below. Nap time is half an hour after lunch, and the best sleep for an hour, sleep too long on the body no good. Do not cover a large quilt. What time at night to sleep? We never advocate early. Early hours of the concept to make it clear that if sleep 7 and 12 point up Scrapped, it does not work. We stand for 10 to 10:30 to sleep, because the international conference scheduled for an hour to a half hour into the deep sleep is the most scientific, which is 12 points to 3 points, 3 hours unshakeable, what they do not dry. The three hours of deep sleep. If this 3 hours who is good, it certainly refreshed the next day. If you go to bed after 4:00, it is light sleep. Will sleep and not sleeping is not the same. We stand for 12 to 3:00 unshakeable, and a hot bath before going to bed, the water temperature 40 to 50 degrees, which makes high-quality sleep.

radio said four legs to eat than to eat two legs, and eat more than two legs is better than eating legs. Not the same as in Europe, if you attend the banquet, to pay attention to, if there is beef, but pork, should eat pork. Beef too many problems, first with mad cow disease, the second foot and mouth disease, the third bad cholesterol. Now the United States thirty thousand women had lymphatic cancer, eating hamburgers to eat out. So they are great controversy, has killed tens of thousands of cattle, we should be careful to eat. If there is another pork lamb, mutton; have another chicken and mutton, chicken; chicken and fish, eat fish; fish shrimp, prawns ah. It is not polite, the smaller the animal protein as possible. Simple mass animal nutrition depends on the size, who can not read the formula used. I did not say that mice do. International Conference, said the best flea protein. Although it is fleas so small, it can jump 1 meter high, you believe it or not. If it is enlarged to the body so much, it can jump the moon. Therefore, several American doctors wondering how to eat fleas it. United Nations, WHO now recommends we eat more chicken and fish, shrimp, why not mention it? Not not mention, but the shrimp is too expensive, not easy to spread. If you have shrimp or prawns well. I now hold such a principle: If I ate two shrimp to the shrimp, the two than you have a stomach protein than beef. Very popular fish, fish protein for 1 hour can be absorbed, the absorption rate of 100%, and beef protein 3 hours to absorb. Fish, especially the elderly frail people are particularly suitable. Certainly better than the fish shrimp. International survey, the world's most famous longevity areas in Japan, Japan's longevity areas in the sea, and sea life is the longest place to fish. Particularly want to eat fish, shrimp, in particular to eat whole fish (with headband tail), because the active substance and the active substance in fish, shrimp head and abdomen. See you will not buy fish, shrimp should only buy fish, and eat the whole fish, whole shrimp, which is major problem, the bigger the better

not buy fish there to eat the principles of eating to master volume, not better. Internationally prescribed, eat 70% full, life can not stomach to eat up 8 percent full, and if eating 10 percent full, 2 percent did not use it, is waste. 0.618 suggest that the international community so golden: non-staple 6 4; coarse flour and rice 6 4; plant 6 animals 4. Humans eat the animals too much now, and uneven thickness of the grain.

△ mango is bleeding, but to people who do not eat period; otherwise you will have uterine fibroids!

△ chives have aphrodisiac effect, a child can not eat.

If mental state mental state is not good, you exercise and eat for free, which is very important. Temperament and blood, if you get an angry long slow blood flow, may not know what causes cancer. Easy to get angry tumor, the whole world know. Stanford made a famous experiment, take a nasal tube resting on the nose so you breathe, and then let a nasal tube on the snow for ten minutes. If the snow does not change color to show that you calm; if snow white, and that you are guilty; if the snow becomes purple, and that you are very angry. Out of the purple ice 1 to 2 ml to mouse marked, 1 to 2 minutes after the mice died. And the purple of the ingredients of ice out. So easy to get angry tumor, this is a very serious problem. I urge you, why did not you get angry, do not be angry. If you wait any longer, I tell you, you look at the table, not more than 5 minutes, more than 5 minutes to be a bad thing, the blood become purple. This experiment has already won the Nobel Prize. Psychology will move people to avoid the anger of five ways: First, avoid; second shift, people call you, you go to play chess, fishing, did not hear; third release, but be careful, people call you, you go criticize others do not call release, is to find close friends to talk, release them, or else put in their hearts to be sick; Fourth, sublimation, that is, the more people that you, the more you do; five is to control the Three Kingdoms in Zhuge Liang three gas Zhou Yu, Zhou Yu Leng to mad. Or you Laizhou Yu Liang Lai? Concluded that the Laizhou Yu, his volume is too small. Angry people great harm.

now the international community has the latest statement, all animals are not laughing functions, only humans have this feature. But human beings do not make good use of it. Ancient said: smile, ten years less. Not refer to age, is the state of mind. Smiling, healthy often. The role of laughter is very large, the United States set up the club with a smile, laugh became a sign of health. Laughed, wrinkles gone. So many patients are not laughing. The first migraine, back pain after the second not, because when the microcirculation exuberant laughter. General is not pain, not pain. Had migraine do not worry, laugh like, do not believe you can experiment. And sexual function is not reduced, reproductive function is not reduced. You see people 92 years old Romanian woman also gave birth to baby fat, people laugh every day, ah. We are now more than 30 years of age do not have a baby, face, of course, not every day Bengzhuo birth. Also, always smiling on the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract are particularly good. You can experiment, you start feeling the belly laugh, laugh three times a day, three times a stomach rumble, no constipation, no gastrointestinal cancer. Exercise your upper and lower extremity exercise, when exercise stomach it? No chance, only laughter can exercise the stomach. Laughter in the international arena has become a health standard, I investigated many times, laugh a second Nobel Prize has been released. Smile for the pituitary gland, resulting in embryonic brain, it is a natural anesthetic. Do not worry if you got arthritis, directed at the joint laughed, while not hurt. There are so many benefits, why do not we laugh? Recent survey in Beijing over human life you know the old man or old lady long long? I tell you, old lady man longer than old man live an average of 6 ½ years. The biggest advantage is that many of the old lady from a young age like to laugh, to the old, still laughing. However, if you sad, tears must be

international conference has given us a warning, let us drink green tea, soy, sleep, regular exercise, do not forget to always laugh. Hope that everyone should pay attention to a balanced diet, aerobic exercise, and attention to your mental state, the cry cry, laugh when the laugh. I believe we will be able to cross the 73-year-old, past the 84-year-old, 90,100-year-old will be alive

good lungs and phlegm pears, apples to stop diarrhea and nutritious.

effective weight loss of cucumber, kiwi fruit inhibit cancer.

blood to help face tomato, lotus root Chufan wonderful hangover.

good qi orange phlegm, kidney warm leek knee waist.
addition to flatulence digestion radish, celery can cure high blood pressure.

diuretic row toxin cabbage, cauliflower eat less cancer.

swelling diuretic melon, green beans detoxification high efficacy.

fungus engage in casual blood stasis cancer, kidney swelling yam consumption.

loose silt Results iodine kelp, mushrooms contain cancer cells.

pepper fend off the cold and dampness, onion spicy ginger for colds.

trotters up milk fish, liver goat liver good eyesight.

kidney waist eating walnuts, dates Jianshen Spleen eat.

△ pumpkin with a boost, Zhichuan role in high blood pressure can not eat.
△ mustard, fennel, garlic sprouts, garlic, onion, bell pepper with a warming effect, heat can not eat.
△ yam, Potato with the role of qi, insomnia can not eat.
△ purslane, taro, bitter gourd, Xue Lihong with the role of heat, impotence can not eat.
△ eggplant, lentils, beans, peas, soybeans have the role of qi, diarrhea, people can not eat.
△ toon has a sedative effect, people who work in agile can not eat.
△ cauliflower, Lily has the role of Yin, edema can not eat.
△ spinach, bamboo shoots, shoot a sour effect, constipation can not eat.
△ shepherd's purse, water spinach, lily with hemostasis, thrombosis can not eat.
△ amaranth, cabbage has a role in the blood, blood viscosity can not eat.
△ celery, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, rape, lettuce, wild rice, vegetables, bamboo shoots, melon, Hulu Gua has a diuretic effect, diabetes, hypertension, dry mouth can not eat.
△ parsley with the role of sweat, sweat and more people can not eat. △ fungus, bamboo shoots, seaweed has the role of phlegm, cancer patients can not eat.
△ mushrooms, black fungus, white fungus, Umbilicaria, to the role of the ear with diarrhea, diarrhea can not eat.
△ loofah, fern, aloe vera has the role of blood cancer patients can not eat. However, many people eat, so get that sick; while still sick after you eat, can not heal.
△ walnut is impotence, but cancer patients do not eat; or tumor will grow.
△ loquat, ginkgo is a cough, but not cough, do not eat; otherwise dizziness bloating.
△ lychee is the temperature inside, but cancer patients do not eat; or tumor will grow.
△ jujube is qi, but not tired not to eat; otherwise insomnia.
△ olives, Mangosteen is the heat, but the impotence of young people not to eat; otherwise weak penis. △ citron, bergamot is a line of gas, bloating, but do not eat; otherwise diarrhea.
△ longan is a sedative, but tired of people not to eat; otherwise drowsiness.
△ lemon is Yin, but cancer patients do not eat; otherwise lumps will edema.
△ banana, orange, oranges, cherries, persimmons, pomegranates, red bayberry, star fruit, papaya, lotus, mangosteen is diarrhea, but constipation do not eat; otherwise it will be more constipation.
△ mango is bleeding, but to people who do not eat period; otherwise you will have uterine fibroids.
△ acid vine fruit is the blood, but people do not eat blood viscosity; or thrombosis occurs.
△ watermelon, melon, grapes, oranges, kiwi, pineapple, water chestnut, strawberry is a diuretic, but hypertension, diabetes should not eat; otherwise it will increase blood viscosity.
△ coconut water is the solution of the table, but not a cold person not to eat; otherwise sweating Shangyin.
△ kumquat, grapefruit, water chestnuts, peanuts are phlegm, but cancer patients do not eat; otherwise it will result in mass ulcerated.
△ pears, bananas, figs, Sang Shenzi, pine nuts, Tamarind is diarrhea, but the chronic colitis who do not eat; otherwise diarrhea more than holes.
△ peach, chestnut, Ficus pumila fruit is the blood, but cancer patients do not eat; otherwise it will cause mass transfer.
△ Torreya son, hazelnut, betel nut is the insecticide, but hepatitis patients do not eat; otherwise it will cause liver damage. Some people say, peach apricot wounding guarantor, under the buried Xinfen plum, peach seems the safest. Wrong, since ancient times, Apple's placid nature, the most suitable for general people.

more articles, please see

1358 civil sense (absolutely all)

1. Tropical few seasons? 2
2. Asia is the largest country in land area: India
3. Which city is the city emblem? Copenhagen
4. Known as the Elliptical galaxies
5. Miao Ying Temple was built in the Yuan Dynasty Yuan eight years (AD 1271), by which time the country home Eni Ge Feng Chi presided over the construction process? Nepalese
6. Miao Ying Temple was Xu Mizuo type of brake blocks, erected a great seat on the small 13 round of the heavy phase, the so-called: ; Which tower is an important symbol of Dadu has been preserved, but also the biggest one of China's oldest Tibetan stupa. Miao Ying Temple
8. Known as the Don
10. Produce is mainly due to tidal water: the moon gravity
11. Astronomy is the scientific study of what? Objects
12. The following is not the main object of study of astronomy? Weather
13. Astronomer to the stars by all-sky area is divided into the number of constellations? 88
14. Territorial area of 鈥嬧�媡he world's top four countries: Russia, Canada, China, the United States
15. Canada's land area in the world first few rows? Section 2
16. China's most easterly city in Heilongjiang, which is a city? Hulin 17 time of the outbreak of the French bourgeois revolution: July 14, 1789
18. Facing the river on the wind and rain, Miss six odd singing is what the play? Owned by Bell
20. African share of world production and reserves are the first mineral is: gold, diamond
21. Niger River is located in: Africa
22. African desert area of 鈥嬧�媋bout the total area of 鈥嬧�婣frica: 1 / 3
23. Africa's largest country is oil production: Nigeria
24. the most typical African savannah animals are: zebra, giraffe
25. Africa's first river is: the Nile
26. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most widely distributed climate: tropical steppe climate
27. Egypt is located in Africa: northeast
28 The following narrative about race, the right is: Sub-Saharan Africa known as the hometown of black
29. the first black from Africa to Haiti, in: 16th century
30. Island is the least number of islands which continent? Africa
31. African hero Mahdi is which country? Sudan
32. Yunnan
34. The sun farthest from Earth on that day? Summer solstice
35. The sun's surface temperature is about how much? 6000 degrees
36. Coronal inner temperature of about how much? 1 million degrees Celsius
37. There are several layers of the sun's atmosphere? Respectively? Layer 3; from outside to inside are: corona, chromosphere and photosphere
38.'s Largest satellite in the solar system planets are: Ganymede
39. How much the sun's average density is ? 1.4 grams per cubic centimeter
40. Earth around the sun
41. Sun Center say who made it? Copernicus, (the Poles, the famous astronomer)
42. In addition to the sun, the universe in which our nearest star? Next star
43. Solar system eight planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune 44. Earth's core temperature is higher than the Earth's interior? 4000 degrees Celsius
45. The following four cities, the most abundant solar energy is: Xining
46. From new solar energy are: Wind
47. Is called the sun king Who is king? Louis XIV
48. Jin and the Sixteen States Period, who had set up before Yan, Hou Yan, West Yan, Nanyan? Mu Rongshi
49. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is located southeast of the city, about 25 km from the city, caves dug in the eastern foot of the cliff Mingsha, was built in: Eastern Jin Dynasty
50. Is before the Tang Dynasty What dynasty? Sui
51. Jin Conquest of Wu, ending the situation of the Three Kingdoms period is split: 280
52. Netherlands (Western Europe) is the central seat of government: The Hague; Capital: Amsterdam; official language: Dutch (English penetration 95%); flower: tulip; be known as powered windmill; each second Saturday of May as Neolithic and Paleolithic; Neolithic and Paleolithic difference: the difference between production methods
54. The emergence of labor-related human, man's first (Zhoukoudian ape) production and use of tools is: fight the system Stone
55. actual use); pneumatic tire inventor, Scot Dunlop (patent pending, and the establishment of the world's first tire manufacturer to begin production of rubber tires); France's Andre?? meters Xu Lin and Edward? meters Xu two brothers-meter Xulin Gong Lin Division in 1892 invented a detachable pneumatic rubber tires (sensation in the world)
57. who invented the scales? Jill? Personnaz? Germany? Los one hundred Walter
58. The first practical helicopter inventors: Igor? Ivanovic? Sikorsky (Russia), world-renowned aircraft designer and co-founder of aerospace manufacturing, design and manufacture of the most famous is the world's first four rounds of a large bomber and the first practical helicopter.
59. the key is that people invented? Rome
60. The inventor of the locomotive: Steven Johnson (UK), 1825 in the transportation industry)
61. scientists invented the telephone: Alexander? Graham? Bell (Edinburgh, UK; later moved to the U.S.), June 2, 1876 (invention)
62. famous known to the world of the compass, printing and gunpowder three great inventions, primarily in the development and application: Song
63. Four Great Inventions of ancient China: paper technique (Han, Cai Lun), printing (Northern Song Dynasty), the compass (Northern Song Dynasty), gunpowder (Song)
64. invented in China in the first blast when smelting iron technique? Warring States
65. The inventor of disposable chopsticks: the Japanese
66. TV was invented in this century: 20 years
67. The first practical helicopter inventors: Xi Kesi base
68. Buddhas altar which country? Indonesia
69. Cleopatra which monarchs? Ptolemaic
70. Qinghai Lake Mongolian for Carthage man
72. resulting in water and heat in South and North is mainly due to differences in resources and the environment: climate differences
73. Yi
74. Dynasties history books said to live in ethnic Tibetan areas today are: Bao bun
75. The world's deepest trench is located at: Pacific
76. Sanxingdui at: Sichuan 77. No doubt age is: four-year-old
78. Wu Sansi is Empress Wu: nephew
79. XIA Qi's death, there have been several sub-rights struggle to compete? Five
80. The world's most important IT industry base in the Silicon Valley high-tech in the United States which states: California State
81. Yungang Grottoes is located in which province of China? Shanxi
82. Constitute ninety various elements in the crust, the largest number Hanbaoyufang three are: oxygen, silicon, aluminum
83. Seventies means: seven-year-old 84 In order to show the need, ballet toe shoes, stuffed inside a small piece: wood
85. the world's longest man unconscious, about how long coma? 37 years
86. The first Chinese athlete broke the world record in what year? 1956
87. John? Christopher several volumes? 5
88. Siberian houses are generally crooked, this is because: the results of a large wind
89. Yungang Grottoes created in which period? Northern Wei
90. Russian Parliament is the largest waterfall: Angel Falls
93. girder bridge in China-based boutique masterpiece Luoyang is located where? Fujian Quanzhou
94. China is the largest island: the island of Taiwan
95. The following countries, coal, oil and iron ore are abundant are: China
96. , for the people Lincoln
97. Which navigators found the following navigation methods in the treatment of scurvy? Cook
98. Refers to the national colors: Peony
99. In the Four Diamond in the President? 2
101. The following islands are volcanic islands are: Great Barrier Reef
102. Dong Xiaowan Where are you from? Nanjing
103. Achnatherum on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia up to: 2 m
104.'s National bird is the rooster countries: France
105. Napoleon died in what year ? 1821
106. Living in the Caspian and Black sea sturgeon European life: more than 100 years
107. Yangon, the capital of which country? Myanmar
108. The United States issued a Tibetan
110. Yue Fei killed in: storm Pavilion
111. Russia's October Revolution took place in a few months a few numbers? November 7
112. Which of the following national fire museum built? Romania
113. King Zhuang of Chu who when Yoshitada please, so that the strength increase? Sun Shuao
114. Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty can often see the 116 proposed the hypothesis of continental drift time? 1912
117. Cartoon character Mickey Mouse was born in what year? 1928
118. Hinduism is in addition to ten: the Gregorian calendar from September to October, 10 days
119.'s Most populous cities: Tokyo
120. Dicranopteris dichotoma growth reflect the environment: acid soil environment
121. Although it is linked to ocean water, but the sea with the ocean there are differences between the world's largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean, the largest of the sea is: Coral Sea
122. Bethune was born in Canada, which state? Ontario
123. The first person to conquer the North Pole who is that country? U.S.
124. The basic outline of the formative years of our continent, there was plenty of land: gymnosperms
125. Boxer basic organizational situation is: Tan
126. The ground, primacy of cultural relics in our province are: Shanxi, Shaanxi
127. in the world-famous Taj Mahal: India
128. Mao
129. Wolong Nature Reserve is located at: Hubei
130. Qing emperor to abdicate in: 1912
131. The first person to conquer the North Pole who is that country? U.S.
132. Series mineral, the mineral is associated with the phenomenon more obvious: Jinchang
133. China's Han Zhang Heng seismograph made as early as in Europe: 1700 years
134. six provinces does not belong to the Tang Dynasty in the Hungary
136. Mayan crystal skulls were spread in the world there? 13
137. Taiyue Shi kingdom in the 5th century after the death in half? Da
138. There are a few of China's neighbors? 12
139. 4 centuries later, a unified minority regime in the Yellow River is the Former Qin
140. The second industrial revolution is a sign of microelectronics
141. Taiping by the gloom and doom of the events leading the Group's internal struggle
142. nuclear reaction when people found 1938
143. both conventional energy, but also secondary energy is: Coke
144. Mars has several satellites: 2
145. barrel of a gun in the regime,
147. the first time the International Red Cross Conference held in: Paris
148. Yue Fei killed in: storm Pavilion
149. Russia's October Revolution took place in a few months a few numbers ? November 7
150. Which of the following National Fire Museum built? Romania
151. The following description of certain ocean currents, the correct is: Peru is to compensate for cold flow
152 The following which is not found in China? Babylonians
153.'s long-staple cotton produced mainly in China: Xinjiang
154. Which of the following is not found in China? Babylon people
155. What is the relationship and Liang Liang? son
156. U.S. Secretary of State is equivalent to China's Foreign Minister
157. thickness of the atmosphere? 3000 km
158. ; Who is the coverage almost: 100%
161. Zhongyue is the saying in the Songshan
162. China's largest inland saltwater lake in the Qinghai Lake
163. launched the Second Opium War countries are: United States, Russia
164. Andy's wife among the seven, the youngest is: Mu Jianping
165. Which nation to dairy products as Mongolian
166. Princes
167. Sun Yat-sen in the mountains which block? Nanjing Zhongshan
168. Our highest ocean temperatures appear in: August
169. Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of gloom and doom of the event are: the internal leadership struggle
170. Inner Mongolia called Spring
171. In the West Indies: the western Atlantic
172. Guixin Shu is any martial art? Mountain Pine
173. China's first Antarctic research station established name? Great Wall Station
174. The first of several U.S. territories in the world? Fourth
175. Beijing temple commanding: Dongyuetaidi
176. In the following countries, focusing on the modernization of agriculture biotechnology and water development, and the average yield is high: Japanese bamboo tea What China's Yunnan Province, produced in the region? Tengchong
177. Kongtong mountains where the Chinese? Pingliang
178. Among the day, there are two tide fluctuation cycles, the general drop in the number of meters :3-5 m
179. The international community to enjoy Large dinosaur fossils unearthed in: Inner Mongolia Erlian
180. Honghuzhizhi first appear? Records
181. Gun
182. Yangtze River flows through several provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities: 9
183. The first color-blind study found that inheritance of color blindness are: Dalton organic gem
184. Amber are: the organic gemstone
185. Gun
186. Is the deepest lake: Lake Baikal
187.'s Longest canal is: China Grand Canal
188. The following to say about diving in, the correct is: a free surface, in contact with the atmosphere
189. the total number of species in the Russian language? 122
190. Mark? Polo Kublai service in various capacities for how long? 17 years
191. In the artesian basin and its marginal areas, the formation of artesian wells can be punched open the control area are: pressure zone
192. Less than 2 km, is the world's second smallest area countries are: Monaco
193. on account of rivers in South Asia, is correct: the importance of Pakistan Indus water for irrigation
194. called the era of primitive organisms: Proterozoic
195 in China, where the hottest place? Turpan Basin
196. Is known as the ancient Chinese Ling in the first prison in the city now: Anyang
197. From the storming of the Bastille to the execution of Louis XVI a difference a few years? 4 years
198. Yang
199. Microsoft's headquarters in the United States: American West
200. The following is a victorious uprising: Wuchang Uprising


hard to forget the first time you see a pair of beautiful eyes
In my mind you do not
shadow play loose grip of your hands you feel really a bit through the soft
but the gas you want to cherish the innocence
I see you sad I will see you wronged me frustrated

I'm afraid I will be sad that they will not let yourself fall in love with you are too close afraid I do not have to give you love you also need a lot of courage
I'm afraid I 'll love you one day may not help but let their bitter
miss his only love you I love
why I have to have
will even meet you
so I really really do not want to fall into the trap of love fly


you and I meet in the hustle and bustle of the street

midnight to tell me this feeling tonight will be the end
silly watching eyes do not shed a tear you

that good to be strong without tears I thought I could become very sweet

make love only to find love was actually a brutal test
too stupid too attached to let you go free
only moment of love must fly
embankment in the rain tonight
fly is flying in the sky my tears
tear falls down in her hand is to understand who you really finish
pay in return is , after parting
I would love to know I believe in love heartbreak
not always

you sing the most beautiful sounding songs , forever and ever ...

Editor's note: there is a pre-installation process to download and install plug-ins, so the need to ensure smooth network connection.

2, implementation tools: Solid Converter PDF

teach you how to become electronic draft print version recently, I just go to work on a friends always complain to me, that the boss really is not new to those of us who work wrong person see ah, what are we to do menial jobs, this is not, yesterday took 10 pages of documents used, labeled as electronic draft him, he said, almost into typing tool, both for him after I heard was compassion, and taught him a simple method, you can easily print version into electronic draft, I think it is also useful after all of us, out for everyone to share.

application scenario: the use of Office 2003, Microsoft Office Document Imaging component to achieve the PDF to a Word document to a certain extent, can indeed achieve the PDF document to Word document conversion, but for many , using the above method to convert a Word document out of an often garbled. In order to restore the original PDF, recommended that the software can realize the full layout retention, without adjustment, and can be adjusted to the needs of the model form.

1, implementation tools: Office 2003 that comes with Microsoft Office Document Imaging

Tip: Office 2003 default installation does not have this component, if you first use this function you may be asked to insert the Office2003 CD to install. As is usually scan the text we have chosen Here, too, is set to After scanning the images are automatically transferred back to Office 2003 种 another component

First you have to first printed version of these documents through the scanner or scan to a computer up, generally have a scanner unit, if not it does not matter, but also with a digital camera line, into a picture into WORD to go inside, but In some before you have to install about WORD own components, 03 and 07 do. Point Start - Programs - Control Panel - Add / Remove Programs, find the Office-found Microsoft Office Document Imaging to modify the component, Microsoft Office Document Imaging Writer-point run on this machine, installed on it.

office - to teach you how to become electronic draft print version (too much bad friends!! you play can not match her words the day two minutes!! a staff, keep the future with the Ha!) 2009-11 -17 13:45 | (Category: Default Category)

application scenario: Currently, many foreign software support information to publish using the PDF method, if not Adobe Reader, you can not view its contents, without the associated editing software and can not edit PDF files. DOC format can be converted to implement editing. Although some software can also convert PDF to DOC to complete the work, but many do not support Chinese, we use Office 2003, Microsoft Office Document Imaging component to achieve this requirement is most convenient.


first step: the first to use Adobe Reader to open PDF files to be converted, then choose Printer

Editor's note: If you are in the 2003 installation CD in the

Step Two: Run Microsoft Office Document Imaging, and use it to open MDI file just saved, choose remain unchanged when the picture format



should say, PDF document specification makes the viewer on a lot of convenience in reading, but if these data extracted from the inside, it can be troublesome. Recalled the provisions of the original design did graduate in English translation, painful death, even knows better than to use the Print Screen Screenshots drawing board, come back to stick to the word in enough white: (done recently with several business tenders, from Honeywell headquarters to obtain information on the performance of all is the English version of the PDF, in order not to be tortured, to spend a night time to study the conversion of PDF and Word files, find the following two methods, the so-called proletariat, through thick and thin for the heart, to share the :)

scanner installed first, then from the Start menu

Editor's note: At present, the tool including all software, including recognition of PDF to DOC rate is not particularly perfect, and the conversion will lose the original layout format, so you even after the conversion need to be manually post-layout and proofreading.

1, download the installation files Solid Converter PDF, click Install.


2, run the software, according to the requirements of the toolbar options to convert PDF document, click the bottom right of the complete conversion

this software there is a tips: by changing the option in the OCR language that can more accurately extract the text. For example, for the whole picture in English, the OCR language to

click on the toolbar Press the If you want to get some text, simply use the mouse to marquee the text you want, and click the right mouse button to select

If a man and his own more than 50% of their income, be used in your body, then tentatively please believe that this man loves you. - Even if, in his acting. You have to consider, he should spend to save him, he wanted to socialize, 50% of income can be used in your body, that is true.
If a woman, to own more than 50% of the time, used in your body, then tentatively believe that this woman loves you. - Even if her acting, she is still ambiguous, and other men, she is still and the other men were chosen to select and acting, she also still pick, is still selected.
If men really cheat, if women really play, then everything is true.
woman not to say that you do not want to encounter people who met you, you marry the person, if your face, body, beauty, income, family conditions, birth did not change, then, according to common sense and the law, you and now the people should be together. You can now experience, to interact, is that you can marry people.
men do not say, so I have money, so I did it, so I have the right, if your looks, figure, income, family, beauty has not fundamentally changed, according to common sense and the law, you should and now people together. You can now experience, to interact, is that you can marry people.
So, what you do not want the future, the future is what happened afterwards. Now is now.
not many men would bubble MM, and this year, the man is too heavy, too tired to live. So, even if one is to soak you, he is really in the bubble you. If this is the order of, for the body, this ** can solve a lot of ways and means, very direct, quick, cheap.
not many women would really take the time to men, and even sacrifice their youth and health, and now women are utilitarian, practical, if you are not one million millionaires, do not think that women want your money. ** Mention this woman trying to make money, a lot of ways, many ways, and very direct, fast, fast cut.
So, soak you, and accompany you who are sincere in the fun, at least they still believe in love, but also looking forward to feeling, very pure, very good. Those of you hurry, you plan, arrange for you, for your consumption, man, you cherish. Maybe they are not rich, but you are willing to spend a week or several weeks of salary, to win you smile, and each other's happier, he loves you, he is a moral man, his acting superb.
that you make, you are well prepared for the apparel, entertainment for the date you turned down in the prime time and major holidays with you woman, you cherish. Maybe they do not Aromatic, extraordinary taste, elegant, but willing at the time of life's most precious, the most solemn and memorable year of the day, to accompany you, with you, so you're not lonely, for pleasure each other, I believe the feelings and warm each other, then she loves you, because the young woman the most valuable thing of the past, she successfully deceived you, cheated himself and lost opportunities.
Perhaps you do not believe in love, perhaps, you can not love, maybe you think the world is vulgar, perhaps, you think nothing can be believed.
then please believe everything is true.
man in the middle of the night and sends you greetings ** In a lot of time worried about you, even if he was surrounded in Yingyingyanyan, as long as he remembers you. Perhaps you think the material world, this cruel world, a world without love, the world's hypocrisy, the illusion of life, then I believe everything is true.
woman playing many tricks for you, many men talk about their chase, very sought-after, talking about their past, many rich people covet, even if she still looked around, still indecisive, as long as she still deceive you. So, please cherish the person acting for you. Even if her clumsy trick, even if her poor acting. Please be assured that she is true.
at least was true, as later, after no one knows.
Maybe he really wealthy, in accordance with Red cuddle Tsui, still can not forget you, bear you, or your hair
his wife, you will always be first, is the same trouble, they can deceive the woman of his life.
Maybe you later broke and destitute, and everyone is hopeless, but there is a woman, will focus on your side, not from
not give up, because you are her husband, you will always end, your acting is superb, it can and her opponent's life to do that
So, as long as mutual trust, mutual investment, life is but a hundred years, just off the screen from the screen

I feel lonely and hugged , and see the smiling faces of the students while playing together , I am envious . When I can do , and we do want to play with , now I am just one person's life , away from family , away from the students (some displaced sense ) , but it should not so exaggerated , but sometimes looking people talk at all. Fast, I can quickly liberated , what are good home . Where family and friends ah.

fox that is cloud-to- miss

year commitment ... can not forget

cruel memories

cloud ah ! You tried to hide their feelings , in order to keep the fox to see sad , but the fox knows your heart is crying, so there is no cloud or the sky will rain ...

But Fox betrayed the cloud

too beautiful .. too cruel ...

married Tiger

so love to find their own good ... love ... love is very deep boy crazy

boys certainly do not like to see ... but be advised that under all of the girls !

married to Tiger in the day

cloud cried , hiding the sun behind the sad tears flowing

comedy ... but also how to play is how the play ... it does not become a tragedy ...

because love clouds and fox

Maybe ... maybe ten years

and then give up .. and then leave

answer is ... who 's really who played into the tragedy of ... who see the tragedy of the honest ... who played ...

Fox called the sun rain rain

noodles sweet

Sun Rain

also eventually become memories ..

love comedy with tragedy ... there ...

first meet with you to paste in my soft lips tightly pressing the blue

your lip kiss good romantic
cover my eyes
I love the sweet words that overwhelming
some lingering excitement never
avalanche ;
love you is my greatest wish

love to pounce like a dust storm I have some of my loss

nervous and excited to try to experience it
instant was captured , regardless of whether all

is the true nature lovers cry
trouble again then hug

your face close to my face tightly
like my heart has power to upset my breathing becomes difficult

very long time
I love the sweet words that airtight
some exciting dizziness
you appear at first glance ;
finish the story began to love each

fact, almost all
eager to keep hope
disappointed I can not wait only your mind is full of romantic space
I count the days

not the moment we were born destined
love fresh
you seemed very natural
The gentle lips firmly attached to the I

pressing the blue lip kiss you love a good romantic
you full your my sweet

Qin Lan , this floral skirt , full of flower patterns, increased contraction of the visual effects . Wide version of the design visually lengthen the ratio looks so beautiful.

Yao flute Floral photo , cute fairy fold the same floral dress is really ah. Chest lotus leaf design, fresh and natural , unique design . Drape full , pleated design of the organ , it is super generous features .

summer floral dress beautiful scenery line on the road , but road ! Do not miss this lively actress , no matter which one, are suitable for this summer , highlighting the atmosphere of summer , cool fashion. Actress will take a look at the effect of floral dress it!

Stefanie Singapore beat MV beautiful dress satin and other fabrics used , with the elegance of the pattern looks like a flower fairy really does . Garden-style floral skirt , very sweet , fresh , pleasant .

Shu Qi Shu Qi legs for high- wear the most appropriate floral skirt with a rural atmosphere , highlights the sexy and gentle temperament .

Fan Bingbing is notoriously Ganchuan will wear to wear , fair-skinned , she can cope with anything pink red , with simple enough to attract the eye , this dress more than a pure charm, or the like like her.

more clothing with tips , go to [ beautiful net ] View

Sonja of this small floral skirt , oblique visually lengthen the length of the neck , highlighting the tall figure, slightly a bit soft in the vertical sense , to achieve a natural effect of self-cultivation , the accumulation of charge on one side of the cuff leaf edges are also added to the overall sense of depth.

Tee Dress

Annie elegant photo , elegant chiffon mermaid dress , beautiful printing, fresh and elegant , dreamy atmosphere to create the flower fairy .

Janice wearing a blue floral dress in the full sense of summer fresh , elegant purple chiffon dress , delicate layers of lotus leaf gives a feeling of elegance and romance , bring out the lovely straightforward girls temperament .

nine avoid: heat-loving tired of the cold. Why the total to more people doing things the better, to know that the Only spotted the

Ten taboos: lucrative sales. More than simply selling merchandise sales, and profits high prices are sky high, the results of huge profits selling less. Only Lee see some light at reasonable prices will have customers, puerile side earn

bogey six: people we ye ye dry dry. Lack of creative spirit, always behind with the others, was led by the nose, others the benefit received is over, you press on a profit little or nothing. Only the first step to capture the market in order to win. -

three Ps: do not sell more goods more expensive. Prices do not decline in value of goods not only, to a certain extent you, as long as they sell to make money, regardless of Profits to be met, if the wait for high prices, 10 have ** to suffer. -

Second, avoid: cowards. As the saying goes, as long as seven can take action, and the remaining one-third of failing to grasp by you is not resolved to fight dental caries, missing no opportunity to profit, almost certain to know the business in the little things to make money. -

Taboos: Hot heat treatment information. Got hot information, they rush blindly action, not fully prepared to fight a battle unprepared lost more than it wins less. Only careful analysis of the market, to be well-thought, before being launched. -

a bogey: take doors off. Business does not run is not active, rapidly changing commodity markets, commodity exchanges pay attention to timeliness, take the door off the microscopic. Only running in order to learn market information, identify the opportunity, can only profit. -

Five Note: aim too high. Look down on small small profit, want to eat into fat, so never made no big money. Only small to large, slowly add up, step by step, the final climb to the pinnacle of wealth. -

four Ps: to save up the money. Make the post longer willing to invest, put money into a living dead money, and only insatiable, and constantly expand the scale of operation, development and growth of their business to the next level. -

eight bogey: sell themselves. Many people only focus on production rather than pay attention to marketing, that something good was attracted by the natural, which is a passive marketing tool. Only active soliciting, to expand its influence, more sales and profit before Italian. -


people not to waste even seconds, blurted out. . . This is hair is hair in the end element

such as 72 books, a total of 16 kilograms, how many grams of each, so simple arithmetic, and even horse actually petrified

tableware Second, even next month but also as a bridesmaid. . . Do not know the math is the third or fourth, sister is a bridesmaid specialized households. . . But also the older of the

tableware one saying, one day, on a kg = how many grams of the problem and even horse-depth study into the

HK customers across a bully I can, as well as customers use deadly Deception CALL, work the phone also N of the N messages. . . So. . . Sister anger. . . The first thing the morning one into the company that the customer is to call, knowing he could not bear the shipping intentional and some far-fetched, he said. I know that the other must still sleeping deliberately harassing him, and how! ! ! Tableware ginseng not need to explain

I do not mind the going gets tired and do not mind the taste is not the same as with the mind like a waiter in a couple behind. . . However, factors. . . Sister absolutely can not tolerate a little thin man when the best man! ! ! ! ! ! May be factors. . . This best man always seems to encounter. . . Cup ah. . . Large cup ah. . . Sister caught in a reference parameter the embarrassment of being

tableware three words. . Ago. . . Never thought one day to and Taobao have intricate relationships, is now well, I did not even buyers click on the red has become a good seller, would have been nothing, slaves became landowners, have been very wash with things. May be factors. . . Now for the hair buyers are so cute? Before the time when the buyer sister called a first-class innocent person with the right attitude, ah, for fear of offending the seller, the seller for the hair used to be bullied bully ah now be buyers

two huge head like a half-day, according to this calculator on by that. . . Finally. . . Mother sister decided to look for degrees. . .

This is really. . . Arithmetic is not good as selling vegetables, several kilograms just to buy two things, I still think a few other two = how much time

time. . I very want to say, as we put clothes on a change in it. . .

. . . Abuse Tuotuo and small earners to have ~~~

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every day life of a white, every person, every thing is a hygiene article.!

Please read everyone, are reproduced to log in their own space, do not wait until people who love you know lost treasure.!

A friend's wedding, took out a hundred notes master of ceremonies asked all those present, who want to please raise your hands, you want to be afraid is the master of ceremonies who want to trick it out of the whole, no one to speak. MC said: I really, want to please raise their hands.
finally someone to raise their hands, and then more and more people raise their hands. Master of ceremonies looked at you, for a piece of the old hundred dollar bill, much less obvious show of hands of people. MC Zhang smiled again and again for a little wrinkled old damaged hundred notes, but few people raised their hands to the site. Master of ceremonies invited a little boy came to power, and to that old money on his hands. Said: Because he has his hands up, the following people laugh. Some of the little boy's face red, waved his hands for quiet master of ceremonies, out goes the new hundred dollar bill said: I like this new change of your legacy goes on, can it? The little boy said: No, thank you uncle, the new old alike.
emcee nodded and let the boy go Na Zhaoqian, master of ceremonies for the bride and groom holding hands on stage, said: beautiful face again, there is always one day grow old. Then romantic love, also with life changes. I like the hands of the money, as will slowly change over time wrinkle, become old. But also like the little boy said, are the new old one hundred dollars. Its value will not be above the fold change. Is not it? Hope that new people can understand the true value and meaning of love, do not wait until the face of growing old, or a passion into a flat when they forget just love you for life the mouth of the oath, will you cherish each other's life.
new look a bit deep on the nod. Outbreak of applause the audience most of the people his life, constantly desire, constantly seeking, constantly winning, do not know the treasure of happiness, in the end nothing, got nothing! Happy: like the wind, only a brief moment, to the quick, go too fast. Pain: from suspicion and speculation, the damage is not really the pain of speech: from a clear understanding of each other, feel each other's love, will be revealed by the performance.
sweet: the truth from both sides of the exchange. Just want to give each other joy of the heart, so in my life, as long as a person get admire, a person's attention, a gentle person, a person's really the truth, a person's tears is enough! Do not pull the hand break. Lifetime that long is not long or a short is not short ...
Do not wait until it lost treasure! Treasure now have.
a Southern girl and a northern Han became the home, the girl's light taste, not spicy Han would not be happy.
girl frequented by parents at home Cengfan eat. One day, the girl's father to do the dishes a bit salty, the mother quietly brought cups, chopsticks clip of a food, food in the water in the swing will look after the entrance. Suddenly, the girl from the minute movements in the mother realized something.
next day, the girl at home doing her husband's favorite dish. Of course, every dish is put pepper. But, she's in front of more than a glass of water. Han looked at her for eating with relish in the swing over the water dish, his eyes slightly moist.
, the Han are also scrambling to cook. But the food which has not found a pepper. Just in front of him one more dish sauce. Dip in the sauce in the dish. Each one, he ate the contented.
for love, but also for themselves, and they stick with a dish of chili sauce, a stick with a glass of water. They know how to stick to a permanence, steady love.
deep love is love silent, not a form of love, not advertised. Love is happy flowers bloom, so that each know how to love, love, hearts overflowing fragrance; ferry love is the truth of the paddles, so that each sentient beings who do not fear life long. When a dish with a little love for the condiments, my heart how could not taste the taste of happiness!
love, then we need profound feelings of support and understanding.
hope my friends can each side very happy, very happy to find their own fate. You have been happily happiness down.

YYYYYYYY we must be very happy YYYYYYYY

Oversleep hurriedly rushed to the train station the morning ... better time to call ~ ! Quack
has gone to Humble Administrator's Garden and Lingering Garden Lion ... someone the wrong way and because the bus ride against a judge ... ... no time to waste then go to Tiger ... in fact very much the same reason nothing is real nice ... this leisure garden ... I would be nothing ... nothing ...
elegant streets at night to eat instant noodles Master beef noodles ... this actually have a physical store - Xing rush into actually less than the Lanzhou noodles !
packed to go home ... ah ! ! !
running account reported complete .

Did not take long, long time to write an article, though the network gives the temptation is great, I am online almost every day, but the range of content online is also a great temptation to me, often write to ignore the article, today May 19, the 18.19 number is just next month's final exam day, subject only language, mathematics, foreign languages. In this month's time to face the examinations biogeographic Chemical Physics, said that more time should be tight, have a holiday at home this week third year review, and I figured, reading time is only 10 all day .
10 days later, set up two years will face the disintegration of the 11 classes were selected to go to their class plus one course is to learn to us together, and we would because of learning separately, this is a very wonderful thing. Into the third year after the number of all students learning history turn again, as the memory of their hearts forever. After today's college entrance examination and language teachers will certainly comment on some of today's college entrance examination subjects, math teacher will take the college entrance examination questions for us to do, my English teacher would do after the test to tell us that today's college entrance examination questions. . .
held on Friday's closing ceremony of the school festival, the program is far from exciting in my imagination, but I think there are a few good, such as come is an imitation of Although pentameter not allowed, but confident, singing very loud. Won warm applause in the following, I can see they are very happy, sing more loud. People with disabilities certainly worth more care. City West at the end when the school song and the audience was singing again, I personally feel that the city west of the school song written a little arrogant, was written decades ago, but I remember correctly, up to now only two changes words. Here is the school song lyrics. . .

Park Lin Jiasheng
music in the spectrophotometry Quartet brings together the public shock Shenjiang
studious students friendship united not attack the wrong Juanqin exercise not relent in your naive self
lively energetic and full of energy
future with no end
City West is willing to make the students
net worth in the Huadong Liang
heart of the country together to
physical and moral growth

Recently, Russia's JSC Ancort commissioned by the Austrian company launched a master Peter Aloisson design luxury mobile phones . Days the amount of $ 1.3 million price , making it the world's most expensive mobile phone . The phone uses a pure platinum to create the shell, the fuselage sides were studded with 25 diamonds, of which 10 are sapphire . 18K pink gold create the navigation keys are also set with 28 small diamonds. Even the body 's
But if , after excluding jewels , the phone would indeed extremely common . This high price is no straight exterior design features of smart phones , in addition to decorative diamond nothing special. Sony Ericsson K700 keyboard and the keyboard is very similar to the WINDOWS CE operating system installed , using the Motorola 266 MHz of the MX21 CPU, with 64MB of RAM and 64MB of Flash ROM, and with 260,000 TFT screen . Support SMS, MMS , email, mobile web browsing, and JAVA, which has built-in music player, and comes with 29 ring tones , looking at a lot of functions is not it? In fact, this and there is no difference between normal phone functions .

most unbearable is that this $ 1.3 million mobile phones , not even the camera did not ! In addition , platinum and gemstones body weight caused it to feel uncomfortable at home . But think about it, to spend $ 1.3 million to buy mobile phones , who are employed do not care to buy cameras and personal to the Ministry of the bag .

1. I see. I understand.
2. I quit! I quit!
3. Let go! let go!
4. Me too. So do I.
5. My god! God!
6. No way! No!
7. Come on. Come on (quickly)
8. Hold on. Wait a minute.
9. I agree. I agree.
10. Not bad. Not bad.
11. Not yet. Not yet.
12. See you. Goodbye.
13. Shut up! Shut up!
14. So long. Goodbye.
15. Why not? okay! (why not?)
16. Allow me. Let me.
17. Be quiet! be quiet!
18. Cheer up! Cheer up!
19. Good job! well!
20. Have fun! fun!
21 . How much? how much?
22. I'm full. I'm full.
23. I'm home. I'm back.
24. I'm lost. I'm lost.
25. My treat. My treat.
26. So do I. Me, too.
27. This way. Way, please.
28. After you. You first.
29. Bless you! bless you!
30. Follow me. Come with me.
31. Forget it! way! (forget!)
32. Good luck! Good luck!
33. I decline! I refuse!
34. I promise. I promise.
35. Of course! of course!
36. Slow down! slowly!
37. Take care! take care!
38. They hurt. (Wound) pain.
39. Try again. Try again.
40. Watch out! careful.
41. What's up? what I do for you?
42. Be careful! attention!
43. Bottoms up! Cheers (bottom)!
44. Don't move! Freeze!
45. Guess what? Guess?
46. I doubt it I doubt it.
47. I think so. I think so.
48. I'm single. I am a single people.
49. Keep it up! stick to it!
50. Let me see. Let me think.
51. Never mind. It does not matter.
52. No problem! No problem!
53. That's all! so!
54. Time is up. The time is coming.
55. What's new? What's new do?
56. Count me on my count.
57. Don't worry. Do not worry.
58. Feel better? good point of it?
59. I love you! I love you!
60. I'm his fan. I'm his fan.
61. Is it yours? This is your do?
62. That's neat. This is good.
63. Are you sure? you sure?
64. Do l have to have to do it you?
65. He is my age. He and I have the same age.
66. Here you are. To you.
67. No one knows. No one knows.
68. Take it easy. Take it easy.
69. What a pity! too bad!
70. Any thing else? Anything else?
71. To be careful! must be careful!
72. Do me a favor ? a favor, okay?
73. Help yourself. You're welcome.
74. I'm on a diet. I am on a diet.
75. Keep in Touch. Keep in touch.
76. Time is money. Time is money.
77. Who's calling? Which one?
78. You did right. You did right.
79. You set me up! you betray me!
80. Can I help you? Can I help you?
81. Enjoy yourself! I wish you have fun!
82. Excuse me, Sir. President, I'm sorry.
83. Give me a hand! help me!
84. How's it going? how to?
85. I have no idea. I have no clue.
86. I just made it! I did it!
87. I'll see to it I will take note.
88. I'm in a hurry! I am in a hurry!
89. It's her field. This is her Bank.
90. It's up to you. You decide.
91. Just wonderful! is fantastic!
92. What about you? you do?
93. You owe me one. You owe me a favor.
94. You're welcome. You're welcome.
95. Any day will do. Day will do evening
96. Are you kidding? Are you kidding!
97. Congratulations! Congratulations!
98. T can't help it. I can not help.
99. I don't mean it. I did not mean.
100. I'll fix you Up. I'll help you RBI

101. It sounds great!. Sounds good.
102. It's a fine day. Today is a good day.
103. So far, So good. Is still good.
104. What time is it? points a?
105. You can make it! you can do it!
106. Control yourself! control yourself!
107. He came by train. To train him.
108. He is ill in bed. He was ill in bed.
109. He lacks courage. He lacks courage.
110. How's everything? everything all right?
111. I have no choice. I had no choice.
112. I like ice-cream. I like to eat ice cream.
113. I love this game. I love this sport.
114. I'll try my best. I do my best.
115. I'm On your side. I fully support you.
116. Long time no see! Long time no see!
117. No pain, no gain. No pain, no gain.
118. Well, it depends Well, it depends on the situation.
119. We're all for it. We all agree.
120. What a good deal! really cheap!
121. What should I do? how can I do?
122. You asked for it! you ask for it!
123. You have my word. I promise.
124. Believe it or not! Believe it or not!
125. Don't count on me. Do not expect me.
126. Don't fall for it! fooled!
127. Don't let me down. Do not let me down.
128. Easy come easy go. Easy come, easy go faster.
129. I beg your pardon. Please forgive me.
130. I beg your pardon? you say it again (I did not catch).
131. I'll be back soon. I'll be right back.
132. I'll check it out. I went to check.
133. It's a long story. Long story.
134. It's Sunday today. Today is Sunday.
135. Just wait and see! wait!
136. Make up your mind. Make a decision.
137. That's all I need. I'm going to them.
138. The view is great. What a beautiful scenery!
139. The wall has ears. Walls have ears.
140. There comes a bus. Car came.
141. What day is today? day is it today?
142. What do you think? how do you think?
143. Who told you that? Who told you?
144. Who's kicking off? who is now in the kick-off?
145. Yes, I suppose So. Yes, I think so.
146. You can't miss it you will be able to find.
147. Any messages for me? have my message do?
148. Don't be so modest. Do not humble.
149. Don't give me that! less to this!
150. He is a smart boy. He is a small arrival area.
151. He is just a child. He was just a child.
152. I can't follow you. I do not understand what you say.
153. I felt sort of ill. I feel a little discomfort.
154. I have a good idea! I have a good idea.
155. It is growing cool. The weather is getting cooler up.
156. It seems all right. It seems that no problem.
157. It's going too far. Too far.
158. May I use your pen? I can do with your pen?
159. She had a bad cold. She is suffering from a bad cold.
160. That's a good idea. Really good idea.
161. The answer is zero. Naught of.
162. What does she like? she likes?
163. As soon as possible! the sooner the better!
164. He can hardly speak. He was almost speechless.
165. He always talks big. He was always bragging.
166. He won an election. He won the election.
167. I am a football fan. I am a football fan.
168. If only I could fly. If I could fly just fine.
169. I'll be right there. I immediately went to.
170. I'll see you at six. I see you at six o'clock.
171. IS it true or false? this is right or wrong?
172. Just read it for me. Good school to me.
173. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power.
174. Move out of my way! Get out!
175. Time is running out. No time.
176. We are good friends. We are good friends.
177. What's your trouble? where you uncomfortable?
178. You did fairly well! you're doing pretty good 1
179. Clothes make the man. Tailor makes the man.
180. Did you miss the bus? you miss the bus?
181. Don't lose your head. Do not panic.
182. He can't take a joke. He opened not a joke.
183. He owes my uncle $ 100. He owes my uncle $ 100.
184. How are things going? how well things are going?
185. How are you recently? how are you?
186. I know all about it. I know all about it.
187. It really takes time. This is too wasted time.
188. It's against the law. This is against the law.
189. Love me, love my dog. (Proverb) Aiwujiwu.
190. My mouth is watering. I want to drool.
191. Speak louder, please. Please speak a little loudly.
192. This boy has no job. The boy did not work.
193. This house is my own. This house is my own.
194. What happened to you? how do you?
195. You are just in time. You come just in time.
196. You need to workout. You need to exercise it.
197. Your hand feels cold. Your hand feels cold. .
198. Don't be so childish. Do not be so childish.
199. Don't trust to chance! not luck.
200. Fasten your seat belt. Fasten your seat belts.

201. He has a large income. He has a high income.

202. He looks very healthy. He seems very healthy.

203. He paused for a reply. He stopped to wait for answers.

204. He repaired his house. He repaired his house.

205. He suggested a picnic. He suggested that, go for a picnic.

206. Here's a gift for you. Here's a gift for you.

207. How much does it cost? how much?

208. I caught the last bus. I caught the last bus.

209. I could hardly speak. I am just speechless.

210. I'll have to try that. I have to try to do so.

211. I'm very proud of you. I am very proud of you.

212. It doesn't make sense. It does not make sense (anomaly).

213. Make yourself at home. Please do not uncommunicative.

214. My car needs washing. My car needs a wash.

215. None of your business! of your business!

216. Not a sound was heard. that there is no sound.

217. That's always the case. Used to it.

218. The road divides here. This road where the bifurcation.

219. Those are watermelons. Those are watermelons.

220. What a nice day it is! Today is fine!

221. What's wrong with you? you where wrong?

222. You are a chicken. You are a coward.

223. A lovely day, isn't it? good weather, is not it?

224. He is collecting money. His fund-raising.

225. He was born in New York. He was born in New York.

226. He was not a bit tired. He was not tired.

227. I will be more careful. I will be careful of,

228. I will never forget it. I will remember the.

229. It is Just what I need. This is what I need.

230. It rather surprised me. That thing made me quite surprised.

231. Just around the comer. In the vicinity.

232. Just for entertainment. Just for fun look.

233. Let bygones be bygones. The past, just let it past it.

234. Mother doesn't make up. Mom does not make.

235. Oh, you are kidding me. Oh, I you Do not take a joke.

236. She has been to school. She went to school.

237. Skating is interesting. Skating is fun.

238. Supper is ready at six. Like six o'clock dinner.

239. That's a terrific idea! really good idea!

240. What horrible weather! Bad weather!

241. Which would you prefer? you to choose which ?

242. Does she like ice-cream? she likes to eat ice cream do?

243. First come first served. First-served basis.

244. Great minds think alike. Great minds think alike.

245. He has a sense of humor. He has a sense of humor.

246. He is acting an old man. He is playing an old man.

247. He is looking for a job. He is looking for a job.

248. He doesn't care about me. He does not care about me.

249. I develop films myself. Wash my own photo.

250. I felt no regret for it. I do not feel regret this incident.

251. I get up at six o'clock. I am of the morning.

252. I meet the boss himself. I saw the boss himself.

253. I owe you for my dinner. I owe you dinner money.

254. I really enjoyed myself. I have a lot of fun.

255. I'm fed up with my work! I work sick!

256. It's no use complaining. complain of no use.

257. She's under the weather. Her bad mood.

258. The child sobbed sadly. Child sobbed sadly.

259. The rumor had no basis. That rumor was unfounded.

260. They praised him highly. They praised him greatly.

261. Winter is a cold season. winter is a cold season.

262. You can call me any time. You can always call me.

263. 15 divided by3 equals 5. 15 divided by 3 equals 5.

264. All for one, one for all. I was all, all for me.

265. East, west, home is best. Gold Wo, silver nest, as their grass nest.

266. He grasped both my hands. He grasped my hands.

267. He is physically mature. His body has matured.

268. I am so sorry about this. I am very sorry (sorry).

269. I can't afford a new car. I can not afford a new car.

270. I do want to see him now. I really want to see him.

271. I have the right to know. I have the right to know.

272. I heard some one laughing. I heard someone laugh.

273. I suppose you dance much. I think you always dance.

274. I walked across the park. I walked through the park.

275. I'll just play it by ear. I went to when resourceful.

276. I'm not sure I can do it. I'm afraid I can not do this thing.

277. I'm not used to drinking. I am not used to drinking.

278. Is the cut still painful? wounds still hurt you?

279. It's too good to be true! good to be true.

280. Jean is a blue-eyed girl. Jane is a blue-eyed girl.

281. Let's not waste our time. We do not waste time.

282. May I ask some questions? I ask you a few questions?

283. Money is not everything. Money is not everything.

284. Neither of the men spoke. Two people can not say it.

285. Stop making such a noise. Knock it off.

286. That makes no difference. No difference.

287. The price is reasonable. Price is reasonable.

288. They crowned him king. They crowned him king.

289. They're in red and white. They wore red and white clothes.

290. We all desire happiness. We all want happiness.

291. We just caught the plane we just catch the plane.

292. What shall we do tonight? we buckle down a little tonight what?

293. What's your goal in life is your goal in life?

294. When was the house built? when the house is built?

295. Why did you stay at home? Why stay home?

296. Would you like some help ? Need help?

297. You mustn't aim too high you can not be too ambitious.

298. You're really killing me! is really killing me!

299. You've got a point there. You say, quite justified.

300. Being criticized is awful! been criticized really painful

301. Did you enter the contest? you participate in the competition yet?

302. Do you accept credit cards? you accept credit cards?

303. Don't cry over spilt milk. Do not do useless regret.

304. Don't let chances pass by. Do not let the opportunity slip away from us.

305. He owned himself defeated. He admitted that he failed.

306. He seems at little nervous. He seemed a bit nervous.

307. He strolls about the town. Him stroll in the town four.

308. Her tooth ached all night. She had a toothache all night.

309. How about a drink tonight? how to drink tonight?

310. I can do nothing but that. I will do that.

311. I get hold of you at last. I finally found you.

312. I have a surprise for you. I have an unexpected thing for you to see.

313. I like all kinds of fruit. I like all kinds of fruit.

314. I saw it with my own eyes. I have seen.

315. I will arrange everything. I will arrange everything.

316. I wish I knew my neighbor. I want to know my neighbors.

317. I would like to check out. I want to checkout.

318. It has be come much cooler. The weather became much cooler.

319. It's time you went to bed. You would have the bed.

320. No spitting on the street. Ban on spitting in the street.

321. She was totally exhausted. She was tired out.

322. Show your tickets, please. Please show your ticket.

323. Thank you for your advice. Thank you for your advice.

324. That's the latest fashion. This is the most popular styles.

325. The train arrived on time. Trains arrive on time.

326. There go the house lights. Theatre lights went out.

327. They are paid by the hour. Their time and reward.

328. Things are getting better. Situation is improving.

329. Wake me up at five thirty. Please wake me at half past five.

330. We are all busy with work. We are busy working.

331. Where do you want to meet? where you want to meet?

332. You can get what you want. You can get what you want.

333. A barking dog doesn't bite! barking dogs do not bite.

334. Are you free this Saturday? you free this Saturday you?

335. Be careful not to fall ill. Be careful not to get sick.

336. Being a mother is not easy. Be a mother is not easy.

337. Brevity is the soul of wit. Brevity is the essence of wisdom.

338. Cancer is a deadly disease. Cancer is a deadly disease.

339. Did you fight with others? you and others to fight yet another?

340. Don't dream away your time. Do not waste time.

341. Don't keep me waiting long. Do not make me wait too long.

342. He has a remarkable memory. He has a remarkable memory.

343. He has completed the task. He completed the task.

344. He has quite a few friends. He has a lot of friends.

345. He is capable of any crime. What kind of bad thing he could have done it.

346. He walks with a quick pace. He walked quickly.

347. He was not a little tired. He was very tired.

348. His looks are always funny. His appearance is always funny.

349. How about going to a movie? to see how a movie like?

350. I think I've caught a cold. I think I had a cold.

351. I was taking care of Sally. I take care of Sally.

352. I wish I lived in NEWYORK. I want to live in New York.

353. I'm very glad to hear that. Glad to hear you say so.

354. I'm your lucky fellow then. My partner is your lucky friends!

355. It's none of your business! it to do your thing!
356. No littering on the campus. Not allowed to throw waste on campus.

357. She is a good-looking girl. She is a beautiful girl.

358. She mended the broken doll. She fixes the broken doll.

359. So I just take what I want. So I just take what I need.

360. Spring is a pretty season, spring is a good season.

361. The figure seems all Right. The number seems to be right.

362. The stars are too far away. The stars are too far away.

363. The whole world knows that. The whole world knows.

364. Tomorrow will be a holiday. Holiday tomorrow.

365. We walk on the garden path. On the path we walk in the garden.

366. What you need is just rest. You need is rest.

367. What's your favorite steps? What is your favorite dance dance?

368. You'd better let her alone. Your best to let her stay a while.

369. A lost chance never returns. Never miss the opportunity to come back.

370. Don't let this get you down. Do not do this frustrated.

371. He shot the lion with a gun. his gun and killed the lion.

372. I don't think you are right. I think you are wrong.

373. I have never seen the movie. I have never seen that movie.

374. I haven't seen you for ages. I have not seen you for a long time.

375. I was alone, but not lonely. I was alone, but do not feel lonely.

376. I went there three days ago. I've been there three days ago.

377. It's a friendly competition. This is a friendly.

378. It's very thoughtful of you. You are very thoughtful.

379. May I speak to Lora, please? Laura and I can speak it?

380. Mr.Wang is fixing his bike. Mr. Wang repair his bike.

381. My brother is see king a job. My brother is looking for a job.

382. Nancy will retire next year. Nancy will retire next year.

383. Neither you nor he is wrong. You are right, he's right.

384. Opportunity knocks but once. Now or never.

385. She dressed herself hastily. She hastily dressed.

386. She hired a car by the hour. She rented a car billed by the hour.

387. Someone is ringing the bell. Someone rang the doorbell.

388. The Smiths are my neighbors. Smiths are my neighbors.

389. These shoes don't fit right. This pair of shoes is not appropriate.

390. This is only the first half. This is the first half it.

391. This pen doesn't write well. This pen is not good writing.

392. Would you like a cup of tea? cup of tea do you want?

393. You really look sharp today. Today you really pretty.

394. Another cat came to my house. Have a cat came to my home.

395. Check your answers with mine. The answer to your look with my check.

396. Don't keep the truth from me. Do not hide it from me the truth.

397. Everything has its beginning. Everything has a beginning.

398. He came to the point at once. He once said the point.

399. He fell behind with his work. He worked behind.

400. He is the happiest man alive. He is the world's happiest people. 401. He neither smokes nor drinks. He does not smoke nor drink.

402. He ran his horse up the hill. His horse ran up the hill.

403. He reminds me of his brother. He reminds me of his brother.

404. He was efficient in his work. His high work efficiency.

405. He will do anything but work. Not work as long as he do do.

406. His father runs a restaurant. His father owned a restaurant.

407. I have something to tell you. I have something to tell you.

408. I smelled a smell of cooking. I smell cooking cooking taste.

409. I want to see the film again. I really want it again.

410. I've got too much work to do. I do work too much.

411. Let's go for a walk, shall we? we get out, okay?

412. Please let me check the bill. Let me check what bills.

413. Plenty of sleep is healthful. Healthy enough sleep.

414. The sun comes up in the east. The sun rises in the east.

415. This is because we feel pain. This is because we can feel pain.

416. What do you desire me to do? you want me to do?

417. What you said was quite true. you said is true.

418. You can either stay or leave. You or leave or leave.

419. Your life is your own affair. Your life is your own business.

420. All that glitters is not gold. Flash is not all gold hair.

421. Are you going to have a party? you want to meet you at?

422. Aren't you concerned about it? Do not you worry about it?

423. Don't forget to keep in touch. Do not forget to keep in touch.

424. He broke his words once again. He again violated the promise.

425. He is in his everyday clothes. He wore ordinary clothes.

426. He is taller than I by ahead. He had the high one.

427. He led them down the mountain. He took them down.

428. He was trained to be a lawyer. He was a trained lawyer.

429. I am afraid that l have to go. I have to leave.

430. I don't have any cash with me. I did not bring him the cash.

431. I have been putting on weight. I began to fat.

432. I have just finished the book. I just finished reading this book.

433. I was late for work yesterday, I am late for work yesterday.

434. It appears to be a true story. This story seems to be true.

435. I've got to start working out. I have to start doing fitness exercise.

436. Japan is to the east of China. Japan in China's east.

437. John asked Grace to marry him, John Grace to marry him.

438. My watch is faster than yours. I table the table faster than you.

439. New China was founded in l949. Founding of new China in 1949.

440. Thanks for your flattering me. Thank you for your praise.

441. They charged the fault on him. They fault attributed to him.

442. This car is in good condition. This car was good.

443. This work itself is very easy. This work itself is easy.

444. Truth is the daughter of time. Time to see the truth.

3, two people together over time as the left and right, love will choose to spend even longer, because the time to give up so many years and need to pay a lot of courage, Maybe life will be love you or your loved one, but after all is passing, you will still go on holding the left hand or right hand, happiness is really in love has nothing to do ... some people you have neglected reading life life, some people looked at you, but affect your life, some people are very warm you for you to be happy was quietly ignored, and some people let you have a short but happy to get your chain of thoughts, and some wishful thinking of people N in N years was rejected by you, some people inadvertently has become a timeless expression of thoughts, this is life.

If love can not express, I am willing to prove with his life!

5, there is a story called? love 99 steps to go?, about a boy and a girl agreed to go back to back 100 steps each, back when if you can see each other, then they do not break up. Reach the first step 99 when the girl, could not squat on the ground crying. A pair of arm circled her from behind, the girl turned around and saw a familiar face boy. The boy said, I have been waiting for you back, this life I will not let you walk a person after all ... we just want to be loved is the children, we do not forever, nor the highest power. We are a long embrace, in our cold, hug us and say to us, baby, you still have me! I hope my friends can find you with open arms only for the person ...

4, encounter when you really love him to strive for and accompanied by a lifetime opportunity, because when he left everything too late. Experienced to be believed, and his friends a good time to get along, because in the person's life can be really difficult to face friends. Encountered have loved, remember to smile thanks to him, because he let you know how to love. Encounter people who secretly like to wish him happy, because you hope he is not like him to be happy happy? Accompanied now and you encounter people who love you to thank him hundred percent, because you now have been true love. The reason is not because people get more fun but because care less. Wealth is not a lifelong friend, friends, is a lifetime of wealth.

2, cups lonely, being poured into the boiling water, hot feeling, cup think this is the feeling of love. Water changes temperature, the cup is very comfortable, feel like this is life. Water cools, the cup fear, and perhaps this is the loss of feeling. Water becomes completely cool, hard by the glass, trying to pour water, the water was finally drained. The cup is very comfortable, but also the cup broke off a piece of the ground. Have found that every one cup of water marks left on it to know my heart still in love with water, it wants to complete once again love the water, but impossible. Is it only lost treasure, only the well-being of all in the past to know it to understand

to cherish now have.

1, always sow boar sentry at night, for fear the owner will take their sleeping sow slaughter, day passes, the sow and boar fat has become very thin, and one day it heard the master butcher in to discuss should see a good sow kill growing to sell, great changes since the day boar temperament, the owner brought the food it Qiangzhuo Chi, eat and sleep and vigil to sow, if you do not keep on ignoring it, one day, sows that he did not care her long, very disappointed! Soon found that the owner did not sow and boar left several pounds of the shiny shiny, and finally butcher the boar away. At that moment, a smile on the sow boar say Sow a happy night looking at the master's eating pork, sad place to sleep lying on boar before, suddenly found the wall with words:

whether you are using a mobile phone or computer, is my friend hope you can find time to read it ...

looks and successful relationship - Michael Yu June 2 speech at Tongji University

Tongji University students, good evening!

In fact, people living on the good, as there is no meaning of life is another matter. Live every day the sun rises every day to see the sun went down. You can see the glow, see the sunset and see the moon rise and fall, see a sky full of stars, this is the best alive significance.

Tongji University students did not expect me so I believe the students will see at first glance I was very disappointed. In fact, everyone is very common, we often find that a very important thing in life with our future happiness and success in fact do not have much contact. For example, some people believe that the future success looks like there will be a lot of contact; Some people think that their family background will necessarily associated with success; Some people think that the people on the prestigious universities will be successful, with good results at university than poor academic performance were more likely to succeed ... ... all of these factors may be partly right, but most basic is invalid, for example, looks.

If a person's appearance and success related, there would be no Ma and Alibaba, because if the students here that Ma good looking, it must be the aesthetic of the problem.

course, this does not mean that looks nice person not a thing to do, for example, we are more familiar with another company boss Robin Li Baidu executives. Li is very handsome, he looks all the pictures are like a movie star, but he also achieved success. So no matter how appearance, can be successful, but Li and Ma sit together to eat, they are usually not willing to sit next to a chair, because two people were appalling to the point, the solution is put me in the middle of the two of them, played a role in the transition. Like me, no characteristic appearance of people can be successful. So whether it is male or female, the most important is their rich inner world, his demeanor and temperament, training, extension of their mind and unwavering pursuit of the ideals and goals. With increasing age, these will gradually become your wisdom, all of which is constituted the true essence of your success.

so successful and family background are not related? We often can see some of the elite Fugu origin who was born on a silver spoon. For example, we may see some of the students left their designer clothes wearing, carrying the right brand of handbags, party secretary sitting in front of her daughter, sitting behind the central leadership of the son, and you may be one from the ordinary worker families of the students.

Sometimes you will feel satisfied, but the world already full of injustice, and many often unfair in your eyes flash. You will say, how would I do in this world, why he has everything, and I have nothing? I have been in college this is normal psychology. For example, my students will have the son of minister, a university professor's daughter, and I was the son of a farmer. 3 times after the entrance into the Peking University, wearing clothes and go into the lug pole. You will find that you always keep up their status, it is better that they can not keep up the pace. You will find that even if they do nothing to stop life, the things they own more than you.

example, in the freshman year, when the Minister of the class that children are driving a Mercedes-Benz 280 every Friday driver pick him back. That even when you think we can not afford a bike, he actually sat Mercedes-Benz 280, that is what kind of feeling. Basically you feel in this life is finished. But the students to remember you the truth, life is always going forward, we go a lifetime. We do not come only four years of college, or graduate students, we go a lifetime. May come to 80,90 years old, although come to the age of 80, 90, lives in the end how you do not know, you can do is to keep walking. So I am very proud to come from a farmer's son finally went to the North today. My attitude is very balanced, but in fact I Zoulehenyuan. Of course, some students will say, you entered the North has been very successful. Indeed, many university has increased my success. For example, because the atmosphere was very strong North Reading, so I read a lot of books, thinking becomes very sharp.

North does have a cultural environment, set in Cai Weiming Lake on the edge of the statue, but every year there are thousands of people into the North, as well as thousands of Beijing University people can successfully in the end there? In fact, the success rate of university students than any college success is not a high proportion.

all the success means that you pay after graduation to further efforts, if successful will mean the University, then there will be no Ma had. I told Ma a lot in common, he entrance exam three years, I test three years, he quizzed the English major, I consider that English, the third year I went to university, he went to Hangzhou Teachers College. I believe that many students heard of this college, then I think my life should be more successful than his right, but unfortunately, from today's point of view, the market value of listed Alibaba is the new East three times, and I In addition to what will make a new Eastern gone. Not only that, he still Taobao, Alipay ... ...

So, you and your future success, what college no connection, but after the job more easily abroad point. Wonderful life can not get out, the university has laid a foundation for you, but can not determine your life. To college life and only had a quarter, how the next time we had it? First, we must continue on the path, because you do not live on nothing else. Whether you believe in the afterlife, this life I have always believed that our best paradise. So I hate to commit suicide or suicide as a threat, I think this is not respect for life. Kind of concept, called Because 40 years from my life experience to understand, you sit in that long, maybe the sky really will fall to pie, of course, may be falling meteorites. In any case, do not self-break, there will be a lot of miracles happen in life. If Professor Yang Chen does not live to 82 years old, he knows how it can end the second marriage?

but students who have taken life always looking forward, even if there is no hope of expectations. Students can think about a lot of people in our history, for example, Jiang Taigong fishing in the river, to the 80-year-old year, the emperor at his side through it, found the old man fishing with a straight rod, with he will find this talk very wise old man, so bring him back, and together they laid the Zhou Dynasty of the world. Qi comrades still in the age of 50 do carpentry, is not a great painter, his works are all great in the 80-year-old to 90 years old when completed. So there is always such a phenomenon of life, some people in there as a young, middle age, when there as some people, some people are as old time. Flowers are always in different seasons, if all the flowers are open in the spring, finished in the summer, fall, winter, no flowers open you will find this nature is so beautiful it?

So think about it, if all of the wonderful life in the university had finished, the back is always flat, do you think that life would be perfect? In other words, you had the university not so wonderful after graduation has become more and more wonderful is not good? Facts have proved that many of our students in the university's performance is always among the best, but after graduation but also how to not make anything up. Because in the community, not the performance at work. You can only prove that IQ scores higher than others, but it does not determine your life will certainly amount to anything.

success is not just determined by your score, the most important is the ability to deal with the social and acted ability. In a variety of chaotic relationships, the ability to look for opportunities, and you finally leading a gang with you the ability to create business. And all this is not determined by your performance. Of course, I'm not saying do not take science in college, get a college diploma is inevitable, because in the future we will find such a phenomenon, if, even fail to get a college diploma, your life will be full of difficult . University

now read a lot of people say that college was no meaning, because they can not work. Indeed up to now, this year the proportion of graduates find work only about 40%, but I believe this is only a temporary phenomenon, because of China's industrial structure has not been adjusted. From a historical point of view, China is far more than students, because China is shifting from manufacturing to consulting, information, logistics, services, communication with the world industry, which means that all students are here to work with this, the inevitable to find a job.

once had students tell me, Yu teacher I want to start, do not go to college. I said why, he said to Bill Gates learning. I said there are several Bill Gates the world, not to a thing, he said it does not matter, he could become the second. I said, why do not the universities? He said that I failed the exam, do not go on. This is like Bill Gates can not be compared, people feel that their knowledge is far more than the teacher, think college is a waste of time, put their own creativity and timely play, so drill their own Microsoft went to the auto research library. These are two completely different concepts.

course, I just emphasize that good grades are not necessarily in the future you will do good. Have a statistical data, the results of the top 10 universities and post-10 students did a survey, a period of 20 years, the college students the last 10 total wealth and access to social status, actually more than the top 10 also higher. This means that even the most backward in the university students do not give up. For example, I worked for five years at the university, at the time of graduation is the last to fifth class graduated, but now we are the first to fifth class in the new full-East. Therefore, we always do not give up.
the most wonderful life is to grow old to be able to write a memoir, because they will have experienced life and moved, it will move others continue to fight for the wonderful life, this time I can say my life is very full.

10 years ago, I met a particularly touching story: a college student came to I am, because it is very poor, but want to go abroad, like the New Oriental classes, but no money so he told me that he wanted the new East Division, but no money, can do part-time summer in the classroom New Oriental administrator, and arranged for him to class, checking students Tingke Zheng Saowan to finish in the back after the lectures, I said of course. I did not expect the student has referred to a request, if two months of part-time really to do well, then, can give him his wages of 500 yuan to buy a tape recorder, I said no problem. Result that the child worked for two months, all contact with him say the child hard seriously, so to two months later, I gave him a thousand dollars to let him buy a tape recorder wages. He bought, the side edge of tears listening to the tape recorder. I know he was moved by his behavior, and doubtless a big breath, sure enough a few years later he was admitted a full scholarship to Yale University, and is still work in the USA, salary 135,000 dollars. So moved only by their own life will be wonderful.

fact, I moved some make their own stories, for example, my entrance exam. Then we must think of entering university, but the thought into the North, so we desperately reading. Sometimes you will find that you head straight ahead, the target will be on your back. So when I got the university admission notice, there really is back laughing and crying, with Fanjinzhongju same. But if at the time did not insist, maybe I am still just a farmer's son. For example, when our village have a personal test, like me two years, he was one-third higher score than I, when I said to him with the third year test it, but his mother said do not test, and find a woman married to count , but when I told my mom you let me test a year, the results of the third year I really admitted. So I have come to two conclusions, 1, must run forward, do not have to run fast, but walked a long time; 2, can not stop, you can not three days fishing starts network, to persevere.

I went today, not a day too lazy, I still have to work nearly every day, 16 hours, from the entrance that day every day. But I found that I was over, but some colleagues. From primary to high school, I learned also very serious, results are always among the first 10 to 20, while in college I learned more seriously, but eventually the bottom fifth graduating class. Tortoise and the hare story we know from elementary school, and life are often reflected. Because people tend to run fast to stop, but can not because of slow Paode Man does not run. Long run, sooner or later you will reach the end of desire. So when we do not go to college regardless of who scores high or low, as long as the non-stop to pursue it.

a wise man is not necessarily a lifetime achievement created by a stupid person than to create more, because stupid people every day in the creation, and intelligent people may create a period of time will stop, even Edison this super genius, a child is also considered an idiot. Einstein-year-old would speak, but fortunately he has a good mother always thought he was a genius to make him a great scientist. So when my son will not speak to 4 years old, my wife everywhere, seek medical attention when his anxious heart, I said, look, normal 4-year-old can not speak. My wife said, why do normal, I say, not speak the language features not fully developed, does not mean that the mind developed. So never use your status to determine your future, as long as you insist you will be able to get something unexpected.

then I contact the classroom many students go abroad, I saw the envy and want to catch up with their pace, it also began to contact abroad. A full four years, contacted numerous American universities and professional, I do not have a scholarship to American University. While a few get admission notice, but a visa to the United States Embassy, ​​and each time refused. Of course, now my visa in addition to Iraq, no, almost all the other countries. Now the United States to my 10-year multiple-entry visa business visa. Because New Oriental is listed in the U.S., he must allow me to enter the United States anytime, anywhere on any day. So when my childhood friend and now also facing the Yellow River, in this life we ​​have not been out of town, I have traveled around the world. We think, in Xu, Su Shi that no transport times, the landscape can be traveled, wrote many of us moved and moving text, and prosperity in our technological era, if not leave some of the world text and footprints, how do you worthy of my own.

some students said the teacher Yu money because you can do so. Frankly, before I do so I have no money. Because a child is the person I most admired Xu, because he is my fellow, stayed at my house next door. But he was 400 years ago, stayed at my house next door, to know the local celebrity influence on local youth is very great. One time, I sat on the Yangtze River to see sunrise and sunset, I was thinking how he took it to go so far? So I will aspire to meet him in this life to go as far.

precisely because there is such an example in, I will find entrance once, twice I do not despair, because I know the only way out of the rural border is admitted to the University of . I want to become urban rural household accounts, because the city was household can go everywhere. Although I am usually very calm, but inwardly there is always a desire, called across the distant horizon to desire, is always looking at the horizon does not satisfy me, I always want to turn over the horizon to see what the other side in the end of.

we all know, as long as you continue to go beyond the horizon there will be a lot of scenery in your eyes out. This is like you have the money does not matter. And I carries 100 yuan, went to the Mount, went to the Huangshan Mountain walked nine, went to the Lushan. I walked to help people work, go Jiuhuashan found no money, and sleep to a peasant family. Farmers in the river that I broke a bed, but also to find me for money, but only five dollars in my pocket. So, I say to help him with planting to offset accommodation. He said taking a closer look, how students will be planting it? The results jumped the day I inserted a three-quarters, and he just inserted a quarter, he moved to the dead than alive. He said, how can you plug so fast? I said, I am 14 years old will be planting over our county championship. Then, he killed a chicken at night to drink with me. The more he talked the more I like my students like farmers. The next day I left, he actually dig the 10 bucks to me, I know you pocket money, and tomorrow we still have to Lushan, which will give you money when the tolls.

a variety of living life is the law, but even if you sit in the middle of his study, a lifetime to make his life a great change. Chen's life not been out the den, which is also the world's greatest mathematician? So no matter what the state should also like to write a poem as Therefore, only when we have expectations of life after there will be progress. Sometimes, we choose to move forward, not because we are so strong. There are so many words really touched me, has become my motto: Any new recruits New Oriental teachers and staff must walk 50 km every year and the future should also walk 50 km. So many people never come a long way, usually go 10 km on the walk, in particular, to climb to go wading. Every time I would go with the new Eastern employees, half the time someone will come to think back, I said no, you can not go, but first handed to the resignation of the report. When we arrived at 25 km when you have only three options, first, to continue to move forward; second, to the back; but when you go half the time, you go back is 25 km, it is not if we insist on moving forward ; the third, standing still is not fixed. In life's journey to a halt, what hope?

We have a lot of confusion and pain of life, and as long as you stick to move forward, often to get rid of the pain. In the process of walking, I get tears flee the pain, the pain has also been crying too, but I know that because you do not stick to the strong but because you have no choice. Come to the last you will find that there will always be results. I did not expect to train 13 new students from the East, is now the training of 1.75 million students, in fact, all of which are not necessarily going to like you, if we continue to move forward on the line.

we always go in pursuit of a life experience, sometimes we feel like people do not even fish, because I'm in Canada, I read the Canadian salmon return each time it returned to lay eggs, I always find life and spectacular, the eggs in the sand will be produced by other animals eat a lot. The following spring, when the rest of the eggs will become small fish, small fish will be down the river, stream lake, and other fish in the lake will be eaten by some. A year later, the fish will grow along the river Benru ocean, and around the Pacific Ocean a week, every four years a cycle. If the salmon do not move along in the ocean back to the lake to lay eggs, it will not die, but it is concentrated by the call of the heart the mouth began to swim forward at once into the river when the tour will no longer eat anything desperately swim forward, and then began to travel to the destination pair to lay eggs, producing both good after death. You will see thousands of dead fish floating on the river red, while the eagle and black bear on the edge waiting for.

especially after I saw moved, a small salmon also know that health's mission is to not give up. Our mission in life that do, such as young parents gave us the wealth, you raise adults. The future after we become parents is the same. The growth of our children is your mission, and our other mission, how to live his life happier, how to help others, so that this society has become more meaningful. Why do religious people will live a relatively simple, because they instill a sense of mission. And even the fish have gone through a small stream, lake, ocean, he tasted the fragrance of fresh water and bitter water, completing the life cycle. If we are not bitter in my entire life, no happiness and sweet, that life is very regrettable.

and your current situation does not depend on your future, at the university when I was hit more, first as the poor, I was wearing really big patch into the campus, school physical education teacher, we never call my name, are called to be a movement that large patch. Because I had training in rural areas, have done just fine jumping movements of view, so I always called out to do presentations.

On the first night, opening the class will, I rise to say a word. Wang Qiang, New Oriental's current teacher is our class monitor, stand up and told me that you can not speak Japanese. Because I have been to school in the rural areas, so we never useless Mandarin language teacher had us on the course, I do not know Mandarin at what to say. Beijing University was in accordance with their English placement, I was just fine because the college entrance exam in English it was assigned to Class A, in fact, I heard that the level is not good, so to Class A month later was demoted to Class C, and C class is mainly for those who voice tone and hearing impaired students. Etc. Later, I found that my classmates and I really IQ gap between my students who usually does not see how serious they are learning how a final exam will be able to test a success, I am learning every day more than they should two or three hours but the final exam in each class last few. This makes me feel very depressed.

At that time, our class 50 students, 25 boys and 25 girls. At first I heard this figure is particularly exciting, but the girls did not think we did a class one of my Zhengyan Qiao. In 2001, when our class reunion, we come back from around the world. Looking back, we suddenly found that very unpromising class, also speaking bad Mandarin, unknown how the man became the best of the class. This time female students who are enthusiastic to hold onto my hand, regretted not start.

so college girls asked me later, Yu teacher what we are looking for a boyfriend to the standard, I said very simple, refer to my appearance. Of course, if you look like me, it is absolutely not let go of. All taller than me and do not let ugly, because the laws of this world is, the more ugly people richer content.

junior year when my favorite read is the The results showed that he himself was vomiting blood. To the hospital, doctors put a check tuberculosis immediately locked up, one hurdle is the year. I told the doctor said the young man like me how it will get TB? Doctor told me to talk about the status quo. I said, you look particularly hard to learn I can score that do not increase, the class is not a girl like me. He said that the situation of tuberculosis is not completely impossible.

but this also brought me sick mentality of adjustment, because the second grade I was in college, you want to catch up with my students is my spiritual support. But in the third grade, I was sick a year later changed completely, I feel alive good. I then gave himself a set of minimum standards, at least to ensure that university graduates get a diploma, the last state to assign a job to me good. Although I did not give up, the result will be a more open mind. So far I have learned never to go over, because there are always more good than you, there are always more backward than you.

the world's most accurate is your competitors, think about today is not better than yesterday, a little progress, think about it more next year than this year is a little better. Think, 10 years after the year you are not better than you better. This attitude was maintained until I graduated from college.

graduated from college, each person must speak up the words, such as how after the rest of my life too, so I spoke up to say: I say, the students we all very powerful, I did not catch everyone 5 years to catch up, but please remember, after playing a camel students certainly will not give up, you have 5 things I was dry as dry as 10 years into your 10-year dry I am 20 years of dry matter, you do 20 years into my dry dry for 40 years, it is not I will be happy healthy 80-year-old to the one you sent away after the longer follow me. This is my personal life to keep to the present attitude, and I think this attitude towards life is very effective for me.

I was asked if the new East did not how to do? In fact, New Oriental will not sooner or later, because it is a commercial operation of educational institutions. Think about it, we see a message a few days ago, GE is the symbol of the United States, still the brink of bankruptcy does not it? New Oriental will be the future way into the history of the traces. But I think, even if I am still new no Oriental was very successful, because my mind was very successful. I kind of yearning and pursuit of life across the horizon of desire will not change. In my opinion, New Oriental to me is a spirit, a force, rather than New Oriental itself brought me much money, of course, if the new me more money to the East, I am willing to, not money is a fool it. But more importantly, money can make some more meaningful things to. For example, I have always wanted a small private university, I might not be as big as the Tongji University, but do it one-tenth always right? In Beijing, I have bought a piece of land, is to build the university campus, built just after it separated from the new East of listed companies, and become a non-profit college campuses, then it might become another one you do things.

how to change their lives more fulfilling is the most important thing, so that New Oriental does not exist a day is normal. If the new Orient did not, I still will come with you to do lectures, and will be more cheerful mood. Because there is no complicated things. I just change the subject on the line today called

while in college, a few things we need to do is: first, to build their own knowledge structure complete; Secondly, it is possible to be in college making new friends, because you are a life-long friend, your partner must come from the university; Third, if possible, in a more focused university to talk about love, because I reviewed the lives of a gray North. I think why is it gray? In fact, not because of poor grades, but because in college I never had five years time is drawing near. So my college has become a regret. Peking University last year to all my students to do the opening ceremony of Beijing University, I give them stress one, nothing important, important is love, and love do not be afraid to fail, because suicide is not suicide, Weiming Lake on the So light, can climb up and jump; Fourth, plan for future work to do. Future work with you how many friends, with your expertise to learn how many are related. A good grasp of your profession, then poor people with certain professions, as long as you learn better.

I have a friend is to learn Vietnamese, Vietnamese indeed rarely used, but all of the central leadership to Vietnam to find him because he is a first-class Vietnamese simultaneous translation experts. I have a college classmate of Chiang Kai-shek, a 10-year study, destitute. But then he made a report to the United States, the United States to help him figure in modern Chinese history held a seminar in which he spoke through his own research, the results following an old professor of tears. Down the latter question, the old professor is also a 30-year U.S. study of Chiang Kai-shek, lonely, I could not find another study of Chiang Kai-shek, did not think there is a So $ 50,000 a year, so I followed him in the United States, students graduate, and then read the four-year doctoral student. After reading the old man retired, he became a professor at that school. I went to see him, he had bought in New York set of a small house, buy a car married a wife to support a dog. When he told me that Mr. Yu You see now that all this is Chiang Kai-shek

I want to use this example to illustrate what? Is to study what is not important as long as you really like to do, then someone with you. Conversely, if you feel you do not like the profession, but it is for me to find a job, this should not learn? Of course, to learn. I was such a state, I never liked English, because the math did not test in English only. I do not like English is not strong ability to imitate. Wang Qiang, like my squad leader, able to imitate any words vividly. I am practicing Mandarin for a year before we can understand the way excel. My wife is from Tianjin, a quarrel with me, then call me on the use of Tianjin, but until now I only say words in Tianjin. Is that when she picked up a stick to hit me, I yelled out to her,

but later I found that English has become a tool in my life, because English, I became a teacher at the university. In fact, when performance is not good to stay north, but was just 46 examinations, university students should learn each year the Department of English, the results of Peking struggling to find a teacher. And some of the best graduates to the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Trade, and wages are high. Dean was anxious that we, the last five to me to stay. Stay of five people now have become a doctoral tutor, we can see now how the quality of university education. Of course, this is a joke, they later also through their own efforts, through a number of examinations have become very good teachers.

in the mountain, you will care about trekking poles you like it? No, you only care about can help you reach the summit. So English is my trekking poles, although I do not particularly like, but I know I want to climb the higher peaks in life you must need this trekking poles. I originally wanted to become their own experts in the top 100 Chinese English, and later found that play is not, because more and more Chinese students returned, and some spent 10 years abroad, 20 years, came back to see how English than me high. I can only narrow the scope to become experts in English grammar. Later discovered that the word not to use their brains back, so I started trying very hard to back the word, turned into a pretty good vocabulary of Chinese experts.

addition to the profession, the students read more books in the university. Asians are very much a new study. Read more, it means more open vision, will be thinking more and more innovative. New Oriental spread a word called Background mainly from the thickness of two areas, the first more books, read a lot of the knowledge structure of the book you will naturally complete, will produce wisdom; second is the more life experiences. The wisdom and life experiences combine the wisdom of reading will become a truly great wisdom, and create your future career will become a source of endless and tools.

example, recruitment of key positions in the new Oriental people are my interview. I only have a few questions, first how much your college read the book, if you read dozens of books, and that certainly I would not want you. Minimum standard in my mind is 200 books, and I read in college 800 books. New Oriental has a more red-hot Wang Qiang, a teacher at the university read the 1200 book, the average daily one. Some people will ask me, did not read the forgot to tell what difference does it read? In fact, completely different. As you fall in love, fallen in love and later became a bachelor's and a bachelor self-confidence than it is. When he saw someone in love, he will be next, It is not too late to read, you can go to the bookstore looking at those books, remember those names to touch, this can also add a little human temperament.

I have an idea, man alive, to live a poetic life, how many of us often stopped to look at the moon, Inner Mongolia during the holidays to look at the starry sky , how many students in mind when watching the sunset glow and felt the surge of life. Of course, but also personally. In college, there is a very famous poet called Zi, wrote a famous poem 'spring blossoms, So we say that a person can not be expressed only in the language of poetry, but also in reality to express poetic. So in reality you have to overcome obstacles and setbacks. A poem called My Therefore, in the north gate after the first thing to desert, to desert, to prairie. And to date, these places became my spiritual home. If one has in life make life difficult thing, I went with the nomads on the Mongolian steppe with riding. Herders once said, never seen them in the Han Chinese did not like your life to.

back off in terms of poetic life in college is not playing games on MSN called poetic life, and in a bed holding a book while reading a book and then slowly to sleep TV drama is a kind of poetic. To pay attention to current affairs and political, to grasp some of the world event. This capability will start in the course of your future play a significant role. The other is to make friends as much as possible, to make friends first you have to be a good person, you have to do a reassuring people. In the Chinese business community is such a state, if you are a well-intentioned people, in difficult times some people will help. For example, Mengniu Gensheng we heard, he acted very real. So Mengniu after the accident, he needs money, just want to make a call we will send your money. And why not even signed the contract we gave him, the reason is very simple, trust.

I have come across such a situation, in 2003 when it came to SARS, we'll refund tuition to students, New Oriental's liquidity suddenly back light. And I was doing, leaving a shortfall of 20 million on the account. So I have two friends were given a telephone call, a ten million people to get on the same evening. So, you become a person to let others believe, to let others than being a defense of your people, the benefits much more. The establishment of this trust, to do the following elements: the center to the others not to themselves as the center; have a spirit of service.

when I think I am good for nothing that the university students, but why would I come back with a business? This is like my college behavior. My college is good but quite like learning someone else's people. We were never ranked dormitory proctor, because in all my sweep. There is basically all the quarters I hit the water, and the reason was to give up their foreign excellent conditions to start with me or with me to fetch water dorm was a relationship. Years later, I went back to those college students, they say that even so unpromising you are making money in China then we come back terrible? The second reason is that we know you are a particularly good one, you will not give us food to eat porridge, porridge drink you will not let us starve to death, so we came back. So a friend in college are not even people who want to succeed in this life is almost impossible.

still in college to pay a few people who can really help you, such as: open minded than you, than you look sharp. I paid in college is such a friend, a man who would follow the cattle run. For example, Wang Qiang, a teacher talented side, which I failed to learn. He enjoys reading, he will bring to college living expenses into two, one for books, to buy a meal ticket, meal ticket, never finished with the money to buy books, he would rather steal someone else's meal ticket I think this is a good habit, I also divided into two, finished my meal ticket to steal him. Every weekend we went to buy books, I do not know what to buy books, so he followed what to buy what I buy, I get tired of him was that you can not but follow me, I say you are my squad leader has the responsibility to help the backward students. In fact, I know he wants me out, because the girls in our class when he was the object of pursuit, I did not follow him if he would take girls out to buy books, I had to see through him the plot. Until now my teacher is reading Wang Qiang, his books close to 60,000, whenever he saw a good cheap book will help me to buy, expensive to send a message I will buy their own.

until now I have to keep reading. Because every party, when they talk about books, I have not read it will be once they say The reason is that Wang Qiang, and you need a friend like you very much. Xu Xiaoping, there is a teacher. I think this college a good teacher and would like to know. After a week I bought a small pen support given to him, knocking the door of his house, he asked me who you are. I said, I am your student, listening to you after school was moved, so you want to make friends, I bring you this little gift. Xu Xiaoping, a look at my hands holding a gift let me go, and into the door of his home found a large group of young teachers at that. It turned out he had a habit, one Friday night a group of teachers will move to his home to chat. I certainly want to hear, and asked if I could stay and listen, he said no, ah, we talk all the problems these men and women, innocent boy like you will be contaminated. Fortunately, my quick reaction, said Xu in this regard I just need to elementary education. Always found his opportunity. I found no one to boil them, so I help them burn boiled noodles. Four weeks to go straight to the first five weeks I have to go. Why not, not because I tired, but I think the importance of a person when the display must be displayed. Xu Xiaoping, a call came that really, you bastard how this is not over. I know, not what I do without them but they can not do without me. Since then, in a year's time, I kept listening to them chat, until I run the new East when I went to Xu Xiaoping is the first house. I told him that the East is no shortage of new English teacher, but the lack of thoughtful people, so I hope you go back to New Oriental's management thought. So at the university to do another thing that is sure to make friends so that they become a people who trust others.

And if we can talk about a love is still very good. But love has a very important prerequisite is to love wholeheartedly. The so-called single-minded love is not to say, the university can only talk about one love, but that can only talk about one. To what extent is it to love? Have such a feeling,

second element is that when you really love someone, the proper way to tell him you love him and not just in my heart. I was in college to lose a lot of girls in love, but only in my heart, afraid of being rejected. In fact, the pursuit is best shown, even if rejected by a girl, her home will write the diary, One year to the United States, with a girl like the class before dinner, she and her husband with me to eat. Eat when I told her, in fact, in college I have a crush on you in particular. Yipaitaitui said she was at that time why do not you tell me?

third is about to be generous, so generous that when other people fall in love with another person must be generous when he said, you happiness is my happiness, your happiness is my happiness. I always feel that people are always on the fate of the world, if universities do not people love you, in your future life will always be someone love you, so your hand along the journey toward the future.

I am a special person who loved life, I did not dare to walk even step on ants, I would like to trample male ant bird ant bird mother how to do. I do not dare eat fish, I eat a piece of female fish that male fish are the more painful ah, so I generally do not eat fish to eat two. Of course, the University of Love is a process, whether graduate or undergraduate students, after graduation to get married really much less than love. For example, our class more than a dozen of love, get married after graduating from college three pairs, two years after the divorce, the two pairs. Now left the next pair, this pair is a teacher and his wife, Wang Qiang, my college classmate. They were now living a happy life.

love it if you are dissatisfied with the university also does not matter, look at me on the line. Many people thought I was not normal, but I still to get married, and still find a loved one, still a child, but also have a relatively happy family. All in all, life is such a wonderful move forward. There are ordinary, there is excitement, it has steadily night, but also a beautiful day, and this is our life.

there is work issues. Work is a relatively simple question. I believe that the Tongji University students looking for work when there will not be too difficult, but some students asked me to do business. Life, life does not create a business must be a very bad thing. Human life always have to dry things for themselves, their business is to do things. We work with a dry, but you would not necessarily start college. Why? Because the business requires experience and many preconditions.

First, your expertise in the use of your business; second, you have to get along with friends and classmates and have the ability to assign interests; third, Chinese society is so you have to deal with complex situations; Fourth, you need to have basic business knowledge and operating principles, or business operations; fifth, own if a person with leadership; Sixth, you need to have their own areas of operation knowledge and expertise.

For example, you want to put forward a training school, your working knowledge of from where come? The operation of the knowledge you need to do by observing how people come. If I had to do it directly from the new North East, I was always impossible to do. I do New Oriental has two prerequisites. First, I did six years a teacher at the university, so do the teachers do a good job. There is a second prerequisite, I do New Oriental ago, I did at another training institution for almost three years I was in observing how it was done. I met many people who failed university business. I said how do you not start a business? They said as long as an encounter between the students interest in each other all Is that it? Yes, but you will not deal with New Oriental gang of friends and I also have interest, but I do not to deal with it? So the key now is to consider whether there are such skills. To start but I encourage students to go to a certain industry, observed at least one to two years, preferably three to four years, slowly accumulating their talents, they would gradually become mature personality are slowly becoming stable, Finally, the opportunity to start such a failure a lot less.

business, there are two states, the first is from scratch, I was starting from scratch, Ma is from scratch. The second business is like Yang, are also considered business, Liu Yang is then turned into the class association CEOs. American management scientist, entrepreneur Jeter Wilson, he is an ordinary worker from the start for 20 years to become the company's executives; CEOs in the company's position for 20 years the company became the world's largest company. This is business, not necessarily myself.

a student asked, Yu teacher, how do I put a training institution and as big as you have done? New Oriental is very simple to clean up first, if you put a very clean and sanitary cleaning, then I upgraded to your Minister of Health, Minister of Health if you are doing well you become the new director of the East back, wait until you become the new East Chief Logistics Officer, I put you to Harvard University to learn, and learning over the administrative back-back I'll give you all, you become a logistics chief executive officer. The first of several? Second. Me So we are slowly mature, like a tree growing up is growing up, how can all of a sudden can become successful people start their own businesses? While this person is still there, but it is also a minority. I am a 32-year-old entrepreneurial, have a new 32-year-old East. So do not worry, his whole life to do something it does not matter much.

or my old saying: to live a wonderful life a little. My metaphor is the metaphor of trees and grass, there is another analogy: the same person's life is like streams, there is always a dream - flowing into the sea. Some people in my entire life does not flow to the sea, the river is not complete. Yangtze River to the sea, the Yellow River to the sea, but the Yangtze River, Yellow River in their own different way to the sea. Yangtze River split stone mountains through the mountains to the sea, no mountains split the Yellow Stone, the results around 9 18 bend. But anyway, the final goal of life and then bend the same. The only thing to remember is that we should be like the Yellow, Yangtze, like constant forward flow, but not into the Yellow River, Yangtze River sediment inside, and finally his settling down, the life gone to the precipitation. All in all, life's wonderful on their own do not rely on others. Never a savior, you want to live brilliant, happy, we can only rely on each side of the joint efforts of a friend!

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
I love you not because you are a kind of person , but because I like the feeling with you .
No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.
no one is worth your tears, you should do will not make you cry .
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.
lose someone, than the worst , he nearly at the side , but like far away .
Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
even sad , do not frown , because you do not know who will fall in love with your smile .
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
the world is concerned, you are a man ; but for someone , you are his entire world.
Don't waste your time on a man / woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
not for those who do not want to spend time on you people waste your time .
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
love you if you do not press the desired way to love you, that does not mean they do not wholeheartedly love you .
Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
Do not worry , the best time always appear in the most casual .
Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful
dreamer in the face before God may be arranged for us to encounter other people first ; we finally meet the person , they should be grateful.
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
Do not cry because it ended , smile it for you once had .

Lang Lang

skies , light snow to fly , as if who had grievances. Fine I thought , the fall has gone in the winter as well . Alas, getting clothes single body , with loss of personal good now , unlike in previous years, only the parents love , study space and time flies, straight road , any time I go straight .

Today, I was really surprised ! Now , after seeing 90 kids , really I was shocked ! Why do today's children ? How not our previous pure ! Think we've also had youth , but when we do not understand anything , do not understand ? But today's kids, little kids , you know what is love? I have such a large , still do not understand what is love ? How a love so easy ah ? The child is now mature too quickly , or I have old ! See those words , my heart began to confusion , that is my brother ( cousin ) but it ... ... ... ... ... ... how can I do ? Pretend did not see anything ? Pretend nothing happen? I began to confused ! Confusion is the face of choice, do not know how to choose ! It seems that my heart is not enough to repair , I have not put themselves and other people's things separate ! I was not the acceptance of that is his thing, I wish him on , and do not worry about him? I finally know where their weaknesses in ? Is to face their greatest concern , his love of family before, I have the courage to face , I do not know their own mind what the real choice ? It seems that my heart is not enough to repair ah !

Really love you girl, although her ​​small mouth hate you simple-minded , very happy in his heart .

Really love you girls, always aggrieved , when you first thought .

really love you girl, you blame when you are late , not really call you , but cherish every time with you .

really love you girl, is really very little gas , eyes can not tolerate a sand .

really love you girl, pretending to be angry every time there is no cool down , you just want to listen to coax yourself .

really love you girl, will accompany you to watch your favorite shows, even their most annoying drops .

really love you girl, always want you to eat slowly , for fear you will have stomach problems .

really love you girl, will patiently to persuade you to quit smoking , even though she knew it was impossible .

really love you girl, will accompany you to play the game , whether or not they like drops
really love you girl, will you collect your favorite things , because as long as you pleased .

really love you girl, no matter how critical in the mouth , or in her heart the most love you .

really love you girl, you can easily be moved , even if it is a very small thing .

really love you girl, even able to work independently , in front of you also prettily .

really love you girl, when someone bully you , you are more than angry, regardless of what the lady with the image and you cursed each other , until the cool down .

really love you girl, whether you have success , would always encourage you .

really love you girl, in front of his friends constantly referred to you, because she wanted friends to know you .

really love you girl, will not stop nagging you, in fact, that is your concern .

really love you girl, do not like what you are yourself a bear , so she will be more worried .

really love you girl , every time you turn off the voice chat , or are reluctant to hang up his phone, so you will ease off after the

◆ Parents birthday toast
Distinguished leaders, all were older, all have friends and family: Hello, everyone!
In this happy occasion, we are pleased to welcome the beloved father (mother) XX birthday. Today, we gathered at my father (mother) XX birthday celebration. Here, on behalf of our brothers and sisters and our children are the size of a total of XX people to visit my house for all to participate in our father (mother) longevity of all the leaders, elders and friends who extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks!
Our father (mother) for decades endured sufferings, frugal, pull one of our adulthood. The diligent work year round, they face years left depicts the ring, a spring mounted head to create the frosting. Therefore, in this happy occasion today, we first want to say is, thank the old couple's upbringing!
We believe the joint efforts of our brothers and sisters, our family business will be booming, thriving prosperity! Our parents will be long and healthy life, old, old music!
Finally, once again thank all the leaders, elders, friends and family visit!
once again wish the father (mother) in his later years happy, healthy and long life no end! Cheers!

◆ mentor birthday toast
all the leaders, the old students:
occasion of the XX anniversary of the respected teacher, we gathered to celebrate the teacher health and longevity, talked about the situation Parting from, one another career to take off, the good times, will always remain in our memory.
Now, I propose, first of all to the teachers Sincerely, three glasses of wine. The first glass of wine, happy birthday to congratulate the teacher, the second glass of wine, thank a teacher affectionate re-ex; third glass of wine and wished the teacher hundred senior citizens!
One writer said: teacher's career is a poem. beautiful poem.
teacher's journey in life, ups and downs, vicissitudes XX set, his life, when not only the flower spray flame flash, but also in the twilight of aspiration Liu Xia Yi Cai.
teacher's life, depending on the fame and fortune Danru water, to see the cause heavy as a mountain.
recall - the year that benefit sowing spring teacher, likes to watch - Yan Tao Li at the present competition in Kyushu.
Finally, my sincere wish that teacher welfare, such as the East China Sea, many happy returns! Cheers!

◆ leadership birthday toast
dear friends, ladies and gentlemen: How are you!
Today is the birthday celebration, Mr. XXX was invited to participate in this event and delivered a speech, I am deeply honored. At this point, please allow me to XXX and in my own name, to Mr. XXX extend best wishes! Mr.
XXX XX company is one of the important core of leadership. His dedication to this company's products have been obvious to me, his share of
his dedication to the cause of man's lament peers, his career even more successful peers, the proud man.
In this, we wish him the youth are always there, forever young! Hope to see him into the autumn, the snow will continue to fight Aoshuang, flow Sunny color!
vast sea, we just drop in the ocean, from strangers and friends, from the meet and know each other, who said this is not a fate? Way to go, years passed, not what the world is more precious than this. I sincerely hope that we can always hold this valuable.
In this, let us toast, let us work together for Mr. XXX XXX birthday and cheers!

◆ love birthday toast
all their friends: Good evening!
thank you to my wife's birthday party tonight! I suggested we say a few words, the spring really has nothing to talk about things. You from my face bright enough to see the happiness in my heart. Please allow me that my dear wife said a few words.
wife, you
We are so vibrant, with love and trust in marriage, I want to thank you for giving me now have everything - the world's only love and attachment to the warmth of my small house! Many people say, and then warm fire of love, after a few years will gradually fade away, but we stick to stick like a fool off each other's love, we hook the little finger had the promise of the agreement, now in the 11 to achieve and experience.
my life destined to be your only, you are my favorite, because we are intimate love, so even walk hand in hand with the way of life, growing old together! Love you forever regret this life!
Finally, I wish you sweet love, career wishful, Cheers!

◆ friends birthday toast
ladies and gentlemen, dear friends: Good evening!
candlelight shine with our smiling faces, singing our upsurge of waves. Follow the golden sun, accompanied by beautiful melodies, we welcome Mr. XX's birthday, here on behalf of a friend I wish you a happy birthday, Mr. XX, happiness forever!
In this world, people could not do without their parents, the same can not no friends. Life without friends is like a cup of coffee without sugar, bitter Nan Yan, as well as a little touch of melancholy. Because of loneliness, because intolerable, life will become no fun, no longer a real presence.
friend is standing at the window to enjoy the snow when winter wandering hands holding of a hot tea, friends, we walk in the summer when the downpour in the hands of an umbrella propped; friend is spring comes blew open our hearts that touch of winter's depressing spring, friends, is the harvest season, we revel in the Autumn Whispers in the cup of wine ... ...
Come on, friends! Let us reach for the intoxicating fragrance of wine, as Mr. XX blessing! I wish you a legitimate career afternoon, the body as strong as the tiger, numerous money, do not work hard, laid-back like a mouse, like romantic music, you are happy Mo, Cheers!

◆ full moon dinner toast
Ladies and gentlemen, friends: Hello, everyone!
At this moment, my heart is very excited and excited for the expression of my feelings at this time, I would like you bowing three times.
a bow, is to thank. Thank you to gain hands-XX restaurants to share with us the joy and happiness.
two bow, or thanks. Because everyone's attention, my wife and I have a baby, upgraded to do the parents, this is our home a landmark event. Although only a month's time parents, can we, In addition we would like to thank students, raising our parents, but also thanks to our friends, colleagues in the leadership of the unit. It was with the support of their care and help can we find life more sweet back, back to work more smoothly. Sincerely hope that we continue to support even have to help us, concerned about us.
bow three times, is to send our most sincere good wishes to all. I wish you happy forever, happy and healthy.
Today, we prepared a simple XX restaurant food and wine, I hope you eat well, drink well. If ill call, please bear with me!

◆ full moon dinner guests toast
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:
side over festive, happy event and temporary. Today is the daughter of Mr. XXX full moon day of rejoicing in this, on behalf of guests and friends, to Mr. XXX sincere blessing.
time in the past, when our perception of life brought to us all, we are becoming increasingly clear the most important things in life than life. Mr. XXX at work, a survey like, progressive, good people, I believe he created a new life. Dedicated to this beautiful life, it certainly is a fantastic song.
Let us wish this new life, I wish Mr. XXX's daughter, to wish our friends the next generation, in this peaceful community grow and become the pillars of the country! Also to wish you good health, happiness again and again, the whole family happy, everything is complete.

◆ birthday dinner toast
Leaders, distinguished friends:
first of all to visit my son's birthday today banquet warmest welcome and most sincere thanks!
At this moment, a scene, three of us standing here, and I feel very excited.
parents, we know the hard work. XX just turned one year old today, in the past 365 days, my husband and I tasted the new mother, a father's sense of happiness and pride, but also real insight into the child-rearing healthy growth without Bi Xinlao. Here today are my parents, as well as her in-laws, three decades of our upbringing, we are not to return. Today, four to take this opportunity to say with deep emotion the elderly: Thank you! And sincerely wish them health and longevity!
In the past days, all of you friends have given us many selfless help, I feel very warm. Here, allow me on behalf of our family of three, said friends and family to all of you 120,000 points grateful! Present and future time, we still expect you to teach family and friends for constructive criticism.
today to my son's first birthday you loved ones gathered together the meaning of the nearby, though not abundant food, but our true feelings, vertical light wine, but we are a enthusiastic. If ill-place, also hope you beg the indulgence.
Let us toast, I wish you success in your work and good luck! Thank you.

◆ year-old birthday party toast
leaders, distinguished guests, dear friends: Good evening!
Today is my birthday the daughter of XXX big day, very pleased to have so many friends and family come to join in, so far, on behalf of our family kind of you to visit our most heartfelt thanks!
-year-old is a very good age, is the journey of life in the first milestone, and I wish my daughter a happy birthday, to learn and progress, healthy, happy and grow, I hope she can grow into a knowledgeable, have the ability, like everyone who is willing to father, mother's roads lead to wrinkles, strands of hair into a blossoming Love you, beautiful future.
the same time, XXX is also the growth of older workers in all their care and love, hope we can continue to give her encouragement and support, which will give her life to bring more energy and vitality. Finally, the preparation of a joint one, a table of friends and family you appreciate:
the joint is: eat, ate delicious world do not waste
second line is: drink, drink wine do not make the world a drunk Streamer is: Chihaohehao

◆ eighteenth birthday toast
Dear parents, school leaders, teachers, dear all classmate: Hello, everyone! Today is the third year all the students
eighteen birthday, first of all, I wish for you on behalf of all teachers, to express my heartfelt congratulations!
today, you will eagerly look forward to with parents who face the solemn national flag sonorous oath promised, glorious to become citizens of the Republic of adults, adults taken the first step foot on a new journey in life.
eighteen years old, this is wonderful, how is the envy of the age! What a beautiful and sacred words. It means that henceforth, you will assume greater responsibility and mission, think about a deeper truth, seek more knowledge.
eighteen years old, this is your life in a new milestone, a major turning point in life, but also the journey of life in a new starting point.
students: in the years ahead, we hope to see you when the full-fledged, indomitable courage! We hope that you will always be an honest man, diligent work, step by step, with courage, knowledge, beliefs, seeking to fight the sky, creating a new life! We bless you in the future of life on the road all the way and hard work, all the way to exciting!
to their prime age of 18, cheers!

◆ three-year-old birthday toast
Dear friends:
extremely grateful to everyone for coming to celebrate my third birthday.
saying goes: three-year-old is a beautiful line. Three-year-old former beauty is youth, is the face, is beautiful and will eventually grow old; after the three-year-old beauty, is the content, is the charm, the beauty is timeless.
Now, with two-year-old innocent compared to pure and lovely smile has disappeared, and 25 compared to the healthy and lively, has gone aggressive warlike Victory. However, after successive gains and losses, the result is my firm confidence, panic, patience and a forgiving heart.
three-year-old, this is a stage of life, regardless of the stage in what has happened, I still feel thankful to say Thank you parents gave me life, thank you healthy in my life, the sun of the three-year-old, I was thirty years old thank you all have!
I was lucky, and it is happy. I engaged in an extraordinary and fulfilling work, God gave me a love of her husband and a healthy intelligent child. Health care for my parents gave me a heart at ease, and ingratiate themselves with the knowledge I can really make my heart has been added to a warm. I hope that in future life on the road, he can go even more determined.
to the mature, well-being for you. Cheers!
four-year-old birthday party toast
you family and friends, ladies and gentlemen:
Today is the birthday of my beloved mother, first of all, on behalf of my mother and family to attend a birthday party for the friends a warm welcome and deep appreciation. The first glass of wine I would like to suggest we toast, a toast to our family, let us wish our between family, friendship and more concentrated, enduring, endless, from generation to generation, forever!
Although I have to work, can be everything for my mother to worry about, all the time for my sake. Mother of the children is the most selfless, maternal love is a noble love, this love is given, without asking, like a maternal high mountains, deep like the sea, pure like white clouds, selfless like fields, I learned from my mother who deeply appreciate the This selfless love. Therefore, this second glass of wine here I respect and admiration of the most venerable of you mother. As the saying goes, children worry about the parent bank a thousand miles, take a step mother worried about children, will never be enough words to express the great maternal love, hope you can understand the love of our hearts.
this last glass of wine to get down to business, back to today's theme, once again my sincere wish that my mother happy birthday, wish you in the coming years in the happiness always, always healthy, always happy!

◆ five-year-old birthday party toast
you family and friends, distinguished guests: Good evening!
Today is my father five-year-old birthday, thank you very much for coming!
lush trees due to the raising of land, the son of the growth attributed to the parents for their hard work. Broad-minded in his father's warm inside, really made me feel love and dedication. Here, let me say thank you common sense!
father's love is subtle, every harsh rebuke, each silent pay back all the interpretation of a father to his son the kind of special care. It is a noble love, just give, without asking.
five-year-old is the autumn of your life, is the Maple Leaf general color. For me, the greatest happiness than to have to understand their parents. I got this happiness, and never lost before.
Today we gathered together to celebrate your birthday five years old, this is your life on behalf of the Long March has completed the first step, like your future career in the trees bear more fruit, ready to work with the mother's feelings getting warm! I wish you good luck
, fun.
Finally, we Huanyin wine to share with us this memorable night.

◆ 60 birthday toast
Dear friends, gentlemen: How are you!
the occasion of his sixtieth year his father, the day of birthday celebrations, on behalf of my parents, two siblings and we have to move my family to visit the birthday guests a warm welcome and the most deep and sincere thanks!
we each have their own presence respectable father, I am, however, today I can proudly tell you that we siblings have an amiable, respectful, lovely, the world's most great father!
father, your old pains to maintenance we have grown up, how many times, we are sprinkling all your troubles and pain that weather-beaten, generous loving heart. Daddy's hard, Dad's tired, and my father's love, father love, our life is difficult to repay. Dad, let me on behalf of our sisters, to your bow!
In this, I wish your father the elderly, such as the East China Sea water blessing, many happy song. May we always have a happy, happy family.
Finally, I wish good luck ladies and gentlemen, let us work together for an unforgettable tonight, thank you! Cheers!

◆ seventieth birthday dinner toast
Dear grandfather, grandmother, you elders, ladies and gentlemen: Hello, everyone!
Today is my beloved grandfather 70th birthday a good day. Here, allow me on behalf of my family, out of public and grandmother send the most sincere and warm wishes! Everyone to come here to express my sincere thanks and infinite respect!
grandfather, grandmother course of several decades of life, through thick and thin, to each other, sweet and sour products full of life, in their common life, forged a rich fruits, and accumulated wisdom of countless precious life, that is, they are thrifty and simple the spirit of the character, sincerely treat the attitude of life, owe respect, love, stay together forever with sincere emotion!
grandparents are common, but in the hearts of our younger generation is always sacred, great! Our happiness comes from the grandfather, grandmother support and encouragement, our happiness comes from the grandfather, grandmother's care and love, our unity and harmony from the grandfather, grandmother, and asked earnestly inculcate! In this, as the representative of the outside public, and grandmother, said: We must keep in mind your teaching, you inherited the spirit of unity and harmony, aggressive, in their studies, careers have made a good harvest! At the same time we must honor your dignity, to a hundred years old.
Let us toast to wish the old couple blessing, such as the East China Sea, many happy, healthy and happy forever!

◆ seventy birthday birthday toast
you friends, guests:
today, busy friends and family made a special trip to come, gathered together for my birthday, I am, and on behalf of children in the family on you for that warm welcome and heartfelt thanks!
children, relatives and friends to organize this for my birthday, my heart is very happy, makes me feel warm and caring friends and relatives, caring for the elderly also understand the deep feelings of their children, so I was able to enjoy their grandchildren!
year, my father in the countryside, had spent a day of hardship. Fast forward a few years later. I went through the most raw way of life is not smooth, long-suffering self-improvement, the encouragement of family and friends help with the country's stability, social progress, and finally out of the woods, until the glory enjoying their later years.
I think, know how optimistic, unyielding, Thanksgiving, there is a happy man. Life is full of joy and happiness, it requires us to constantly pursue.
Finally, I wish you all the best friends, best for the future Cheers!

◆ eighty birthday dinner toast
Dear ladies and gentlemen, friends:
Spring Diego is easy, time cycle, we gather here, as the mother of Mr. XXX - We Dear mother of X-eightieth birthday wish.
here, on behalf of all my old classmates, all friends and family to send her mother to the X most sincere and warm wishes, I wish my mother Fu X, such as the East China Sea, many happy and everything goes well, Fuller rain, smiling mouth Normally open, longevity!
ups and downs in eight years, X mother read the best of human vicissitudes, her life savings of the greatest wealth is her hard-working, good life, character, her generous treat of the life skills, she added that there are simple and tough love family traditions. All this, along with the years she has gone through ups and downs, but she ushered in later life with happiness. Let X mother
most pleased that this valuable asset has been her son inherited by Mr. XXX. Over the years, he shook the sea, extraordinary courage and integrity to the quality of a great success.
Let us toast, bless old evergreen tree of life, life Flows, happy birthday!
bless all the guests present here good health and smooth work and good luck!
Thank you!

◆ ninety birthday toast
Distinguished guests and friends: Hello, everyone!
the occasion of celebrating the occasion of his family, friends and family come to you birthday, the birthday of his father ninety double glory. We visit you for the warm welcome and express heartfelt thanks!
life rarely live to seventy, 90 longevity is the blessing, with people mind wide, contentment along natural!
Our father deal a soft surface, with people. He was helping the poor, and friendly neighbors; his care for the young, heavy family, your friendship, so that the Lao Qin Liu friends to help maintain the contacts, from generation to generation!
Today, in celebration of our 90th Birthday Celebration on the occasion of his father, his children and grandchildren close to the side of the family, some come, some written, some by telephone, or offer money, or money, or gifts , all from the heart to bless him with the elderly in different ways: long blessing as the East China Sea water, many happy returns not old song!
Today, we celebrate the longevity of the father of ninety, I on behalf of his elderly son, daughter, daughter, son and grandchildren, descendants, relatives and friends sincerely wish you: everything go good luck and happiness as Honey!
to celebrate our father's 90th Birthday Celebration, to deepen mutual affection, friendship, let us drink a toast of wine longevity, joy into the Changle meal!

◆ centenary birthday toast
fellow teachers, ladies and gentlemen:
Today we gather together to celebrate the centenary birthday of Mr. XX. Here, I on behalf of the school and in my own name to express my warm congratulations to Mr. XX, I sincerely wish Mr. XX health! Also to the teachers of you today to express our sincere gratitude. Thank you for the XX series of development over the years, especially in disciplines XX made a positive contribution! Mr.
XX XX discipline's pioneers and academic leaders is one of China XX an important research area founder. Mr. XX, respected, knowledgeable, up to six years of teaching and research career, he has fame and fortune, brave, tireless, not only for the XX line XX in contemporary China but also for the construction of academic subjects, and made an outstanding training contribution. Mr.
XX only books that contribute to academic study after a number sufficient to benefiting outstanding academic discourse, and teaching, words and deeds, has trained many outstanding talents.
decades, XX President to their own knowledge and actions profoundly affected and infected around his colleagues and students, younger scholars to establish the moral and academic role models.
centenary birthday in the occasion of Mr. XX holding such a celebration, relive his academic experience, is very significant, will inspire you to follow the example of Mr. XX, to further promote school construction and curriculum development of morality .
Finally, once again sincerely wish Mr. XX health! I wish more vigorous development of XX series! Please Cheers! Thank you!

◆ toast the inauguration of new president
Distinguished leaders, teachers:
Good evening!
For me, today is a particularly grand day. First of all, I sincerely thank the county Board of Education, the town party committee and government and run by the teachers to develop confidence in me and, thank the teacher for my care and support, especially former president, his hard work for the school's future development and support, especially the former president, his hard work for the school's future development has laid a solid foundation. In this, I told all the leaders, teachers, and our former president to express my heartfelt thanks!
XX as a primary school principal, I know the quality of their political, cultural heritage, academic knowledge, decision-making capacity, the spirit of service still need further improvement, should be competent in this role, you must pay the arduous efforts ... ... At this moment, I would like to use a sage of the poem to describe my mood and desire, that is, Happiness!

◆ hospital leadership inaugural toast
Distinguished leaders, comrades:
Hello, everyone!
based organization, I went to City Hospital, we serve and chair work. This is a great honor for me. I am also aware of the weight and burden of responsibility on the shoulders of major.
as the leading medical institutions in the city over the years, the municipal government under the correct leadership, the previous leadership laid a solid foundation, we are both the overall appearance of the image of the hospital or in-house construction, infrastructure improvements, or both raise the level of medical care, whether to establish disciplines or ethics, has made considerable progress in all aspects. On the city in terms of their medical and service levels. There is no doubt; its status and role, can not be replaced; its facilities and technology, unparalleled.
the future, let us encourage one another, so that the hospital's work into a new level.
Finally, a happy life for everyone, work well, Cheers!

◆ Friendship Association inaugural toast
Distinguished leaders, members of the council, members:
Good evening!
Thank you very much for my confidence and support by electing me as XX County Association of foreign talent first Council president. For this award, I feel more honored, but also feel themselves a heavy responsibility. Earnest eyes from you, I see is everyone's expectations and trust. I will during his tenure along with all members of the Council, in accordance with Association's Articles of Association, dedicated to work hard to hand over all members of a satisfactory answer.
as an outsider, I have 18 years to the XX, XX period I witnessed the tremendous economic and social changes have taken place, where all are very proud achievement for me, let me more and more development of the XX confidence. At the same time, where all the foreign talent also found to fully display their talents on the stage, can be said that the establishment of our Association is to showcase individual talent and ability the opportunity to ... ...
as president, I will lead by example for the Association's development best efforts. Speak louder than words, let me use the real action to prove it to you.
Finally, I wish our club and prosperity, I wish you all good health and good luck. Cheers!

◆ studies farewell toast
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:
this autumn cool, Jincheng fragrance of the day, we gathered together to congratulate XX, XX couple son of XX pass the examination, high school XX University. Thanks to the profound friendship of the guests, I on behalf of Mr. XX, XX, Ms., and XX of the arrival of the students expressed the most cordial welcome and most sincere thanks!
four so-called life happy event:
friends, bided bitter, college entrance exam in over five hurdles of XX students feel at this moment is what? Too proud Horseshoe illness, Chang spent every day look. I propose that the first glass of wine for Yingcai farewell! Students will stay away from their loved ones, away from home the challenges of life, please accept our common blessing: wide sea diving, the days of His Career!
second glass of wine, the family wishes XX smooth, two off the dragon, auspicious beginning, the four seasons peace, Five Blessings, Double Six, Seven is shining, all directions luck, ninety-one mind!
third glass of wine, I wish you the Four Seasons guests Corning, everything all along!
friends, Cheers!

◆ farewell toast to go abroad to learn
Dear friends:
Good evening!
gratifying but today is a memorable day, because after the company's decision. XX comrades will learn to leave the country. This not only allows us to XX or cheap to have this opportunity and happy, but also allows us to get along with colleagues working for many years and am about to leave devotion.
XX comrades over the years as an employee of the company, He was honest, upright style of thinking, loyalty, dedication, and comply with company rules and regulations, subject to distribution, respect for leadership, harmony and harmonious relationships with colleagues. As the saying goes no one indispensable, these words are usually right, but for us, no one can replace the XX location. Although we will miss him very much, but we wish him the best in the coming days to get the greatest happiness he deserved.
here on behalf of the company's leaders and all staff of the XX cheap efforts to express my sincere thanks. The company also hopes to learn all the comrades of the dedicated ground XX professionalism, and strive to do their work.
In this we also hope to continue to care XX cheap for our business, and a lot of contact with colleagues.
Finally, let us toast to wish XX comrades smooth journey, and coming back soon, Cheers!

◆ farewell banquet toast
old principal Comrades:
Today, we cherish the feelings of parting farewell XX where XX high school principal to president, secretary!
XX XX school comrades working in the ten-year period, work conscientiously, diligently, in charge of education, outstanding achievements in teaching, outstanding performance, the school has made great contributions to our teacher on behalf of three thousand students with a warm applause to express my heartfelt thanks XX president! At the same time, I also sincerely hope that the next president to continue to support the care XX XX school development, but also hope schools XX XX schools became more friendly with the brother of the school, hope to see you taking the time to go home, because there you are young the shadows, here is your hard work and sweat poured off the second home.
Here, I propose, to the whole family healthy and happy XX principals, to our friendship forever, Cheers!

◆ graduation dinner toast
Distinguished leaders, dear friends:
Hello, everyone!
banquet hall today because of your visit every Piper and brilliance, in this, on behalf of my family from the heart to say: Thank you for many years for my daughter's care and help, we welcome the visit, Thank you!
This is a clear and crisp, sunny season, this is a news of success, the good news of the moment of harvest. It is through the reserve in winter, spring planting, summer work, autumn harvest, only in exchange for the whole family with us today, we like the same fun. Thank a teacher! Thanks friends! Thank all the brothers and sisters! Willing to Auld Lang Syne!
daughter, mother, please remember: youth, like a silver bell, Department of the heart, only non-stop running, it will be issued pleasant sound. Based on this piece of virgin land of youth, the university hall, the seeds of scientific knowledge, hard work to do with plow hoe, will condense on the applied fertilizer, to another one this season even more than today praise the golden and aromatic.
today's feast, just a little insignificant manifestation of gratitude. Now I invite you to toast for today's celebrations, ideal for my daughter was admitted to the university, for our friendship, but also for us and our families' health and happiness Cheers!

◆ outstanding staff award toast
Dear leaders:
very grateful to all of you can give me the honor leadership, I feel very honored. Incomparable joy of heart, but more moving. Really, this recognition and acceptance, so I was very moved, I feel coming into this family. Their pay and performance has been recognized by the greatest return. I will work harder!
In this, thank the leadership guide me in the right direction, thanks to my colleagues, professors and patiently pointing. was named outstanding employees
Although, I know, I do not place too much, in particular, just contact with XX in this industry, there are many things I still need to learn. I will work hard to sustain their practical advantages, accelerate the pace, with an open mind to all kinds of older employees to learn job skills, to do every job. This honor will spur my progress, so I do better.
cause the key to success in the people. In this competitive era, you do not struggle, hard work, will be big waves wrecking, I am sure: No pain, no gain, as long as you pay, there will certainly be rewarded. From the bits and pieces of work, I will carefully accumulated experience, the skills continue to improve for the future work to lay a solid foundation.
let us join hands to work together for the XX's future, making it the largest and strongest XX. We work hard together!
Finally, I wish you all the work your heart wishful, onward and upward! I respect you!

◆ reunions toast
Dear Students:
relaxation time fly, time flies. Graduated 18 years in this together, circle each one of us students dream. Thanks for initiating this meeting the students!
back in the past, classmate IV contains, like brothers, scene by scene, as clear as yesterday.
Today, let's open the treasure the memory of 18 years, open their hearts sealed for 18 years, enjoy Well, Liaoba, tell 18 years from the situation, then talk about friendship, and frankly it might have restless boys and girls in bloom mind hazy love, let us feel to sing, dance and let the time back 18 years, let us go back to high school, so each of us the young age of 18.
snow flying out the window, the room was cozy warm. I hope our students will always love the atmosphere of the hall as it is today, like, hot, in good faith; May our love forever, like the students today, like the snow outside the window, white, crystal clear.
Now, let us toast:
to high school friendship, thoughts for 18 years, in order to meet today, Cheers!

◆ toast
Dear teachers and students meet teachers and fellow students:
10 years ago, we, with the same dreams and vision, With the same passion and enthusiasm, from across the country met together in the XX. In those four years, we live in a warm big family, spent most pure life, the most romantic time.
for our healthy growth, our class teacher and the teacher who subjects us a lot of trouble. Today, we deliberately put them back from your busy schedule to attend this gathering, on their arrival a warm welcome and our sincere thanks.
Time flies, Riyuerusuo, from graduation day, an instant ten spring and passed. Then seventeen-year-old youth, now entered the father, the ranks of middle-aged mother.
students in their respective positions on the dedication, hard work, have been taken as the backbone of all areas of society. But regardless of ups and downs of life with the rich and poor, students are always honest sincere friendship, and as we, like table wine, the more concentrated the longer the more fragrant.
Come on, students! Let us and the teachers together, to regain memories of that year review period of good times, cheerfully and endless love the teachers and students, Alumni of the friendship it
10 years ago, The

◆ family gatherings toast
beloved elders:
Good evening! Chinese New Year reunion
sip of wine, plus every family happy New Year. In today's New Year's day, on behalf of juniors, seniors speak for all of you our thanks and blessings ... ...
journey in life, thank you for your support and comfort, let us tired stay in love when the harbor, shower with warm eyes, hear the ceaseless incentive difficulties in meeting the pre-understanding indifferent beauty of harmony.
Thank you, thank you every day and night to accompany traveled together!
New Year wishes, I wish the elders in the new year in good health, happy, happy life. Cheers!

◆ toast
old party comrades comrades:
Good evening!
gathered at this moment, I feel very excited, faced with a picture of familiar and friendly faces, emotions, emotion. Military
Looking back, how can the good times in daily life forgotten, the eventful years of sharing joy, setting you my comrades in arms of love Song of thick.
twenty long years, pronto. Sincere friendship, closely linked, many years later, we re-encounter his comrades, still able to readily show the innocence of a rare, can still straightforward to answer each other, the kind of scene inspirational.
Now, as we busy with their work, labor in the family, less contact with each other, but formed a friendship green camp, there is no wind, have been deposited as wine, often unsealed, always food for thought. Today, we gather here from far apart, cheerfully and friendship, will remember this happy life.
Finally, I propose, let us toast to our happiness together, happiness for our families, for our friendship forever, Cheers!

◆ Teacher's Day forum toast
Distinguished Leadership: Hello, everyone!
fruitful in this fall season, we remember with excitement and joy ushered XX, Teacher's Day, but moved with happiness With Teacher's Day to participate in the provincial forum. As XX, a primary educator, I feel a great honor and a strong sense of mission.
in coaching XX years, I have both rural and urban areas, growing from a normal school graduates as a national model teacher, broke with the party and government to experience the care and training of teachers. The sun and rain shower party, we rejoice, self and self-motivation, and actively explore effective strategies for implementation of quality education, especially in the education of children left behind to do a good attempt, vigorously promoted the healthy growth of children.
Because love and responsibility, so we devoted a strong left-behind children's feelings; because of love and dedication, cast our boundless loyalty to the cause of education. Care students, and selfless devotion, dedication and innovation, this is our party and the people trust, but also our eternal theme of education. We will always follow the theme of triumph!
Finally, let us toast to a new level of education wish, I wish you good health, Cheers!

◆ New Year's party toast
Ladies and gentlemen, friends:
Good evening!
joy accompanied by sweat, accompanied by tough successful, unfortunately, inspire struggle, we unwittingly walked into 2008. Tonight we gather in XX company is set up the first X number of years, I and everyone's feeling the same excitement.
in the New Year approaching, the first of the company on behalf of XX company to long-term care and support career development and community leaders at all levels extend my festive greetings and sincere wishes!
to our family and friends Happy New Year! Our results bit by bit with the help of family and friends are under the care obtained, in the new year and wish them good health all wishes come true!
hard for a year to the soldiers of all employees New Year! Thank you for the sweat and in 2007 to pay. Many production line employees mind the overall situation, to give up many holidays, day and night fighting in the workplace, with sweat pouring down the XX is not a monument. I take this opportunity to the company's employees on all fronts extend cordial greetings and heartfelt thanks.
In 2008, the company has gone to a higher platform, the new year, the company will continue to follow the on the basis of last year, continue to deepen, only one purpose: to enhance the company's core competitiveness. I believe that 2008 is good weather, good harvest year, XX company would be more powerful, the income level of employees at a certain level! Road as the temperature
with big iron, CHAMC. I flash to ourselves to unite to fight hard to create a new brilliant! New year, we are fully confident, full of passion, let us join hands to create a better future! Cheers!

◆ Father's Day toast
Dear Mom and Dad, you brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen:
Hello, everyone!
Today is a memorable day, is an annual Father's Day! We are gathered here for our father, mother blessing, I wish my parents happiness, longevity endless!
maternal deep sea, father heavy as a mountain. It is said that you had selected in June because of the pro section of the June sun is most intense in the year, a symbol of his father to give their children the love that hot. Father as a mountain, tall and majestic; father, such as days, wild and far-reaching; Shensui father is great, pure and without asking for anything. Father, like a tree, always blissful silence, left him a solid arm for the lush foliage of our trees shelter, making shade. We have grown up unconsciously, and the tree was getting older, and even the leaves are no longer emerging vibrant. Each year the third Sunday in June is the father of the festival, so we sincerely say: Dad, I love you!
every Father's Day, I want to wish you always keep a youthful passion, the young fighting! So, even if you hair growing full capacity, increasingly hobbled gait, and I will always have a young father!
Let us toast to his father, mother and healthy life, Cheers!

◆ housewarming dinner toast
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Good evening!
First of all, I want to represent my family, to you all for coming to express my sincere thanks! Thank you, thank you.
the saying goes, the spirit of cool people every happy event. I am currently immersed in this housewarming.
ago, the living heart of my house, living in shabby homes, it is not made wine, but did not dare invite friends to drink. Because of that my house too shabby, fear not friends, sincere hospitality owner misunderstanding; that shabby homes too simple, really afraid of pity, such as return guests.
different from today, because today I've got a really called a Although far from this magnificent home, but it is yet quiet, bright and yet comfortable and warm. More importantly, this home was filled with full of love! With such a quiet, bright, comfortable, warm home, you can be happy, serious heart can not ease it?
so, specially reserved seats under this wine, it is to move me share to you festivity, but I would like to take this wine to colleagues, friends, I express our most sincere congratulations on the move thanks, I also take this wine I wish you happiness, success in your work best for the future! You please toast.

◆ celebrate the new house hosted speech
guests, ladies and gentlemen:
Hello, everyone!
Today we are here gathered together to congratulate XX, XX celebrate the couple's new house. Thanks to the profound friendship of the guests, I on behalf of Mr. XX Ms. XX you for coming, warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks!
XX, XX couple's life hard, frugal, such as comparing past and present successful career, happy family, happy. So, here I am also on behalf of XX Hotel and guests, the couple move to the new home to express my sincere congratulations!
thank guests for the friendship. XX government set up here a little informal dinner, guests beg the indulgence of giving hope and understanding.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us listen to his hand glass, a common blessing XX, XX a plenty of money, fun! I wish you gentlemen, fortunes, Four Seasons Corning!
Now, I declare that: Gun. Open seats.

◆ wedding anniversary toast
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:
Hello, everyone!
two ups and downs, all the way to love table Yongming.
Today is XXXX XX XX May Day is a day of extraordinary and ordinary. However, we cut off the couple said, but it is a special significance but memorable day: the twentieth anniversary wedding anniversary --- marriage, also known as
ancients as ice or crystal, as the ice crystal. It is crystal clear, is it considered Colorless crystal, or gem-fifth anniversary of marriage.
In summary, the crystal, it is ordinary people extraordinary symbol of marriage - transparent, pure, strong, beautiful. We stroll by twenty one years, mutual help, support, humility, kindness, love, time to love more sweet, more happy, very happy.
Finally, I wish you love sweet, happy life. Cheers!

◆ school building anniversary toast
Dear teachers, students:
Hello, everyone!
school today welcomed the thirtieth anniversary of the XX anniversary. At this festive time, on behalf of XX to XX years of secondary school to the development of all staff who work diligently to honor high school XX to all students who study hard, high respect and sincere thanks!
passage of time, years of vicissitudes. Ups and downs, XX gone through three years of high school glory days. After three decades of pioneering seed, this place has become a fertile ground, grow seedlings Zhu Zhu, Tao Li lined, Fruitful.
Looking back, we are proud and looking forward to the future, we aspire to, uh, with the shelter, we appreciate the past and, we deeply long way to go. Yesterday's achievement is a period, development is the eternal theme. In the new years, new journey, we will firmly grasp the theme of the times, pay close attention to the accumulation of cultural heritage, focusing on fine management, to create the XX brand, established characteristics of schools, nurture top talent,
I firmly believe: XX school tomorrow will be more brilliant! For tomorrow, Cheers!
Thank you

◆ witnesses toast
Today, I by the groom, the bride's trust, as Mr. XX XX married Miss witnesses, honored, In this sacred and solemn wedding ceremony, for which the perfect pair of new evidence caused Jiaoutiancheng feel exceptionally honored wedding speech is a rare opportunity.
groom Mr. X XX units are now engaged in work XX, XX position as this year, XX years old. The groom is not only handsome, but kind-hearted, talented.
bride Miss XX XX units are now engaged in work XX, XX position as this year, XX years old. Bride not only looks beautiful and generous, and gentle, mature, sensible.
ancient saying: minds think alike. Love is love is the edge or in some kind of already doomed, life's fate so that they come together, set foot on the red carpet of marriage, from a happy life together. God will not only allow the couple to love each other, but also let their children go on forever happy.
At this recall, the bride, the groom became happy couples, after the contrast from past and present, rich and poor, disease, poor environment, life and death, you have a lifetime single-minded, faithful to care for each other, in the journey of life forever soulmate, a lifetime of happiness.
please Huanyin wine, I wish the new love life, one mind forever. Thank you!

◆ introducer
toast the bride and groom, witnesses, master of ceremonies, distinguished guests:
Hello, everyone!
Today is Mr. XXX and XXX marriage to Miss, Love for All Seasons of great rejoicing as their referee, to participate in the wedding ceremony, I feel very honored. I am also ashamed because my introducer only a minute to work, is to introduce them to understanding the rest of the communication, will, drawing near the affectionate, etc., are their own completed.
It's no wonder, so you see the bride is beautiful, the groom so handsome, and talented female appearance Lang was indeed, a perfect fit.
so even with the toast, and sincerely wish that the new human earnest, which means rain, a hundred years marriage, note bath in love. Cheers!

◆ groom's parents toast
two relatives, distinguished guests:
Hello, everyone!
Today my son and Miss XX witness and bless you in a happy married, my wife and I very excited. As the groom's father, I on behalf of the groom, the bride and the whole family busy all came to participate in XX, XX wedding ceremony to express my sincere gratitude and warm welcome!
grateful to the two relatives ... ...
fate that my son and friend Miss XX, phase reports, love. To this day as husband and wife. From now on, hope they can mutual respect, mutual love, mutual understanding, mutual aid, with their wisdom and hard-working hands to create their own future.
wish the two couples to grow old, loving life, in business to a higher level, but also hope that we eat here, drink good!
to! Let us toast to wish you all good health, family happiness, cheers!

◆ bride's parents toast
ladies and gentlemen, friends and family:
Today is our X's daughter and son X at home festive wedding day, ladies and gentlemen, my presence a warm welcome and sincere thanks!
today, is an unusual day, because in our blessing, but also the formation of a new family.
In this happy occasion, I hope the two young people, with love, good, pure heart, with their hard work, courage, wisdom, hands to create a warm home, the construction of safe haven, to create glow of Canruo happy tomorrow.
In this happy occasion, I am also grateful to the wedding came from all of you friends and relatives, in ten years, decades of years, you have care and support, helped me to work and live. You are my most respected and remembered, I hope you take care of in later years, love, guide and support two children, I asked everyone bow to you! We are also grateful to the host
humor, tell the auspices of the lotus. Today's marriage ceremony to make a more grand, warm, warm and peaceful.
let me once again thank you. Cheers!

◆ new elders toast
ladies and gentlemen, friends:
today two new wedding day, as the bride's aunt, on behalf of all of you friends and family friend to the bride the groom to express my heartfelt blessing, as well as by the bride, the groom's delegate to the guests a warm welcome.
most festive moment in life, I sincerely wish them husband and wife can be mutual trust, mutual support. Enviable in this day, you should be happy, all the relatives and friends are blessings for your wedding, you will always be happy, happy life together.
Prince and princess married to face many practical problems, life is not a fairy tale, I hope you will have a psychological preparation. Meanwhile, we hope that you can run each other later in life, mutual tolerance, mutual understanding, to have lived like a fairy tale as wonderful.
Finally, I propose two new people to live a rich life, physical well-being for both parents, but also for all of you here guests destined to meet, Cheers!

◆ leadership toast
Distinguished guests, friends:
you! Mr. X is the backbone of the business unit XX, X, Ms. gentle and virtuous, is your big day today, on behalf of XX XX units and unit members sincerely wish you all: wedding happy, happy!
like loving you double knot two years, thousands of miles marriage accompany;
Haikushilan concentric forever, wide sky to take off together,
happy love each other forever, Palit concentric happy long!
blessing for you, for your laughter, because today, my heart is with you the same joy, joy! I wish you, Love for All Seasons! Grow old!

◆ new toast
all the leaders, all have friends and family:
times life can have the most memorable, happiest moment, and today I really feel very excited from within the heart, very happiness, but very memorable. Today I married Miss XX, our elders, relatives, close friends and leaders who have come in his busy schedule to participate in our wedding ceremony, to today's wedding brings joy, brings joy, brings a sincere blessing.
to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our parents, our parenting adults, thanks to the leadership of care, thanks to the blessings of friends.
I also deeply grateful to my father-in-law, you put your hands the old couple's only an apple to deliver to me, thank you for your trust, I definitely will not disappoint you. I have to say, I may in this life can not get your daughter to become the world's richest woman, but I will use my life to make her the happiest woman in the world.
Some experts say the world's male population is now over three billion, and I actually was fortunate to receive three one-billionth of a chance to become Miss XX husband, three opportunities for the equivalent of one billionth of a 500 million in the lottery even in a month, but I think this life can and XX together, is the number of 5 million yuan can not match!
Finally, I wish you every success, family happiness. Please toast with us to share this happy moment.
Thank you!

◆ best man toast
Distinguished guests, friends:
Hello, everyone! XXX
today as the best man, I feel very honored.
classmate decade, the years of growth rings recorded many of our wonderful memories. Was in class with pen as the language, for the words to paper, we are interested in talking about the topic; had asked the day of wine in the quarters, Hui Fang Qiu, who serious gaze laugh, sat. No matter how we may be the
I once and XXX chat, he said that if the love will go for XXX. Now, he succeeded, finally got his wish to marry a beautiful and soften the XXX, I and class of all the students proud of you and really pleased.
the highest power, until the white-haired, teeth fall out! Naughty tonight you will witness the bright lights tonight, shyly hiding in the clouds after you who will testify joking, the two hundred here tonight holding a sincere heart for friends and family wishes You will co-witness.
Finally, let us toast to wish this beautiful woman life together, to tie the knot!
Thank you!

◆ bridesmaids toast
Distinguished guests, friends, Hello, everyone!
XXX in its beauty and character in the popular classmates and friends, and today she finally trusts his life with her hand to the people who know and love.
XXX and I are university students, four years to get along to talk about anything we have become close friends. After graduation we are far apart, but time and space to isolate and did not affect our friendship. When will I know when to be bridesmaids as XXX, his joy is self-evident. Today, I came to this city to attend the wedding of XXX, as is to express to you my two blessings.
wish you tie the knot, handle old age, wish you love, such as lotus-like constancy, the same can be over a thousand years Wanzai; wish you the love affair in the future through thick and thin, laughter for life; wish you married to each other love and mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual pity, years longer, deeper feelings, wishes in your future life, colorful, beautiful and intelligent children, always happy!

I smiled, looked cold and everyone around, it is one hysterical smile, two extreme intersection.
I have forgotten how to cry.
a person sitting in the corner, I rely on impassively cold wall, begin to learn only a little heat in the hot tea.
looked at the crowd laughing, still smiling, I am sad that no one noticed.

keep blood pouring from a wound in hand, I forget the pain, either fresh blood drops to fall onto the floor. Suddenly, I found myself not bright red blood, it's the same color and loneliness. I have forgotten the color of loneliness.
opened the door, I smell the breath of winter, and my heart can not hibernate in the cold, naked soul is torn, the pain to numbness, loss of feeling.

my country with the same loneliness, this may be fate. Darkness, I lit a candle, dim the flame gently beating, it is still the heartbeat. However, make candles, darkness engulfed me, there is no resistance, no struggle.
I had used dark.
walking alone late at night no one on the street, my world is still only my own, cold and helpless quietly spread, associating me with the pain.

boiled water kept boiling steaming, I stare at it, little by little thoughts fly my body.
I thinking?
What else can I do?
constantly ask himself, did not answer.
I have been accustomed to questioning their own.
no idea, there is breathing, clear breath, I can hear his heart beat. Strongly about what in the end I promise copy or cross-eyes?

turn on the computer, I heard a mouse and keyboard in the quiet night issued clear sound. qq no one. Suddenly was asked to authenticate, in his self-introduction column, I saw one quite right to say: Lying in bed, his eyes looking at the ceiling, stop thinking about that sentence.
original, I have already used to boring.

does not make sense of my life, my life is not happy, because helpless, as ruthless. No goal, I live in their own unique way, to live in their own world.
go on the road, do not bother pointing and cold, I still walked calmly and firmly, his face still wearing inexplicable smile. In the passing of life, why obsession, then you are just passing me? Think of you, I put away a smile, stopped, looked up at day, not blue, the color is lonely.
I can not force myself not to think about you.

nest on the sofa, rubbing his hands constantly forced the temple, the habit of migraine attacks with me. The table stood a glass of ice water and painkillers, I did not touch them, close your eyes, feeling pain gives me stress.
I have become accustomed to torture yourself.
suddenly felt cold hands warm, the original is hot tears, I thought I had no tears.

angel with wings, I did not, so I'm not an angel.
devil magic, I did not, so I'm not the devil.
I have is, is helpless, despair and loneliness of freedom.
heart of hope and despair to struggle with fierce, winning is helpless. I have learned to accept frustration, like helpless compromise.
... ...
disadvantage is too good angel, devil's drawback is too evil, too cowardly to my disadvantage.

gently close your eyes, hard, greedy to breathe the air without you. Is free? Or miss? I can not answer yourself, you had no case to thin air.
I have learned to adapt to the cold thin air.
laughed, cried, fights, uttered, and now I need to, just cold.

sunshine through the window, gently shines on me. Open your eyes and block glare with my hand a light, covered with blankets, I intend to continue to be interrupted dream. Once awakened
dream can not goes on. Angry from the bed and sat up, his hands supporting his head, my messy hair, hanging down. Wake up. I own a wry smile shook his head, to accept the reality with despair, to meet the meaningless new day.
I have used static life.

, and had no cause and effect, not a hundred years without you I am. I know, a hundred years you will still be you, just short of my thoughts.

wind mess my hair, I do not care, slowly walking the streets in winter. I am numb to move forward, a little fuzzy, vaguely I see you in the front, one step forward, but you farther and farther away from me.
Pinmingdexiang you rush I know you in my eyes disappear. Stopped breathing, breathing heavily, I began to laugh, laugh yourself silly, laugh at my stupidity.

room, books filled the whole table, I sat in front of piles of books, with a sigh. Silent for a moment, I suddenly stood up, grabbed the hand break those boring books, hard to fire in the wall and threw it, and then fell heavily in his own bed.
a long time, I got up to book a one who picked up again on the table, helpless smile, his own buried in books piled up.

lying on the table, I buried my face deeply his arms, tears flooded out so unexpectedly. I have been doing deep breathing, trying to mend the heart of the fluctuations, but I can not control themselves.

I removed the false smile, put a tired face. Still sentimentally attached to you, but I have to learn to hide.

because I am independent. .

not what you told me to show off

you some of everything, I will with my own efforts to get

I do not envy you over again ,

Instant to Shanghai nearly two years, have been accustomed to life here. Many people have asked me , I am sad that two years before, refused to give up too , thought of giving up , but when the last to give up , when suddenly there is another self saying have completed their own way .
thank my friends in Shanghai , is the support you gave me , is that you let me have the courage to stay .
slowly I became happy, learned after the frustration with their own , said , !
I hope you are happy together, ups and downs of life is the real salt of life , learn to enjoy one of each flavor .

Toolbox (tools share a shortcut to press [Shift] plus the shortcut key to select)
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Crop tool [C]
Move tool [V]
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso [L]
Magic Wand [W]
; Airbrush Tool [J]
Brush Tool [B]
like leather stamp, pattern stamp [S]
History Brush Tool [Y]
like the eraser tool [E]
pencil, straight line tool [N]
Blur, Sharpen, Smudge Tool [R]
; Dodge, Burn, Sponge tool [O]
; pen, free pens, magnetic pens [P] ;
[+ Add Anchor Point tool Delete Anchor Point Tool []
- directly select]
tool [A] L
; text, text mask, vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
measurement tool [U]
Linear Gradient, Radial Gradient, symmetric gradient, gradient angle, diamond gradient [G]
; Paint Bucket tool [K]
straw, the color sampler [I]
; Hand tool [H]
Zoom tool [Z]
The default foreground and background color [D]
Switch foreground and background color [X]
Switching standard mode and Quick Mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full-screen mode with menu bar , full-screen mode [F]
temporary use of mobile tools [Ctrl]
temporary use of suction tool [Alt]
color ; the temporary use of the hand tool [space]
; open the Tool Options panel [Enter]
fast input tool options (the current tool options panel can be adjusted at least one number) [0] to [9]
cycle through the brush [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift] + [[]
select the last brush [Shift] + []]
create a new gradient (in the 0
file operations New graphics file [Ctrl] + [N]
; create a new file with default settings [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [N] Open an existing image [Ctrl] + [O]
open to .. . [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [O]
; close the current image [Ctrl] + [W]
save the current image [Ctrl] + [S]
; Save As ... [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [S]
; stored copy of the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [S]
; page setup [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [P] print [Ctrl] + [P] Open the ],[the last show of the Set the Set ],[; set the ; set ) [Ctrl] + [5]
; set ; set the set [Ctrl] + [8]
Undo / Redo ago step [Ctrl] + [Z]
restore more than two-step operation [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z]
; redo more than two-step operation [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Z]
; cut path to the selected image or [Ctrl] + [X] or [F2]
copy the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [C]
Copy Merged [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [C ]
sticky contents of the Clipboard to the current graph [Ctrl] + [V] or [F4]
stick to the contents of the clipboard box in [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]
Free Transform [Ctrl] + [T]
application of free transform (in the free transform mode) [Enter]
point from the center or symmetry transform (in the free transform mode) [Alt ]
limit (in the free transform mode below) [Shift]
distortion ( In Free Transform mode) [Ctrl]
cancel the distortion (in the free transform mode) [Esc]
; free copy of the pixel data conversion [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [T]
once again transform the pixel data and copying a copy of the [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + [T] delete box in the pattern or selected path [DEL]
; with the background color selected area or the entire layer [Ctrl] + [BackSpace] or [Ctrl] + [Del]
Fill the selected area with the foreground color or the entire layer [Alt] + [BackSpace] or [Alt] + [Del]
; pop-up ],[History is filled [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Backspace]
Image Adjustment 9
; adjust levels [Ctrl] + [L]
Auto Levels [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [L]
Open the Curves adjustment dialog box [Ctrl] + [M]
the curve on the selected channel Add new point ('Curve' dialog box) in the image Click [Ctrl] plus
in the composite curve outside of all add a new point on the curve ('Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] + [Shift]
plus Click
; move the selected point ('Curve' dialog box) [ ],[; increase of 10 points to 10 points to move the selected point increments ('Curve' dialog box) [Shift] + [Arrow]
; select multiple control points ('Curve' dialog box) [Shift] plus point by ; W
forward control point ( 'Curves' dialog box) [Ctrl] + [Tab]
; after the move control point ('Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Tab]
; add a new point ('Curve' dialog box) click on the grid
Delete point ('Curve' dialog box) [Ctrl] plus points abolished by point
Select all points on the selected channel ('Curves' dialog box) [Ctrl] + [D]
the curve mesh finer or more coarse ('Curves' dialog box) [Alt] plus point by grid
; select the color channel ('Curves' dialog box) [Ctrl] + [~ Choose one]
color channel ('Curves' dialog box) [Ctrl] + [number]
Open the ; open the Full map adjustment (in the Hue / Saturation ]
only adjust red (in the Hue / Saturation only adjust yellow (in the Hue / Saturation only adjust the green (in the Hue / Saturation
] + [3] only adjust blue (in the Hue / Saturation only adjust the blue (in the Hue / Saturation ; only adjust magenta (in the Hue / Saturation ],[; to color [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [U]
; RP [Ctrl] + [I]
; layer operations
; from the dialog box to create a new layer [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [N]
the default option to create a new layer [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [N]
by copying a layer [Ctrl] + [J]
through the establishment of a shear layer [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [J]
; grouped with the previous layer [Ctrl] + [G]
; Ungroup [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [G]
; down layers merge or merge join [Ctrl] + [E]
; Merge Visible [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [E]
stamp or seal connection diagram layer [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [E]
; stamp visible layer [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [E]
layer the current layer down [Ctrl] + [[]
; Bring on the current layer [Ctrl] + []]
the current layer to the bottom [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [[]
; the current layer to the top [Ctrl] + [Shift] + []]
activate the next layer [Alt] + [[]
; activate a layer on the [Alt] + []]
Activate the bottom layer [Shift] + [Alt] + [[] activate the top layer [Shift] + [Alt] + []]
; to adjust current layer of transparency (no figures for the current tool parameters, such as mobile tools) [0] to [9] L
retain the current layer of the transparent area (switch) [/]
projection (in the ],[; outer glow effect (in the ; inner glow (in the
Bevel and Emboss effect (in the results application of the currently selected effect and bring the adjustable parameters (in the ; layer blending mode
cycle through mixed-mode [Alt] + [-] or [+]
normal [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [N]
; threshold (bitmap mode) [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [L]
dissolved [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [I]
; behind the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Q]
Clear [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [R]
; Multiply [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [M]
screen [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [S]
superimposed [Ctrl] [Alt ] + [O]
soft [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F]
light [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [H]
Color Dodge [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]
; Color Burn [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [B]
; dim [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [ ],[+ [Alt] + [G]
; difference [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [E]
; excluding [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [X]
Hue [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [U]
; saturation [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [T]
; color [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [C] ;
luminosity [Ctrl] + [ ],[color sponge tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [J]
; add color sponge tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [A]
; dark reduced light / Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W]
; the middle of reduced light / Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [V]
; high light Dodge / Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z]
; Select All [Ctrl] + [A]
; deselect [Ctrl] + [D]
; re-select [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [D]
; Feather selection [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]
; Invert [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [I]
path variable number of constituencies keyboard [Enter]
containing selected District [Ctrl] + click the layer, path, channel panel shrink about plans

someone sent me a Q number, I did not expect an above suddenly you do not know the original existed , or I add , I have forgotten because I get this Q when the number , particularly bad mood , complexity , things are always casual , so we chatted on .
although talk time is running out , but I always feel you are my friend , a friend talk about anything , I tell you no barriers , no kind of strange feeling, you just feel like I met a friend for many years , perhaps this is the edge .
until one day , suddenly want to see you , so go very abrupt space that belongs to you , first met there's no sense of the kind of binding , naturally became friends , since there is not happy happy , happy not happy with , there is sadness , there will be lost and you say, you always tell a joke to me listen , let me become a good mood , not for some non-essential things to worry about , worried about my state of mind becomes particularly good , Oh, thank you friends , an intimate friend of the heart to heart .
I remember once , QQ on suddenly without you , you can not find me, where I often find I share moved I can not describe , if one day , you disappear, so do not know that I will find you , but please remember that a friend is for life , until death . I am grateful to bring you this Q , you make my life more than a hint of fun .

1. You let me roll, I roll. You let me come back, I'm sorry, roll away the
2. Rogue is not terrible, afraid rogue culture ... ...
3. B bullish way, so to speak silly B!
4. driving is difficult, I'm afraid there are new people!
6. mine in the review continued, rising prices under control!
7. XP does not get angry, you think it is a DOS ah!
8. Heroes do not ask way, rogue does not look at age!
9. I'm alive, because we will die for a long time!!!
10. were not smart, people also learn bald! !
11. little things do not look for me, not to find something I
12. tannins and sensible to play one, do not say a word with sb
13. then cattle b, Chopin, and not bombs I sad!
14. as long as the hoe dance well, and that there is no corner dug down?
15. even advertising letters, books, reading stupid now!
16. mix in rivers and lakes, preferably bachelor! !
17. do not and I am better than lazy, I'm too lazy compared to you.
19. morning and can not afford a long sleep; sleep at night, as if owned!
21. women who have capacity for Yue herself by poor men!
22. Tulv, would dare rob Pindao Shitai?
23. Fanjian is the universal truth, I was one you
24. Only women are also upset with the English, only his wife and working hard to find also!
25. make other people's money, so poor hell.
26. even believe are hidden among a lie
27. money is not the problem, the problem is money!
30. Huai just like pregnancy, a long time before people see it.
32. a bad mood today, I want to say only four sentences, including this and the previous two. I finished saying
33. people can not hang in a tree, nearby trees to Try a few more dead trees
34. other people's way, let others desperate
35. thinking of how far you go away
36. donkey came down is the idea
37. on Google, Baidu.
38. Do you think I will watch you to die? I will close my eyes.
39. since you do not speak English in front of me, OK?
40. long time no one to leather was blowing so delightful!
41. wake up, the days are dark.
42. money can solve the problem is not a problem.
43. do not eat how can effort to lose weight ah?
44. ask to have the misery, like a group of eunuchs on the brothel
45. Money is not everything, and sometimes need a credit card.
46. I allow you into my world, but it will not allow you to walk around my world.
47. people are afraid of famous pig afraid of strong, male fear of female Papan money.
48. cherish the life God has let you live, you certainly have his arrangements.
49. the work of the highest state is watching other people work, led the wages of others.
50. Love is like going to the toilet, a red water never come back ~ Love is like going to the toilet, came after stopping it - love is like going to the toilet, but not the same as always - love Like going to the toilet, sometimes hard for a long time but only ass!

If you do not love a person, please let go, so people have the opportunity to love her. If you love to give you, release yourself, so that they have the opportunity to love others! Some things you do not belong to you and then like, some things you are destined to be reluctant to give up, in life there are many kinds of love, but do not let love become an injury.
some fate is doomed to lose, some fate is never a good result, a person does not love to have, but people must have a good love him.
man cry, because he really loved; a woman cry, because she really gave up.
If faith is an injury, I chose to lie; if a lie is an injury, I chose the silence; if silence is a kind of harm, I chose to leave.
If loss is hard, you afraid to pay, if the confusion is bitter, you will not choose to end, if the pursuit is bitter, you will not choose to come to their senses, if the separation is hard , who to talk to you, a lot of things are later see, a lot of things then do not feel bitter, but I could not find to when the road.
There is a love that, even love, but unable to speak. There is a love, obviously want to give up, but can not give up. There is a love, knowing that suffering, but not open. There is a love, knowing that without the road. heart has long been beyond recovery.
decided to give you the moment I cried, my tears that I really love you.
not to mention we never broke up right? Love is not a game. Love you is sincere. I can not forget you. Whether we are the perfect solution, Gogo fingers, that is no longer a good break.
What is courage? Is crying for you love me, or let you leave the crying.
man's self-confidence comes from a woman to his worship, a man from a woman's proud of her admiration. Never cultivated man you love, you put him in good cultivation, only two results: he or his people look down on you from stealing. Pursuit of a person's approach does not require too smart, but leaving the way to be extremely intelligent!
Why do we always do not know how to cherish the present one? In the unpredictable reunion, we think that will always meet again, always destined to be will always think that the opportunity that I am sorry, but never thought of waving goodbye every time, is likely to be goodbye, every sigh, is likely to be human last sigh.
a woman's loneliness is one such vulnerable. If a man held out his hand to me, if his fingers are hot. Who is he in fact is not important to me.
Maybe love is just as lonely, and need to find someone to love, even without any outcome.
give others the wound is a disgrace, its adherence to the illusion. A woman like me, always a problem in the form of feelings inside.
can only love a man finds himself in an instant. And gradually become selfish.
a lot of people do not need good-bye, because it is only passing through it. Forget that we give each other the best mark.
I do not know a person's life can have a number of years can give another person.
love can be an instant thing, it can be a lifetime thing. Everyone can fall in love at different times to different people. Who left who will not can not live, let us forget the strong.
were such creatures, look closely, turned out to be traumatic. Is loved, each person has different feelings. The cost to re-invent dream often we can not afford. Earthly happiness, is always look better. Because a smile, I did not know love.
him everything, seemingly casual, but it is my painstaking efforts, I hope you happy. You say: better to send me a pair of rain boots. Not as good as you send me a spring rain. So even if I cry in the rain, you are not likely to be seen.
things are actually coming at it the right time, but we do not have the right mood to meet it.
Because love him, so leave him. I like this sentence. Some feelings of such a direct and brutal. Tolerate any twists and turns warm. Leave with warm feelings, the truth is better than the pale, pure things die too fast.
is to understand the feelings of a happy, waiting to be know is a lonely!

1000 more than the first DJ dance music (password 6500)

according to usual sleep at night I do not know- I do not know into the dream I dreamed her I was afraid
cry ! She became a ghost ! I have followed I began to know her and then I asked her why I became so worried that I have
fear ! Do not know why !

want her safe

When we read in grade school , universities do not want money ;
when we read the university, elementary school do not want money ;
we can not work when the work is assigned
we can work when , reluctantly driven to the wall to find copies of hungry people as we work to do
can not make money when the house is assigned .
when we can make money when they found the house already can not afford a

living in China can not change, the only thing to do is adapt to the environment
boss told reporters, Stewed food mainly from the added flavor of the sauce, the color of the product is also very important, if adjusted properly, will soon fade, change color, not sell, so the color should be special modulation. He also introduced, in Cangnan County, Stewed chicken legs and wings of the main two colors red and black,
boss: taste is the same price as the same halogen material is not the same color
then, these two how to adjust the color is out of it?
Reporter: This pot is black, right
boss: the
Correspondent: This is how black tone (color)

workers: the sugar with the black color
interest in good food factory workshop, one worker pointed to a black viscous liquid container of plastic barrels, told reporters that the boss said, filled the inside of sugar color.

Reporter: Do you wrap your mouth the more unsanitary. Health do you wrap your mouth?

workers: health. How unsanitary.

Reporters: Health ah.

workers: health.


from bottle washing, filling, to the labeling, packaging, are concentrated in this room with only seventy to eighty square meters. Workshop debris accumulation.

he told us that these mule meat and beef mixed together, processed, produced meat sold as beef, mysteriously, most people simply do not see, he said, with mule meat, beef, nothing to do, the key is to look at what technology, as long as the skillful, no matter what the meat, he was here, after processing, can be made The so-called Pingyao beef.

order to understand the proud owner of the magic of technology, the third day, the reporter once again came to the point of this process, the yard filled with good meat division, part of the beef, and more mule meat is the boss in the side is to the meat filling.

. .Ha ~ ~ so read carefully you will be able to clearly and simply a blanket of death ~ ~
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ~ ~ ~
10 orange, peach

in the slaughterhouse reporter saw workers are the first one 1.8 meters long, thicker than the thumb but also the plastic tube through the nose into the stomach and then connected pipes.
Reporter: This is what?
workers: gastric lavage, gastric lavage.
Reporter: gastric lavage, gastric lavage Why?
workers: stomach dirty, dirty you see these things from the stomach out.

often say wine is Chen Hong, Chen and if the rice, not only not sweet, but toxic, and even chickens, pigs are not good, strange is that some of the larger grain Guiyang market , Chen Liang from around the country, good to buy these Chen Liang, Chen Liang rotten Valley how these so popular, buy it, they can do what?

in Guiyang City, most of the rice market, the price of ordinary rice, about 1 in a catty, but in Guiyang City, Gan Yin Tong markets sell a lot of rice is about 8 cents a pound, than the market average tumbled by nearly 30%.

Gan Yin Tong Guiyang market is one of the largest grain market in the southeast corner of the market has a huge warehouse, which was piled high with bags of rice, (empty mirror) where the workers have told us they are very millet Chen millet a long time.
workers: must have at least 7-8 years, 9,10 years.
Reporter: must have at least 7-8 years?
workers: should be, this rice is yellow.
Reporter: This should break out the yellow rice (Qu ADM), right?
workers: should be yellow, with yellow should play out (song ADM) of the

Changhong Nanjing famous food market is the largest wholesale food markets, the Spring Festival approaching, the sausage in a prominent position before the wholesale point, filled with a variety of brightly-colored sausages. The sausage is still a large number of constantly loading and unloading of, the business was very prosperous. But the reporter has discovered a strange phenomenon, where the sausage is not only the price vary considerably, and some pork sausage prices even lower than many

sodium nitrite in food processing mainly as hair color and preservatives used, its maximum amount per thousand gram 0.15 grams, while the boss on the meat at 500 pounds added to 100 grams sodium nitrite, more than twice the maximum dose. But the boss know that sodium nitrite adds a well.

boss: this thing (there are) highly toxic as you eat so little more than good health died

China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hunan and other places found on the market, levels were excessive.

shocking the poisonous rice

Cangnan County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, famous for the production of bittern cooked food outside the province, where foods are produced Stewed chicken, chicken wings, eggs, etc. variety. Correspondent in an interview on the local market found a strange phenomenon, where the bittern cooked food plant species although different, but the product name is surprisingly similar, there are not guys called fragrant, and have called fresh Balao There are many manufacturers call rustic. According to local people, such as the first production in Cangnan halogen products manufacturers with a
It is understood that specializes in Cangnan Stewed cooked food as much as there are hundreds of manufacturers, mainly in Shanghai and the nearby town Lingxi Hill, piers and other towns. In Lingxi, the reporter came to China are the food factory, this factory is a medium-sized Cangnan Stewed food processing plants. Middle of the yard piled frozen chicken legs and wings, many bags have been damaged, and workers are free to go in the above step to step. Workshop in the bittern, halogen good chicken wings out in a greasy floor, but also by the workers to pick up, back into the pot to continue processing.

28. concoction of

Qidong County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province in south China's main producing areas of sweet potato starch noodles. And loess in the east county area, Dipu Town of sweet potato starch noodles dotted with large and small laboratories and factories. The point of the production of sweet potato starch noodles processed by the wholesale to the county fairs around the country. Reporters interviewed found here, in every booth, are placed in several different colors of sweet potato starch noodles. Here's the boss tells us that the sweet potato starch noodles different colors there is a difference.
another boss also told reporters that they eat only one color depth of local sweet potato starch noodles. Although this is not very good pasta fortune teller, but it is authentic goods. Those sweet potato starch noodles are a good fortune teller wholesale to the field, the locals never eat

leave Chiping, correspondent subsequent Dongchangfu, Gaotang, Yanggu County in more than a dozen interviews with slaughterhouse survey found. For live cattle is widespread irrigation. Luxi meat marketing in Gaotang reporter saw a big market, live cattle to be slaughtered before the irrigation, but also through the arteries after slaughter and then water. The cow is injected into a bucket of water, but the butcher with the water left in the pipe is not willing to give up, holding the high ground water, where efforts will be left in the pipes in the water column into the cow's body.

correspondents in the survey found that unscrupulous traders selling poor condition of the plant fungus, is also extremely poor health conditions. Unscrupulous traders to make them close to the fungus with a low-cost high-quality mushrooms like the Northeast has been With low-quality ink and colored to look like the glossy black. In addition, in order to increase the weight of fungus, unscrupulous traders also added a fungus called material things. Heng Fa Chuen, Shandong Zaozhuang
dry on the market and found the price very low black fungus, under normal circumstances, a pound of black fungus is three to four dollars, but they only sell in this market forty-five dollars a pound , let's

this specialized market for a variety of dry products is the country's largest distribution center for one of the fungus, the reporters saw in this market, the vast majority of stalls selling all fungus, and many stalls are nominal he is the direct point of fungus Northeast, where fungus is very cheap prices, in other parts of twenty or thirty dollars a pound mushrooms, selling only a few dollars a pound here.

Speaking of Pingyao, which was the world famous ancient city, and the ancient city of Pingyao beef is among the well-known signs, it is a unique formula, a unique production process and praised, but the big woods, what birds are, there is a boss in Pingyao, where he was the processing point, no matter what the meat, it can be processed into so-called Can not make the beef to beef? This must be enough, and we a look.

Reporter: beef, water content can reach the number? Can not achieve the 15%?
boss: Up to 18%. Let this be 15%, 16%.
Reporter: How much water your water.
boss: 15%. I take you back to thaw the beef, one is 50 pounds of beef, thaw over the remaining 42 half kilogram.
slaughterhouse boss said that they complete various procedures here.
boss: animal quarantine certificate, health permits, security labels, the Inland Revenue Department, animal quarantine station has.
boss: disinfection qualified, leave. Quality of the product, go. The whole of China is no problem.
boss said, they live cattle to irrigation, there are already five or six years. Liaocheng to irrigation in the early cattle is nothing new.

Chaotianmen small wholesale food market in Chongqing, one of the largest wholesale food market. In this market, selling all kinds of food, there is a local specialty: pot bottom material. It is understood that, in Chongqing, the production of such bags of pot bottom material manufacturers are different, but the packaging is very similar, mostly labeled The boss told reporters here, pot bottom material quality is good or bad, it is difficult from the packaging point of view out, but you can touch it.
Reporter: What is
coagulant boss: coagulant is added in the hardness of the
boss repeated questioning by reporters, only vaguely revealed that the secret.
Reporter: What is
coagulant boss: chemical raw materials

Although the flies flying around the yard, but the flooding over the sausages on the drug, but a fly can not. A few dead flies scattered in the basin filled with syrup.
drying for a while, the sausage was taken to a brick, and simple baking workshop

boss also said that he was here, the meat is actually quite good, in the village to do some processing sites with sausage meat, much worse than he used, and some simply do not eat .

clues provided by the boss, the reporter went wild Takemura processing point to another to see the boss said, Processing point, several workers sitting in separate window under the meat. Piled around the yard piles of meat.

problem of food a day down to the ground 500
consumption of aflatoxin contaminated food after a serious fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, severe cases occur in 2 to 3 weeks hepatosplenomegaly, liver pain, yellowish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes, ascites, leg edema and liver dysfunction and other toxic manifestations of liver disease, may also appear enlarged heart, pulmonary edema, and even convulsions, coma embolism.

Chu Metropolis Daily Online News (correspondent reporter Fang Lin Xiao Zhen) 300 tonnes from Lianyungang ! Yesterday, these

how to identify:
production technology experts to Mingqiao seeds: seeds, when consumers buy, how to identify high-quality seeds and the addition of talc, paraffin seeds it? Take a watermelon seed, we first look at its appearance, quality of watermelon seeds the middle color is yellow, surrounded by black, two color boundaries are very clear, poor quality of products it is often obscure the surface color, while some increase the talc, paraffin wax seeds, what he a white crystalline surface (material), so it will be more slippery feeling. Here we do an experiment, here is the piles of seeds, when we slowly lift this flat, when the plate reached 45 degrees or so, there's a bunch of seeds on talc (sliding) down, while good seeds it is not moving

16 Vinegar

Qingxu County, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan, close to 100 vinegar producers, produce vinegar, Vinegar 10 million metric tons, is known as China's Nationally known production base of Shanxi Vinegar - Tower Group, Shanxi is located not far from the county town of Meng seal. Meng letters in the old Town warburg we find children Cuchang amide, where less than a kilometer away from the towers Group. Amide in the old office we saw children Cuchang the factory owner, according to them, are vinegar factory production, made in September 2003, comparable

Reporter: Why to add color?

technician: the color should be dark vinegar, and the original color is too light vinegar. Reporter: added color on the dark pigment, like vinegar-like

boss said that these counterfeit toothpaste and all brands of travel is very similar to regular manufacturers, the consumer is difficult to distinguish.

After a child, carried away a bag of starch from the back room of workers poured into a large vat, and took out a stick from the corner began to stir, and that big mouth of the water tank It is just that workers wash hands water. After mixing starch, workers floating down the tank side of the starch with a spoon to gather up a little, pour in the starch and good.
According to workers, in addition to corn starch, other starches can also be distracted by the sweet potato starch. They can also by controlling the mixing ratio of different starches, so the average consumer not to eat mixed with other starches.

closet out went boss and a red bottle, the bucket and pour some red powder.
Reporter: What is this?
boss: the red color of the food bucket boss
that operating room, pick up a bucket of water. Then the whole bucket of food red solution was poured on the meat to the pool. Workers quickly began to stir.

Reporter: how do you master your mouth suck ah

workers: how to do mouth suction flow out? Liu Buchu.

Reporters: Health suction mouth it?

workers: unsanitary that have nothing to do, engage in out of wine, do not mouth suction Liu Buchu, is not.

but these were well water irrigation of a stomach of live cattle, no time to digest, it has been dying. Live cattle to the slaughterhouse then gastric lavage in the end is why? The boss finally tell us the secret: the so-called gastric lavage, is to increase the water content of beef. A 300 kg cow through the

vehicle chances are poisonous rice into our family day on the kitchen

the meat is slotted head meat, tongue and groove behind the head meat is pig meat, the boss told reporters that they point to this with a lot of processing meat sausage with slotted head, and near Taixing Takemura city has a place called wild, almost every household with a slotted head meat sausage.

according to the boss's instructions, the reporter came to more than 30 miles away wild Takemura. Locals told us that wild Takemura sausage is well known for. Reporters random walk into a processing point. Boss took several sausage, let reporters distinguish good and bad.
boss; you can not tell which is good, which is the NAO's
Reporters: Your good or bad (sausage) how the difference? Material is not the same, right?
boss: the use of materials to the tank are not the same as the first lymph gone

Reporter: Why are there so many bugs?
boss: pickled (soaked sauerkraut), when there are insects, playing a drug, there is no.
After a while, a worker began to hit the pool kimchi of drugs.
The worker also told us that, in order to prevent insects, kimchi in the factory once every few days to fight drugs.
Reporter: This is for agricultural pesticides, is not it?
worker: Yes, (this is) and low toxicity.
this , Workers and bosses said they do not know.

the soy sauce and not be immediately filled, but was transferred to the upstairs of a large storage tank. Some technicians went, Riga jar sauce thickener and flavor, soy sauce on the preparation of the so-called complete.

23. rice

Tianjin Xinda Food Factory is actually a small workshop. Outside a hut, be regarded as ground meat shop, dimly lit inside, the walls covered with dust. A meat grinder and a few mouthfuls of big-block is the main equipment. (Empty mirror) The eyes of young people claiming to be wearing the factory technicians. He said they are using pork butcher waste when discarded.

dumplings are a few workers say they do not wash their hands. Homemade stove smoke soot, smoke and dust flying into the small room and made, foul. The workers are still puffing away.
Reporter: Do you smoke soot fell into the dumplings in how to do.
workers: all right, I and, still eating

boss said that there is no problem of chemical raw materials in the end what is it? He refused to say, we always find the answers. In another processing point, a worker inadvertently revealed that they generally start production in late at night, only to sweet potato flour Riga chemicals. This reporter decided to processing sites at night to continue the investigation.
o'clock in the morning, we started this process before production came to a point where, in the dim light, the workers are the ingredients. Workers from the corner out of a bailer, which soaked some of the liquid has been poured into the starch slurry in a good tune. Reporters noted that two still remained in the bailer is not completely melted white lumps.
workers have always refused to tell us that something magical whitening effect what. However, the reporter found in another small room, sealed in cans in a large number of such whitening block.

raw rice is rice covered with mildew smell pupa silk

Reporter: school name
boss: study called Acid Orange
Reporters: What usually is done with the
boss: painted walls, the paint can also be dyed a chemical dye acid orange
mainly used for textile dyeing leather banned as a food additive
Subsequently, the reporter once again came to Cleary Foods plant survey, in the bittern in the workshop, a worker was diluted acid orange.
with industrial dyes out of the chicken, chicken wings, bright color looks really attractive, you can go through after the vacuum packaging for shipping.
Reporter: Where the product sold in several provinces
boss: Yiwu, Nanjing, Hangzhou
Reporter: How many sales a year on average
boss: (annual) value Wuliubaiwan
boss also introduced the now-halogen product quality supply of raw materials, but also to the end of the season, their products are already in short supply, in Nanjing, Hangzhou and other places in the supermarket have been out of stock.
Dealer: We sell particularly well at home the goods are sold empty and can not get now getting goods prices rose too scary

He told reporters that hair are rich in protein, simple amino acids can be extracted after acid hydrolysis, amino acid solution produced by the factory over the years are in fact used to process the hair, the hair all day, consumes 10 tons so.

soon to usher in the Spring Festival travel season, away from many of my friends would choose to live in hotels, restaurants. Because these consumer sites usually offers convenient services, accommodation, food, and live in some of the necessary supplies, like toothbrushes, toothpaste and so on. These items are often one-time, and many of them are Chinese, black girl, etc. brand, so that consumers with very ease. However, in Hangzhou, Yangzhou City, town, the reporter found a number of small family workshops produced substandard health and quality of small toothpaste are also marked is traveling 20 km east Hangzhou Hanjiang market town, small town on the road across the north and south of this dawn, the road lined on both sides of shops, shop toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, bath gel and other travel products dazzling hotel. A boss says, Hangzhou hotel travel goods distribution market town seven or eight one hundred shops, our hotel is the main origin of tourism products. Where sales of goods in addition to local brands, some well-known domestic brand is everything.

addition to the South Basin and Range market, the democratic way in Xiangtan, Changsha Takahashi, West Long Street and other regular large-scale wholesale market, the reporter also found a similar bacon.
boss: The point added pigment, which is wiping the sauce.
Reporter: there is a large maggot
through a procedure and carefully dressed, deterioration of color becomes attractive pork bacon. These poor quality meat was sold to the country.
Reporter: Some goods can sell to Canton?
Boss: Of course there. What can be, Xinjiang, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing issued a day later the goods are to go. Shenzhen, Guangzhou has shipped.

manufacturers of products but also passed the relevant test has been identified as qualified products, this is why? The boss finally tell us the secret
Reporters: how do
unqualified boss: that you are responsible
you and your boss does not matter: it does not matter at that and I Hang in advance so that we all set and you say this problem
Correspondent: Do you where to test
boss: Our local sampling of
Reporters: sampling can pass it
boss: he came to sampling we production is not qualified to give him
poor are poor production quotas to others

24. carrion lard

Reporter: What is
Liu Xin food factory boss: This is the food (stone) wax
Reporters: wax is

Reporter: There is no other toothpaste brands such as Black Girl nitidum China have
boss: Yes, ah that is false really a hair more
correspondent: the number of Chinese on both sides of the needle Money
boss: you or the Chinese goods are cheaper to really point (false), cheaper (fake) money-seventh of (fake) Chinese herb on both sides of the needle to be seven.
boss: Qi Bafen money on both sides of the needle Chinese toothpaste are false.

now many students hold the pencil case has a rubber, and replaced by correction fluid. As correction fluid, easy to use them, and cover very strong, but the correction fluid altered the writing, but left some toxic material, much of the damage the human body, if long-term use of correction fluid is likely to cause chronic poisoning.
correction fluid as easily as the paper like strips torn, unlike rubber, as for the pen, ball pen helpless, it is convenient, fast, clean, strong coverage, was the students as a good helper to correct the error correction fluid is indeed harmful, because it is a chemical compound, there is the larger danger is the first: p-xylene, long-term use can be liver, kidney, and so cause long-term chronic hazards, even some small children can also cause symptoms such as leukemia, and so on.
followed by a variety of halogenated hydrocarbons. Including dichloroethane, trichloroethane, tetrachloroethane, etc., these compounds have a very clear eye irritation, frequent use will cause tears, red eyes, the individual will result in nausea, vomiting, feeling not comfortable, even causing some of the more serious long-term harm,

Reporter: Where received over?
workers: all over the country.
Reporter: every day and unloading?
workers: every day unloading.
through simple sorting, these filthy hair is no longer any treatment, it was sent directly to the machine to play loose, and then labeled package got me feeding.
Subsequently, the reporter following the pulling of hair came to the production of amino nitrogen dray liquid feed plant, a worker Chia Tai to get over a lot of hair to put into the reactor inside.

25. sweet potato starch noodles

29. chronic killer - correction fluid

Reporter: Where
fans are sold to workers: There are Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan
boss: all over the country

in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, southern Basin and Range vegetable wholesale market, every day, some people always take advantage of the night market to sell things, usually beginning from 2:00 am to about six to leave, they sell Hunan eat bacon, bacon Why should middle of the night to sell it?

Reporter: The meat is green.
boss: The meat is rotten, and these ribs open, smell of the meat inside. Despite the obvious deterioration of the meat has been
, but two bags of meat or in the price of a five kilogram deal. According to the reporter, Xiangtan, the average market price of frozen meat in three or more, then the meat is so cheap where come from?
boss: mostly dead and hot dead pigs.
Reporter: What was the main disease of swine disease?
boss: mainly 5 disease.

clues provided by the enthusiastic audience, the reporter in Hunan Province, Changde City, Li Zhou City, a wholesale food store, and found this is called According to the shop owner said, this popular school canteens and other units welcome soy sauce, do not use traditional brewing process,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, but with a special kind of raw material blending.
soy sauce is the main component of amino acids, while soy sauce is an important test indicator, that is, where the nitrogen content of amino acids, amino acid solution prepared using the soy sauce, soy and other raw materials not only do not need to ferment, and the nitrogen content fully able to meet national standards for soy sauce. However, they prepared soy sauce factory and the normal method of preparation is completely different, then, he showed reporters the amino acid solution with the processing of soy sauce used in special process.

Reporter: Where you are the main sales market?
boss: Hang sets retail outlet to buy us all to hang set of shops and I basically buy out the business of running hotels are also getting goods to our town's small workshop
division of Hangzhou very small, most of the small workshop production of the product is single. Reporters subsequent shampoo, bath gel, soap and toothbrushes survey interviews, found that the small workshop-style hotel in the local tourism products manufacturer is common: Pegasus Travel Products Factory in the next, workers are a non- to produce two square meters of small house toothbrush.
This large hotel designed to provide shampoo and bath gel on the manufacturer's production plant is located in an abandoned elementary school, the shop's door is full of garbage. Reporters saw the workers are busy filling shampoo and bath gel. A variety of raw materials and packaging are free of the ground lost in the production environment, health concern. State of the toothpaste, shampoo, bath gel and other manufacturers have strict sanitary conditions of the production requirements of small workshop-style production that manufacturers failed to reach the national environmental health requirements

reminder: in hotels and restaurants or bring their own things with ease, not to seek a small profit.

workers: our people here, to see to do this dirty, and generally do not eat soy sauce. Generally, we do this thing, and know, we do not eat! Ha ... ...

Expert: alum is not added, why? Alum is among the first stages of the program we have talked about, very clearly, because of alum which contain aluminum, this material impact on child intelligence, in addition to this other than the way the whole production, this water, that is (water) microorganisms, total number of bacteria, E. coli must be exceeded. So often cause our consumers diarrhea.

Expert: Yes, most of them are using copper sulfate and magnesium sulfate to increase the weight of the black fungus, black fungus because the absorption is characterized by its great solubility, many other (physical), including sugar, salt can be absorbed into, and this copper sulfate and magnesium sulfate two substances, than a major, the second is also very soluble in water, so it into the water after dark when the fungus bubble, put the sulfuric acid absorbed into the copper and magnesium sulfate.
Moderator: So magnesium sulfate and copper sulfate in the end is what kind of material?
experts: what is the chemistry of these two things, copper sulfate is toxic itself, is generally used in insecticides, bacteria, pesticides on
Moderator: as a raw material for pesticide

repeated questioning by reporters, the boss told us just to add a chemical raw material, you can easily make the aging black and yellow and bright white rice to make rice noodles.
After several days of observation, the reporter found that workers in the processing of rice, the bucket every time this liquid add the white rice milk them. This liquid brought to our attention, the boss told us that this is their use of chemical raw materials, he said this material had not liquid but solid, then a worker from the house out of a few white thing, thrown into the bucket dissolved.

boss: This is the added flavor of MSG. Do not ask this question on that, you potential buyers to potential buyers on the line.
white plastic bottle filled with MSG really is the boss said it? Next to a worker gave away the secret.
workers: This is a food preservative sodium nitrite, which eat the bad things.
sodium nitrite as a preservative in foods to add a dose countries have strict rules. Seeing the bottle's secret has been exposed, the boss is no longer taboo.

an illegal processing of rice warehouse

few hours later, they received (Empty mirror) face is dying cattle, the butcher who refused to give up. They then will be a more than ten centimeters long, sharp little finger thick steel insert cow's stomach.
Reporter: What is that thing?
workers: This is deflation, you know? stomach with gas.

reporter went to Shanghai Town, visiting more than a dozen food plants, even the least to see some factory dust proofing measures are not.
Reporters: how so many flies here
Cangnan County, Wenzhou City, Shanghai Jiali Mountain Food Factory
boss: Of course there are so many flies that
Reporter: What do
boss does not affect health: It does not matter a bit There are several homes have their own flies

State Food and Drug Administration issued a workshop to set his shoes room, coat room, bathroom, shower room and air blowing cleaning air conditioning systems. Reporters found in the survey, the small town of Luan's workshop production of sanitary materials do not have these production conditions, but the business has become increasingly prosperous

our attention to today's reporters the investigation. I am afraid of how everyone is no stranger to boil lard, because it is very simple, as long as the hot wok, and you can proudly lay down fat to lard, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, in some deep-fried lard workshop, refining from the pig oil is used as an experiment, pour some liquid into the moment, a moment pour powder into the lard of color also will change. Are put to some harmful chemicals, refining what is it out of the can?

Red Star is located in the southern suburbs of Fuzhou, a fruit farm storage, warehouse piled high with boxes of oranges, the air was filled with a thick musty.

this is to use the aging process out of the rice paddy, experts point out that aging meters in the metabolism of Aspergillus flavus produces aflatoxin, which is a highly toxic substance aflatoxin.
the toxicity of aflatoxin is 10 times the potassium xxx, xxx is a 68-fold. And aflatoxin has a strong carcinogenic. Xxx is not allowed into the country which is the main grain market.
workers told reporters, because aging m color yellow, the appearance of new rice with the difference is very obvious, so here they are aging-meter factory to be pulled through the processing of other xxx meters to sell out.

workers are against the pool water to wine. This wine can hold the pool of about 3000 kg of rice wine (the amount of empty mirror with a stick). But the correspondent measured with a stick and found the wine poured into the depth of the pool depth is less than a quarter of the wine.

21. hair soy sauce

in accordance with national standards, in addition to modulation wine caramel color, shall not add any food additive. However, in order to exchange the water after the bland taste to bring up the wine, but also add a variety of additives. Reporters found that the sodium cyclamate and used to dissolve the salt water was actually used to soak the bottle of water.

pot bottom material production of raw materials, mainly butter, pepper, bean, spices, etc., and some manufacturers to reduce costs, or even replaced with artificial flavors and natural flavors.

Reporters: how do you mix it by hand?
Technician: hand than a stick handy, a stick area is small, hands still flexible.
Reporter: This health it?
Technician: health, what not to do it by hand, and eat things that are made out of hand.

correspondent: the smell, which eat dead people, right?
boss: no. Not smell, taste is salt, the baking out there is no relationship. Put some salt will be less smelly, extra salt will not stink.
original, in order to cover up the smell of pork and pork to prevent further spoilage, to the processing point by App Zhu Fanzi before wiping in a lot of salt pork. Congestion and wrapped them with black pieces, covered with mildew and even meat.

Reporter: What is this?

11. Yiwei material murderous four volts

Changyuan, Henan Province, China Ding Luan town is known as the However, interviews with reporters in the small town only to find Luan, where health materials wholesale deserted, many shops have closed the door.
we decided to follow the horse owner to the processing sites to see. In a small room, a woman is sewn gown.

Shaoxing rice wine is a blending wine in China on behalf of the class, it mellow quality thick, taste good and known throughout the country, the reporter found that in the interview, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, where the vast majority of manufacturers strict implementation of national standards can be qualified and high quality wine production. However, Wu Tong at a local winery, reporters have found that they plant the rice wine and other manufacturers is not the same, the taste is not the same.

According to the boss to do so is to introduce color to orange wax. This red powder is a pigment, and this oily substance is paraffin.

really fragrant roasted in Bengbu City, the reporter saw factory, warehouse filled with the raw materials used to process the seeds, the top covered with dust. (Empty mirror) boss told us that they are processing the white seeds. A worker to being poured into the pot to cook the seeds of a white powder-like stuff.

Reporter: This is what you put things

workers: alum

Reporter: How much you put this pot of alum

workers: just put the number of
workers, according to this description, with alum boiled seeds is not easy to make the seeds damp soft, maintaining good taste.

Reporter: so heavy, musty!

several workers to remove boxes of oranges, fresh bags.

Reporter: What was that?

workers: This is dirty, want to change the bag.

reporters found that many are split out of the oranges grown mildew. These have been moldy oranges to do?

Reporter: This stripped Why?

workers: After peeling, dress up. Dress up.

correspondent: the standard soy sauce is fixed, right?
deputy director: there is a standard, use this with friends. This color can not do.
According to him, this powder at a ratio of more than 3 Duishui dissolved into amino acid solution on reduction. Use it for the preparation of soy sauce, in addition to the rapid expansion of production, but compared with the soy sauce, soy sauce prepared with the amino acid solution can be reduced at least half of the costs, some companies make soy sauce and the relationship.

operating table covered with the dust, workers just wipe trouble. This production process is completely manual. For the production of dumplings hands, the workers do not bother to wash.
Reporters: how not to wash your hands ah?
workers: they do not eat our own.

boss: this way, others quietly brought, seized of a penalty, is Salt, simply does not allow to sell.
boss: the state purchase and sale of salt, we use the salt can be said Salt.

Reporter: (you) cooking oil you can use this
boss: cooking without
Correspondent: Do you eat the oil it
own boss: We do not eat lard to eat peanut oil

alum can be added to sodium cyclamate, MSG, alcohol, water and other rapid penetration into the peach flesh, both to increase the weight, but also can not mature and become crisp taste of sour peaches sweet.

filling up the shelf to get a good dry sausage before, but also to put in front of large pan yard, dip, workers say that this particular treatment is to pest control.

workers: (sausage) is easy to stick flies
Reporter: So how do you do
workers: water treatment (flies) with a dozen of medicine to fight mosquitoes (in water) on non-stick the

together to build a quality of life, here is the We often say, open seven things: poor Youyanjiangcu tea. Mention of vinegar, our first reaction is acid, in addition to acid, what flavor it? Henan, a consumer even in the vinegar eat the astringent taste, but also eat a pungent feeling. What kind of vinegar do? This vinegar is where produced?

17. pot bottom material

18. dumplings

order to understand the quality of these sausages, what difference, according to the address provided stall, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province, straight reporter in Taixing City, close to the side of the road Nantong Rugao County, a processing point, the workers of a sudden we there was very alert.

Reporter: You can bake this day how many pounds of sausage ah
workers: do not know that you have to wait for the boss to (talk)

correspondent then went to not far from a cold. Far you can see, workers are carried out from the minced meat in cold storage. Workshop, the workers are crushed to the ground with a spade to shovel into the drum, drying yard has some sausage. In another workshop, the floor and pig meat.

30. dead delicious bacon baked pork debut

together to build a quality of life, here is the In August 31 programs, we part of some of Bengbu City, Anhui poor jelly jelly manufacturers to do a report on the situation, the program was broadcast, the local government immediately set up a joint investigation team seized three jelly production and processing points; the same time production and sale of jelly on the city's market a comprehensive revamp. Liaocheng City, Shandong Province
cattle slaughtered each year five or six one hundred thousand, urban Chiping Hong Guantun Township near a slaughterhouse, in the local large-scale, where the cars come to the day, business was very fire.
boss: I did not here a NAO goods, the quality of my hard, so I pulled back one hundred customers at ease.

boss: This is the best beef. She said all the Chinese here are first-class beef, the best beef.

as watered wine to reduce the degree of alcohol, then why in the watered but after adding a lot of liquor and alcohol do? Technician finally tells the truth to us: in fact watered is to increase production, the price of water sold wine, but because of watered too much, so had to join to improve alcohol alcohol and liquor. Against the water's taste and color than the pure rice wine brewed rice wine a lot of difference, so should be a special blending. Technicians began bartending color.

relevant national standards: need to go through hair bran oil deacidification, deodorization, bleaching and other processes in order to become edible. Hair without bran oil processing in China is mainly used for soap and lubricants and other industrial goods production. These gross bran oil without purification was mixed in the off-white starch, the starch slurry into a transparent yellow jelly, these workers are hot specially treated starch slurry spread into a thin vermicelli.

Reporter: just finished the water it?
boss: just finished the medicine.
he told reporters, to hit the meat is not ordinary water, but their preparation of a special kind of medicine. Seeing the pot of syrup used up, the boss brought a bag to the pot, add some yellow powder, which he says is used to deploy the medicine, he was doing here is something essential adulterated beef.

Reporter: What is the role
paraffin general workers: from hardness
Reporters: Hardness
workers: Food Factory of

Liu Xin, the boss, while recognizing the pot at the end to add the paraffin material for coagulant, but also explained that this wax is added to edible.

26. hotel supplies

boss picked out a small bottle of some red powder, colorless, oily liquid poured into a pot inside to reconcile. Bowl of oily quickly became dark red, dark red oily substance that is applied in the basin of the sponge. Subsequently, dry the oranges were put into a bowl.


seeds Bengbu, Anhui Province Taiping market is the largest seeds wholesale market, where sales of a wide variety of seeds, much consumers. This stall to us, these seeds are manufactured locally, with local production of seeds compared to the other, due to selling a good friend, bright colors, but not easy to damp soft, it has been selling well.

saw his side of the heated liquid amino acids, while to the pot with a white flakes. This kind of thing one added, the pot immediately emits a strong irritant gas.
the foot of a wall in the shop, the reporter found a bag filled with white flakes, and screamed for industrial use

20. sausage

Luan in the small town, a dozen reporters followed the production of sanitary materials processing point of an interview conducted a survey and found that these processing sites are family workshops, production environment and health conditions are poor. Cotton production in a workshop where the reporter saw, bamboo dress costumes turned out the pockets of the bags of fertilizer. Ceiling covered with cotton and dust.

27. beef injection with new tactics change

industrial salt kimchi kimchi Sichuan dishes sounds like a humble, and Sichuan hot pot as it is in fact, famous. Sichuan pickles can be eaten directly, or as pickled fish and other ingredients made the dish to eat, tasty, but also go well with rice. In Sichuan, nearly every household all day without kimchi, kimchi can now have a factory owner told us: they simply do not eat their own kimchi, only to outsiders eat. Do they change the long-standing habits?

Reporter: water ye are this color it?
workers: against that is that it is anti-bad (the drugs).
boss: This is against the use of water, sodium benzoate.
according to national standards, the processing of pickled vegetables, the amount of sodium benzoate should not exceed five ten thousandths. However, this plant has exceeded six times the amount.

workers directly by hand to cut pickles, fresh ingredients and cooked in a large bowl full of water mixing, through the packaging and sealing can be on the market.

19. rice

15. Pingyao beef

original, so-called special treatment is to add starch pigment. Then, after a night, we saw in this process has increased over points pigment vermicelli. The bright colors really attractive. In response, workers are quite proud to say that no they do not tune out the color.

Reporter: What is the meat
technician: the scraps under a knife, not a butcher.

22. Heung right guy

all, as I hope, very normal, no mistakes. The door wide to the speed limit, foot pedal in the end, coax, crossed a few seconds, it will fail together things a few seconds.

although after 20 days, but remember this in retrospect. In addition to the side position parking, designated parking, uphill start three compulsory subjects, the subjects of my copy is the pumping speed through the restricted width of the door. Xuefeng Driving this subject because there is no venue, this project I was trained very little, just to the examination room Lianju Longhui when tried several times, my heart was not sure. So I say, a little more luck driving test.

However, unlike the other peaks

I buy a car is also very timely, catching up with the capital gains tax rate in December was followed. Most important thing is to play a real role. On business needs, the home also happens to need a car. The hole is engaged in electricity reform, district here almost every day power outage. Since January, the weather has been very cold. If it is not a car, back and forth to the fields octagonal home run, a family of four really do not know how the day had no electricity. In particular, son, just more than nine months, more recently, a little cough, without proper precautionary measures, certainly uncomfortable.

life is always to move forward, in 2011, barely be done in life, Children's education, now the pressure is not great, I have several years to soften, the natural target for this year is a little big business. I have to add some service project ideas, but implemented, requires the collection of financial and human, right when a new target it. I wish all my family, friends,Justbeats By Dr Dre, customers, and destined to pass people, are health, happiness, peace ... ... forever!

But life always this way, a little lump no big deal. And feel the Government is demanding, after all, is a good thing, in my personal experience, I have no problem driving, except sometimes a little difficult to reverse, the basic driving can ease. But I heard that before many get a driver's license, or even did not dare touch the car.

I press Lianju line, turn the car off the slope back end, all of a sudden heart but calm, and with it went well, not that a little The driving test you. I am ready to help examiners make-up counseling, orientation is the same side of the finish, this time to the point I will not stop demanding score, and rushed to the foot throttle feel of foot trampled to death. Ha, the computer did not say end of the examination. Sigh of relief, I will turn to light lay, uphill start cautiously, for fear of after-slip or turn off. I generally understand the heart, stopping certain point deducted 20 points, behind the exam just 10 points on the Over the.

been busy, no time to pay attention to the New Year, unconsciously, the pace of 2011 and to step stack. I catch the last month there in 2010, took part in the driver's license exam. Lucky, one pass. Now the difficulty of the driving test is not the slightest bit, and all subjects three infrared vehicle examination, entirely on their own skill and luck.

Driving Driving as to licensing over to students, are mailed to test centers, the efficiency is very slow. Driver's license with the area neighbors to get their hands finished the next day, I still had no news of 15,6 days. Auditory hallucinations that I had a wife, certainly not outside the exam passed, got it wrong. In the final analysis, I have little doubt it, I really do not test too? Then ask the school first, because New Year's Day, has been a holiday, until last Tuesday to know to go look up the Vehicle Administration is not the test passed. The results of an investigation into the identity card to get there, I already have a driver's license. Settle down to home and patiently waited for a few days, to Friday, still no news. The school also felt something there, and answer me on Saturday to Longhui investigation.

examination venue is over, feeling the pressure off a lot of small, 21 Exam I am very relaxed, try our examiners are very serious, but I have confidence in their technology or the.

but I had a little effect, too relaxed. My third test, the main content of the examination is reversing, and then was driving about 3 km over. But when I reverse out, turn left to a small corner, the examiner immediately announced the make-up began, was rather helpless. Life, so driving is very common, but the test is the test, no way. Make-up did not increase the content of what is still open then 3 km, is about to end, it is insidious in the intersection examiner told me to pull over, but fortunately I did not by him, but no request to the parking area He did not say anything, so I get off in time to see him in the examination record check, it really was passed.

fact, I basically every day, this time in the car, but did not permit hand, somehow the name is not the words ring true feeling. Saturday and then call the school is responsible for checking this matter Chen, finally I realized that I had fewer pictures, is a part of the estimated lost out. I do not wait, anyway, two days going to the 803 collection, simply ahead of schedule. Photo sent, no 5 minutes, the long-awaited driver's license finally at hand. Think, if this items can do a few years ago, as long as the pay 3000 is OK, not even spent the examination. Now is not that difficult exam, costs also increased significantly, back and forth, plus to Longhui Lianju and examination fees, I spent more than 6000, which passed an examination or, if more test several times, then ... ...

I did not pass the first test, because the examination room examination of the infrared vehicle clutch adjusted too high, the driving school car than usual clutch to 6 cm high above. I finished side of the position before the designated parking slope, the car suddenly put out the fire, and then test the computer reports that: If 20 did not test too, have to wait 20 days to test again, and I am sure is very busy in January, no way to take the exam. But the car has stopped to buy back the garage at home, do the next year then?

Works Source: Pa - Tencent blog

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If you feel not good enough, then bring to a friend domineering a funny article. welcome to reprint Friends .. Friends can always hope that happiness, to the point I remember reading the comments and opinions!
cow B couple quarrel ... laugh spray me ..

man: > Woman: bored, and your dad a retired veteran, Comrade Arafat than the others how the fire ah?! while you? back to you on the go with their two sons Sanlitun drinking, I was more than an hour door pestle a tripling it! me a head cold ice fit for the occasion, with crystal chandeliers like ... ... M: You it very deep; ballast also a head of ice crystals, I Pooh! not that some frozen solid nose bubble it? one that does not look in your own point Pizi ... ... : If I had this man leniency, you'd have thrown a large nose like a wildly dumped! ! say you can be really great parents, how to save Pakistan out of you such a half-baked things! more like a good ... ... with the model, but also Mr. Picasso dedicated! I just know that how do you feel familiar, co in the completion of the man's paintings have seen!
woman: So lifelike! not what you see day in front of children covered with a fake chest, and I really could not tell you on the positive and negative it! toothpick-like, usually piled in a heap at it when, every time, I just dreamed that my grandmother sewing clothes in the same. so long sewing needle? Hey! you really saying it! this critical time, it will be able to fish! This is the capital, you know? like I had had a late-bloomer ... ... ? best you also a green bean! : call people, rotten scoundrels ... ... I too do not like the egg yolk? you find a big ah, you off to! basket lift it ... ... The small toothpick-like ... later, after a small woman like egg yolk

the diary for the original! Please indicate the source of the author reproduced Pa - Tencent blog Thank you for supporting my space! Have a problem talk direct click, click here to enter into the domineering domineering game space music space, please click here Please click here to enter into the domineering domineering entertainment space, please click here Please click here to enter the art space domineering domineering material space, click here to enter the film room for interpretation {winter fur installed --- the focus of the city } 〓 (click to enter) {shock, a man of the moment to see the caesarean section} 〓 (click to enter) {relationship with the Japanese Pan, laughs} 〓 (click to enter) {Room Escape Trilogy - IQ Game} 〓 (click to enter) {super Marlee - remember, a child usually play} (〓 (click to enter) ★ more exciting content you light my space ★

Libra boys are particularly sensitive to weather. They like rain, snow, like clear, haze of the sky, like the four seasons in every day - just a good mood. As long as happiness, what is good; just happy tears but also joy.
Libra boys slovenly, never pay attention to what is trendy fashion. Messy hair, no hair, dirty clothes, wash it immediately, obviously is about the same thing, but it is there, but they are two very different results. They wear trendy clothes but not too clean and tidy, and the usual shopping and simply watch their favorite book to the bookstore to run but can not see their clothes had to retire.
Libra boys refused to go out rain umbrella rather drenched, they leisurely walk in the rain, despite the large and small rain washed themselves, wash away all the unhappiness; when the wind, soft hair wind flying, all the troubles and pain tossed in the wind;
Libra boys like snow days, early in the morning a man ran out of snow, enjoy a cold wind, 站在高岗上To see the original Chi wax, gushing to see the sunrise. Look back at their footprints in the snow, Libra boys faint smile, brilliant smile like a child.
Libra boys if not many, their long silence, sitting calm things they like, sit and watch people and things around, but are made each time to speak out amazing, unique brilliant views people humbled.
Libra boys like the quiet, their world clean clear, clear blue color of their background, can not help anyone bother. Noise of the city does not belong to them, crowded the streets do not belong to them, their hearts ride in the vast expanse of prairie, stayed in the sand he could feel the Gobi Desert, floating in the choppy sea.
Libra boys who drift with the blue powder. Blue = depression, they inevitably develop a sentimental character and temperament. They do not face the kind of common flowers like bright smile, but mixed with a touch of melancholy quiet.
Libra boys like to watch the blue sea, facing the rough sea on the then standing quietly, quietly thinking their thoughts, moment, and even who they are flashing blue sheen. Against the blue sky, Libra boys always inexplicable smile, the general mood has become the light melodies and disco. Blue sky, mountains is their favorite, to fill the gap, is the perfect portrayal of these ideas.
Libra male is a combination of reason and wisdom. They maintained at all times the wisdom of thinking and the mentality of a wave can not afford to, quietly doing their own thing, quietly watching everything happening around us. No matter how tough the pain, do not allow them to hesitate; it hurt the pain, can not shake their conviction. They do not often talks about the future, then the heart of the future plans had confidence. Whatever the time, their actions are always thinking of flashing sparks; no matter what, their minds are calm like that, is so sensible and mature.
Libra boys perseverance and faith so that they appear to be so stubborn. So long as a target, Libra male will go threw nine cattle tigers can not let them change their mind. Do not say no matter how, no matter how others do it, no matter how much in front of the ups and downs, Libra boys wandering around in the life of their own design on the road, with their amazing perseverance towards tomorrow.
Libra boy is a typical perfectionist. They fantasize about tomorrow, they know what they want, do not want what they want their world, heart, environment, people and things around are spotless pure white. Whether it is an objective thing, or a subjective thing, even a little bit of dark spots and defects can not escape their attention. Pursuit of perfection, perseverance is always the goal Libra boys.
Libra boys so much bother, but rather that they love. Libra boys and girls around there have always kept,Beats by dre solo HD, but the sentimental and indecisive character of the style so that they face a bunch of girls at a loss, but do not know which is my other half. Their own living area for each house is so polite and humble girl with Canada, it seems like every girl, but only love, only to good friends for each treatment. Libra boys for
Libra boys strong and cold, there lie is a fragile, fiery heart. Libra boy's heart is made of glass, will make it a little bit of blow broken, a little bit of damage is enough to let it drop of blood, but a strong balance boys patience, it will only hurt with a faint smile too , leaving a strong impression on everyone, but for themselves one of the scars. When someone else smiling in joy when Libra boys are in a dark corner of the Li Momo licking their own wounds macrophages.
Libra boys Dairenchushi always faint, as if nothing is very concerned about, but reveal the surface of the cold, exposed the heart is fiery hot. When you need help, there is always the strength of support from Libra with you so that you can not quite go down, Libra boy is always the most reliable friend.
Libra boys believe that Their lives pan out, there is no Qianhuhouyong group of friends, only 35 copies of each festival is the blessing from afar, but they feel that is enough. They know they have the most world's most pure and sincere friendship, they know what is friendship, know who their friends. True friends, Sishi have one is enough!
Libra boys face the temptation in the face of love is not his own share of silent tears. Boys do not know the share of the balance of their own feelings, but it is a sincere girl; they know their choice is not wrong, but for the innocent girl feel sorry and disturbed. Gentleman's love of money in a proper way, a gentleman should love to take the proper way, looking forward to the boys know they love Libra has done nothing wrong. Speaking of the boys will not easily
Libra love. They have their own favorite dreams, has its own unique love, love, eager to have their own treatment and expectations. Libra boys standing there, quietly, with a touch of self-confidence, a faint smile, silently waiting, a collection of his own feelings, patiently waiting and looking forward to share their own true love. They believe that one day you will find the dream, even though they say forget the world and all the world, there is still a dream, and dream of you.
Libra boys mantra does not matter. Pain does not matter, bitter does not matter. But the boys never balance does not matter. They cherish the life of every day, around the awareness and concern for the people who do not know, doing something you enjoy, live ordinary, quiet life.
the crowd, thinking that keeping a calm, wise eyes sit and watch with the whole world, exude a faint blue breath, persistent pursuit of self-perfection, quietly savings, waiting and looking forward to their love, that is Libra boys.

Paomo ---- White House steamed (South West door slightly small alley)
Laomi steamed home in the West Sheep City Bowl with a neighbor in the world - highly recommended!

basin lamb ---- old white house (within North Guangji Street)
talk of the town house (south side Village Road East, ABC)
sauté ---- West sheep middle of the city large study has a middle lane, the bun shop across the road - highly recommended!
miscellaneous construction lamb soup ----( West hotel in the village)
barbecue barbecue ---- Gao (Drum Lane) is highly recommended - highly recommended!
Tarim Barbecue (hemp family ten child, 50 m)
orchid family barbecue (Suzaku Avenue)
South Gate Yongning village has a slightly roasted lamb [], are now cut through and sold weighing now is to eat grilled
Rouga Mo ---- Qin Yu Rouga Mo (cypress South exit) has now moved to the East wood City, coupled with the Fan in mind Rouga Mo (bamboo fence City North) to catch up with the steamed bread just baked it out, or will feel too dry - highly recommended!
Wang Heng Rouga Mo (bamboo fence City North)
Big Wild Goose Pagoda Road East, there is a positive Rouga Mo] and [[]
cumin pork ball soup folder ----( ten sub bun sprinkled the southeast corner of Golden Bridge, have been taken out)
meatball soup ---- Hu Liu Tiger (three-way north-west) - Highly recommended! Niu Rou Gamo ---- North
wax tip gate next to the red terminal Lao Dan ; eastern suburbs Hansen Village by two northbound I Rouga Mo Li Lao four cattle - highly recommended!
basin big meat ---- Old Song (cypress ten sub southwest)
Hulu Tou ---- ferritin Hulu Tou (cypress ten sub northwest corner) Hulu Tou's now not as ferritin previously, the cross-cultural way to the North West there is a good egg
than iron, which The intestines are also many
spring to occur (South courtyard)
steaming bowl - - (East Side West built 100 meters south west)
be small Soviet meat (large skin House), His family's small crisp flesh, the taste. If that infinity. ; test. A good appetite enough boys and girls they can be a - highly recommended! Pan-fried pancakes ---- Dingding
Bakery (the first dragon 50 meters west of the south village ten sub)
Wan House lights (all the way west western)

sauce --- great bones bones Zhuang (auspicious east village ten sub northbound 100 meters) - highly recommended!

spicy powder ---- pull people (Pink Lane)

pot ---- Chuk Yuen (Peace Road) (labor South High Cross)
old Chengdu (High Road)
sea ​​fishing (Jianguo Road) the attitude of first-class sea fishing, Xi'an best service it! But too many people, it is recommended 2 to 5 points to the good
, but other seats free time to eat fruit, eat fried beans, shrimp pieces, but also shoe, even
manicure - highly recommended!
delicious lamb Little Sheep Hot Pot
add a smooth (South Ring) taste good, prices are relatively a little high
Donglaishun also good
; Qin years, eat Ti Hua's (Changle West Road, half a kilometer east light)

Liang Pi Sheng Liang Pi ---- Mahjong home Large leather Hospital West Side
fourth of the cloud is still good Liangpi, safflower Lane Kim Kang Road (light industrial wholesale markets across the alley south 50 m ), ; hot

garlic dip side ---- Green ants

Willow Lane opposite side ---- chopping Street, behind the meter flag cake, the environment in general, But really taste that good, especially the chili

beef noodles ---- sloppy side (West Seven Road)
; stunned baby chicken noodle (Guanghua Lu)
; a sub-Lee (Drum Tower)
settle old beef noodles (East Court held Lane)

lamb face ---- road construction Xi Luxi head south The Pharaoh high surface
Small Wild Goose Pagoda in front of lamb face
Jianguo Road Bang Bang surface
; Shangqin surface
Qishan Road ; Changle Road, beef noodles

Qinxiang face ---- the northern section of high-tech,

spicy fish ---- West Jianguo Road, the middle way, ; Chang'an South Road of the original one, very delicious. But do not forget to rely on the old airport famous - Barbecue! - Highly recommended!
diving fish in the City West opened a new store, not far from one.

embankments fish ---- Zhu Yu Zhuang (Hanguangmen Lane), opposite the golden dog pool, good environment. - Highly recommended!
East Side Road, Jianshe Road South (three hundred twenty-three hospital east)
South Western Road, West Rd into the first alley to have a fish stall] [embankments

dumpling feast ---- high-end stuff, colored dumplings, the same one, color and variety, there is Xian Te. But I have not eaten, who asked me to go!
the way, the ordinary German dumplings very long hair how to, it is recommended to Jiefang dumplings.
Xiang Zi Temple Street has a , Manchu open, decorated with unique features, it will
business owner, eat several times, really good. - Highly recommended!

gold oil tower ---- Mihara snacks.

biangbiang in the founding of the road surface ----
Dong Yang City also has a primary school next to the - highly recommended!

steamer cake ---- Square, home to Southeast Asia on the house, more well-known. Xi'an has not grown up with it for breakfast experience ah, but I like to eat waiting hours
sprinkling of white hair grandfather Jinqiao home to eat the best selling personal feeling. - Highly recommended!

MaLaTang ----- Seven Stars Pepper (Zhou wall)
Bai Wang (Pink Lane is the main store) - highly recommended!
- Northwestern University North Gate, the west side of Braised King (Braised lamb is great) - highly recommended! (West large school building, do not know where to move to a)

casserole ---- Musa (large skin hospital)
; Bridge bead gold
the Yang family is also delicious (Drum Lane) I favorite meatball casserole, his family fermented glutinous rice dumplings, lamb chops well - highly recommended!
northern suburb of Long Road in the first - Drum Tower in the red cabbage fried rice, I recently ate a red fried rice, really good unpalatable Yeah, poor service also drops not ...

fried sea seeds - - fat wife (East New Street Night Market, after recently checking out the 12-point spread)

clyster buns ---- Jia three best known, I feel like a general.
Six soup, Vanguard west door, accompanied by a hot and sour soup bowl Dusi, personal feel than Jia three delicious - highly recommended!

fried dumpling ---- West city of a sheep, fried dumpling, is like asking , East Street headquarters - highly recommended!
Xijing duck, Jiefang
old shop duck

noodle ---- Hyeonpung Bridge !
south door there is a process in mind a little noodle soup is very fresh

Saute Spicy Chicken ---- Seven chestnut horse has a factory edge
Saute Spicy Chicken Village, br>

gravy jelly ---- West Street, South Station Road, Port Qiaozi alley there is a
; large leather Hospital West Side home] [What's gravy jelly forget good - highly recommended!

people in Sichuan and Chongqing Sichuan ----wood City
; 'national Ren dishes, delicious full amount, only the night market

Xingqing Road East Takashi cheap restaurant downstairs [today] of cooking good
buns ---- Shijiazhuang buns, large study, Lane 98, ; services br>

Xiang Zi Temple mouth ;

Cross Academy of Social Sciences across the southern suburbs of the old village auspicious Pucheng snacks, spicy and Lao Doufu Babao inside well.

writer grains restaurants to time, feel feel to see on the line, do not go to eat seafood ---- Chase

; home and seafood (west)

barbecue grill ---- World City (working South)
Causeway Bay Grill (hamlet West)
Korean BBQ (West all the way East Side ) boss is Korean, kimchi is very authentic.
first Teppanyaki (large leather house) pure halal version , and also, more affordable.

Griddle ---- Jianguo Road home Ishinabe remember loach, loach I push the main pot, the U.S. baby pot, taste good, best not to try other varieties - highly recommended!

home bacon pie ---- Medicine King holes in the wings coupled with roasted next door sold in
; ten in the south and 20 meters there is a,
duck neck ---- must taste (side door Lu intersection), the United States drop it, vengeance, as well as duck, Duck is also good - highly recommended!
; East Street

take food ---- HE type Shougan pink, one yuan dishes 3 series,beats by dr dre, can be added sheep blood tofu, rice noodles, Shougan powder, spicy food, come here - highly recommended!

Korean BBQ ---- Blue House, Bai near commercial buildings, lunch 30 yuan / person, dinner 35 / bit, the cola companies have free drinks and bottled raw
Hans ; beer! feel good, affordable ah! love to eat meat can be stacked! - highly highly recommended !

Guilin rice noodle ---- hamlet Mart alley beside the house.

porridge ---- Xingqing Long Road East (today's cheap) restaurants, evening tea, their porridge great, especially like their vegetables porridge, very light, very creamy! is a small bowl
point... once I was enjoyable to drink 2 bowls !
In addition, the north tower travel far and wide mouth of congee porridge home a lot, can also taste, that is service really sucks ~!

Chongqing Pakistan Lord >
unique sour soup pot ---- Friendship Road Guiyang (Pagoda west 500M) Yun Jin Guiyang has a pot! bottom of the pot is made of the recent tomato Oh
Oh my regulars, acid a little bit of sour spicy! and ordinary that we often eat trouble Chongqing hot pot is very different in taste! affordable price Well, personally recommend this. fell in love with the fire in the dry winter but they like hot pot Friends may wish to consider

hibiscus cake ---- very unique snacks. Furong cake in the triangle are halogen eggs, pieces of meat, pickles, parsley, tofu skin, chili sauce, garlic juice. boss a people, as one to give you food processing, next to a cardboard box, you put money into them, they find the money .

Good Come on, daughter seventeen months , and she cute and very smart . She was a strong force to imitate the adults what to do her school often funny we laugh , but there are often naughty and disobedient . In short , everything the baby holding us all the human heart. Hope that healthy growth of babies ,Justbeats By Dr Dre!

Hunan high 15 minutes late for the candidates were refused admission suicide

2011年June-July 9 o'clock point on the first day of college entrance exam in the language of the time , Longhui County, Hunan Province, a candidate school for the second exam 15 minutes late , into the examination room by the invigilator to stop , so 6th Floor, committed suicide in a dormitory .
Hunan Longhui Secondary School student committed suicide entrance coincided with the first day of the first day of college entrance examination , many candidates have not relax under the urgent mood. Language in the morning before the exam , a student refused to participate due to college entrance examination, students in the school store after the 6th floor apartment four jumped and died . Afternoon, sent to the People's Hospital confirmed dead , the family of the deceased group test in the afternoon after the start of the gate with a self-driving crash , and the dead body placed in the janitor's room door , playing funeral music . Security rogue dial 110 ,dr dre beats pro, dozens of police and family consultation groups , family emotional confrontation between the end of the examination until the afternoon . Candidates under the leadership of the organization in the school from the back door out of the examination room , all of them seem to be looking dignified ... a certain extent . Events are further observation . .

yes ah ... who also understand that some pain is not only a person, in the heart pain.

see steady stream of people to see past the vehicle.

repeated listening to a song, repeated like a man.

have a friend that the biggest pain is indescribable.

number of people and vehicles coming and going, a few of his voice, remembering all the stories.

lonely wandering in a lonely street.

This often happens in this place.

did not respond, he will be so silly. . .

such as love's departure, for example, miss one, another example, people who are not able to love together.

naive to think that he already had two people together when the world,

but ...

been a long time,Authentic Beats by dre headphones, he suddenly felt the warmth on the cheek by the slowly on to the downstream.

who came to make him happy, let him happy place.

this sentence, I long aftertaste.

just met her, everything changed.

his despair, and devastated.

his mind is quick and she was flashing with happy, sweet picture.

always felt that as long as the family accompanied by a friend around,

deep in his heart, that scene is that he will never forget.

some pain, unable to speak.

I tasted its bitter, just for you, just for you, leaving the incense.

the pain can not tell my colleagues that can not be friends and talk, but can not let the parents and siblings are concerned.

where is their sustenance?

in front of everything, made him feel so bleak.

merciless blow to the already fragile his heart.

because only with them that moment, that is his greatest joy.

but ... where is their place to go?

but I think the backlog in the heart of pain, should find the export to the release.

how fear of losing her,

a man crying for a long time ..........

He closed his eyes in the memories of being intoxicated. Recalled once sweet, recalled that once the happiness and joy.

looking at rows of neon lights,

he suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that he cried.

carefully every day to give him his love of that person send text messages.

he felt his life in the fun. He felt life had no meaning.

his tears fell down again.

this, do not know how many tears flow.

he did not dare to ask, afraid to know the answer.

Yes, some pain, unable to speak, only fighting back.

to recall that once the well-being.

be deeply buried in his heart, wrote in his diary mood.

because whenever he sad despair, he would come to this place.

how he loved her,

Payouyitian he was born, so she left him.

When I wrote on this subject, I was thinking.

But he also said he disappointed,

remember that it was his story.

When the picture freeze

how he can have a hope and she belongs to them only two people in the world.

afraid of all the good looking, all in an instant fall.

may be right, maybe some cruel.

So, he did not know how long to go.

will not reveal the depths of my heart hurt?

she said to him: I love you.

hiding in bed,

infatuation, he fell in love with her.

see the reply message, he was ecstatic.

left him forever.

reveal the feelings from the heart, heart sad.

that is the greatest happiness.

once, he is how carefree, how happy, how happy.

he has cherished every moment with her.

However, he was not sure whether the other loves him.

because she is his world.

South Korean woman said : I and you ( Chinese) bet can be seen everywhere in China, Japan, electrical appliances, mobile phones, cars , and you turn on the street in Korea a few days will not see a Japanese car - this is not Japan South Korea's reason for contempt !

A senior official said Japan's Matsushita : even if we do not worship the Yasukuni Shrine , Korean people do not buy our products , but no matter how we worship the Yasukuni Shrine again , the Chinese people will still buy our products. Something that the Chinese people , then cool to the feet from the ground .

Japanese goods would each buy a one hundred yuan to the Japanese government to send 5 dollars , so that Japan Self-Defense Forces made ​​more than 10 bullets , to print eight textbooks.

If you buy Japanese cars , will open on the streets of Japan, Chinese -made tanks that you , if you buy a Japanese kitchenware, fellow head of the bullets pierced the future is what you make , if you buy a Japanese TV audio , the future will be in the field compatriots killed in speaker to hear the whine !

Please pass on 20 individuals, to support China to boycott Japanese goods , even if there is no return, which is your duty !

Please send this message to every one in your group , Japan 's dependence on China is front row , especially the dependence on the Chinese market , if the Chinese people a month do not buy Japanese goods , Japan will have thousands of businesses facing bankruptcy . 6 months if the Chinese do not buy Japanese goods , Japan will have half the people unemployed. If the Chinese do not buy Japanese goods a year , the total collapse of the economic structure of Japan , Japan can do so arrogant ! If you are Chinese , do not you serve as cannon fodder on the battlefield , will be able to hit the Japanese economy , the Chinese people will not buy Japanese goods.

Not with the sun in your QQ , Q will not give you additional money . Test of patriotism is sinking you .

Especially the first few days the situation is very grim period of the Diaoyu Islands , sank a Taiwanese fishing boat , detained the captain , as if satisfied that the Diaoyu Islands in their own territory , really mad at people!

Willing to forward ,beats by dre solo HD, I hope you do not want the silence on the line ! Maybe once you publish ! To affect the Japanese economy ¥ 10,000 !

always in the end you ask me how far our love will not change , I say as long as the eternal stars twinkling , I will accompany you to forever and ever , eternal love in the end it? The results of a love, a new relationship again , this is not going on forever

hey ,cheap dr dre headphones, feeling love ah ah , love, sale and purchase , ah, ah really tired

static quiet night , watching the rain outside , listening to this song baby , I feel music has accompanied me for years , lonely and not lonely, can only say that brother sang songs, singing is also a lonely

; I was the legendary ...... Ha ha ha

when I no longer want you, no longer write relevant text, do not look back when, years into what color? Is like a rain of glass, reflect the past, the same bright and clean?
as a fishing boat on the moon, and the waves, swaying, and the songs and lines.
people came, they run away, ethereal rock, day light stack.
When I no longer want you, no heartache faint, if not say something silly. Line of sight whenever Ye Lu, wet, cold and crystal clear when, lonely people can just stand in the window?
I really forgot. Since the advent of
forget that we can not forget. Such as the winter snows Kudingcha incense and cool. Such as walking in the street of the central, so many of rubbing shoulders and staggered, leaves drop in the feet, the same disapproval.
When I no longer want you, the flow of time to many years. Changed the face of life has changed, but not printed photographs, hanging on the wall. If the eyes are the cameras, and film less exposure the years, stretching out to see, no one's shadow.
When I no longer want you, and not entangled in the tired, not tired of stubborn. Free space is not their own, and then go back, it is good to go far it!
time, space, mind, memory.
still miss.
still have these two simple words can replace the word it? This is the evil can not be hung on the lips, unable to show, say it to who will listen. Despite the nostalgia, even touching. Who to go through quietly faded. Help the choice of wipe or reluctant. Sand also, met or ignored, still sand, waves to uphold ... ...
so stubborn, so persistence, flow to, and then there is no trace. But refused.
years of silence is most appropriate posture.
not already know it? Starry sky, the night is blue or dignified, Yang who is the head, weight loss in the darkness where the stars will be falling down?
I no longer want you. Do not want you, do not look back, no pain, irrelevant.
years ago, said that the oath.
simple. Also simple to difficult, difficult in the end, after all, simple. Back and forth just rules, but did not understand. If the back, would not understand, as the original.
So this is the most natural look.
When I no longer want you, not everything connected with you, not seen water in a cup of cool but again,Dre beats headphones, will not stop smiling the way, there will be pleased to touch it?
had long been away, and consciousness in late light. Far, but miss the other side of the room quietly Man in the open, like a quiet night the voice of flowers, as if the remote Scottish bagpipes. Light, beautiful, focused. Occupied, but also quietly.
When I no longer want you. I miss always overflowing, and that you spill, drifting where ...... really want in your side, even if only a moment, feel the share of quiet.
When I no longer want you, my life had dried up.
When I do not think you -
and I, how can we forget you ... ...

The next morning, still in a dream it, you hear the sound waves of high heels in the living room, every sound is as exciting as the alarm clock I simply can not sleep. Not the good choice to open the door, I directed Xia Qing shouted: Green is to the room while carrying a box, saw me, helpless expression, said: moved back to live. ;, Listen to these words know Xia Qing began to reprove me, and I quickly interrupted by the summer green of the words, , I have to say? Do you see how evil you are thinking, I mean ...... uh! I said I will not just share a bathroom with someone of course, the beauty is, except drop. reason she did not finish, like also rushed into the bathroom to escape, first to solve a bit physical health problems. They rushed along the surface of a bath. When I came out to see the table has been arranged the breakfast,beats by dr dre, egg fried rice. Heart music flattered.
seems to have a really good woman, then the future is not without its own cook? Then you look at the summer green apron came out from the kitchen, also carrying a bowl of soup, said: You grab! , crystal clear, although some spots on it, but the batter than you ever 10 glorious record of seven, has been very good, uh, there is progress. Summer plainer at me, said: Xia Qing every morning will be up to trouble, because in the past when talking about friends, I have not slept soundly one day, there is early summer to practice green habits, said the park is an old master with a woman self-defense training surgery, every day since I took early morning practice. To see her punching posture, legs weak, one can tell it is built on sand, are estimated to kill even a chicken, it is also women's self-defense.
can see the game better ah! Xia Qing every day fun. I also like to get training right hand, I see her excitement about her course with, did not think this is more interest in contributing to the summer green, but more and more diligent practice. Do not know yet that it encountered a neuropathy. Is much better now, but anytime before punching her, may be interested in something a long time will be tired of it.
but that's okay, I'll sleep naked every day, do not tuck, she dare not look into my room. Italy could not help but smile thinking about thinking, the dishes clean up a bit, into the game.
call a small wild boar, and I feel even better up, seems to have particularly good luck today, not two minutes to work out of the woods, and then you see a lot of players in the There Kanguai leveling, they are curious I looked around me with a small wild boar, after all players at this stage can take almost no pets, so I immediately became the focus of all eyes. Quickly incorporated into the small wild boar pet room, the players escape the line of sight.
not gone far, a stray dog ​​in my line of sight, we can now seven, and to kill only small dogs should be easyblood ah? Dogs finally react, to bite at me, I was raw so its bite, a look at blood, lost half the blood, how is it? I think not, the second wild dogs attacked me, I quickly ran. Finally ran out of the scope of the attack dogs, precisely, should be a female player to the dogs stopped, and saw that the female players on the sword down, wild dogs would be dead, and over looked lighter contempt look at me, so much against my self-esteem. . MD, mingled 7 kill even the dogs are, What do you mean it!
depressed friend open bar, no intention of falling a bit close, I asked: is a 5 to kill the dogs. how is it? ? ; ; ; open the properties bar, you see I have 45 properties waiting for allocation, which was to upgrade the properties of 35 points, the task had 10 points. Think of their major military who do not increase intelligence, and give yourself a 10-point constitution, the power of .10 points 20 points of agility .5 points of luck.
Now my character is
physical properties: 20, physical defense power 102-102, HP: 400
Strength: 22, attack 117-117
; Agility: 12, increase accuracy, escape rate, flexibility
Intelligence: 10, Magic attack power 50-50
Spirit: 1, Magic Defense 5-5, MP: 20
lucky : 10, increase the critical strike chance
perception: 1. Perception, the more easy to grasp skills and comprehension skills. Maximum 10 points. Properties are not added
plus good property, I can not wait to try it, just been killed by wild dogs that female players has refreshed, no suspense, up is Yigun, spike, so that female players are now really want to see me in the cow, not me stingy, is that the eyes stakes ah.
call a small wild boar play it cool, said: Ye Hao, a small wild boar on here familiar with it relatively easy to find with a powerful strange, we can now seven, and then added a 10-point through the task attributes, equivalent to 9 characters, such as small dogs strange, of course, not for me.
through a lot of stories have taken place in the woods, I came to a wild boar with a small marsh area, a small wild boar does not go forward, I will saw a large blood red frog, a small wild boar as big enough, not sure, look at the basic monster hit information, see if there is a large frog on the property description,
; variation of blood frog, Level 12, Skill: spray venom.
heart with the bottom easier, spray venom? It is strange attack, the general attack of the strange, the defense is very end, I am close to a large frog, is preparing to attack it, I have found a large frog, would emit a venom at me, I quickly escape. See emerging a blister on the marshes, but also with an intense sulfuric smell, it seems to be sprayed on the front will not feel better. With the risk of disfigurement.
riding big frog did not regain consciousness, facing a large frog is Yigun, a look at the blood was one of 10 points less, at least, also to such attacks 10 times, 10 times estimated time it was sprayed on a large frog's venom, then I do not live, I am out of town when there is no medicine. Poof .... is a venom. I dodge, wiping my ass Biao venom into the marshes. My aim is Yigun big frog, no way, now run away, then certainly the frog's venom to be big hit, fight it!
so you come to me to the over five rounds, saw a large frog going to die, and my strength has dropped to less than 200 , each jet will take my 40-point strength, although not directly sprayed, but the venom is very fragmented, there will always be a few sporadic splashed me.

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• Looks. The marketing for these headphones plays up hip-hop master Dr. Dre’s role in designing these headphones. Despite that, we love the sleek black look of the Monster Beats. They come off as sophisticated with calling attention to themselves. These headphones are marketed as being “scratch resistant” and we didn’t experience anything to contradict that. However, the Monster Beats are very much not smudge resistant. In fact, they seem to be smudge magnets. (No wonder they come with a cleaning cloth!)

• Other Features. The Monster Beats come with two cords, one regular cord and another with a microphone and answer button that turn your Monster Beats into a cell phone headset. (The headset functionality works with most cell phones, including the iPhone). Both cords are 4 feet (1.25 meters) long, which is perfect for portable use but for your home stereo you’ll need to buy an extension cord.

Headphones | iPod Accessories  |  7 Comments | All Tech & Gadget Reviews

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The Monster Beat headphones is one of those products that’s named after what it truly delivers: a powerful bass. Deeply powerful. Heart-stoppingly, jaw-shakingly powerful. Knock-the-paint-off-your-walls powerful. You get the idea.

Related Post: Dr. Dre Monster Beats vs. Bose Quiet Comfort 15 vs Sennheiser PXC 450

• Price. There are no other headphones that produce this much base; the Monster Beats’ price—around $350 or £270— reflects that.

• Comfort. Excellent. We wish the headband was a little softer but the inside of the ear pieces are comfortably padded (see pics, below) and the ear cups are large enough not to pinch your ears.

• Portability. The Monster Beats come with a high quality travel case; the headphones fold down to fit within it. Once in its case, the Monster Beats are a little smaller than the Bose Quiet Comfort 2 headphones but not as small as the Quiet Comfort 3s or the Sennheiser PXC 450s.

There is no set of noise canceling set headphones, and quite possibly no set of headphones of any sort,beats by dr dre, that delivers music with as much thump. If you are a music purist, delight in your trebles, or a big fan of audiobooks then you’d be better off reading our review of the overall best noise canceling headphones. If you are a connoisseur of rock, techno, hip-hop or some other beat-heavy genre, and relish in your bass, then these are the headphones for you.

Our other impressions of these headphones:

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brother summed up a set of experiences: if you have money , they hit hard ; if you have no money , it hard to steal .
finished ....

fall this year, the lowest 2.52% year 7560 with only a high rent less interest a month when I only paid 265

Zhengzhou fairly good place to rent and that the proportion of total housing about 1 to 266

first-tier cities Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen up to 1 in 500 is a suite to rent for almost 40 years to pay off

How can we without a fight? Ditch on the need to do happy renting family!

investment houses no longer have a profit of 80 rigid demand is not to sell themselves to live without rent control that he reasonably unreasonable

Moreover, the quality of the house these days can just cover the top of the elevator down is also a problem if the house is your

you happy? We are richer than the previous generation, but not necessarily happy than they are, because society does not suffer but the inequality.

I am not wealthy but I was happy renting family ... I have slave owners in the city and you are willing to ditch the company of you with me?

Are there 30 million

believe that poor levels of Zhengzhou, the salaries to afford 670 a month rent it will not move to eat 300,000 Interest

take a look at the landlord to landlord but also renovated into 50,000 of these to buy furniture, household appliances can be counted more than 10 years using 50,000 divided by 10

I do not consider the housing without regard to depreciation is not shabby for the near future will be worse now often linked to the elevator to worry about

GDP growth for the motherland when the house slave? car slave? 80 after which the awareness is so high!

government to our land, while small, are often flushed to the king. Supply and demand to see house prices can not see the truth!

to be a house slave in support of national GDP growth was high can you count your happy state? Their own homes have a happy face with it?

low to pay 670 when I actually pay money home to his landlord's house to use the newly renovated into a new home appliance furniture

once rebellious 80, is to take care of the traditional concept, it must be the Home Ownership, or face the face that the vanity, the comparisons of tired!

Every year I look different in 2007, when interest rates up to 4.14% 300,000 Bank of the year I 12420

initial rent 1500

family rental housing landlords and mortgage the more I do not have to count it

30 years after the landlord's house, he can earn back 40 years, imagine their own use we see today can live in the house 30 years ago, it?

you think you do? If you think you, then we work together to do the math.

If I have 300,000 landlord and the landlord with a 300,000 house and I bought this to 300,000 in bank

This is an algorithm that is almost the actual situation


rent can not arrive for the world on an indicator to measure national housing prices

good landlord who has now dropped to 1300

previous life to say that these things count more than 10 years to five years, I live in new houses to live on the landlord's also newly renovated with new new appliances

This is calculated according to pay the full amount of the mortgage plus interest and so if you rent a bonus, they also use to access the 70 years

furniture, appliances new house is a total of 26 floors in my new 16-story

our economy is to let some people get rich, he did not bring you rich, he used the real estate so you can give him a slave!

gnawing old,dr dre headphones for sale, tighten their belts, but also buy a car buy a house, or for yourself. Are Pentium III, and end a marriage, making individuals, a difficult task!

the first floor of the elevator come to an end even when the person out of two new lifts A's money and I can then go to another new building!

look at the rent, my personal experience ... ... rent in the summer of 2007 a set of 60 flat rent Zhengzhou Bedroom

2010 years, and 80 Pentium III class, whether we are born in good times, or economic sacrifices for the motherland generation?

consumed an average of a year the landlord to rent 15,600 5,000 a year, and I am not a landlord housing depreciation earn 10,000 a year

30 万 basically allows me to live life with a new home life also use the new furniture, appliances for 70 years I was a happy renting family

1. Fate is responsible for shuffling, but the game of cards is our own.
2. alive happy point, because we die for a long time
3. turned his hand when loneliness index toes; the original, will miss heartache when breathing; the original, a person is a lifetime. ..
4. I believe the fate of the people to go along with fate, do not believe that destiny is fate dragged.
5. Life is not dress rehearsal, live every day!
6. the world's most distances, is not life and death. But I stand before you, you do not know that I love you. The farthest distance in the world, not me standing in front of you, you do not know that I love you. But with his cold heart, for people who love you dug a ditch to cross.
8. where the eye can see, is you go to the place
7. What is love? That the white splash
9. Love is art, marriage is a technology, a divorce is the arithmetic.
10. low-key! B, is the most cattle show off!!!
11. dead easy, too difficult to live.
12. something to do when we busy as a tired, yet when we do nothing to relax as boring.
13. We always like to verify the others promise to us, but rarely to verify for ourselves the promise.
14. go furthest in the direction - even if the road confused; hold the greatest hope - even a basket case; adhere to the will of the strongest - even Daoshanhuohai; prepare for the worst - even all over again.
15. Do not talk to me about ideal, quit!
16. words betray words, knives betrayal, betrayed eyes water, but I was a betrayal of my heart
17. Some people think that the world is too real, the reality was in when you most need help no one to help you; also suggested that the world is too hypocritical, hypocritical in when you most need help, who usually
18. today I found: Why do we always feel pain than pleasure; sorrow than joy; sorrow than happiness. The original is because we are not always painful things as pain; the things that are not sad as sad; the sad things are not as sad; and originally belong to happiness, joy, happiness, something seen very plain, not treat them as true happiness, joy and happiness.
19. I can not wave drifting, caused by love for my loved ones. no matter how tough hard to have a strong, only for those looking eyes. mind if in a dream, between heaven and earth still love to see the success of the heroic life , just start all over again
20 when I was sick, I found that health is the most important; when I am sad, I found that happiness is the most important; when I wanted to take, I found that love is the most important; when I am poor, I found that money is the most important; when I was hungry, I found the most important food and clothing; when I was depressed, I found that confidence is the most important; when I leave this world, I found that the time is the most important of. However, when I'm not dead, he discovers that what is important, nothing important. ----- In the end what is important and what is it you want.
21. the feelings between two people is like knitting, to establish when each stitch, carefully and long, gently remove the time need only pull the
22. not all sorry, can change to forgive!
23. once had, do not forget; has been obtained, but also to cherish; their own, do not give up; has been lost, keep the memories; want to get, must work; but the most important is a good love yourself!
24. how our generation is: When we read in grade school, universities do not want money; when we read in college, elementary school, not the money; we have not the ability to work when work is assigned ; we can work when, reluctantly driven to the wall were hungry people looking for work; when we can not make money when the house is assigned, the time when we can make money, that salary is also lifetime can not afford a house; when we did not enter the stock market when the fools are making money; when we broke in excitedly when they find that they become a fool. Hey, this kind of pain I have to catch up.
25. go to a place, miss a place, all because of that people, rather than that of the King, a city with its own effect, and also because it has phase of their people, you can not let people
26. mother said: best not to miss two things. the last one home the car, and a love you I want to sit the final a shuttle bus to the people who love me around.
27. Beas, said: Archer said: Aries said: Cancer, said: Virgin said: Capricorn, said: Taurus said: Lion said: Aquarius said: Gemini said: Libra said: Scorpio said:
28. Do not take my sense of shame as you tolerate the capital!
29.'d rather proud of loneliness, not aggrieved loved?
30. rather proud of the mold, not to humble love!
31. Youth is like toilet paper, looking with a lot of, with the use of not enough
32. go furthest in the direction - even if the road confused; hold the greatest hope - even a basket case; adhere to the most strong will - even if Daoshanhuohai; prepare for the worst - even all over again.
33. the past is death, the future belongs to you.
34. cry, does not mean I yield; step back, not a symbol I throw in the towel; let go, does not mean I give up; smile, does not mean I'm happy!
35. Many times, I like the others , she does not know; more time, I hurt people, I do not know.
36. people can not put money into the coffin, but the money may put people into the coffin.
37. grievances can be told, it will not be wronged; take away the love, it is not love
38. like, a touch of love; love, deep love ... ...
39 is, pumping is lonely ...... 40. at the right time, meet the person, it is a blessing. At the wrong time, met the wrong people, it is a sigh.
41. I am God: How can something sad smile, one forget? God answered: to get yourself out
42. To correct a mistake ~ ~ look ~ ~ cry about sad, tired look ~ ~ Looking back, live tired ~ ~ take a break, desperate choice ~ ~ about
43. Sometimes, disappointment is a blessing. As something to look forward, will be disappointed. Sometimes, unfortunately, is a blessing, because there are things that you regret.
44. woman has numerous QQ, just to take liberties with a man, a man used a QQ number on it to fill a variety of women ... ...
45. Each woman had an angel, when When she was in love with a man broken wings will fall into mortal, so no matter how you do not live like that woman, because she has no wings to fly back to the original day of ... ...
46. rat told the cat: I love you! Cat said: You go away! Mouse tears away. No one saw the mouse left, the cat shed a tear, in fact, there is a love called to give up!
47. No matter how much a man to a woman about how romantic fairy tale, there finally, but around one word: bed!
48. most admire when you break out of the eyes - not the least bit of nostalgia!
49.'d rather hide in Mercedes-Benz car to cry, do not smile on my bike!
50 when the day turn again to the bed at night, when the sun is born ... ...
51. not in love before the start, you never imagine would be like to love a person; in love did not end Previously, you never imagine that kind of love will not disappear; forgotten in love before, you never imagine will be as memorable, leaving only faint traces of love; in love again before the start, you can not imagine ever again time to find the kind of love.
52. love, sad, after all, girls
53. money is not the problem, the problem is money
54. why is water mounted alcohol, is satyr why loading the sheep!
55. God in Eden: You even took her to shape people that wan? You had to make her! 58. You think I'm playing, I actually work; you think I'm at work, I play.
59. Rain or shine, busy watching flowers bloom before court; fate not, Man with the outer Yunjuanyunshu.
60. seen the most beautiful fireworks came to understand a little longer flat, the most bitter tears flow only treasure every sweet, round off the most stupid of the Covenant will believe the truth will never change!
61. does not love love, never worse. Therefore, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love.
62. years will we learn to understand, let us learn to be tolerant rings!
63. I was silent, because the heart floating in a touch of sadness; I smile, because at the side turned to see you after ... ...
64. I pretend to work for his boss, the boss of me to pretend to pay wages ... 65. love it, as have not received the same injury; singing it, as no one listening to the same; dance it, as no one to enjoy the same; to work, the same as when there is no salary; live it, it is not when the day today as
66. you see I hit the words on the screen, but can not see my tears fall on the keyboard ... ...
67. No matter where I am, I turn away from you is only a distance.
68. I am on a foreign man, the candidate I cried, but in the end, the other is simply 51. God put everyone cheated, because hell is beautiful! Buddha know the truth, so Buddha said:
70. modern life: on today's class, sleeping the sleep yesterday, to spend tomorrow's money.
71. do not think wrestling later, the first climb up to say.
72. We use one eye to see the reality of plaster, but brave to fly with the other eye, close to the dream
73. you cry, it is good cry. However, after the end, they never do not think, no more crying.
74. assaying can fire, a woman can test gold, men can try to use a woman. - Often can not afford it a try.
75. martial arts and then high, but also afraid of knives! Dress again Diao, a brick pile down!
76 trees do not skin, certain death! One of shame, invincible!
77. In this life, you are lending money to or to repay the debt?
78. pay attention to your ideas, because ideas will form your language; Watch your language because the language will lead to your actions; Watch your actions, because the line into your habits; pay attention to your habits, as habits will form your character; Watch your character, because - the character is your destiny.
79. lonely, the lonely companion ... ...
80. can stay out of real people ...
81. sphere is a body!
82. you never see my lonely / because when you do not see is my most lonely
83. cigarettes, love match, it is destined to be hurt! A kite is a lifetime money only adventure! In the world of love, not who I am sorry, only who do not know how to cherish!
84. could not tie my heart to say I do not bother! If you are my eyes tear, I never cry, because I am afraid of losing you!
85. is used by men, so to be reliable; woman is to love, so cute.
86. love, say it out loud, because you never know, tomorrow and the accident, which will first come!
87. I want to drink the pain is drowning, but damn the pain but learned how to swim love is like chewing gum, a long time will be bland, feel dull wanted to give up, regardless of lost where you are, will difficult to erase the traces left behind.
88. the most romantic words, not
89. do women have to stand the lies, stand the perfunctory, we resist cheating, put it down, promise, and finally with a smile to disguise the tears fall, preferring to believe that the world's ghosts, and do not believe the man The mouth goes broke! ! !
90. men like submissive women, but if a man likes a woman,dr dre headphones for sale, would unknowingly listen to her.
91. let go of the once, does not fit the memory.
92. because we wanted a person and lonely, for love and gentle a person, because there is a persistent dream, because such a person and torture ,.... who want to fulfill the promise ..... than the whole anyone in the world love you ...... but ..... original ... love is not able to do so .. Aihenjiandan affectionate, just too much of this social reality, and reality is too cruel 93 flowers and grass one of the world a paradise for a Bodhi tree, a soil as a party to a pure land for a laugh to the bonds of a quiet mind is the idea of ​​a lotus opening.
94. can not be friends after breaking up, because the two sides hurt and can not do the enemy, because loving each other too, so we become the most familiar stranger ...
95. Do not say love , a promise is a debt owed ...
96. pain too, know how to protect themselves; crying, know what is feeling sad, silly too, to know and adhere to timely give up, loved , did not know he is very vulnerable. In fact, life does not need so many unnecessary persistent, nothing really can not let go.
97. I thought the bird, but the sea is that the birds do not fly over the sea of ​​courage, a decade later I found, not the bird not the past, but the sea is not that a long wait .. .
98. the world would have no beauty, the pursuit of many people naturally become beautiful. . .
99. his wife is a TV lover is a mobile phone, at home watching TV, go out with a cell phone; bankruptcy to sell TV, make a fortune for mobile phones; occasionally keep TV all day playing phone; fixed TV, mobile phone; channels for free, mobile phone charges. Man holding a cell phone want to watch TV.
100. There are some things we knows is wrong, they can go to insist, as reconciled; some people, we know that love is also going to give up, because no end; Sometimes, we do not knows Road, and still the first line, as used to.

hearts and the quiet, calm the mind is clear static.

is ecstatic to hear the news,
glad I do not get carried away,
their intention, then listening to substandard,
case do not ring true to his heart,
not irritable, even more furious,
is static

of life goals to pursue. In order to achieve their development goals in life,
firm without duty-bound,
make this mountain that looks abandoned high impetuous heart,
no fixed not to pursue misty illusions.
no distractions evil,
Lured in sensual pleasures,
not come to grief because of their ages and life.
This was a student of static.

controversy, calm,
should consider how to let others be convinced with the fact that reason,
do not mind all of a sudden heat up,beats by dre pro,
the others do not agree with their views as a loss of face - non-crushed him not,
cocky he dare, I dare to chop! broke up.

cause was not smooth,
love frustrated,
cobia some family disputes and other headaches lazy failure frustrated things,
be a good state of mind to face, not anxious, not irritable.
maintain inner calm,
emotional stability,
trying to find to solve the problem,
way to resolve conflicts.
This is intended to quiet.

so in the case of very angry,
attack when,
favorable, can be justified,
time to calm down.
not act in haste, without impulsive, not reckless, abandon anxious,
suppress the ground, moving steadily,
to think about and implement the best strategy and success.
This is the line quiet.

not turn a blind eye to the abhorrent things,
deaf ear.
when stroke the table when you stroke the table,
but cool to think about before you stroke the table,
for others or for themselves, for justice or for the face,
for the accused to defend himself or evil.
just as if the blame for others as evil,
this case can not be non-beat.

this time of quiet,
when the impulse is not,
try to find the best strategy to win.
not the kind of modesty
not the kind of hidden in Ayutthaya.

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shrimp, scallions and egg.
salt, water, chicken powder, sesame oil.
1. the shrimp processing clean, just take the shrimp. Knock eggs into the bowl.
2. the egg, adding a little seasoning salt and chicken powder, salt must be less put, inside the egg itself contains a small amount of salt.
3. and then to prepare a cup of warm water (30 degrees), or chicken soup, the warm water into the egg, water and egg ratio of about 2 to 1. Then stir in one direction, to clean the top of the bubble. Pour the egg mixture is warm water is best, do not add water and hot water. Because tap water in the air, the water is boiling, the air discharge, custard will be cellular, affect the quality and custard taste, nutrition will suffer. Do not use boiling water, otherwise it will become the egg drop soup, so go steaming, nutritional damage, not even steamed custard. It is best to use warm water or cold water Chawanmushi, so can guarantee the taste, but also to ensure appearance. The amount of water is also very important, too little will make the taste more tight custard older, too much custard, difficult to shape, taste the water of the will. Playing the egg, they do not stir the egg mixture fierce, fierce in the mix before steaming or stir the egg mixture long will the egg foam, it is best to lay the egg, add water, stirring to break up after a slight .
4. seasoning and add warm water, stir the egg mixture, then a small mesh filter look, remove the ribs first.
5. in the steam before the inner wall of the container to cast a thin layer of sesame oil, so eating custard bowl will not Nianman egg is not easy to clean.
6. Finally, pour the egg mixture into the container, my back's too full, you can pour a full nine points - and then close the lid or the buckle plate can also be added to this steaming nothing . Must be open when the water after the water after steaming, then the egg mixture into the steamer and steam, the first sub-fire small fire, about 2 minutes after a small fire can turn, and the steamer's lid must to stay seam, do not cover tightly, and steam while running the gas side, so that steam out of the custard will not cellular, does not taste old. Steaming time is about 10-15 minutes, then open water to steamer record time. (Toothpick inserted if handled badly can look to determine which of the egg is not already familiar), the middle to 7-8 minutes into the cooked shrimp can be added with the steam. After steaming adding diced green onion, sesame oil drops can eat. According to their needs and preferences, you can also add minced meat, steamed fish soy sauce, shrimp, scallops, ham, bacon Ding, vinegar, soy sauce, etc. - or the Japanese tea bowls made of Egg, add shrimp, bacon, mushrooms, spinach, crab and so on.

Danpi pancake:
materials: flour, eggs, celery, meat.
spices: salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, pepper, soy sauce, cooking wine, spring onion, ginger.
1. the amount of eggs and flour and water into a dough, documented repeatedly rub board, pressed repeatedly with a rolling pin, roll dough into very thin, cut dough into the prepared several square. (Too lazy to get their own can use wonton wrappers instead of)
2. System good dough, let's start doing fillings, the celery washed mince, onion finely chopped, put in the meat in salt, pepper, ginger at the end, sesame oil, soy sauce, cooking wine, chicken powder, stir well marked enthusiasm, put celery and mix well.
3. all ready to do a good job, you can start package pancakes, and get a good square to a just system of dough, place filling, pressing the map mode wrap, sealing with egg.
4. According to this method wrap all of the rectangular raw embryo, the embryo into the steamer with raw fire steamed, then coated with egg, put pan fried bake, fry until golden removed.
modulation egg: eggs, add starch to it.
Danpi pancakes can pack into a square, triangle, circle, filling can also be vegetable salad.

materials: rice, egg, fried fritters, pork, onion.
spices: salt.
1. First rice washing clean, then put into a container, add salt and water taking a dip in a while, about half an hour on it; preserved eggs stripped Peel Ding; fritters are cut into same-size small; onion mince.
2. Wash the pork into the pot cooked, do not cut, take a small piece of direct cooking on it, and without seasoning, cooked, remove and let cool, then hand torn pork. Of course, preserved egg porridge into the meat can be pre-marinated bacon.
3. To take to pot into the water boil, and then just soaked into the rice, followed by another part of the preserved egg and pork into small, turn a small fire to boil, slowly stewed, time and patience would be best to allow boil about an hour, to thick porridge Ruannuo can, if they do not insist that rice can be cooked, too, drink, and finally the need to taste salt and then add the appropriate seasoning, onion, fritters, and the small remaining part of the preserved eggs, eating porridge sprinkled into it.

cabbage pancake:
dough required materials:
flour ...... ...... 300 grams boiling water 150 g

cold water. ..... 60 g
(using water dough)
stuffing materials needed:

shrimp cabbage ...... ...... 300 g 30 g
onions ...... ...... less than half the amount of root

white sesame salt white pepper ...... ...... little
little a little sesame oil ......
1. Wash cabbage, shredded; washed mince onion back.
2. pot add a little oil, heat and pour into spring onion, Stir the fragrance into the shrimp, cabbage silk, fry Caisi soft, add salt, white pepper, sesame oil seasoning, stir-fry evenly after the fire, filling the well.
3. Sift flour, add boiling water while using chopsticks while Hunban into coarse granular, then knead by hand, the next time you consider to add cold water, cold water completely rub it into the dough, kneaded dough on the side of the wake 15 minutes.
4. the dough into a small number of copies of the dough with a rolling pin to roll the dough into small discs, including into the fried filling, crushed into a pie, cookies, brush the surface with a brush in a layer of water, then dip a layer of white sesame seeds, followed by doing all of the tortillas.
5. Finally, pan fried on it, the stuffing is cooked already got, do not fry too long, as long as both sides are color, golden brown enough. Practice with the pie looks almost ready, I feel a lot more than pie to light, delicious a lot.

nuts pumpkin pie
pumpkin flour glutinous rice flour, almond
salt, sugar
1. the flour, glutinous rice flour, almonds, pumpkin and spices together into a large bowl, and into the dough, divided into small, round cake made. In a round cake on some simple decoration. Pumpkin and flour, glutinous rice flour ratio is 5:4:1, while pumpkin is still time to join the heat then add flour and glutinous rice flour, so make the taste more glutinous, you can just put the rice flour, add the amount of to and after the sticky dough into the subject ~
2. Heat pan, add a little oil, fry until golden on both sides into the pumpkin pie can be.
can also pumpkin, almonds and flour,dr dre beats, adding the right amount of water, transferred into a thin paste, then paste the pumpkin with a spoon into the pot, fry the pumpkin pie. Election pumpkin, use nails peel, if not leave finger marks, that old familiar, visible on the surface a small amount of frost, when the pumpkin and sweet face. Melon pumpkin stems pedicle attached to the body to save a long time, buy pumpkin, melon body Zhou Zheng to choose, not to hurt is not bad, most people like to eat the old pumpkin.

minced meat pie
material spin:
water dough 1 (after the dough with water practice)
meat, green onion, salt and pepper, (you can also put small shrimp).
1. the meat, green onion, salt and pepper stir; the water dough kneading, rubbing strips.
2. would be a good rubbing strips into small parts, roll into a round of dough, meat with a spoon to spread evenly in the dough roll into a wafer, and roll up.
3. Volume growth and then roll into a snail-shaped strip, slightly flattened, gently roll a roll, a minced meat pie spin on the well.
4. to do all of the cookies, in turn, can be cooked into the pan, you can also use the oven to 200 degrees oven baked.
water dough practice:
materials: flour, 300 grams, 150 grams boiling water, cold water 60 grams.
1. Sift the flour, the flour, pour in boiling water, flour and boiling water with chopsticks into a coarse granular Hunban.
2. hand rub.
3. and then increased slightly, whilst cold water.
4. will rub it into the dough completely in cold water.
5. wake surface, the smoothness of the dough significant change, then you can use a rolling pin to form a whole variety of open water pasta.

seafood wonton noodle
Material: instant noodles (with Longxumian best, instant noodles at home I have just used), ravioli (Ye Hao own bag, buy ready-made if you like), prawns, rape, broth (bone soup, chicken soup can), seaweed, mushrooms, onion, dried shrimps.
spices: salt, chicken powder, pepper, sesame oil.
1. the prawns, peeled, head, remove the gut, keep the tail, so it looks better to do, will handle a good wash shrimps; rape rape take heart clean; mushroom foam hair, mood can be a knife crosswise, so that he will appear in front of this bowl is more beautiful; washed mince onion.
2. materials are ready, take to the soup pot, add the amount of water, boil, then lower into the noodles and ravioli, cooked fish, I use instant noodles, what can be remove Shaozhu , and because it is summer, so look over the cooked noodles to the water.
3. If there is soup, then the taste will be better, we would be another pot boil broth, if not just cooking with soup on the soup can, shrimp boil, then add mushrooms, dried shrimps, seaweed, vegetables, then add pepper, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, seasoning, and finally into the wonton and noodles in the soup and adjust seasoning, sprinkle with scallions the end.

ham roll vegetable materials used:
ham ...... 4 ...... 35 g

cabbage onion .. .... 35 grams
asparagus, mushrooms ..... so your favorite vegetables can be ...... need 35 grams of cheese slices or cheese
amount of wire ......
(regular cheese slices can also be used with special cheese pizza baking can also be made of silk.)
salt, white pepper ...... amount
1. necessary materials and Preparation:
ham slices, vegetables, cut thick wire, cheese slice folded over and then cut into strips.
2. processing of vegetables wire:
the addition of vegetables other than onions, boil water, add two spoonfuls of salt in boiling water, remove and drain the water. Into a large container, add salt and pepper mix.
3. make ham roll (Figure):
smoothing the ham, put the marinated vegetables, add the cheese roll up of the flow, and fixed with a toothpick.
make ham roll pan can be heated slightly to melt the cheese inside the can. You can also use the microwave, like ham, cheese and more can be re-covered with a chip. Made of baked, just ham roll side by side into the oven, then sprinkle the cheese evenly on top of wire, placed in preheated 200 degree oven, bake about six minutes, until cheese melts into a golden brown.

Blue Ribbon Pork material:
pork tenderloin ...... a
(go to the supermarket to buy, they can choose the meat cut neat, convenient home operator, or directly buy ready-made loin meat.)
cheese ...... 2
(with ordinary piece of cheese or that they are a little better with cheese slices Ye Hao.)
ham ... ... 2
(ham can be cut slightly thicker, so that after the layered cut pork chops will be more beautiful.)

flour 1 egg ...... ..... . ...... a little bit

crumbs salt, pepper ......
the amount of practice:
1. to prepare a tenderloin or pork loin with a ready-made preparation of the meat should not be too small.
2. the entire fillet into two pieces, preferably thinner.
3. and then hammer gently tap with a meat, a meat thinning larger, when the beat pads wrap.
4. will beat a good meat into the market, adding a little salt and pepper marinated for a while.
5. take this time to prepare some of the flour.
6. a bread crumbs.
7. an egg.
8. would pave the way meat is now the top layer of ham.
9. in a layer of cheese pieces.

pot chicken
Material: chicken breasts (about 4-5 small pieces), 2 eggs, flour.
spices: salt, cooking wine, onion, ginger, chicken broth (no no).
1. Zacheng the chicken breasts with a knife blade fine mud; ginger are finely chopped; egg 1 egg white to take the remaining beaten egg yolk together with another mix; remove the amount of flour back .
2. Then take the chicken mud bowl, add egg white, stir several times, then add ginger, spring onion, cooking wine, salt and mix thoroughly.
3. wok pour the oil till hot, take a small portion of chicken in the pan smoothing clay into a small pie, chicken pie in order to do all, removed.
4. flour, dip both sides of it, then wrapped eggs, and then back into the pot and fry golden brown on it. Finally, you can then add the right amount of chicken broth to the soup will do when you can transfer to a plate. When can I eat more salt and pepper or tomato sauce dip.

Shrimp Toast volume of material needed:
shrimp toast ...... 5
mud ...... ..... 200 grams protein
.1 ...... 1 tablespoon

minced garlic 1 tablespoon chopped green onion ...... ......
salt 1 / 4 tablespoon pepper
...... 1 / 4 tbsp sesame oil

wine ...... ...... 2 tsp 1 / 2 tablespoons
amount of starch ......
volume of oil is probably fried toast in 150 degrees -160 degrees, the chopsticks into the pot, will emerge around a little Youpao.
1. Wash the prawns, remove the shrimp line. Only take the shrimp, remove all the rest, into the blender, whipped into a mud shrimp.
2. the mud shrimp, protein, diced green onion, minced garlic, salt, cooking wine, pepper, sesame oil Stir make filling.
3. toast to the side, and flat with a rolling pin roll compaction, then sprinkle a little starch in the silk surface, a layer of filling on the flat roll cast, rolled into the pot with medium heat toast approach to deep-fried golden brown, remove and drain the oil can be consumed.

vegetable cake required materials:
flour ...... 120 g

cold water 1 egg ...... ...... 180 grams of milk ...... 120 g

(whole milk, some can also be replaced with water, I used half of the material can be boiled three cake.)
cabbage ... ... 3 trees
(what with their own vegetables)
onions, ginger ...... little
pepper, salt ...... a little
1. to do the first batter, flour, eggs, water, (milk) uniform mixing, wake up 15 minutes. Batter ready, that you could adjust stiffness, and their regulation under conditions of cold water can be a plus.
2. cabbage washed mince; ginger is finely chopped.
3. pot add a little oil, add onion and saute the end, then add cabbage to saute, and then into the batter fried vegetables, salt and pepper, stir into vegetables and eggs last paste.
4. saucepan brush a thin layer of oil, pour a tablespoon of batter, spread into cakes, fry until golden on both sides just fine.

mushrooms and chicken porridge required materials:
half a cup of rice ...... ...... 2

mushrooms chicken breast .... .. half a
(thigh meat can)
carrots, corn kernels ...... ...... a small amount of

(the amount of these materials are free to right) 1 teaspoon salt ......

(I added salt, you can add some pepper to your taste something.)
1. rice washing clean , into the soup pot, into the amount of water, open fire to boil, boil, turn a small fire.
2. after a small fire to wash carrots, mushrooms, and carrots, thinly Ding; mushrooms Diqie pieces, sliced ​​mushrooms and cook into porridge, looks very attractive, beautiful, I think so.
3. Wash chicken breast, I like the random knife slice into small pieces and shape do not have rules. Cut into any shape you can be satisfied. I do not have pickled chicken breast, did not do any processing. You can advance with their own preferences about taste it to adjust.
4. and so the pot of porridge is almost cooked, that is, rice flower, and you can add corn kernels, carrots, mushroom pieces, stir well and cook on a while, so they are off after birth, put the cut into small pieces of chicken breast poured into the pot, then stir with chopsticks to open, so they quickly boiled, add chicken breast I like this time, these details can cook with the owner's preferences and habits of random adjustment.
5. Finally, add a little salt to taste look like. Fragrant warm, made of rice is also good, both for adults and children.

eat potato pie this is.
main raw materials: potatoes, 300 grams water 300 grams of flour, 200 grams, 3 grams of salt.
1, potatoes, peeled, rubbed directly into the wire to the water, which prevents discoloration of potatoes, live batter does not need to add water when the.
2, plus 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon curry powder, 3 grams of salt to the potato in the tasty silk.
3, then add flour, Ban Cheng homogeneous paste, add some onion and mix well.
4, wok, add a teaspoon of oil, shake evenly apportioned amount of batter, over medium heat 3 minutes.
5, flip side, continue to heat 3 minutes. Golden potato cake cooked on it.

French Toast Ingredients: 4 white toast, jam amount, 2 eggs, milk 125 ml.
1. Beat eggs and milk after a mix, egg mixture back into the milk.
2. toast to the edge of the cast even after jam, every two stacked bond, again cut into triangles, put the egg in the milk wrapped in it.
3. saucepan adding the right amount of olive oil to the fire to heat transfer medium heat, gently toast picked up from the milk in the egg mixture into the pot, slowly fry the sides and then the three color a side of fried color can be.
4. eat when you can sprinkle some powdered sugar or with honey.

homemade pancake: This is relatively simple, should try. Haha.
flour 300 g
...... ...... 450 ml cold water 1 tablespoon

starch ...... ...... a little salt 2 tablespoons salad oil ......
(do we use a vegetable cake batter, here we use the batter.)
eggs ...... a
diced green onion ...... little
1. the flour, cold water, starch, salt, salad mix, stir, wake up 15 minutes. Amount of these materials according to their need to reduce. For breakfast, then we must reduce the weight of. This tune is also a good batter can then adjust the stiffness of.
2. saucepan brush a thin layer of oil, heat and pour into a tablespoon of batter, spread into the dough until the dough after forming into an egg freezing, the same operation as the share of pancakes, eggs with a spatula to stir scattered, so the egg mixture evenly covering the dough, the egg will be solidified when the cake roll, we must not completely solidified at the time the egg roll, wrapped in order to shape.
3. roll look after a small fire and fry until the egg rolls color, as you can out of the golden, cut plate and you can eat.

eggs ...... 2 ......
tomato half or 1 / 4
ham ...... a
salt, pepper ...... the little
(in the egg mixture to add a little salt and pepper.)
1. prepared materials, are ordinary common.
2. eggs into the bowl, 2 to 3.
3. tomato, ham, cut into small.
4. Remove the pan, heat, pour a little oil.
5. join the small tomatoes, ham continue to saute.
5. then you can pour the egg mixture.
6. until the egg is about freezing, it will be rolled pancake, fry golden brown pan can be cut into segments.

shrimp sandwich
row materials: shrimp, whole wheat bread, tomatoes, lettuce, eggs.
spices: salad dressing, salt, cooking wine, pepper.
1. shrimp only take shrimp, cleaned mince, or puree in blender can also be labeled; and then into a container, add a little salt, cooking wine, pepper, pickled for a little while , be sure to put less salt oh ~
2. eggs add a little water and mix, then spread into the frying pan into a pancake, in order to increase the thickness of the pancake, fold the pancake can be.
3. pancake with a good share of the pot to fried shrimp cakes, fried to a small fire slowly.
4. will Jianhao shrimp cake, pancake, as well as tomatoes, whole wheat bread, respectively, to change the size of the same knife cut into square pieces, scraps to eat.
5. Finally, whole wheat bread with all the material can be a folder, do not forget to add a layer of each intermediate are salad dressing. Finally available toothpick fixed.

tofu burgers row:
tofu meat ...... ...... small amount of half a

carrots ...... little
mushrooms. ..... a little

ginger ...... ...... 1 tsp salt 1 tsp
wine sauce. ..... 1 tsp sesame oil

little starch ...... ...... ...... little
pepper flour, egg, amount of bread crumbs ......
1. tofu into the boiling water the entire pot, blanch look out, mashed into a container, if your tofu out of a lot of water, you can use a small filter to filter excess water, then add a little salt and pepper, put aside.
2. Wash the mushrooms and carrots are chopped.
3. meat into the container, add a little ginger, salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper, whipped to pull its weight, then add bean curd, mud treatment, chopped mushrooms and chopped carrots, then add a little starch , mix well. If you added more meat, tofu is relatively small, you can add eggs to the meat inside. If you are worried about the amount of mishandled put spices, such as tofu can be added to the mud after the reunification of seasoning meat.
4. to make the tofu filling into a number of copies, made of several small cakes, shape and size are random, you choose the best bread with the size match, and then turn wrapped in flour, egg, bread crumbs, the next gently into a small gold pot on it. Specific heat and the time involved in your food consumption, the appearance of the food dish in order to more accurately determine the raw and cooked.
fried when a small fire, so as to make the skin color slowly, the food inside has enough time to slowly heat until cooked, not a wok on the paste off, but there was not enough time to heat.

tomato ham roll:
to try this! ! !

vegetables cornmeal tortillas:
cornmeal ...... 140 g
surface ...... 50 g soy flour ....

eggs ...... .. 50 g cabbage leaves 1

small amount of sausage ...... ...... 1-2 ... carrot root
... less than half the amount of root
water ...... ...... 1 tsp salt

1. the three kinds of surface component that good, and then mixed uniform weight not need to do the same cake as accurate, as long as corn accounted for most of the other two face up a little can improve the taste.
2. Wash the vegetables and mince; Peel the carrot or the end of Ding; small sausage slices, you can cut bigger, eating up the taste better.
3. to cut vegetables at the end, carrot pieces, slice the sausage mixture into the cornmeal in a good, into an egg, add a little salt, mix well, gradually adding water as needed, and mix into the dough.
4. Heat pan, add a thin layer of oil, using a spoon to take a handful of dough, flatten into a circle into the pie pan, fry until golden on both sides out, all can be done in order. Cornmeal where you can put any ingredients you like, made of a variety of flavors of the corn bread, add some sweet potato wire will be very good to eat ~

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(c) Life is short, perhaps also a waste of life today, tomorrow will find that life is far away from you. Therefore, the sooner cherish life, the days of your life to enjoy the more, the expected longevity of hope, it is better to enjoy breakfast.

(D) love is just a feeling, and this feeling will not hesitate to day, mood change. If you leave the so-called love you, please be patient and wait and let time wash slowly, making my mind slowly settling, your pain will slowly fade. Do not over look forward to the beauty of love, do not over-exaggerate the lovelorn sadness.

(5) Although many accomplished people have not received much education, but it does not mean it does not study hard, you will be a success. You learned that you have weapons. People can start from scratch, but not unarmed, remember!

(h) I bought 26 years of the lottery, or a poor white, nor even the third prize, which prove that people want to become rich, or it can be hard work, the world and there is no free lunch.

(g) You can ask yourself trustworthy, but can not ask someone trustworthy, you can ask themselves were good, but can not expect people to the Hello. How do you people, does not mean that others what you will, if not see through this, you will only add unnecessary trouble.

(b) no one is irreplaceable, nothing is a must have. Seen through this point in the future even if you lose the love of all the world, they should understand that this is not a big deal.

(nine) only once the fate of their loved ones, whether in this life I live and how long you will,beats by dr dre solo hd, please cherish copolymerization time, next life, whether love and not love, not goodbye.

(f) I will not ask you to support me the second half, again I will not support you the rest of my life, when you grow up to be independent of the time, my responsibility has ended. After you take the bus or the Mercedes-Benz, eating shark, or fans, to be themselves.

(a) bad for you people, you do not mind too much in your life, no one is obliged to be on the Hello, apart from me and your mother. On Hello people, you have to cherish, Thanksgiving.

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1, the world of matter, division and alternate, long period of division, together for a long time to divide summer

unified, business ZHOU Ji's, the Spring and Autumn chaos; unified Qin, Han Dynasty followed the Three Kingdoms of Wei disorder; Sui dominate, followed by Tang, Five Dynasties Song, Liao and Jin chaos; per dominate, followed by the Ming and Qing, the Republic of chaos.

2, the roots of troubles, death in the summer of Empress Dowager

sister hi; business dead in Daji; death in the Western Zhou Dynasty concubine; Wu dead at beauty; Qin Lu and easy to win, Zhao Ji Gong; Jin cattle following the horse, the power light Ji; Tang decline in Yuhuan; Ming Dynasty in Yuanyuan; Qing Empress Dowager in danger of losing.

3, history, there are myriad options, choose someone hands

Qin Li Si, do evil, Burning of the Books; Han Wang Mang, the student running the country, a mess; Tang Lushan, Rebellion, by the gloom and doom; Song Wang and political reform, the governance of chaos; Ming Wu Sangui, selfish, asking for trouble; Qing Yuan, selling Friends of glory, capricious.

4, internal problems villain interference in domestic affairs, the wife's family, eunuchs, harem; the fear of official corruption, public officials force the inevitable anti-; external problem ethnic conflicts, lining

alien dynasties of extinction, all three from this.

5, winner princely losers thieves, the history that is: singing the praises for the winner, loser insult to injury

wins a false statement that is Liu Bang, Xiang Yu defeated, that is; that is, Li Shimin Sheng , that is, defeat Dou Jiande; wins that is the emperor, defeated that is Shicheng; wins a country's king, defeated the Liuzei bandits.

6, correction in vain always been positive, in fact too far

Qin yet law, that is still Han Confucianism; light heavy weapons Wen Tang, Song that is heavy-light weapons; Tang and Song is still poetry, Ming and Qing dynasties that still stereotyped .

7,Beats By Dr Dre Pro Detox, more divided, political chaos, the more brilliant ideas; more unified, political stability, ideological and more stagnant

former television news, such as the Spring and Autumn, the Wei three religions co-financing; the latter as the Burning of the Books Qin, Han use Confucianism, stereotyped Ming and Qing's literary inquisition.

8, about the fate of regional environment

China since ancient times, the east Pacific, north deserted Siberia, Northwest is the Taklimakan Desert, southwest of the Himalayas, in such a closed environment within the survival, people develop a reserved style, conservative moderate, negative patient farming character. Therefore, all of Restraining dynasty government business, heavy ethical literary grace, light technology practical; such as summer regime in Shaanxi, Henan business regime; Western Zhou government in Shaanxi, Henan regime in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty; Qin and Han government in Shaanxi, Henan regime in the Eastern Han Dynasty; Sui, Tang regime in Shaanxi, Henan regime in the Northern Song Dynasty. 5,000 years of civilization, there are four thousand years of history are the most developed in the Central Plains farming staged, shows that China has been dominated by farming yellow civilization. Central Plains until mixed Mongolia, its capital Beijing, the Ming and Qing regime was subsequently located here, China's agricultural position gradually whom shaken.

when the regime East-West confrontation, the West is strong and the weak East; North-South confrontation, the North strong and weak South. Reason is also that much closer to the West and North nomads, a blend of two cultures, Southeast pure natural farming culture than some more powerful. However, relying on each alien invasion force, they will be rapidly assimilated Chinese culture.

9, dynasty at the beginning, Jun Qiang Chen Qiang; dynasty among the Chen Jun strong weak, the end of dynasties, Chen Jun weak and strong

as the beginning of the Tang, Jun has Taizong, Chen has room, DU; Tang being the king with the reign, was Lilin Fu Chen, Guo-Zhong Yang and his ilk; Tang's reign also insignificant, but the tigers of the Chen-chen, such as Zhu Wen's generation. Dynasties, has been true, anything he indeed!

10, a single rule by force, just and easy to fold; sandwiches alone, a sign of weakness; civil and military integration, and rigid economy, long-term stability can only

such as Qin, Yuan invincible, but quickly wiped out, Song prosperous culture, bullying has been repeatedly mixed. However, the Han, Tang, Wu Wen-Tao a little heavy, rolling three or four hundred square set, called the Golden Age, so far no longer carry on.

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> -

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ago, I was very vague understanding of Buddhism, has been to the Jade Emperor as a kind of Buddhist gods, I am really in contact with Buddhism in the summer of 2001, I met a lay by my colleagues, and talked to him a few night, although the Buddha did not leave I was impressed, but the lay of the depth of thought made me impressed, although he older than me, lower than my education, culture, less than I, but his thinking is far more profound than I am, this fall left me deep impression. -

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1. the general public, there are dedicated keys fork into the can, there is no knife can also be used.

2 edge handsome, straight out outside the basket, since the screws can be.
3. China, began to pry open mahogany from the food stalls there, in from under the screws, split up.
3 Honda 2.3, the panel has a top box electronic form, there is a screw behind it, electronic form shall win, and then pry the large panel box, you can see the host screws, remove the can.
4. Tiida: a first four rows above the instrument panel pry the lid. 2 sound host decorative box from below forced open. 3 Remove the four screws on both sides of the host, you can.
5. Fit 1.5 CVT replacement stereo disassembly method
1). Remove the deputy side toolbox, cut off three air-conditioning cable
2). Remove the gearbox shield (below is the fuel tank / Note) Remove the glass tank.
3) Remove the ashtray.
4). Remove the ashtray guard, unplug the cigarette lighter socket
5). ashtray inside the top of the retaining plate and two screws symmetry, fixed up a central audio panel .
6). with a long flat head screwdriver from the toolbox (air conditioning cable) into his right side panel to open the two audio clips, the average force, the control panels and air conditioning knob with pop-up. Carefully remove the host and the host pull the lower side of the air conditioning, (after the operation should be carried out in three minutes after power failure) the replacement of the host in reverse order after the installation! Install the gearbox shield tape wrapped around well before the application for protection, the construction workers all asked the screwdriver should be wrapped with insulating tape (to prevent short circuit) to buy sound must note that this car is level 80A, heavy-duty should not exceed! 1 demolition of the host to be protected with tape in the control panel, was designated for a bad Jiji 2 below the storage box is not the original host off from the outside (behind the screw) the right approach should be sound panels and air conditioning knobs are 3 should be removed with one (key) then the best line of attack set fire to 4S store dry conditions in the absence of truly prepared before construction decoder, you must disconnect the power for 3 minutes (the original car relay) for operation. Should be received before the EU's main car insurance, because no power, the main Insurance burned.
6. Buick Hyundai Sonata are forced open from below.
7. Honda 2.4 First, we need to stand the basket removed, this time, you will see two screws, the screws spin up. Then take up cigarette cylinder, remove the plug and light bulb below, will see the storage box beneath the two screws. Spin from the screw. The storage box to win, you can see there are two fixed up the lower part of the host No. 8 screws. To spin up.
then split the air above the mouth, usually, a lot of people like Alice with a square screwdriver to open the air conditioning panel, in fact, this is wrong.
hurt easily set the gap at the connection, if the owner in the next, then, would have questioned your methods of demolition. My suggestion is that we are looking for a more hard-wire, one end of the wire with pliers to make a hook, this hook into his mouth air conditioning, the dog down, slowly pull it out. So feel when an obstacle, and then slowly force. The reason is because the air conditioning is only the middle surface swindle an iron buckle. Next to the plastic buckle.
as long as you pull out the middle of the snaps, you can remove the panel, and then loosen the three screws fixed host. Outward with one hand pull the top of the host, the other held onto the bottom (the bottom three iron buckle)
pull it hard. OK
8. Toyota Corolla, pry out the stereo decorated box, along with central air, sound can be seen below there are four screws, pull from the can directly forward.

9. Wei Chi, instrument that has a screw off, and directly open the plaque can ski the

10. Wei-owned, open skid outside trim video, you can skid to open a little plaque on the host with two screws below 2 trees under the nose that you can screw up.

11. Crown 3.0 first on both sides of the machine pulled out a small plate. Remove the wire 10 can take out the gong.

12. Toyota overbearing 27004000: audio out from the bottom up on both sides of the four silver decorated version, there are four screws. Taken outside the plaque to open the ashtray, stereo and air conditioning control panel with the pull.
13. handlebar audio box on top following the Big Dipper two screws removed, then remove the ashtray, the cigarette lighter behind the nut removed, the sound box can be won to the .

14. Regal bar,, skid away mahogany,,, there are screws on it.

15. Mazda m6 gear box from the box to the cup without screws, ashtray with two screws, open the ashtray, the panel has two screws, open the glove box, with 10 Remove a screw sleeve, you can pull it out to remove the head.

16. Chery Eastar: audio side there are four small boxes carefully observed the gap, with the wire into it a pull on it! There are four classes screws, with 10 # of the sleeve.

17. Three Lingou Lan driving seat was removed two cable directly to pry open side, four screws.

18. Ha Jockey remove debris flying above together, hard to pry out from the bottom, four screws.

19. Premarin squeegee directly with a small film can pry from the bottom.

20. Honda CRV

first remove the air conditioning control module

then cover with a plastic knife to pry loose the top of the center console

above the center console cover and then remove the

then with plastic knife to pry the center console out of the vent outlet

That leaves removed the next host of the
21. Familia 323 hosts on both sides were a trim, after removing the wind will have a small jack, take the card as the same plane, can remove the host. If you do not remove the two holding a good outlet, even pull out force, the central panel will be removed, then remove the plug, remove the host.

22. Lexus 300 first split shift lever, then remove the two screws inside the armrest. won the central channel. Remove the ashtray and then pull out the air conditioning switch system . Then you can see the four screws removed.

23. Grand Cherokee 4700 V8 pry open central air, like the demolition of friends.

24. Familia 323 removed the small side of the host land on both sides of holes, central locking with iron bars fitted into the and then forced out to, you can
25. Fiat third layer from the sound side Banxia begin demolition, forced open the plaque shows the two air-conditioning switch panel screws, pull the air out of the bottom panel shows the two screws stereo, pull out the host directly.

26. Dongfeng Little Prince, first steering wheel and pull off the air conditioning below the toolbox, won the ashtray, remove the cigarette inside the cylinder to the 2 screws removed, then pry off the central audio panel with , to host the four screws on both sides to win OK

27. Nissan Teana, decorate the two sides of the sled to open a four screws removed you can

28. New Buick Business 3.0 'Lu respect forced open the double into a host system outside the basket can be! actually split the host is forced open to foreign basket, not that stand here looking on from the split is actually common and Regal China and refine those three.

30. Toyota Crown, to instruments on both sides of the bag has two leather pull it out directly, you can see the host on the shelf screws, spin down and the host will be able to pull out.

31. Toyota Reiz} {instrument speakers cover areas like the middle of a balance to their direction of pull, open the two on the 10th wire glance,

32. 206 mark, and me! Very simple, just renovated home with 4 square millimeters of wire, cut two 15 cm, the skin stripped, bent U-shaped, with four holes into the 206's nose, plug in the end, pull out. Be careful when pulling lines, there are clips, high out of the clamp pinch, you can pull out the line

33. Teana removal: Remove the trim strips on both sides, you can see the inside of the screw, remove the screws.
34. Son of decorative panels directly out can be seen outside the fixed screw of the machine.

35. Regal: the host on both sides of the curved mahogany bar the first split, and then the sleeve can be used to host VII dismantled.
36. New Camry: (front six disc) membrane with a scraper pry open the host post baskets, saw four screws can be screwed off. Yellow / Blue lines: battery positive (long fire) the thin gray line: ACC brown line: Ground Speaker Cable: Red and white lines: black and yellow lines after the right: Left Green and Blue lines: pink and purple line before the right: front left

37. Fit the first demolition of two boxes under the air conditioning button below panel two screws, remove the plaque, and then with a long Phillips screwdriver removed from the bottom up inside the two screws, slowly pry the scraper post film panel to see the host of screws, remove the OK.

38. New Odyssey: 1, first split the most chores petition box semi-circular covered buckle. Directly to pry out
2, air conditioning and audio directly with a screwdriver to pry the joints can, buckle very loose, very simple
39. Aveo, with a plastic knife to pry out the trim around the audio host. audio bracket with a Phillips screwdriver to remove screws remove air-conditioning control panel screws. remove the air conditioning panel, remove the audio host.
40. Brilliance China M3, first remove the audio above the trim by hand, starting with the middle removed from the molding. remove the trim after the two screws and then hand out.

41. Guang 2.3 removed the two screws below the rest of the clips gently out of a discharge to host four screws

42. Roewe directly from the ashtray pulled out at the entire frame you can, you can see the host of four fixed screws removed you can!

43. Toyota Crown, direct to pull out both sides of the leather case you can see the four screws fixed host, you can remove them!

44. Tiida. to cover in the middle of the dashboard in front of the mouth forced open air, to move out, you can see two screws, then screw down the entire outside of the host decorative frame split down on it.
1. the original car stereo look

2. along with a plastic knife forced open the gap in the control panel cover

3. pick up the cover, note the angle balance

4 .. panel removed, exposing the panel part of the structure

5 .. along with a plastic knife forced open the gap in the control panel
6 Remove the control panel

7. removed to the attention of the panel is attached to a power line

8. Remove the rear panel, see the face of the original host the

45. Toyota Camry; first gear take down a large plate; careful insertion line; then take down the top of the vent cover; are directly take down; take down the four screws that can

46. Buick Regal replacement stereo disassembly method, the demolition of the central armrest on both sides of the mahogany trim, twist off the host's four fixing screws, remove the automatic air conditioning with a small pry panel, gently Pull out the original car stereo for audio and video conversion to the host.

47. Suzuki - Liana: the decorative panels on both sides to take to open. You can see the four screws, remove the four machine screws are removed.

48. Toyota Corolla stalls start it step by step it up in the final split CD removed the trim around the host can see the four No. 10 screws removed to OK
49. mark 307: hazard lights will switch on the panel from the sled, which has a screw, and dangerous light switch has a plastic cover symmetry, to pry and there was a screw

50. mark 307: hazard lights will switch on the panel from the sled, which has a screw, and dangerous light switch has a plastic cover symmetry, to pry and there was a screw

51. Refine., under the steering wheel retaining first split board, remove the meter box to see under there after a few grains, there are two meters on, beginning with a soot river, next to come up with CD storage box, inside another one, there's a pull split air conditioners out, in the following, the last button at the force in a dangerous light hand, leaving only card, and you can win here, where the line of air conditioners and more particularly, be careful putting it back when installed wrong!!! host is VDO's
52. Toyota Kaimi Rui's board removed the gears can be seen below there are two screws. Pry open the top two screws can be seen, the host can win four screws removed.

53. Junjie silver surface box below the first split, then split visible wire nail removed the instrument panel to the right of set square, then Paxia (air mahogany together) screws removed you can see the host
54. Skoda Octavia
simple, original CD players start from the bottom around the mahogany break apart by hand and then break apart the top side.
CD player then looks at the four corners have a key decorative buckle broke, you can see a total of four hexagonal screws inside the CD player, you can pull off the twist host.
that the car and Maiteng, are controlled by the CAN bus, no ACC, steering wheel controls are all bus

55. Swift in the audio side of a host will have a screw on the host on the fixed table bracket and then remove the two screws pushed out from the card because it is very tight from the outside is easy to damage the instrument to pry

56. Toyota Camry, first twist off the gear stick in the ashtray, and put together to take this cup , the good take, and can be removed by hand. Unplug the cigarette lighter plug in 2, and heated seats three, can be removed. Place on the demolition of the outlet, pry from the bottom of the left and right sides, both sides have to be careful of the leather, from the outside to pry and pull up, pull a plug to sit two, can be removed. You can then see the screws removed both trees, both trees below the removed screws. Hands and pull it down, you can remove it.

57. Toyota Crown's split method:
1: sound host the first two plaque next to pull out;
2: Remove the washer into the next four No. 10 screws ;
3: you can put out the sound (note not to scrape the bottom of the washer into the gear lever and the vehicle hanging wooden decoration)
58. 8th generation Accord (08)
1, eight generations of the original Accord car renderings
2, with a plastic knife to pry loose from the inside out,dr dre headphones sale, remove the silver trim

3, remove the right decorative the lower right corner of the center console can be seen after a fixed screw.

4, bottom left corner of the center console removed using the same method can be seen after silver trim screws

5, the fixed center console with a screwdriver to remove screws
6, with a small screwdriver to pry loose from the knob can be removed under the light volume control knob

7, with his hands up and down the center console, split pine

8, the central control Taiwan removed

9, with a key to unplug all power cords original host data

10, open the console after the original host effect

59 Volkswagen Touran
1, the original car sound chart

2, with a plastic knife along the control panel to pry loose the right gap in the control panel

3, and then Control Panel from the edge of the gap pry

4, from the bottom panel pry

5, and then along the rubber knife forced open the control panel in the left slot

6, then plastic knife along the right gap in the control panel pry

7, all corners are loose, and then In the control panel removed the

8, to open the control panel to take effect after the original car

60. Mitsubishi grid blue
1. the original car sound

2. covered with a plastic knife along the file to file cover the gap pry

3. to file cover lifted up, it is easy to take out

4. lay a towel to the file cover to avoid scratches

5. forced a prop, hold up the air conditioning panel

6. out of the air conditioning panel, note that the intensity and angle; because the connection behind panel line

7. unplug the control panel, air conditioning lines

8. unplug the power cord of air-conditioning panel, remove the panel

9. Remove the air panel, the original car Host is very clearly presented in front of the

10. Remove the four corners of the original car screws host, the host out of the original car

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1, butterfly hands close to the water from his hands recently, the arm of the water changes direction once again, turned out, up and back the water until the water. -

1. the legs: the legs bent, feet closer to the buttocks, thigh, calf hide behind to slow the leg, thus reducing the resistance. The end of the legs, knees and shoulder width, leg and vertical surface, feet in the water nearby. -

1, although breathing is not restricted, but the best way of using rhythmic breathing, or a fixed shift in the arm when the suction arm. After all the water and moving the body in the water there will be waves and spray. Free to breathe easily choked water. -


suggestions: backstroke legs, thighs hard to understand, under the pressure elevation and must have experience the feeling of thigh leg drive. -


2, to maintain the level of body posture, trunk and shoulder movements around the longitudinal axis of rotation with the arm, a shoulder is not always above water. -

4, the water, arms natural, relaxed arm to move forward through the air, to maintain a high elbow position. Then hand in the shoulder before leading into the water, start the next action. '-


2, turned feet: the distance is greater than two feet from the knees, feet turned outward, toes outward, feet in the air, legs and feet inside the targeting of water, like the English letter -

4, with the use of arms to cross the water way, that his arms always in the opposite position, arm stroke, the other arm transfer arm. -

Backstroke -


---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------

2, within the program. Palm turned from the outside, the hand-arm acceleration to drive within the program, hands and chest from the bottom up together (hands high low elbow, elbow under the shoulder),beats by dr dre, protrusion. -

breaststroke -

3, hands apart to achieve the maximum width, the arm turned inward, upward and backward stroke, arm elevation to maintain a high elbow bent. Hands in the chest or belly, the hand between the nearest. -


1, arm stroke, the water leading to the thumb, move arm in arm with the water perpendicular to the upper arm close to the ear. Arm rotation during the shift arm, little finger into the water leading into the water. -

4, breathe and the water co-ordination is the key to butterfly technique. Arm end of the inward stroke, the suction head above water, when the first shift arm into the water restored. Remember the two '-

3, arms and body should turn the water coordination, poor shoulders evolving position. -


1, the arm into the curve of the water in the water line, from the side, congratulating each track for the water body as -

1, butterfly the water line is generally -


2, into the water, shoulder, elbow, reach, his hands along the curve outward, back, grasping the bottom of the water. Hands to shoulder width apart, the elbow, to accelerate the water. -

1, kick started the action force from the hip, thigh, leg drive, do the whip kick motion. -

Freestyle -

1, the hand into the water point in the extension of the shoulder line and the midline of the body between the thumb leading ramp into the water. -


4. stop: the legs together straight after a short slide (1-2 seconds). -

2, shift arm when the arm is easy if you bend, you can temporarily use the little finger leading the water, the water is used to develop arm and then the thumb leading after water. -

2, to the leg kick from straight to curved. Straight leg up to start playing, feet close to the surface when the knees, leg elevation, feet above the surface so that after the kick down. Can begin straight leg kick, but the legs slightly relaxed, not stiff, the legs under the pressure of the water will naturally bend. Kick down before the knee bending angle of about 130-160 degrees, access to water by about 30-40 cm. Stretched when the foot kick (ballet feet), do not hook the foot. -

3, protrusion. Hands stretched forward (elbow extension). To draw attention to is this: outside the plan is to relax, within the program is hard, and accelerate the completion of, the protrusion is positive. -

2, note that the action is the butterfly's limbs arms, legs and coordinate the development effort. -

! !


2, into the water, hands, elbows, shoulders to reach, to stretch the arm. As the body's rotation, wrist, elbow, arm out, caught behind the water; men designated to the lowest point, rotate the arm inward, on the back of the water, maintain a high elbow bent posture of the water. -

5, the head is not stable from side to side. '-

4, the upper and lower legs alternately whip kick. Up to be fast and powerful kick, foot pronation and slightly pointed, kick down the legs and feet relaxed. -

1, move arm in arm close to the body can not be too wide. -

arm movement: -

3, generally two times each stroke, kick down 6 times, breathing 1. -

3. folder tread water: the process is actually a straight leg (hip flexion, knee extension), by the waist and thighs at the same time force to the inside of the lower leg and foot while frog in water, first out, to After down, then inward, to the top tread water, just like painting half a circle. Outward and inward tread water the water is continuous complete folder, which is even tread belt clip. Frog legs together straight water is complete, turn both feet in, toes relative. Tread water, not excessive speed, to accelerate from slow to fast tread water, two legs nearly straight and close together when kicking the water the fastest. -



freestyle complete with a variety of forms. General common is the water every 2 times, six times to fetch water, breathing 1. '-

1, outside the program. Reach with both hands, palms tilted about 45 degrees (little finger up). Out both hands, draw back, then bent back to the bottom draw. -

2, if the location of the first 12 points for the watch, his hands into the water points in 11 and 1 o'clock position. After the first hand-arm into the water under the plan. -


2, the water after the water, driven by the arm at the shoulder to move forward through the air arm, ready to enter the water, move arm generally low, flat, relaxed position from both sides of the forward. -

swimming is body movement, any part of the activities are inseparable from the whole body coordination. On the surface, relying on the water and the freestyle kick propulsion, in fact, the role of the trunk can not be ignored. First, the body should maintain a certain tension, the waist if the soft, like a pool of mud as the whole person. Secondly, the body's rotation can effectively play trunk large muscle groups, reduce resistance, improve work results. -

leg movements: -

3, the body always stretch, upright, supine on the water almost horizontally, as if lying in bed, the first under a low pillow. '-

3, butterfly's body posture is more difficult to master, but whip kick is not easy to master. In the butterfly study, we have a special decomposition exercises allow you to gradually master the operation. -

leg whip kick: -

kick arm stroke arm action is the action for beginners should focus on practice. This figure, the water left arm, then his right arm supporting the board. Generally produced 10 times per leg kick, arm stroke once. Master to a certain extent can be added when the breathing exercises. Specific number of groups and practice methods, we will detail in teaching. -

1, butterfly hand into the water line extension point in the shoulders, leading to the thumb, ramp into the water. -


breaststroke with a jingle, in explaining the action breaststroke before introduced to the essentials: see the hand of the action is the first in the leg movements. Must be in hand before closing the legs, hand and then kick. '-

3, perpendicular to the horizontal arm, handling the lead, pushing the water to accelerate the arm to the outside, up and behind the water until the thighs, elbow to mention water. -


1, breaststroke complete with action: the rise of ventilation with both hands outside the designated time, his hands inside the legs bow slightly when planning hold your breath, exhale hands reach too far when the kick. '-


2, freestyle arms with a cross with the former, the cross-tie, and after the cross with three basic forms. This picture shows the front cross-form, easy for beginners to grasp way. -

irrepressible tears , one , two , and even make the trip . . . .

Because I love you , I was happy .

Because I love you , I was sad .


I may be too sad woman , with a total between reality and fantasy like swimming , like a fish without direction . But you do not know, I am a man ,Beats By Dre Pro Detox, I might still want to have to cry .

. . . . . .

love. Integration into the blood. Cycle more than . Endless .

best is hard to think of you cry . The best happiness is always a person in mind .

you said let me rest assured , will not leave me in this life , will never betray me . I believe . You also said you would always love me, because I am your best happiness in this life . I also believe . I believe the same world as the eternal cycle . I believe as bright as the moon and stars . What is more difficult than you can cry love it? What more happiness than you can look forward to kiss it?

unable to control his emotions when the tears is the only outlet for exports.

. . . . . . . . . .

I have no other desire

- you can quietly open my tree ... ...

when all the memories of the past , rugged wilderness on the tree of life tree stand in my back , wind and rain ,beats by dr dre, a circle means that the ring mercilessly tortured scrape my silence all alone in my love thus wither , never expect the recovery in the last float my heart a desire -

you can rely on my shoulder this time .

now in my life flash in such a hurry , boil the bottles of medicine, such as memory only in the grass , I need it? clear enough for you , but like a meteor passing my window , and then find 're starting . silent in time quickly in the past , my youth as silently away the pain of waiting until fall , when the setting sun , countless years of wandering you walk with one leg hobbled into a narrow piece of my heart , I float all looking forward to the only remaining wish .

,dr dre headphones

how our generation is a generation :

When we read in grade school , universities do not want money ;
when we read in college, not elementary school money ;

we can not work when the work is assigned ;
we can work when , reluctantly driven to the wall were hungry people looking for work to do ;

When we can not make money when the house is assigned ;
when we can make money when they can not afford a house has been found ;

when we do not have to enter the stock market when fools are making money ;
when we broke in excitedly when they find that they become a fool ;

age when we can not get married when the cyclists will be able to marry a wife ;
when we got to the age of marriage when there is no house car can not marry a wife ;

when we did not find the object when the girls are talking about the heart ;
when we find an object when the girls are talking gold a ;

when we did not find work, students also can become leaders ;
when we find work, students can only wash the toilet ;

when we did not Health doll when someone else is a bunch of students ;
when we give birth to baby when no one allowed students multiple.

do not remember is when to begin like to eat salmon, but also remember one time with my friends to see who eat a lot of competition, that is Shangri-La's self, is where the salmon not limited good quality, we selected it as the venue Oh, results can imagine, I won, so she pay hee hee, the consequences are I do not want to eat breakfast the next morning.

and her husband the day is to eat Japanese food with the students, when my morning sickness almost alleviate the situation, I took the menu was simply looking for salmon sashimi, I actually want to see yangkeng, was her husband brought a joke, his classmates (girls) heard that she was pregnant to eat a lot of salmon, as salmon contain DHA and super-polyunsaturated fatty acids, and pregnant women on the BB is good. God, there are examples in the former, my husband and I relieved, finally, the day I start drinking again and has since branched out.

just pregnancy that will, for the food is not any interest, let me see the food on morning sickness vomiting, but not exclusive pasta, Pizza Hut became I frequented the place, it fried my flat is not love, and yet during that time Pizza Hut's menu carefully study a lot, which almost tasted the dishes, the only actually eaten in my desire eat smoked salmon salad. I still remember sitting in Pizza Hut and her husband Richard of pregnant women can eat salmon, my husband and I fear for the baby well,Justbeats By Dr Dre, simply did not point, then the good times I gave up the idea, until one day hey ---- ---

Yesterday, the stomach of Chan Chong and stir up the weekend so we do not fear the crowd, eat Japanese food, and other locations such as ten minutes, I watched it on the menu glowing fish, called a heart emotion. A seated two salmon must, eat Dolsotbap, found the fish had suffered, on a then told her husband to the side laughing and said I want to eat salmon here only to give up, Coincidentally, the cook next to me shouting, no fish Oh, really funny ah, the fish actually really sold out, fortunately, I make a. I eat well to meet a good meet, her husband, it might eat a few pieces to see him grab the way I gotta give up, Oh, next time eat buffet is good, and would not my province to eat, but I eat was not put in more, ah, salmon, I love you!

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bamboo lights have been to the desert kingdom
Rainbow constantly flowing in the wind there is a mysterious gray
I am involved in a whirlpool
fog will not see the hands

flower who came after years of gentle
through the pain only for the sake of a result
you leave outline guide me through the night
not lonely years of sadness are you waiting for me at the end of the most beautiful and moving
be worth a lifetime waiting

[ Keep for future use ~ ! Ha ha ]Best boy names and 1000 to listen to a nice girl's name ___ (Collector's Edition)! You sure use a nice boy
Zhiyuan (from Zhuge Liang's indifferent to Ming, not to non-peaceful Zhiyuan (
Xiu Jie (Amendment: describe the tall tall, clean: clean)
Xin Li (Li: Dawn Xin: bright appearance)
voyage (a good man, let him go on the voyage it)
Yao Xu (Xu: Rising Sun Yao: The wise monarch of ancient times, the latter refers to saints)
Hongtao (Hung: strong, prosperous)
Wei Qi (Wei: Great Qi: lucky)
Rong Xuan ( Xuan: grace)
Ze (Ze: a broad range of water)
Haoyu (mind like the universe, the vast infinite)
Jin Yu (Yu Huai Jin grip from idioms, metaphors have a wonderful character )
Xuan Hao (meaning: honorable and dignified)
engine Cang (upright, Invisible Target) (from the Song Dynasty poet Su Shi's )
Qing Yu (mean ibid.)
Chi Ze (Ze: WAN water)
Zixuan (Xuan: grace)
Rui Yuan (wisdom; learned)
Hirofumi ( promote; text: writer)
Zhe Han (is a vast knowledge)
rain Ze (grace)
Kai Rui (Kai: model; Rui: lucky)
Jianhui (Construction brilliant achievements)
Jinpeng (Jin: Jin is, the original meaning, motivated Peng: metaphor of a great career)
Tianlei (Lei: Chung Shi cumulative)
Shao-Hui (Shao: Inheritance Hui: brilliant)
Ze Yang (the vast ocean)
Xinlei (Xin: wealth)
Peng Xuan (Xuan: bright, read xuānn)
Hao Qiang (Hao: heaven, sky)
Wei Chen (Chen: Ancient King in lieu of that)
Super Bo (Bo: broad super: Beyond)
Jun Hao (Jun: gentleman ho: huge)
sub-Qian (Qian: holding, dancing)
Tao Peng (Peng: analogy impressive)
Yan Bin (Yan: The Burning Bin: describe gentle)
Crane Xuan (Crane: Lonely Ye Xuan: grace)
more Bin (Bin: describe gentle)
elegance (elegance is Mao)
Jing Qi (Jing: Flat Angel: jade)
Ming-Hui (Hui: bright)
Wei Cheng (Wai: Great Honesty: honesty)
Ming Xuan (Xuan: grace) Jian Bo ((Bo: Evergreen is a symbol of longevity. )
Hirofumi (carry forward, the text: writer)
Jun-hee (Jun: tall and mighty; Hee: future is bright)
Ka Yi (Kerry: OK; Yi: OK)
Yu City (shining city)
Yi Xuan (Yi: OK; Xuan: Qiyuxuanang)
Wei Ye (Ye: shine)
Yuan Bo (Bo: learned)
Ze Wei (Wei: Great Ze: Canton domain of water)
Tong Yi (Yi: shine Tong: red)
Xuan Hung (Hung: Large also Xuan: bright)
Tao Bo (Bo: learned)
Ye Lin (Ye: bright )
Hua Ye (Ye: shine)
Yu Qi (Yu: shine Qi: lucky)
Chi Chen (Chi: Wisdom Chen: Ancient King's behalf, said)
is ho (ho: pride)
Hao Ran (Hao: heaven, sky)
jie (wise, outstanding)
Li Cheng (Cheng: honest)
Li Xuan (Xuan: grace)
Li Hui (Hui : brilliant)
Jun-hee (Jun: tall and mighty; Hee: future is bright)
Hirofumi (carry forward; text: writer)
Yi Tong Yi: shine Tong: red
Hong Xuan Hong : Large also Xuan: bright
Ye Lin Ye: bright
Zhe Han (have a vast knowledge)
Xinpeng Xin: wealth Peng: metaphor impressive
Chi Hao Tian Yu laugh Crestron Redgate Zhi Yuan Ming Si Hyun strong cedar think
Xiaoxiao Tian Yu Miao Lu Yang Zhen Wenxuan noble horse Xiao Bowen Family Bo Hao Yan
Li Jincheng Jiaxi Peng Jinxin fruit fly far Hao Xuan Son Meditation language Jian Tong Cong
nice girl's name:

Meng Qi, the peach, Mu Qing, Seoul Lan, early summer, Pei Han, Ao Shan, Man Man, music Ling, Xi Wen, Hong Han, the new soft, language Rong, Hai, Rong night, Han Bo, water peach, blue drunk, language piano, from Tong, proud of clear, blue language, and Ling, Bi Tong, Yuan cream, pity dream, purple cold, Miao Tong, Man Yi, Nan Lin, alexandrite, Yuhan, easy to smoke, such as the Xuan, if the South, look for truth, knows also, to the Shan, Ling Mu, the core, Ying Yi, Xue Liu, Haiyun, condensate days, Pei Shan, Han cloud, ice screw, Waner, green really, dawn frost, where Bi, Xia Han, Hong Man, if smoke, half dream, elegant green, ice blue, Ling Huai, Ping, book Tsui, Tsui wind, on behalf of the cloud, dream Mann, David Chui, listening to the cold, Dream Park, drunk easy access spin, also Yu, Ling Xuan, visit flowers, also pregnant, laughing blue, Jing Bai, Lei night, summer ice, a dream song, book snow, Lok Fung, Nian Wei, Jing Yan, from the cold, looking for waves, quiet man, who spin, to have, read Lu, Zhi Lei, thousands of blue, new wave, on behalf of the truth, Sunray, Yan Yu, cold flowers, purple mountains, thousands of piano, Ao Fu, hope Hill, pregnant butterflies, ice blue, mountain cedar, Chui Xuan, asked rotation, white and easy, and asked Yun, frost, half-Qin, Dan Jane, Ice Tong, also cold, the Yao, Bing Lu, Seoul Jane , Snow Valley, Le Xuan, Han Han, Hai Lin, Ao Lei, Qing Huai, easy to dream, but unfortunately the snow, Wan Hai, the soft, Xia Qing, also Yao, Miao Han, purplish blue, magic Bai, Yuan wind, ice Feng, Rui visit, Chih-core, where the bud, Fanrou, An Lei, day charge, including jade, blue book, Yaqin, books Yao, from An, Xia Huai, Qin read, on behalf of Man, Magic Shan, Gu wire, Autumn Jade, white, sunny, sea-dew, on behalf of Holland, with Yu, Lei books, listening to white, Ling Yan, lilac, Le Yao, Han Yan, Han double, flat butterfly, Ya Rui, proud of, Ling Wei, including Lei, From the dream, from Chengdu, the beginning of Dan Lan listen, listen Rong, language Fu, Xia Tong, Ling Yao, Yi Cui, Monster & Me, pity Han, Purple South, according to Shan, Miao Zhu, visit tobacco, pity Lei, Ying Han , Friends of the green, ice-Ping, Xi cream, Ling Xiang, Zhi Lei, Yan Hui, Ying dream, Yuan Bo, on behalf of the Xuan, really purple, thousands of green, Ling Han, Chi An, Han An, Huai Rui, autumn Holland, Han Yan, to the mountain, where the plum, hope Man, Chui Tong, Valley winter, cold security, thousands of Ping, the ice smoke, Ya Yang, Friends of the green, pine, poem, flying wind, send spirit, the book Qin, Yu Rong, to blue, cold laugh, recalling the cold, Qiu Yan, Chih clever, water, incense, mapping it, drunk wave, magic lotus, night Shan, Chih-Hui, to Tong Xiaoyu, the young South, where dreams, Coleman, study wave, greet pine, blue cold, Xiaotian, Han Lei, Bi Han, Ying Qiu, hope smoke, Yi Shan, the cold, cold smell, Xiao-fan, on behalf also, Monroe, reflected wave, Friends of the core, to send all, pity Lei, Yan Feng, Aqua, Man He, laughing Shan, Han Shan, South Valley, Mu children, Xia Lan, Friends of the children, Kogaya, purple blue, Miao Ling, cold winter, Mann soft, language butterfly, green Yun, night security, seek the sea, greet, Xiao Huai, elegant mountain, visit the cloud, Tsui Yung, where the cold, dawn green to Ling, Dong Yun, including jade, visit maple, with flowers, white night, cold An, Ling Zhu, Wei drunk, Yuan Shan, magic wave, hope Xia, Yuan Yao, Ying Man, Ectocarpus, visit Qin, Bo Gu, white smile, wonderful sea, purple cream, Ling Xuan, isolated wire, pity the cold, where the loose, black hair, emerald security, such as days, Ling Xue, Qi Ling, on behalf of the cloud, Hong Wei, Dong Ling, Ling Zhen, Pei Wen, purple locust, Magic Park, text mining, snow spin, hope the sea, reflects a dream, An Yan, Ying Yung, Ning Yang , visit the wind, the day also, looking for wind, Xiaoshuang, Xue-ping, half snow, mountain willow, Snow Valley, Jing Yi, Bai Wei, Han dream, flying the green, such as waves, and sunny, friendly and easy, Xiangling, winter also, ask goose, the sea in winter, autumn Ling, condensate Fu, read smoke, White Mountains, from the Spirit, Woolf, Ying Rong, read the cold, green, Tsui Fu, Jinger, Miao Bo, thousands of condensate, Hsiao-chen, Miao spin , Xuefeng, Xia Han, Qi Qin, double rain, listening to maple, looking for Holland, who's, who knows, Ya Tong, solitary wind, from the security, Yee Tong, jade, Yu Zhen, magic silk, on behalf of plum, green also, Yuan Ling, Hai Yao, Fei Huai, listening to Lu, Lan dream, magic bamboo, Gu Yun, Yi-cream, water, Yao, Mu Qing, double the fall, the rain really, looking for Jane, Dan Xue, Yuan Feng, think days, such as pine, Miao Qing, Gu autumn, wonderful song, Xiao Xia, Wan Jun, Bi-Qin, Trypan blue, small summer, Enron, Green Man, thousands of children, look for double, Han Yao, cold plum, autumn soft, thinking Ling, wave drunk, drunk Liu, to cold, welcome summer, to snow, to Dan, according to the condensate, Ru Bai, Yan Ling, condensate bamboo, Wan-white, soft early, Nanlei, book Xuan, dream Huai, South Qin, green sea , Pei children, Xiao Yao, Ning butterfly, Zixue, read double, Nien-jen, Man cold, where frost, snow, Shenandoah, elegant cream, from Chengdu, Leng, Jing Qiao, Beatrice, looking for Tsui, where White, Le Rong, Ying Bo, Dan Smoke, dreams spin, two-book, read the peach, night sky, An Yun, looking soft, the beginning of the South, autumn butterflies, a thousand is easy, safe Lu, Rui Shi, Shan Yan, Koryo, Xiang Lu, Xiaolan, white flowers, words mountain, cold Jennifer, Autumn Jade, Xia Liu, such as the, Yi Nan, the book is easy, Tsui, send Yao, such as Mann, asked Liu, magic peach, and Han, drunk butterfly , also green, coral poetry, listening to Qin, the new, easy clever, read cloud, Xiao Ling, Jing Feng, Rong Xia, such as the South, the young silk, autumn white, ice safety, Autumn White, southerly, drunk mountain, early Tong, Ning Hai, Zi Wen, Ling Ching, Yaqin, proud security, proud of, first butterfly, on behalf of celery, cream poetry, Bi Ling, Shi Liu, Xia Liu, mining white, Mumei, Le An, Dong Ling, Chi An, Wan Ning, rain and snow, easy to true, An He, Jing Zhu, on behalf of Sophie, Dan Qiu, Qi Mei, according to White, condensate load, the young Shan, Yi-Tong, Ling Qing, the peach, Zhi He, listening to charge , on behalf of Yu, read Jane, dreams Philippines, spring night, and the future, white autumn, Gu Ling, Fei Song, Yao early, but unfortunately the spirit, the dream is easy, the new Yao, Man Mei, Biman, Friends of the Yao, Yu Lan, night willow, Chih-chun, including Fu, night clouds, according to Xuan, Ning Yan, the lotus, Kofi Annan, the young sunny, Seoul Qin, Fei Yang, Bai Fan, Pei Ping, Doris, to flowers, to adopt the text, music treasure, cold load, seek double, white peach, Ann Hui, Ying Man, hope Yan, Yue Song, Han Shan, ask Maple to Willow, with the sea, Chui Man, Yi Mei, Han Liu, navy, Xiao Man, on behalf of the Shan, Yi-Dan, Jing Fu, Qi Lan, Dream On, purple wire, thousands of geese, Ning Zhen, Xiang Xuan, dream content, cold goose, flying Park, naive, Cuiqin, send true, autumn Holland, on behalf of the Shan, snow, Abba, pity capacity , wind, south exposed, purple and easy, where ice, snow, sea, language Rong, jasper, language style, pour a dream, from the snow, white maple, proud of cloud, white plum, read Lu, Mu Ying, Ya-soft, hope Liu, half-blue, from the cream, Huairou, pity clear night Rong, on behalf of the pairs, the south, if Ling, Chih-Wen, Nan Ching, Menghan, early Chui, Ling Bo, ask the summer, but unfortunately the sea, but also spin, Pei Qin, young Xuan, white condensate, burst on the scene, out to sea, Qi Yu, Ling Hong, find celery, autumn willow, Seoul White, Ying-chen, including Yan, Han Song, look for snow, smoke, and asked Rui, Ling Yang, Xue Qiao, Dan Xuan, where the dual, isolated Ping, Zi Ling, condensate find, proud cypress, proud children, Friends of the content, Ling Feng, Ersi, Man condensate, if core and asked silk, think maple, water, flowers, and asked Mei, cold read , poetry double, Tsui cream, night fragrant, cold bud, where the sun, cold Yu, Ping Tong, Wei language, magic coral, purple summer, Ivy Ling Po, Chih butterfly, Tenom, the double, where the waves, thinking geese, White Lotus, from Han, such as tolerance, mining Liu, Pei-Lan, but unfortunately the child, the night jade, water, children, half of all, language sea, listening to Lin, Magic Feng, read the Park, Ice Jane, think mountains, Ning Rui, Tian-yu, Si Xuan, to dream, laugh south, summer rotation, the Huai, Yuan Ling, to Tong, mining Xuan, clever man, green blue, flat blue, and asked Ping, green Rong, Jingbo. Ying Lei, Biman, think flowers, white cypress , Miao Han, pity Yang, Yu Bo, Yan Han, dream, and lotus, music charge, cold days, pour piano, books south, reflect day, Bai Meng, the beginning of Yao, Ping Lu, with clever, Mu core, semi-lotus , drunk Hui, Tin Ling,Just Beats By Dr.Dre, Qing Xue, Ya-Xuan, clever Holland, flying Dan, if the spirit, Seoul cloud, magic days, Northland, blue dream, sea Han, Huai Ling, Yi Qiu, Hanning, Ning Fu, Qi Hill, Jing Bai, Rong Seoul, Seoul Dong, Ying Xuan, Bai Yun, ice pairs, visit Tong, Green Park, Xia, laughing Tsui, Xiao Ling, with double, hope waves to cloud, pity Tsui, Yan wind, The flowers, Hiramatsu, ask children, Willow, such as Chengdu, Man Yung, fine, Dan Chin, unfortunately days, look for the piano, according to Yao, Han Yi, Yi Ling, from the waves, according to Sophie, and asked Lan, Shan Qing, pity Shan, the clouds, flying dual, proud white, Pei-chun, Yu Nan, dream, smile sun, on behalf of tolerance, Friends of Qin, Yan Mei, Friends of the peach, from the dew, soft words, proud of jade, looking for the summer, Xiao Lan , new, sunny, rain Lin, condensate spin, green spin, magic incense, looking for pairs, the cold also, Yi Xue, Friends of the flowers, magic Tsui, Jingrou, look Ling, Dan Cui, Anyang, Ya-Han, Xi Yun, Eran , Yan Yi, Fei Yao, Ciaran, Pei Lan, Jing Tan, Shan Fu, sunny smile, the new cigarette, laugh rotation, Yan Lan, Chui Ling, Qiu Lian, books peach, proud song, language children, Ying Han, early Man, listen to the cloud, summer, Yaxiang, language snow, the beginning of Jane, Ann White, ice Wei, Shi Huai, Yu cold, ice clever, the Huai, summer cold, Yun Shi, Xin Mei, White Man, Bo, from the sun , with peach, Man Hui, laugh Ping, dew, look for Han, Pei white, flat-Ling, water-tung, Ann Tong, Han Yi, Yue Qiao, according to the wind, Purple South, but also silk, Rong Yi, Zi-Ping, Xi Xuan, Shi Lei, look for the green, poetry double, look for clouds, solitary Dan, Blue Valley, mountain spirits, magic silk, Youmei, from the cloud, goose wire and hope for rotation, the young rotation, Seoul blue, Pei Shan, on behalf of the wire, looking for loose, fragrant ice, according to Yu, ice, wonderful dream, in winter, Manqing, cold Ling, Sherman, Ann White, thousands also, Ling butterflies, and XIA, South smoke. Jing Yi, Pei Ying, Chui Mei, text books, snow flowers, happy children, proud of silk, Ann Green, the early butterflies, send spirit, but unfortunately the cold, rain bamboo, Lin Dong, Qi South, cypress, ordinary, but also jade, solitary orchid, autumn Shan, the new Yun, semi-Qin, Xia Yao, read text, Xiao wire, Han Lei, Yan Fan, Lan Gu, Ling Fan, condensate clouds, Man Yun, Dan Tong, South cream, Night's Dream, from Jun, Yan Fu, language butterfly, according to wave , Xiao Xuan, read it, hope Fu, Manan, coral mining, initial Liu, Ying-day, Manan, South Zhen, Miao Fu, Liu language, including Lin, Xiao Yun, Summer Hill, Seoul capacity, read dreams, proud South , asked Wei, Yu Ling, Ning An, Ice, early Jane, Wan Han, Dong Hui, hope sunny, cold load, send Tsui, magic plum, such as where, dream language, easy to dream, a thousand soft, the dew, dreams Yu, Aoshuang, according to Frost, Ling Song, poetry peach, butterfly books, butterfly ice, mountain locust, to sunny, friendly and easy, a dream peach, Xiangling, Gounsa, water Rong, Ya-Yung, fly ash, Yan Ho, on behalf of the Fu, drunk easy summer smoke, according to the autumn, according to Bo, Zi Xuan, Han Yi, Yi's, magic clever, water and wind, Ann cold, white also, pity the snow, listening to the South, read Lei, Meng Zhu, thousands who , send the piano, picking waves, Yuan Dong, thinking Ling, Ping Hui, Liu laugh, snow flowers, Valley dream, green butterfly, flying charge, peace, solitary clear, Zhi He, Man Winter, Seoul Huai, to spin, green core , early summer, according to wire, pity the south, a thousand mountains, rain safety, water, wind, sending soft, young maple, where the peach, the new children, Chabot, Yu Qin, Jing Huai Huai Yuan, Ying Yang, Fei Wei, small condensate , reflect the cold, proud Han, Rui Gu, Huai laugh, fly orchid, laugh Hui, Ying Ho, Yuan Dong, bamboo book, half smoke, Qi Bo, the small, seek dew, night snow, winter dreams, Seoul wind, white plum , rain spin, Zhi Shan, Shan-tung, Seoul Liu, Pei soft, Ling Xuan, Pei Ning, white content, music Rong, Ying An, Evian, Ying-tung, where geese, Meng Qiu, drunk Liu, Mengfan, if Yun, Yuan Yung, Huai Lei, Ling Han, Wei-day, white wind, wave to visit, but also pour, easy green, night South, Man who is also clever, young and easy. ice really, white Xuan, Friends of the security, Shi Cui, Xuezhen, sea, small core, and Qin, Xiang Tong, words dream, but unfortunately the core, Ying Tong, Pei white, Yanshan, easy Rong, Xue Qing, Shi Shan, ice green, semi-plum, smile, Pei Ning, Yao read, such as winter, to the truth, from Chengdu, Yiyun, the geese, Seoul butterflies, winter is easy, Dan also, Summer Hill, drunk fragrant, hope summer, solitary Ling, An Lin, asked condensate, Xuan Dong, Xiao Shan, Yan Rong, Dream Rui, Han Shan, Nan Lian, flying double, pour silk, Si Xuan, pregnant dreams, plum rain, cold cream, to loose, silk Ying, Ying Mei, listening to double, mountain butterfly, plum night, drunk winter , Jun Yu, flat text, blue text, semi-Lei, Yu Ling, to find plum, with it, incense, including core, also Yu, Jing He, Bi Xuan, winter clouds, south, book Yan, Huai Wei, Si Ling , Yi-Wen, Wakayama, to the autumn, where the white, Qi smoke from the bud, days of Man, but also, according to Qin, Man Tong, Pei Huai, and Huai, G., An Shan, Xia, Yi-huai, Wan also , White Jade, Dan Yun, ask cold, Yi Wen, proud and easy, green spin, think real, Miao, semi-double, if Tsui, early blue, Wyman, Xi Ping, the beginning of, Wan Si, Huaner, thousands of wind, days Rong, Ya-Qing, send text, on behalf of the day, Shan Xi, to Wei, Dong Ling, Xi Qin, Ling Qing, Gu Qin, Yan Tao, Ying Yan, blue book, send the wind, visit smoke, Yee Ching, proud of soft , to send content to Shan, Zi Xue, Zhi Rong, Shu Qin, find peach, Han Yang, Huai-cold, easy to cloud, picking blue, on behalf of the autumn, but unfortunately the dream, Seoul smoke, Huai Gu, Huai Lin, Han Ling, water Blue, visit the winter, half blue, and soft, winter flowers, double safety, ice Lan, Hong Wei, language Qin, Jing Shan, magic revealed, visit days, Bai Jing, Ling Si, Xiao Cui, Yan Hui, visit the text, Ling Wen, Chih-cloud, think soft, Qiao Fan, Mu Mountain, Evian, thousands of willow, from the condensate, An dream, Hong Xuan, Ying days, Ambergris, Ping Xuan, to Yun, Yi Man, Hsinchu, Qi Lu, Seeking children, Bi Rong, white bamboo, fly orchid, Man Yan, Yan Lu, Ning Dong, with spirit, the early sun, sea fall, ice pairs, green blue, hope is easy, Si Song, Dream Hill, Friends of the Spirit, bamboo, Ling An, Ling Bai, autumn soft, and blue, Seoul bamboo, sky blue, green maple, asked Fu, language sea, Ling Shan, Ying Dan, Xiaolei, Ying Xia, water, flying Jane, ice summer, also bamboo, flying lotus, sea white, per butterfly, Chih-day, pregnant green, Seoul capacity, Yuan Qin, Ruo Yun, Han Yan, Jun listen, to adopt a dream, Ning Lin, Yuan-tung, looking for mountains, on behalf of the peach, the cold, hope autumn , Qiu, Mu Rui, the sea also, the early Qing, Qiao Rui, listening to security, Reptilase to loose, dream Huai, Samuume, Hong Lan, send soft, Ying-tung, isolated content, Xiaolei, An Xuan, listen to Maple , night green, snow lotus, from Dan, Bi Rong, Qi Qin, Yu-Wen, David Holland, Green Park, the beginning of the blue, Yi An, hope clear, look for winter, snow Shan, Menghan, welcome the South, such as Tong, Feng mining If Yan, Cui Yang, Pei-Yung, magic emerald, blue mountains, Zhibo, Doris, sent clouds, Hui Mu, Cold Song, Han Mei, white book, Lotte, Yan Hui, Yuen Qiu, proud of rotation, the new, All children, summer really, quiet maple, music double, white, Wen-yu, send loose, Dan butterfly, Yuan Yao, ice butterflies, visit Mann, on behalf of the Spirit, Chih smoke, white and easy, Seoul Yang, pity smoke, flat flowers, Dan cold, visit dream, green condensate, ice Ling, core language, thinking smoke, Yi Feng, Ying-Ling, Ling Lan, Man Lan, if Feng, Ao Wei, every spirit, music core, Ling Qiu, Huai valley, looking for clouds.

Fish said: Hello America, I think I love you.
Water: a fool, that's just a good impression only.
Fish said: Really, I kid you not.
Water said: I do not believe in love at first sight.
days passed,Beats By Dr Dre Pro Detox, the feelings of fish on the water the more deep.
says: I like to be with you.
Water: it is because you had to adapt to me.
says: I like your taste.
Water: it is because you have been accustomed to my presence.
few days later, the water should continue to travel.
Fish said: I can not do without you.
Water: a few days you will forget me.
Fish said: No, I will not fall in love with other people than you.
Water: it is because you have not met the people except me.
Fish said: You are my all.
Water: You is not my only.
Fish said: In the search for you in the end what?
Water: only the sea is warm and my mind only.
Fish said: Can not you do for me to stay?
Water said: No, once stopped, I became stagnant and will never be able to see the look of the sea.
Fish said: that we can stand together and drive?
Water: You can never catch up with my pace.
Fish said: Can you wait a little for me?
Water said: I only like flowing.
Fish said: In any case, I have to accompany you to swim to the sea.
Water: Do not be silly, you're just a fish.
says: I do not want you to face a storm.
Water said: I would not be grateful to you.
says: I do not want to win your gratitude, I just want to be with you.
Water: You know I can not fall in love with you.
Fish said: But you can not right away I love you.
Water: You would only harm themselves.
water and fish through a river, the fish only Half-Life.
says: I do not know how far can accompany you.
Water said: go back, this day is not for you.
Fish said: No, even to the last second, I will not give up.
Water: You lost yourself so stupid.
Fish said: Can you love a fool to try to accept it?
Water: You know my heart that the sea has long been occupied.
Fish said: Why? You can not try to fall in love with me?
Water said: I believe that the sea is my only.
fish and water through a river, only a quarter of the fish's life.
Fish said: If one day I'll be gone, what would you do?
Water said: I will be sad, will be sorry.
Fish said: What if the sea is gone it?
Water said: I will be sad, would die with him.
Fish said: Are we in daily life but also an illusion than it?
Water said: just get along without feeling the extra memory.
Fish said: that the sea does, you sure he will love you?
Water said: He is my lifelong dream, I will not give up.
fish silent, quietly accompany the water finished the rest of the distance.
finally, they go to the beach. Sea water to see her, but she is not only the sea.
Yes, ah, the sea with open minds, broad enough to accommodate hundreds of rivers play in his arms, but no time to take into account the presence of water.
not want to do the sea water around one of many beauties, she decided to leave.
At this time, she remembered the fish, the fish has long been dying.
says: I saw the sea, he is so handsome and cool, only he was worthy of you.
Water said: but I think he is confusing.
Fish said: Do not worry, one day, the sea will find you and love you.
Water said: Maybe I'm really wrong.
Fish said: No, you are so in love with the sea.
Water: Once, there is also a man so in love with me, but I was ignored. You say, you say ah,
say you love me, say you want me life after life together.
says: I do not want to give you a promise that can not be honored.
Water said: Why can not you selfish?
Fish said: Do not, I love you right, I do not love is your obligation.
Water said: Why am I always so selfish, so stubborn? Why did not I fall in love with you sooner?
Fish said: Do not say, as I will go very disturbed.
Water said: Why are you always so good, I feel good to shame.
Fish said: forget me, and then find a person worthy of your love.
Water: You Is not the most worthy of my love for people?
Fish said: Do not be silly, the day after, I can not accompany you.
Water said: I have missed too many days, I can not miss you.
Fish said: do not.
Water said: I really love you.
says: I have tears, tears of happiness you see me yet? Oh, I forgot, because I am in the water.
Water said: No! I felt, because now you in my heart.
fish happily closed his eyes, arms in the water.
hear the voice of their own broken heart ... ...

was worried about wandering stray
was not called to accompany the crying was not called to share the sadness sadness
not call someone to share the joy of pain
called happiness.

Everyone has their favorite people
some people can be your favorite people together
others for various reasons can not be together

existing This situation seriously undermines the legitimate rights and interests of people were relocated, and even led to personal injury and other serious incidents (such as Tang Fuzhen self-immolation, etc.), inspired public anger, a serious impact on social stability. And because of defects in the existing regulations, the demolition people have nowhere to complain complaint, private property rights can not be effectively protected; and such officials as Mayor Geng Yanbo and some unscrupulous developers but they can wantonly brutal demolition, and also the public interest so often a cover to prove the reasonableness of their actions, not only do not self-examination, reflection, law-abiding, but condemned the so-called Nails; some of the immediate damage to the people not to be, sometimes not , regardless of being deceived by the official, standing violent demolition the position of the party to prove the reasonableness of the construction - as we have seen so much of how my colleagues enthusiastically support Geng Yanbo as mayor!

there are so many flaws, has been to maximize the expansion of government power, Geng Yanbo mayors are reluctant to comply with some of the basic requirements; can now amend the State Department has finally started! And the general direction of this change is clear, is to fully protect the interests of the demolition, to correct and stop the government opening up the barbaric demolition business, damage the interests of the demolition act. May be emphasized include: the government for the demolition of public interest, must be through the normal process, that in obtaining the consent of the demolition,beats by dr dre headphones, on the basis of full compensation to the housing demolition; and commercial development, it must be developers to negotiate with the owner first, the agreement only after the demolition. If no agreement is reached, the owner can refuse to allow the housing. - In fact, our Constitution, Article 13 stipulates that citizens' lawful private property is inviolable, and in many of our government's levying of charges, this provision has not been well represented, often under the guise of the government to the name of public interest the expense of individual interests. The Property Law also expressly provides that the government levy must be imposed in the public interest, is for defense, transportation, public hospitals , schools, etc. This can be the cause of some land acquisition. But in fact, many local governments based on local, short-term interests, one-sided emphasis on the city's construction and development, ignoring the rights of homeowners for property protection - Geng Yanbo mayor is not doing it? Those who defend the common ground for the mayor who Geng, considered this basic problem?

existing In August 2007, the NPC Standing Committee adopted the collection of the legitimate rights and interests; imposition of a personal residence, should also be imposed to protect the living conditions specific measures by the State Council. modified work schedule.

Ma Yu


Geng Yanbo mayors will stop illegal demolition

Even if the current demolition ordinance

Also, new regulations could cut off the interests of open government contact with the strict distinction between public interest and commercial development demolition demolition, this way, the mayor of the city management Geng ideas have to re-plan, the original sale will be difficult to finance, or I do not know whether the mayor would like to take this Geng review their city-building ideas?

and this amendment, the first demolition of compensation may be expressly provided, as the first mayor as Geng Yanbo demolished the house to say the practice will not work.

anything, the new regulations for vulnerable people is good news. For Geng Yanbo who was absolutely magic spell bound by their administration according to law, requires a clear understanding of their time to their own power boundary, do not use executive power to abuse the public interest.

According to reports, the State Council Legislative Affairs Office of experts held 16 seminars, listened to the civil law, administrative law experts in the

may have to seize the day seize more Geng Yanbo Mayor demolished. But, after all, the Communist mayor Geng appointed officials, and will not dare opposing central, right? Even if the new regulations not yet promulgated, but Geng Yanbo understand what the mayor is also one of profound meaning, it immediately stop their illegal activities? Will not have to wait until the promulgation of the mayor and then give up Geng, right?

(2009 年 12 月 18 日)

In fact, the first phase of my Canon 450d, to the camera to open a bank card, bank account registered online.

Then one day, look at the Canon 450d price at the time happened to see the Fuji 100 price cut to three thousand six hundred dollars.

after this week, I fell into confusion. In the end is the entry-SLR, or consumer flagship.

I see repeated evaluation, photography forums one after another bubble. The more confused the more shopping. More shopping more undecided.

but tend to mind the balance is a serious SLR camera.

450d too powerful, and the Internet a praise , awards are so many.

I even dream of thinking, my back my SLR camera, walking in the streets shooting beautiful landscapes.

I think I would be a good photographer, I am just waiting for the weekend to rest, go to the bank the money to online banking accounts.

During this period, every day I Guangzhao SLR forum,beats by dre studio, regard themselves as part of the SLR forum.

I looked at using SLR cameras were issued for each post.

Then I found that very little people in the SLR forum, with the kit lens shooting their work. One or two taken with the kit lens, is also necessary to note, they are novice, or: do not feel bad with a practiced hand SLR.

and see those with SLR predecessors, see photos taken with the kit lens are dismissive, generally have replied: shooting into it with a hedging effect good.

I suddenly discovered that the SLR, with a set of head shot, in the eyes of others is so dishes.

then I started to convince myself, and then spend an anti-pay two thousand dollars to buy a good first step right.

bubble in the later days of the forum, I found myself ridiculous. Had a two thousand dollars, bought the first known vegetables, and vegetables, a twenty thousand head, had just entered the facade.

SLR world, not in one step.

then I began to ask myself,

I bought the camera used to do?

photographers I really it?

really are so many mountains around the river I shot it?

I really have so much free time to engage in shooting it?

answer all the questions are negative.

I suddenly found myself does not seem to photography enthusiasts, but lovers of photographic equipment.

mind the impulse to buy a camera, the Stock your SLR camera, the four to show off shooting, shooting complete pass on computer noise very few pleasure, rather than studying Stock your camera to four shooting, pass on computer racking thought to modify the pleasure.

In later days, I know the kit lens 18-55 is actually just converted to more than double the zoom, color, flat, virtual is not good, which I want to be combat photographers big.

Tau can also buy a bite, but I used to shoot Shaa?

brother said, buy a camera, do you spend so much money, ah, what the camera is not the same according to ah.

I say you do not know.

brother said, you carry this big head, take a stand, walking the streets, up a shelf in that film, people do not crowd a joke you? Are we going to stay a long hair ah.

I suddenly thought, indeed, the usual time to get a card machine in the streets shooting people are always watching you, let alone get a big thing, and so many people look at you, much suck.

I found that I have not the courage to do a photography enthusiast.

I began to ask myself, buy the camera in the end what to do. I need that?
I started to sum up.

1 large zoom to be able to, because I used to use a large zoom to manual zoom and electronic zoom costs of electricity,

2 colors to be bright, clear picture to secretly film, there must be good ability.

3 main shooting children, so take a child, should also be able to easily capture the child's clear motion video.
4 looks to be tough.

the above four points, if the SLR is that nearly a million configurations, go back a still camera.

brother is right. According to a photograph you, buy a camera, do you spend so much ah. Han with ah.

I still can not be reconciled.

finally my brother and I went to the digital city, when the treasurer, the Canon 450d and Fuji 100 sets of machines, when put together.

I immediately phase Fuji 100. Because the 450d kit lens, can only move slightly back and forth, ever more boring. The thought of the late throw boring , even more thought out collapse cameras, boring in the boring.

So in the end, I chose the Fuji 100.

in the days I was using Fuji 100 gave me a lot of fun .

can manually zoom, powerful shooting people, shooting photos of people's character's skin is particularly delicate, white.

colorful, you can put your room colorful layout, shooting very vivid.

to camera, camera clarity, you can zoom, zoom, auto focus, shooting into the disc after the burn, inside the dvd player, very good.

camera can be connected to a large LCD television, and real-time display on the TV, then a person in front of the TV enjoy watching television in their performances, recorded in the camera.

can also use Fuji powerful facial recognition, a person facing the TV to adjust their smile, and then the camera automatically recognizes the face focus, automatic shooting, shot ID machines professional than a thousand times.

and this camera is connected to the television, bring joy to the function, the SLR is no such function.

Therefore, I conclude, like the family to use, bring joy to the family, you have to choose dc, and the choice will give us many surprises Fuji 100, Fuji have put in all the technology .

If you want to learn, want to book photography mountain road ground for the tracks. So you choose SLR, he makes you successful, but learning is boring, and tuition is very expensive.
above is my experience after using Fuji 100. For everyone to write, tiring.

mainly to buy their own time, have had this experience, and now many of my friends have in the end or entry-SLR flagship consumer confusion.

person who might very duo Heights,
only Yoo Mi ⒈ personal
can laugh beauty
crying the most painful pain I

Do you know ....
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
forget; which I
remember a day a walk to open this

before people of
° Road
; °
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a crippled love
leave a memory of incomplete memories
, have you, there are I
~~~~~~~~~`; did not
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
girl asked the boy;

boys hand over a the one said:

, cover miscellaneous
its total sh! ten million
be great ,beats by dr dre headphones,
also dizzy vertigo - # '
I think that was

lonely lonely waiting


; to name the In the
; smoking, lung
stay closer to where my heart - # '

article from CSDN blog, reproduced, please indicate the source:

4, SAS and SCSI cable length, as, theoretically up to 12M, but generally do not recommend more than 5M, too long may lead to severe packet loss, due to the basic SAS server used to control the chip design basically are very strict, not very different, affecting the length of the cable SAS cable biggest factor is the quality.

2, SAS is a 7-pin 4-wire cable, and SATA, as SATA hard disk and can be used.

2001 年 11 月 26 日, Compaq,beats by dre studio Ferrari and Lamborghini, IBM, LSI Logic, Maxtor and Seagate announced the establishment of a SAS working group, whose goal is to define a new serial point-to enterprise-class storage device interface. SAS introduces SAS expander technology, so that the SAS system can connect more devices, each of which allows to connect multiple expansion ports, each port can be connected to SAS devices, the host or other SAS expander. To protect user investment, SAS is also compatible with standard SATA, which makes the SAS backplane compatible with two types of SAS and SATA hard disk, the user, when using different types of hard drives do not need to re-invest.

SAS interface technology is backward compatible with SATA. Specifically, the compatibility between the two is mainly reflected in the physical layer and protocol layer compatible. In the physical layer, SAS interface and is fully compatible with SATA interface, SATA drives can be used directly in the SAS environment, speaking from the interface standard, SATA is a sub-standard SAS, SAS controller can control SATA drives, SAS SATA can not be used directly in the environment, because the SATA controller and SAS drives can not be controlled; in the protocol layer, SAS formed by the three types of agreement, according to the connection of different devices using the appropriate protocol for data transmission. One Serial SCSI Protocol (SSP) for the transmission of SCSI commands; SCSI Management Protocol (SMP) is used to connect equipment maintenance and management; SATA Tunneling Protocol (STP) for SAS and SATA data transfer between. Therefore, these three protocols in conjunction with, SAS and SATA can be seamlessly integrated and some SCSI devices.

SAS Serial Attached SCSI is the acronym for Serial Attached SCSI. Is the next generation of SCSI technology and now the popular Serial ATA (SATA) hard drive the same, are based on serial technology for higher transmission speeds, and by shortening the link line to improve the internal space. SAS is the parallel SCSI interface, developed after the new interface. This interface is designed to improve storage system performance, availability and scalability, and provides compatibility with SATA drives.

3, SAS and SATA cable lines as a SAS interface can only take one SAS cable, a cable can only access a SAS SAS drives, but in theory, pick up 122.

Currently, SAS Interface rate of 3Gbps, SAS expander of its more than 12 ports. Soon, there will be 6Gbps 12Gbps high-speed interface and even there, and there will be 28 or 36-port SAS expander appears to suit different application requirements.

1, SAS and SATA2 transfer rate of the same, 3Gbps, thanks to the re-10bit packet technology (each 1Byte/8bit data packet after adding ECC to 10bit, so the actual transfer rate of 300MBps), slightly lower than UltraWide320SCSI of 320MBps, but due to a single SCSI cable structure, all devices share the bandwidth of 320MBps, but SAS uses a star configuration, each device is exclusive 300MBps bandwidth, so the actual SAS is the interface bandwidth than SCSI to high.

myopia in the end can not be treated? Do not do laser surgery, then what can we do it?

1, distant gaze:
Find a 10 meters away on the grass or trees: green because shorter wavelength, the image on the retina before the eyes adjust to promote relaxation, ciliary muscle relaxation, to reduce eye fatigue. Do not squint, and do not always blink, eliminate distractions, concentrate, concentrate the gaze of 25 seconds, to identify the contours of grass or leaves. Then the left hand slightly higher than 30 cm in front of the eyes, one by one from start to finish to see the palm, about 5 seconds. Palm reading and then staring into the distance on the grass or leaves 25 seconds, then look at the palm. Repeated 20 times 10 minutes a day to do three times, decreased vision training to increase the number of powerful.

3, massage operation:
taken sitting or supine can be, the two natural closed, followed by massage the acupuncture points around the eyes. Requirements acupoints accurately, playful approach to the local sense of the degree of soreness.
rubbing days should point: thumb gently with both hands should point Rouan days (below brow, eyes outside the corner office.)
squeeze out points by eye: hand's thumb with one eye out gently Rouan points (nasion Department within the next two canthus) first press down, then up the crowd
knead four white points: the central part of the cheek with the index finger Rouan four white points (the lower edge of the orbit until the middle of the next cross fingers) .
by the temple, scraping round eyes: Use your thumb to press the temple (in the middle of the outer corner of brow and Wang pointed backwards), then the index finger with flexion of the side section II of scuffing around the eyes, from the inside on - > outer -> external next -> in the next, so save the bamboo fish eyes around the waist, empty string and wind, Tong Zi Liao, ball, bearing weep and other points by massage. For the pseudo-myopia, or prevent the deepening of the degree of myopia is good.

2, crystal gymnastics:
blink of an eye: Tuosai hands, so that the eye press up, down, left and right rotate the order of 10 times, followed counter-clockwise, clockwise rotation of 10 times.
looking for a 3 m outside of the scene (such as: wall paintings, etc.), while his left hand raised slightly away from the eyes at the straight (about 30 cm), hand lines to see the palm of your hand, look at Qingyuan things, as fast moving in between the two eyes, and from 20.

protect the eyesight of the four training methods

one instant method
choose a quiet place, sitting or standing, relax, clear thoughts, two head open, head and neck does not move, turn the eye alone. Below the first gaze, slowly go to the left, then go to the gaze is at the top, to the right, and finally back to beneath the gaze, so that the first 9 laps clockwise. Let the eyes gaze from the bottom, go right to the top, to the left, then back to the bottom, so that 6 and then counter-clockwise circle. A total of 4 times. Each rotation, the eye should be possible to reach the limit. This method can be an instant eye muscle exercise, improved nutrition, flexible and comfortable to the eye, bright and piercing.
Second, eye concentration, breathing fresh air law
election, or to sit or stand, relax, and second, head straight ahead, slowly enough to absorb the gas, along with wide open eyes, pause for a moment, then slowly the gas breath, eyes also will slowly Weibi, do it 9 times.
three iron eye method
This method is best to do sit, relax, close your eyes, then quickly friction between palms to make heat, Serve hot with his hands to his eyes,dr dre beats, his hands after the heat dissipation suddenly away, two also exert oneself opened, so 3 to 5 times, the eye can promote blood circulation, increase metabolism.
four, wash basin after disinfection method
first, into the warm water, regulate water temperature, face into the water, opened his eyes in the water, so move left and right eye up and down nine times, then clockwise , counterclockwise rotation 9. At first, the water into the eyes, the eyes very uncomfortable, but with the rotation of the eye, eyes started to feel very comfortable. In this exercise, if difficulty in breathing, may wish to lift the face from the basin to the outside, take a deep breath. This method can wash away the eyes of the harmful substances and dust, but also effective for mild cataract, and to improve the astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia, refractive error level.

way to restore vision to your collection right in your eyes

That is, like her, hypocritical Ye Hao,Beats By Dre Pro Detox, still like it. Excerpt:

love is not enough, just an excuse a lot. - Do not listen to embarrassment, then certainly do not see ugly people. Or to do difficult things, love should not love. - - - If you do not love, then a lot of money, if the two are not, there is good health. - You dare not do? Whips sub-ring, hard of fresh teeth and also on. - - - > real temperament of the lady, never show off everything she has, she did not tell anyone what she had read books, been to where, how many pieces of clothing, jewelry bought anything because she did not inferiority. - The original if you love a person, the heart sour, but will not speak, sweet, most people say listen to the irrelevant. - Do not want to care about, that the other side of the friendship fundamental, why memory is good. - - Do not get married or living with him. Maintain a vast distance, occasional, you can pay tribute to the eyes of love, Qingqiao gentle, far-fetched to ask: - - - - I have back my own, I was my destination. - be forgiven, no more love, more to love yourself. - life is like. - - there were difficulties. - Educated women about everything demeanor, even the only weapons are lost, let the community mercy. - protect my husband, many women are not encountered. - -

Code where I can modify the color-coded with a special !!

There are several places you can not change the standard out ,Ferrari and Lamborghini, the effect is not too big !!
0 can give a good picture with a border effect , the greater the value the wider the border !

scrollAmount = 4 , said scrolling speed ! !

is for the rest of the pictures , the latter figure is the image width and height that can be modified according to their own pictures ! ! but even if the code is 100 to all unified !!!

Had previously been no systematic training of the thigh, upper body muscle
so huge , but relatively small
leg three weeks ago decided on the thigh for Kuangbian
growing power is three weeks the first week of block
maximum weight of 160KG
soared to the second week of weight 240KG, but can only do light squats
third week , which is today , the same 240KG, already do a squat little knee

pain, waist

a little uncomfortable ,beats by dr dre headphones, but no problem , I think, next week should be no room for another surge
put on the shelf because this can not so much feeling barbell piece of

factor on the strength of the body seems to have been activated once the power of upper
much larger
tried it a few days ago , triceps rope pull-down can actually make the weight 107KG 10

seems in this gym , my strength has risen to the first of

large sums of money looking at these two credit cards , thinking the pressure of her husband , thinking something up to now not die solution , know his mind mad , but no resistance to what can only be said to Yurenbushu ! But I did not help at all , more than three woke up , really sleep , and perhaps the other side of the city ,just beats by dre, he certainly can not sleep . In fact, her husband , this thing really can not blame you, you were also to save money , do not trust their own judgments before a position of unstable co- partnership , if we have sufficient funds would not be so , I really do not blame you , after all, this thing you asked me , after I agreed , Blame I do not believe you, really ! Since the matter to this point , can only see step walk , and I'm really afraid of you anxious Fire Attack heart trouble, because not around, but you will not take care of themselves , apart from a few phone calls to you, I really can not do anything ! Hope that the old God Bless pity , to all smooth sailing it , do not torture my poor old man up !

Hibiscus from the NPC show their eager brother , sister ... that go beyond the well-known Lotus difficult , really difficult . Every Generation there is talent out to famous lines in which immune . Unless you have a special talent , coupled with the opportunity of opportunity which can not , and neither is dispensable . This does not , Sister Lotus has a reputation for careful, brother and hibiscus flowers . Although taking the old road ,dr dre studio, but we have only Arts have the opportunity , who said well-known hard ? Who ~ ~ ~

Wedding day, Mom asked me: sit in the corner begging look like two people?
I think the last time, An old man is staring at me, next to a woman, found that when I looked at them quickly bowed his head. I do not know them but not like a beggar, even the clothes off the new print can tell. Mom is like the beggar who 佝偻着身子, Granny's side leaning against a cane's sake.
mom Tianchi is an orphan, no relatives there, do not know if they go on the boom. Now beggar bad yet, like other in front of the hotel, see Which relatives to pretend to eat black wedding wine.
I said no, called Tianchi ask, right? Tianchi Huanglihuangzhang my hands and flowers off the ground, said last creak Wu Wu Tang Shu and their home church aunt. I glared at my mother one: almost the relatives away.
mom Tianchi you are not orphans it? Where's relatives do? Tianchi afraid of mother, bow, said his family's distant relatives, not from a long time. But marriage is a major event, did not come home, my heart felt a relative is a pity, so I rely on ... ...
Tianchi shoulder relatives to complain that he has also said that before, should they transfer table, since it is relative can not sitting back on the table. Tianchi let them sit there and say that's stopping it, also take the other tables eating them uncomfortable.
until the open seats that also sat on the table and Tang Shu Tong aunt. I express my thanks for that table through wine, Tianchi hesitation I pulled around them rub the past. Bury their heads back to see the low, I thought to pull back Tianchi: Tang Shu, Tang aunt, we toast to you both!
they do not believe raised his head and stared at me a bit. Old couple's hair is gray, and looks very old should look like seven or eight years old, Church aunt's eyes are empty, although the front of my face, but eyes flash suddenly uncertain. I am not sure of the good in her eyes shook, did not respond. The original church aunt is blind. Tang, Tang Shu, Tang aunt, this is the I wife Xiao Jie, beautiful toast it to you now! Tianchi in the use of accent to remind them.
Oh, oh. Tang Shu crooked stood up, leaning on his left shoulder and right hand trembling Church aunt slightly to reach for the glass, the finger back are yellow cocoon, thick finger in every folder keep the black mud. Facing LOESS back into the air the day so that they prematurely tired knees. I was surprised to find that Tang Shu's right leg is empty. Hall aunt is blind, Tang Shu is lame, what a couple ah? Do not stand, and you sit down. I walked over and held onto them. Tang Shu and sat down shaking, missed the church by the aunt's eyes tears suddenly Badabata straight, see Tang Shu silently patted her back. The two tried to persuade them, but I left Tianchi pulled.
I told Tianchi said, so they go home to give them a little money when it, too poor. Both are disabled, it simply can not figure out how the day before. Tianchi nodded and said nothing, tightly hugged me.
the first year of New Year's Eve, said the stomach pains Tianchi eaten dinner back to the room under the bed. I let my mother boil point and rice also followed into the room. Tianchi lying in bed, eyes still simmering tears.
I say this without Tianchi, New Year's Eve is not the first one to eat dinner with us, but also ran the room like this. If we were ill-treat you like family, a holiday you stomach pains, how can such a thing? In fact, I know you're not stomach pains, Well what happened?
Tianchi bored a long time that I'm sorry, he just thought of Tang Shu, and together father and mother died and his aunt. He could not help but fear on the table, just mess with the excuse that parents upset stomach pains.
my arms around him said: What a silly child, after the New Year we want them to look into their opinions, They say I want to know is how to live.
Tianchi said forget, particularly difficult piece of mountain walking. You will be tired, and so after the road leads to our birth, then I will take it right to see them.
my heart to say: so we do not have children when they must be in it! But did not dare speak out, saying one to give them some money and resent it!
second year I happened to travel abroad during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-day and not go home. I particularly want to Heavenly Lake and my parents, I told Tianchi talking on the phone.
Tianchi think I asked how do I get sleep? Tianchi said on the Internet or watching TV, and then not sleep like that too harsh with his eyes open.
night, we talked until the phone far too hot out of power. Lying on the hotel bed, looking out the window round the moon, how I could not sleep. Tianchi tears to his eyes open, like father, like mother. Tianchi estimates did not fall asleep think, maybe is online fugue. I also stand up to open the computer, re-apply a QQ number called Checked, Heavenly really in, I take the initiative to add him, he accepted.
I asked him: good day for a ten thousand happy, why do you still hang it online? He said: Because my wife away on business, could not sleep so she would like to see on the Internet. I am very satisfied with this sentence, then hit again: his wife was not at home, you can find a lover instead of, say, online, talk to comfort it. Half a day before he knocked a line: If you are looking for lover, then I'm sorry, I do not find the person you are, goodbye. I'm sorry, I did not mean, you do not get angry. Ba Baba, I quickly made in the past. After a while he asked me: how do you are wandering the Internet it? I said: I am working away from home, now want to father and mother. Just pass off the phone with her boyfriend or sleep on online.
I also want my father and mother, only, parents home, son wants not. Parent home, son wants not. How to tell? I repeated this sentence struck in the past. I am a little inexplicably, Tianchi how to say this is the case? You call Some things will get sick in my heart for a long time, sun drying out will be a little more comfortable, anyway, I do not know you, as you listen to a story! So, I accidentally know Tianchi have been hidden in the heart of the matter.
30 years ago, my father had not married soon fifty, because he was crippled and poor home with no girl is willing to marry him. Later, the village had a beggar came and helped a blind old man is also a woman. Very ill old man, father to see them in their own poor let them rest. Did not expect to stay up over the old man is no, then the old man's daughter is a blind woman that married my father. Gave birth to my second year. My home life was very hard, but I have never been hungry a meal. Father and mother can not field types, there is no income to someone else's home stripping corn kernels, one day all ten fingers taken off Xuepao the next day and then wrap the cloth strip. For me to go to school, the family kept three chickens, two chicken sold for money, leaving me to eat a raw egg. Niangshui begging in the city when she heard the baby to go to school in town eat eggs, eat our house baby, the baby will be more intelligent than the city. But they never eat, I saw your mother back into the pot after the egg shell in his mouth licking the rest of the egg white, and I hug your mother crying. Say whatever they refused to eat eggs, the father knew was going to use the sticks after the angry Mother. Finally, I compromise, provided that the three of us one to eat. Although they agreed, but each also symbolic of the teeth touch it.
village's people never called me names, call me a lame blind home. Father and mother heard someone call me with that person will be hard. Mother took the bricks will not see chaos hit, his mouth also swore: all you Sha Qiandao, our lame blind, my baby properly, it is not allowed to call out your way. A future you do not like my baby. That year in the exam, exam, lame blind home good news for the county's first really popular for a father and mother. Out of town for our family all the tuition and fees, the day the father sent me to school the first time out of the mountain. On the train that will, my tears rushed straight out assassination assassination, father leaning Shui hand for hand I Calei: into the city must learn, after the city looking for work in a wife. Someone asked about your father and mother you say you are orphans, no father and mother, or others will look down on you. Especially not on the wife to marry, people will dislike you. Miss you marry a wife, I have no face to see ancestors.
father! I let the father do to say, this is something, do ye not useful for father and mother would not recognize it? Mother also said it was the truth, to listen to. You do not remember you in school? Just say you are lame blind home, people will run you get dirty looks. The beginning and even the teacher does not like you. After you go home with the wife said, Men in town is your aunt Tang Shu and Hall. Mother finished in that Ma Lei. Dieshui, not to his wife home, along the back will not help your mother revealed the secret. And then to my arms, ten hides your mother cooked eggs dragged away.
my tears fall down flutter assassination assassination, disability is not their fault, it is unfair to their God. But they had a perfect Tianchi to me. This silly Tianchi, this father and mother, no longer perfect. I am very angry, so how he look down on me?
that later, you tell them your wife is your aunt Tang Shu and the Church? I knocked over this sentence.
I did not believe. My wife is looking for are not father and mother, father and mother can not recognize it why? But I am out ten years, a father and mother have not been to my school. First year of work, I want to play with them into the city, they refused, saying that people know my parents are disabled in my shame, affect my bride. A lifetime in the mountains do not want to go out. Mother said she is come from the city, but also mean nothing. Later, I talked about the first girlfriend, when I think about the time when you take her Huile Tang family. Surprisingly, after arriving home, she did not stay to eat dinner meal left,dr dre headphones, I hurried outside, she said, and such a person to live her day does not go. Our family genes have also said that the problem, certainly not after the health of children. I am so angry how far her roll far. Home, your mother in that cry, father also called me. That I do not listen to their words, have to our family of incense can not be broken.
Later, I met a second girlfriend is now my wife. I love her, afraid of losing her dream, her family and very wealthy, some relatives are fine people, with the warning I am afraid only a lack of filial piety. But the holidays, I wanted one to them, heart block fast enough, uncomfortable.
you never told your wife? Maybe she does not care about that?
I did not say, can not tell. I think if she agreed to my mother would not agree. I live with them, there is a father out of people face. If the father and mother to a shame they do not? I can only learn in time travel back secretly fancy two. Thank you so much to listen to me, my heart now more comfortable.
under the net, I still do not feel Italian. Children said the mother never too ugly, dog sees a poor family, take a look at what we have done? I understand the frustration Tianchi, but also to understand his father and mother's difficulties. But they did not know I puts the innocent into a ruthless face of adversity.
days will be put off, I knocked on the manager's door and told him the following things that please him full authority to deal, I have a very important thing to do as soon as possible, all to please him. Then simply pick up the luggage I went straight to the train station. Fortunately, catch the first train.
really difficult piece of mountain walking. At first leg is still too strong, then grind the soaked my feet no longer walk. It is noon, the sun tan powerful, and I were just breathing. Back to the water were nearly finished, I do not know how much the following way to go. Took off his shoes squeeze the blisters, which would be painful I cried out loud, really want to make a phone call to take me home to Heavenly Lake, finally refrained. Reed pulled a flower from the roadside at the foot pad, I feel more comfortable feet. The father and mother at this time think of Tianchi labor at home with legs suddenly came to look strong, stand up and continue to move forward.
When the old village took me to the door when the Heavenly Lake, and that a burnt red of the sunset was shining on their doorstep on the old date tree. Tang Shu sitting under the jujube tree, oh no, Tianchi the father, father's older than the marriage that much, hand peel the corn, quietly leaning on his crutches incomplete piece of the leg. Mother kneeling on the ground ready to receive a good drying corn, is a hand line and a way inside. This, like a painting, but painting is the most perfect father and mother in this world.
step by step I walked to the front of them, see my father, in the hands of corn dropped to the ground, mouth open and the boss, surprised and asked: Are you, are you hanging over it?
groping your mother in the side to ask: his father, who now? Days, Tianchi home. Ah! In, in which? Mother panic he found my direction. I bent down luggage, and then grabbed her hand, facing them, with deep pain, heavily kneeling down: Dad! Mother! I'll pick you home! Father a couple of dry cough, tears silently out from the face covered with wrinkles. Anjiu said, I keep the baby not in vain Ah! Mother put his hands in rubbing back and forth from a body, and then hugged me, line by line the tears from her eyes empty excitedly to flow into my neck.
I go with father and mother, when the village was put firecrackers. I was a scenery for the father and mother. When the Heavenly Lake opened the door and saw me standing on either side of the father and mother when the no small surprise, stared stunned at that, a phrase unknown.
I said: Heavenly Lake, I read you. I put the father and mother we take back. Such a perfect father and mother, how can you be willing to throw them in the mountains?
Thank you!
Tianchi broke down in tears, hugged me tightly, as the line as his mother tears into my neck.

The most popular legend : If life does not play pierced my next life a woman can not do a woman do a man ! If a man , then hit in the left ear 2 ear hole the next life you can continue to do man !

legend I: pierced ears, say the gap is emotional , attached to the heart of the nerve , the most gentle and fragile. That the roots through the pierced ears , but also to encounter the next reincarnation past life lover

Legend II: pierced ears, is played to commemorate a person ,beats by dre sale, playing pierced the pain is unforgettable , just like you never forget the people, you fight for this man pierced ears , next life you will meet him .

Legend III: pierced ears , you think if a man or woman on the next life , but his woman.

legend four: the people who really love to meet you when you play pierced through the I's time , so with you.
legend . representatives of friendship girls pierced ears, left , right of pierced ears on behalf of love !

channel: red color mixing: Color mixing is not real transparency: 8%

1, open the access panel. Select the blue channel. Select the menu br> channel: Green Check Color saturation is too low. Next, adjust each color channel separately Levels.
Select the blue channel, select the menu 1.36 211)
choose the red channel, select the menu Select the menu Select

Open Original material, run: image - the calculation, parameters are as follows:

NO.2 rich yellow-green

4. renderings found more gray, perform brightness / contrast operation Brightness: -8 Contrast: 5

NO.23 warm summer

1, open the original image, the implementation layer - new adjustment layer - optional color, value is set as follows:

middle tone: -1512 high light: 15 2 -10

5, add a solid color, the value R: 67 G: 44 B: 0, mode for the light to reduce the transparency of 50

topaz filter and some brush commonly used on both the www.68ps.com download, you can also search for Baidu.

1, open the original image material to create an optional color adjustment layer, set the following parameters:
Red: -2-11280 yellow: 0-1090 Green: 91-18-10029

NO.1 material to create dreamy effect with a picture

3, new Color adjustment layer, the parameters are as follows

NO.9 popular shadow

2, selection of rubber, then add a mask to the layer, the mask processing: where the filters do not need a simple clean look with a rubber to achieve the effect you want. Here I am with the Ministry only minor changes, to avoid too many filters to the face after the results.

NO.13 warm and cold colors

8, create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E back layer. Execution: Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur with a value of 5, after determining the layer blend mode to layer, back layer. Corner site with better tools to deepen a little, then the appropriate sharpening about to complete.

NO.12 simple to use LAB color channel

9, back layer, the dermabrasion, the skin, especially legs, dermabrasion many ways, would not elaborate on the

6, the new Photo Filter, add the picture warm. Filter parameters are as follows: yellow concentration: 25

very simple tutorial, mainly using PS channel to transfer the image to see a good tone. 1, open the original image, choose - Image mode - lab color
2, into the channel in lab mode, select a channel (what is a channel selection, a lot of newcomers do not understand this problem, an error led to the selection of Layer , called a channel selection is that you use the mouse left-click access layer, so that the channel has become the working channel), then hold down the ctrl click the left mouse button to load a channel selection
3, select reverse (Ctrl + shift + I), and copy (Ctrl + C), select the b channel, hold down the ctrl click the left mouse button and then paste the b-channel Load Selection (Ctrl + V) the image mode back to RGB color
4, image - - Apply Image - channel (blue) - Mixed (brighten)
5, the image - adjustment - Photo Filter - Dark Yellow - concentration --15-- reserved brightness, color complete.

1, open your material

2, 2 times the background copy layer to layer one color (ctrl + shift + u)

4, a new color balance adjustment layer, the parameters are as follows

NO.17 classical green yellow

NO.7 elegant blue tones

(portrait piece of course, need to deal with what facial skin imperfections like you, this goes without saying)

1, first open the original image, and some defects on the skin to repair piece, do a gradient map mediation layer, the color settings shown, this system comes with color, the principle has been in the previous tutorial said, there is no longer repeat, 27% mixed color transparency,beats by dre pro, color balance color to do next mediation layer, the middle tone, 0 / +4 / -20 /, not to maintain brightness, do this after step 2 get the right pattern effect

1, open the original image, copy the layer.
2, hide the background scene copy (copy of that layer), select the background layer, layer = New Adjustment Layer = Hue / Saturation (click on the
3, shows a copy of the background, set the layer blending mode to Soft Light.
4, layer = new Color Balance Adjustment Layer = (-553,028).
5, layer = new Photo Filter adjustment layer = (heated filter (81)).
6, layer = new Channel Mixer adjustment layer = (Blue: 0 0 80)
7, a new layer, blending mode to Multiply.
8, set the foreground color to white, the background color is black, pulled out in the new layer gradient (radial gradient), adjust the opacity. (Purpose is to highlight the hidden corners of the middle four weeks, do not pull the gradient can be, free to play). Complete.

two. the image mode to Lab mode (not flattened) image - apply image (a channel, soft, 60%), then the image mode back to RGB

3, Layer II Mode to Screen decreased transparency of 60

1, into the channel panel, copy the blue, get blue copy of a copy made of blue filter - Other - High Pass, the value 2. A copy of the image of the blue - the calculation, the rest of the default mixed mode linear light, get alpha1 channel, hold down the ctrl left-click the alpha1 channel load constituency, return to the RGB channel, back to the Layers palette, Layer - New Adjustment Layer - curve, value: 115/140 (in fact, is to pull down the middle of the curve a bit).
2., the new layer, ctrl + shift + alt + E back layer, because some obvious spots below the eyes, so wear a little bit. Panel into the channel, RGB layer - filter - noise reduction (value: 100,057), and then add a layer mask to the eye than the rest of the bottom cover off with a black pen.
3, the new layer, fill color 1e6dc6, layer modes - Linear Dodge, Opacity 15%.
4, a new layer, fill color 0600ff, layer mode - the difference, 11% opacity.
5, to build a layer, fill color dbdeb3, layer modes - light, wrong names of 8%.

NO.21 location portraits and elegant yellow color

4, the fourth step wrong, is superimposed layers, that would pull in the previous step. Back to the Channels palette, hold down the ctrl left-click the alpha1 channel selection loaded, there ant the line, right? Then back to the Layers panel, pull into the new color filter layers that add a mask, add a mask on your background layer below the line tool which, from the left third is a small box to the middle of the circle that tool. This color filter material to the color of the clouds on the cover.

2, the new solid color adjustment layer, color # 2a0000, layer mode to exclude the results in Figure

Red: -10032100-46 yellow: -100-34100100 Black: 20 23 100 -23

NO.11 negative backlash

NO.4 simple to use fill color palette

White: 16000 Check the

9. increase the effect of map layers, perform re-adjust the Input Levels Levels: 29 1.32 255

2, enter the access panel (can not find the access panel? execution window - channel), copy the green channel, to be channels are Do not bother, get what we want can be a constituency, the linear light blend mode, opacity 100%. Point determine after the alpha1 channel, the purpose of this calculation is the sky in order to get a more accurate selection. Click the RGB channel, back to the Layers panel.

7. Create a new layer, set foreground color to white, foreground to transparent gradient with the figures from the sky stayed gradient

quickly bring up pictures of people soft orange-red

8, through the analysis found that, when the picture darker yellow, then re-create an optional color 3 to adjust the look, the following parameters Yellow: 0 0 -40 -49

10, plus the halo and text to complete the final results

is shooting with a positive, switch to red color negative films of C41 development solution to wash, the color produced on the conflict, resulting in high image contrast, color deviation, high color saturation and coarse particles, so the format of the image color change have a flavor, use PHOTOSHOP to produce the same effect can be.
1, add a color balance adjustment layer, respectively, the midtones, highlights, shadows add a lot of blue, green. Middle tone: 04764 High light: 04048 Shadow: 0 49 25
2, after the completion of the layer blending mode set to [overlay].
3, then add a curves adjustment layer, respectively, the bright, dark contrast enhanced. Is to make the upper part of the curve bent upward, so that the next part of the curve is bent downwards, a little bit is enough. (PS some time for contact with people this place is easy, but because the message can not be shot, so I have a headache this curve to express in words how, if there is a good way to please leave a message for me, I would say the first time being it)
4, open the Layers panel to adjust the two layers of the eyes closed, and then execute the menu option / select / color range, and select Set] [middle tone.
5, press [OK], the middle part of tune up will be selected, then re-add [Hue / Saturation adjustment layer].
6, the saturation to the right for increased color saturation, completed against the background layer then press Ctrl + J to re-level

1, open the original image material, press Ctrl + J to copy the background layer to layer, press Ctrl + M to adjust the curve, select
2, copy the layer of the current layer, layer blending mode to Add layer mask, black with a soft brush to corner some of the brightest part of the wipe off. This step aims to make the layer becomes brighter.
3, create a new layer, fill color: # 0d0537, layer blending mode to
4, create a new layer filled with color: # fffce7, layer blending mode to
5, select the menu: Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color, parameter settings are as follows (note that methods are selected 31-100 Green: 100-1005100 Magenta: 6 0 1 100
white: 100-18200 neutral colors: 26 8 -6 11

Red: 28-3-1-10 yellow: 86-77-4-100 Green: 100-30-90 Cyan: 73 -6 -1 0

1, to the Channels palette, right-click on the green channel, copy the channel, select the Then hold down the ctrl click on the The purpose of this step is to separate the sky and the people part of the constituency, respectively, to facilitate the adjustment of why I chose the green channel instead of the red channel is not the blue channel, because the green channel can be found by observing the color figures and the largest part of the sky, So through the Levels can make better selection.
2, load the selection panel after the layers, layer (alt + L) - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color - OK. At this time we will find the adjustment layer mask, only part of the sky high and people just white, so we adjust the color of the sky will not affect the character color, this is what we aim to do constituency. Value is set as follows: blue: 100 000 White: 1490-1 neutral: 87000 Check the

NO.3 orange color

1, open the original image, copy the layer, once the image - adjustment - Auto Levels

about what to adjust the brightness curve (his master), hue / saturation (+12, specifically their grasp, because there is no picture is identical to the effect of bright can)

NO.6 nostalgic color

5, new Color adjustment layer 2, the yellow of the picture to adjust the following parameters -15 0 0 0

9, create a curves adjustment layer, adjustment of blue (top left half-cell, lower right half-cell) and then created to determine the brightness / contrast adjustment layer (0 6)
10, create a new layer filled with color : # 021D60, layer blending mode to opacity to: 5%.
12, tick lips part with a pen, look at the appropriate emergence, create color balance adjustment layer to lighten a little bit
13, create a brightness / contrast adjustment layer (0 3)
14, create a curve adjustment layer (lower right half of the blue box).
15, create a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer (0 -5 0)
16, create a new layer, back layer. Layer blending mode to
final adjustment of the overall color to complete the final results.

source 1, channel: red. Source 2, Channel: Green. Mixed Mode: Overlay, Opacity 75%. Point to determine the panel will see the alpha1 channel in the channel.
2, point RGB channel, back to the Layers panel, then run: image - the calculation, parameters are as follows: source 1, channel: red. Source 2, Channel: blue. Mixed Mode: Overlay, Opacity 81%.
3, point channel panel, select the Alpha 1 channel, press Ctrl + A Select All, press Ctrl + C to copy, point the red channel, press Ctrl + V Paste. Then select the Alpha 2 channel, press Ctrl + A Select All, press Ctrl + C to copy, point the green channel, press Ctrl + V Paste.
4, back to the Layers panel, layer - create an adjustment layer - curve, RGB channel slightly to brighten the highlights, dark shadows slightly lower (that is a sideways curve of the S-type, but the curvature is not so large), slightly raised off the red channel (middle part of the curve is to pull slightly to the left a little). Blue channel curve down the right end to one-third of cells (a total of four cells do not thing). Completed.

6. copy the white layer and layer mode to Soft Light and Opacity to 20%

NO.22 anxiety yellow tone

1, to form good habits, reproduction layer.
2, New Adjustment Layer - Levels (0 1.08 255)
3, New Adjustment Layer - Channel Mixer (Red: 7600 constant: 28), layer opacity 44%
4, once again New Adjustment Layer - Channel Mixer (Red: 9600 constant: 0), layer opacity 54%
5, the new adjustable level - optional colors, values ​​are as follows:
red : -602986-14 Yellow: -100 50 -51 -41
Green: -100 -1 -86 6
White: 100 0 0 -23
neutral colors: 6000 6., again a new layer - optional color, layer opacity 30%, values ​​are as follows:

NO.16 strong contrast to the dark yellow exterior photo

4, the top two layers plus a new color balance, color scale value is 0210, and layer two grouping (ctrl + G)

5. Create a new layer, fill the white layer mode to Overlay and Opacity to 30%

NO.19 summer photos of cool blue tones

1, open the original image material, the layer background copy layer, appropriate to the character dermabrasion, the effect is as shown below. 2, create a curves adjustment layer, adjustment of the red and blue, parameters and results as shown.
3, press Ctrl + Alt + ~ to bring up high-light selection, press Ctrl + Shift + I Invert Selection, and then create a curve adjustment layer, adjustment of the blue, parameters and results as shown.
4, create a new layer with white to transparent gradient out a radial gradient, and then fill the layer to: 31%. 5, create a new layer, or white gradient, position in the upper right corner of the screen is light that does not figure to the direction of the layer filled with the following: 78%. 6, create an optional color adjustment layer, choose black, the value is: Yellow: -5 / White: -6 / Yellow: +7 7, create a color balance adjustment layer, select high-light, value: yellow: -5, Red: +5, determined to complete the final results.

NO.18 gentle gradient

6, complete, simple, right?

10. on the text, completed.

NO.5 transferred out of bright orange-red

2. Create a new layer, seal, execute channel mixer operation, the blue channel value is set to 0,0,85

4, add a rainbow gradient, 75% transparency, set the mode: soft light (the rainbow gradient what is it? is one of seven colors of the gradient, the gradient inside the system to the one, if the color does not satisfaction can also be their new one, if not new, then please leave a message.)

5, the last is decorated, you can use your favorite brush lightly brush a few times, the key is to have fantastic feeling, which requires blurred, a new layer brush pen on the floor for a good Gaussian vague enough.

6, make a rounded album side effect, select the rectangle tool, shortcut keys for the U, at the top of a tool in the selection round round torque-angle instrument, in the diagram where you want to keep out , ctrl + Enter a selection, ctrl + shift + I Invert Selection, Edit - Fill - White. This step is entirely personal preference, not like you can not do it, completed.

1. Open the image, dragged into the sky material, the opacity to 20%, and plans to use the mask to dissolve (this step can be omitted, but large gaps must be added the sky oh)

NO.8 LAINKA tones

1, to form good habits. Copy a layer (ctrl + J), then after copying layers of filter processing, the paper applied to the Topaz filter, set the parameters as follows: sharp: 2.10, range: 1, corner embrittlement: 2.23, noise density: 1.57.

This tutorial pink exterior color photo method. General color process: first tool to bring up with a broad palette base color, then gradually strengthen the need to highlight part of a single can if they feel appropriate to add some color complementary color.
1, open the original image material to create an optional color adjustment layer, set the following parameters:
Red: 23-2238-41 Yellow: 0 0 -26 0
2, create a new layer, fill color: # 450D7D, layer blending mode to Execution: Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur with a value of 5, after determining the layer blend mode to
5, create an optional color adjustment layer (red: -37 490) determined the background with a black brush and wipe out some people skin
6, copy the layer of the current layer, layer does not opacity to: 30%.
7, create a curves adjustment layer, a little bit brighter.
8, create a new layer, back layer. Appropriate to the characters wear under the skin, select the Dodge tool to highlight some of the people's faces painted bright point.

8. Create a new layer, back layer, the implementation of the application image manipulation, data sets are as follows

White: -19 -22 4 0
2, then create an optional color adjustment layer, set the following parameters:
Green: 10035-300 Yellow: -7 0 49 0
3 , create a curve adjustment layer to brighten. (Can be bent to curve slightly upwards, otherwise it will cause overexposure)
4, create a new layer, fill color: # 5729CE, layer blending mode to %
5, press Ctrl + Alt + ~ to bring up high-light selection, create a new layer filled with white
6, create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E back layer, run: Filter > Blur> Gaussian Blur with a value of 5, after determining the layer blend mode to

7, create a curves adjustment layer, adjustment of blue (Input: 230 Output: 255)

5, followed by the album artwork I pulled this picture of the color filter material inside to adjust the location and size. Layer mode to Screen.

NO.10 positive negative red

1, open the original image material, select the menu: Image> Mode> Lab Color to determine the level after the background copy layer, do: Image> Apply Image, set the following parameters: channels: brightness, mix: Soft Light, Opacity: 40%
2, create a gradient map adjustment layer (color # 2A0B85 ~ ~ ~ # FD7B01), confirmed the layer opacity to: 40%,
3, merge all layers, select the menu: Image> Mode> RGB Color, then create a curves adjustment layer to determine the parameter settings are as follows: Green: 128 Blue Input output 150: 66 64 (the input and output need to move a curve will appear, just moving about thousand million)
4, create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E back layer, do: Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur with a value of 5 , confirmed the layer blend mode to
5, create a Hue / Saturation adjustment layer, adjust the red, increase saturation, parameter settings are as follows:
Red: 0 36 0

3. to Hue / Saturation operation, the saturation values ​​down to -15

NO.20 PS nostalgic photos to create a gradient map effect

1, open the original image, find the face a little too red, so to reduce the face through the optional color red.
Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Color
Red: 000-93 Magenta: 0 -100 0 -100
2, a new layer (Layer - New - Layer - OK ), fill color (editing, fill, color, OK.) # 350 636, mixed mode: exclude. Opacity 80%.
3, a new layer, fill color # dfdaa3, mixed mode: soft light, opacity 50%.
4, then a new layer, fill color # e2aab0, mixed mode: soft light, opacity 50%.
5, this step will be to find the basic color of the image is there, but a little biased white, no layering, so I did not create a curves adjustment layer, Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Curves. Pulled slightly to high light, dark slightly lower, in fact, pull into a sideways S-shaped, finished.

3, merge, copy the background color balance adjustment, not to maintain brightness, midtone: -19 / +16 / 0, as we continue to change the hair to retain details of the mixed-mode color curve adjustment figure (186.200 / 67.56) does not change the transparency of 60%, most students copy currency background, proper sharpening, change the canvas size of the layout, in this case the effect on the well, this morning said the Gradient Map tool is mainly the use of material value only for this tutorial run

3, my album artwork overlay material open, pulled the figure inside. (Do not pull? Is to use the move tool, shortcut keys for the V, hold down the left pulled on the line on this chart), pull over to the location and size after adjustment (Adjust the size of the shortcut key is ctlr + T, adjust the size of the after ctrl + Enter OK.), where their favorite place is like. Layer mode to overlay.

3, add a color balance adjustment layer (-30, 26, 37)

This tutorial describes common color gradient picture making. Process is very simple, create a new layer one way or another color gradient, and then adjust the layer blending mode and opacity of the layer can be. To cope with this effect, however, also need to add some decorative elements, such as stars and some of the fantastic decorative brush. Some people need a simple whitening and dermabrasion.

an Open image, copy the background layer.

1, first open the picture, to enter the channel panel, select the Layers, layers can not find a small icon click - New - Layer - OK), ctrl + V paste, then set the blending mode to
2, Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color, click -1000 White: 000-30 neutral colors: 000-26 Black: 0 0 0 10
3, Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Channel Mixer (blue: -54488414)

2, complete the above two steps, you can choose to merge or not merge layers, I was doing when Lennon tutorial to facilitate the capture of all the layers merged, we continue, a new blank layer The default foreground color, set the gradient tool as shown, pull the blank layer gradient, mixed-mode darken, depending on your graded the severity of the opacity, depending on the purpose of this step is the pressure of dark corners, then do the Levels adjustment: 5 / 1.13/248, a slight increase contrast for the hair, ending a temporary step to get photo quality

three Finally, tweak the image parameters like color, make color more harmonious! (If you have already satisfied, you can not tune), the merger is completed!

NO.14 pale pink

7, do this step, I feel bright enough picture, does not meet transfer the feeling of summer sunshine, so the back layer, color filter layer mode, opacity 25%.

PS color

NO.15 quickly bring up pictures of people soft orange-red

6, and then select the menu: Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color, parameter settings are as follows (remember it must be relative):
Yellow: 2513-3723 Green: -100 0 -100 100
7, choose the menu: Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance, set parameters as follows: middle tone: -11 118 check to : Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Brightness / Contrast (-13 9)
9, the new layer, fill it with black, with large point eraser to rub out the middle (hidden corners of the effect of corners to do) 10, is willing to add text to add text, merge all layers, filters - sharpening-usm sharpening, the default value. Completed, can not not like sharpening sharpening.

PS is very powerful constituency for different constituencies to make color adjustments can make the whole picture is more layered and bright sense of mastering the selection is very important.
1, open the picture, to form good habits, ctrl + J to copy a layer.
2, Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Color, value is set as follows:
Red: -100100100-100 yellow: -100100100-60 Green: 0 100 100 -45
blue: -13100100-39 blue: 0 100 100 -100
magenta: 0100100100 White: -100 15 32 -9
neutral colors: -20613-12 Black: -26 28 37 25
Why do you tune it? Because I want to tune into the red tones, so the color in each of the optional cut green plus red plus yellow.

Source: (- Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone common problems and solutions Escape _ _ Sina blog

1. Windows Installer package problem

Problem Description:
installed near the end, contact operation addFirewall_RS_v3_App_DIR_IN, location: C: Windows ... RosettaStoneVersion3.exe action = allow

software to automatically shut down
Problem Description:
software runs automatically shut down.

how to set up: Computer Properties → Advanced Settings → System Settings → Properties → Data Execution Prevention is only enabled for essential Windows programs and services to DEP. 3.
Find FNInterface.dll file
Problem Description:
with no activation patch, the program prompts

software when prompted, click This file is located in the installation location, that location specified during installation.
or by searching to find the folder where the file, copy Mianjiaoguo patch into the folder, click the
default location: C: Program Files Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone V3 .
4. Can not access the file. Maybe it's in use ...

Problem Description:
with no activation patch, the program prompts

Rosetta Stone might not have closed off and try again.
Vista, the user may be a permissions issue, right-click free activation patch, can be run as administrator. 5.8112 error

Problem Description:
run Rosetta Stone, the software prompts:

8112 is the use of a minor error caused no activation patch, the best solution is to click 6.9114 error

Problem Description:
installation language, the software prompts the error 9114.

upgrade to the latest version or use the new installer to reinstall.
This problem exists in older versions of software, when installed language requires a newer version of the software to the software you are prompted to 9114 error.
blue screen of death or automatic restart
Problem Description:
installation language, the system automatically restarts or blue screen of death.

uninstall NOD32.
NOD32 upgrade to version 3.0 or more.
8. Hack.Exploit.Swf.a virus

Problem Description:
installation language, anti-virus software to issue virus alerts, reports Hack.Exploit.Swf.a virus.
analysis Hack.Exploit.Swf.a, which. Swf Flash file format is. Rosetta Stone may contain Flash, but does not contain the virus, is a false alarm.

anti-virus software, uninstall, reinstall, or reinstall the Rosetta Stone language level.
installation language, if the language already exists, the software will prompt:
9. 4111 error

Problem Description:
learning process, the software prompts 4111 error, skip the part of the course, the part of the program can not access.

reinstall the language level of error.
4111 anti-virus software error is caused by the virus Hack.Exploit.Swf.a manslaughter.
language can not be activated
Problem Description:
installation language, language can not be activated.

with no activation patch.
with no activation patch, all courses can be accessed, no longer active language, the software prompts the error 8112, click
course is locked
Problem Description:
can only access the first element of the first class and second class.

with no activation patch.
12. 2122 database expired

Problem Description:
2122 database expired, software is not working.

delete the folder (need to show hidden files and folders):
XP - C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone *. db3, files.
Vista - C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone *. db3, files.
restart the Rosetta Stone.
2122 expired in the new version of the database installation process, the user folder in the old file residue caused. 13.
Known errors and unknown errors
Problem Description:
2213,3217,4112, Fatal applicatian error # 5118,5211,5222, can not enter a user name and other errors not mentioned.

If so, uninstall the anti-virus software (except for exceptional Kaspersky and NOD32 3.0).
Uninstall Rosetta Stone.
delete the folder (need to show hidden files and folders):
XP - C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone *. db3, the database file.
Vista - C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone *. db3, files.
reinstall Rosetta Stone.
14. exception to the anti-virus software

Problem Description:
anti-virus software is not available.

current list of recommended anti-virus software list:
Kaspersky 2009 NOD32 3.0
if there are other anti-virus software Rosetta Stone did not lead to an error, please Tell me, thank you. 15.
Course progress error
Problem description:
show normal part of the course is completed, restart the software is shown as not started.

Since the new curriculum, the software program will be repeated after the restart does not appear to start.
online update
Problem Description:
should, or can be updated online?

level language can be updated online, but if at the same time there is an updated version of the software, you can not update, because you can not choose to update.
If you do not understand the automatic update, please do not do any updates because it is not necessary, and not very useful.
17. learning progress back

Problem Description:
how to back up their studies?

uninstall the software before the backup folder (need to show hidden files and folders):
XP - C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone Vista - C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone
re-installed over the new folder you can (after recommended software is covered in the closed operation).
If it is to reinstall the software to solve the problem, then this solution is for reference only, coverage may cause problems after the restore.
language update
Problem Description:
at the same time there is an updated version of the software, how to use the online update, only update the language?

install the software;
install the language;
updated online version of the software update and prompt update language;
update now;
update is complete, close the software, find the user folder;
XP - C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone
Vista - C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone
rename this folder, such as the Backup Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone
Vista - C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone
move tracking.db3 to the Rosetta Stone Backup folder;
Rosetta Stone to delete the folder; Rosetta Stone Backup folder will be renamed to
If only to update the language, it is not necessary to do so, unless you can feel the nuances of old and new versions.
above solution is for reference only.

Rosetta Stone # 5118 error solution has been to see this time
to users who install the version of Rosetta Stone V3 encountered many problems, focus on these issues today, said a moment, if there are other problems encountered in a friend, please explain in the following thread, I will try to help.
I found that the use of English than the Chinese system, the system will encounter a lot less problems. suggest that you use the software, read through the software user guides and help files, will be more understanding of this software. he asked the first three language pack when out or that the software is very simple person, please send the software level 1 and level 2 completion of all courses.
first error code is errotv_ 5118
cause of the problem: After installing the 3.0.35 version of the program , be sure to run the program, and then install 3.0.57 upgrade program
official solution:
1,2000 or XP, open the C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone and remove the tracking. db3; ~
2, Vista, open the C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone and delete the tracking. db3;
3, Mac, open the Macintosh HD> Library> Application Support> Rosetta Stone Version 3 and delete the tracking. db3.
second error code 1117
solution: turn off firewall or software firewall to allow access to the network
third question: when using the crack tips can not find the file Solution: copy the crack to run the software installation directory
fourth question: Sometimes in the course of the same pronunciation with the software or can not
1, click the picture a small icon in the upper waveform comparison interface, there are many, when you read too fast, look at your waveform sounds much worse with the software.
2,beats by dre pro, read, read slowly, to have a word read clearly, you can also.
3, sometimes the voice recognition software will be some problems, then you can exit the software, re-enter will be passed.
4, set the voice recognition software to correctly identify your pronunciation accuracy required.
set preferences, choose the default level range of 1-10, 10, said the most difficult you can choose according to their own circumstances appropriate difficulty.
fifth question: Language pack installation path where?
The first time install the language pack will provide a default path for the future will be automatically installed on another path on the
language pack installation directory answer!
1, ~ 2000 or XP, open the C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone
2, ~ Vista, open the C: ProgramData Rosetta Stone
3, ~ Mac, open the Macintosh HD> Library> Application Support> Rosetta Stone Version 3
use Notepad to open dynamicStoredPaths.xml
to find similar:
E: Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone V3
such a structure - which changed the path.
sixth question: each meeting will be prompted to enter the software automatically updates
1, into the software, click the upper right corner of the icon second from the right, click Set Preferences and click on system settings, automatically check for updates option in the sit in the right to cancel, click on the application update.
2, when the software is installed, unplug the network cable, then the installation is complete, repeat the previous step.
seventh question: how to view each unit of study Specific courses within the
1, language pack installation directory will find the appropriate documentation inside PDF files. which is all the modules of the content.
such as My Computer in the English first-class file is cc_en -US_level_1.pdf, the full file path is
C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Rosetta Stone Content documentation cc_en-US_level_1.pdf
2, into the software and click the upper right corner of the first three icons?, select the course catalog
eighth question: pronunciation of some words or sentences
very strange solution:
software sounds very normal, your pronunciation is not standard English, for example, 90% of the human hair G, J, V, Z sound in these four there will be one or a few errors.
the top right corner after the software? icon Click alphabet to see whether with your own pronunciation standard pronunciation of the same.

Around 1640, the bayonet as a front-loading muskets loaded with weapons, created in the French city of southeast Barron Ne, French bayonet (Baionnette) word is the name of Bayonne by the city evolved, and has been in use to this.

bayonet fitted on the main rifle, it is used in its heyday before World War II, when the single-shot rifle is a major national infantry weapons, fire is weak , as an important tactical bayonet fighting assault weapons highly valued.

and to the Second World War, with tanks, artillery and other heavy weapons in widespread use, the role and status of the rifle itself is decreased, the use of bayonets even fewer opportunities. After the war, the development of a bayonet into a downturn, some people even claim simply cancel bayonet. 70 years, the U.S. Army or even abolish the bayonet training courses.

80 years later, again by the national army bayonet attention, Britain and the United States developed and equipped with a new bayonet. Bayonet bayonet drill new features while retaining the same time, highlighting the multi-function, in addition to stab, cut, cut, saw, but also increased the cut wire, open a can, from the screws and other functions. At the same time, for the air force, navy, special forces and other arms to use various multi-function knife (life-saving tool) has been developed.

early bayonet bayonet is a plug-type, was the sword-shaped, 30 to 60 cm long knife, a wooden cone above the handle, the gun tube can be inserted into the musket mouth, for bayonet practice with, has replaced the long spears. This bayonet come out soon began to gradually spread throughout Europe. But it has an obvious flaw: Once the bayonet into the barrel, no longer firing; if inserted too tightly, it is not easy to pull out; if the plug is too loose, it's easy to fall off. To address these issues later, someone developed a bayonet, it tops two slip ring holder can be set at gunpoint on the bayonet.

1688, the French Field Marshal Daiwo Bang to design a sleeve-type bayonet. This bayonet was a cross-section prism, set in the gun department, shoots through the barrel and the bayonet on the card slot on the bayonet fixed. As the performance is good, and soon became popular, and in 1700 was adopted by European armies. After some improvement after that the bayonet fixed more firmly. Now includes Belgium FN FAL, FNC, including the many rifles equipped with bayonets are used in this connection.

1750 years later, there was the card with a spring bayonet connection with the gun shoots. This is similar to the bayonet knife with the handle instead of a sleeve, by the bayonet spring brakes will be fixed in the gun shoots on the convex side. Many of these bayonets at the guard with muzzle ring, set on a bayonet to the muzzle on when to increase the reliability of the connection with guns, and more flexible design of the blade, remove from the gun after the knife or other tools available for use, easy to grip. 1855 after the start of such a bayonet accepted in many countries, many rifles were used, still in use.

the bayonet connection with gun, while constantly improving, the blade shapes began to diversify, and gradually there are some other uses both multi-bayonet: Some blade is a single-edged blade and can also be used as a dagger; some who opened a serrated knife, an object can be sawing; some cooperation with the blade and scabbard with scissors; some with heavy-duty blades for use with machetes; also made some Spade, used to digging trenches, and so on.

Australia hook of the bayonet. 1915, began production of P1907 without the bayonet hook,Beats By Dre Pro Detox, but also for the jungle warfare of the shortened trial P1907 bayonet type. To 1944, the bayonet was named

single blade of the knife, straight, with double-sided blood groove, the blade material is steel. Hilt guard is bolted wooden handle. Produced by the brown leather sheath, coated with shellac. It does not take long sheath 372 mm, weight 420 g; belt sheath length 415 mm, weight 605 g; blade length 252 mm, width 24 mm.

By the 1950s, the plant produced a total of about 19 000

British British World War I and World War II has been using this sword style bayonet.

at the time of combat, bayonet charge was placed on the most important tactical position. The In order to achieve Just, this time in Japan a

original P1907 bayonet attached to the boom on the hook bend, but was canceled in 1913, remove the hook and continue to produce the P1907 bayonet, and the initial horizontal block guard of a marked difference. The original P1907 bayonet blade polishing, but the knife blade in the First World War quickly becomes no longer applies. Combat, especially in warfare, this reflective polished knife blade would expose themselves at night, so did not take long for the black on the back of a knife handle.

P1907 bayonet with high-quality steel blade, straight knife, single edge blade, double-sided blade with blood groove. Hilt guard is bolted wooden handle side. Sheath pattern changes most, the first by a brown leather sheath made of three to four years, vendors scabbard is black, troops have carried out the inventory black handle. Sheath on the true nature of the metal parts in accordance with metal polish, blue, or do the dark treatment (such as brown, black, dark green, gray, etc.).

P1907 bayonet how the British soldiers are not popular, mainly due to long knife, not portable line, bayonets and unloaded on the bayonet is a hassle, hanging in the belt and cumbersome, especially for the little man soldiers, running up and very convenient. 1944 no longer manufacturers this knife.

the bayonet without scabbard length 555 mm, weight 495 g; belt sheath length 577 mm, weight 730 g; blade length 433 mm, width 24 mm.

active use divided by the bayonet, with a single function, dual-function and multi-three. With bayonet bayonet only a single function, dual function bayonet to bayonet practice, and when using daggers, bayonets, then not only have these multi-function, but also as a field tool. At present, most countries are multi-functional equipment bayonet.

Russia to begin production in 1959, 7.62 mm AKM assault rifle when its equipped with a multi-bayonet, and still in use. The blade is made of tool steel, chrome plated, single-edged, without blood groove, blunt blade. Who have serrated knife, metal objects can be sawing. Bayonet block his hands with the muzzle retaining ring, a button shank end for connection with the gun. Scabbard and handle the materials are glass fiber reinforced plywood, the front of the scabbard has a metal insert in T-shoots and cut edge, will shoot set in a long hole into the knife body, with bayonet and sheath become wire cutting pliers. As the scabbard and hilt are insulators, can be used to cut the high voltage wires.

bayonet and scabbard total weight of 438 grams, 312 grams weight bayonets, sheath weight 126 g; bayonet length of 273 mm, blade length 150 mm, handle length 123 mm; blade maximum width of 30 mm. This bayonet is also mounted on the 5.45 mm AK74 assault rifles and

the UK in 1985 equipped with a 5.56 mm L85A1 assault rifle, and the development of a new bayonet. The new bayonet blade of stainless steel overall casting, high strength, single-edged, open with blood groove, near the roots with a 50.8 mm long with teeth of the blade can be used to cut the rope. Handle with a nylon material, which has a bottle opener. Sheath is also made with the same kind of nylon material, ends with a steel insert, the inserts can also be used as a bottle opener, bottle opener on the handle but different. There is a panel inserts in shoots, the knife blade on the long holes in cards to shoot on the blade and the sheath can be cut with wire. More complex shapes in bamboo, bamboo blade on the card to in only one way can ensure the blade will not get the anti-card fashionable direction. Sheath is equipped with a 178 mm long blade for sawing wood, saw blade folding and quick replacement. In addition, the side surface of the sheath is also equipped with a whetstone, used for grinding the blade. This bayonet is considered the world's most complex multi-bayonet.

the United States from 1961 to early 1987, the U.S. M16 series rifle has been equipped with M7 bayonet-style, poor performance, functionality and less. In the Soviet Union, Britain and other multi-use bayonets, the U.S. military began in March 1987 to allot new M9 bayonet. The blade is made of stainless steel by forging, surface pale gray, sharp edge. Serrated knife and file body hard and sharp teeth that can saw through aircraft shell. Dark green handle nylon material, cylindrical, surface, textured and engraved ring groove, grip feel good, non-slip, electrical insulation 也好. Sheath is made of nylon material with the same intensity is high, in the wild is not easy to combat environmental damage. The bottom of the steel sheath inserts, inserts on the cutting edge in shoots and most top of the screwdriver blade, knife blade set on the long holes on the sheath of bamboo shoots and in cooperation with the cutting edge can be 12.7 mm diameter, cut two knotted hemp rope or wire together Tribulus terrestris. Bayonet block his hands with the muzzle retaining ring, two small holder slots open seat, there are two spring-loaded rotary card by shoots, and the guns used in conjunction with the positioning, positioning the same methods and M7 bayonet style .

bayonet and scabbard total weight of 810 grams, 413 grams weight bayonets, sheath weight 397 g; bayonet length of 310 mm, blade length 182 mm, handle length 128 mm; maximum blade width 37 mm, blade thickness 6 mm, length 75 mm serrated section.

left to right: Soviet AKM rifle, bayonet and scabbard, the Czech Republic's AKM rifle bayonet and scabbard , Australia , the Belgian FN FAL rifle, bayonet and scabbard, Polish AK47 rifle bayonet and scabbard, China 56-style semi-automatic rifle, bayonet, Soviet Union, SIG M1957 rifle, bayonet and scabbard, Chilean military machete.

From top to bottom: M41 bayonet and scabbard, Spain, France M1892 / 16 bayonet and scabbard, the Brazilian military operations of 39/45 with a machete and sheath, the British

from left to right:

Uruguay M1908 bayonet and scabbard, bayonet length 413 mm

Germany 98 rifle M1908 parade type bayonets, bayonet length 430 mm

German 1908/34 bayonet

British 1 MK Ⅲ of the P1907 bayonet and scabbard rifle, bayonet length 577 mm

Soviet Union >
Spain 98/43 carbine bayonet and scabbard type machetes, bayonets, 380 mm

Swiss engineer with 96 / 11 bayonet and scabbard, bayonet length 605 mm, can be equipped with the 1911 Swiss K31 rifle

dagger-type bayonet and scabbard, bayonet length 440 mm

British 4 MK Ⅱ rifle, bayonet and scabbard, bayonet 250 mm long

British 9 rifle, bayonet, bayonets, long 255 mm

Germany, br> 1. French MAS36 rifle bayonet

2. British British 4 rifle bayonet

4. Spain's Brazil's military operations with a machete (where installed in the scabbard)

6. Austria Argentine M1909 machete and sheath

8. Italy Belgian FN M24 / 50 rifle bayonet

10. Yugoslavia 98K rifle bayonet

11. Yugoslavia 98K long rifle bayonet

12. Israel 98K rifle bayonet

13. British 1MK Ⅲ rifle P1907 bayonet

14. Brazil Argentina M1909 rifle bayonet

16. Swedish M1894 rifle bayonet

17. Swedish M1896 rifle bayonet

18. Israel Switzerland SIG M1957 rifle bayonet

20. Belgian FN FNL rifle bayonet tube (installed in the scabbard in)

21. Belgium SAFN49 rifle bayonet

22. Argentina M1866/79 rifle bayonet

23. Belgian FN FAL rifle bayonet

24. U.S. M4, M5, M6, M7 bayonet scabbard

25. United States, United States, U.S. M5A1 bayonet (installed in the scabbard in)

28. U.S. M16 rifle M7 bayonet

29. U.S. M7 combat daggers (installed in the scabbard in)

30. U.S. M10 black nylon sheath for police and military use

31. China export-56S semi-automatic rifle, bayonet and scabbard black phenolic resin

32. U.S. M9 bayonet and scabbard

34. Navy dagger with the MK Ⅲ (installed in the scabbard in)

35. Polish commando combat dagger with

36. United States, U.S. Air Force's rescue with a knife (packed in the sheath in)

38. U.S. M8A1 scabbard

39. Chile United States, United States, United States, Soviet AK74 rifle, bayonet and scabbard

44. Czech AKM rifle bayonet and scabbard

45. British commandos fighting with the dagger and leather scabbard

46. U.S. M7S dagger with attachments

47. Nepalese Gurkha's Austria No jagged

49. AKM rifles, bayonets, for the test with the East German People's Army, made only 2 000. U.S. M7 bayonet-style military

U.S. M7 bayonet dual function, both bayonet charge, but later removed when the dagger used.

U.S. M9 bayonet-style U.S. military equipment in 1961, M7-type bayonet, the bayonet can only be used as spear and dagger, fewer features, and the neck knife Ministry easy to rust, is considered one of the world's worst bayonet, so in the former Soviet Union, Britain and other countries after the military use of multi-purpose bayonet, the U.S. proposed a new bayonet equipment requirements. December 1985 formally proposed to the U.S. Department of the Army's tactical and technical requirements of the new bayonet. Beginning of 1986, the U.S. Department of Defense, after the tender, there are three U.S. companies and three foreign companies to compete. After six companies of the field test 55 bayonet, bayonets, the United States won the company's Florence Bies selected, named Multi-purpose M9 bayonet. Since then the U.S. Infantry School at Fort Benning for the assault rifle with bayonet assault course training, and type of M7 and M9 bayonet type conducted extensive comparative testing. The results proved that the failure rate, etc., M9 bayonet-style-type than the M7 bayonet has obvious advantages. October 1986, the U.S. Army approved a $ 15.6 million contract to buy 315 600 M9 bayonet style. In March 1987, M9 bayonet style started to equip the U.S. Army and special operations forces, primarily for rifles, daggers and field also can be used for working knives.

M9 bayonet-style in Florence Bies's Buckmaster hunting knife on the basis of improvements made. Blade of stainless steel by forging process, thick solid. Surface was dark gray. The edge parts of the local heat treatment, sharp knife, cut the branches to the stick, cutting the rope. A serrated knife blade is longer, serrated kenny, right angle, to saw off the plane and 50.8 mm thick shell pine board. Blade front with a long hole.

the bayonet shank is cylindrical, with a U.S. company DuPont dark green ST801 nylon, mesh pattern surface, grip feel good. Bayonet block his hands with the muzzle retaining ring, the rear handle to open a small slot. The combination of positioning methods and gun style with the M7 bayonet same.

M9-type bayonet scabbard is made of nylon with the ST801. Sheath on the bottom of the insert and the edge in shoots. Edge angle of rational design, high hardness. Knife to the body in the long shoots on the sets of holes, the blade and scabbard fit closely at the edge, it can be cut with wire. Sheath is equipped with a grindstone, and cover with a piece of fabric made to protect. Sheath at the end there a screwdriver blade, can be used as a screwdriver.

performance data, including the knife: knife length 310 mm (one blade length 182 mm, handle length 128 mm), maximum blade width 37 mm, blade thickness 6 mm, sawtooth segment length 75 mm, total weight of the bayonet 810 grams, which weight 413 grams knife, sheath weight 397 grams.

Belgian military bayonet mounted on the FN FAL automatic rifle bayonet tube mounted on a single feature on the FNC assault rifle bayonet-tube single-function


Chinese military bayonets

wife decide your future career high, take a look at the men, woman leaves school to learn a swordsman
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very much appreciate the Star Phoenix beauty chair Shen told reporters, said these words: the taste of a man is his top choice of women. A man of the house, cars, lighters, suit, of course, can be a part of his taste, but the most essential and most authentic taste of the performance of a man is what he chose a woman.

choose what kind of woman is equivalent to choose what kind of life. As the saying goes, afraid of the wrong men, women are afraid to marry the wrong husband, a man is it not. Write William Shakespeare's life and wrote many wonderful plays, but his marriage was no romantic. Marriage because he clearly learned the hard way, life would wear a better understanding of love.

people live this life, what we have to it? Really need is a good attitude and leisurely mood. Only family harmony, healthy attitude only people who have the leisure conditions. For example marry a good woman can give a man leisurely mood. So, how should marry a woman can be regarded as the highest taste it?

1, the most important quality a woman should be good, and virtues of filial piety as the first. The world does not know how many men suffering from the hardy his wife and their real mother of plywood between the gas? In fact, the relationship between the handle and the elders are not so simple words of filial piety, there are a lot of skill and personality problems.

2, virtuous, which is unchangeable female virtue. That specific point is to be able to cook, laundry, take care of their families. Even at home hire nanny, also need a hostess to get together all the RBI.

3, notices over ceremony. This is a new era for women with the times demand. A woman's temperament and upbringing is a rich inner feelings, but also with others, where the real distance.

4, thoughtful, and good taste. Have thought she bothered to get involved in making the gossip among others, she has always been a Good taste, so she can see lots to express their own style.

5, sensible. The most important thing is for the dignity of man, she attacked me at home, but not in public satire, making fun of me. Do not know the dignity of a woman to maintain her husband is very stupid woman.

6, full confidence, relatively free. Don Juan is a human instinct,dr dre headphones best buy, no one can guarantee a lifetime only to have a good impression. Advise all the world to be married woman really took He wanted to stay alone for a while, not to ask what exactly garrulous, should send a cup of tea, gently shut the door just fine.

7, have a stable income. Survival is not dependent on men to be independent women, self-esteem. Agree.

8, no excessive desire for material goods. I hope that my wife is sitting BMW, bikes can ride too, live in five-star hotel, camping tents do not mind, eat, adversity, square man Exalted.

9, a little childlike innocence. If a man really likes a woman, it should be to maximize the care of her innocence. Without loss of childlike woman, standing face to face to make a long boring, fun.

10, likes reading and music. Not like reading fashion magazines to see what the colorful, like music do not forget what is heard on the popular ditty. The classic years of books and music to make life trivial and can not be branded on her heart traces.

11, working ability, have the skills. The woman apparently did not work too much time suspicious. Have the skills make her own entertainment, good control of emotions. As long as there are certain endowments plus hard work, this is not the problem. Touches to have an educational talent, able to teach the children, it seems more important.

12, a little romance. Marriage is a color, have to live here, there is movement of the world, it is difficult to imagine one does not have romantic, do not have the taste of a woman is a good wife.

over 12 standards, should Qi. Have such a woman, even if the sun and moon and stars are cold, and mountain vegetation are doing a bad marriage but also in memory of the first light, visible and unknowable in any corner of the warm burning ... ...
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wife to 3 from:
1, never Laundry;
2, never cook;
3, never drag the ground.

new family rules and family rules
one: his wife a good amount of water when bathing, scratching Cabei; act shall not covet desires.
house rules of the two: the courage to pay when his wife shopping, and more are encouraged; not act with reluctance.
house rules of three: his wife was full of praise when the meal, eat bowls; not have to pick vegetables, eclipse behavior.
The fourth house rules: fan summer when his wife sleep, winter was warm; may not have been robbed of snoring behavior.
house rules of five: his wife tearfully grateful when you give money, live frugally; act shall not have the luxury to waste. Six
house rules: boring wife when glass slide, Dreamcoat entertainment pro; not have no so-called act. Seven
house rules: snapping his hands when his wife admonished, standing at attention; not have absent-minded act.
house rules of the eight: his wife to take the blame and self-blame when mistakes from football to bear the blame; not have hurt the small beginning of the act.
nine house rules: his wife when Zhuixinqixue sad, distraught; prohibited act, smiling.
house rules of 10: to be patient when waiting for my wife comes home late, delighted to right; shall not act angry.
house rules XI: when my wife is not dreaming, Shoushenruyu; sly prohibited act.
house rules twelve: my wife is excited to be decorated, celebration; not have splashed cold water on the act.
house rules thirteen: when to sleep through the night accompanied by his wife, help a few sheep; not have dreamed that the Duke of behavior.
house rules XIV: wife attaining, to provide means to defy the law; the behavior may not have laughed.
house rules XV: wife to sing to a spring breeze, amazed; not have Renxiao can not help but act.
house rules XVI: my wife is mad when kneeling for mercy, pleading for mercy; not have paid no attention to the behavior.
house rules Seventeen: my wife when I hit any of its ravages, Xiezhu Long Yan; not fight back stare of behavior.
house rules eighth: to help his wife when the reading test, ring picture focus; not something to do with our own behavior.
house rules 19: else when his wife nodded speech, agree; not have easy to read counter act.
house rules Twenty: when questioning his wife swear swear, loyalty to the table; not have casual act.
house rules twenty-one: while driving his wife to teach in speaking, release the tension; not have fan interference by the act.
house rules twenty-two: kiss my wife when warm, dynamic, and seek to sell well, regardless of the behavior may not have articulate.
twenty-three house rules: anything and everything when his wife Lin Xing, perseverance; prohibited act powerless.
twenty-four house rules: when my wife not to go belly to tears flow, their own solutions; not have money trading behavior.

2010 system - the latest husband

sorts of stuff my wife does not let his wife jealous

quarrel first wife beat me to hold on concessions

love my wife Declaration
1. husband a heart that only my wife who dream must dream of his wife
2. husband not allowed to criticize his wife, beat his wife, kicking his wife, pinched his wife, bullying wife
3. wife hit her husband, her husband can not fight back
4. husband wife always say the most beautiful and most lovely 5. husband in front of his wife not to mention the other woman
6. husband can not say ugly old wife
7. husband not leave his wife, Do not wife
8. husband QQ data, the precise name of his wife, can not write other people's names and QQ number.
9. his wife's sister than husband to important
10. husband's fingernails should be clean
11. wife allowed her husband the color
12. husband must listen to his wife if
13. only one true love wife husband
14. At school, her husband can not ignore his wife
15 . my wife happy, husband also happy, sad wife, husband Yaohong wife
16. husband is not allowed in front of others, said his wife's ill
17. husband can not messing around with another woman, I'm sorry my wife can not do things
18. another woman and her husband take the initiative to speak, her husband can not manage her
19. my wife what to , her husband must give
20. husband to be good, can not help but listen
21. his wife's family, friends, a good husband to them
22. husband and another woman not allowed to send text messages, phone calls
23. anything her husband can not write or paste the name of another woman. photos, etc.
24. husband wife earlier than the school, her husband must wait his wife
25. Send to the wife her husband, her husband can not not go back

one should love his wife, firmly support his wife, to obey his wife's leadership.
Second, strict compliance schedule in the morning at 6 o'clock to get up, make breakfast (food standard 5 yuan / person),beats by dre pro, non-delay, lazy, eat, and deductions for food; 23:30 after sleep, sleep Facial clean up before time shall not exceed 3 minutes, and worked for the wife to play foot-washing water or to help his wife and children bathing Chopping, non-late, leave early, and lower service standards; weekends and holidays.
Third, the husband should always participate in job training, and continuously improve the cooking (at least able to master the three kinds of cuisine), Home Economics (5 star hotel standards), and the traditional medicine of massage techniques.
Fourth, the husband should always pay attention to appearance, instrument, is strictly prohibited at home, unkempt, disheveled (excluding **** clothing); prohibited in outdoor wear fancy dress and philandering, should be done , out of the hall.
five monthly salaries, bonuses and all income must be handed over to his wife, not against payment, shall not be left, non-secret personal coffers; wash day management fees shall not exceed 10 yuan daily by the wife transfer (excluding holidays), for any reason overdraft, advance, my wife has the right to know of such expenses and audit rights; other expenditure to be earmarked family forbidden diversion, all financial expenditures by the wife uniform issuing. If violated, according to the severity of the circumstances, impose a deduction, either separately or combined home equipment fees, management fees washed, separated a month until the release of their husband's office action.
six, responsible for the child from school to school transfer task, the delay for any reason; holidays to strictly implement the field (not waiting for an opportunity to chat with other women heads of household), to accompany Laozhang Ren chat (no nap or watching TV). If violated, according to the severity of the circumstances, impose a reprimand or in combination, respectively (demerits), wash the management fees deduction, deduction home equipment fees or penalties confiscated eat.
seven, her husband's health on the home full responsibility. Health check to
eight, except holidays, not watching TV, is strictly prohibited grab his wife, the child's remote control, noise is prohibited, and any serious **** my wife does not like to watch game shows. If violated, may impose a fine mop the floor or in combination, respectively three times a month to watch TV to cancel qualification punishment.
nine, watching women (age 3 -80 years) may not look out for three seconds each (inclusive), on the same day a female's attention may not exceed three (inclusive); prohibited communication with the old lover telephone, letter, meet, and all Internet links; Miss Yan Jinzai (3 years old -80 years old) in front of laugh, kiss and tell; Miss Yan Jinhe live alone. If violated, in serious cases, by the special rectification according to the spirit of his wife, strict, quick to crack down on any person, any form of intercession, will cover obstruction of justice are punished.
ten, is strictly prohibited contact with pornography, gambling, drugs; No smoking, drinking, exchanges gossip boyfriend, and all his wife against the hobby. Marriage has been found dismissal membership, while for abetting his wife have for the
XI, husband of the same state of things shall not exceed three times (inclusive), each state shall not exceed 3 minutes (inclusive), the volume should not exceed 20 dB (inclusive).
XII husband to strengthen the building of spiritual civilization, to eliminate waste and material comparisons (to eat a good buy diet pills, alcohol and tobacco), raise their self-cultivation to establish in the family and contributions, more than home economics, than cooking a good atmosphere.
XIII, any problems in any aspect of the family, must be subject to management and other expenses, according to the form of a monthly payment of performance pay, test score cooking, health, obedience, grooming, attitude five aspects, each of the 20 points out of 100; first self-evaluation, the final evaluation by the wife is responsible.
fifth, her husband of 90 evaluation points can receive 5% of salary her husband pay for performance; 85 minutes at 4%; 80 points by 3%, 80 points or less is not up to no pay for performance, for six months of non-compliance by automatic discharge marriage membership. Evaluation for two consecutive years to reach 90 points or more are awarded a
XVI strictly family secrets, to ensure that the p>


husband to get;
1, his wife had to wait for make-up;
2, his wife must be willing to spend money;
3, my wife angry chin; 4, my wife is mad to be flatter.

harmonious marriage agreement
culture, and serious discipline the masses of families, to re-maintain the normal order of the family, regulate the husband's family life, a special version Trial details are as follows:

1. there is a decent phone, data line (not cable, then Bluetooth is also OK, but computers have Bluetooth, data cable is recommended), so the hardware to meet. Some will buy the phone comes with a CD-ROM, CD-ROM tutorials are generally the use of mobile phones, driver, software, sample music video or something, any better.

enter the information

phone number

first (optional), set up on the phone-line mode. Samsung mobile phone as Some phones are connected to the computer will jump out when a dialog box allows you to choose.

ISP name is the name of your dial-up broadband, just like the user name, does not matter, they recognize on the line

User name Password

WIN 7: and xp than, WIN7 more simple, open the Network and Sharing Center

This is my cell phone under the Device Manager display, do not drive well below this is the case, select the unknown device, right click - update driver software, maps, first an automatic search, the second is to specify the location of the search

Some people may think I am a bit much, something very simple but also a waste of breath, in fact, I also think so, but always try to detail, so that friends can understand each , there are problems you can contact me, hope to help you ...

Telecom CDMA # 777 ctwap@mycdma.cn vnet.mobi

mobile * 99 ** 1 * 1 #

In fact, if you buy a cell phone is not too bad, then the computer can use mobile Internet. Phone as a modem (that is, we usually call the telephone lines, and cell phone using a wireless signal, in essence, about the same market. Basically, the machine now comes with a modem function, the computer can use this feature dial-up online. Basically, I found a friend on the phone how this function is not clear, are also entangled in a computer useless, so I'm here to explain to you the next.

this is set after the state of broadband:

like mobile phones, after identification, said, as long as the computer step by step set up dial-up connection just fine. Here are the detailed steps and corresponding screenshots (WIN XP and WIN 7 points is given,monster headphones, vista reference WIN 7).

left the network tasks: Create a new connection:

2. Then there is the question of the operation.

set up a new connection or network:

Note: The above is for reference only, mobile phone number if you hit 10086, they tell you may be a bit different, but I tried both numbers are OK, the user name and password are empty. Telecommunications, then, because I own a CDMA phone, so I do not know whether this information applies to other mobile phone, you can ask to play 10000. As for China Unicom, to ask the customer service it.

dial-up connection settings: Select the appropriate modem

phone is set up, connected to a mobile phone and computer, check the phone is recognized correctly. General task bar will jump out of the new hardware is installed successful. Another way to check is: my computer - right click - Manage - Device Manager, double-click Modems to see the equipment do not show ******** Modem, general mobile phone brands at the beginning, like my phone is Huawei If there is, then the connection is working, the phone has been correctly identified; If there is no modem in this column or this column does not display the appropriate sign-in Modem, or an unknown device, then the phone is not correctly identified, then it should not the appropriate drive. As for the safety drive, the computer will automatically prompt a search or search in the specified location, specify the general location of the CD-ROM drive and select C: windows these two directories (the in these two directories, if there are accompanying CD-ROM phone, then put the CD into. If you still can not find the appropriate driver, it can only be to the appropriate mobile phone looked at the official website to see the next drive placement.

phone number, user name and password that will be described below, can play the appropriate customer specific telephone counseling (10086,10000 ...)

then attach a few under the relevant figure WIN7

As for the dial-up phone number, user name and password are as follows:

XP: First open My Network Places, right in the space attribute

connection can view the cost of this traffic:

And when you finally come in behind you ignore the way down the one place that is not a friend ah withered petals that was my heart

sun carefully covered with flowers blossoming all my past life of hope

When you get closer you listen to that is I am waiting for the leaves trembling passion

for this request I have a five hundred years before Buddha,beats by dre sale, let us plead for Buddha Buddha knot a carnal overtaken me so long in a tree by the roadside you will

how you meet me at my most beautiful moment

75. copy paste the graphic is always far apart after how to do?

57. polyline width of the problem.

DXF-Drawing Exchange File (Graphics Interchange file), which is an ASCII text file that contains the corresponding DWG file all the information, not the ASCII code format, readability, but the speed with which the formation of graphics fast. different types of computers (such as PC and compatibles and SUN workstations, using the specific different CPU bus) even with the same version of the file, the DWG file is not interchangeable. In order to overcome this shortcoming, AutoCAD DXF type provides file, its internal ASCII code, so that different types of computers can be achieved through the exchange of DXF files to exchange graphic purposes, the DXF file readable, the user can easily modify it, programming, up from an external graphics editor , to modify the purpose.
80. What is the acad

FILEDIA variable should be modified.

14. from the backup file to restore graphics

XP: to c: Documents and Settings your user name Application Data Autodesk AutoCAD 2004 R16.0 chs Support acad.pgp. changes on the line.
98: to c: windows Application Data Autodesk AutoCAD 2004 R16.0 chs Support acad.pgp.
17.AUTOCAD toolbar disappeared in how to do?

22. command in the dialog box changes to the command prompt how to do?

32. how to figure all STANDADN dimension text style to SIMPLEX style?

Tools - Options - Choose - Pick frame size and adjust it.

will CMDDIA system variable to 1. System variable to 0, the command line; system variable to 1, the dialog box.

3. for the simple linear, closed circular form of the complex graphics, can not directly perform calculations graphic area AREA command. You must use the region command to calculate the surface area of ​​the graphics created for the domain, and then execute the command AREA, at the command prompt newly created surface domain graphics, AutoCAD will automatically calculate area, perimeter.

---- pattern in the drawing, we often encounter draw intersecting lines, intersecting lines and curves of the other issues. Hand-drawn a lot of trouble to find special points and a number of general points, and even a big error of the curve. With AutoCAD 2000 drawing plane curve or space curves is very easy. ---- One: draw 2D graphics with the Pline command through a special point on the line, the command in the Fit or Spline Pedit curve fitting, can be turned into a smooth plane curve. Draw 3D graphics with 3Dpoly command through a special point on the line, the Pedit command Spline curve fitting can be turned into a smooth space curve. ---- Method 2: Solids basic command to create three-dimensional entity (cuboid, cylinder, cone, ball, etc.), then by Boolean (Boolean) combination of operations: intersection, and poor access to a variety of complex and interfere with other entities, and then use drop-down menu View (view) / 3D Viewpoint (three-dimensional point of view), choose a different point of view to produce the standard view, get a different view of the curve projection.

Tools - Options - Display - Cross cursor size, adjust it.

85 条 senior engineer AutoCAD drawing skills

Tools - Options - Open and Save button - Security Options, set the password, if you cancel the password in the password can be deleted.

2. Double-click the mouse button is equivalent to ZOOM E.

with BLIPMODE command, the prompt, enter OFF to eliminate it.

18. how to turn off in CAD * BAK files?

70. How to become rough and smooth graphics recovery?

clock, you can use conversion software; or call the person you sent to keep a low version of the format again.

26. how to control the command-line echo is generated?

83. how to make the graphics can only see but can not be changed?


1. For simple graphics, such as rectangle, triangle. Only execute the command AREA (can be entered or click the corresponding command line command icons), at the command prompt , AutoCAD will automatically calculate the area (Area), perimeter (Perimeter), and the results are listed in the command line.

Method 1: the unwanted layers off, select all, COPY paste to a new file, not those useless layer affixed over. If this had not been defined in the layer block, and insert another layer in this block, then the layer is not in this way can not be deleted.
Method 2: Select the left graph, and then select the File menu -> Output -> a block file, the file is selected so that the block part of the graphics, the graphics do not specify if these layers, these layers will not be saved in the new block graph.
Method 3: Open a CAD file to be deleted first layer off, leaving only the surface you need to see graphics, Point File - Save As, to determine the file name, file type column in the selected *. DXF format, the midpoint of the pop-up dialog window Tools - Options-DXF option, then select the object at the tick, the point to determine, and then save, you can choose to save the object, or use of graphics to be seen on the election can determine the save, and finished just out of the saved file, then open it, you will find that you do not want the layer disappeared.
Method 4: Use the command laytrans, layers can be removed layer can be mapped to 0, this method can be removed with a physical object or defined in other blocks nested layers.

with PEDIT command, the command options in a merger.

20. drawing no dotted line shows how to do?

31. callout to mark a certain distance away from the map

42. how to calculate the two-dimensional graphics area?

19. AUTOCAD how to adjust the coordinates in the drawing area bottom left side of the box?

62. how to load automatically after modifying ACAD.LSP?

56. How to check the two plans compare?

the end of the command is not holding down the shift key to select multiple elements can be selected, it is convenient to Oh.

word, there are objects into which one is the AutoCAD drawing, do not forget to insert the drawing in AutoCAD in the background color to white (Tools - Options - Display - change color inside), or play graphics have filled out color, see the graphics.

LineWeight width is the absolute line width, and polyline width is a relative width, that is, no matter what size to print LineWeight graphics are the same width, while the polyline width is proportional with the print size size change, no matter how many times the scaled entities, LineWeight width are the same, and then with the polyline width scaling is changed.

4. insert in AUTOCAD EXCEL table method.
copy of EXCEL, and then the mid-point in the CAD editor (EDIT) - Paste (PASTE SPECIAL) - AutoCAD primitives - OK - Select the insertion point - can be inserted exploded.

, when it is 1, the ellipse is generated polyline.

46. Ellipse ellipse is generated polyline or entity?

will BLIPMODE system variables can be modified to OFF.

1. can not find how to replace the original font?

with VIEWRES command, set it too large a number, can change the image quality.

execute the break command, when prompted to enter the second point, you can enter @ and then press Enter, this point can be interrupted in the first selected object.

53. how to make the drawing space?

69. how to quickly enter the distance?

can ACADLSPASDOC system variable to 1.

68. How fast is parallel to a straight line tangent to the semicircle?

Yun good 1:1 picture using the output ratio can be easily adjusted. Drawing ratio and output ratio of the two concepts, the use of the output 1:1 draw with many advantages. First, the easy to find an error, because the actual size drawing, it is easy to find size setting unreasonable. Second, the mark size is very convenient, is the number of dimensions, measurement software itself, if the wrong picture, a look at size figures found (of course, software can set the dimension ratio, but the total is much waste of effort). Third, in each chart or graph to use to copy a block of local time, as is the ratio of 1:1, adjusting the block size convenience. Fourth, the assembly drawing or parts diagram spell removed from the assembly drawing painting parts diagram is very convenient. Fifth, do not need the cumbersome calculation of the ratio of zoom in and out, improve efficiency, prevent conversion errors that may occur during.

40. graphics printing techniques.

to cad2004 example cad toolbar does not show all available commands, the user is required to add their own. For example, the default drawing toolbar is not multi-line commands (mline), will add their own. Practices are as follows: View -> Toolbars -> Commands tab, select the right window shows the corresponding drawing commands then find the existing toolbar,
it appear as a separate toolbar; otherwise have become a toolbar. Then they found just out of the ! Necessary for him to add the icon. Practices are as follows: out of the command, do not close the Customize window, click the At this time, we can find, cad allows us to custom icon to each command. Such as a personalized toolbar becomes easy up! ! Yun, the command you want to delete, repeat the above operation, the towed back to the delete command, then select the confirmation required
24. how to modify the CAD shortcuts?
CAD2002 and below, directly modify the SUPPORT directory ACAD.PGP files.
CAD2004 in Tools - Customize - Edit custom file - the program parameters (ACAD.PGP) at
25. sometimes in AutoCAD intersection marked on the mouse click generated at how to do?

copy to replace the font for the font name to be replaced, such as: open a picture, suggesting not find the font jd, you want to use hztxt.shx replace it, then you can go to AutoCAD fonts folder (font) inside hztxt.shx to copy, rename jd.shx, and then into the font in the XX.shx inside, re-open the map on it. After you open the map contains jd machine yard so you do not have the font, it will never stop looking for the font you want to replace.

59. How to merge a number of lines?

stack use: First, have a stack symbol (#,^,/); two is to check the contents of the stack before they can operate.

34. how to quickly transform the layer?

84. how to modify the dimensions of relevance?

copy using copy with base point: Point Edit - Copy with base point.

23. how to add commands to AutoCAD and the corresponding toolbar icon?

51. how in AutoCAD using custom fill patterns for?
AutoCAD hatch patterns are stored in a library file called acad.pat, the default path for the installation directory Acad2000 Support directory. We can use a text editor to edit the file directly, add a custom design statement; also can create a *. Pat file, saved in the same directory, CAD can be identified.
Here, we create a new diamond tread plate pattern library files, for example, to illustrate the AutoCAD 2000 in a custom design approach.
First, according to national standard in CAD to diamond patterns, and mark each part size
see the following library standard format:
* pattern-name [, description]
angle, x -origin, y-origin, delta-x, delta-y [, dash-1, dash-2, ...]
title of the first acts of the line. Asterisk pattern followed by the name of execution HATCH command selection pattern, it will display the name. Square brackets by the HATCH command pattern If you omit the description, the pattern can not have a comma after the name. description of behavior patterns
second line. Can have one or more lines. Its meaning are: linear perspective drawing, fill in a family of straight lines through the points of X, Y axis, between the two filling lines displacement, the vertical distance between two filling lines, dash-n is a straight line length parameter, it is desirable is negative or zero, whichever is positive indicates that the length of the segment as a solid line, a negative value indicates that the segment is empty, take the zero point is drawn.
Well, we can start editing. Open Notepad, writing under the following:
* custom, steel plate GB/T3277-1991
68.4667, 0, 0, -9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59
111.5333, 0 , 0, 9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59
68.4667, -11.0191, 27.926, -9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59
111.5333, 11.0191, 27.926, 9.8646, 25, 30.0213, - 6.59
pattern in this case the four lines corresponding to the line graph depicts one of the segments a, b, c, d. Graphic control, the value should not be difficult to understand. Focus here only spoke of what delta-x delta-y values ​​with the rules, to facilitate understanding, we set the UCS coordinate system as shown, to determine the origin and the X-axis positive direction. Segment a, e vertical spacing in the Y axis 25 constitutes a delta-y, is equivalent to the AutoCAD command value offset 25; if the line segment e is offset from the line through a, then e is also relative to the line segment a negative direction along the X axis moved 9.8646, this displacement is delta-x.
Here are a few precautions:
pattern definition file for each line can contain more than Yun 80 characters.
AutoCAD ignores blank lines and a semicolon to the right of the text. According to this, we can add copyright information in the file, notes, or any content that we want to join. For example:
; Copyright (c) 2000 by everyone. All rights reserved.
Yun, will save the file, named custom.Pat. Note that the file name must be the same as the pattern name.
this, I believe my friends already have a custom design approach. Now, just a little patience, you can edit a very complex pattern of.
call library methods as: filling with me to do and documents, the liberation of the Acad2000 Support directory. Open AutoCAD, run the Hatch command, in the Boundary Hatch dialog box pops up the Type column select Custom, click the Swatch Options bar, pop-Hatch Pattern Palette dialog box, select the Custom tab, specify the file we just created custom.Pat, this filling effect occurs when the right side of the preview, that's what we need diamond tread plate pattern.
52. how to use the trim command to trim the same time a number of segments?

type REINIT command, VGH PGP, and then determine

lines and dimension lines only map, but not the value of the ready-size drawings. It is produced before the lazy approach, using computer graphics should now do not recommend this.

35. in the marked text, marked up and down the subject of methods:

7. insert the AutoCAD drawing in the WORD when the width problem.
When thin, use less than the width equal to 0.25; When thick, set the line width greater than 0.25 (greater than 0.25 inside the line when printing in Word, print out the width is greater than 0.5mm). Note: You must activate the line width in the CAD which shows, from inside the double-edited Word pictures, please re-check the active width. When the line width of 0.25 - 0.5 between, use a multi-line set width.
8.AutoCAD XP operating system in a fatal error when printing how to do?
this with the use of AutoCAD 2002 and above the printed stamp. In 2000, the stamp features the addition of the print, a lot of the BUG, ​​after this function directly as in the 2002 version of AutoCAD functions. This feature 98 operating system is no problem, but in some XP system error occurs. So in XP it really going to turn this feature Yun. If you have this feature turned on, unfortunately leaving the AutoCAD fatal error in the printing, the solution can only be this: the root directory in the AutoCAD file to find AcPltStamp.arx, turning it into another name or delete, so then will no longer print an error, but also less stamp printing function, the method for the 2002 edition and 2004 edition are valid.
9. AutoCAD2002 move in what is written on the wrong reason?
careful not to move the text across the lines, text size, or cad fatal error occurs, cancel the quadrature around these objects.
10. open dwg file, the system pop-up
this case you can exit and open operation, then open the restore files, confirm the system started to restore file operations.

21. Select the object produced by dragging the mouse into a virtual reality box and select the box left two intersection points how to do?

61. AUTOCAD error when forced to close and restart AUTOCAD, the following phenomenon: File - Open command can not pop-up window to select a file, and output files are similar to how to do?

sometimes graphic scaled or zoom, the graphics will become rough, such as a round into a polygon, you can use re-generate command (regen) to restore the smooth state.

can use the tool - displays the order functions.

in ACAD.LSP add a: (vl-cmdf

66. multiple copies always need to enter M, how to simplify?

when pline line width is not set to 0, the printing press when printing the line width. If the polyline width is too small, you will not get the width of the effect. (Such as drawing in millimeters, set the polyline width of 10, when you print using the ratio of 1:100, is 0.1 mm.) So multi-line print width set to consider the proportion of the job. The width is 0, can be set according to object properties (and other objects).

with the list command (list)!

71. how to measure the length of a pixel?

73. how to pick up the box to change the size?

example: a straight line AB and four parallel lines intersect, is to cut off part of the right line AB, the implementation trim command, select the object in the prompt line shows the selection of AB and press Enter, then type F and press Enter, then Draw a straight line in the AB and enter the right, OK,.

to remember as many as two or three hundred variables have a certain degree of difficulty, you can use the following method to identify which variables go wrong. To facilitate the description, name the file in question will have to file one, create a file named file 2 (Yun Hao new, because that all variables are default values, you can also file with no problem), run at two files SETVAR, and then choose? List variable, the variable copying Excel, more variables which is not the same, so that queries can greatly reduce the time variable. For example: Suppose a graph in which variable ANGBASE set to 90, that if the program generates a text with the words, all words in the text will rotate 90. Variables are listed with the setvar command, then copy all the variables - paste it into an Excel file column B. Create a new file, and then setvar command will list the variables, all variables copy - paste to Excel file A column C1 in the Excel file format file type all rows, then the C column in descending order, so that value is not the same variables on the concentration of the first few columns, and then analyze these variables, and soon will be able to find out is to set the variable in question ANGBASE

33. how to highlight the lines overlap?

76. how to measure multi-segment with arc length?

74. how to change the size of automatic capture tag?

43. How to set width?

5. in a Word document into AutoCAD drawing made law.
AutoCAD drawings can be first copied to the clipboard, then paste in a Word document. It should be noted that, due to AutoCAD default background color is black, while the Word background color is white, you should first change the white background color AutoCAD drawing (Tools - Options - Display - Color). In addition, AutoCAD drawing into a Word document, it is often empty side is too large, the result is not satisfactory, you can use Word picture cropping function on the toolbar to be trimmed, too much air while the problem can be solved.
6. to the AutoCAD drawing into WORD sometimes find how to do a round into a regular polygon?

This is a wider spread in the local area due to lisp program, so a few commonly used commands can not be used, block explode command can only use XP. There are two ways to solve, first remove the acad.lsp and acadapp.lsp file, should be the same size is 3K, and then copy the acadr14.lsp twice named the two file names, with read-only, the immunity of . DWG drawing you want to delete the directory where all the lsp file. Or you can infect others. The second is a special kind of killing the virus software.
29. how to switch between Chinese and English menu?

first get the documents show that its extension (open My Computer in the Tools - Folder Options - View - to hide known file extensions in front of the hook removed); Second, we must show all file (open My Computer in the Tools - Folder Options - View - Hidden files and folders - select Show hidden files and folders); once again find the backup file (its location in the Tools - Options - File - found in the temporary location of graphic files), rename it to
15. AutoCAD2005 can not solve the registration method.

82. to solve the control panel after installing cad2002 have large white phenomenon.

Method One: The unit of measurement is a linear scale factor alignment mark or label.
Method 2: dist command.
Method three: Use the list command. Recommended.
72. how to change the crosshair size?

map can be made of one block, and the colors move to a bright color such as yellow, and then overlap the two plans together and if inconsistencies can easily be seen.

81. at the end of what version of AutoCAD to open higher version of the map?

79. What is a DXF file format?

(2) can also use the command ISAVEBAK, the ISAVEBAK modify the system variables to 0, the system variable to 1, each time you save will create

38. using multi-select the edit command to remove a pixel?

47. some commonly used keyboard shortcuts.

to associate: Select the desired dimensions, the command to execute DIMREASSOCIATE.
to not associate: Select the desired dimensions, the command to execute DIMDISASSOCIATE.
85. by the *. T into a *. dwg, the Chinese how to change the aspect ratio?

28. block file can not explode and can not use some common commands problem.

Suppose there is a known length on the screen line (referring to single-line, polyline, the unknown length of course you can), and the horizontal direction with a certain angle, requires it to reduce some of the same length and direction of operation as follows: directly select the line to pinch there, move the cursor to the end and activate to reduce the pinch point, so this line can stretch the rubber band into the line, the cursor moves according to the direction of the line, the rubber band and the original line segments overlap, the distance does not limit movement, some people feel that the direction of movement is not the same as the original point of capture then auxiliary command, enter (ie near to) It put it Yo! ! !

FILLET command with rounded corners, draw tangent than the first practice round and then cut 10 times faster.

CAD finally complete the

determined by the system variable PELLIPSE

1, to improve the system display resolution
2, set the display properties of the such as on-screen menus, scroll bars and toolbars are not commonly used. Remove the on-screen menus, scroll bars in
4, set the auto-blanking system tray, minimize the command line.
5, in the Display Properties
54. how to use WORD to print out the drawings?

55. command before the

plus Command before the input, without

60. how to put multiple lines into polylines?

acad.lsp file can be added to the program to achieve without the input M, is:
(defun C: CVV ()
(setvar (setq css (ssget)) (command ) (setvar
67. to interrupt the operation of the circular direction of the problem.

point in positioning the prompt, enter a numeric value, the next point along the direction indicated by the cursor positioned to the specified distance, this function is usually in the For example: the command: line; Specify first point: Specify a point; Specify next point: Move the cursor to the desired direction and enter 5, press Enter.

77. why the stack button is not available?

remove files and folders hidden. Delete C: Documents and Settings All Users Application Data Autodesk Software Licenses B2260000.dat

41. quality attribute query.

AUTOCAD counterclockwise along the circle from the first breakpoint in the second period of the arc between the breakpoint to delete.

F1: Get Help F2: Mapping window and text window to achieve the switch F3: automatically capture objects control whether to implement F4: Digitizer Control F5: Isometric plane switching ; F6: Control coordinates on the status line display F7: grid display mode control F8: orthogonal mode control F9: grid capture mode control F10: polar mode control F11: object tracking type Control Ctrl + B: Grid Snap mode control (F9) Ctrl + C: Copy the selected objects to the clipboard Ctrl + F: controls to achieve the object automatically capture (f3) Ctrl + G: grid display mode control ( F7) Ctrl + J: Repeat the previous step command Ctrl + K: Hyperlink Ctrl + N: New graphics file Ctrl + M: Open the Options dialog box Ctrl +1: Open the properties dialog box Ctrl +2: Open Image Resource Management device Ctrl +6: Open the image data to open image files atoms Ctrl + Ctrl + P: Open the print on that box Ctrl + S: Save the file Ctrl + U: polar mode control (F10) Ctrl + v: paste clipboard the contents of the Ctrl + W: Object tracking control (F11) Ctrl + X: Cut selected content Ctrl + Y: Redo Ctrl + Z: cancel the operation before the step
48. simulated space and drawings space.
AutoCAD there are two different spaces: the model space and paper space (by using the LAYOUT tab).
model space viewport features: 1, in the model space, you can draw full-scale two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional model, and with dimensions. 2, the model space, each viewport contains a view of the object. For example: set different port will be as top view, front view, side view and three-dimensional maps. 3, with VPORTS command to create the viewport and viewport settings, and can be saved for later use. 4, is tiled viewports, they can not overlap, always adjacent to each other. 5, at a time only one viewport is active, the cursor can only cross in one viewport, and only edit the active viewport (panning, zooming, etc.). 6, can only print the active viewport; if the UCS icon is set to ON, the icon will appear in each viewport. 7, the system determines the viewport variables MAXACTVP range is 2 to 64. Paper space viewport features: 1, PAPER on the status bar instead of MODEL. 2, VPORTS, PS, MS, and VPLAYER command is active. (Only MS command is activated only after using PLAN, VPOINT and DVIEW command). 3, the boundaries of the viewport is the entity. You can delete, move, zoom, stretch the viewport. 4, depending on the shape of the mouth there is no limit. For example: you can create a circular viewport, polygon viewport and so on. 5, depending on the port is not tiled, you can use a variety of ways they overlap, separation. 6, each viewport layers to create it on the viewport border and layer the same color, but the boundary line is always solid. If do not want to print out maps in the viewport, which can be placed in a separate layer, you can freeze. 7, can also print multiple viewports. 8, cross the cursor can continue to extend through the entire graphics screen, nothing to do with each viewport. 9, can be turned on or off by MVIEW command viewport; SOLVIEW command to create a viewport or use VPORTS command to restore saved in model space viewports. By default, the viewport created are active. Close some of the viewport can improve redraw speed. 10, need to hide in the print graphics and hidden-line three-dimensional graphics, you can use the MVIEW command> HIDEPLOT pick up the border to hide the viewport, you can. 11, the system determines the active variables MAXACTVP under the viewport number is 64. Through the above explanation, I believe we both have a clear understanding of space, but remember: When we first entered the drawing room, the invisible, as the mouth, must VPORTS or MVIEW command to create a new viewport or restore existing viewport configuration (usually stored in the model space). MS and PS commands can be used in the model space and LAYOUT (paper space) in the switch back and forth.
49. How to draw a curve?

learned a good school it is their own ~ ~ ~

open multi-line text editor - enter text in a rectangular box, right click - choose symbols - other open Character Map - Select the symbol you can. Note that the character mapping table of contents depends on the user in the

16.acad.pgp file changes

install the printer or to the absence of high-end printer with someone else enter the AutoCAD drawing, you need to print AutoCAD drawings to another computer, but other computers may not An AutoCAD, or because for various reasons (eg: AutoCAD graphics In another unusual display fonts on computer, network printing, network printing is not normal, etc.), can not use another computer to print properly, then, will be the first in their own computer to print AutoCAD drawing file to form a printer file, Then, on the other computer using the DOS copy command to the printer file output to the printer, the method is: copy prn / b, should be noted that, in order to use this feature, you must first added to the system do not specific model on a computer printer, and set it the default printer, in addition, COPY Do not forget to post Yun added / b, shows that the binary output of the printer file to the printer.

with the Group command to complete.

Point Tools - Options - Configuration - Reset; also available commands MENULOAD, and then click Browse, select ACAD.MNC load can be.

surface field is closed to create two-dimensional shape or ring zone; block is combined to form a single object (or a block defined) collection of objects (a graph in another graph in general can be used as a block); entity has two concepts, one is the visible form the basic elements of graphics, and the second refers to the three-dimensional objects for three-dimensional entity, you can use group (group)

when you need to capture a point on the object, as long as a mouse or a near object, constantly press TAb key, this or some special points of these objects (such as a straight line endpoint, midpoint, perpendicular points, intersection with the object, a quarter circle dot, center, cut points, the vertical point, intersection) displayed on the back rotation, left-click to select the desired point that can capture these points. Note that when the mouse is near the intersection of two objects near the point of these two objects have a special display rotation (dashed line changes to their respective objects), which is more complex in the graphics local point of capture is useful.

Press F6 to switch. Or modify the system variables COORDS 1 or 2. System variable to 0, with the pointing device is updated when the specified point coordinates display. System variable to 1, the coordinate display is constantly updated. System variable to 2, the coordinate display is constantly updated, when you need distance and angle, the display to a point on the distance and angle.

if he plans to lock it all on the line layer, open will not change; If you later want to use, and put everything inside can be shattering; Another method is to use encryption to write a lisp language program, once running, the map can only see, how can not change the.

as follows: Open the [Start ]----- in the [Run] box, type regedit, open the Registry Editor, locate the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall {5783F2D7-0101- 0804-0002-0060B0CE6BBA}, modify DisplayIcon, the Can be solved inside the control panel to remove a large piece of white phenomenon.


45. [TAB] key to capture the features in AutoCAD's clever use.

30. How autocad2004 graphical password?

saved in AutoCAD at the same time two sets of menu system in English, it is feasible to switch back and forth. Speaking of menus specific approach is to rename the file Pacad.mnu, on the AutoCAD installation directory SUPPORT subdirectory, of course, do not forget to copy into acad.mnl Pacad.mnl, let? *** Acad.mnu the same directory. In the Chinese menu, with a menu command to load Pacad; in exchange for English menu once again with the menu command to load the acad menu file.

text attributes:

To change the width AutoCAD objects There are many ways. Yun normal way is to use solid color graphics on the screen to get a map of different width. In other words, when the drawing of different types of graphics according to their need to draw a different color. Then print out a different set of line width in different colors. As follows: Click In Pop-up Here we give brief pen size is how wide the decision. The size of pen width by the resolution of print devices and print the width between the decision point, the formula is / . AutoCAD will use these standard values ​​to replace the value of our free to enter. Here are some common printer Yun small pen width:
HP Laserjet III printer series with 1 / 300 Canon BubbleJet inkjet printers with 1 / 360 HP LaserJet IV printer series with 1 / 600 The new Canon BubbleJet inkjet printer with 1 / 720
understand the above reasoning, we can One such color with the The system will automatically calculate the value of similar small
44. On the issue width.

(1) Tools - Options, select on the hook removed.

Tools - Options - Sketch - automatically capture the tag size, adjust it.

2. how to remove stubborn layers?

estimate is linear proportional change, while the use of Settings dialog box, the line-shaped

also features in the CAD2004 change: the positive and the direction.

perform DIMEXO command, then enter the number to adjust the distance.

58. in the model space is drawn dashed, dotted line is printed, but how to layout in the print becomes a solid line out? How the print layout in the dotted line?

pick the layer you want to transform into any element, and then click on the layer toolbar - the object is set to the current layer - can be.

1.Ctrl + middle mouse button can swim like other software roaming.

AutoCAD to provide point coordinates (ID), distance (Distance), size (area) of the query graphical analysis to bring great convenience, but in practical work, and sometimes have to check physical characteristics of quality attributes, AutoCAD provides physical quality attribute query (Mass Properties), you can easily query entities moment of inertia, Moment of such entity's center of mass, should be noted that, for the curve, constructed a closed polyline areas should be closed with the region command localized surface area, and then execute the query quality attributes, the entity can query the moment of inertia, Moment of center of mass and other physical properties

78. surface field, block, what is the entity concept?

Method One: DIMSCALE determines the ratio of its dimension is an integer, the default is 1, in a certain scaling graphics should be good to change it to Yun scaling.
Method Two: format - mark style (the style you want to modify the label) - modify - the main unit - the scale factor, can be modified.
64. how to control the physical display?
AutoCAD2000 example to three commonly used keyboard input system variables control the display of entities.
ISOLINES: default entity displayed in wireframe, solid surface to points on the grid for each form of expression. The number of sub-grid controlled by the system variable, the effective value of 0-2047, the initial value of 4. Sub-grid values ​​larger entities more easily observed, but waiting longer display time.
DISPSILH: This variable controls the display side of the entity profile, the value 0 or 1, default is 0, while not shown in outline, is set to 1, shown in outline edge.
FACETRES: The variable adjustment by HIDE (blanking), SHADE (color), RENDER (rendering) the smoothness of the entity after the effective value of 0.01-10.0, the default value of 0.5. The greater its value
show more smooth, but the implementation of HIDE, SHADE, RENDER command displays the time to wait longer. Yun during the final output is usually only when they increase their value.
65. mouse button usage.

3. Open the old map encountered an unexpected error and interrupt out how to do?
create a graphics file, while the old map in the form of block can be inserted.

will CMDECHO system variable to 0 or 1.

63. how to modify the dimensions of the scale?

50. what proportion used in AutoCAD drawing is good?

2. For simple graphics, such as round or other multi-line (Polyline), spline (Spline) closed a two-dimensional graphics. Execute the command AREA, at the command prompt

11. in multi-line text (mtext) command to edit the text using Word97.
Mtext multi-line text editor is AutoCADR14 the new features, it provides word processing software with the Windows interface and work, it can even use the power of Word97 edit text, this feature can be used as follows achieve: Open After completion of the above settings, the user, such as re-use mtext command system will automatically call the familiar Word97 application for AutoCAD text icing on the cake.
12.AutoCAD map into photoshop way.
This is a very old problem, the solution is the The following step by step to (for convenience we take in Chinese and English, which is the English version in brackets):
1, open the
2, run the , continue the We can see in the right (next) file (file) to file) After clicking print, so a few seconds, the graphics is generated.
Note: The system default page size is only 1280 * 1600, this size does not meet our needs and we can customize the printer's properties we need size.
Enjoy! added: If the cad is 2004 or later, you do not own a printer installed in the printing device has a 6: The teacher has to add that if you want to remember to export pure black linear diagram at the same time all the colors of the pen numbers are to the 7th color, so that you can export a plain black figure, and remember to PS in the the mode to RGB, so the image will be clearer.
13. modifying ACAD.PGP file, AUTOCAD immediately without having to restart to load the file just modified ACAD.PGP way.

37. How a little break with the break command in the object?

use multi-line text editing commands: superscript: input 2 ^, and then select 2 ^, the point a / b button.
subscript: enter ^ 2 ^ 2 and then select the point a / b button.
up and down the scale: input 2 ^ 2, then select 2 ^ 2, point a / b button.
36. how special symbols?

modify system variables DRAGMODE, recommended changes to AUTO. System variable is ON, and then drag the object to be selected only when the command line, enter the DRAG show until you drag the outline of the object; system variable to OFF does not appear when you drag the outline of the object ; system variable bit AUTO, as you drag the outline of the object is always displayed.

27. quick way to find out the system variables?

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Male : female talk you : do not
M: Why women: busy
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M: What women play : the game
M: What games female : fun
M: What is the fun of female : male
trouble : trouble on chatted with women: roll
male: female to not clean : by
male : female shoulder to you : court death ah
M: dead : please
M: worship can be , not off the woman : I'm going crazy
M: I hit 120 F: Do you fairy
M: do not superstitious woman : you have people living
M: With me you will live a more exciting female : ⒌ ⒌ ⒌
Male: 35 cigarettes is good, but the woman is harmful to health : Death
M: I am in the cafe , not go die female : male
let me ask you : well, tell me phone number I will not say female : No. why should
Male: Valentine's Day to the woman : So what
M: What do you like flowers ? Woman: I like two kinds of flowers .
M: Which two ? I gave you ! Female: money to spend , just flowers!
M: You're beautiful! Woman: I was the United States ?
M: Xiang Demei women: ...

Why do some manufacturers cheap price LED lamps?

currently capable of producing LED and LED lighting is also one of the few manufacturers, different manufacturers use different quality LED lighting LED is caused by an important reason for different prices. As the increasingly fierce price war, appearance, structure, function almost the same products, there are 2-3 times the price difference, many users get stunning moment is mind, I do not know come from the spread, generally do not produce LED lamp LED lighting manufacturers are difficult to distinguish, let alone consumers.
Therefore, they have a good selection of LED sources of production, or testing equipment has improved LED of LED lighting factory would be better, so buy LED lighting products will be more secure.

we look at what factors caused the price of LED lamps difference:

1, brightness
LED brightness is different from the price difference. The LED for LED lighting should meet the criteria for Class Ⅰ laser level.
2, antistatic ability
antistatic ability of the LED, long life, and thus prices high. Often static than 700V LED can be used for LED lighting.
3, the same wavelength
wavelength LED, the same color, such as requiring the same color, the price is high. No LED spectral separation device manufacturers is difficult to produce pure colors.
4, leakage current
LED is one-way conductive light, if there is reverse current is called leakage, leakage current is large LED, short life low prices.
5, light emitting angles
uses different LED light-emitting angle is not the same. Special light-emitting angle, higher prices. If all diffusion angle, higher prices.
6, the key to the quality of life is different
life, life determined by the light fades. Light is small, long life, long life, high price.
7, LED chip
LED's light to the chip, different chips, prices vary widely. Japan, the United States more expensive chips, the Taiwan factory with Chinese local manufacturers of LED chip prices lower than Japan and the U.S..
8, chip size, chip size
side, said the quality of large LED chip is better than small chips. Price proportional with the size of the chip.
9, colloidal colloidal
ordinary LED usually epoxy resin, plus a UV LED and fire agents more expensive, high quality outdoor LED Lighting should be UV and fire.
LED lighting market, there are some outlaws, to deceive suppliers, obtaining materials, finished products supplier to the finished product is not normally sold at low prices for cash. A small number of LED lighting manufacturers to unrealistic promises to deceive dealers and users, and then continue to change the firm or person in charge of the trick to avoid responsibility.

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substitution : Women = Pigs + spend -


Pigs = eat + sleep -


= pig ! ! ! -

namely: human - Play = Pigs + work .-

Conclusion : -

Pigs = eat + sleep . -

Conclusion : do not understand people who play will work = pig -

summary : -

men to let women become pigs do not make money ! -


ie : pig = man - make money -

man + woman -


Conclusion : Women do not spend money are pigs. -

so men do not make money equal to the pigs. -

Pig theory Jia Jia ~~~-


into : people = Pigs + work + play , -



into : Men = Pigs + earn money -


Pigs = eat + sleep , -

Women = eat + sleep + spend . -



namely: Women - spend = Pigs . -


people = eat + sleep + work + play , -

Men = eat + sleep + earn money -


reproduced : Pig theory áī Formosa ˉ ˉ -

woman to make men do not become a pig and money ! -

= ( Pig + money ) + ( Pigs + spend ) -





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crystal clear ... ... kawaii paper doll yeah!

that this ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

this series I like ah ! Chasing for a long time before they ran photographed .

beautiful female anchor ?

cute and lovely pigs


following is beauty show.

Peach Fans love pigs can be really fun and more ! ! Down the river Come on! ! !

D D cats ! Pigs D80 camera is not very good ah , but I still rush to use , Who I did not go with the 5D .

so happy pair, like everyone laughed so happily ,(*^__^*)... hee hee

001, Acosta (LAUTARO ACOSTA) - striker, born in March 14, 1988, Argentines, who currently plays in Seville, Spain.
002, Adu (FREDDY ADU) - striker, born on June 2, 1989, the Americans, who currently plays for Benfica of Portugal.
003, Sergio Aguero (SERGIO 'KUN' AGUERO) - striker, born on June 2, 1988, Argentina, Atletico Madrid in Spain, the target effect.
004, Ai Sadi (ISMAIL AISSATI) - Midfielder, born in June 16, 1988, the Dutch, the Netherlands Ajax.
005, Sanchez (ALEXIS SANCHEZ) - striker, born on December 19, 1988, Chilean, Italian Udinese.
006, Aer Di Torre (JOZY ALTIDORE) - striker, born on November 6, 1989, the Americans, the Spanish Villarreal.
007, Anderson (ANDERSON) - Midfielder, born in April 13, 1988, Brazilians, England Manchester United.
008, Tulane (ARDA TURAN) - Midfielder, born January 30, 1987, Turks, Turkish Galatasaray.
009, Ndiaye about (SERGIO AJENJO) - goalkeeper, born on June 28, 1989, the Spanish, the Spanish Valladolid.
010, Bell (GARETH BALE) - defender, born on July 16, 1989, Wales, England, Tottenham.
011, Balotelli (MARIO BALOTELLI) - striker, born on August 12, 1990, Italian, Italy, Inter Milan.
012, Banega (EVAR BANEGA) - Midfielder, born in June 29, 1988, Argentina, Valencia, Spain.
013, the Alpha (HATEM BEN ARFA) - striker, born on March 7, 1987, France, Marseille, France ... ...
014, Ben Turner (NIKLAS BENDTNER) - striker, born in 1988. January 16, Denmark, England, Arsenal.
015, Benzema (KARIM BENZEMA) - striker, born on December 17, 1987, the French, Lyon, France.
016, Boateng (JEROME BOATENG) - defender, born on September 3, 1988, Germany, Hamburg, Germany.
017, Bo Yang (BOJAN KRKIC) - striker, born on August 26, 1990, Spanish, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
018, Bradley (MICHAEL BRADLEY) - Midfielder, born in July 31, 1987, the Americans, the Netherlands Heerenveen.
019, Breno (BRENO) - defender, born on October 13, 1989, Brazilians, Germany, Bayern Munich.
020, 布奥纳诺特 (DIEGO BUONANOTTE) - striker, born on April 19, 1988, Argentina, Argentina River Plate.
021, Capel (DIEGO CAPEL) - striker, born on February 16, 1988, Spanish, Seville, Spain.
022, Carol (ANDY CARROLL) - striker, born on January 6, 1989, England, Newcastle England.
023, 卡尔瓦拉斯 (ANDRE CARVALHAS) - striker, born on March 7, 1989, Portuguese, Portugal Benfica.
024, Cavani (EDISON CAVANI) - striker, born on February 14, 1987, Uruguayans, Palermo
025, Cesc Fabregas (CESC FABREGAS) - Midfielder, born in 1987 On May 4, Spanish, Arsenal, England.
026, Chelsea Mitty (AMIRE CHERMITI) - striker, born on December 26, 1987, Tunisian, Tunisia
027, Kerry Sisang Tucci (MACAULEY CHRISANTUS) - striker, born in 1990 August 20, Nigerians, Hamburg, Germany
028, Guzman (JONATHAN DE GUZMAN) - Midfielder, born September 13, 1987, Canadians, Dutch Feyenoord.
029, De Silvestri (LORENZO DE SILVESTRI) - defender, born on May 23, 1988, Italian, Italy Lazio.
030, De Fuer (STEVEN DEFOUR) - Midfielder, born in April 15, 1988, Belgium, Standard Liege, Belgium.
031, 德尔迪约奇 (EREN DERDIYOC) - striker, born on June 12, 1988, Switzerland, Basel, Switzerland.
032, Dumas (ANGEL DI MARIA) - Midfielder, born February 14, 1988, Argentina, Portugal, Benfica.
033, Drenthe (ROYSON DRENTHE) - Midfielder, born April 8, 1987, the Dutch, the Spanish Real Madrid.
034, Ella Si Musi (KERMIT ERASMUS) - striker, born on July 8, 1990, South Africans, the Netherlands Feyenoord.
035, Ai Siku Pedro (DAMIAN ESCUDERO) - Midfielder, born in April 20, 1987, Argentina, Spain, Villarreal.
036, Fazio (FEDERICO FAZIO) - defender, born on March 17, 1987, Argentines, Seville, Spain.
037, Fu Fana (GUEIDA FOFANA) - Midfielder, born in May 16, 1991, French, Turkish Fenerbahce.
038,Beats by dre tour headphones, Azurin (GAI ASSULIN) - striker, born on April 9, 1991, Israel, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
039, Dos Santos (GIOVANI DOS SANTOS) - striker, born on May 11, 1989, Mexicans, England Tottenham.
040, Hamsik (MAREK HAMSIK) - Midfielder, born on July 27, 1987, Slovak, Naples, Italy.
041, Hart (JOE HART) - goalkeeper, born on April 19, 1987, England, England Manchester City.
042, Janko Ji Qi (DAWID JANCZYC) - striker, born on September 23, 1987, Polish, Russian Central Army.
043, Martinez (JAVI MARTINEZ) - Midfielder, born September 2, 1988, Spanish, Atletico Madrid, Spain.
044, Vidic (MILAN JOVETIC) - striker, born on November 2, 1989, Montenegrins, Florence, Italy.
045, Diaz (JUAN DIAZ) - defender, born on October 28, 1987, Uruguayan, Argentine students.
046, Kabo Lei (CHARLES KABORE) - defender, born on February 9, 1988, Burkina Faso, Marseille, France.
047, Persimmon Valley Yao Ichiro (YOICHIRO KAKITANI) - Midfielder, born January 3, 1990, the Japanese, cherry blossoms in Osaka, Japan.
048, Kalinic (NIKOLA KALINIC) - striker, born on January 5, 1988, Croatian, Croatia Hay Duke.
049, Chico (SERGIO CONTAN 'KEKO') - striker, born on December 27, 1991, Spanish, Atletico Madrid, Spain.
050, Kewo Fu (ALEXANDER KIROV) - striker, born on October 25, 1990, Bulgarian, Bulgaria Levski Sofia.
051, Cross (TONI KROOS) - Midfielder, born in October 4, 1990, Germany, Bayern Munich, Germany.
052, Lennon (AARON LENNON) - Midfielder, born in April 16, 1987, England, England Tottenham.
053, Lucas (LUCAS LEYVA) - Midfielder, born January 9, 1987, Brazilians, Liverpool, England.
054, Suarez (LUIS SUAREZ) - striker, born on January 24, 1987, Uruguayans, the Netherlands Ajax.
055, Mountain Division (REIMOND MANCO) - striker, born on August 23, 1990, Peruvian, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
056, Macerata Aires (DIRK MARCELLIS) - defender, born in 1988 April 13, Dutch, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
057, Marin (MARKO MARIN) - striker, born on March 13, 1989, Germany, Moenchengladbach, Germany.
058, Caceres (MARTIN CACERES) - defender, born on March 17, 1987, Uruguayans, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
059, Matta (JUAN MATA) - striker, born on April 28, 1988, Spanish, Valencia, Spain.
060, Evo Morales ('MAXI' MORALEZ) - striker, born on February 27, 1987, Argentina, Argentine sports.
061, Lionel Messi (LIONEL MESSI) - striker, born on June 24, 1987, Argentina, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
062, Vitol (MIGUEL VITOR) - defender, born on June 30, 1989, Portuguese, Portugal Benfica.
063, Mia Love (NIKOLAY MIJAILOV) - goalkeeper, born on June 28, 1988, the Bulgarian people, He Lante Winter.
064, Moreno (MARCELO MORENO) - striker, born on June 18, 1987, Bolivia, Ukraine Shakhtar Donetsk.
065, Mulenga (CLIFFORD MULENGA) - striker, born on August 5, 1987, Zambia, Israel Maccabi Petah.
066, Nasri (SAMIR NASRI) - Midfielder, born in 1987 June 26, France, England, Arsenal.
067, Nie Meite (KRISZTIAN NEMETH) - striker, born on January 5, 1989, Hungarian, Liverpool, England.
068, Ninisz (SOTIROS NINIS) - Midfielder, born April 3, 1990, Albanian, Greek Panathinaikos.
069, Ensang Ba (AUGUSTINE NSUMBA) - Midfielder, born in May 10, 1987, Ugandan, Uganda SC Villa.
070, Meikle (JOHN OBI MIKEL) - Midfielder, born on April 22, 1987, Nigerians, England Chelsea.
071, Aopa Lei (DANIEL OPARE) - defender, born on October 18, 1990, Ghana, Spain, Real Madrid.
072, Orsay (RANSFORD OSEI) - striker, born on December 5, 1990, Ghana, Ghana Kessben.
073, Espina (DAVID ESPINA) - goalkeeper, born in August 1988 31, Colombians, Nice, France.
074, Aoqi Er (MEZUT OZIL) - Midfielder, born in October 15, 1988, Germany, Bremen, Germany.
075, Palo Chomsky (ALBERTO PALOSCHI) - striker, born on January 4, 1990, Italian, Italy, AC Milan.
076, Papadopoulos (GIANNIS PAPADOPOULOS) - Midfielder, born March 9, 1989, the Greeks, Greek Olympiakos.
077, Pato (ALEXANDRE 'PATO') - striker, born on September 2, 1989, Brazilians, Italy AC Milan.
078, Piatti (PABLO PIATTI) - striker, born on March 31, 1989, Argentina, Spain, Almería.
079, Pique (GERARD PIQUE) - defender, born on February 2, 1987, Spanish, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
080, general del (SEBASTIAN PRODL) - defender, born on June 21, 1987, Austrians, Bremen, Germany.
081, Rakitic (IVAN RAKITIC) - Midfielder, born in March 10, 1988, Croatian, German Schalke 04.
082, Ramsey (AARON RAMSEY) - Midfielder , born December 26, 1990, Welsh, England Arsenal.
083, Richards (MICAH RICHARDS) - defender, born on June 24, 1988, England, England Manchester City.
084, Rosado (DIOGO ROSADO) - Midfielder, born February 21, 1990, Portuguese, Portugal Sporting Lisbon.
085, Sahuo (MAMADOU SAKHO) - defender, born on February 13, 1990, the French, France Paris St Germain.
086, Sai Puxi (LASZLO SEPSI) - defender, born on June 7, 1987, Romanian, Portuguese Benfica.
087, Shen Rong recorded (YOUNG-ROK SHIN) - striker, born on March 27, 1987, South Korea, Suwon Samsung.
088, Song (ALEXANDRE SONG) - Midfielder, born September 9, 1987, Cameroon, England, Arsenal.
089, Stan library (BOGDAN STANCU) - striker, born on June 28, 1987, Romanian, Romania, Steaua Bucharest.
090, Suleiman Manila (MIRALEM SULEJMANI) - striker, born on December 5, 1988, the Serbs, the Netherlands Ajax.
091, Carlos Vela (Carlos Vela) - striker, born March 1, 1989 said, Mexicans, England Arsenal.
092, Sonny (STEPHEN SUNDAY 'SUNNY') - Midfielder, born September 17, 1988, Nigerians, Valencia, Spain.
093, Susa ETA (MARKEL SUSAETA) - Midfielder, born December 14, 1987, Spanish, Bilbao, Spain.
094, Alcantara (THIAGO ALCANTARA) - Midfielder, born in April 11, 1991, Italy, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
095, Uchida Benedict (ATSUTO UCHIDA) - defender, born on March 27, 1988, Japanese, Japan's Kashima Antlers.
096, 乌雷卡维斯 Taya (JONATHAN URRETAVISCAYA) - striker, born on March 18, 1990, Uruguayan, Argentine river.
097, Van den Bray (ANTHONY VAN DEN BORRE) - defender, born on October 24, 1987, the Belgians, Genoa, Italy.
098, Vaughan (JAMES VAUGHAN) - striker, born on July 14, 1988, England, England, Everton.
099, Walcott (THEO WALCOTT) - striker, born on March 16, 1989, England, England Arsenal.
100, Ali Yahya (ALI YAHYA) - striker, born on January 20, 1988, Qatar, Qatar Al Sadd.

to bother , do not forget to smile ; another emergency , but also pay attention to the tone ;
no matter how tough , do not forget to adhere to ; tired , but also love yourself.
low-key life , you will sound every time ; high-profile work , you will fine every time .
Do not forget the past , when successful ; Do not forget the failure of a future.
expected to get to work , no hope do not mind,beats by dre studio, it will look good attitude , win or lose .
life is not a single line, a road leads nowhere, you can turn .
the chemical composition of tears and sweat are similar , but the former only in exchange for your sympathy , the latter for you to win success.
change is always a required course in life , become mature and it is optional .
to exercise -oriented , learn healthy ; to repair progress oriented, learn to seek knowledge ;

Now, every time I walked the countryside, traditional farmhouse, tank yard vivid childhood. Think of a person who tried to stay. State of mind is like a tank of water, from the world, natural clarification. Distortion of life, is quarter past one's. Context of the pursuit of wisdom and clear and bright, but it is life after life.

However, we can not all courtyards, and sometimes go to school, sometimes work, if the slightest negligence, the children rushed to get the water muddy. This makes us more into pain. Mother to see a few tanks of water we are confused upset, to comfort us: a long time, they felt a little fun. each one of you to do the right thing, do not pipe water water, and finally one day have to clarify.

we listened to my mother, the school's school, the work of the work and no longer care about mischievous kids. They also quickly lost interest. Water, of course, to clarify.

Our hearts like water easily lead to confusion, but in the commotion, and defend themselves without excessive tension, the need is truly a quiet life. When our mind clear and bright, the water tank naturally clarified.

take a long time. But as long as all of a sudden the water was muddy, so we can not play my mother strict rules of the water tank. Play in the water tank side effects is left standing.

our house just in high school must pass through on the way to go, every day, hundreds of students passed. There are some mischievous child, passing the time will suddenly burst into the courtyard, each tank are stirred about,Beats by dre headphones, and then run away screaming.

However, do not play their home water, does not mean that do not play other people's water.

a second of confusion, may be three days to clear, but as long as we can move towards a higher level, water will eventually clear day.

clarification as to make the water hard

living in traditional courtyard houses in my childhood, a trench along the eaves dripping, the put a row of large tanks. Tank with half the height, large hands and can not be surrounded Gangkou over, then filled to the roof flows down from the rain. Former country without running water, in order to survive, the villagers must find a variety of sources, while they dig wells and drink; on the one hand to the river to carry water for irrigation; rainy day build in the tank water is used laundry bath. This not only been lucky, but also reduce the burden of fetching water to river. Just under the tank is muddy rain, put some alum into it, so two or three days, water will slowly clear.

this hateful act, so we are angry, and nervous. In order to prevent the water is muddy lane, we have courtyards all day, waiting for mischievous kids.

Because God knows : You afraid of the Dark , but had with them as partners Princess
human world she dreams of blue sky , the breeze , the sun . One day, she escaped the guards who escaped .
went out, she was the sun blinded his eyes , and eliminate the memory. She forgot who she was, where they come from .
her in the cold , disease and suffering in the struggle , and finally , she died. But her father , the king of the underground , convinced that the princess will be Soul hometown .
perhaps in another body , in another place, another time . He will wait for her until the last breath , until the earth stops turning

... ...

second dark fairy tale : A long time ago, in a sad and distant place , has a hard ,dr dre studio, black stone piled mountain ranges . At sunset, the mountains , there are magic roses flowers open every night .
off its people will live forever , but no one dared to approach it , because it is full of poisonous spines .
how people talk about their fear of death there is pain , but never talk about hope , hope to have immortality .
every day , the rose will fade , when it can not be transmitted to any person 's divine ... ... to be forgotten , dying alone in that cold dark lonely hilltop
forever , until the end of time ... ...

On both sides of the table, sat a man and a woman.

Man raised his head, looked at the woman opposite.
24 years old, young, energetic, very good age.
fair skin, vibrant body, a pair of bright, talking eyes.
really good woman ah, unfortunately.

take her to ... ...

You know three years ago, I look like?
Police grabbed. care about gains and losses; Do not be too care about the immediate things; so I try to treat people good. At the time I was in front of her, like a child so young.
Perhaps that feeling, and now I feel about you . when really strange, stubborn temper, I just listen to her. according to her, and accept the reality and know that they are useless,Justbeats By Dr Dre, they work hard that year end work, with little improvement, we got married .
a year's money, it of course, is kept behind her and if she knew, yes let's. She also gave me every night before bed to drink soup. it tastes, and only she did come.
and women, also did not disturb the meaning of, quietly listening.
other men noticed the time, has 10 PM.

I send you back.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ah, beautiful. bed, and sat down.
Why I became so good, a lot of people like me Yeah. They might, I will become the heart Yeah. Why put me to become so good, then he go first? I am, I am a man, ah well alone. a, is the woman passed away, a touch of tenderness.

this emotional decay we can use a parabola to junior high school algebra, said: Time for the horizontal axis, the two sides of the degree of emotional passion for the vertical axis, the heat of emotion may be a short period of time before and after the marriage has been boiling to the vertex, so the marriage will be entered from the heat of long Xiongtu. This is why married men and women likely to cause derailment.

increased about an affair, we always thought that this society is now too relaxed environment, of course, the reason is right, but not just so. We all know that in every marriage, there is a from the passion to dull, from lover to the loved ones of the process, and marital roles of men and women experienced more than just the conversion, and also the spirit of excitement to the numbness from process, from the time of passionate love, then marriage-like plain water.

We always say a man in emotional, rational and critical time than women. This is because men's sexual orientation, although the values ​​diversity, openness and love, but they make a decisive choice often are more rational than women, more realistic. So men are more good return on investment and cost accounting. They aspire to the romantic,PowerBeats Sport Headphones, exciting affair, but more regret and pragmatic marriage.

comes between a man in love with his wife or lover wife, I can also give an example of: the preceding a major earthquake, has seen such an example: Hin before the earthquake, there is a very tough battle lover love . Xuan six years of marriage, no children, married life plain water, has been thought that Villa did not love himself and his wife, the two together only to maintain the family.

comes to extramarital affairs, people love to condemn those who derailed, in fact, from the nature of human physiology and speaking, between jobs, this is a normal human psychology, human nature, nothing wrong, just because a marriage license this paper constraints, some instinct of human nature was only in the most depressed.

For men, the family may be better spent flowers Yan Mei, mellow, but without losing the light, warmth, elegance, and the family often spent more engaging, good enough; lover while intoxicated give their own fresh, romantic love, however, although this soak into the depths the heart, but after all is too insecure. Moreover, men in tasting the forbidden fruit, the most devoted married couple is not married with a lover's expectations, therefore, often only for their extramarital affairs over the load, adding some tension in the social role of pleasure, relaxation bit nervous, as the dull monotony of their regularization Add some spices and embellishment of life only, once faced with the choice between the two must be one, they give back most of this rather desperate romantic love, and marriage to return to plain.

in the derailment of the men, many men of his own wife actually is guilty, both men regret lover's tenderness, but was afraid his wife found that some men do not want to let his wife find themselves derailed, one is afraid of After exposure to extra-marital affairs can not continue, the other men unwilling to let his wife know, is afraid of hurting his wife.

In many cases, a woman in love love love to ask themselves whether a man, if you are extra-marital lover, do not ask a man, it is more love or more love my wife, because white is the question asked. Man to please lovers, people will say more love, a man thought: a woman can win hearts and minds, why not ah.

Although the above assumption, but as men who are definitely willing to come to such a false proposition, because such a hypothesis, they exposed the true face of it, and expose the true face of the future, I guess no woman would willing to do their lover.

man loves his wife or lover? Many men do not carefully thought about, they will not care about these, men are more concerned about the lover and the wife can achieve a balance between, whether the best of both worlds. If the energy of both worlds, complement each other, they naturally expect the cake and eat it, do not want to swim out of this fascinating but treacherous vortex. However, once and reputation, career conflicts, they often weigh stepping down gracefully, reluctantly part, very few men to sacrifice themselves for the lover and a good husband, good father's reputation, and even carrying the family ethics violation charges as well as self-destructive bright future.

not see the light, but now has become a widespread phenomenon in life. Some people say, whether it is male or female, has the nature of love affairs, and often comes to extramarital affairs, most people think of his wife and his lover, a man must be the favorite lover, it is not, in most men derailment heart, or his favorite wife, that is between the wife and lover, lover important than his wife.

Although the affair

earthquake day, Villa's wife happens to travel in Chengdu after the earthquake, Xuan has been kept calling my wife's phone, the phone has been able to get through, N hours later, when the phone open, I heard her voice the moment , that his wife Ping, Xuan has been strong even burst into tears, he always thought he did not love his wife, but the earthquake made him understand that his wife's weight in his mind how heavy.

why men are most concerned about is his wife, not lover? One reason is because his wife is the mother of their children, children without a mother can not. Second, because, after all, Valentine's is just an outsider, and his wife no matter how bad, is one of us, to put it so sad affair of the woman or the nasty thing is, with his little lover Sibu Si, Si Busi while his wife was related to a family is complete, no lover, sad is inevitable, but also sad all of a sudden it. Without a wife, a mother without children, for men also means that there can be no family home, so the same is very ill, a man will care to save money to his wife, rather than spend large sums of money to save the lover, from the this point, do you think men love people more? Still love his wife more?

men are more people still love his wife? I do not need another example, because there is no real test, we will not know who we love, only when the tests come, we know that critical moment, the first maintenance man or his wife, most want to protect also his wife, and lover for the men who will always be under a sunny entertainment too!

because the man's bones actually love their wives, although men will deny them the hard facts, however, men can not afford to deny deny, called bystander. Some men's wives at home but it is still very virtuous, affectionate man outside of marriage is not satisfied with his wife, but for a desire to stimulate extra-marital affairs, even if it is very responsible man, the temptation in extra-marital affairs, but also hard body temptation, because men also have emotions of mortal ah!

Maybe some people think it should be Valentine's important is right on this point we have to assume this: If the lover and his wife also was very ill, a man who is most concerned about? The answer will definitely give a woman a lot of heartbreak in the extra-marital affairs, of course, is his wife.

on the phone, Xuan crying like a child, which makes my wife a little puzzled, but also a little flattered. Xuan said to her: normal life, but there is no close call, and Xuan and his wife have always thought that life without passion, earthquake tips to give life to death, so that they know each other in a moment in their lives in the real sense. And afterwards remember Xuan, a dangerous moment in his wife, he almost did not think that love was a very tough battle their lover.

there at this time, a man must be abandoned lover and will not abandon my wife, how could one say? Because the lover and not only were happy through thick and thin, women were retired, and men also are you doing? If you have any eventuality, he was responsible for the rocket that run faster than the speed faster.

only come to their senses. Funny movie, bizarre, humorous images with this serious subject seamless, did not see signs of convergence. Shrek's donkey friend is still as nonsense, funny and because the faithful, or kind of cute cat heroes. When the donkey shouting , but it look like with a delicate and charming tongue lick his ass by the hair when wet, letting the audience laughing.

has a delicate and charming look of the cat heroes

most interesting than the very interesting. This set of Shrek married like other ordinary men, as in life, tends to dull when ridden at the time of day to day chores, the children chattering in the spin splitting headache when the chose to escape. His escape is a fairy tale style, with a well-known Grimm fairy tale of dwarfs Rumpelstltskin signed a treaty, will be the day he was born to a dwarf, so all this no longer exist. In the new story, Shrek must defeat the dwarves, the lifting of the treaty in order to regain their own lives. Naturally, this is some difficulties and obstacles, ultimately it is the joy of a happy ending, of course, we all like to see.

seen This world class, and BF to go ride, Zhuomo Zhao is not a movie, just cinema 3D version of After reading to know this option is not wrong, this

the 3D effect is very good film, fairy tale story of the world total that attractive recommend friends to see. In appreciation of the film's excellent production and witty and humorous at the same time, by the fairy tale in the story think about real life, it seems there are some similarities and familiar with the strike.

reunion. Meeting but did not expect to find the apple has become a chubby dinosaur, my God,dr dre beats! This is how the line, which as a country where the princess? King reluctantly met the monster son, but my heart there is another round of calculations. Saying there is a fairy godmother Feiao Na, the old king on the promise of childhood and the fairy godmother of his son's marriage, in fact, that is, the conditions of marriage, in order to keep their own happiness and fairy godmother for the transaction. So, they launched a hired killer (Puss in Boots) plan to eliminate a stumbling block ... ... and then through a series of dangerous, the Feiao Na and husband fairy godmother once again beat the obstacles and happy life together.

3D Shrek Shrek IV

a happy

insidious of the famous Grimm fairy tale dwarf Rumpelstltskin

orders from Rumpelstltskin witch

Shrek no longer lonely, and other monsters are fighting side by side

alongside with Feiao Na, regain heart

talkative donkey ears too long

true Aifeiaona Shrek Princess did not know he had, in Shrek the treaty because he did not saved the princess, in order to return to Feiao Na side, back to the kids around, Shrek tasted the bitterness and regain Feiao Na true love. Dwarfs plot also disappear when the kiss of true love in an instant.

dangerous, the two of them favor the initiation of each other, the power of love is great, they finally defeated the law or the grams of tyranny and brutality of adults, the mare go.

Vaguely remember the final scene is very chaotic ... ... Feiao Na with Shrek and live happily together.

4, cucumber mixed with shrimp
ingredients: shrimp, cucumber, a green two pairs of two cabbage leaves three garlic soy sauce sesame oil a five money money money vinegar two blisters fungus two money
Method: peeling the shrimp into the boiling water pot cooked, remove and dry cold; to Wash cucumbers, straight knife cut into semi-circular pieces; green garlic, cabbage leaves picked clean, straight knife cut into sections, all on the case on the stand. Then push the cold shrimp, cut into pieces. Transfer to a plate and season again. Wobble the order is: first with cabbage leaves BEDDING, then put the shrimp into a pattern (can be optional), the upper slice of cucumber, green garlic put on, sprinkle with water, fungus, into the soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar is good.
features: bright and beautiful, fragrant liqueur.

kelp mixed with fans

Mixed with vermicelli

30, chives mixed Gansi
material: chive forty-two Hong tofu twenty-two salt MSG-fifth of one point eight sugar, sesame oil three money
Method: Wash chives, blanched a little pot under the water, quickly turn over, and then burn about three seconds, fishing on the basket, the rejection to the force of water, then cut into inch-long segments, put dish,beats by dr dre, hot mix salt and monosodium glutamate. The other will Xianggan shredded, sprinkle on the chives, Drizzle sesame oil, mix well and serve.
Features: chive dip by the rapid boiling hot, slightly crisp texture and fragrance; Xianggan flexibility, refreshing taste
Re: forty kinds of salad approach

6, raw pork mixed with vermicelli
: pork (lean) thirty-two mung bean vermicelli two five money cooking oil sesame oil soy sauce, three money-fifth of vinegar two a penny of money mustard sesame five saline-fifth of the money MSG ten
Method: Wash the pork first, then cut into pieces into a piece of filaments; vermicelli soaked knife cut straight after the wire, into the boiling water pot cook, remove and put into cold water, drain control water, poured into a dish, stirring with chopsticks scattered. Then Wok stir, pour the oil pan, then stir-fry the pork wok, add soy sauce, a money, to be served in a flesh color on the fans. Doused with vinegar, sesame oil, mustard, salt, MSG and turned into juice, sesame Serve topped with the best.
Features: shiang refreshing, a drinking food.

mixed with celery

12, tomato sauce, celery
raw materials: a pound of tender celery salt two tomato twenty-two cooking oil money, a money
twelve white vinegar Method: 1 choose fresh celery, put off the leaves, roots washed, straight knife to cut open the pedicle, into the boiling water pot, and then see the open water when the fish, drain and cut into inch-long segments, add salt, MSG Listing inside.
2. put the pot on the fire, into the cooking pan, add tomato sauce, sugar, vinegar and water, amount of boiled water in the celery on top.
Features: This dish orange-red color, fresh and delicious.

Spiced peanuts

10, mixed with vermicelli
ingredients: good noodles fifty-two water pounds cucumber twenty-two five money mustard sesame chili oil five three of money money money sesame oil two to reconcile eighty-two
Method : the noodles by adding water labeled as gravy, lit boiled paste, spread on the board after Aohao, thickness should be uniform, the cold after cold rolled, cut into strips, dish, sprinkle cucumber, transfer into the sesame, mustard, chili oil, and pour soup reconcile, drops sesame oil and serve.
characteristics: cool delicious, Sheng Xiajia products.
Re: forty kinds of salad approach

11, mixed with celery
ingredients: fresh celery, sesame oil, five pounds of salt five money special soy sauce, vinegar, three money three money
Method: celery leaf pick pick the net, slashing the hair roots, wash net. Cut into five long sections, into the boiling water pot boiled, and then sprinkle with salt and mix well, pour soy sauce when eating, special vinegar, sesame oil, pepper oil can be poured into its flavor longer. Vinegar can not be put back, otherwise the dish will turn yellow.
features: green tender and full of nutrition.

Soy kelp

5, beans mixed with sesame paste
ingredients: fresh beans fifty-two sesame twenty-two five money MSG ten salt pepper oil ginger three five money money
Method : the beans cramps, broken, cleaned, cooked in boiling water pot boiled, then soaked with cold water, remove and control to the water, on the transfer plate. Then sesame cold water into a paste, the pepper Heat oil, add salt, MSG, ginger, pour in the beans, and mix well plate.
features: green color, flavor and delicious

22, soy, canola
ingredients: fresh canola jin salt pepper oil five five money money money ginger three onions a
Method: Wash the rape roots to the leaves, straight knife cut into eight minutes long wiping blade, placed in boiling water cooked, remove and control dry, mix salt dish, sprinkle with onion, ginger, soy into the pepper oil can be heated.
Features: bright green and crisp, should Junior noodles or rice.

Marinated spicy three-wire

Marinated cauliflower

Mixed with chives

18, soy, cauliflower
material: cauliflower jin salt pepper oil five five money money money ginger chopped green onion a second money
Method: Wash the cauliflower to the root, broke open the petals, Straight knife cut into about eight pieces, place in boiling water and boil, then remove and control dry, sprinkle with salt dish, the end put onion, ginger, soy oil heating on the pepper and serve.
characteristics: shape, delicious fresh, should Zuo Sakamoriba.

8, mixed with fragrant soy
ingredients: soy sauce twelve pounds of salt, rice wine, five twelve allspice five money money money scallions two
Method: insect bites and broken beans pick to wash, into the pot, add bean flour flooding live, into the five-spice powder (also can add a money Strato incense), stir and cook a quarter of an hour or so on, move to a small fire and simmer, then shall be added to salt, soy sauce, rice wine and other seasonings, cover the lid tightly to the Yuba swollen stew, soup into the pot when the gravy, dry cold plate. Can sprinkle some chopped green onion to eat, a few drops of sesame oil, and its taste more fragrant.
Features: delicious crispy, a drinking dishes.

9, fans
spicy ingredients: soy sauce, five fans sixty-two sugar twelve pepper oil vinegar three five money money money, pepper and MSG, a method for making a point: the first fans with open blisters, soft, cut into two-inch-long section of release plate. A bowl, add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate and cold water five money transferred into the marinade, pour the fans, sprinkle with pepper, Drizzle chili oil, mix well and serve.
Features: This dish is Sichuan cuisine, spicy flavor, a drinking most appropriate.

24, soy bean sprouts
materials: bean sprouts jin salt pepper oil five five money money money onion ginger one two three coriander vinegar three money
Method: Wash the green bean sprouts good pick, into the boiling water, boil, remove and control dry, sprinkle with salt, vinegar, cabbage leaves and mix well dish. Last put onion, ginger, coriander, soy oil can on the pepper.
features: crisp and delicious, the production is simple.

25, soy spicy cabbage
ingredients: red pepper cabbage four pounds of sugar, two three of money money ginger soy sauce sesame oil five five money money money
eight salt Method: Wash the cabbage stripped outside help, straight knife cut one-third width of the film thickness, salt and mix well, after the fish pickled with salt to taste cold brew and control dry, on the basin. Then the sugar, vinegar, soy sauce-opening fell to the cabbage on the two peppers, shredded ginger, sprinkle the cabbage, and then another two with chili sesame oil to be fried yellow down in bowls of water, soy back cover ten minutes.
Features: spicy crisp and refreshing, Sakamoriba all together.

31, kelp mixed with fans
materials: water kelp thirty-two cabbage leaves three fans twenty-two water, soy sauce, vinegar, three money MSG ten salt three five money money money, ginger, scallions two a penny sesame oil money garlic three pound mud
Method: kelp washed sand, straight knife cut into filaments, through the fish out into the water boil; water, cut into five-inch section of fans pushed, washed cabbage leaves straight knife filaments. The three kinds of food material and transfer into the basin, then the soy sauce, vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger, green onion, garlic, sesame oil transferred in turn, stir, and serve to transfer to a plate.
Features: silk long shiang, color gratifying.

32. black pepper mixed with chicken
Material: chicken breast 1, the amount small cucumber 1 / 2 carrots, 1 / 4 seasoning sauce: 3 tablespoons vinegar, 3 tablespoons sugar, thick black pepper 1 tsp
1. sauce good pre-deployment, backup (the proportion of sugar and vinegar to follow the deployment preferences) 2. chicken breast cooked stripped wire
3. shredded boiled in boiling water, the picked up
4. oblique cut the cucumber in half half shape, add a little salt and scratched, about 3 minutes after the crowding and other water, spare 5 carrots twist filaments
6. Finally, add the sauce mix all ingredients, you can (better flavor after refrigeration )

1, mixed with onion
ingredients: a pound of green onion red pepper sauce three three three money money vinegar sesame oil salt five money-thirds
Method: Strip the old onion skin wash, straight knife into the film, and then change the wire or small knife cut into thick; pepper straight knife, cut wire transfer to a plate within the total, and then mix with salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil on the last drop, uniform mixing is good.
characteristics: fresh and crisp, hot and sour taste.

2, mixed with cabbage
ingredients: cabbage half kilogram of sugar, soy sauce, five-fifth of a penny of money sesame oil salt half
Method: Wash the cabbage stripped outside help, straight knife into an inch long, half an inch wide broken section. Twenty-three minutes into boiling water picked up, not over, drain to the water in a bowl. The soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar, salt, stir evenly transferred to the good. In addition to this, also add shrimp, mouth watering, green and red chili, transferred to vinegar, sweet and sour taste made of cabbage.
Features: salty crispy, a drinking dishes

Mixed bean sprouts

3, mixed with raw bean sprouts
: mung bean sprouts cucumber twenty-two salt five pounds of onion two money money money vinegar, ginger and two five money sesame oil money
Method: mung bean sprouts pick impurities washed into the boiling water pot boiled cooked (be careful not to fire boiled soft), remove and control to the water; wash straight knife sliced ​​cucumber, then cut into filaments, sprinkle with salt, add onion , ginger and mix well, finally doused with vinegar, sesame oil dish that is good. Such as adding foam soft rot Gansi, fans Serve bean sprouts mixed with three wires.
characteristics: fresh and delicious, and nutritious.

beans mixed with sesame paste

17, green pepper and mix Gansi
ingredients: green peppers fifty-two Hong dry rot of sugar a three sesame oil money money money salt a method for making monosodium glutamate ten
: first to handle Wash peppers, cut into filaments with a straight knife; Hong dry rot is also cut into filaments with a straight knife, into the boiling water pot with boiled fish, drain to the water into the basin transfer , add sesame oil, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate mixture evenly plate.
features: color flavor fragrance, a drinking most appropriate.

pork mixed with vermicelli

Cucumber mixed with shrimp

20, three wire
spicy soy ingredients: lettuce, cucumber fifty-two pound salt pepper twenty-two five Qian Hong Qian ginger onion a three pepper oil vinegar, two five money
money system Method: Wash the lettuce, peeled, cut into straight wire cutter; washed and shredded cucumber; pepper and cut into wire. Sprinkle with salt, vinegar and mix well, put onion, ginger, soy oil pepper on top.
characteristics: bright, blind taste.

Re: forty kinds of salad approach 21, Sammi
raw cucumber: cucumber jin fifty-two pepper salt five four three money money sugar vinegar onion a five money money money ginger soy sauce, two two pepper oil money five money
Method: Wash the cucumber to the flesh, straight knife cut into thirds width, eight long segment; peppers are cut into straight wire cutter; cucumber in boiling water, boiled dry remove and control , sprinkle with salt and mix well dish. The pepper pot heat oil, put onion, ginger, pepper, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and other soy tuned in cucumber balls.
features: color flavor the United States, made easy.

soy bean sprouts

Shredded celery

soy chili cucumber

27, kelp
soy ingredients: water, kelp pound fifty-two salt pepper oil five five money money money onion vegetables three vinegar three a penny ginger three Method: Wash the seaweed, shredded, placed in boiling water, boiled remove and control dry, sprinkle with salt, vegetable dish silk mix, and finally put onion, ginger and pour vinegar, pepper oil heating soy balls.
Features: silk long shiang, distinctive flavor.

28, Sammi
raw cabbage: cabbage, red pepper four pounds of sugar five five money money vinegar salt pepper oil five five money money money onion a three ginger soy sauce two money MSG ten
Method: cabbage help pick rotten leaves to yellow, to the roots washed, straight knife-thirds width, eight blocks long, on the boiling water cooked fish out cold air control dry, pepper cut filaments stand; sprinkle with salt, mix the cabbage, pepper pot to heat the oil, put a hot wire, onion, ginger, white and sweet and sour, soy sauce, soy, MSG and other spices on top.
features: red and white, spicy and more flavor.

raw materials: the new face lift five cucumber twenty-two sesame salt three three money money money garlic mustard and three three five soy sauce into the mud Merchant vinegar, sesame oil money, a money
three systems of law: first good noodles with cold water and turned into thin juice (good or bad depends on the quality of noodles may be). Noodles such as the ratio of 5:5 with water (watered), 5:6 (watered), etc., dilute juice each containing one or two, pour in a special copper (or fine steel plate), the pot on the water in turn into the same lift Bo Hou, when cooked on the cold water, change the width of the knife cut into one-third dish. Then wash straight knife shredded cucumber, sprinkle with salt and mix well, pour sesame paste, soy sauce, vinegar, mustard, garlic, sesame oil and serve.
Features: bones and refreshing, hot weather good to eat.

Cucumber oil shock

soy rape

Soy celery

Mixed with fragrant soy

19, soy, celery
ingredients: fresh celery, ginger two pound fifty-two MSG ten five money money salt pepper oil vinegar two five money money
Method: fresh celery Abstract to the leaves and roots washed, straight knife cut into eight segments long (thick roots can be split in two and a half), cooked fish into the boiling water pot, boil, cool with cold water control dry, then salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar and mix well Sheng plate, put ginger, pepper down on heating oil can be soy flavor.
Features: nutritious, delicious aroma.

Korean cold Campanulaceae

chive mix Gansi

26, soy chili cucumber
Ingredients: fresh cucumber, four pounds of red chili pepper salt oil five five money money money soy sauce, a ginger onion a penny three sugar, vinegar, three two money money
Method: Wash the cucumber, split into two with a knife to the flesh, long straight knife cut into eight sections, sprinkle with salt, salted ten minutes dry control. Then soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt together and mix well. Spicy shredded, green onion, shredded ginger are put, pepper in hot oil heated soy silk, and with plate buttons can be on for a while.
Features: spicy sweet and sour aroma, and nutritious.

36. Korean salad Campanulaceae
Material: Campanulaceae
seasoning sauces: vinegar 3 large spoons, sugar, 3 tablespoons sesame oil 1 tsp fish sauce 1 tsp (no it does not matter) sesame (charge broken) 1 tsp
sauce to follow the weight increase in the amount of Campanulaceae!
practices: 1. Campanulaceae peeled peeling the wire after the wash, and go into the pot to cook bitter, picked up the spare
2. join a pre-tune a good sauce, mixing evenly, you can (after the fridge marinated about half frozen, the taste will be more delicious)

37. coriander mixed with cabbage
Material: cabbage, parsley, pepper
Sauces: vinegar 1 tsp Salt to taste, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 teaspoon fish sauce (no it does not matter) to follow the weight of sauce to increase the amount of cabbage!
practices: 1. coriander washed and cut into 1 cm pieces, pepper cut diagonal pieces, spare
2. Shredded cabbage washed with small pieces, blanched in boiling water can be picked up
3. the last to join Pre-tune a good sauce, mixing evenly, can

38. lemon curd sauce vs cucumber wire
Ingredients: cucumber, carrot, dried silk, parsley
lemon sauce Ingredients: Lemon (extruded juice) 1 sugar spoon, thick black pepper 1 tsp olive oil 1 tablespoon
1. cucumber, carrots washed twist filaments, chopped parsley
2. curd wire can be blanched in boiling water picked up
3 Finally add lemon sauce mix all ingredients, you can (better flavor after refrigeration)
material: cucumber, carrot, tofu silk, parsley
lemon sauce Ingredients: Lemon (extruded juice ) 1, sugar spoon, thick black pepper 1 tsp olive oil 1 tablespoon

39. vinegared octopus kelp buds
Materials: small octopus, kelp buds, red pepper, scallion stalk.
seasoning sauce: vinegar, 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons sesame oil 1 tsp fish sauce 1 tsp (no it does not matter) sesame (charge broken) 1 tsp soy sauce to increase the weight to follow the situation! approach:
1. small octopus treated cut into small pieces and put into hot boiling water to change color, can be picked up
2. kelp buds look a little washed in boiling hot water into the soft, you can picked up
3. red pepper strips, Onion shredded
4. join a pre-tune a good sauce, mixing evenly, you can (marinated Refrigerate after about half a day, the taste will be more delicious)

Tomato celery

7, mixed with chives
ingredients: fresh chives pepper ten pounds of salt, five money
Method: Wash the leek pick a good, straight knife cut into inch segments, mix salt, pepper, stamped into the bowl, marinate twenty-three days can be eaten.
Features: Affordable, Jordan rice is best.

33. vinegared kelp
materials: seaweed, red pepper, Onion seasoning sauce: vinegar. 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons sesame oil 1 tsp fish sauce 1 tsp (no it does not matter) sesame (charge broken) 1 tsp
weight to follow kelp sauce increased!
1. Wash and cut into small pieces of kelp, and into the pot and cook until Microsoft, picked up the spare 2 red pepper strips, Onion shredded, add a good sauce pre-tune materials, mixing evenly, you can (after Refrigerate marinated about half a day, the taste will be more delicious)

35. fresh salad garlic sea fungus
Material: cabbage 1 / 2, Salt to taste
Sauces: Sugar 1 / 2 cup vinegar 1 / 2 cup, 4 to 5 garlic, chili 1, water 3 cups, disposable cups
practice: 1 Shredded cabbage washed with small
2. add the amount of post-grab his hand cabbage until soft, then go over to go cold salty water (water to drain yo)
3 . marinade in with clever after the fire, add pepper flakes, smash the garlic and sugar and vinegar and let it cool down (the first night I was doing)
4. Finally, and pickled cabbage juice mixed together in a jar or box installed into the refrigerator for about one day tasty, you can

raw cucumber oil shock: a pound of cooking oil tender cucumber catty (fuel twelve) two onions and a half chili pepper ten two money trees ginger vinegar, two sugar three money Money salt five money
Method: Wash the cucumber, cut both ends on documented a profile two dredged Rangzi. One hundred stand up, cut into diagonal distance between one point of the knife of the depth of half the cucumber, do not cut through, and then cut into inch sections; pepper washed straight knife cut into filaments. Then Wok stir, pour the oil poured eight mature, green cucumber into pieces and then remove, put up one hundred years in the dish. Pan some oil, fried coke into the pepper to remove. Along with the onions, ginger, chili and various spices into, and turned into juice, pour in the cucumber on top.
features: green crisp, distinctive flavor.

16, three-wire raw celery
: tender celery-fifth of a pound of salt water, sugar, mushrooms twelve-fifth of net shoot meat twelve MSG two sub-spiced dried ginger sesame oil half
three money Method:
1. cut the celery root to the leaves washed into the water pot, see open water again when picked up, drain and cut into inch-long section, add half salt and mix well, transfer to a plate of.
2. the mushrooms, bamboo shoots, Xianggan shredded, blanched open water, picked up the pot, drain and sprinkle in the celery after, then add ginger, sugar, salt and mix well, pour sesame oil and serve.
Features: This dish color harmony, crisp and delicious.

green peppers mixed with Gansi

13, spiced peanuts
ingredients: peanuts, a pound of salt twelve pepper nutmeg, half a penny of money money aniseed ginger three
Method : The net pick peanuts, with warm boiled water in the basin for about two hours, the pot, add water about two pounds to get angry, put salt, pepper, aniseed, cardamom, ginger, add peanuts cooked, the soup into the basin, when the fish eat the dish and serve.
Features: Spiced Sauvignon, should be the next Sakamoriba.

raw spinach: Spinach pound of ginger two money-eighth of Hong tofu two salt cooked shrimp three money salty meat two-thirds sugar sesame oil three money money
1. will put off the old leaves of spinach, washed root tips were cut down to the water, hot water pot to open (the middle of Cook rolled over), pause for a moment, picked up Drain and then smoothed together crowding, water, chopped very fine, then squeeze again to put the pot of water, add salt and sugar and mix well.
2. shrimp wash away the dust and impurities, put a small bowl, add boiling water just did not ping shrimp (preferably cage steam for twenty minutes), soaked and cut into very fine. Hong tofu and cooked lean meat, also cut into very fine salt. The end with the ginger, pour in the hot shrimp spinach with Mimi, Drizzle sesame oil, mix well and serve.
Features: This dish with a variety of raw materials due to the deployment, delicious taste.

15, mixed with assorted raw
: Fans thirty-two cooked pork twelve cooked ham and cooked chicken twelve twelve water in two eggs, spinach, dried shrimps five money center three soy eight three money money vinegar three mushrooms sesame oil money money money mustard paste two MSG ten
system of law: first chopped into five-inch long section of fans, into the boiling water and cook until center is no hardness up, remove a little with cold water soak, Decanter to the water, put in the disk around; spinach heart straight knife cut into inch sections; mushrooms blades open, boiled over back; then Chao Shao over the fire pan, pour the egg open into a shared sub-thick shells, cut into two-inch long lift Dan Pi, a sub-wide wire; pork, chicken, ham knife with a straight cut into more than one point thick, two inch long wire. The color of various raw materials were neatly placed in the middle panel fans, the fans on the Hai Misa. Finally, in a bowl the soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, mustard paste, MSG transferred into the juice, poured into the food when you can.
Features: colorful, unique flavor.

vinegar mixed with kelp


1, the ribs fly water;
2, the ginger with the pan, saute garlic, add pork stir-fry 5 minutes;
3, add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, cooking wine 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons of the fire stew for 5 minutes;
4, add red wine bowl, a small fire simmer 10 minutes, season with salt.
the taste of red wine when cooking on the fat spread very fragrant, almost tempted to wait until the photo shoot, hee hee. This is the practice of imitation red wine braised beef, eat them with thick grape fruit, sweet and sour, there is a very special flavor Gan.
18, bone lemon fragrance


material: ribs half a catty, steam meat powder 1 bowl, 1 tablespoon bean paste, fermented bean curd 1 small piece ginger, garlic, soy sauce, salt

1, the ribs fly water, add 2 tablespoons soy sauce, a little salt and marinate for 15 minutes together;;
2, the ginger with the pan, saute garlic, add pork ribs stir 5 minutes;
3, add soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of water simmered for 10 minutes, even into the pot before you can squeeze the lemon juice.
looks a bit like sweet and sour pork ribs, sweet and sour pork ribs are plenty of different pineapple flavor, this is a lemon scent, and taste very appetizing.


1, the ribs washed fly water;
2, ginger, garlic, ginger, chopped, strawberry shoot open, add soy sauce and pork ribs with marinated for 20 minutes;
3, preheat oven to 200 degrees, the meat side of ribs have drowned in spices, bake for 10 minutes;
4, flip ribs, grilled meat of the side , adjust the oven temperature to 180 degrees, bake 10 minutes.

material: ribs half a catty, a small pumpkin, two teaspoons ginger drums, ginger, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil

1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, the shredded ginger, chopped garlic, add 1 tablespoon bean paste, fermented bean curd 1 small, little soy sauce, salt, steam meat powder and mix well with pork ribs, marinated for 15 minutes;
3, marinated and put into pressure cooker for 15 minutes, 30 to 40 minutes or steamed.
If you can put in bamboo steamed, or steamed with the new Xian Heye wrap it better, bamboo scent or the smell of the leaves can be steamed bone gift for the taste.
7, farm fry bone

1, to prepare a bone, the bone can be a rod, it can be bone or spinal cavity, suction bar bone marrow, tibial spine eating meat. Oh, but remember, at least 2 pounds more, less is not worth the trouble is not enough to eat.

6, meat and spices into the electric pressure cooker, add 2 small bowl of hot water. Time 25 minutes. No pressure cooker, then it slow cook it, the taste will be better, of course, take longer, at least one hour before the meat Dunlan.

2, boiled in water, to the bloody, remove and wash with warm water floating foam.



material: ribs half a catty, half a bowl of red wine, 2 tablespoons cooking wine, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt

material: ribs half a catty, Sour Bamboo Shoots 2 2, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt

Northeast people like to eat 18 kinds of large bones approach!!

1, of the ribs cut into 3cm pieces, flying water;
2, Sour Bamboo Shoots cut into 1cm wide and the sheet;
3, Take a little ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, into the saute pan, add pork fry 5 minutes;
4, adding Sour Bamboo Shoots, soy sauce fry 3 minutes, loaded into a small clay pot over low heat simmer 15 minutes.
first Hunan Restaurant, eat in a dish, and this is the beginning can not imagine what the taste, eat with a friend grand recommended, so try to see holding the psychological, the result of a love to eat on. Home imitate do, not very authentic, if the rate of pepper, spicy and sour Sour Bamboo Shoots integration into the hot and sour hot and sour, it should be perfect.
--------------------------------------- 17, red wine braised ribs

material: ribs half a catty, nine less than half the package system of dried tangerine peel, raw powder 3 teaspoon, two teaspoons of soy sauce, salt, peanut oil

4, prepare seasoning packets: aniseed 2, a teaspoon of pepper, cinnamon and a piece of ginger, 4, 2 bay leaves, fennel and a teaspoon (about 3g), sugar, 2 cloves garlic, onion Northeast bean paste 30-40g; 1 tablespoon soy sauce, a tablespoon of soy sauce.




1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, mushroom cut in half;
3, take a little ginger, ginger , chopped garlic, respectively, into the saute pan, add pork fry 5 minutes;
4, add 1 teaspoon mushroom soy sauce, 2 teaspoons water, fry 5 minutes over low heat simmer for 5 minutes .
15, wrap the bone

1, drum juice ribs

1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, the ribs, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, fermented bean curd, five-spice powder together and mix well, marinate for 30 minutes ;
3, cut the foil square, made of bowl, the ribs and marinade into the bowl foil package tightly;
4, 220-degree oven bake 20 minutes , install disc out carefully, cut the foil can be consumed (be careful of water vapor).

1, ribs, cleaned, flying water;
2, the chopped garlic, add a little salt and pork ribs with marinated for 20 minutes; 3, two teaspoons of cornstarch, take egg, plus 4 teaspoons water and mix well with the ribs;
4, the pan hot, add ribs;
5, see the ribs meat shrinkage, clear out the bones, the ribs on the familiar, if you want some beautiful yellow color crisp, deep-fried for a while on the pot a little and then you can.
garlic bone blown overboard or not the better, although deep-fried golden golden seems very nice, but the one is not very healthy, and second, deep-fried too long and the meat will harden fat coke, not the meat with garlic gravy, much weaker taste slightly
----------------------------- ----------

7,25 minutes after the open electric pressure cooker, flesh and blood to be separated, put everything back into the pan, the fire in the sauce.

1, soybean clean, add a little soy sauce, put the pressure pot 20 minutes;
2, the ribs cut into 3cm-long pieces, flying water;
; 3, with a little peanut oil, saute ginger, silk, add pork ribs stir fry 2 minutes, the pressure pot of beans and sauce to join the pot, and stew with pork ribs;
4, cover lid on the stew for 20 minutes, add a little salt on it.
ribs combines a touch of soy beans, fragrant, and taste very fresh feeling.
3, dried tangerine peel small ribs

material: ribs half a catty, a white radish, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil

material: ribs half a catty, ginger, ginger, garlic, green pepper, soy sauce, peanut oil


5, if there is such a stainless steel seasoning packet, put the spices into full swing, so do the vegetables, seasoning the Nana does not get is, remove seasoning packet, open, drained , then washed the next use, to facilitate easy.

3, cool pan heat oil, stir fry under the ribs, a little wine and soy sauce, sugar, Stir sugar color.

8, pan friends, looking at the attractive, light sauce, open eat them ~ ~


1, the ribs cut into 2cm-long pieces, flying water;
2, in Guo Lifang a little peanut oil, the garlic, ginger, silk into the saute, add ribs stir 5 minutes;
3, add 3 teaspoons soy sauce, 3 teaspoons of water, green pepper over medium heat fry 10 minutes;
4, put chopped ginger, a little salt and fry for 5 minutes to pot.
8, grilled ribs


1, the ribs cut into 3cm pieces, flying water;
2, with a little soy sauce, salted ribs 15 minutes;
3, taro cut After the skin, hollowed into a cup, steam for 10 minutes;
4, add the marinated pork ribs and then steam for 20 minutes.
taro buy another on that, after eating cooked up like sand as thick taro flavor, so eat up ~ ~
-------------- -------------------------
14, fresh mushrooms fried ribs

material: ribs about 82, ginger, strawberry, garlic, ginger, soy sauce

1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, ginger drum clean, pressed into pieces with a kitchen knife blade-like, so easy tasty ribs;
3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, and the ribs, ginger drums, a little soy sauce, a little peanut oil, a pinch of salt with marinated for 15 minutes;
4, into the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.
2, soy braised ribs

1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, green, red pepper strips, respectively;
3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, into the saute pan, add pork, green with red chili fry 5 minutes;
4, add 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 2 teaspoons water, fry 5 minutes, a small fire simmer 5 minutes.
--------------------------------------- 11, radish stew ribs

material: ribs half a catty, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, fermented bean curd, allspice


1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, ginger drum clean, pressed into pieces with a kitchen knife blade-like, so easy tasty ribs;
3, take a little ginger, ginger, chopped garlic, respectively, and the ribs, ginger drums, a little soy sauce, a little peanut oil with marinated for 15 minutes;
4, the pumpkin in 1 / 5 cut, excavated inside the capsule and melon seeds, the flesh with a spoon to dig down, dig into the small hollow pumpkin-shaped;
5, until the water, together with the digging of small pumpkin out of the flesh first steam for 20 minutes;
6, the marinated pork ribs and sauce into a small pumpkin, the inside of the pumpkin and mix a little meat, steam for 20 minutes.
pumpkin flesh and ribs have been fully integrated with, deep pumpkin flavor, appetite ~ ~ ~
------------------ ---------------------

material: ribs half a catty, soybeans twenty-two, a little ginger, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt

material: ribs half a catty, half a lemon, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


material: ribs half a catty, drums two teaspoons ginger, ginger, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


1, the ribs cut into 2cm-long pieces, flying water;
2, add a little salt, soy sauce, dry starch, wine mix, marinated for 30 minutes;
3, the pan hot, add ribs and deep fry crisp yellow pot;
4, pan some oil, add ginger, silk, salt, soy sauce, raw sauce, brown sugar, vinegar, 3 tablespoons water, fried pork ribs 3 minutes, a small fire simmered 15 minutes;
5, then fry for 1 minute to fire in the juice when you can just thick silk.
10, fragrant chili ribs

1, the orange peel soaked in water 10 minutes;
2, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
3, dried tangerine peel water by adding ribs, soy sauce, a pinch of salt, cornstarch with marinated 1 hour;
4, with a pot over medium heat until golden brown, drain the oil you can eat.
sweet aromatic flavor of orange peel into the meat, after eating all aftertaste oh ~ ~ ~
------------------- --------------------
4, pumpkin ribs cup

1, the ribs cut into 3cm-long pieces, flying water;
2, white radish peeled, cut into 4cm pieces, hollowed out with a spoon into a small cup of iron ;
3, with ginger, silk, garlic, soy sauce and marinate ribs 15 minutes;
4, the ribs Ruluo Bo, the steamed for 30 minutes.
13, steamed taro ribs

material: ribs half a catty, garlic twenty-two, egg, cornstarch, ginger, soy sauce, peanut oil

6, steamed bone

material: ribs half a catty, cooking wine 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 two, 2 tablespoons rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon dry cornstarch, ginger

5, garlic ribs


16, Sour Bamboo Shoots ribs pot

material: ribs half a catty, a taro, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt

material: ribs half a catty, a white radish, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil

material: ribs half a catty, fresh mushrooms, ginger, garlic,Beats Headphones, soy sauce, peanut oil, salt


9, sweet and sour pineapple bone

1, the ribs cut into small pieces, flying water;
2, white radish peeled, the iron spoon to dig into hemispherical;
3 , the white radish balls into the pan, add 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 2 tablespoons boiled for 10 minutes to salvage;
4, in Guo Lifang a little peanut oil, the garlic, ginger, silk into the explosion fragrant, add pork stir-fry 5 minutes;
5, add pre-fried balls of white radish, small fire simmer 10 minutes, add a little salt on it.
12, ribs cup radish

material: ribs half a catty, green pepper, red pepper, ginger, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, peanut oil

Recently ? ,Kobe Bryant and Lebron James
recently did not know in what ?
seem busy ?
if they do nothing ?
do not know why some recent depression

some crazy anyway that recently irritated


1, high blood pressure: The ear of corn to be on the boil water drunk as a tea, half Jiyu.
2, bronchitis: large tofu drink water, drink more consecutive days; magically eradicated; explain Buddhism to provide permanent air

3, arthritis: Beijing Doctors: Zhang Jianming
cannabina line wrapped around the joint with a wild, multi-layers, 3 for once, in exchange for a few times, the joints gradually improved.

4, red dysentery: Shanghai Doctor: Li governance
sesame seeds 120 grams, 120 grams green beans, mashed the two drugs, blunt, 1, 3-5, Jiyu.

5, Diabetes: Shanghai Doctor: Masan Lin
a vegetable gourd seven points, plus 1 for each money alum, boil 1 day, 3 21 days Jiyu gourd boiled, without salt.

6, stomach: Shaanxi Province: Rui Shi Dan
12 package, Cyperus rotundus half a catty, research side 20 minutes, 3 times a day, each time a package, two Jiyu.

7, esophagitis, laryngeal dumb: Junxian stream doctors: Kim Tae
burnt briquettes 2, put boxes broken basin, catch into 2 two sugar water, boil 20 minutes on the fire , morning and evening to drink three days Jiyu.

9, pneumonia: Taiyuan: Liang Zhengxintai
purse eggs stewed fresh Houttuynia a few days can be more.

11, rheumatism: Xi'an Doctor: Lee Fu
cream loofah vine 500-1000 grams, drying surface, 3 times a day, 1 2-3 grams of brown sugar, water, blunt .

12, limb numbness, sciatic nerve pain: Xi'an Doctor: Zhong Ming
six kilograms of chicken, duck manure jin, drying up a warm vinegar 1 kg, and then into the bag, the one couch will be good or couch several times.

13, pain: Lanzhou City: Yang Xiaozhong
leek half a catty, boil drinking water, vinegar, salt, without refueling, 3-5 days Jiyu.

14, dizziness and headache: Shaanxi, MD: Wang Baokui
Xanthium two and a half, add brown sugar, 1 two, Jianshui drink, 7 days Jiyu.

15, toothache: Henan doctors: gypsum powder 1 Chen livelihood
two, two and a half Jianshui ephedra drink, two Jiyu.

16, chest pain: Luoyang Doctor: Liu Guangbo
star anise burning ash, Aconitum two to send money to boil a cup of water immediately under the pain.

17, cough: Luoyang Doctor: Huang Zhijun
Pour sesame oil pan to eat oranges, three times a day, every 1-2 months, three days is good.

18, asthma: Shanxi Changzhi: Zhang Zhili
two half almonds, honey and a couple of years Shuijianbi no cure asthma.

19, full Duteng: Baotou City: King strict
a drying surface with millet and water mixed with food.

20, hepatitis: Huaxian old doctor: high
rule out the use of pig gall open boil water to drink, once cured.

21, Shao Baitou black hair: Chinese Medical Association
(1) Bo shell fitted pillows,dr dre beats, pillow six months from the black.
(2) Polygonum two or three, add brown sugar, black sesame thirty-two boiling water three times after eating. Ate a half months later, gradually darken gray hair.

22, face mole removed point method: Luoyang: Talk on
lime, white base of each half into a paste with alcohol, points out that a half day in the mole.

23, psoriasis: Lanzhou City Doctors: Zhu mind
(1) with their own urine wash 7 days Jiyu.
(2) knifed elm even wipe out the water for seven days.

24, women, infertility: (from Guangdong Medical University Chang Xiaowei Huiyang new recipe)
six money Angelica, white peony seven money, money Chuanxiong three, two money safflower, peach four money, Zeeland four money, Wolfberry one or two. Pangolin four money, habitat eight money, Cyperus rotundus four money, Shuijianbi menstrual clean every day, and even served three.

25, amenorrhea: Qinghai doctors: Chen Yan
Motherwort twelve months, plus a bowl of rice wine, medicine or dose Jiyu.

26, irregular menstruation: Xi'an doctors: yellow one hundred copper
rose ten, Jianshui add brown sugar, wine, and even served half cited the more.

27, through the pain: Nanjing doctors: Xu Zhixiong
cottonseed a new tile for drying grain mill served three money immediately relieve the pain. (Special effects)

28, vaginal discharge: Nanjing doctors: Gao
ginkgo fifteen, stewed rice, glutinous rice food, once a day, seven days recovery.

29, under the milk odd method: Shanghai doctors: Li Aiyi
black students study seven seed saponins foam water delivery, an hour from the next.

30, more than blood: Shandong doctors: Ai-Ying Li
Lianpeng shell burning ash, served on the second, every second money, hot alcohol dose, seven days Jiyu.

32, stool bleeding: Jilin: jin Zhu Zhang
fried tofu mixed with sugar to eat up just yellow.

33, impotence disease: Henan doctors: Zhang Shaojie
actinolite, medlar three money, add brown sugar Shuijianbi wonders.

34, the night crying in children: Henan doctors
gall three money. Usage: After research into the fried thin foam coat the drug in children around the navel. You can safely sleep the night crying children rule.

35, one hundred insect ear: Shaanxi doctors: Jiao Guangrong
hundred insects from cat urine out of ear. (Wiping a cat nose cat biting the garlic from the urine)

36, clean athlete's foot: Anhui doctors: Li Wenlin
with smoked cigarette butts, were caught in the toes, three days recovery.

37, remove sweat: doctors: Zhu Yumin
with tung flowers on a boil water for my feet, three days recovery.

38, dry foot rule: Hebei: Tao
pounds of salt, six pounds of water, boil the cooking of coolish feet, seven days Jiyu.

39, foot corns, gill Monkey: Hubei: Huang Hao
pockmarked with a large, cast smashed affixed with tape, Jiyu.

40, hemorrhoids effects: Sichuan: Wang Zewen
nitrate twelve skin, wash the affected area to boil half a catty Ash meters, external hemorrhoids treatment effects.

42, burn treatment (burn) injury: Changbai Mountain in Northeast: Taoist
sheep Stan seven set on fire, drying surface, coated with sesame oil to reconcile the wound, applied three times a day, and to relieve the pain without leaving scars, three days Jiyu.

43, snake bites: Kunming Doctor: Li BH
pipe oil rub the wound, and then pipe the oil would be washed down with water to drink, such as sweet sleep, that should drink plenty of injuries, if feel bitter, that is, light injury, should drink less.
; ;
44, enuresis, under the shower:
bar with more than five years of sunflower Rangzi two feet, drink a bowl of water to cook, Jiyu.

45, enterobiasis: Xinjiang doctors: Wang Fu-liter
wipe with oil pipe anus, insects from the dead, and never recurred.

46, open the smart recipe:
lotus stems and dried to provide doctors for the foam, with fleece-flower root, blunt as tea boiling water, for a long time is smart, though also the soul of wisdom to the fool also.

47, rule Tongshen edema: Sichuan: Su Guifang
red flesh watermelon, wheat bran buried, the chaff with fire lit, so the fire out after eating watermelon, eat a, 3 -5 days of recovery.

48, difficulty in urination: doctors
sorghum pole skin, the older the better, boil water, not salt, two days Jiyu.

49, stool knot disease: Henan doctors
pound spinach, lard (lard), 1 two, put the pan fried food, three days recovery.

50, rhinitis: Henan doctors
brick and tile on the Green Bu, drying crush into powder, thrown into the nostril, three times a day, three-day dig up the roots.

51, body itching: Henan doctors: Kim Tae
Nepeta boil wash the affected area twice dig up the roots.

52, bed-wetting: Luoyang doctors: Son Ji Chang Road, four armed
, wash foam with new tile drying research boiled water, taken twice a day, every second money, seven days Jiyu.

54, otitis: otological Wuhan: East is Red
snakeskin one, one day oil ear drops sesame oil bubble Jiyu.

55, common eye diseases: Luoyang: Zhou Ximing
black beans twenty-two, white chrysanthemums seven money, boiled smoked eyes effect satisfactorily.

57, after the illness, without a word:
service turtle urinary Jiyu: Turtle wiping his nose with garlic from the urine. (Prescription)

58, enteritis: Sanmenxia doctors: Li one hundred seedlings in
Jianshui feet with a sieve Luo, twice recovered.

61, take back sore :**** doctors: Ha Bai
Gentiana three with money, TCS and two milk transfer money to study the surface wipe that is good.

62, white mouth sores: Xi'an: white population in the two river
research money face (urinal residue) thrown into the mouth 3 times a day, two days Jiyu.

63, sleeping dreams: Kaifeng Hospital
Angelica, habitat, safflower, Achyranthes all three of money, product shell, red peony, licorice the second money, Campanulaceae, Chuanxiong one half the money, peach four money decoction. Two can safely sleep and dream less.

64, fish bones from the throat of card: (prescription)
slow light vinegar to drink one or two, the fish bone that is soft to swallow; such as severe leg of the duck can weigh down to spit juice, poured into the fish bones from the mouth of the patient. (Another bone with the dog saliva)

65, hair loss effects method: Yunnan doctors: Li Xiao Bai
mulberry boil water wash, three days Jiyu.

66, insomnia: Guangdong doctors: Lee Jianshui long
peanut leaves at night to drink, three-day dig up the roots.

67, paralyzed: Henan doctors
Cassia sticks, peach branches, willow, Chun-chi, eggplant sticks, were chopped together Jianshui three barrels. With a big tub of dip, such as heating up the cold wash. After the bed cover was sweating so sheltered, wash several times Jiyu.

68, under the surface of acne: (prescription)
Manjing foam sub-study. Add cream applied every night for several days Jiyu.

69, the surface of Black Star: (prescription)
coriander (aka cilantro) decoction to wash every day, a few days removed.

70, Diao Inclined: (mouth crooked eye oblique) (prescription)
bad left the castor research crooked painted left and right crooked painted right, complex is simply pass on them.
71, hernias:
money out of two white, brown sugar, one or two. Joint research to fine, wine delivery, served on the second, morning and evening. Half Jiyu.

72, Vitiligo:
green walnut skin drying research with foam, sesame oil, to reconcile, wipe three times a day, half dig up the roots.

73, purpura wind: (prescription)
sulfur 3, litharge 3 minutes of research to fine flour, paste the affected area with vinegar.

74, to eliminate many problems the new law: (effects prescription)
Hairy girls face lift because of the annoyance. Local pharmacies are selling.

75, never drunk law: (prescription)
camphor, two tea Pueraria half drink alcohol before the anti-drink drunk, drunk drink hangover.

76, a cold (special effects prescription)
10 ginger, white radish 10, add brown sugar, decoction, after serving sweating. Jiyu.

77, motion sickness: (prescription)
vinegar 1 two 2 two boiling water, mix well and drink on the front of the car, can stand only.

78, solution gas poisoning: (prescription)
with tea, a good bowl of vinegar mixture, taking three times at intervals of half an hour and a half hours later, completely cured.

79, up only nosebleed: Yinchuan City doctors: Ma Haimin
fever with head and ash, inhaled, can stand only, male female hair, female parent hair.

80, stand only bleeding wounds: Urumqi City, MD: Ren Wansheng
feather dust coating the affected area, established only bleeding, not infection.

81, Hydrangea Wind: Henan doctors
flavescens 20 grams, 15 grams of Kochia scoparia, decoction, external washing, twice daily.

82, food poisoning: Henan doctors
a handful of green beans, raw licorice three money. Add water to cook several dose.

85, obesity: Henan doctors
bitter five grams of sulfur, brown sugar 20 grams to one, blunt 7 days, special effects.

86, children forty-six Wind: Henan doctors
Myricaria foot long, fire the middle, two out of oil, then drink a half cup. (Secret)

87, edema: Henan doctors
mole cricket (day cricket, cricket cents) five, foam drying research, blunt boiled water before eating 6 grams.

88, night blindness: Henan doctors
white water to cook goat liver, goat cooked food, without salt material.

89, myopia: Henan doctors
habitat 20 grams of aspartame, 60 grams, daisy 40 grams, Zhi Ke 90 grams, fried yellow three drugs after inquiry into the foam, twice a day, each 20 grams.

90, against measles: Henan doctors
River willow (willow river), parsley, 50 grams. Decoction to wash the body.

91, flat wart: Henan doctors
cow saliva, coating the affected area.

92, gallstones: Henan doctors
cuspidatum 60 grams, capillaris 30 grams, 15 grams of rhubarb. Decoction, twice daily.

93, hyperostosis: Henan doctors
shark 60 grams, 90 grams Eucommia, Achyranthes 90 g, shark drying research into 12 packages of bread, a pack a day, taken twice a day , Eucommia Achyranthes fried with salt, fried water 24 times, a surface delivery service.

94, acne: Henan doctors
white Chan 30 grams, 10 grams of salt. Spend two hours each day Topical drug soaked, paint the affected area.

95, smoking, alcohol law: Henan doctors
South Guayang drying surface with flush drunk as a tea, do not want to suck up to (quit). Horse sweat, scrape kerma Khan, 25, were mixed with 500 grams of water to drink (alcohol).

96, Indigestion: Henan doctors
Gallus gallus 1, black ugly 5 grams. Drying research into a fine foam, 1 day, water delivery service.

97, body odor: Henan doctors
ancient alum 10 grams, five grams of sulfur, Sophora 6 grams, snakeskin 5 grams. Research into thin foam drug spend, drug coated ginger pieces dipped in the affected area twice daily.

98, heel pain: a Henan doctors
hair, made of cloth insoles, shoe pads, half more.

99, thick blood lipids: a two Henan doctors
peanuts, vinegar half a catty, bubble seven days after taking it 3 times a day, every time you eat 2.

100, bad breath: Ren Kou Henan amount of white doctors
. Each take one, put your mouth to chew, 3 times a day.

1.90 % of men do not want to accompany my wife shopping , went to 90 % is to be my wife got me .
2,90% of men do not want to house wife's mother , went to 90 percent for family unity, and to his wife face.

3,90% of the men fantasy money, money , the want to change , change, change , in addition to the child , replace everything , what can be 90% no change .

4,90% of the men like to watch erotic novel or image , but 90% say very little to see or do not like to see or not seen .

men sometimes like to lie . Do not know if this is the nature of man

5,90% of men have sexual fantasies , while 90% of the fantasy is not his wife .

6,90% of men are willing to approach women, want to leave a good impression , or become Huhuashizhe, but did not meet the wishes of 90% .

7,90% of men do feel very good in all respects , can also wife pointed out that 90% of a lot of problems .

8,90% of the men to see someone else's wife is very pleasing to the eye ,beats by dre studio, but not close to 90% .

9,90% of men do not want to hear my wife nagging , but 90 % or listened to .

10,90% of men aware of their shortcomings , can not change 90% .

11,90% of men see a beautiful woman , with 90% thinking that she marry , and did not let me find a pity .

12,90% of men regret married early , 90 % said that if marriage is not the case now .

13,90% of the total men in bed feeling very impressive , but 90 % of their still not satisfied.

Oh , Oh, this is only their own efforts the

14,90% of men want to go back to a romantic chic can be afraid of something happening is not good 90% of the account .

15,90% of men see love in person, affectionate , 90% would say , let me come back a return it.

1 unit of message, a leader said:
2 once to help set the hotel owner, would like to ask people there what kind of free Internet service, but could not think how to say how good, so he asked the other: ? my slippers go?
4 shopping, the friends suddenly exclaimed:
5 I have the time to buy lamb skewers
out four fingers of the boss say management unit room. One time someone hit my cell phone: !
9 a day in the noodle shop to eat very slowly on the last straw Paizhuo
hungry roar, I wanted to say do not put the noodle on the table and lift it!
results say: parents quarrel, my dad said something gas:,, I give you to get out! ,,
11 high school basketball, A had the ball, pass the selfless B, B easy goals. After a while, B got the ball, A ball to him shouting loudly. B is out of their own to take the shots. Results A furious cried: I just really blind dog eyes ... ...
audience laugh halo
12 primary impression is extremely serious when the squad leader,Beats By Dr Dre Studio, a self-study courses, classroom voices, the squad leader to maintain a order had had enough after a few times, stand up and pounded his desk shouted: Who is arguing over that issue, put his mouth to interrupt!!! ... ... the class quiet
13 universities, we asked how a man fighting Manchester United, he excited, said: kinds of new materials, said: shouted the password -
18 eleventh grade, our language teacher was transferred to Beijing, Nanchang is a just the old teachers, especially his heavy accent. By his son on the Tsinghua University Department of Architecture, which is the purpose he came to Beijing, he was specially proud of his son, the sum we are talking about his son, always say sub-frogs,, Tsinghua University, the University toad, construction,, Department of. . .
moth to the frogs and toads if there do not become a snack. . .
19 noon to cook, my mother gave me a pot of carrots: How to write the holiday section? I replied: Soji head underneath a section of the festival removed Soji head! Comedy all the staff! I am not react ~~~~~~~! 21 year looking for work, the interviewer asked me what year graduated.
I meant to say 2000, was an excited, said:
22 school just 10 minutes, I said the same table on a show of hands: a teacher I go to the bathroom.
English teacher was very unhappy to say: how much people are still on the toilet?
22 I have students review the test computer has been three, one day playing football, the ball to the bottom line of the other students, just listen to him shouting: Enter! Enter! ,, Biography,,
23 I remember one time called Elizabeth to buy fruit, I mouth said: Boss, how much Shakespeare? Boss on the spot stayed
24 wave physics teacher:
a girls dormitory once they buy sanitary napkins,
boss: a packet of sanitary napkins.
boss actually Q: Sam Sun or spicy?
Somewhat taken aback, and then the students, said: Sam Sun, and I fear I can not stand spicy. . .
26 University of the line of duty, on educational psychology. ... late into the classroom. blackboard an oblique aim of the old professor angry, the board called the line of duty to answer the question. schoolmates half said evasively: with the theory>, which also hard to talk about the friends. I asked one to express concern: put the ass and said, hot ...... 29 once, we interviewed a female star newspaper photographer returned the meeting to talk about how he cooked and how this star. CEOs look at the table a lot of pictures opened a joke : I see you are a photographer as his Queen. can be boss of the South Mandarin unclear, the division, across the business that have toilets, so if you go to the door, we can eat is free of charge across our colleagues in order to save two cents, stride straight and confidently on the toilet pipe, said: ! a: You are what?
33 I have a friend just read into it. kick the others about, shouted: holiday out of work
wait in a restaurant looking for a job
Because students should still children, and is working so very nervous the first time
had to ask manager or need to work, and want to say staff would ask or need a little more subtle results
say: a Korean friend to buy lettuce, 4 to 2, he gave him change for all vendors, leaving a shortfall of a dime, so he said to the hawkers -
Mao had. > 37 out of your mouth like it had never been seen KFC wings, because did not watch the ads, is to listen to people say, has been thought that the endorsement of Liu Xiang to KFC. to Ken, directly with the waiter that I want to Liu Xiang wings... 38 kfc after Sudan incident, I went to kfc
waiter asked, what is your point?
I imagined: a pair of Sudan
waiter immediately an expression of being choked
39 A few days ago and a few colleagues from work went to a shop to eat, then shop with a lot of people, the whirring of a fat waiter is busy bee, a colleague shouted: ran:
40 noon in the bathroom encounter colleagues, I suddenly do not know what the word hello, mysteriously asked a question: ? mother let my brother moved to table to the edge of what I do not start moving half brother, became the mother said an emergency like this:

=_=!!! 44 union president some impassioned speech, the last one reached its climax: Comrades, let us do this work better than next year! audience are down. 45 Our teacher is very powerful, so one day he said: Friends call and learned that he was handling before the opening of Call a small down
a bunch of friends to eat one of them is estimated to be brothers, betrayed, depressed, focusing instead on not drinking a lot of beer, and then stand up red face screaming
brother! not out to sell!!! The original estimate was not used to say brothers sold the
crash was all lying on the table a dozen

You do not break when tears ,dr dre studio
in the last minute and everything is to forget when you have determined
I also want to find an excuse to change the outcome can finally put his hand
you broke up do not let yourself uncomfortable after
If you really need to fill is not any reason to ten thousand
knew you had this feeling too seriously
If not let you go What I really need an excuse to ten thousand are not enough
knew I had the feeling that nothing Nanfennanshe
yourself to let go

Military training is a tired body, a quiet mind. Came back to continue to live, fatigue receded, but the mind becomes quiet, the real world is complex.

team practice yesterday was called to the K song, I was forced to become Pa Mak, 3:00 and finally beat it, dormitory bed, back to the dorm where even a leftover are not , everywhere are piles of debris, are hard to tell who is who. 5, will begin to support education, and then pick up their luggage before, I had to pack to pack their own body and mind.

bad mood recently so many things I do, life is too broken. But it is said to support education is a very quiet thing, a lot of friends I see the Expect greater disappointment, and the more the higher the expectations of people disappointed. Always wanted to go to the place is very poor, and hope that children encounter honest and pure small mind, so that I can get some more or less clean, but when K song leader asked the team to practice the result is that where not-so-poor. I do not know I was glad for the development of the motherland, or is little hope for my own feel a little sorry. Speaking of pure

this problem, I do not think pure is to describe the specific actions. And we all feel a child is pure good, I feel like I behaved, so I became a pure counter-examples. And pure something like that there are many, many, more than I was a counter-example, have a classmate that my heart actually quite normal, but why is it so wretched it shown.

military comrades when the station next to me said, you are one of the few I've seen the wretched people, but people feel good, so I do not know should be happy or shameful good. I said I'm fine, no one believed, I said I bad, they say bad more people than you is. So I became a general public, but fortunately long past the age of puberty, so pleased to receive this fact, but the point still exists a small impulse to the heart, I always want to stand in someone's mind, I am a good person, or is a big bad guy. Exaggerate the point is, I wish I were a person in the world.

But the reality has always been a lack of love and caring, a little dream of crossing a narrow line when it was only his own comfort. Narcissist is a lonely person, or a carnival, or a group of people alone. People make fun of their own carnival, fantasy their roles, fantasy story you want, make their fantasy impact of the tragedy or comedy to be.

had previously been no understanding of . I love science fiction biggest reason is the ultimate expression of it is easy to care issues, to exaggerate the performance of specific human and cosmic, human nature is emotional, the universe is rational. Go back to Freud believed that man is only born of the desire to desire and death, raw sexual desire, the desire to die is aggression. People do not want to always lonely, hope and heart to other people together, so students have the desire and the desire to die. Body together,PowerBeats Sport Headphones, whether heart together? The body is not together, not with whether the heart? Their own are not sufficient conditions, but the slightest connected, so some things can not explain the math.

people can never be fully rational, the end result is confusion and contradiction, people feel uneasy, so he began to find comfort. Do not know to bring understanding and do not believe they do not increase entropy, so we often do not calm the mind.

no one knows where the love and care.

1, each has a successful start. The courage to begin, to find a successful way.
2, the world will have a vision and targets to those who give way (von two efforts - Hong Kong well-known promoters)
3, before creation, we must first create one.
4, with Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs.
5, if not to their limits, then life would not restrict you to play the fence.
6, how to make money a lot, but can not find the seed money, they can not become the cause of home.
7, the colony is small, collapse of a thousand miles.
8, the most effective capital is our reputation, it is working for us 24 hours a day.
9, but a stumbling block into the body of the order.
10, sells the world's number one product - not cars, but their own. You successfully sell yourself to others before you have to sell one hundred percent of himself to himself.
11, even climb the highest mountain, one can only get down to step by step.
12, resulting in positive life positive thinking, negative, negative thinking about life.
13, one reason why there is a mouth, and have two ears, that reason is to listen to than twice as many.
14, think about what create the sea, we must first start a small river.
15, something who is a way; most drastic hundred and Qin Guan, after all, Chu; painstakingly days live; Revival, 3000 Miss Vietnam A can swallow.
16, your face is to show God has given mankind's most precious gift - a smile, work must be your greatest asset.
17, sincere and moving those people are sincere but should be.
18, the world does not reward hard work to encourage all the reward is just being used to reward the work.
19, even immature attempt, and better than abortion strategy.
20, active in every sense of crisis have all seen an opportunity, and negative people in every opportunity to see some kind of hardship.
21, go take a good road, export to talk about things, doing good shot.
22, less than a bystander's name will never climb race on the scoreboard.
23, God helps those who help themselves.
24, idleness is a poor factory.
25, Mo excuses fail, only to find reasons for success. (Not to find reasons for the failure to find a successful way)
26, if we want more roses, we must plant more roses tree.
27, great man is great, because he and others coexistence of adversity, people have lost confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals.
28, there is no such desperate situation, only the desperate situation of people.
29, to avoid the reality of the people, the future will be more satisfactory.
30, three-day prophets, rich years.
31, when the pain you feel sad, it is best to learn what things are. Learning will make you invincible forever.
32, great men reached and kept the height, not a fly on to, but their companions were all asleep when a difficult step to climb up.
33, the world's most easy thing, the delay time of the least effort.
34, tenacity is a major factor of success, as long as the knock on the door long enough, loud enough, people will eventually wake up.
35, wife of one mind, mud into gold.
36, who has been able to, is believed it could be.
37, no saliva and sweat, the tears would not succeed.
38, a belief by those who developed the power of greater than 99 is only interested.
39, than the mental endurance, better than a chip.
40, the environment will not change, the solution is to change yourself.
41, two seeds, one forest.
42, behind each of strenuous efforts, there must be double the reward.
43, if you wish to succeed, the persistence of good friend, the experience of staff to care for the brothers, with hope as your sentry.
44, most people want to transform this world, but few people want to transform themselves.
45, not fear of failure have never succeeded.
46,dr dre beats, Albert's life, the establishment is not kept in the dark, is in the can do.
47, frustrated by the fact that success fees payable.
48, any limitation, all from his heart began.
49, forget about failure, but failure to remember the lessons.
50, who is not a situation created, but the person creating the situation.
51, who sow in tears will be able to smile harvest.
52, Hill will be backing down, by the flow of water of will, never fall on their own.
53, the desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance to polished mountain.
54, as long as the road is right, not afraid of road far.
55, a drop of honey than one gallon of bile can catch more flies.
56, a sincere interest in others point of generation, the most important character is a salesman.
57, has always been successful in the attempt.
58, a look at things from other people's ideas, to understand the spiritual activity of people who never have to worry for their future.
59, when a person start his heart began to struggle, he is a man of value.
60, life is beautiful for some people, these people's lives are a goal.
61, to promote their products to address the customer's heart, not for the customer's head.
62, no one is rich enough to do someone else's help, no one too poor not to others to help in some way.
63, who sincerely try to help people who do not do not help to their own.
64, and actively promote themselves to believe that only those who promote the world, as long as you can push the world to promote their own.
65, every day the price you pay higher than the previous day, because your life and eliminate the short day, so you have to be more active each day. Today is too valuable and should not be concern for the Suanku Xin astringent and the erosion of remorse, lifted his chin, seize today, it will not come back.
66, the largest bankruptcy of a person is desperate, the biggest asset is hope.
67, action is the ladder of success, more action, the higher board.
68, the environment will never be perfect, negative people affected by environmental control, active people have a controlled environment.
69, in fact, the success of your work represents only 1%, 99% of success is the result of the failure.
70, do not wait for opportunities, but to create opportunities.
71, the law of success is very simple, but simple does not mean easy.
72, if the greeting just to say hello and leave, then with the sound of monkey calls are different? In fact, the correct greeting in just a sentence must be clearly revealed his concern for you.
73, last night, more than a few minutes of preparation, fewer hours of trouble today.
74, take a telescope to see someone else, take a magnifying glass to see himself.
75, use hands to labor, the use of his hands and mind the helm, using his hands, mind and soul of an artist, only cooperation with both hands, mind, soul plus feet is the salesman.
76, do the right thing than to do the important things.
78, just like the tennis competition, and game playing balls than your opponent, you can improve your skills. (To play from the opponent.)
79, only the people would be constantly looking for opportunities to grasp the opportunity.
80, you can choose this kind of
81, regardless of skills, knowledge, how remarkable, if the lack of enthusiasm, the same paper castles in the air, nothing to be gained.
82, as the magnet attracts iron around, enthusiasm to attract the people around, to change the situation around.
83, creating a rich network of industry, in turn, perpetuate equality.
84, is very much a good idea to play, really priceless to be able to realize these ideas of the people.
85, is the perfect personality, wealth, which was set at the end.
86, the peak to climb it, not only for people who have it look real.
87, poverty is not planned, it needs a rich well-planned - and to practice it.
88, all wise men seek their own, seeking fool all the people.
89, no one not through contempt, suffering and struggle can conquer fate.
90, hard to not look forward to, hard work have something to look forward.
91, when a small mind to become a behavior, can become a habit; to form character, and character to determine the success or failure of your life.
92, the poor do not necessarily think change should be thought rich thinking changed.
93, beat his own far more than than the others beat.
94, if we do it or not someone will laugh, and if you do not do well there will not laugh, then we would do better simply to give the laugh!
95, the world does not grasp the hands of those scoffers, but rather the hands can stand the ridicule and criticism of those who endure the hands always moving forward.
96, success requires the cost, time is a cost, is the treasure of time cost savings.
97, action to cure fear of medicine, and the hesitation and delay will continue to nourish the fear.
98, is a wise investment knowledge, investment in the knowledge network is even more sensible.
99, not born of confidence, and only continue to develop confidence.
100, there is the customer after the customer service is the sale of the beginning of the beginning of

in this materialistic age, in this noisy society impetuous,
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( father passing .)

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Central Television will never be an open secret ; welcome to read the message yo
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CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Pic]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Pic]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Pic]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Pic]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]

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CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Pic]

CCTV pictures will never open, tragic - hate _ [Click to view full size ]
this is no ordinary care and concern for the problem is not you and I
society as a whole is always the people's livelihood
Now an entrepreneur in a report a number of business and revenue for the country what they grow
what what what a few percentage points
cadres went to visit the nursing home elderly
something and how many stars they donate to charity
I wonder so much so Where were
much money why are so many children out of school
so many people have enough to eat
gap is not wrong to drive the poor from the rich areas of regional development is not wrong But the key was more rich richer the poor poorer
another. quoted a netizen's words:
version should be many friends request, I find some information on the Internet.
hope and caring friends in action!!!
city of you, every year to worry about how to deal with old clothes , keep a place, throw another pity, do not get sent to relatives and friends
mountains of them every year for a living to worry about, but the average annual income of thousands, the children not afford school fees, the elderly of coverage,
clothing obsolete.
we may not have a high income, we may not have extra savings, we may wish to donate can not afford a primary, but
we can put the old things we do not need them transferred to those who only need We love.
Please people need to deal with old clothes and old clothes to find the place here, with our love for these old clothes to add a new
hope in action, to make our modest means, we can help to help to some people.
This will be our pleasure!
on Juanyi & mailing process:
1,, home, pick up a book no longer wear clothes Baoxie etc., underwear friends, great friends suggested suicides hole mopping the floor,,.
2,, please clean,,, can look at the best disinfectant,,, and dried.
---- This is a respect for each other and be responsible, well-meaning friends who also want to go to the trouble to do about friends.
3,, bagging - mailing packages at the post office has a dedicated carton, but more expensive, have to spend a minimum of 8,9 dollars. Therefore, we proposed to build
everyone find their own cartons or opaque bag,, rice bags, flour bags, sew their own cloth bag can be a, more economical
,,, best to first put into the first division, plastic clothing bags and then put into cardboard boxes or bags, because it can be avoided in the mail
clothing was rain water.
Note: Do not seal the carton or bag, because the post office to see inside.
4,, span the Post Office.
5,, buy parcel, 5 hair, parcel to be green, the cheapest and practical, the post office staff will often ask you to send express mail also
ordinary parcels, express mail is not practical to send the cost is high, ,, force fill in the address.
6,, sealed the bag, and post offices will provide sewing needle and thread sealing the bag,,, write the address.
7,, can choose to protect the price, 1 per $ 100 insurable stuff.
8,, send it! See destinations near and far, each charge is 2 -4 kg dollars.
road freight program:
1. sort out clean old clothes, shoes, books, bags, and so you no longer need the material, washed and dried, it is best soaked with disinfectant after
2. to find a good garment bag to coat, with a plastic bag first, what is to install water, clothes and more like him with a few,,.
3. find their own cardboard box, and individuals feel strong paper bag than a box,,, the clothes packing, tape it shut.
4. phone or in person to the freight company, courier company, and ask a good price, probably the general specifications of the shipping box in 2,30
yuan, or differences due to different cities, you can get past their own , but also allows freight companies pick.
5. fill out the consignment note son, pay, and pay your love,,.
1. please try to mail sober point of clothing, suitable for rural living. Do not be too trendy, not a skirt, do not sling so
2. Warm clothing mainly to send as little as possible in summer clothes. If you have blankets, sheets, etc. is also needed.
3. concrete can be: cotton-padded clothes, down jackets, fleece, sweaters, jackets
cotton underwear, thermal underwear, shirts, long sleeve T-shirt
trousers, knitted wool trouser, Trousers, Jeans , trousers
cotton-padded shoes, sneakers, casual shoes, socks
scarves, hats, gloves
4. clothes do not have holes, stains do not have a clear, buttons, zippers, laces must be complete No shortage, poverty-stricken mountainous areas to buy these clothes accessories
very difficult.
5. If it is old clothes, clean dry-cleaning, and disinfection with Walch, 84 other disinfectant cleaning
usual fifteen minutes can be,,.
6, if you have books to donate, please select the contents of the positive health books. Chinese and foreign classics, science and technology books, literacy card
, children's story books, children's science books, fairy tales, dictionaries, including the Xinhua dictionary, idioms dictionary, twisters dictionary, Chinese
Tibetan dictionary, English-Chinese dictionary, and other books can. Do not render superstitious, violent, pornographic books sent, fashion magazines
do not. In addition, the western provinces of textbooks and supplementary books and different from the mainland, the mainland sent to be useless.
7, stationery, board games, sporting goods, toys and so can be sent,, please attach a manual; new
these items if not, please send cleaned and disinfected before,,.
8, are rural and remote mountainous areas, where a courier company to a lot of not, it is recommended to use the post office parcel!
-------------------- -----------------------------
Lin Kuo Road Lhasa, Tibet Lhasa secondary schools across the snow-covered happiness tea,, De orphanage
:6-11-year-old children need shoes, clothes
Zip: 850000
Address: Lin Kuo Road Lhasa, Tibet Lhasa secondary schools across the snow-covered happiness teahouse, De orphanage,, Contact: Jennifer Dean up close
Tel :0891-6862710 13989010358
--------------------------- ------------------------------------
Aba County in Sichuan Aba Tibetan Middle School, and nearby poor people
need: limited adults and children, all the old clothes
Zip: 624000
Address: Aba County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Tibetan School
Contact: indeed, once a teacher
EMAIL: chokdan @ hotmailcom
---------------------------------------------- -----------------
County of Gansu Province Village Xing Yang Jixiang stone bifurcated society - would rather be famous as the champion county, it is also very poor areas, hope that we can help those who have no other source of livelihood of the villagers!
need: limited adults and children, clothes, bed sheets, quilt and the like, the poor villagers can use all the clothing items
Zip: 743200
Address: County of Gansu Province Ping Shi Xing Yang Jixiang bifurcated society To: Yang Yonghua
----------------------------------------- ----------------------
County of Gansu Province under Laojun Relics Liu fork village community
team needs: limited to adults and children, clothes, bed sheets, quilt like
Postcode: 730713
Mailing address: County of Gansu Province Laojun Relics Liu fork village community
recipient under the team: Zhang Jinqin, to close,,
zip code: 730713
Mailing Address: County of Gansu Province Laojun Relics Center School
recipient: Liu Chengxiang Wang Junjiang teacher or teacher, to close,, turn Zhang Jinqin
------------ -------------------------------------------------- -
County of Gansu Province Yang Jixiang Liu Xing Ping Shi Cha turnout primary
community needs: school supplies, pens, this extra-curricular books, students books, such as the Xinhua Dictionary,,, or can be used for rural teachers
Chinese-English Dictionary, English language learning tapes, old computers, and so meaningful.
Postal Code: 730713
Postal Address: County of Gansu Province Laojun Relics Liu turnout primary, to close,,
or: County of Gansu Province Liu Chengxiang Laojun Relics Center school teacher, to close,, turn Liu turnout primary
or: County of Gansu Province Wang Junqiang Laojun Relics Center School teacher, to close,, transfer Liu turnout primary
------------------- --------------------------------------------
Guizhou Province River County School Basha C
town girl needs: primary school clothes, shoes, stationery, books, clothing, bags, etc. and parents, with donations of clothing can be
students with some adult clothes,,
Zip: 557400
Address: C Congjiang County, Guizhou Province town Basha sister school
Contact: Xia,, volunteer teachers,,
mail: fly-89@163.com
- -------------------------------------------------- -----------
Help is satisfied regardless of the village in Sichuan Tibetan farmers and herdsmen
Please help Sichuan, Songpan County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, a small village named Township is satisfied regardless of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen living in
Sichuan, Songpan County, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, a small village named Township is satisfied regardless of Tibetan farmers and herdsmen's life a lot of people do not get out
over the mountains, though, they enjoy the city is difficult to enjoy the fresh air and bright sunshine, but they also experienced
too many hardships: unusual land barren mountains, the weather is cold food production is low, because of traffic inconvenience, to the county nearly
100 km,,, very few people go out to work into the world. Nearly 100 villagers in the village, even 60% of poor households, 10% of the difficulties in life, to live and no place safe, full day without food, they particularly need our help and assistance!
to carry forward the Chinese traditional virtue of helping the poor to help them ride out the storm as soon as possible, Aba Teachers College Institute to establish a national
small love donation station, is the window to raise donations of goods for the required items donor and the donor material
goods passing between a platform to build. Donor site is already established, but the biggest difficulty is the lack of supplies
. To this end, love inn special assistance to community support, sponsorship and assistance to help. People with lofty ideals and corporate sectors, business leaders single
bit, let us join hands together Come on, do our hearts will be able to return to our people a happy smile, a love we can offer in return
others a sweet dream, a force we can to others a happy family, it is worth!
need: Any suitable for rural living with all the materials
Zip: 623300
address: National Institute of Sichuan Wenchuan County, Aba Teachers College
Contact: Gongbo Tashi
Tel: ------------------------------------------------- --------------
in Shiqu County, Ganzi area hospitals
needs: limited to, any suitable for rural living with all the materials
Code: 627 350 Address: Shiqu County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province in the area hospitals
Name: Dan Feng
-------------------------- -------------------------------------
Ga song kava love student inn need: reading materials, stationery, sporting goods, relatively thick coat, sweaters and other warm clothing can be.
Address: Hongyuan County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan propaganda department
Name: Gongbo Huaqing, to close,,
Postal Code: 624400
------------ -------------------------------------------------- -
Yunnan Feng Qingxian Sancha School library - deep in the mountains of Yunnan poor children need clothes books, this address can be accessed by freight
need: limited adults and children , clothing, books, stationery, etc., require a large number of books
Address: Yunnan Province, Feng Qingxian Sancha school library
Zip: 675905
Contact: Li Yan
QQ: 107082696 (love the library,,
E-mail: 107082696@163.com
-------------------------- -------------------------------------
Guang Ping Shan people of Shillong County - wide Xi Longan Ping Shan County, if possible, but also what biscuits, noodles and the like
receiving address: Guang Ping Shan people Huang Xiuming Shillong County received
Zip: 532715
Contact: Longan volunteers: Huang Xiuming screen name: Xi Lu
QQ: 24929061
mail: huangxiuming521@tom.com
-------------------------- -------------------------------------
Minle County in Gansu Province of the students
need: 6 to 16 years in primary school clothing, books, stationery and other
Zip: 734500
Address: Minle County, Gansu Province Civil Affairs Bureau
Contact: Lee School
Code: 734500
Address: Minle County, Gansu Province Youth League ----------------------------------------------
Yunnan Shandong Province, Nujiang Lushui town Lushui one
palm needs: middle school students clothing, books, stationery and other
Zip: 673100
Address: Yunnan Nujiang Lushui Lushui one office
Contact: Wang Jinyun
---------------------------------------- -----------------------
Zoige County, Sichuan Aba Township Central Primary School
tie down needs: primary school clothing, books, stationery, etc. Zip Code: 624502 ​​
Address: Zoige County, Sichuan Aba Township Central Primary School
down bar Contact: Luo Kai Officer,
---------------- -----------------------------------------------
Dingxi City of Gansu Province, where the children need clothes and books!
need: clothing limited to adults and children, student books, stationery, bags and other
Zip: 743000
Address: Dingxi City, Gansu Province, Communist Youth League Phone:
do not write the recipient, can be directly sent to the Youth League to accept the
This address highway freight, courier companies, rail freight
by road freight, courier companies to write the Communist Youth League calls on the ,Dr Dre headphones, freight forwarders, courier companies to notify the Youth League pick;
rail freight to be able to find the frequency of trains checked West Railway Station, or will ship the goods to go
---------- Lanzhou -------------------------------------------------- ---
Nu River in Yunnan Gongshan County Conservation Board
Bingzhongluo where a man named Nu River in Yunnan, mainly local ethnic Nu, where the living area is 1700 m above sea level, although
beautiful natural environment, However, due to its location, where the frontier of the motherland, ethnic minority areas, local farmers still so poor.
many more villagers in the cold cold winter or unlined cover.
need: limited adults and children, the poor villagers can use the All clothing items
Zip: 673500
Address: Nu River in Yunnan Gongshan County Conservation Board
Contact: and now the military
E - mail is: piaxy9@yahoo.com . cn
--------------------------------------------- ------------------
Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province was stone Miyi Central School
need :6-14 years old children's clothes, shoes, books, learning supplies
Address: Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, was stone Miyi Center School
Postcode: 617213
School Phone:
Contact: Zhou Yu, the principal,, Yong, and vice president,,
----------------------------------------------- ----------------
Beijing Sun Village of the children needed help, as long as the child's clothes, shoes can be where there are about 100 children, little has 1
years of age, a large 18-year-old, need clothes, books, Saturday and Sunday you can do volunteer work. Beijing can be close friends contribute.
confirm the address of the donations received!
need :1-18-year-old children's clothes , shoes, books
Address: Shunyi District, Beijing, Zhao Ying Town Banqiao Village
all recipients: Sun Village Children's Village will do
or Zip: 101300
Director: Zhang Shuqin
Deputy Executive Director: Qianhong
Tel :010 -60443523,, including fax,, 60443757
mail: ertongcun@163.com
Website: www.ertongcun.com
------ -------------------------------------------------- -------
Bureau of Qinghai Province, said the multi-county veteran you have old family clothes? Please help Tibetan orphans
:7-16-year-old children need winter clothing
Address: Qinghai Province, said the multi-county veteran Bureau
Postcode: 815100
Contact: Chesterton Petty received
-------------------- -------------------------------------------
Jiande life Lake No. 4 Chang Yu Shan Pui Ying and cultural needs of the school
: 17-year-old students in warm clothes, shoes, books, school supplies. Pan teacher's class has 60 men and 160
woman, so the girls clothes and requested more.
Address: West Lake, Zhejiang Jiande Shouchang Yu Shan Pui 4
British Culture School Code: 311612
Contact: Pan Weimin
------ -------------------------------------------------- -------
Help Lhasa when the needs of male primary school students
materials: not limited to adults and children, students and herdsmen's clothes to keep warm in winter mainly
Address: Lhasa, Tibet when Township
Xiong Yong-Zip: 851500
Contact: Bazan received
his cell phone: (village no signal, he returned to the county not only have a week signal, sent after a short hair
village Tel :0891 -6584010,, satellite phones, depending on weather conditions and sometimes the signal is not good,,
------------------ ---------------------------------------------
Guangxi East student point requires a lot of blue books and stationery, clothing
primary needs: stationery, books, etc., students clothes
Address: Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Youth League Hechi Donglan
Zip: 547400
Contact people: Weixing Chang
-------------------------------------------- -------------------
Songpan County Tibetan Middle School
need: clothes for high school students, school uniforms, sportswear, sports shoes and the like,, skirts and the like do not,,, there is need
to reading materials and school supplies, such as learning tapes, stationery can be the
Zip: 623300
Address: Songpan County Tibetan Middle School Name: Wu poor teacher
---------------------------------------- -----------------------
Dafang County, Guizhou Province, the market town of Posts and Telecommunications Chen Hui cat transfer of all primary school students
dawn Zip: 551604 ------------------------------------------------- --------------
County, Yunnan Province, Geely mark the town center tile elementary school office transferred all students
Zip: 657409
-------- -------------------------------------------------- -----
County, Yunnan Province, Geely town Vitex mark tile village primary school all the students, to close,,
Zip: 657409
beautiful sexy clothes we wear short skirts showing beautiful body
But who knows they want the same what the young
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might stand up and take your clothes and love into the post office

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3, most of the eyes is to start with the left foot slightly off the mirror to put , if you put off hard from the right first , the frame itself will lead to uneven , crooked, resulting in after you are not comfortable wearing .
4, in order to play the correct function of glasses , the lens optical center do for you in the eye area , please wear the correct location.
5, take the glasses with one hand , easy to frame deformation . If the frame variant , the master should be adjusted to find the local optical angle , do not adjust themselves to avoid the entire broken lens , damaged frames .
6, with a special cloth glasses . Do not touch the hard lens material , do not wipe the grease by hand lens , the lens with a clean cloth pieces , reducing lens wear.
7, not convex lens toward decentralization . If not , try to box into the eye , if not wearing glasses when the glasses with a lens cloth bag and put in the mirror box , so as to avoid damage.

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; second class, you can recommend to our students!
; primary and secondary school art teaching network - providing primary,dr dre headphones, secondary art lesson plans, Works, courseware resources.
; Beijing Education Online
; New Century Network program, a resource center for courseware and lesson plans, is the Research Center of Beijing Normal University course information!
; multimedia material resource base, but to prepare for our teachers!
China Education Network activities, but also the cooperation of Beijing Normal University!
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Alas interactive learning network! Mainly the
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Good site Oh!

language teaching communications investment income Taiyuan Square Box Office 12022 030012 txb@ywtd.com.cn
primary and secondary school English teaching and research, Shanghai Zhongshan North Road 3663 # 200062
Wenhui educator wbl@wxjt.com.cn
mitr kru jszy@mail.sc.cninfo.net
Education Reference jyck2002@hotmail.com
Forum gaoying@chinateacher.com.cn
Chinese teachers reported that China innovative classroom teachers reported that Chinese teachers reported ywg@chinateacher.com.cn
comprehensive practice xfu@chinateacher.com.cn
people new education curriculum yuhj@edumail.com.cn
Teacher Training jshpx @ nenu . edu.cn No. 138 Renmin Street, Changchun City
teachers, Jian-Gang lonjingan@hotmail.com
Chinese teachers reported a new observation limao@chinateacher.com.cn
modern education newspaper editor xwb @ modedu. com
talent Herald jybnb@yahoo.com.cn
Heilongjiang Education hljems@mail.hl.cn
Tianjin Education tjjy@tjemh.com.cn
Liaoning Education lnjybjh@online.ln.cn
primary and secondary school teaching and management jxygl@sohu.com
management zhxxgl@zhxxgl.sina.net
teachers Expo jsbl@jxjyqk.sina.net
counselor next fortnightly fdylove@sohu.com Teachers reported that the new curriculum zhaijy@chinateacher.com.cn
teachers reported that teachers reported xingtan Spring wangjun@chinateacher.com.cn
dialogue machaoh@chinateacher.com.cn
teachers reported teaching and research jiaoshibao @ yahoo . com.cn
primary school teachers reported that young teachers teacher@shuren100.com
Yao Wang Xian-dong 119 (Shaanxi Provincial Education Committee)
minor groove of teaching and learning first reported in Lanzhou City, No. 52-1 (Lanzhou Board of Education)
Province, Daqing City, Postal Code 163000
Youth Central Square Post Office br> Address: Teachers College, West District, Siping City, Jilin Province Road No. 8 (a) Code 136000
News / . hz.zj.cn

first stop music search, search mp3 good!

China Education and Research Network _ a national major stations!
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network environment, the research study, Beijing Normal University Network Educational Laboratory

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secondary language education network - Ryan secondary language teachers make
network of networks, courseware, lesson plans have more information and free!
Chinese primary and secondary education in information technology network.
101 distance education network, is the first domestic primary and secondary distance education network. Specifically for mathematics education resources
Examination Center of Ministry of Education.
China Education Information Network.
Chinese professionals to explore the inside of the mathematical use of Geometer's Sketchpad introduced more professional!
Zhejiang Education Network
China Education Pioneer Network - by the Education Network Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Wenzhou Education and Research Network Operations
local education research content rich!
Nanjing Education Network
NCET Resource Center! (?? Doubt Tingduo, I do not know how to take up this name, but a good resource!)
Net primary language, primary language teacher to see go!
Suzhou, an education online! One-line library and some information! For example: Jiao Xiaojun album Sun Huifang Zhang Jurong corpus red and black and prose anthology ... ...
computer academy - many teachers want to learn some computer application technology, do courseware, suffer no one pointing, in fact, as long as you can learn that described above , as a teacher should be enough!
Wenzhou Education Network, long time I wanted everyone to recommend this site, but always feeling not often go together! If it is through education network vpn network, you can enjoy the k12 resource library! The above list is also online teaching resources, a better site for all disciplines.
Mathematics Grand View Garden Fujian Dehua to the main forum!
obo Education Network, above courseware material library also good!
Shaoxing Education and Research Network
Sina learning English, the English have better quality courseware for learning and teaching will do, thanks judy offer!
British English can claim the main provider of network resources in the animated children's English, songs, stories, etc.! Thanks judy offer!
Happy English! fairy tales for primary school! of course, adult friends to see it anyway!
high school English classroom, teaching papers, lesson plans in English, English questions, teaching materials, teaching courseware
recommended flash sites 1 - Web Hosting Provider, to provide a lot of flash source download! Works are also very much! Flash courseware above 108 too!
recommended flash site 2-- Flash Empire, a very good flash to learn and enjoy the site!
teacher lesson plans library, above the class lesson plans! not many.
source country educational resource network! a good site, courseware material, courseware and other
West Education Network! We want to support education in the west it!
second class, you can recommend to our students!
primary and secondary school art teaching network - providing primary, secondary art lesson plans, papers, reference materials, Works, courseware resources. Education Online

Beijing New Century Network program, a resource center for the above courseware and lesson plans, curriculum research center of Beijing Normal University are the data! mathematics courseware have over six hundred! (all of the new curriculum !), mainly with a free download!
multimedia material resource base, but to prepare for our teachers!
China Education Network activities, but also the cooperation of Beijing Normal University!
ideological and political education school network
Artron net _ a lot of art (pictures are beautiful!), want to trade antiques have!
world network of language, language teachers should not miss!
; Luohe education information online side of good local resource library!
; Chinese Language Network! Miscellaneous miscellaneous things, a lot of!
; Ryan Education Network! above courseware exchange has been the teacher's favorite, is now free to download!

2 Guangdong China Education Resources Education Network Distance Education Network
3 101 remote China Basic Education Network
4 China Education Network
5 gardener network
6 percent net
7 Guangdong Education and Research Network
8 Yuexiu District, Tianhe District Education Bureau
10 but keep education
11 Shanghai People's Education Press
12 primary and secondary education information network
13 information technology network
14 K12 teaching primary and secondary education educational technology communication network
16 in Guangzhou City, Heilongjiang Education Department
17 Information Network
18 Liuzhou, Guangxi, Guangzhou Education Network
19 Pui Ching Primary School
20 Futian Education Network
21 China Education Information Network 22 Wuxi Education Network
23 Hubei Education Network
24 Fangcun Education Network

success on the road, a network of more important than knowledge. Development of interpersonal relationships should be your highest priority task. The book includes many practical tips to keep you through the relationships and prosperity.
keep the essence, the following is a summary from the book of 106 tips. Practice these skills in practice, turned into a successful and fulfilling life communication master.
1, to help others is the essence of a successful social
been used successfully in various forms to help other people. Share your knowledge with the resources, time and energy, friends and relationships, compassion and love, which continued to provide value for others, while increasing their value.
2, to make their pay more than the return
Because you will provide value for others, others will contact you. So much to consider others and not themselves.
3, do not keep
do not think friendship is limited. This investment will be more roll and more.
4, the key to success is the generosity
In the passage is not just for the sake of social convenience, but generous.
5, a clear goal of your life you can and want
the intersection is your inner passion. What is your most exciting thing? What you do when you feel the time off fast?
6, clearly know what they want
more clearly what you want, you can find more ways to achieve.
7, used to set goals for themselves
make you different is the easiest way to set goals. The dream into a goal in life, and then broken down into smaller goals.
8, set the plan for the development of interpersonal skills to build communication networks
is a process, your plan should include the following third:
1. your 3-year target, and the progress every three months .
2. lists can help you achieve the goals of each person.
3. how to point 2 listed contact person.
Once you set up a goal, you often see attached to the place.
9, to create your personal They are your friends, not potential customers.
11, and you know to maintain good contact
beginning to focus on your current social network of people.
12, a very bold courage
magic. to the development of two similar, there may be different simply because the thickness of the nerve.
13, willing to turn to someone else willing to obtain
can create opportunities to help others you should be as happy as happy to others upon request. Remember, to make people say pieces of risky things, there must be harvested, there are achievements we must take risks while doing nothing is only mediocre.
15, respect for others
respect everyone, regardless of high and low.
16, Transparent
open heart is a useful and popular attitudes.
17, make friends
good at social person, not in the is a natural result, not well-designed target
18, ready to work
you want to see who? how to see? see you after what he views to you? these can not be ignored.
19 , and you know how to contact people
contacts you know you have enough people who can further his field, a professional dialogue with them you can easily be appreciated. a rich and deep to find common ground, then you can contact and can easily impressed.
20, to understand other people's interest
Aiwujiwu, you will soon become part of their life.
21, never a person to eat
very easy easy meal exchange. and eat with the others, is an effective method of communication.
22, manage your information
effective information management is very important if you are organized, focused, adhere to the that no one will leave your communication network.
23, listed according to their own list of
target classification (such as potential customers, potential employers, etc.) put together their own list, not only to list the relevant units, also lists the units have the right to speak in person.
24, recognize the authority of your field of expertise
order to achieve goals, you know you are engaged in the field, who is the best. lists the current authority in the field .
25,beats by dr dre headphones, lists the people you already know you already know
list of people: relatives, college students, past students, teachers before, before my colleagues ... ....
26, flexible Organization Information
the way you manage the list to be flexible. by location, by industry, close of ... ...
27, using someone else's contact list, add your own
list of others is your resource. 28, the establishment of complete strangers (Cold Call)
to strangers when you need to call, how much you will be some fear. just bite the bullet. just want to own will be successful. get to know new people is a challenge and an opportunity 30, insisted
If you connect with others, others no response you should continue to contact them you should take the initiative. or even aggressive.

Aries men - dating

always come and gone, more and more impatient of you, or absent-minded look.

Increasingly dissatisfied women - even mocking you capacity is insufficient.


hearts of men - because of conscious guilt, so better for you than usual

female - when she accidentally confessed that restaurant delicious However, the same with you but not to


men - there are always strange when he's gossip out of your reasons to quibble

dating dating women - with her, always the excuse that no time.


men - but you often evasive and afraid to face you.

women - often gratuitous tears , but can not tell it herself.


male ~ attention to his pockets, although there are large additional expense, is not a gift to you.
woman - when she is not too warm and you care about her enough.


men - and less and less of your topic, and even often remain silent.
Women's - you said she has no standard there, because you have to be fire out.


care of your men - significantly reduced, but still with nice words to coax you

woman - she can not afford to push every day there is always entertaining, but they do not have time to accompany you.


men - critical to your More and more, then no matter how you do, he seemed satisfied.

female - you Redu gradually cooled, and then may be replaced by cynicism.

men - higher and higher frequency of his missing you completely fail to grasp his whereabouts.

woman - when she took you and the other men began to compare the number and more frequent.


men - more cold to you, completely ignore your feelings.

woman - when she began to suspect you make money too, but put when no constructive plan.


men - with more and more time with friends, and almost no time to accompany you

female - she will clearly tell you, you friends will be likened to a good lover.


men - when he told you, he addition of a dry-sister.
women - often forget your appointment time and place, or dreaming while shouting the names of other men.

Without fire , and then look back a century .
I do not want to explain ! Say no good .
Can only say sorry .
I have probably guessed what happened .
Not my original intention .
Can all blame me .
Although failure is my fault .
lower animals , after all, is a woman .
worship . I do not want to pull the black you are you because there was no face to face .
wish you good luck .
meet again .

What is love ?Like a person, time together will be very happy

love a person, together, inexplicable loss

like a person, you will not think of your future

love someone , you always look forward to tomorrow

together like a person, time together is always a joy

love someone , you will often cry

like a person, when you long time no see , you suddenly remembered that he

love someone , when you long time no see , you will think of him every day

like a person, when you think of him , you will smile

love someone , when you think of him , you will daze

against the sky like a person is that everyone is happy

want him to love a person would be more happy

like a person, you just today

quest for love a person, you expect is always

like a man, saw his advantage
love a person, is inclusive of his shortcomings

M: talk it? Female : not
M: Why ? Female : busy
M: busy? Female : male
play : play? Woman: Game
M: What game ? Female : male
fun : What is the fun ? Female : male
trouble : trouble on chatted ? Female : roll
M: to not clean ! Female : male by
: your shoulders ! Female: court death ah
M: br> M: you recognize the sister of the woman : please
M: worship can be , not off the woman : I'm going crazy
M: I hit 120 F: Do you fairy
M: do not superstitious woman : also people live
M: With me you will live a more exciting female : 555
Male: 35 cigarettes was good, but harmful to health female : Death
M: I in the cafe , not go die female : male
let me ask you : well, sue me phone number I will not say female : No. why should
M: women's Day is coming
M: What do you like to spend ? Woman: I like two kinds of flowers .
M: Which two ? I gave you ! Female: money to spend , just flowers!
M: You're beautiful! Woman: I which the United States ?
men : want to get beauty :....
reading does not turn . Family die out!

Once, a friend's house to play , run into a fairly PP, MM, that girl with her ​​companion 's hard to find at least about their own family property after the millions of men to do her husband , nagging death.
my friends can not stand , and told her : ; the girl said: to 80 years old, but you only 50 years old to about menopause is 30 years ; 365 days a year , 30 years is 10,950 days , minus a number of factors such as once a month thing , that your husband if you have to keep interested, in 9000 days he should be with you do that, one million dollars divided by 111 equals 9000 days , and now call a decent young lady than you you , you see what you are sterile , it is only worth 111 money `
cried the girl on the spot ......

If neither Tate nor Ward are ready to go on Sunday, Foster will once again see a pretty stout workload30TE Kellen Davis - 2Jacobs uncertain for Sunday: After missing practice on Wednesday and Thursday, reports are that Giants running back Brandon Jacobs is dealing with a sprained MCLOne of the reasons the NFL is the NFL is because of Al Davis

Fairley, the 13th overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, was limited in practice for the third consecutive day and listed as questionable on Saturday's injury report Where Wellington Mara was a champion for unity by preaching togetherness even though he could have made more as the owner of the league's team in New York, Davis was one for differing viewpointsFirst and foremost, though, I go back with Al Davis to 1954 It saddens me to hear that he is gone

I owe him so much We're taking it one game at a time, because when you get too far ahead of yourself, you tend not to be able to focus on what's right in front of youDavis was a true football manBefore that, though, Davis was a pivotal figure in hastening the merger between the AFL -- where he served as commissioner -- and the more established NFL

Danny White, who spent most of his career in Hall of Famer Roger Staubach's shadow, understands the pressure Romo is under but also acknowledges that the heat has intensified in recent years Thankfully for the health of Eagles fans everywhere, the season doesn That was a bond that extended beyond the playing years and lasted lifetimes Without Johnson, Schaub averaged 296 yards a game and threw for four touchdowns and two interceptions

two days the game is over, a total of nine , Kevin made ​​the score 6 points score . Overall, pretty decent , but two days show the opposite , indicating that the state is still very unstable . Three times a day lose 2 win yesterday , today, four all win . After the game, the teacher regret to say , if he entered the state earlier this year should do regarding ranking . We regret , however , are children after all , not too demanding , or backfire . Too high , it might have worn away his fun playing chess , and more losses than gains. Only hopes he can grow with age , state of mind more stable. However, win or lose , Kevin has been very upset but added , finished out on the next play , he had no pressure , unlike some kids , nervous tears. They have a kids class , is the cry from the beginning to the end .

(35) Love is like a person's heart, marriage is tied to a person's heart, love is to swallow a person's heart.

(25) no unqualified students, and only failed parents.

(12) becomes the enemy in order to survive most of his comrades, comrades into enemies mostly for the money.

(36) The best offense is a good offense themselves.

(17) Fortunately, the premise of a person, in fact, he has the ability to change themselves.

(38) is a successful concept, wealth is an obligation, happiness is a right.

(33) in good faith does not mean to blame the faults of others, but certainly does not mean that compliment people's shortcomings.

(22) If the grass trees, even in the best companies, you are not a long tree. If so, than through wind and rain, to grow into their own precious flowers.

(40) money can help the poor to solve the problem, but to help the rich create problems.

(32) slip of the tongue is accidentally told the truth.

(28) there is a people only do two things: you are successful, he was jealous of you. You fail to laugh at you.

(45) married men and women who did not

(9) the ignorance of childhood, cute, funny young ignorance; youth substance poor; deplorable ignorance of the middle-aged, elderly ignorance sad.

(23) twenty-first century work rules of survival is: create a personal brand, his name into the money.

(6) marriage killer sometimes not having an affair, but time.

(10) who allowed a stranger's fortune, but can not tolerate the promotion of a close person. Because the same level of contrast between the existence of conflicts of interest, but not with strangers there is no such problem.

(4) were more proud of things, the more love to hide, the more painful the more love fuss.

(5) The world is not rich of the world, nor the right people in the world, he is the caring people of the world.

(13) have obtained low-level happiness, benefiting the senior happy.

(21) things become complicated very simple, simple things become very complicated.

(39) competition, in fact, is a kind of friendship, help improve your opponent's smart degree, fear of competition, people have lost the match.

(37) the meaning of life is not to get a good hand, but rather to lay a worthless hand.

(15) who live to eat if you rely on, then it's no rice, called the feed.

(16) Americans are easy to learn Chinese people, Chinese people learning Chinese is difficult.

(19) run their own strengths, make your life value; run your weaknesses, make your life depreciation.

(31) have two eyes, all parallel, so it should be an equal human being; human ear is divided on either side, so we can not unbalanced side of the story; people, although only one heart, but there are about two atria, so things must not only think for themselves, were for other people think.

fifty-four conclusion about human nature

(44) a person would like to mediocre, to block rarely; and a people who want superior, stop by a lot. Many mediocre harmonious relationship with those around them, and those around them a lot of outstanding tensions.

(48) is a hero manifested, reflected talent is apparent fool.

(34) human nature is greedy, but not greedy society will not progress.

(11) modern marriage is a product of emotion, is the crystallization of competition.

(46) is third-rate make-up face make-up; second-rate is the mental make-up make-up; first-class make-up make-up of life.

(7) There is nothing you can lose time, that is, when you start to get.

(42) in the world only understand, and no dead end.

(27) we can escape all but immune to a fly. Happy life, we do not often convinces some Zhimaxiaoshi.

(41) to invest in a person of love, adventure; to invest in a number of people who love and dangerous.

(43) real wealth is a way of thinking, rather than a month revenue figures.

(18) were grown to accept the four aspects of education: parents, teachers, books and society. Interestingly, the latter always seem to run counter with the first three.



(50) three-line, must be my teacher, Three Musketeers, there must be a strong, triangle, must be an injury.

(29) stupid man + dumb woman = marriage; stupid man + smart woman = divorce; Smart man + dumb woman = affair; smart man + smart woman = romance.

(1) what a show off, shows what is missing inside.

(30) any fool can lure a girl; but know how to leave her only mature men can.

(26) Earth is in motion, a person will not always be in a bad position.

(20) Life is like a green leaf, over time, gradually become brown, but his veins was so clearly visible.

(2) the more people who care about a place, that is where most of his inferiority

(8) learning to add, proud to be reduced, the opportunity to travel, in addition to laziness.

(14) 1% of the world is to eat a small loss and a great deal, while 99% of people are burned by eating small cheap accounting. Most successful people are from the 1%.

(3) the first impression people have to be good or bad habits, and that a person is good, they will ask some, that a person is not good, it will completely deny it.

(24) father is a filial fear, henpecked love.

& # ; & # 32 ; 32 # 32 ; & & 32 ; & # # ; & # 32 ; 32 & # 32 ; & # ; & # 32 ; 32

1, the most important in life is not hard , not hard , but a choice .

2, the boss can only give a position , not to a future. The stage is bigger, Renzouchaliang .

3, accident and do not know what a first-come tomorrow . No crisis is the biggest crisis to meet the status quo is the biggest trap.

4, seen and heard to change the life, unwittingly ruined his life .

5, business , can control the effort and investment , but can not control the results. Proud to find a way of life when , frustrated at only escape route , BMW has a spare tire , your life?

6, how many of the world, talented losers , the world has a lot of highly educated vagrant ----- because the wrong choice .

7, under the Note , to win once; with the right people , win I, .

8, as knowledge , knowledge is better to do things , do things as a man .

9, do not know what's what , Half a bitter ; do not know people , I, bitter .

10, life is not to live long and short , but rather the epiphany of the early and late.

11, a man doing things , to treat people : re-division by the king , who re- Friends of the tyrants , those who have been dead weight .

12, no objective person who is always a goal to work on .

13 three stages of life : more than talent ; than financial ; than the state .

14, who if his own box in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern.

15, the advantages of today 's trends will be replaced tomorrow , grasp the trend and grasp the future.

16, reading thousands of books as traveling thousands of miles , traveling thousands of miles than reading countless people , reading countless people as a guiding teacher . The teacher is easy to get hard to find a teacher .

17, education on behalf of the past, the financial resources represent the present, on behalf of future learning ability .

18, can go far in life , to see with whom ; have much success , to see who is pointing .

19, smart people can read , see quasi- smart people , smart people who see far.

20, life is not successful, success is temporary ; life successful , unsuccessful is temporary .

people = eat + sleep + work + play , Pigs = eat + sleep , into , too : people = Pigs + work + play , transpose too : people - Pigs + work = play , finishing too : do not work people = a pig will play !

1 QQ applications do first after the first thing is to apply password protection, this is essential, many people have applied for, but because for a long time useless, even had a secret security tips, as will forget how to deal with The problem? First, we apply password protection when the way to build a TXT named for my password protected memory, and then apply password protection at the same time, some of this information, and related issues are also reproduced in this document which, Then you can upload this TXT file to your private mailbox which, when in time forget the password protection is available for download under the terms of, (hint, documents which do not disclose your QQ number, just put the password-protected information, in order to is to avoid your e-mail also lost lost QQ, TXT files can also be encrypted), the password is too simplistic and do not set the best date of birth plus the name is lowercase alphabet, can be parents, and he, wife of all, as long as you remember it well, is very strange for someone on the line.

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in relatively well-known portal website you need something, do not hurry to use after downloading something, with anti-virus software to scan the first to see if there is a Trojan or virus.

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4. Internet cafes, Internet cafes should be noted that the program is already infected with Trojan QQ, QQ doctors can check, if you enter the password next to the QQ that the little lock, if there is a red circle above, you may have been infected with a Trojan horse, please do not visit QQ, you can replace the machine, for an Internet cafe, if the trouble, can the existing computer QQ uninstall and then install another hard drive QQ, enter the password when the hard keyboard is best used with the soft keyboard cross, if When you use QQ, QQ suddenly landed in other places, please change your password, if the password has been changed, please change the password protection, password protection if you have forgotten, then you can go to the QQ account security service center (https:/ / account.qq.com / cgi-bin / showMain) for representation, representation is the key to success with your original password, that is, QQ when you apply for a password using the first, to fill in data representation, we must pay attention to this problem.
qualified friends you can not apply for ordinary membership QQ service stations to provide mobile phone and number binding, if it is found to be changed or the account password is different, send text messages to change the password immediately!
5.QB often we are most concerned about, many people have to use, there are several points to note, not to avoid your QQ stolen, lost Q coins, please Tencent Delta Center (
6 encounter malicious websites, malicious QQ, go to the relevant service complaints, QQ if you have any questions, would like time to consult or complaints, please try to put you a more detailed description of the problem encountered with the full point. so the staff can give you the fastest time of the most satisfactory answer, if your question is very vague, incomplete, like Motion hundreds of millions of users, the workload is very large, if you describe Debu comprehensive, it is difficult to give you an answer promptly, and Posts a lot of people, there may be posted on the sink while you posted in the vast sea, so consultation, complaints as to the problem described as thorough, so the staff can better service for you thing.
Having said that, we want to help. (Application Click the plus fine, another supplement, you can add back in the post, I will promptly modify posts)

supplement (1): a lot in recent days to reflect the advice of friends to a situation, that is why doctors check with QQ, or be in a Trojan horse, stolen QQ, where I have to say that is, QQ doctors can not solve all the problems, only to find out that most of the Trojans, we should not over-dependence with believe we need to update anti-virus software, killing time.
supplement (3) As many of my friends recently asked questions are the same, so I edited for these hot spots one edit an article, if your QQ number theft, you can read

men such as room, hands still in demand increases, women like cars, resale discount is also difficult to sell.

unmarried man is rough housing, rough blunt. Work is location, appearance is the chamber, the economic condition is the size.

unmarried woman is the new car, new beautiful. Origin is the brand, appearance is a model, quality is the engine power.

car man, woman love room;

when men did not buy a car intend to open a lifetime, a woman buy a house when they intend to live life;

a very good car so that men face, a very good room for a woman security;

car makes it hard to open, drive the car carefully; new house is ready to do big hammer is ready to transform walls, decoration

people bold;

new car out of the store, opened immediately discount, scratch scratch worse, thunder soon The new car overshadowed;

old house has become the new house to live more classic, not even cracking the wall of windows and doors smashed plunges, sit up to catch up with demolition make a big price.

married man is a woman of the house renovated, contemporary new, fully equipped, as long as a good location, increasing the value also.

married woman is a man driving a 100,000 km old car, then look how the U.S. model, but also the United States new car, the engine

good is more important.

renovate the house, not the house of a woman is attractive, there are people who do not want to bother white decoration like to live; brand cars even old

have glory, came over to see it was not surprising envious.

divorced men are second homes, this year, second-hand opening than the new house also in demand, regardless of hand-turned a few times, never once

expensive than once;

divorced women are second-hand car, turn down half of the hand, two hands, the direct pull scrap yards.

second-hand housing hand, most people will be renovated; used car hand, generally do not feel very smoothly.

of divorced men, to find a massive construction projects do not intend to reinvent your woman is a wise choice; of divorced women

, the gentle chaos to find a man stepped on the accelerator is to rely on later life.

few of us looked at each other, not so say it, Big Brother went on to say: He is eating the eggs choke, ha ha ha ... .... We are stunned, half-day Ma Chao was given thunderous laughter, laughter just happens to be the end of Big Brother, it is particularly abrupt and too blunt, laugh or two he felt bored, so, however, only Karma. Big Brother see we look a little strange, it turned around and asked me: how? Third Brother, you do not feel funny? Ming squeak for a long time I said: this, Cao Cao was egg choke, this, too ridiculous, right? Then heard a voice outside the door: Haha, so remember to say when a great service to the eggs, sealed a Route Expeditionary generals what to say. So everyone roared with laughter, is a military advisor to the original.

else said it learned of the people speak and act is not the same thing, as the military adviser of this person on any occasion like a duck, a big thing to him will be solved. All who come into contact with military adviser, whether friend or foe, will awe, of course, except for one person, strategist's wife.

I have asked in private sub-Long, Long said the child, in a kind of phenomenon is called animal predators, both animal does not have any interest, but they are born is a rival, to meet pinch, there is no reason, such as cats and dog. I thought for a long time, oh, this looks is a military advisor and his wife had on natural enemies? Sub-Dragon laughed: can not completely say that people's feelings are complex and can not be compared with the animals. But having said that, under the military advisor Shangzhi astronomy Xiao geography, god figures, the entire world no one can match his, it really should have his personal control. This is called brine point tofu, a thing down a thing.

child to explain such a long, although I half-comprehended, but also understand the one about. It was military adviser to see that in fact embarrassed look very interesting, it looks like he sat in Jun Zhang than calm look cute on much.

military counselor's wife seems to be born is now against the army, division, army, division, all do not understand how would marry her. Strategist's wife small Mingjiao ugly, long can not be called ugly, is simply appalling, one with yellow hair like hay, dried persimmons children face, mung bean eyes, nose in the air, Xuepentaikou, five short stature. Always met with head held normally, with both nostrils Man. Military counselor met with her mouse met a cat like, he did not dare let him west to east, so that he could not expel him dog chicken. Military advisor normally admire people be so afraid of actually henpecked, indeed, a very interesting thing.

brother this morning elated look, like eating a magpie-like feces. We are a bit puzzled, but they are simmering did not ask. Wei Yan was still not help, and he went over obsequious asked: My lord, what is going on so happy ah? Big Brother Haha twice before going to Heaven, and then enraptured and said: last night I had a dream, dream Cao Cao died. Can you guess how he died?

brine point tofu, an object down a thing

(CBS/AP)  The recent leak of thousands of sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables will have no adverse effect on America's international relations, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Wednesday at a security summit.

Clinton said she has discussed the revelations published on the WikiLeaks website with her colleagues at a security summit in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The event is the first major international meeting of leaders and top diplomats since the memos began appearing on the website and in numerous international publications earlier this week.

CBSNews.com Special Report: WikiLeaks

The secret U.S. Embassy memos published by WikiLeaks contain frank details on several leaders attending the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe meeting in Astana.

"I have certainly raised the issue of the leaks in order to assure our colleagues that it will not in any way interfere with American diplomacy or our commitment to continuing important work that is ongoing," Clinton said.

"I have not any had any concerns expressed about whether any nation will not continue to work with and discuss matters of importance to us both going forward," she added.

The Obama administration has harshly criticized the leaking of the cables, saying the details in them could put lives at risk.

"I anticipate that there will be a lot of questions that people have every right and reason to ask, and we stand ready to discuss them at any time with our counterparts around the world," Clinton added.

Several officials at the summit echoed her comments.

British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who met Wednesday with Clinton, released a statement saying the "recent Wikileaks disclosures would not affect our uniquely strong relationship."

Kazakh Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev, commenting on leaked U.S. cables about top officials in his own government, also said "this will have no bearing on our strategic relationship."

In an interview with Time magazine, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said Clinton "should resign" if it's shown she ordered U.S. diplomats to gather information on other foreign officials, including those from the United Nations.

More on WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks Founder: Clinton Should Resign
Leaked Docs: Karzai Freed Connected Drug Dealers
WikiLeaks Sends U.S. Scrambling Over Security
Leaked Cables Reveal Locations of European Nukes
Hoekstra on WikiLeaks: "A Number of Time Bombs"
Outrage Over Wikileaks
The WikiLeaks Impact
WikiLeaks Releases State Dept. Documents
Key GOP Pol: WikiLeaks a Terrorist Group
Ahmadinejad Dismisses WikiLeaks Cable "Mischief"
U.S. Cables: Iran Armed Hezbollah Via Ambulances
Hoekstra: World's Trust in U.S. Now at Risk
U.S. Encouraged Diplomats to Spy, Leaks Show
Leaked Cables Shine Light on Iran Nuclear Threat
Worldwatch: Embarrassing Revelations Abound
Worldwatch: Diplomatic Shockers
White House Condemns WikiLeaks' Document Release
WikiLeaks Defies U.S., Releases Embassy Cables

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No sound these days, do never know thatit namely never dead

yesterday afternoon this journalist went to the Residential property said aboard Thursday, they opened a oxidize valve,retention the cat out. Although it thin,additionally the operation likewise absences problems he climbed down from the ladder - it seems that folk continue to water every day and hanging rice still plays a role

residential properties that fall into after the cat, could never
first one: hanging down the jug hoping kitten climbed into his pot and afterward elevator it out.

the reality is that this cat heaven boiler repugnant, refused to work into.

second trick: put a mallet breadth more than two meters into the aisle I hope your feline to ascend down the stick out.

reality is: this wooden stick up a few days, cats are still underground,

third measure: climbed into the hose on his own attribute But cats do never prefer students,discerned celebrity run down, and pipeline intricate,babies tin never find.

helpless,attribute and residents hanging aboard every point of water and rice down.

20 days later emaciated cat limped to ascend out

after the ahead prescription failed, over a period of period,attribute officers likewise pedestal a way: surrounded the underground garage according the altitude of the exhaust hose to discover a aperture obtain the cat out.

, to split do not understand where to begin
attribute had to inquire as counsel to the exhaust hose manufacturer. People advert kitten falling Flanagan hose approximate the valve can be opened there.

we find that the valve has oxidize half-knocked half-twist it open, put amid the cavity at the fish,increase a ladder. Dodging people distant to look

almost one hour behind an emaciated pearly cat hiked export ate fish,afresh limped to the layer from a ladder on the go - it was free.

in fashion T-stage, Shoulder strap , collar , put on a lace base , fold , stack design dr dre beats studio, the complex revealed a strong sense of the level and three-dimensional , embroidery flower pattern lines sketched out a design full of sense and creativity , from the structure breaking the plane of the limit to three-dimensional space stretching from the inner towards the underwear fashion .

The annual Mid-Autumn Tree of Life Pro Elixir of Love reunion pro Looking to the bright moon lost confused mind who to pour out tears of melancholy, Acacia Lian Lian smoke condensate sincerity of my heart go I do not know what situation I lost my heart when I asked the heavens to the heart thrown into the river is not lost because the river is not thrown into the mountains because of the clear pine trees stacked in the field did not lose because of Crest harvest in the end I lost sight where the heart is too strong because I hate to leave my heart sink into the abyss of misery only to wait five years but hope to a falling one place full of sad heart aches but do not know where the pain is always love you forever that people do not know not to leave himself room for a half minutes I'll use this maiming heart rhythm purple paint with light sunset touch with my soul to the end of time Heart bleak, damp persistent read over and over again only to miss you and I want to hang in the sky to look into the distance which was covered with strings of Acacia tears I still use the empty sky sad eyes gazing waiting ...... looking forward to the tree of life - Lamb 2007.09.24

Who came up with his mother, so the cattle X

I am a monster, love SUPER JUNIOR

I am the monster you are a messenger of love that smile, the basic light shining golden heart
Fan fans I love that song you are a goblin messenger voice messenger art embodiment
strong I love that you fairy Korean is the messenger of hope stirred Geng Bao monster
I love you beautiful angel of hope through the origin of Che fairy angel
I love you handsome messenger that began in the sun due to want I am the monster you are a messenger of love that will li (Li) property owned by the person
I especially love that the real monster is the messenger of your illustrious momentum is beautiful dancing
other day I love you fairy U.S. envoy Li scenery rising sun
I love those simple fairy messenger Pearl of the Orient you glimpse the sea monster treasure
I love those cute angels you are the symbol of agility and skill Sheng
my monster That silence you are a messenger of love in the sky Kui Yin monster in front of
I love that you are a brave soul messenger kind heart strong
I love those faces of the children you are a goblin messenger of God's love of childlike smile We are the monster free
eternal love that you are the perfect combination of ---- SUPER JUNIOR
favorite fairy forever

( Too late to have to keep watching )

a room

house renovation process
1. pre-design - 2 main Chaigai - 3. water reform - 4. woodworking - 5 . tiling - 6. whitewash finish - 7. kitchen ceiling - 8. cupboard installation - 9 doors installed - 10. flooring installation - 11 Stones Wallpaper - 12. Radiator Installation - 13 switch socket - 14. lighting installation - 15 metal ware installed - 16 curtain rod installation - 17 pioneering cleaning - 18. Furniture approach - 19. appliance installation - 20 .
home decoration accessories, are generally done in accordance with these 20 steps. Here, dead against the best of the best of my, my current understanding of the process of renovation and the entire process needs to pay attention to many details as described in detail again ... ...
a decoration part of the whole analytical process 20 (a) initial design
same construction, and the difference lies in the bees, the bees build is a reflection of instinct, and in construction before the mind to form ideas and framework first. So, if the metaphor of a home-improvement campaign, the decoration of the pre-design is the battle of the So again, dead against the chapter on
in the initial design, students must also do one thing, it is their room for a detailed measurement, we do not make the lazy, the best measure yourself again, measuring the contents include:
1, clear the area involved in the renovation process. Especially the tiling area, an area of ​​wall paint, wallpaper, area, floor area;
2, clearly the main wall size. After the need to design, especially furniture, wall size display.
I remember my family in accordance with the foreman told me the last Re-measurement, the foreman turned around rebuke bricklayer, said: Fitting with the truth in many places, like - we do not understand the mouth, but the heart must be the number.
take the opportunity to remind everyone, do not forget to start before the start procedures for the property, pay the deposit decoration.
(b) of the main Chaigai
into the construction phase, the main Chaigai is the first on a project, including tearing down walls, drywall, plaster spatula, split heating, for plastic-steel windows and so on. Main Chaigai plainly, is the first site to take up the first frame.
(c) the transformation of water reform
water circuit before the main structure Chaigai should be basically completed. Chaigai in water reform and the main link between the two, some students may know, the cabinet should also be the first measurement. In fact, the first measurement of the so-called cabinet and no real content, because the walls and floor are not dealt with, cabinet designer can not give a specific design size, but only on the developer set aside on the outlet, the location of the hood outlet make some recommendations. Include:
1, to see whether the location of the hood outlet hood after the installation of impact;
2, take a look at the suitability of the location of water meters;
3, to see whether the location on the outlet to facilitate later Install the sink.
cabinet for the first measurement, there is little experience of the students can complete on their own. After the transformation was complete, water is best followed by the toilet water to do. Kitchen usually do not need to do water.
some students have always thought that before the start of renovation, some of the ingredient should be admitted in advance. I am saying is, unless it is the main ingredient used Chaigai need, otherwise, such as ceramic tile, Daixinban other ingredient of the approach should be in water reform after time. Because the circuit is modified if it involves the ground slot, then tile, Daixinban laying position properly, workers moved around very troublesome. Two days before the

carpentry carpentry, bricklaying, construction of the oil workers are part of the Basic principle is played - who dirty on who should. In fact, as the package
riser, ceiling decoration, gypsum paste lines like carpentry sense can be used as a small part of the main Chaigai considered itself not in conflict transformation and water circuits, sometimes also need some cooperation, such as mentioned in my last post - the br> (V) tiling
If workers are too busy to open the case, the general foreman in the itself is no conflict.
In Window-stone floor tile installation can be done with, you can also after the floor tile, marble window sill of the window cover is generally good after installation, the installation of marble workers will be prepared glass, plastic, marble and easily put the sealed plastic glass window cover the.
2, floor drain installation. Floor drain is a home improvement hardware in the first appearance, as it should and the floor tiles together with the installation. Therefore, the students begin visiting the building materials, it should catch the early child buy floor drain.
3, hood installation. Hood is the first appearance of appliances, kitchen tiles laid out, you can consider installing a hood.

(f) house painter paint
Prepare students wallpaper, just to make As to whether to stay again finish last, personal feel this child is not necessary too seriously, from my experience renovated, leaving again the significance of finish is not great, because the painting behind the operation of no more than a dirty again .
write to you, death breath against the children, chatting with you two. When the The reason why we have this feeling because of the widespread understanding of the decoration is only fitting the
If the . Children drink water and continue ... ...
(g) kitchen cabinet ceiling
installed as part of the head of the ceiling, or in the continuation of the family's While in the kitchen ceiling, kitchen moisture Ceiling fan (Yuba) should have been bought. Students best to kitchen ceiling, fan (Yuba) to put in a good, or head and outlet openings remain.
take the opportunity to insert one, I strongly advocate, , wallpaper paste how to how professional, how to build cabinets how practical ... In my opinion, fitting team can do is carpentry, tiling, painting
Because I believe that the construction professional, I believe the manufacturers installation level, I believe that the product pipeline operations, mostly manual workers than the slightly better team decoration. Decorated like the game, gambling is the workers' skills, so bet on The reason why so many students
decoration company, decoration team take a lot of construction tasks, the reason one hand, their time was not good, because there is a consideration, I had decided to outsource water reform, and neighbors to remind me: link up a lot of trouble later.
In fact, every aspect of the decoration of independence are strong, well south of the forum a while back I remember the students questioned said that he decorated his home there, every aspect of your dedicated workers are the owners do. So something on home decoration, its really no convergence at all, but rather the students themselves in the home improvement process should maximize the so-called the relationship between the workers and so on, this is the key.
really want to say because the tube
decoration, quality is always ranked first, is the main contradiction is the principle. Some areas because of Students in secondary contradictions as prepared in the main contradiction in principle to make concessions at the same time, need to be careful.

(h) after the end of kitchen cabinets installed
ceiling, about the cabinet door can be installed. Hopefully, one day to complete. Be installed along the sink (may not include the upper and lower parts of water) and gas stove, cabinets before installing the best coordination of the property to pass gas, because gas stove gas test is required after installed.
the way, just said ceiling, there is a problem worthy of our study, many students choose waterproof gypsum board ceiling kitchen with waterproof paint, decoration team quote for more than $ 120 per square meter, than Lvkou Ban, PVC pinch ceiling to be expensive. Gypsum board ceiling looks visually smooth, but after the top surface of water if there are problems, or downstairs with the upstairs leak needs repair, the whole gypsum board ceiling will be removed much more trouble than the wall panel ceiling. Therefore, we select the plasterboard ceiling in the time need to be cautious.
(i) installed in the cabinet doors installed
the next day, early in the month before the doors of the measurement is complete, now about installed. Well, then, is one day, put the door at the same time to install the hinge, door locks, to absorb. Students should be prepared in advance the relevant hardware.
If you want the doors of the factory-installed window cover, Pass, then manufacturers of wooden doors, measure the time should be measured, and the day of installation to install the doors, taking into account the marble window sill installation time back wrong came in the window cover after installation.
Note: wooden doors of the production cycle, generally one month, so in order for the duration of convergence close to the main doors as early as possible after the completion of Chaigai door manufacturers to measure the size of openings. On the openings of the processing, we need to note that if the height of inconsistency home openings, workers need to be processed into high - good-looking.
(X) in the wooden floor installed
installed the next day to install the floor, and goes, but also the time of day. Floor installation requires attention to the following questions:
1, before installing the floor, the best site survey so that manufacturers need to look at the ground leveling or partial leveling, some renovation or refurbishment of the company team will advise students on the ground leveling or partial leveling to flooring manufacturers subject to the actual survey;
2, the floor prior to installation, home to the ground floor pavement cleaned, to ensure that the ground to dry, so do not water the cleaning process.
3, floor installation, able to do so, be sure to cut the floor in the corridor. On this issue before the forum also discussed, and some students think that cutting the floor in the corridor and pollution in public areas and immoral. My idea is, after completion of sweep, it does not matter. In the cutting room floor to the walls of the pollution is serious, there is a similar man-made stone cabinet cutting table, I believe the number of students have renovated the experience.
(k) the floor tiling wallpaper
installed the next day, the family clean up, and you can about wallpaper Stones, and goes well, the same day. Able to do so, paving the wallpaper of the day, the floor should do something to protect; conditions did not matter to clean wallpaper glue left on the floor cleaning is no problem to the Wild. Paving wallpaper before the walls to try to make
(l) heat sink
wallpaper paved in the next day, replace the radiator or radiator Chaigai students can hang down the wall of the radiator. Same day.
doors - floor - Wallpaper - radiator, which is a universally recognized proper installation sequence, first floor loading door is to ensure that the baseboard and doors can close the door pockets bonding; after wallpaper installed mainly because the installation of the floor more dirty, more dust, pollution of the wallpaper. Used again here in front of me said, Finally, because only the wall mounted radiator is laid out to install the radiator wallpaper.
successive fitting process is gradually being restricted with the various constraints under conditions designed. Occasionally there are exceptions, such as the need to install the floor Holtz door after door installation, but such exceptions are rare in the renovation process.
In addition, in front of me repeatedly that They also try not to time in the day while two appointments to install, especially for those mentioned above, To learn to comfort themselves - we are not bad that day.
(m) anti-death switch socket
with only a reminder: students should be home between the switches and sockets in all natural number, location and other issues or have a detailed understanding of the record, especially for the wallpaper students, workers sometimes irresponsible wallpaper, wallpaper covered hula to a sudden, he would not have a wallpaper knife in your opening marked the location of switches and sockets. Therefore, students still need their own pretty well.
mounted light fixture installation, nothing to say. Zhuangwan lights, the family lit up, bid farewell to the decoration 100-watt incandescent bulb glare - feeling good.
(xv) metal ware before installing
bought the pieces up and down pipes, bathroom accessories, toilet, drying racks, etc., be installed on both. In front of those Is no exaggeration to say that the first time you open the water watched the water dragon, gave it a good name -
curtain rod curtain rod installation installation marks the end of the basic home improvement.
(xvii) the Wild Wild
cleaning before the cleaning, not curtains, remember, Pioneering cleaning, the family do not have furniture and appliances are not required to keep more of the
(r) approach
furniture buy furniture on time, my suggestion is that the earliest completion of the transformation in the water circuit, so select the basic size range of furniture was generally a number of our hearts. Therefore, some students before the start of the renovation has not been eager to set up furniture, personal feel no need.
appliance approach to this time, the approach of the appliance approach, the installation of the installation, ready to stay up!
home accessories, home accessories, home improvement the last step, and has been decorated by the fitting to include the installation of curtain are all part of home accessories. As for buying curtains, preferably in a good set of furniture, the style in order to avoid conflict. Home accessories can also consider buying some plants, wall art, decorative crafts and so on and so on ... ... In short, stay, you can freely play.

Second, the renovation process of the two divided
read the first section of the students may feel a little chaotic, in order to facilitate further understanding of all the 20 steps, and some need to pay attention during the entrainment part, the anti-death in front of that 20 main Chaigai - 5 door manufacturers door measuring --6 cabinet for the first time measurement - 7 water reform - 8 toilet water - 9 Ingredients approach - 10 Woodworking --11 tiling (installed bay windows, floor drain) - 12 Install hood --13 cabinet second measurement --14 whitewash finish - 15 kitchen ceiling --16 pass gas --17 cabinet installation (to install the sink, gas stove) - 18 doors Installation --19 flooring installation - 20 Stones Wallpaper --21 radiator installation --22 switch socket --23 lighting installation - 24 metal ware installed - 25 curtain rod installation --26 pioneering cleaning --27 Furniture approach --28 appliances installed --29 home accessories --30 move
(a) the whole process of fitting the four-step classification
broad-brush, said, according to the text of the links mentioned at the beginning of the 20 division, renovation of the whole process can be divided into the following four areas:
1, the design aspects; (1)
2, construction sectors; (2-6)
3, install the part; (7-16)
4, ending part. (17-20)
(b) fitting into the whole process of six steps in accordance with the engineering characteristics
, according to the 30 areas just mentioned into the decoration of the whole process can be divided into the following six steps:
The first step: design ideas; (3)
Step two: the main Chaigai; (4)
third step: hidden project; (7)
Fourth step: covering engineering; (10, 11 , 14,15,19,20)
Step five: Install the stage; (17,18,21,22,23,24,25)
Step Six: ending phase. (26,27,28,29,30)
1, to distinguish it from the bees, we must first have design ideas;
2, the main Chaigai is to completely change the rough housing into the site. Chaigai including the main contents of the above just said - medical surgery. Covert projects to do first, that is, we often say Wood window cover, Pass, bricklaying tiling, window-stone, window installation, oil painting work - wood, tile, oil is the basis of these three projects, the back wall panel ceiling, floor coverings, wallpaper after , even wear clothes over;
5, installation phase, the main function of the realization of the completion. Including: cabinets, doors, radiators, switches, sockets, lighting installation, hardware, sanitary ware, curtain rod ... ... Each item has its own set of functions;
6, the final stages, plainly, is to not constitute
by Section II,

decoration to know things (keep back)

experience, so you avoid detours.

1. the mattress is too soft

2. If cooking at home will be high frequency words, try to give up the open kitchen, there will be cooking fumes

3. bathroom, Kitchen small water treasure, hot water faster, more convenient to use

4. Chinese than European-style hood suction stronger

5. outlet can install as much more decorated, Otherwise, drag lines are everywhere at home plate

6. toilet outlet side must be set aside, or washlet not install

7. PK bath shower, a second election, then it is recommended that shower, bathtub installed, I have never had bubble bath is not a minority. Shower not mean shower room, shower room glass wipe up or tired, you can also choose the root shower curtain hanging

8. If there are two bathrooms, installed a bathtub or necessary, large bubbles clothing, to help the baby bath is a good choice, you do not have a jacuzzi, bubble not several times, but also particularly expensive

9. If not, the people are not cooking, the kitchen is best to install air conditioning
10. If you like the Internet, each side wall of each room are reserved for at least two Ethernet ports and two or more sockets. Wireless router can indeed solve the problem, but said sometimes still unstable

11. regret kitchen flue is not playing out now as long as the building was cooking, own off range hood machines must be open simultaneously, or a room full of smoke flavor

12. room location of all outlets, and then buy the furniture size biased, wasted a lot of outlet

13. If Why buy at the mall are, just do not call carpenter to do! ! ! ! ! Unless the woodworking craft very good

14. Floor slightly lighter color, not easy to see ash, but slightly dark kitchen tiles is not easy to find hair everywhere, so that only the most dirt

15. the best restaurant installing a ceiling fan, super comfortable


16. Reserve things a little more space as possible, after the arrival of the debris will need to incorporate more and more

17. terrace wall tiles better than the more waterproof coating

18. regret buying had installed so many lights, in fact, fixed with a few on that. . .

19. toilet grooming table is glass, and super easy to dirty

20. bedside neglected to install switch, turn off the lights every time out of bed in winter, very sad
21. bathroom hardware, faucets and the like is definitely a sub-price goods

22. decoration, try not to leave areas that are not clean, corners very difficult to engage in health
23. in the future intend to families with children, must be considered a good size, in the bed next to the crib to be put aside to the position of

24. recommended that all installed hot and cold water faucets, renovation equipment that can not spend a lot more money later to remedy the super-difficult

25. the room is not practical as little as possible the layout of the RMB paste opinions do not tear down obsolete sooner or later!

26 . buy anything inside the door when the size of attention at home, do not move bought into

27. wood flooring foot feeling good but needs maintenance, laminate flooring clean up easy

28. invisible doors is impractical, to have trouble driving a breathable

29. walk-in closet nice, but relatively easy to fouling, open-style shelves, racks, etc. (not the kind of door ), good-looking is good looking, but good pain ah rub together, especially in the book, a layer of ash

30. lights must not be rushed, and that the hang of it after waiting for fouling

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1. Yale University, took five years of research. -

If you see this dancer is clockwise, that you use the right brain; -

turn counterclockwise if it is, that you use the left brain. -

said that 14% of Americans can see in both directions. -

can see with the others, testing, generally different people feel while watching this picture will not like, really amazing.

actually look at this map, to tell you one way: the mouse up and down the screen exposed only the lower half of her legs! ! ! In fact, she did not look carefully turn complete circle. One of her legs to turn the focus back to the past to the left turn right, turn only a half-circle! This will result when you look at reversing the effects (with a black background !)-


2. pillars are round or square, do not worry take your time ......-

3. is static or moving (see the quiet, do not look at the action) -

4. Where the Lions? -

5. is said to be able to see nine hundred and eighty-face IQ -

6. the woman is real or puzzle in?

7. There are several black spots? (Definitely not animated, do not believe you can look at the image file format) -

8. look at this triangle is upright or lie flat? -

9. a visual-image oh look carefully there will be ... (love, marriage really is behind the funeral) -

10. in between illusion and reality: a close look at two openings, this building is from a scientific point of view may do? -

try to cover the 'illusion' of the upper part, and then carefully inspected again, then cover the lower half of figure, what strange things do? -

Swiss artist 桑德罗戴尔普 Split screen created this possible, in illusion and reality may be somewhere between the occurrence of -

11. rail bridge accident: Two trains collide it will be? -

12. St. George and the Dragon: you can only find the portrait of St. George killing the dragon has found his picture it?

13. impossible to cage: the Buddha to the Commons for these artists Jones Des impossible to create a parrot cage -

14. folding chessboard: you can see from above or from below the board do? -

15. the human living environment: the tree in the house or outside? -

16. impossible stairs: -

walk the stairs of this strange, what happens? The lowest level and step at the highest level where -

17. wow, a lot of flames you can see a lot of flaming it? -

18. in the middle of the ground surface in the end, or ceiling? -

map on part of the ground. Figure the next part of the ceiling (the Spanish masters) -

19. a closer look, as either the red surface is facing up, and can also be seen as downward. -

20. waves and waves: before and after the stretch head out, so scene from simply moving .-

21. There is a man you can read this piece of strange screen? photo has not changed .-

22. kissing couple illusion: this imaginary kiss by the American artist Jerry Dunn hit .-

23. in the above or below it? -

24. Einstein amazing test myopia Figure -

25. put this picture upside down, you see? -

26. see? People in the boating lake in a lake in a big fish, the lake has a tree? -

see? An old man? Or a group of people? -

27. see? Tree, what else? Have not seen the baby ah? -

28. a few to see the figure head? -

29. you know how many elderly people moving around him smile? -

30. You see a lot of eagle's head, you can see the middle of riding the Indians do? -

31. look slightly, following a naked woman picture oh. -

32. you see how much snow there is a mysterious picture? -

33. pigeons formed -

34. you can see two lovers kissing each other? -

35. you can see four face? -

36. eyes watching the middle of the circle, head quickly up and down continuously from side to side, you will see ......-

37. stare at the middle of the chromophore, it will slowly disappear. .


38. you see six cup? See six pairs of different attitudes or face?

39. satyr is said to see the inside of the dolphins, in a minute if you do not see dolphins if you're pervert friends ...-

Would like your night , people-unfriendly ! Today in 3619 and repeated listening, Well also a snap to pull people like this song , a little bit tight to ask if I have feelings , PP around to help me clarify there is no mind , just think of that time , huh, huh ! Eat DECORATED Oh Ha! Some nice

Name: Miyano keep
Japanese: Hiragana Miyano keep
: ma mo ru み や の
the Roman alphabet: Miyano Mamoru

Birthplace: Jade
Birthday: June 8, 1983
Constellation: Gemini
Blood type: B
belongs: drama industrialization ma wa ri
Height: 182cm
Weight: 58kg
favorite color: red, blue, black, white

home her second child, has a brother, a sister next. Dog called リ ku, cat called フ ィ ga ro
men recently paid close attention to the new seiyuu, magnetic sound very rich, very bright.

* from the teens after his debut, starred in Because of the After the show was promoted major-selling comic
* In July 2005, and the theater 'Alter Ego' Jun Takagi, formed the group Even with a nickname - Xiao-Jun (し ゅ san ri) to refer to Takagi Jun, the two's friendship is very deep.
* and Akira Sugiyama Ji sound like.
* to
* home, the second son, a brother, sister.
* dog (mini dachshund) is the name of RIKU (the name comes from Cat's name is FUIGARO.
* his blog almost daily photo updates. Blog content and articles written unusually high mood, people often say that like a high school girl's blog.
* and
* favorite color is red, blue, black and white.
* favorite food is raw eggs bibimbap (in 2003)
* is often a headache, and has trouble with.
* very shy, has recently overcome this point, no matter and who can quickly become acquainted.
* like
* childhood dream is to become Shimura, said even in his uncle's wedding, but also a jumping dance Shimura look.
* high school when the sports festival when the head of the group Pink, Pink Lady jump dance.
* in Shinjuku and other places are often invited to become Cowboy.
* will suddenly come to mind in the poem, written in a notebook kept with. Occasionally composing would look like. Love with the white guitar.
* good personality, cherish fans, friends and work companions, often in the blog to thank these people.
* Kara OK in the first song must sing Tian Qiuzi の
* usually very high emotions, once drunk, will be more expensive to speak and cry.
* with the glass into the mouth of the (CUP)
* because my mother is a beautician, change the hair do not always spend money. In fact, had previously performed
* in performance.
* sound impression people think the role is more calm, in fact, from juvenile delinquent, to steady the young comic and the role of narcissism, etc., acted in a variety of roles. So he played the role of fool would accidentally fit.
* put out the songs from the CD as the previous target, so he issued his first CD (of Fans are also popular songs in praise.
* said in the movie Included in
* high school football community to participate in the community, when asked which location, always answer
* aroma alone seems able to tell which company is out of the way fast-food fried noodles.
* chin does not look smooth, be This statement was widely circulated.
* loves to eat strange things, a child has to make miso soup and milk out of the food eaten. I said,
* has a


major works

TV animation:

2002 年
really? Megami Tensei ド レ ン D チ Hikaru Getting イ Suites & the inter ku (ア キ Getting)

2003 年
Wolf Rain (Spike)

2004 年
A15 Series
シ ッ Suites リ ズ ヒ ら を ね え! (Oizumi Naoto)
LOVE LOVE? (Oizumi Naoto)

Alice Gakuen (wild Tien)

Get Ride! ア ム ド ラ イ Information found (フ ェ イ? カ ン)

2005 year Eyeshield 21 (Sakuraba spring people)

symphonic poem エ ウ レ カ セ ブ ン (ム ン ド beverage giant)

ji Ailuropoda ン Jewellery (Hayashibara Katsutoshi)

ji ン キ? エ ku su Te ン ド JINKI: EXTEND (World)

cool (Tsuda and Hui)

firmament FAFNER (firmament of Valrhona) - RIGHT OF LEFT ~ single program ~ (the Ling Liao)

game ュ エ ru Wang holds an ン デ ス Tatari ズ GX (ア Bldg ド su 3 World)

2006 年
Ouran male university public relations (to be king of ring)

heartbeat memories ~ Only love ~ (Aoba land)

Death Note (Yagami)

burst ball Hit! ku ラ ッ シ ュ Bldg the inter マ ン (depth ji ョ)

2007 year Steel Three Kingdoms (Lu Xun Bo words)

Witch Hunter (LA)

ga ン the inter ム Gundam OO (moment. F. セ エ イ イ)
(Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (moment. F. Ching Ying))

Dragon Ming Dragonaut (Mars Prince ア ツ ム ヅ ャ マ Hikaru ム ru)

rallying ace high command (Zhongze Li Central)

レ ン マ beverage giant カ Tatari Hikaru (Magic rental so) (Feng Ku Luda)

vampire knight (zero cone Health)

D.Gray-man (Chih-Chung Chao)

Soul Eater (Death? Germany? Kidd)


Mobile Suit GUNDAM SEED CE73 STARGAZER (シ ャ ム su? コ ザ (who temporarily perform Hiroshi Kamiya))
ヒ ッ Suites ら を ね え! (Oizumi Naoto)

LOVE LOVE? (Oizumi Naoto)

wing Chronicle OVA - Tokyo Apocalypse (Division wolf divinity)

2007 年
su Suites レ ン ヂ ア - to no edge Tan - (Xu Juro too)


symphonic poem TR2: NEW VISION (ムン ド beverage giant)

カ レ と で between he-DX ツ の イ ン ズ Ailuropoda ッ ku Edition - (Kawada transition / Raymond)

Golden Strings 2 (plus ground Kwai)

Kingdom Hearts I - RIKU (land)

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - RIKU (land), RIKU = Replica

Kingdom Hearts II - RIKU (land)

call Symphony of the Night ~ the onset of the stone - (ji ェ イ ド)

ド ラ ゴ ン シ ャ ド ウ su ペ Hikaru (Telling カ イ Suites, シ ュ キ? ア マ Neko)

と ら ぶ ru ふ ぉ う ち ゅ san COMPANY ☆ は ぴ CURE (China Eastern Zhou Dynasty)

れ は か な と は who ga ta ni Jun は あ Circular ru? (Kosaka Hikaru イ ザ)

Ouran male university public relations (to be king of ring)

サ holds an ナ イ ン Suites ku Getting フ Suites good!ド Story ~ は じ ま り の stone ~ (ji ェ イ ド)

Information found ロ ッ ku (superior angel)

DEAR My SUN!! ~ ム su コ ★ ★ bred mad song ~ (Mitac Fang)
Star Ocean First Departure (Getting Te ィ ku su? フ ァ レ ン ス)

LUX-PAIN (Saijo ア ツ キ)

お し ゃ れ に Love し て 2 ~ お し ゃ れ プ リ ン セ su ~ (コ ウ Tatari)
demon ノ Palace (Imperial March Junior and human)

ふ し ぎ tour Suzaku different smell (a ghost places)

Suites ゥ Hikaru フ ォ チ ュ ン (Zodiac Run)

Real Rode (Thief Wataru)


Prince of Tennis (Liu Lian two)


Prince of Tennis Movie - (fixed Peak / Ishida iron, Yulin / spring)

SMILY ☆ SPIKY first performance of br> SMILY ☆ SPIKY second time performance of 14, all 3 back to the performances, Shinjuku ア プ Hikaru Theatre)

music CD

single Eyeshield 21 character songs SONG FIELD 4 Sakuraba spring people

Ouran soundtrack university public relations men, the role of song and prior papers (to be king of ring - 2track (to be king of rings - 4track Ino keep の ポ ケ sound フ ァ イ Suites! Te マ song br> Golden の コ Hikaru the inter 2 ~ felice ~ (add to Kwai-Tip-Top Shape)

Steel Three Kingdoms (OST - Bo Lu Xun made the role of long song - Red の months, wind patterns, light, etc.)

SMILY ☆ SPIKY mini-album Friends of the holy)

AI シ Hikaru ド 21 DRAMA FIELD 1 (Spring Court people)

vampire knight (zero cone Health)

Ouran male university public relations (to be king ring)

KAMUI ~ カ ム イ ~ (empty (youth))

kagero ノ su ~ Tatari Hikaru ji ア new chapter ~ (Xi Hao (Hao ghost))

Bakumatsu Love China * Hanayagi disability Limited Edition ド ラ マ + Gan い ボ イ ス set (Yan)

フ ァ イ ブ-act.4-(ケ Bldg ン)

と ら ぶ ru ふ ぉ う ち ゅ san COMPANY ★ は ぴ CURE (National Eastern Zhou Dynasty)

か ら scattered small town gun dove Volume 1 (to be Yoyogi Kenta)

か ら scattered small town gun dove 2 (Yoyogi be Kenta)
エ Hikaru カ ザ ド section 1 (L · A)

エ Hikaru カ ザ ド Section 2 (L · A)

ド ラ ゴ ド ン シ ャ Hikaru Vol.1 ウ su ペ Wolf の の compiled before the city poetry ( Telling カ イ Suites)

ド ラ ゴ ャ ド ン シ ス ペ ウ compiled after the ancient city of Hikaru Vol.2 の の Wolf Poetry (Telling カ イ Suites)

DOLLS series (where repayment of Life)

マ ザ キAiluropoda (リ カ Hikaru ナ)

aristocratic Detective エ ド ワ ド (エ ド ワ ド)

Captain HOOK love's lock. genetic aberration (moment)

の ご と ひ く や そka ni - made it starts when (River St.)

に さ れ ど hands on session か ず は の all monsters (Du Gang)

priest と magic ~ カ プ Suites? レス の beverage giant vampire (ヴ ェ ド リ ッ ku priest)

priest magic silver の 森 と の crying wolf (ヴ ェ ド リ ッ ku priest)

eight dogs Oriental eight dogs smell different (Ozaki to)

cut ri wa servant の former を know っ て い ru (pestle worry students)

ASH-Archaic Sealed Heat-su ペ シ ャ Hikaru ド ラ マ CD (ji カ ウ ェ ン)

Tokyo ★ イ ノ セ ン Suites (Hanzo )

ア Getting Bldg ア ン ロ ズ ~ ラ イ ラ の Passion ~ First Press Limited special edition (シ ャ Hikaru デ ィ ン)

gold の コ Hikaru the inter 2 snow ど け の sun (plus to Kwai)

gold のコ Hikaru the inter 2 ~ felice (フ ェ リ チ ェ) 2 (add to Kwai)


youthful adventure, college men and PR (Club) ま に あ っ!-Podcast Radio 1 back 3 back (after the sale of acoustic and the role of songs set prequel First edition also included in this broadcast. Part Two First Edition is a collection of unpublished, specials broadcast )

Park Romi? Miyano keep の ポ ケ sound フ ァ イ Suites! - Culture Go (October 8, 2006 - (and Park Romi together as this radio host))

と ki メ holds an? su Te シ ョ ン ~ ど ki ど ki メ holds an リ ア Hikaru (Aoba Land Battle) - web broadcast (January 5, 2007 ~)

A & G was more し special fan チ ョ sudden Mengjin! カ ウ ン Suites the inter ウ ン LIVE SP (メ イ ン MC) (2006 年 12 月31 - January 1, 2007)

Miyano? Yusa の Steel Three Kingdoms ~ ~ ら じ お - Culture Go (January 6, 2007 - (Koji Yusa, and as this radio program host with the people))

SMILY ☆ SPIKY RADIO run (April 4, 2008 start running, and SMILY ☆ SPIKY together as members of Jun Takagi)

TV performance

3 years Class B Mr. Jin Ba SP (1998)

Eyeshield 21 SP (2006)

Death Note 11.5 sets (2006)

Related links:

personal BLOG:

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the end of this year's NBA China Games, the Yao Ming injury after every ball, every score will lead the audience cheering. Yesterday they open in Guangzhou, the institute's training session is attracted media and fans, the students crazy chase. Time back over 14 years, the National Youth Basketball League held at the Wuhan Institute, in order to create a better atmosphere, counselors spend 5 dollars to bring us comprehensive museum to watch the game, when watching the match, after Shanghai, a lot of people say Shanghai That two meters two youth team a few of the big white blind, long tall so high, will not play.

Yao Ming makes me think a lot of experience, I have discussed with my coach before the Enlightenment, , not the height, jumping ability, speed ... but a positive, vowing to successful heart. Two coaches brought up the Olympic team, Zhang Hao, Wen Yongyi, a child of the child and the physical conditions in the wave of players that could not be more common in general. And then boast about, I was a kid in the coach's team is almost the worst of a physical, often envious of others gone then run Yeah, long jump action so nice, the result I became a coach with the men the best players in the Long Jump . I was managing the company, I would particularly like good, serious, sometimes being . Zheng Wei, Kaka, Ya no not the case. Many smart people are Shicai pride, often mixed with a very unhappy later, the conditions were tired of their own good, pity.

Indeed, the time of Yao Ming, never seem to catch up with the target - Wang, from small two after the door will be put together for comparison, king height two meters fifteen, smart, flexible, lightweight steps. The small year-old Yao Ming is his clumsy, uncoordinated, deaf in one ear, arm span is much shorter than the height ... These seem to indicate Yao Mingcheng are not a good basketball player.

1996 Wang has been named to the beginning of the national team, and with 19 years of age represented China at the Atlanta Olympics, setting a record of the Chinese team played a minimum. At that time the Chinese men's basketball each winter to Liuzhou winter training, I was Zhuixingyizu the same table, to the square every day after school he would squat down, the next sign to me that this is Hu Weidong, this is battle, this is Wang ... ... that the smallest national teams Wang Stankovic Cup in 2010 again came to Liuzhou, has become the first national team veteran, at the airport, he said he remembered a good eating fried Liuzhou, indeed. But now we can not find Liuzhou delicious fried, and are split light.

2000 in Sydney Olympic Games, the NBA commissioner David Stern to remember two of China's seven feet above the center, although not by name. But landing NBA, Wang and Yao Ming is on has been on the agenda. In 2001, Wang kill the last time the Shanghai Sharks, become a member of the Dallas Mavericks, NBA Asia's first person. In 2002, Yao Ming, the Shanghai team to do so to bring the first and last CBA title, in the draft with the first overall to the Houston Rockets. Later, two people who do not know the fate of so different in the NBA. To the NBA after Wang increasingly marginalized, increasingly self-confident, only from a center into a two-thirds of the ordinary on the outside Biao pitcher, defense still a mess. The final event stagnation does not belong to the United States, so that the court completely blocked him, the court sets of sports channels froze time in four years, he made no mention, former Herd youth face the sun becomes a little like bitter gourd, people sad. And Yao's stardom further and further along, after 2002 each morning with his game, I would get up so early in front of the TV, open Hubei sports channels, listen to my institute's talented woman no return Jiali Juan explanation, see Yao Ming show most people mention gas. The big old silly thoroughly reborn, and off the field have demonstrated his intelligence and emotional intelligence, his cap, dunk, rebound, and a rare , in answer to numerous questions from reporters, He said:

1996,2000,2004, or that Wang Wang, Yao Ming, Yao Ming is not that. The first NBA China Games, Hughes the Rockets and Sacramento Kings games, box tickets to a staggering 18 million. See the news when I think of when the freshman to spend 5 dollars after watching Yao Ming out those BS-ing, Oh, now. In addition to the 2004 Sports Personality Yao Ming, as well as Liu Xiang, the two men representing Shanghai,

second and last time I saw Yao Ming, is a stadium in Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electric 1999-2000 CBA league, that team in Hubei Mailyard short burst into a A, only the year win a ball. In my entire four years of college there, Yao Ming is gradually self-confidence, there is a growing dominance. Domestic a ball very often get a 34, the basket is the meal to get the ball dunks. Shanghai Sharks of the Hubei Mailyard game has not broken another record, the Shanghai team in the game 1 seconds after the field from the end line at random fling the ball into, the CBA has the farthest points. But the real shocking thing is the Bayi Wang came to Wuhan, is simply not in the game, is in the show. Preparations let the microwave Nan (small knife your mother), Zhang Jinsong performing a pass long shot, let Wang Moco Brighton dunks, Section 20-plus kick to win, then let a few of the hair is not left A coach and players go up the river with a group of alternate mix, a pile may, Chen Li can Moco ... ...

continuous rain this month . Even the dead on the windowsill cactus revived .
incredible ! Also praise the life , there are always miracles !

If a man really loves you, he will think you are the best, will not you and other women to do more.

If a man really loves you, he'll buy you something you like, holding hands with your shopping, even if he is tired. Without complaint, and you just want more together, even for a second line.

- if one man really loves you, when you cross the road will be holding your hand tight, for fear you rampage happen, so you do not throw off his hand.

If a man really loves you, the morning he would gently kiss your forehead, stroked your hair, take a look at your beautiful face, because you are his angel. -

If a man really loves you, you poor health, he would be worried about you, feel bad you sleep at night,

If a man really loves you, he will not ask you anything, because he will pass on your physical health as the first. He will always remind you of safety. -

If a man really loves you, when you feel bad, he will care about you, just want to coax you happy.

If a man really loves you, he will not care about you, because you would love to accommodate you, understand you, considerate you, protect you, do not provoke your anger.

If a man really loves you, he will always hold you tight, you feel his heartbeat. -

If a man really loves you, he will find time to stay with you, because he could not see you will miss you. -

If a man really loves you, he will not be left out you more than three days, because the day is difficult to miss you spend -

If a man really loves you, his cell phone 24 hours you will start, wherever you can find him. You sent him text messages, not more than 3 minutes will give you back, you know? -

If a man really loves you, he will remember every word you say, even a little joke, he will be assured in. And then try to change their habits. -

- if a man really loves you, his cell phone all the things about you, thinking of you will giggle at the mobile phone, look at your messages, your photos, memories of the good of happiness! !

If a man really loves you, he will quietly give up everything for you, but you know he has done very little sacrifice. This is a man really love your performance. -

women, you read it? Think of the men around you how deep you love, you can weigh you in his heart there are multiple, the number of components, we know that a woman ah! To be a happy woman now!

If a man really loves you, he will not say that he is passive, he loves your heart stronger.

If a man really loves you, he will take the trouble to remind you to wear clothes at night to bed earlier, even if you are tired of hearing, he has to remind you, because you are sick is the greatest harm to him. -

If a man really loves you, regardless of your emotions, he quietly support you, encourage you.

If a man really loves you, he will want to live together with you, just want to have you all, and not hold you, will see you as the most important in life. -

If a man really loves you, he will like you as a child loved, but their pet but can not tell you the reason, he will hurt you more than all the people, you know?

If a man really loves you, when you break off the relationship when he was ten thousand do not want to, not you say: you make a decision I have heard you, because love is selfish, only there is no love over who can readily give up.

If a man really loves you, he will give you a sweet call, belongs only to call him a man shouting, even if you sometimes do not like, but this is a love you! -

If a man really loves you, he will not mess you're not happy, even if you do wrong, wrong, he would not blame you on the spot, but after you cool when slowly analysis to you, not you drill horns, break up break up, whatever you want, this sentence he will never say it, the women you know?

flavored pork


characteristics: fish-flavored pork, the red color of gold, import the delicious, sweet and sour spicy salty flavors and taste.

成都名小吃 Long Chao Shou

[dish] [pickled fish
owned Sichuan cuisine] [Features]
Sichuan Cooking. To fresh grass-based material, with Sichuan pickled vegetables cooked together. Although civil Cooking Sichuan dish, but widespread. Vegetables into tender meat,

chicken bamboo shoots 200 grams of lettuce 100 grams. Hot pepper 25 grams. Major oil and 60 g sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine 20 grams, 3 grams of MSG, salt, 3 grams sugar 15 grams, wet starch 20 grams, five grams of vinegar, onion, ginger, garlic, a total of 50 grams, a little soup.
[production process]
(1) bamboo chicken cut into 1 cm square small, with a little salt, soy sauce, cooking wine mix, good with wet starch, then mix with a little oil. (2) lettuce cut into small. Ginger and garlic are sliced. Chopped hot peppers to stand. Then soup, onion, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, wet starch, monosodium glutamate across with sweet juice. (3), stir into the hot Chao Shao large oil, oil heat, put

tender cucumber (300 grams), sugar (6 grams), vinegar (7.5 grams), ginger (4 grams), salt (4 g), dried chili section (a little), soy sauce (a little), wet Lingfen (a little), the whole pepper (a little)
a production process, the heart will be dredged cucumber, cut into thin comb, put After mixing a little salt, squeeze the juice. Second, since Ma pan, piping hot after the burn, the pepper, dried red pepper into the fried, add cucumber, then the ginger, vinegar, soy sauce, wet Lingfen tuned into, fry a few that is good.

[dish] [Su elbow
owned Sichuan cuisine] [Features]
cream soup, snow white flour, soft ELBOW bad taste, authentic, aroma overflowing

duck breast, pork heart, pork belly, ham, mushrooms, sea cabbage, bean sprouts, green onions, hot peppers, chili, butter, sesame oil, pepper, MSG , chicken feed, duck
[production process]
1, will cut the word duck busy bar, the chicken breast, pork belly, pig heart ham slices, cut the mushrooms film, sea cabbage, celery cut into sections for use. 2, place each on a frying pan, add a little oil, sea cabbage, celery, onion festival, fried bean sprouts, add MSG, add a little sesame oil, pot fitted with a bowl to do the bowl to do at the end. 3, place the wok, stir, and the chicken breast, pork belly, pig heart, put the wok add ham hot pepper, chili will stir-fry until fragrant, add a little soup, then add butter, sesame oil, MSG, fried chicken into the pot is good to do after the end filled with the accessories on the branding

Shuizhuroupian teach you to do] [Chengdu Sichuan pickles [] [] [spiced chicken bean curd] [Mala Tang Long Chao Shou] [] [] [dry fish, fish-flavored pork] [Chongqing Mao Xuewang pickled fish] [] [] [Fuqifeipian sour cucumber Su elbow] [] [] [Beggar Chicken braised tendons] 2009-04-14 23:23 | (Category: Life Made Easy)

Chengdu kimchi flavor is a must




Shuizhuroupian teach you to do] [Chengdu, Sichuan pickles [] [] [spiced chicken bean curd] [Long Chao Shou] [Spicy] [] [dry fish, fish-flavored pork] [Chongqing Maoxuewang pickled fish] [] [] [Fuqifeipian sour cucumber Su elbow] [] [] [Beggar Chicken braised tendons] 2009-05-13 23:42 | (Category: eat)



material: Zhu Tuirou 250 grams, ginger silk, soak chili, cooking oil, soup, rice wine, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, pepper, garlic, ginger, Sichuan bean, pepper, egg, chili oil, the amount of starch.

flavored pork Method:
1, the leg Stick thick cut pork batches, add rice, egg, salt , monosodium glutamate, pepper, starch, mix the flavor sizing.
2, the other with a small bowl into the soup, rice wine, garlic, sugar, monosodium glutamate, ginger, green onion, water, starch transferred back into the condiments.
3, burning wok, add oil until the oil temperature rose to Liucheng hot, it will draw the oil off the raw pork pot that is filled up.
4, the pot to stay a little base oil, add ginger, hot chili prepared fried, then add the bean paste and stir-fry a few.
5, the final seasoning into pork and spare, open fire and stir-fry, Drizzle chili oil, thrown into the pepper powder, fried mix evenly.

Longchaoshou thin filling soft, smooth delicious, Tangnong color white, as the leader in Chengdu snacks. Long Chao Shou's name is not the boss surnamed Long, but had three guys in the

[dish] Beggar Chicken
] [Sichuan cuisine belongs
[Features] tender meat, filling and delicious aroma, unique flavor.

tendons 250 grams of fresh pork, winter Ru 6 grams of bamboo shoots, ham, 50 grams of soy sauce, cooking wine, onion, starch 13 grams, 8 grams ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate 3 grams, soup 250 grams.
[production process]
(1) raw tendons boiled water, washed with cold water and then drift to remove plastic juice, cut into two. Onion cut in half profile, ginger slices. Ru winter hair thoroughly with water to the legs, bamboo shoots with water boil for a short cut through the bar after each wash, slice ham, cut into strips. (2) Heat the oil with Chao Shao, the first under the onion, ginger, and then the next winter Ru, bamboo shoots fan speculation, and then under the soy sauce, tendons, ham, salt, cooking wine, soup, soup, skim foam with the open, in simmer when you add MSG to the tasty, wet starch thicken, pour out the oil a little branding.

Cuisine: Sichuan
dry fish production materials:
Ingredients: grass carp (or fish, carp, crucian carp)

[dish] Chongqing Maoxuewang
] [Sichuan cuisine belongs
[Features] hemp, spicy, hot, fresh, fragrant

(Figure II)
2. Celery, green Sun Jian, garlic cut into 5 cm pieces, then the celery, green Sun Jian cut into 0.3 cm thick slices.
3. Ginger, garlic, chopped chili sauce with a knife (like half the size of a grain of rice)
4. The pot into the 25 g oil pan, add celery, green Sun Jian, Scoop is just cooked garlic, salt 1g seasoning pot, into the bowl. (See figure III)

Ingredients: pork tenderloin 250 grams
Accessories: Celery 100g, Green Sun Jian 100g, 100g
garlic spices: ginger 20g, onions 20g, garlic 30g, 豆瓣 sauce 40g, soy sauce 10g, water, starch 20g (4 grams of starch and 16 grams of water and mix well), salt 3g, MSG 2g, peppercorns 3g, red pepper 5g, oil 100g (see figure)

pig pork, snow beans, onion festival, rice wine, ginger, Sichuan salt production process] [

ELBOW scraped clean, smooth suture draw all into the soup pot cooking, remove and picked off the elbow bone, put the casserole in pig pad down into the boiled pork raw soup, add a little time, put onion festival, ginger, rice wine, stir to boil in ; snow peas washed down into the casserole in the reclosable opening boiling, braising and stewing on the move Weihuo about 3 hours, until lightly poked with chopsticks until the skin is bad, eat when you put salt and Sichuan bean soup spoon into the bowl with in the seats, dipped in soy sauce eat.

[dish] affiliated braised tendons
[Sichuan cuisine] [Features]
taste delicious, entrance waxy, bright red color.

[dish] affiliated sour cucumber
[Sichuan cuisine] [Features]
sweet, sour, green, all seasons. (Sichuan)

1, know-how to make kimchi first time the mother is not in the water, salt water acidity in the future to maintain the dynamic balance at any time. If you feel that not enough acid salt can be removed from the refrigerator spare parts on the altar in the water to make it for fermentation. If the brine is too acid, it is desirable that a part of drained water and add salt and the appropriate salt.
2, there is sometimes met with white bottle, can pour a few drops of white wine. In general, can be used mustard, carrots (preferably its skin), cabbage, Jiang beans, celery, etc.
3, if you want to pursue sophisticated, can artichoke, lettuce, ginger. Needs coupled with a process: the first sleep with salt water soak overnight, then placed in pickle jars a day can be eaten. Good standard is the color of fresh, pure taste (not too sour), mild and pure.
4, cucumbers can also be into the bubble, but to use another bottle. Easily damaged due to cucumber brine. Soak into the back, edible at room temperature overnight.
5, long after the bubble of pickles can be made into sauerkraut soup bone soup, its flavor is very beautiful. Which can then add fish pieces, immediately under the so-called pickled fish - a popular new Sichuan in recent years.
6, unless a home can be drained of salt water with the parent.
7, kimchi is the key to avoid oily, avoid bacteria. So, pickles altar to cleanse dry after use; pickles altar to water seal around the lid, should not enter the air, bacteria; each take from the altar in the kimchi tools must be dedicated, can not have oil. Wash the pickles altar

control dry, dry pepper Wash water control stalks, ginger Guapi wash, put the sauce over the altar in the back; the cold water into the altar, the altar along by putting water, close the lid, Serve pickles water;

(Figure IV)
7. In the pot, pour 50g oil, burn 8 into the heat and pour over meat, add chopped green onion. (See figure V)

Chicken a tender (about 500 grams). Pork 50 grams, 25 grams bean sprouts, hot pepper, 10 grams, 15 grams lettuce, Xian Heye 6. Soy sauce 20 grams of cooking wine 20 grams, 2 grams pepper, ginger, onions 10 grams each.
[production process]
Ripper Chicken wash and drain water to the head, wings, claws, picked off the leg with soy sauce, cooking wine, pepper, ginger, onion and chicken coated body even after the inside and outside, tasty pickled. Pork. Bean sprouts, hot pepper (stalks, seeds) were chopped fine. Wok stir, under fire south to the bloody pork, cooked into the sauce, cooking wine, add bean sprouts, hot pepper and stir well into the stuffing. Fill the stuffing chicken belly, and then tightly wrap the chicken with lotus leaves were wrapped in six layers, and with a rope wrapped tight, and then paste on mud, charcoal baked until set big, stripped poured mud pie, chicken chop a note, cross-loading of the plate, the filling and the lettuce on the sub-set of both ends of the plate and serve.

Spicy method of making
1, at the end of soup ingredients
vegetable oil 200 grams (about consumption of 135 g), lard 100 grams of bean paste 30 grams, 30 grams ginger foam, section 40 grams of pickled pepper, garlic 10, ginger 50 grams, pepper 15 grams, 25 grams of sugar, 10 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams black pepper 3 grams. Plus chicken or duck soup 500 grams.

Wok set the fire, under the vegetable oil, the next bubble ginger, hot pepper festival, the end of bean paste, ginger (break beat) a few deep-fried , the decanter to the remaining oil, the next lard, garlic, pepper, etc. and then a few fried, pour the chicken or duck soup, cook for 10 minutes, under the sugar, salt, MSG, black pepper, boil, playing to the floating foam on the line this soup pot as a pot of vegetable oil 200 grams (about consumption of 135 g), lard 100 grams bean paste 30 grams, 30 grams ginger foam, pepper foam section 40 grams, 10 garlic, ginger 50 grams , pepper 15 grams, 25 grams of sugar, 10 grams of salt, MSG 5 grams black pepper 3 grams. Plus chicken or duck soup 500 grams.

Wok set the fire, under the vegetable oil, the next bubble ginger, hot pepper festival, the end of bean paste, ginger (break beat) a few deep-fried , the decanter to the remaining oil, the next lard, garlic, pepper, etc. and then a few deep-fried, pour the chicken or duck soup, cook for 10 minutes, under the sugar, salt, MSG, black pepper, boil, playing to the floating foam on the line this can be as hot pot soup pot.

2, main course
meat dishes: rabbit lumbar 50 grams, 50 grams Duck, eel 50 grams of pig throat ring 50 grams of luncheon meat 50 grams, 30 grams
Duck vegetarian: lotus root 80 grams, 80 grams of lettuce, melon, 50 grams of incense fungus 50 grams, 50 grams tofu, cabbage 80 grams, 50 grams cauliflower, cabbage head 80 grams
sauce: butter 250 grams of vegetable oil 100 grams, 150 grams Pixian beans do, Yongchuan lobster sauce 50 grams, sugar 10 grams, 5 grams pepper, pepper, 2 grams of dried hot pepper 30 grams glutinous rice juice, 20 grams, Shao liquor 20 grams, ginger rice 10 grams salt 100 grams , grass and fruit 10 grams cinnamon, 10 grams, Lysimachia 10 grams, white fungus 10 grams, 250 grams of red pepper, soup 1500 g

3, making the program:
1, the system brine. Wok stir, the next burn vegetable oil 6 ripe, beans do next Pi (first flower thin) cakes, and speed into the ginger rice, saute pepper soup immediately after the next. Then add the tempeh Chung Rong, small study of crystal sugar, butter, fermented glutinous rice juice, cooking wine, salt, pepper, dried pepper, strawberry and other condiments. After the fight to open the bubble boil Serve brine.
2, the system main ingredient. The workers washed dishes, rabbit lumbar, eel, Duck cut into 2 cm length and width of the box; Duck, pig ring throat cut into 4 cm square. Luncheon meat cut into 4 cm square of thin slices; vegetables cut into thin slices about 3 cm. The bamboo stick with a wash, will wear a meat dish into a string of about forty grams.
3, hot system. Set each on a pot of brine, so that it remains small boiling, the string of good bamboo stick all kinds of hot vegetable system, depending on the food system of the furnace hot mature.
4, Zhan Shi. Hot dishes on a mature system with red pepper and salt pan fried, dipped in need according to your taste after eating chili and salt. Or dip or not dip more or less by their own decision.
prone to problems and solutions:
hot finished unfamiliar system. Spicy Ingredients used should be relatively easy to mature. Can not be used as chicken wings, chicken feet, duck feet, boiled beef and other raw materials is not easy. Eel, octopus of a class of dishes, hot system time should be longer, when the hot system such materials do not swing too much, too fast, to master the heat.

one material:
powder 500 grams, Zhu Tuirou 500 grams, broth, black pepper, MSG, ginger, sesame oil, Sichuan salt, chicken fat, the amount, 2 eggs.
Second, the system of law:
1. to put the case of the board of flour was Then rolling pin roll into paper-thin surface film, cut into 110 square Wonton skin four fingers back.
2. the proportion of fat three lost seven of pork ribs with a knife blade to hammer dried, chopped fine into the mud, Jia Ruchuan salt, ginger, 1 egg, black pepper, MSG, mix thoroughly, mixed with appropriate amount of water , Jiaocheng dry paste, add sesame oil, mix well, made sandwiches back
3. the sandwiches into the skin in the package, the mount into triangle, then folded around the corner to the middle of bonding, as water chestnut Chao Shou-shaped blank.
4. with the bowls were placed in Sichuan salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, chicken fat and the original soup, fishing into the cooked Wonton Soup Serve

Spicy Chicken

(Figure III)
5. Release 25g oil until the oil after the Heat put Douban sauce, Stir into the onions after marked 10g, ginger 10g, 10g garlic, toss, turn on the water 150g, into the boiling soup, salt 2g, MSG 2g, will be fine taste a piece of meat into the pot until the color of meat cooked, add boiling water, starch 10g. Soup into a bowl together;
6 will face red chili pepper, ginger and garlic, all scattered in the cooked meat on; (see figure IV)

(Figure I)
1. Lines against the pork tenderloin cut into 4 cm square 0.3 cm thick slices with soy sauce after the starch 10g and 10g of water and mix well. (See Figure II)

[dish] [] Sichuan cuisine belongs
[Features] sweet, fragrant and delicious, traditional Sichuan dishes.

[dish] [bean curd
owned Sichuan cuisine] [Features]
taste spicy, all seasons. (Sichuan)

Cuisine and efficacy: Sichuan

Fuqifeipian production materials:
Ingredients: beef, offal, brine, pepper, cinnamon and other

Fuqifeipian features:
legend in the 1930s, Chengdu GUO Chaohua husband and wife lung slices along the street sell for the industry warn that, due to the production of fine, unique flavor and eating for the masses, hence the name. Set up shop in the future development of business, the use of materials to the meat, heart, tongue, belly, head, skin, etc. instead of the original lung, and enhancing the quality has become one of Sichuan's famous dish. Fuqifeipian is characterized by taste spicy flavor.
teach you how to do Fuqifeipian, how do Fuqifeipian
beef, offal washed, boiled thoroughly into the pot, with brine and pepper, cinnamon, star anise spice package, boil over low heat for about two hours. The boiled beef, offal cut into pieces, into the tray; scoop points brine, with MSG, chili oil, soy sauce, pepper and transfer to sauce, pour in the beef, offal, and then sprinkled with crisp the end of peanuts, sesame noodles can be.

beef (or pork at the end) (65 g), diced green onion (4 grams), chili oil (4 grams), tempeh (10 grams), pepper powder, large minced garlic, soy sauce , soft tofu (200 grams), chili powder, salt, chicken soup (130 grams), Ling Fen, wine
a production process, the first soft tofu, cut into 3 sub-orthorhombic block, with boiling water two minutes to remove plaster taste, and drain. Second, the other from the prosperous pig pan, fried with beef and bean paste, add chili powder, soy sauce, lobster sauce, chili oil, rice wine, salt
, minced garlic, Scoop tasty, add tofu and chicken soup 100 grams, simmer into a gravy, add Lingfen close look, put diced green onion, pepper powder, monosodium glutamate that is good.

production methods:

choose a clean, pickles altar, set clean cold water in it. The first is the production of the mother water. Placed in large bottle of ginger, peeled garlic braid several grains, fresh red pepper (to special spicy). And then into the wash of mustard (or cabbage, etc.) and placed in a half glass of salt (the amount depending on taste may be, but not less). Gaiyan the altar cover, wait for about ten days at room temperature. At this time the mother should have made fresh water Takashi sour (vinegar, sauerkraut is not to put the results oh), then you can remove the foam food consumption. But this time the mother is not enough water to taste, if needed Lilian times, before it can become pure taste of acidic water. Conditional, can be placed in Sichuan red pepper adds flavor to a number of particles, the best source is the Chinese production, do not use Thai-made. The first success of the bubble of the dish, you can continue to add new dishes. Part of the altar in the home at this time shall the water back into the refrigerator.

dry fish characteristics:
dry fish was a doctrinal flavor of Sichuan cuisine, color it bright red, with a spicy sweet and salty taste, is the leader in fish dishes.
dry fish approach:
We know that in cooking fish dishes, such as Douban fish, braised fish, mature fish after transfer to a plate, pot of soup to hook into the water amount starch, the sauce tune, pour over the fish, to thicken the sauce Wei Hou purposes. The pour over the fish, the fish taste more intense, this method is called

make dry fish is not difficult, the first limitation of materials used, such as grass carp, fish, carp, crucian carp do.

doing, take 750 grams a carp, a knife scrape off the scales, cut open, in addition to the five internal organs, pull to the gills, wash. Ji crosswise in the fish on both sides of a knife blade, deep to the fish bone, put a little salt, rice wine to marinate (easy tasty). If you do not burn the whole fish, can be inclined about 3.5 cm long knife cut into the block.

Heat oil, 150 grams, seven mature burn pot when the fish (oil temperature is higher, or fish easily shattering impact dishes shape), fried until light brown on both sides until golden ( bombing of the time not too long).

Heat the remaining oil to pan, put pork into 25 Kocse slightly larger than the small bean, pot a little fried, that is, to put Sichuan Douban sauce 25 grams (chopped fine) and stir-fry until fragrant, put a small amount of Congjiang Suan, a little fried, then cooked into 25 grams of rice wine, put a little soy sauce, you can add soup (or water), put the fish (fish soup, not too appropriate), boil , plus 15 grams of sugar and salt, monosodium glutamate. At this point the fire will move to a small pot (keeping the soup slightly open, easy to boil dry or soup, fish is not easy to burn through, and easily burnt) simmer to burn through the fish, the pan plate. Boil the soup slowly over low heat, stirring with a shovel to keep on until the fish sauce thick that when Drizzle oil, vinegar, pour over the fish that is good

grass carp 600 grams, 100 grams sauerkraut hot red pepper 25 g foam, bubble Aberdeen ginger, green onion, 15 grams, 3 g pepper, garlic, 5 grams, 4 g salt, cooking wine 10 g broth 500 g, 500 g cooked vegetable oil [production process]

will cut 3 sides of the fish, wipe dry water sauerkraut, shredded, chopped red pepper foam, bubble ginger cut into tablets; wok set the fire, under the cooked vegetable oil till the Liucheng hot, add fish when the fish fried yellow; pot stay in oil,
soak into the red pepper, ginger, green onion , then mixed with broth, the fish into the soup. After the move to a small soup boiling on the fire, into the hot sauerkraut, roast for about 10 minutes, poured into a dish. Pot and add vinegar

should first formal practice of Sichuan fish into fillets, salt, soy flour, egg white, onion flavor and other codes, the wok oil to sauerkraut, ginger, garlic, wild salamanders saute, add broth, etc., head, fish bones proudly Sheng Rupen after taste, and then fire the remaining soup to boil, boil after adding fish to MSG, pepper pot. Finally, add a little sesame oil in the surface.

Shuizhuroupian is lean meat, eggs, cooked in vegetable oil-based materials with spicy meat dishes, not only can increase appetite, you can add high quality protein and essential fatty acids, vitamins, iron and other nutrients. It is worth mentioning that this method of meat production, meat Starching now and then cooked, meat can be kept fresh, easy to digest, the whole process has not been long high-temperature frying, to avoid the cancer-causing substances, is a more scientific method of cooking meat.

! !I do not forbear, I know the dairy industry insider!
I learned specialty is dairy technology, has just graduated from a national leader in the dairy group-level work. Jobs - milk collection staff.
these days the Sanlu incident, uproar. In fact, in my opinion, nothing strange, things always have to be exposed, is only a matter of time, and that is what a company into the mouth of the hapless hit xxx. Melamine ---- tip of the iceberg. Perhaps this incident will report to the next paragraph, perhaps just the beginning ... ...
off employees who go around saying the original company of Once I think so, can I have recently changed the idea of ​​a know and not to tell others, seeing others suffer fooled people, it is a thoroughly immoral person.
leave, I did not drink a drop of milk!
I will speak about, the process of milk collection. Milk, dairy farmers near towns and villages by the local milk collection station laboratory, according to the level of quality, graded to pay dairy farmers money. PH value of nothing more than indicators of quality, protein, dry matter to these. Then the milk station (of course the milk station is a private owner) with a mixture of canned and shipped to the factory car, and then sampling was conducted by the factory, measured by indicators of the same level of quality, graded milk stations to pay the money. Do not know if you see not see it, like I did not expect this mode of operation will be any problems? Some people say, is not Yes, indeed. But I can only say: Brother, you silly, very naive!
dairy farmers want to make money how to do it? Simple ah, neat ah. I watered index lower price to sell not Shanghao how to do? Simple ah-doped **** ah. Milk stations want to make money how to do it? Simple ah ... .... Milk and milk station received from retail to mixed to each tank, there is a sudden deterioration, and how to do ah, all cars are down it? Tens of tons of a can of milk, protein low, how do? Dry matter how low do? PH value is low, how do? Played some sick cow antibiotic how to do? Some cattle lactation how do hormones play?
having said that, farmers in such a small measure to conceal milk station? Milk stations that point a small 99 to conceal factory? If I say, milk stations knowledge, plant knowledge. Are Then I may really, silly, very naive.
we never refuse milk, because we know that a thing is to take full advantage of, so as to maximize the value and maximize profits. We sub-tank storage. The best milk for the yogurt shop (fermented yogurt or stirred yogurt), because it is not good milk usually do not. Second, make pure milk, high calcium and the like. Poor color and then milk that is to do milk peanut milk, breakfast milk. There are those sour milk how to do it, of course, not down, do the acidic milk drink, is advertising to coax crazy random bombing, the woman drink the *** child. This is where the maximum profits, the cost of a box of milk, but no box worth. As well as that smell of smoked milk how to do it, simply do the best ice cream flavor. There are those into a thick and stinking like how to do it, do milk. Course called industrial powder, it has its use, not bagging on the sub-market.
We have the world's largest and most advanced three-dimensional warehouse, the media have praised before, but you will not think about this fast moving consumer goods, produced to sell, what do you use a large warehouse? The more acidic milk drink store taste better. It was asked, how do the production date? Simple, ah, play a month in advance, you may not believe it, because in your heart that is black plants do. It has been asked, is it not sold on the market expired milk? I would so tell you, in your hands the box of milk is expired a week, you have no problem drinking. Because you are selling UHT milk is UHT liquid milk.
off on ultra high temperature UHT milk in the end there is no nutrition, I do not want to say, because this involves a person in a particular year for China's a slogan, the slogan we move forward, do not control what you drink milk, because it is milk.
have ads, Chinese companies have a UHT milk is the world's first production and sales, is it really smaller than those in developed countries dairy us? In fact, people do not produce the milk of. This joke is not it a bit cold.
it was said, after we drank the high-end milk it, thought ad say life is good taste and the kind of milk. Yes ah, that milk is expensive, expensive things good, that milk protein high ah, high, really high, which Australians have served us ah.
I do not believe the cow on the planet can be squeezed out so high protein milk ... ...
remark, some experts would come to
Yes ah, I have a big mouth and not people, not people get the money more than ... ...
there are many critical or not that is good to know everyone is not good for everyone. Life is good.
true story behind the KB to see Sanlu milk powder industry is currently hidden rules
ignited Sanlu milk powder incident, as a possible insider and know something about chemistry, I have to talk about my point of view :
1, the media, or, manufacturers Ye Hao, China * Quality Supervision, or just the flicker you, why do I dare say so, because melamine is impossible to directly add the milk, melamine The market price is not low, dairy farmers can not increase regardless of the cost of concentration, and secondly, poor water-soluble melamine, in order to completely dissolve in the milk is too much trouble; why the media, manufacturers, country * Quality Supervision to in unison is added melamine criminals, in fact, is to cover up a more terrible problem, and that is more toxic to join other things, the truth is, urea, urea fertilizer as a cheap farm really affordable
2, why should we increase urea, because the acquisition of dairy milk, the test criteria are milk protein content, the truth is that the nitrogen content, urea nitrogen as one of the most popular, because of its unique molecular structure, remember that if one of two nitrogen molecules with what I forgot, of course, high levels of nitrogen, mixed with milk, the increase in nitrogen concentration, prices are also selling high;
3, how urea into three melamine ammonia, very simple, the production of milk is to milk in a closed environment under high temperature, and then take the spray directly into milk powder has become, and urea at high temperatures will produce changes produce melamine, OK, so the toxic milk powder generated.
Finally, I talk about how do I know these insider of a few years ago, is 01 years or 02 years, I do not remember clearly, in the process of a social nature with B cases, their main counts of the one is a district of the city dominated the market of milk purchase, long-term seq washed well, we learned in handling cases on their urea in milk by adding a small amount of cooking oil, then add plenty of water (tap water plus a good conscience, good the ponds or fields directly add water), and finally with special mixer for mixing, a group of high milk protein concentration was born, but the last few criminals are retracted, saying that they this is universal, and not their invention, but then we specialize to the day Friends of the understanding, it does, they buy the milk of these problems occur not more effective detection measures, or because of acquisition of the site too much, no energy and money to afford such a large detection overhead, so the majority of dairy farmers is the default behavior of the basic attitude taken, and according to the days of Friends of the understanding of this phenomenon in the country's dairy industry is widespread, as long as there is to buy milk, dairy farmers, the prevalence of sub- class phenomenon, so the Sanlu incident is inevitable, but the Sanlu fiasco, all the other dairy companies nationwide are to remain silent, no one jumped out to blame, why should you read my post idea in mind it, and finally asked us a weak weak, so that the milk you Ganhe it?
urea appearance is white crystal or powder. Is a product of animal protein metabolism, is usually used as a plant fertilizer.
mammals urea is excreted metabolites in the body in the form of nitrogen. It is synthesized in the liver, the process is known as the urea cycle.
alias: carbon acid diamine, carbon amide, urea
formula: CO (NH2) 2, molecular weight 60.06, CO (NH2) 2 colorless or white needle-like or rod-like crystals, industrial or agricultural products to slightly reddish white odorless solid particles machine. Density 1.335g/cm3. Melting point of 132.7 ℃. Soluble in water, alcohol, insoluble in ether, chloroform. Was slightly alkaline. Reacts with acid salts. There hydrolysis. Condensation at high temperatures can be the reaction of biuret, urea, and reduced three of cyanuric acid. Heated to 160 ℃ decomposition, while ammonia into cyanate. Because in human urine containing this substance, so called urea. Urea nitrogen (N) 46%, is a solid nitrogen fertilizer in the highest.
production methods: ammonia and carbon dioxide with the industry as raw materials, high temperature and pressure conditions in the direct synthesis of urea, a chemical reaction is as follows.
2NH3 + CO2 → NH2COONH4 → CO (NH2) 2 + H2O urea soluble in water at 20 ℃ soluble 105 g 100 ml of water, aqueous neutral reaction. There are two products of urea. White needle-like crystals of urea or prismatic crystal, strong moisture absorption. Granular urea, 1 to 2 mm in diameter translucent particles, the appearance of smooth, moisture absorption, a significant improvement. The critical point of 20 ℃, relative humidity, moisture 80%, 30 ℃, the threshold fell to 72.5% moisture, so the urea to avoid the humid climate in summer under the open storage. Currently in the production of urea by adding paraffin and other hydrophobic substances, the moisture absorption declined significantly.

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Sydney, Australia (PRWEB) December 21, 2011

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1, the spider: can sit back and enjoy, that goes by the network of relationships.
2, shrimp: red day is when the grief.
3, the balance: who is more to the point, who tend to.
4, Falls: Due to a commanding, was eloquent.
5, saw: eloquent, specializing in alienating behavior.
6, balloon: as long as was a blow, then smug.
7, watch: You can return to the starting point, they are not yesterday.
8, walnut: no fancy appearance, there is substantial brain.
9, compass: mental stability, no matter how good things are not tempted.
10, vase: beautiful appearance and then, but also conceal the inner emptiness.
1, leaves the upper hand when the arrogant, humiliating when frustrated.
2, the whole history of punctuation is a question mark, all the history behind the exclamation point.

3, the first officer is not too cheap, do not rot, do not faint; the people first and foremost is not cheap bribe, not pro, loaned the official light, not those in power.

4, an official of the cheap, ten officials efficiency of a hundred people followed. An officer of the rot, a hundred officials will be from the thousands of people will be attached.

5, approved on the table children,http://www.clouboutinshoesuk.com/, adults and trouble, the children Shang Wei, the whole family sad.

6, that education can replace the experience of young people, older people can replace that experience in education.

7, learning can not advance, but not crash, otherwise, the children without childhood, youth without youth, middle age is no fun, no leisurely old age.

8, open books, full of articles is to eat.

9, leather grows bigger and bigger, less and less skill; temper more and more, less and less talent; courage more and more, fewer and fewer measurement; playing strength increases, drive less and less; more and more power, prestige smaller; shelf growing, personality more and more.
10, usually boast a beautiful woman; if not beautiful, she can boast great temperament; if not beautiful, no temperament, you can admire her kindness; If not, we admire her health. 1, spotted a man who wants a minute, like a person an hour, fell in love with a man who wants a day to forget a person to life.
2, the opportunity is a difference between hero and coward level, what are the previous step, the next nothing.
3, the couple should live like a pair of chopsticks: one who can do without; two can be together is bittersweet taste.
4, to a man's age by their own sense of a woman's age by someone else to feel.
5, low-key and high target unity, the unity of ordinary and decent, simple life, which is also heavy and glorious life.
6, always staring at the great past, there would be a great future.
7, get rid of the memory is kept in Love, can not afford to carry that loss, regret is emotional, not afford to lose is their dignity.
8, parents of missing children, like water, as has been in the flow; the children miss their parents like the wind and the leaves, the wind about, and moved about, the wind does not blow, do not move.
9, because the telephone, stationery less; because of fashion, fabrics less; because the air conditioning, sweat less; for entertaining, family less; for dinner, less appetite; because of competition, less laid-back ... ... 10, say the triple bottom line: First, try to tell the truth; two, can not tell the truth, remained silent; Third, the right to remain silent and have to tell lies, we should not harm others.

1, all small to be said out loud, all events must be whispered.
2, fear not the goods are fake, but the toxic products. Some people fear most is not illegal, but law violation.
3, the power is temporary, the property is the future generations,http://www.shopnikeau.com/, and health is your own relationship is important, friendship is precious.
4, based on the business at a friend, that friend will be lost. Turned over to friends in the business foundation that will not do business.
5, each touted as the official who look down on another person is engaged in the arts, meet people who are not honest business people.
6, to learn from their mistakes is smart, learn the lessons from the mistakes of others is wisdom.
7, people listen to is easy, as people serving hard.
8, in the past two prefectural cadres death shocked the country, we now shoot a bunch of provincial-level cadres eyelashes are too lazy to even blink, rise in price.
9, even the air turbidity, and sleeves breeze still have it?
10, more and more professors, teaching less and less; Dr. more and more, learned less and less; love more, learn less and less love; increasingly seek personal gain more, study less and less.
1, to curb official corruption, credibility of the cremation, social division, the deterioration of law and order, human desalination.
2, a number of essays is a dagger, but not the blade; the spears, but no gunpoint.
3, many people want to make money, not many people can make money. People who have the ability to make money is immune, the average person make money more difficult.
4, do not do something grandiose homes of small, man Mo Mei on bully.
5, moral integrity, righteousness, and gas, the air is crisp Shen Qing; sincerity, meaning heart, enthusiasm, heart wide-body health.
6, scholarship to loneliness, a man must withstand wind and rain.
7, with the achievements to speak, will bring prosperity, then stand, or walk; use words instead of work performance, then lost, then the danger is fierce.
8, truth is the daughter of time, not the authority of the daughter.
9, after the farmers called three no, living death.

1, a little bit more than others, people will envy you; over a large portion of others, people will envy you.
2, can all be trading the market, not all transactions are social.
3, ten kinds of healthy lifestyle: less meat, sun, rain line, often singing, meal information, Student Groups, sit thinking, Harmonious, step when the car, doing good things.
4, when the farmers of the benefits: 1, do not worry about accidents; 2, do not have to worry about air conditioning disease; 3, no intrigue; 4, do not worry about discipline come; 5,http://www.nfljerseys2012buy.com/, not specifically for the weekend.
5, selfless saints, selfless for the wise men, after the private Xian Gong is good man, others before oneself as a good man, Gongsijiangu for the ordinary people, Sungongfeisi as sinners.
6, can be ordered his soldiers to action, but can not command the loyalty of the soldiers.
7, at the border along the more things should be quiet, the more appropriate environment at the Nishi of tolerance, the more appropriate place Zhiji things slow, at Tai matter more appropriate level.
8, Chang-e the price is always the pursuit of eternal loneliness.
9, serenity can only wait and see, wait and see before being concise, clear off before being action.
10, peanuts are useful,http://www.timberlandboatuk.com/, but not great, nice things. Useful to people who do, do not deliberately do great, decent people.
1, people started to rely on skill and part.
2, there is no point of reference person living in the poor; the wrong frame of reference of the people, sad.
3, can never please, but to worthy of my heart.
4, not for everything fair, but find the public mind.
5, good for the first time is not difficult, difficult thing is to do every time.
6, thoughts torment, and train a person, even forging personality and feelings of deep calm. Miss someone is a warm, was missing a blessing.
7, love of wine,http://www.billigghdnorge.com/, two drink is nectar, three drink is vinegar, just drink will be poisoned.
8, back to the sun, the shadow of one; greet the sun, Rays bottomless.
9, brave, are at the foot of road; wise, one way to know which ones the best.
10, had a non-hypothetical, think about a mature, turn over is a virtue.

1, communication is to understand the mind of the bridge, the road connecting the mind is trust.
2, ups and downs of life's rich, red orange yellow green is life's gorgeous.
3, no deviation in order to work, come to mind are not distracted.
4, preference is inevitable, not prejudice.
5, bad heart, mind is good, not temperament color line.
6, and the world in fear with fear, the worry is worry, Mo unfounded; of the world of music with the music, the music is fun, enjoyable.
7, absurd enough doubts, mantra, but you can grief.
8, is the largest of dangerous greed, conscience is the best home.
9, spiritual integrity square, circular way of thinking; target ambition side, making a round of action; exercise self-discipline side, tolerant of others round.
10, Venus is beautiful in the eyes of optimists, pessimists in the eyes of a disability, in the realist's eyes are beautiful and disability.

1, Jing Fang was virtuous gentleman, afraid of the villain is not incompetent.
2, step back day Heights width, so that one-third of calm.
3, For progress to be thinking backward, first consider if the start to let go.
4, if not re proud to where things should Yubu.
5, holding gold is precious, to know peace party worth a thousand gold.
6, imminent think of wonderful things, anger got the idea the highest tolerance.
7, not greed windfall, contented people are always happy.
8, marriage, only a beginning, not the end, there may be trouble in the beginning, there may be a happy beginning.
9, in the winter about the spring flowers on the table, is a luxury; in the spring garden fantasies autumn leaves, is merciless.
10, tolerance is the best gift to give to others, if it is left to himself, that is the beginning of fall. 1, the money like water, with no will die of thirst, more will be drowned.
2, concentrated in the blood of family, friendship Danru water, love as sweet as honey.
3, if the cameras in one, recording under all his words and deeds, then the clip in accordance with their wishes, any person can be good or bad.
4, yesterday was a waste of the check, tomorrow is a deposit has not yet expired, only today is that you can control the cash.
5, like a beautiful woman on the Showcase in the arts and crafts, enjoy a lot of people, but people can only buy one.
6, work like a lover, although sometimes you have trouble with, but must meet every day. Interest as lover, although you burning passion, but not a substitute for bread.
7, as crude commoner lover, though not beautiful, but can block the cold. Like fashion lover, I feel very good, but can not wear out.
8, loved ones just like the old coat, is a prickly heat, still to be clutching you. Friends like the clear coat, took to wearing after use - aside.
9, the community as fish ponds, although Nishajuxia, you had better really a pool of water is also a little scary. As the family fish tank needs cleaning, you need ventilation, need intensive care, or do not go on living.
10, the boss is like the tiger, the tiger's butt, must not touch the tiger's ass, should not be shot. Friends of my colleagues like play, fooling around on the stage, unloading the equipment to know everything is ridiculous. Lower as the spring, you can pressure him, but he will top of you, if you pull him
, maybe he will yield about

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desperate father who hijacked the red base will save a small Sun Kai

Yanzhao Reuters Yanzhao Metropolis city ( Network) Special Report Group : Small Sun Kai 's condition has been concerned about the readers and friends heart , April 26 morning,http://www.uksupraonline.com/, Qingxian users Fanyan Fang Liu Wenfang cell phone rang . Fan Yanfang said she was a mother ,http://www.clouboutinshoesuk.com/, the expected date in early May , I heard a small Sun Kai no matching success , she was willing to donate cord blood when the baby Sun Kai matching .

Fan Yanfang listening to the words , call this side of Liu Wenfang excited beyond words . She told reporters that donated cord blood may even relatives can not do , but with their non- pro non- Fan Yanfang it ,http://www.uksuprabuy.com/, but is willing to donate , which makes her particularly moving. Fan Yanfang told reporters a week ago she saw from the Internet to save his son hijacked Red Sun Wenhui Foundation staff news ,http://www.timberlandboatuk.com/, and later posted it and from Qingxian see a small Sun Kai news, always wanted to do for the suffering of the family what . / p>

Fanyan Fang said that he immediately have a mother ,http://www.canadasuprabuy.com/, parents are able to understand the sufferings of Kai Sun , : SN026)

18, relieved that their best approach is to look at other people's weaknesses; to encourage their best way is to look at their own strengths.

19, know what kind of things should be, that you are wise; know what kind of things actually, that you are an experienced person.

20, have a good air transport good fate: Love takes courage, friendship requires loyalty, family needs gas, work effort required, career needs luck, needs a good temper.

21, to pay a love that is wisdom, can eliminate the worry is wisdom.

22, lamp life due to warm and light, life boat because of hard work and forward.

23, has a dream but an intellectual, is the ability to achieve the dream.

24, officials said cliches, experts say nonsense, business telling lies, the stars that nonsense, so mad that the rich, the poor, said angry words.

25, a loss of money, very little to lose, loss lose very many healthy people, people who lost everything to lose courage.

26, go take a good road, export to talk about things, doing good shot.

27, you can choose this kind of

28, you have to live more freely, you can live more ordinary; something you want to live brilliant, you can only live a painful and complicated; you want to live a long time more, you can only live simpler.

29, the body first to rate people, self-discipline in order to convince the people.

30, talks a lot about those who may not have brilliant ideas, perhaps in silent meditation.

31, when you do the right thing, often not been filed; when you do something wrong when, often will not be forgotten.

301, regards should not be solemnly, but it must be sincere and honest.

302, there is genuine virtuous, virtuous without is defective, non-German is the waste, talent without virtue is a dangerous commodity.

303, the so-called mature from tadpoles into frogs, tadpoles become larger than small tadpoles.

304, a dog has two names: one pet, and second beast.

305, poverty is not ecology, development is not destroyed.

306, fools do is say no good, well said well is that people do not do but say good genius.

307, the truth is often live next door to fallacious, but often fallacious room is brightly lit.

308, only when the truth of immediate harm to you, and you still love him, you love is the real truth.

309, people only see their different appearance and animals, but ignored the anatomical fact surprisingly similar.

310, the nature of thinking is the filter.

311, the most difficult to defeat the enemy is their own; worst enemy is a friend; the most hard to prevent the enemy is desire; the most confusing people is the enemy of love.

312, young people look at history, such as watching ledger; middle age look at history, such as watching ledger; look at the history of old age, such as looking mess, often found to be false accounting.

313, people have the money pile of money out of the desire, the desire is to expand the right person out there is the insatiable desire for the potential of people seized the powerless people nor money comparisons from the horizontal desire.

314, Postal greeting times: see the letter as the surface. Yours sincerely. Phone era greeting: Who are you. Others are not. Pager era greeting: fast call back. Cell-phone greeting: wrong! Greeting the Internet age: You are a man or a woman? After greeting the Internet Age: Is anyone there? You people?

315, donations for the poor feelings of charity but out of the rich rational. Among the poor is holding the hand attached to the heart; the rich to donate the money to recover the name, eventually turned into IDS. Once the poor become rich, often the first thing to do is to pray and the poor.

316, who live in the world, talk about three kinds of words, the first large surface, then there is really false, that it can be open when many people say, if you made a name for also in television, newspapers speaking; second is private, then there are really false, there are many of them angry, then just say it over; third is the truth, such a thing, and some may hold in goes for life.

317, so people still worship the gods, is to call their own to get divine intervention, or out of fear, but never mind no one will love the thought of God.

318, the so-called urbanization, the surface is the land of the concrete.

319, we are apt to talk about coordination. This is the meaning of the word: the Association is to carefully follow the above, transfer is to use language to comprehensive. But now the emphasis falls on the word on the tone. So meeting the more, the problem is more.

320, not the flavor of food, not a festive New Year, fear is a man who does not smell.

321, change others, it is better to change yourself.

57, do not covet nothing is there, otherwise you will have nothing; do not try to know everything, otherwise you will know nothing about; do not attempt to do anything, otherwise you will be a free can.

58, while those who chase two rabbits, one will not catch. In a certain sense, is to get lost.

59, stars Lang Lang, as solitary single out; birds chirp, as soon as Tigers.

60, who have a focus; and also to have the end result. The former is a strategy; which is tactical.

61, the face of failure and frustration to laugh it off, is an optimistic self-confidence; the face of misunderstanding and hatred to laugh it off, is a calm and tolerant; the face of praise and incentives to laugh it off, is a modest and sober; the face of trouble and sorrow to laugh it off, is a peaceful relieved.

62, morality is eternal, wealth is temporary.

63, criticism of your enemies who are you today, tomorrow's friend; touted your friends who are you today, tomorrow's enemy.

64, for their own living, poor; views of the living for others, insignificant; well-being of the living for others, noble.

65, love can be romantic, but do not waste; Do not hand, but do not let go.

66, hair like upper, middle edge of the knot, so enjoy the next blessing, choose high up on the flat place to sit, to the width at the line.

67, there is an edge, let go after a landscape. Have a heart, insisted China was sincere.

68, the world's eternal happiness is extraordinary, with the longest life is cherished.

70, happiness is a state of mind, not a state.

71, the world is only smooth, not satisfactory.

72, not a bath person, hard wear perfume is not fragrant. Reputation and dignity, is from the real ability. Virtuous natural incense.

73, to urge students to dinner, you can casually, like a family; friends (comrades) please the dinner, you can openly, like a master; leader's dinner please, must be careful, like a strangers; Please leadership dinner, must be respectful, like a servant; was invited to dinner, naturally polite, like a guest!

74, wise-run health store who understand the health, general health of the people do not understand, stupid people who ignore health.

75, there is no economic independence, the lack of

76, life, you need to keep dust for the soul, self-reflection, self-blame, Zi Wu, self-respect ... ....

77, never a matter of curiosity may be a bad thing, or it may have to kill you. Never make decisions when in pain, or you will regret it later.

78, the pursuit of scientific truth, the pursuit of moral good, the pursuit of art is beauty.

79, goodness is a kind of wisdom, is a vision, a sense of confidence, a kind of spiritual power, is a culture, a pleasure.

80, you have the right to anger, but should not trample on the dignity of others; you have the right to fail, but not low self-esteem; you have the right to succeed, but the cost should not be at the expense of others; you the right to request controversial, but should not as a means of revenge. You have the right to demand to live better, but should not be deceived today to seize tomorrow's joy.

81, perseverance and patience is the ability to short; knowledge is frequently asked of hard study and generalization.

82, ignorance and stupidity is annoying anyone, but this can only learn to avoid; beauty and health is anyone proud, but this is best maintained with care.

83, touted his happy self-deceiving, slander others is detrimental to their own base.

84, greedy ill-gotten gains perishable; letter infidelity of the people much trouble.

85, the tragedy of love from critical; the perfect marriage because tolerance.

86, dedicated to spiritual wealth, by creating a beautiful life.

87, the level of cooking affect the taste of food, state of mind about the pros and cons of life.

88, alive in itself is a lucky young itself is a blessing.

89, love is not a charity, not just charity.

90, to create opportunities for people who are brave. Fool who is waiting for the opportunity.

91, although the warm sunlight, exposure can be a long time beats dr dre headphones sale, would have been abusive.

92, even broken clocks and watches, who can never expect the pace to the shackles of time half a second.

93, where no familiar landscape; not familiar with the place there are pitfalls.

94, true love is not being moved; but memorable life.

95, true love is not him in my arms, but let him learn to walk.

96, people are aware of, is life; people do not know, is the art.

97, angry is something wrong to punish people themselves.

98, hold the greatest hope, make the greatest efforts, prepare for the worst.

99, women are the most practical, is inseparable from daily necessities; woman the least practical, dreaming of flowers wine.

100, the simple becomes rich, the wise; the rich into a simple wisdom. Rich, help thinking; simple, easy to implement.

39, the difference between celebrities and ordinary people in what place? What celebrity is used artifacts, mortal used is waste; celebrity irrational called eloquent, mortal is sophistry; name short remote greeting called approachable, curry favor with someone else is mortal; celebrity dress slovenly, called a artist's temperament, mortal is the flow in the flow of gas; celebrity called cents to drink alcohol, excessive drinking is called mortal; famous old called Wong Lo, mere mortals can only be called Pharaoh.

40, we can not beautiful, but our health; we can not great, but we solemnly; we can not perfect, but we strive; we can not forever, but we are sincere.

41, learning the source of wisdom, integrity is the fundamental cause.

42, at the right time, met the right people, is his entire life; at the right time, met the wrong people, is a heart-breaking; at the wrong time, met the wrong people, is a absurd; at the wrong time, met the right people, is a burst sigh.

43, is a desert where no water, no sound is a lonely place.

44, successful people do not want to do things others do not dare to do things other people do things others can not.

45, successful people find ways to excuse the failure of people; to be successful there is no excuse to excuse can not be successful.

46, the enemy turned ally mostly in order to survive, most of his comrades into enemies for money.

47, the money can help the poor to solve the problem, but to help the rich create problems.

48, in good faith does not mean to blame the faults of others, but certainly does not mean that compliment people's shortcomings. 49, love is like a person's heart, marriage is tied to a person's heart, love is to swallow a person's heart.

50, success is a concept, wealth is an obligation, happiness is a right.

51, from tens of thousands of years people need to become a monkey, a monkey from the back of people with only a bottle of wine.

52, the more loved by his wife, the husband of the more mature, more coddled by her husband with the wife of the more immature.

53, is not the most romantic words

54, confused not liked, smart, not necessarily liked the same; only cleverly confused with, the party happy.

55, vividly played by others is well-known actor, to his speech was wise and great is usually officials.

56, with open two ordinary people see the world, often wrong. Extraordinary people off seeing the world a Yanzheng a glance. Extraordinary people who shut his eyes hard to see the world, invincible.

1, there must be a successful way, the failure must be a reason.

2, others three elements: unity capable to do great things, unity and good people to do practical things, unity is not bad bad.

3, advances in three elements: your own line, the line was that you, that you line the pedestrian.

4, say three elements: to say and say - level, not to say do not say when - smart and know when to say when it should not say - clever.

5, work three elements: the dry will do - the ability, should not dry quit - wise, know when to dry when it should not do - brilliant.

6, to do portraits of water, things like mountains. Man as much as possible to go lower, so the others down as far as possible meet the interests and reputation back, left to their own big room. Things must have their own ideas and goals, a mountain stand there, in order to do things well.

7, the winner looking at is the answer, while losers see only answer the question; the winner is often part of the answer, and the losers are often part of the problem; the winner in a planned , the loser has an excuse; winner often say: Notwithstanding the difficulties, or to do so; losers always say: Although to do so, but too difficult.

8, high expectations, bring the child's hopeless; over-protection, to bring the child's incompetence; over-indulgent, to bring the child's merciless; too much interference, bring the child's helplessness; too much criticism, brought the child's flawless.

9, the eyes of the ancient Jewish sage seven virtues: First, do not trespass; Second, do not interrupt other people's words; three is not anxious; fourth question should be targeted; five is the answer to meet the situation; Sixth talk to beginnings and ends; seven is to be based practice.

10, one of the two eyes, all parallel, but unequal Man. The human ear is divided on either side, always a good side to listen to one side of the story. Has only one mouth, but always able to tell both sides of the case.

11, know the human being behind the gentleman; know is the villain behind the Man.

12, wait and be safe, give way to later, forbearance and tolerance on the harmony.

13, people running around, leading to batch to batch, department and turn the meeting open to open to the last question is where to where to go.

14, the contemporary status of physical exercise: the elderly rise, middle-aged man awakened, young people sleeping.

15, wine, packed in like water bottle, drink goes haunted, spoke Zouzui, flash walking legs, middle of the night to find water, regret the morning, noon or end of the glass Ting Mei.

16, is a coward not angry, not angry is wise.

17, number one never acts, the second in command said two different, three hands to make irresponsible remarks, four hands Yes Yes Yes Yes, five and six grip handle, light notes do not mouth.

201, people should treat themselves. The best way to treat their own kind to others. The best way to treat others tolerant people

202, can not buy a car without accessories, no reputable friends can not pay.

203, beautiful body better than a pretty face; better behavior than a beautiful body.

204, sliding on the ice, the speed is safe elements.

205, the depth of love to pursue, not the pursuit of speed; love the pursuit of heat, not the pursuit of brightness.

206, laughter is a vitality.

207, raw, easy; live, easy; life is not easy.

208, life is an experience, is an experience; life is a feeling, is also an accumulation. Life there is no answer, no answer to life. When life does not belong to you soon, you will find: Life is just a process, no matter how complex the process, the final outcome is the same. Focus of life is a process, rather than the outcome.

209, smart people are always filled with the wisdom of others, their brain, stupid people always use someone else's wisdom interfere with their emotions.

210, mediocre people are concerned about how time-consuming, there are people trying to use time.

211, know-how hard life is running his own strengths. Operate their own strengths to give your life value. Must run their own weaknesses to make your life depreciation.

212, respecting the child is a parent's first duty.

213, family is the relationship between bone and flesh, an outsider is the relationship between cars and trucks. Separated can not survive, cars and trucks too close to the quasi-accidents.

214, no matter how old the human members, in front of the money, that any young.

215, true happiness is free.

216, the pursuit of brand-name brands as the self-inflicted.

217, a book page looks no matter where, after 5 minutes can not appeal to you, please do not hesitate to throw it away.

218, insane madman, not horrible. Terrible is sane madman.

219, low self-esteem have a variety of grades. The performance of the highest grade of low self-esteem is brag about what a genius.

220, a low income are happy, want nothing is advanced happy.

221, a speech of the people will not remember the others spoken to people, but to say people remember the words.

222, non-nest, use language, I use the ear; crowded field, one forward, and I behind.

223, feast day people can eat a meal without incense.

224, learning the pain is temporary, the pain is not life-long learning.

225, but also urge that you have passion for life, always impulsive, that you do not know life.

226, never to offend extraordinary people, and people with those destined to impossible. Much peace and calm, but lost a man of passion and outspoken.

227, by the ancient imperial overnight, most people rely on media overnight.

228, who is the soul, God is glorified people.

229, if the waste as a nation face, she did not face the earth will be more and more. If the thrift as a nation face, she will increasingly face in the earth.

230, the greatest love of family, is optimistic about their own, do not offend.

231, when misfortune came at the head of others, they often can be as wise as to console others; and when his body comes the same time, unfortunately, often equally difficult to enlighten themselves.

232, some defects on the other person seem insignificant, not worth mentioning; However, if these defects on himself, it is difficult to easily view, and even life are not well attended.

233, said to himself, has done things to hurt others heart, it is possible and shortly forgotten; while others have said or done something to harm themselves often life can remember clearly Ching Chu, and can not forgive.

234, watch other people live, we always like to enlarge their happiness, ignored in their lives, unfortunately, so to see how other people feel happy life. In view of their life, people always like to reduce their own happiness, to expand their troubles, their lives so we always have a lot of dissatisfaction.

235, when someone accidentally embarrassing in public places, we tend to laugh; and when his body in the same situation occurs, we often can not be good for a long time to come out from embarrassment.

236, to see others succeed, we will say that their good luck; when they encounter failure, we will say that they do not work hard. Their own success, we will say that this is the result of their efforts; if failed, we will self-mockery that is the fault of the environment.

237, see other people fall in love choosers, we say dark, I do not know their long-sawed, still there to pick and choose. Turn their love, they always feel that no one can be worthy of their own.

238, it is easy to judge other parents to educate their children right or wrong way, and turn themselves to educate their children, they often lost the basis for evaluation.

239, who can always be smooth? Shame of life is not lost, but rather afford to lose; the glory of life is not never servant to, but that can be repeated from repeated servant.

240, life is not that took a good card, but rather to lay a bad card.

241, thought too little, may lose their human dignity; thought too much, you lose the fun in life.

242, competition is for life, win or lose is temporary.

243, if we have no guilt, no regret anything missing, the result of gains and losses on the go by it.

244, To graduate, are strong.

245, the primary way to make friends is they have to be a friend indeed.

246, what is better than a pure heart and a pair of clean hands, more valuable and better?

247, where a strong light, shadow more black.

248, in the face of power, I see tears of money; before money, I see the power kneel.

249, if you think watching the clock the length of life, often feel powerless. Like stationery with a ruler to measure the Himalayas, with a two-edged fruit carving knife to time.

250, do not say how good their own, others generally do not believe; not say just how bad people generally believe.

251. say to be careful, think less.

252. is not easy to promise, agreed to do it must be done. ,

253. Do not miss the opportunity to praise others.

254. gives a sincere concern for each person you have met feel that he (she) is important.

255. full of energy, mouth upturned. The pain, sorrow and despair hidden behind a smile.

256. on the disputed matter is not prejudiced.

257. do not pass do not listen to gossip.

258. considerate of others feelings. Ridicule, will be worth the candle, and may cause unintended harm.

259. Do not you care about other people's harsh comments, learn to transcend.

260. in no hurry to expect anything in return, to help others and to be pleased about as the best returns.

261, there are three things people can not hide - coughing, poverty and love, you want to hide, but trying to hide something.

262, there are three things people should not be squandered - the body, money and love, you want to splurge, but worth the candle.

263, there are three things people can not retain - the life, time and love, you want to stay, but distanced.

264, there are three things people should remember - the disaster, death and love, you want to recall, but miserable.

265, the privacy of their own to share with a person, it is confidant; and a group of people share, it is a blog; to share with people across the country, called the art of life.

266, feeling like a sweater - when knitting, stitch, be careful and lengthy; removed, as long as gently pull, a

267, you come to do the total time and opportunity, do not always find an excuse to come.

268, good thing people always want to dry-point spirits know, dry point bad spirits always thought that children do not know, we are too embarrassed to ghost.

269, to experience price increases on the taste of meat, to understand the inflation rate plus a fuel, to understand the disappointment you look at the ball, to understand the desperation to buy a buy shares.

270, the error continuation of reasons: First, the error as truth and believe, the second is the wrong thing always run into the wrong person and the third is to let you know the wrong people the truth.

271, all the health center, failing to cool a little, see things a little confused.

272, no matter how busy, but also take care of yourself, friends, though not often linked, has been thinking about.

273, when most people are concerned about your fly Gaobu Gao, only a handful of people care about you too tired to fly, which is friendship.

274, three forget: forget age, forget the past, forget the scores.

275, four have: no matter how weak or strong, we must have people who really love you, with intimate friends, with upward career, with a warm home.

276, five to be: to sing, to dance, to be smart, to laugh, to be slim.

277, six can not: not hungry before eating, not thirsty before drinking, not sleepy and went to bed, not tired, just rest, can not only check the sick, not old and then regret.

278, the poor than the rich purse is often large, because it requires too much angle loading tickets and coins.

279, is being affected by poor greedy people will never torture.

280, air can not move forward without drums, gas is too full may puncture.

281, if we seek happiness also fills, the challenge in our pursuit of 'happiness than others.

282, if vigorously every day life, then this nation is certainly crazy.

283, good people, relies on a good heart; do nice guy, by the face of a fickle.

284, backing down hill, run by everyone, the best on their own.

285, to see whether a person depends on his old friend, a new friend who is only unreliable.

286, let a man love you may not be difficult, for a man to marry you is difficult; for a woman to marry you is not difficult, so a woman you love is difficult.

287, fate as the fish: some fish and fish encounter, some of the fish and hook meet, while others are hook and hook meet.

288, the so-called fate, love, success is the reason, an excuse for failure. ,

289, the so-called marriage, is the lovers eventually became a

290, the so-called break up, that is, the woman said a hundred times it may not be able to do, and that a man can achieve things.

291, all the victories with his victory than to conquer it, is negligible; all the failures and the loss of their failure compared, it is negligible.

292, life without friends is like life without sunshine; you can have the whole world with love, you can also use hate to lose the world.

293, not because they have much more fun, but care less.

294, pride should be kind to others, because you need them when frustrated.

295, with the least remorse to face the past, are now faced with the least waste, use up the dream of the future.

296, all the great action and thought, there is a minimal start.

297, happy to know how to share, to double happiness.

298, you can not control the weather, but you can change your mood.

299, there is hope in place, the pain can become joy.

300, when you can fly, do not give up flying; When you dream, do not give up the dream; When you love, do not give up on love.

Even if only enough to pay a down payment. They know how much your life?

32, to invest in a person who love, adventure; to invest in a number of people who love and dangerous.

33, third-rate make-up is the face make-up; second-rate is the spirit of make-up make-up; first-class make-up make-up of life.

34, single is the insight, love is a mistake, breaking up is the consciousness of marriage is wrong, divorce is a wake up, marriage is stubborn, no lover of waste, more animal lovers.

35, can increase the power of the position, but can not increase the authority; position can increase people's energy, but can not increase capacity; position can increase people's well-known, but can not increase knowledge.

36, gifts people with words, emphasis on the bead; wounding with words, even in the sword.

37, compared with people suffering from disease, healthy and strong nature is happiness; and suffer evil than people without incident nature is happiness.

38, another friend of some years the same boat tolerant, forgiving each other husband and wife must be a hundred years a bed, some peace and mutual tolerance of the world beautiful.

! !

101. the most sad, is not to lose too much yesterday, but being immersed in the sorrow of yesterday.

102. the most stupid, is not found no immediate trap, but the second time they fell into.

103. the most lonely, not like other people have not yet come, but this man went out from the heart.

104. the most despicable, is not lit a fuse, but want to see the effect of the explosion.

105. the most dirty, not to sell their own flesh, but sold his soul.

106. the most painful, is not not a loved one, but not a loved one's life to be happy.

107. the most happy, is not finally get a bouquet of flowers, but always surrounded by flowers.

108. the happiest person, not someone to bring you happiness, but you brought happiness to others.

109. one of the richest, not have a Gold, but with a Jinshan can not buy.

110. the noblest of people, not people still remember his benefits, but you forgot to give others the benefit.

111, children put toys when friends, adult friends when the toys.

112, gold could test the use of fire, a woman can test gold, men can try to use a woman.

113, the rich people afraid that people know he is rich, the poor to fear other people know that he had no money.

114, I'm alive, because we will die long, long time.

115, saying that out before you are the owner, said that out later if you became a slave.

116, Higher is better paid, paid as longevity, longevity as happy.

117, to steal a person's idea is plagiarism, to steal the idea is to study a lot of people.

118, the attitude towards intellectuals, marking the level of civilization of a nation; attitude towards the workers and peasants, is to question the conscience of this nation.

119, not able to get to the top of the mountain, only people who can not find the way.

120, defeat the enemy one day, but they need to overcome a lifetime.

121, insipid taste in the product out, parting thoughts in Evergreen, scattered in the U.S. as ever, trouble Center Helping Hands, which is the love of classic, classic love.

122, laziness is nurtured. Where there is unavoidably, minding people, where the growth of happy lazy careless person.

123, the beautiful capital when it is foolish, when the beautiful energy that is wisdom.

124, a man's face is the resume of his life, a woman's face is her life the income statement.

125, love is a person of another person that can be dedicated to the highest respect. Rich Tragically, this honor more often than being misdirected is rejected.

126, smart is the rat eye, can see the truth behind the immediate food; smart is the tiger's eye, can detect nearby prey; wise is the eagle's eye, insight into the distant scenery.

127, the ultimate wealth is simple; is plain gorgeous in the extreme; the ultimate love is silent.

128, is the milk of knowledge, wisdom is the brine. Less knowledge and more wisdom, always a pot of milk, the point is not a thought of tofu.

129, expected thing does not happen often, unexpected things are happening frequently.

130, proud, the friends know you; in trouble, you know a friend.

131, money like water, there is no point will die of thirst, more will be drowned.

132, concentrated in the blood of family, friendship Danru water, love sweet as honey.

133, if the camera aimed at a person, under all his words and deeds recording and then editing as they wish for any one person can be good or bad.

134, yesterday was a waste of the check, tomorrow is a deposit has not yet expired, and only today is cash you can dominate.

135, like a beautiful woman on the showcase in the craft, enjoy a lot of people, but people can only buy one.

136, work like a lover, although you sometimes have trouble with, but must meet every day. Interest like the lover, although you burning passion, but not a substitute for bread.

137, as crude commoner lover, though not beautiful, but can block the cold. Lover like fashion, I feel very good, but can not wear out.

138, their loved ones as the old coat, is the prickly heat, still clutching to you. Friends like clear coat, took on the clothing and later put aside.

139, the community as fish ponds, although Nishajuxia really happen in a pool of water is also a little scary. Family as the tank, needs cleaning, you need ventilation, need intensive care, or to not survive.

140, the boss is like the tiger, the tiger's butt, not touch the tiger's ass, we should not shoot. Friends of colleagues like play, fooling around on the stage, unloading the equipment to know everything is ridiculous. Lower as spring, you can pressure him, but he will top you, if you pull him, maybe he will concede it.

141, an explosion of the bomb would have been more than a terrorist bomb explosion much more.

142, all of them are on the side is not necessarily a good thing, for example, they have stood the ship's side.

143, a beggar is a tax to your conscience people.

144, the world's only understand, and no dead end.

145, not people tired of distant mountains, but the shoes of a grain of sand.

146, do not argue with a fool, or someone else will confuse in the end who is the fool.

147, a parent is a highly professional job, can not most of the parents had any training on the posts.

148, lies the reality that his real name used, the network using a pseudonym to tell the truth.

149, not every effort will be rewarding, but every effort must be harvested, it is an unfair proposition irreversible.

150, not to the ideal fantasy, passion not to be hypocritical.

151, in order to control persistent, a good feeling to be thinking about the door.

152, each person has a potential energy, it is very easy: concealed by habits, blurred by time, is laziness.

153, a beautiful face is for others to read, and intelligent mind is to their own use.

154, optimistic people seeking only to laugh and forget grudges; pessimistic people seeking only to complain, forgetting laugh.

155, give up the abandoned helpless, is incompetent to give up should not give up; do not give up the abandoned ignorance, do not give up should not give up the attachment.

156, accounting for other people's cheap, that is the beginning of court disaster.

157, for others to try, that is their best; not help others who can not get help from others.

158, women's 'depreciation rate' is truly amazing, from the 'new' Mother to become 'old' woman, takes a night scene.

159, in the street to see beauty, look a little higher is appreciated, look low point is that rogue.

160, not afraid to do more, I'm afraid many things.

161, the disease will make people more human, utilitarian lighter, more emphasis on human relationships, love and friendship on a more delicate taste.

162, nature is easy to understand each other healthy, natural morbid divide between each other often.

163, when love's eyes closed, it opened his marriage, love, when dressed in the costumes, it took off the wedding. He surprised her: >
164, scholar scholar met, can reasoning. Bing met soldiers, might contest. Scholar is to meet the embarrassment of soldiers, soldiers not reasoning with scholar, the scholar had to contest with the soldiers.

165, the last human family background often harbor a sense of crisis, and now his face was only there a sense of crisis.

166, the gap is not cunning and clever intellectually, but morally.

167, some marriage begins courteous, followed owe ice, and finally owe respect as soldiers.

168, good descriptions is always a lot of courage to say so is always very small.

169, when the wise are praised every word reflection; fool criticism, the sentence is refuted.

170, the hospital is more important than a life finally make money more important place.

171, not all children are the crystallization of love, such as the White-Haired Girl.

172, to a house, you have to load a lifetime, these words do not just ironic snail.

173, mouse cat listening to recordings, might sound scared, listen to the contented look, repeated listening to the art of coloratura like a melodious, long peace and good fortune to listen to the prayer

174, understanding their difficult, more difficult to recognize their own inadequacies.

175, luxury is for others to read, is essential to their use.

176, if not healthy, wisdom can not reveal, culture can not display, you can not fight the power, knowledge can not be used.

177, is now afraid of everybody eats meat hormones, vegetarian fear toxins, drink afraid of pigment, water afraid of harmful elements. In short, what to eat, drink, uncertainty about.

178, danger did not come, the coward afraid; risk occurs, the ordinary people are afraid; danger is over, the Warriors know fear.

179, poor health, there may be a waste; not doing well, there may be a defect; psychological well, there may be a dangerous goods.

180, and the right is the mouth, that everyone have something to eat; harmonic of the left is a word that everyone can speak.

181, optimists see the problems behind the opportunity, pessimistic people only see the opportunity behind the problem, chances are you never take the initiative to ring the door, no matter how many years you wait. It also would like a gust of wind blowing it off as the need to follow your responsiveness and speed. Toward a goal, try to use your potential, you will find brilliant opportunities exist. Although the wind did not color, but the wind blowing through the green one is after.

182, I would not care the spirit of the emotions, regret the loss is greater than the loss, a greater error than the error, so do not regret it.

183, the mirror reflects the truth, but truth is the opposite.

184, the only life will not wait for fall is destined to death, to keep the world the only constant is change permanent.

185, friends, talking about money hurt. Between lovers, comes to hurt feelings on the money.

186, his wife, the young man is the master; for middle-aged man who is a friend; of elderly men, is a nurse.

187, before marriage, to open your eyes; married to an eye, close one eye.

188, the most difficult to defeat the enemy, of their own; the most formidable enemy is a friend; the most hard to prevent the enemy is desire; most people confuse the enemy, is emotional.

189, that again is a statement that is repeated twice, three times is that parallelism, and repeatedly said, poured out in the meeting.

190, crabs will clamp themselves, wearing armbands, would not correct themselves, their advertising is not derogatory, do not engage in trading pits themselves.

191, the truth as coughing, while more in irrepressible gush out; lies as lines, often memorize the talk.

192, being ten elements - maintain a healthy body; realistic goals; have self-esteem; control emotions; remain optimistic; open-minded man; make good friends; into the collective, popular; challenging work and moderate pastime; have team spirit.

193, be especially vigilant against three kinds of people: one, the official is not, especially those who can work; two, not much money, especially those who can pay; third, less familiar, especially to Taoci people.

194, only 5% of one's life is wonderful, and only 5% is painful, the other 90% is plain; people are often tempted with the wonderful 5%, 5% suffer from pain, 90% of the plain spent.

195, life is not dress rehearsal, live every day!

196, does not seek is expensive, less disease is life, is rich enough, no desire is a blessing, gratitude is like .

197, the ease and shows the capability; give light if heavy is the expression of feelings.

198, there is no greater day than the hands, no feet longer than the road, no more than one mountain, there is no wider than the heart of the sea.

199, the world is not the rich world. is not the right people in the world, it is the caring of the world.

200, complex things should be simple to do. To do simple things to seriously. Serious things to be repeated. Repeat things to do creatively.

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posted 뻥  Tan 볤  뾕뻥  Yu Tiao 볯  뾘 Trachinotus   꾼볯 ⚉ play Long play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  ꮴ 듨  correct 뫤  like regression  Fan 볯  龳 돧  correct ꛥ  Like 룤  Organization Chi ⚂ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Lu Ye  Dan  믤  ꆲ swallow  놈뿨  뒤볯  뒯 Gan  Dan 믤  놈뻥  Fan 룤  Xiechi  eligible for a 꿦  뾥 Qin  see 룥  릸볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  뮀 Fu  ꢜ 룦  Thorny Jue Zhong Dan   Tiao 볯  Noir ꓥ  ꦈ 볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Ju   ꢜ Tiqu  랠 Dan  ꢰ japonica  궸볯  Zetan  뚗매  뢮 Gan  Rong Lu 뻥  낈 swallow  mallard  ꎭ Dan  뢹 ꛧ  Lichi  eligible for a 볤  뮃뷧  ꂴ 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲  Dong Hui Ren  ꮿ 뿥  난 Chan  Xian 룤  ꪸ mang  뒤볯  떊뻥  Xian 맥  뎹럦  ꆷ birds  뮴룤  giggle 뻨  Juchi  eligible for a 듨  ꦁ 볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲 룤  Dang Nam 냥  like 뫥  ꪤ Fu  nail 볯  ꂛ 룤  놈 Qin  like Gan  ꢜ Tian  Ꞥ latch  lying  Miao Xu Dan  Tiao Jie Qin  볯  Caryopteris swallow  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling pin 냥  꾘 Fu  touch  liver Chan  Hao 볯  ꆇ 뫤  붃룤  꾏 ꓥ  quinone Gong  Tiao 볯  ꚺ  Caryopteris swallow  Luo Qin Xiao 㭰 vortex Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling 룤  붃 end of yoke  smoked 뫤  꾘 Chan  like 뗨  ꖝ Dan  Tiao 볯  Landan  ꦁ 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  떺뷤  ꂽ She  Vision 뿨  놤볯  Dan 매  ꞅ ꃦ  놈뷤  Tiao 볯  expansion Qin  꾟 Chen  Luo Eddy Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Guang  몺 mallard  Mao Wei  몼 limonene  Tiao 볯  Jie Qin  storage of the  Vortex Vortex Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  rolling birds  ꆇ 뫤  Dang Wren  꾘 Kushiro  떖 Dan Post Tan  whale ꗨ   wheat Duo  붃믤  궸 ꫧ  몇뻧  릂 Chi  eligible for a pomfret  Yi 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲  뮎 Chan  놰 Gan  ꢔ 뿥  뮎 taut  earthworm Chi  eligible for a crane 냥  Luo Ying  㭰 Eddy Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling 뿥  gating Guang  Bigan  놈 Qin  Li 鿥  shares Chi  eligible for a 곦  늴볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  ꪏ ※ Mao 㹲 touch  suddenly  Tuan Tai Chan  Li 뫤  ꖎ Ju  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Luo Xiao 㭰 vortex vortex Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling 뫤  뢛뿤  Xigan  뢹 ꛧ  Li ꃦ  Ye Chi  eligible for a Duo  ꚺ 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲 Culter Ji  꾘 Chan  Hao 매  Ang 룤  Li 룤  transcripts Ji  뒤 Chi  eligible for a 곦  늴볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Jue Solutions   몼냥  Post Tan Tuan Phan   Haozhan  랆 Dan  Tiao 볯  see 룤  궯볯 ⚉ play ☻ ※ play Hui Hui Hui Mao 㹲  ꖥ Ni  Sao 뻨  Li Wei  remaining 볯  ꆲ 뫤  iliac Qin  낈뫤  뒘 Chi  eligible for a drug  뿨  꾖 Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 뷥  ꮴ ꧧ  Kong Korea  ruin 뿨  ꖝ 볯  놈  뾾믤  Mu Qin Jiong  뗨  Tiao 볯  Shi Jie Qin  storage vortex of the  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 vortex rolling 뷥  swollen prison   Li Qin Zang  궃 peptone  붰볯  Weishe  Li 꿥  겆 Wren  뒸볯  arrest took Jie Qin   ꎻ Ai  ꮁ bamboo basket with the mane   Post ꟧  ꊳ took circuitous   ꎻ Ai Jie Jue Solutions  pull out ꗩ   龼 볯  꺣 Rims   Luo Hui Long Eddy Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 룤   Hao Nam Chan Mang  볯  ꂗ 鎻 ꧥ  posted ꓥ  ꖝ 곦  놨볯  붙 ꓥ  钂 Guang  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling swallow  높볯  놈 Qin  놰 Sha  뾕매  Tiao 볯  ꆍ drug  꾖 ꇩ  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 vortex rolling 냨  prison  Litan  Hao 껥  뾮 Gan  ꢔ 뻧  랾 ꗥ  몟볯  ꢔ 듨  storage 귧  Jian 볯  ꢔ 뻧  붸 regression  Fiao 볯  ꢔ cross  Niezan  뚡볯  cooked meat used in sacrifice 냥  꾘 swallow  뢹 ꛧ  Li 뫤  Tiao 볯  Huiqin  뢤냥  꾖볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲 mane   몤뗨  늗 Post 룤  palladium solution  Li 껧  놰볤  cheek Ji  Tiao 볯  ꖥ 믧  랾볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Tan  늬뗦  ₏ Post swallow  꾏닦  murmur  Ju Hua Qin 룦  뫨  Post 닥  매  Chung Yue peptone  겑 Ju  feud ꫩ  Tiao vortex vortex Xiao 㭰Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Di  Tan Tan  Hao Long  Hu 뿨  릾볯   몙 Duo Duo Yun Di  Dan Long  phosphine  Hupa  릾 Chi  eligible for a ꗥ  뒻뻥  Luo Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰Rolling Ka  鎽 prison  birds  ꢔ Yun  몙 Kuang  뚈뷤  놈 Qin  paste swallow  ꦈ Yi Wei  볯  Duji  벼 Dan  ꖻ Ji  놈 Qin Yi Wei  paste swallow   ꦈ Chi  eligible for a Teng  뎊 bluefish  꾖볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Tuanteng  ꞅ 볯  confer peptone  like regression  벅뻥  Tiao 볯  릟 ꃦ  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex Rolling Chan  Haodan  gating Fu  꾘 Teng  ꞅ Dan  鎻 Caryopteris Wren  Tiao 볯  play dove  릉볯 ⚉ ☻ play Hui Hui Hui  㹲 ※ Mao Wei 냨  Vision 껨  sudden Ju  whip 볯  뚄 peptone  giggle Wei  Vision Bi  ꖘ 단  Xiong Mei Zeng  drug  who posted regression  뻤  ꮢ ꟧  flounder Chan  Hao 볯  Na 룤  ꮢ ꗧ  An 룤  Rong 뻧  붸 Dan  ꦤ 뷤  Tiao 볯  讅 Jue  ꊴ Ji  play Hui Yu 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  meat ꛨ  spent palladium regression  Dan  who ꛨ  Tan 뻥  arrest 볯  musk 듦  Luo Xiao 㭰 vortex vortex Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling 뷤  몸 Chan  Hao 볯  giggle 룤  ꮺ 귥  ꒸ ꋩ  Thorny 볯  http 룤  Wei 냨  龼 룤  ꪸ 뫨  Ju 룤  Die 뿥  eligible for a 뫧  Yan ꓥ  뮃닩  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling regression  who Zhan  ꒸ 룤  뎹귧  mares-tail 매  뒗 Dan  ꂗ ꟧  ꒺ 뻥  Qintan  Hao Jian  꾘 mane  mackerel 룤  뒥 Bin  correct Korea  Liduo  Xu 뫤  pancreas 볯  ꖥ ꯧ  Huiqin  ꖓ 냥  꾖꿥  Luo Eddy Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling ꛥ  parameters of SVM 믤  ꢡ Bi  Xueye  ꖝ tuck  궖볯  놈 Qin  drug  뒯 Xi Ji Wei 냨   like ꛥ  뒯  cricket Guang Xi Tiao 볯   see 뷧  Ken 꿥  play Hui Yu 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈 regression  freshwater fish paste drug   Hao 껥  鎻 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  Vision 뫤  놊 swallow  붙뻧  붸 Duo  뚹룤  겊 Fu  paste swallow  鮺 ꗥ  몺 Xuan  Mei 룤  뒍맥  like regression  놈 Chi  eligible for a 매  Hanlun  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling dice Dan ꯩ   뎥귥  ꢳ suddenly  랔귥  Li 뿥  난 Ai  Zong 뫤  ꢳ leap  only Dan  ruin 단  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 믥  finished birds  Mei 룤  Xiandan  놈볯  more 뻧  붸룤  랠뿥  난뛦  Qichi  eligible for a 곦  늴볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  ꪏ 뿨  riches Dan spent 껥   Wei ꟥  tired 룥  ꪏ Gan  giggle ꟧  뢺뿤  Li 뫤  cadmium Chi  eligible for a 뷧  뮃 ꃦ  scabbard 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  Dan ※ Mao 㹲 mallard  Tong 닦  Vision Xiu  Ti ꧥ  뮧꿦  ꪏ 룤  릮단  posted regression  ꪴ Ni  늬 Dan  鎻 Ju  뒠 ꏨ  Xuejiu  ꦗ 볯  뒛돧  閳 Chi  eligible for a play osmium  낔볯 ⚉ ☻ play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲 phosphine Dan  꾘 Bao  뺚 mallard  Li Wei  remaining 뷤  붃 볯  Tan Tan Tan  볦  꺺 Wei  cooked meat used in sacrifice Bodhisattva  iliac Chan  Tiao 볯  Ɡ 듦  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling ꣥  뎥 ꣥  랾룤  뚨 Hun  posted 뫤  Wei 뫤  Thorny 룤  ꒺ 듨  Tiao vortex vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰prison  rolling Chan  Haozhan  like Sha  낹 Duo  Lichi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Lu Ye   높듨  꾘 Ji  wind 볯  놈  Zhubin  Ji Qin 매  Tiao 볯  랾 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 룤  꾘 Zeng  ꊴ 뫤   posted peptone  꾘 Zeng Jian ꓥ  Jiang 룤  Zhu 귥  eligible for a nickname  play Hui 钁 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  몸 mang  posted 룤  뚁매  Ye Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  㹲 ※ Mao Yi 뫤  랻 Dan  놈 Qin  꾘 Xuan  Ban Dan  Tiao vortex Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling mang  ꊴ 매  like tuck  turtle Qin  Tiao vortex Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Chan  Haojue  ꊝ ꛨ  꾘 Li  Chicago 뫤  Tuan 껥  겜뫨  ꂗ drug  Li 껧  ꆮ 볯  ꎂ 냥  like Gan  turtle Dan  놈 Qin  Tiao 볯  Nian ꏥ  vortex palladium 뫤  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling regression  몸듨  storage peptone  鎻 ꧥ  Li 뫤  놰 Gan  몇 Duo  ꪇ 럥  Tiao Jie Qin  볯  storage vortex of the  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling 볤  Liao ꯥ  릯 ꓥ  posted 룤  skeleton ꯥ  Liao Han  벥 play Hui Chi ⚂ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  붃 Sui  Huan 껥  몸껥  뾮 Chi  eligible for a 뻥  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲 birds  龷 Guang  몺  giggle 뗨  posted ꫧ  Chan 매  like 꿦  ꦤ ꃥ  꺷 Chi  eligible for a 곦  늴볯 ⚉ play Hui ☻ play Hui ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Sha  뾽 cross  Ren regression  Miao 믩  alcohol 매  Po Chi  eligible for a cross- 낅볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Qin  꾘  놈 drug  뒇  ruin the  Ji Dan Wren  ꊮ 볯  꾘 ꓥ  ꖝ Dan  ꪇ Bao  Tiao Gong 볯 볯  놈믩  ⚉ play ☻ play Hui Hui Hui  뒯 㹲 ※ Mao Jian  look down 볯  놈 Qin  놰 Gan  giggle 룤  몺  랻 Dan  ꪇ Bao Jian Xu  ꢜ  몺뫨  Xiandan  Huozhan  Tiao 볯  놈믩  play Hui Gong 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  꾘룤  ꪸ 맥  낏볯  Xianbi  Xiao Lun  liver 뷥  ꊽ Hun  늉 Dan  몺 Chi  eligible for a Ju Yu 볤  릉볯 ⚉  ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲  늗뫤  transcripts Chan  Hao 뷥  flounder 귦  볯  Lv 뫤  of transcripts Chan  Hao 뷥  Miao 뛦  ꎁ Chi  eligible for a 룥  Yu 닦  뮃 tuck  뾡볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲 룤   뎥뫤  Li Gong 냥  꾘룤  ꢃ Chan  Haodan  regression  Tiao Yue Yue Qin  Ɡ 볯  Luo Ji  Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  rolling Tan Hua Hao 꿥  lying   몺룤  Jianggan  ꮺ ꓥ  correct solution  posted 꿥  lying ꗥ  몺  ꪸ Duo  꾘 Wen Hua  붑 Chi  eligible for a 매  뮃 details  ꚼ 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲  랔 Yang Hui Ju  뎥  small-minded pomfret  놈 Chi  eligible for a 룤  벰 Eddy Xiao Hua  Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Haozhan  뎥뫤  giggle Hua  end of yoke  늏볯  Na Li regression  꾘 Gong Hua  몺룤  룤  떮 룤  Li Ka  늛 Chi  eligible for a distant vortex  뺾냥  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling door of an inner room  posted Hua  몺 swallow  Ꞁ 곦  뚗볯  놈 Qin  Ju ꇨ  낎뻥  Zhu 볥  Chai 볯  Na ꗥ  몺 Dan  놈 Qin  뒍 Gan  Ji 매  Li 볯  latch  like Ji  Ling Li 볯  ꪓ Yang  꾘귧  Erdan  뚗 Xu  Tiao 볯  뎊 Qin  ꪱ Ji  벛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  Run ※ Mao 㹲 뷧  drug  Hao Li 냥  뎥 Gan  ꢜ 룤  ꖟ 룤  覧 룤  chin 뻥  larva ꓥ  략 Wren  Lichi  eligible for a 껨  뮃뿤  Ken Yu Qin  drug  릉볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  㹲 ※ Mao Sheng 뫤  Jiangqu  뎘 drug  뒛곦  posted 룤  Tuan 매  overstep Chan  Hao leap  Tuna Chi  eligible for a Long  Wie 꿨  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling mallard  놈 Ka  Tiao Wei  ꚝ 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Haogan  strew ꛩ  Mei Li 귦  ꗥ  Post 뷤  Nan 룤  릮 Gan  놰 She  Miao Zhong Tiao 볯   rim Vortex Pro  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Haozhan  ꪸ regression  뮹 Rims  Judan  뚮볤  posted 껥  뒸 swallow  Xue Jian Jian   giggle stick Duo  ꂇ 매  릯룤  age salamander Bodhisattva  like 믦  Tiao Jian  볯  격뻥  놎 ꣥  뮃뻥  뮃 Ji  Dui 믤  Ken 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲  놰  놈 Qin Xi  ꊴ 꿥  paste swallow  Xi 뫤  붑뿨  correct 뷨  posted 껥  Hong 믧  Tu 뫤  ꞉ Di Li 룤   Xu ꋩ  뢰매  궸 Chi Cong  Caryopteris  eligible for a vortex in the  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling 룤  ꚗ Chan  Hao 뻥  낈뫤  ꆻ 뛨  posted 믤  몺 Dan  Baizhong  龹 냥  ꆍ bamboo basket  ꂗ 귥  Nam Chi  eligible for a ꯩ  Eddy Xiao Ying 뻤  Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling ꫥ  몺 Gan  뒤룤  ꪸ 돧  鎻 ꟥  blow Dan  몺볯  龹 Gan  뒤룤  ꪸ Fun 귥  Li Fu  뫤  Tiao 볯  play Artemisia 뷧  꾖볯 ⚉ ☻ play Hui Hui Hui  㹲 ※ Mao Wei ꟥  꾘룤  ꦡ Bin  lying ꋩ  Judan  nickname on the 볯  Tiao Hui play  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Jian Hui  뮦  뾽 Chan  Haodi  Chai 볯  뢛 Ka  fed 뷤  Nan Solutions  몛 Chi  eligible for a touch  뮃꿥  Ren 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲궟 mane  Li ꛧ  ꮈ 볤  뿨  놈 Qin  Thorny Post latch  sprouts Dan  Qian ꛧ  뒍볤  scorpionfish 껥  벉 Wren  Tiao 볯  Ci 냥  뮃뻥  뮃 birds  Han 볥  랛 Fu  Luo Eddy Eddy Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling ꛥ  parameters of SVM 룤  놈믤  Litan  jump gating 뿥  Tuan Chi  swallow  Wei 볯  only 냥  뢰뿨  like 볤  놈믤  meat Ka  ꖝ 뷤  only ꛥ  Judan  ꎂ 룤  뎥뫤  Tiao 볯  rim Vortex Pro  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 vortex rolling Chan  prison  Post 룤  Jianggan  giggle ꟧  ꮺ regression  ꪴ 곦  Lizeng  뢰뿨  like 믦  뎶 Dan  궃 swallow  Na 럥  Hua Tiao 볯  eels vortex  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling ꓥ  Hao peptone  luxuriant ꗥ  늉볯  Na ꗥ  늉 peptone  ꪜ 뿥  sudden Thorny 뇥  Qin  eligible for a 룦  뮃볥  꺽볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  giggle ※ Mao 㹲 regression  벜  Mao Yi Han Yi  놈  castor  Fiaofu  Dan Post peptone  ꚏ 룤  ꪏ Swimming Duo  Zhu Yufu  Di  liver Jue  Chuangdan  늬 볯  Zang  Tiao Jiang Ai  꾖볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  Zetan  꾘뫤  correct 룥  Hao 볯  뺔뫧  龹 Gan  몺매  뢸 Qin  Tiao 볯  꺙  Luo Ji Zhong  뺛 Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  rolling Chan  Hao 룤  Jianggan  giggle ꟧  꾖 tough  Tiao 볯  Nian Luo ꏥ  palladium 뫤  Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰㰠 prison  rolling Chan  Haozhan  hand drum used by peddlers 냥  Qi 냦  Li 뿦  Hao 볯  놈 Qin  꾘뷧  Noir 뿥  lying 룤  겂 Dan Post Tan  ꮁ bamboo basket   Haogan  drug  transcript 뫤  Mu ꖳ 뷦  Li 꿨  떥볯  놈 Qin  scorpionfish Gong  Si Di  ꢜ Qiao Shi 매   Michael Dan  궮룤  Tiao 볯  collettii Ji  늏냥  랾볯 ⚉ play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  꾘뿥  궸 Dan  뒚  Qin 껥  뾽 Ju Yun  몙룤  Long 볯  ꒈ Ji  like 룦  Qin 껥  like Ju  鶊 Qiao  posted 뻥  뒛 swallow  뒗 surprised  Liji  Hu ꗥ  뮎 Chi  eligible for a 뫧  뮃 ꛧ  릉볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Gan  giggle ꟧  뺲 ꗧ  뺖 bitter  posted 닦  Vision ꗥ  Li 닦  Suiji  閳 볯  낳 ꗥ  Hui Long  꾖 play touch  꾖볯 ⚉ ☻ play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲 turtle 귦  Litan  posted 냥  phosphine Di  꾖 surprised  Libao  꾘뿨  lying 럦  ꆍ Dan  whale ꗨ  뚵뻥  Chang 뿨  Lichi  eligible for a 룥  punish 
 Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Tuan 믤  ꢁ 볯  confer peptone  Qi pomfret  꺛 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ play Hui ☻ play Hui ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Zhan birds  lying ꗥ  꺌 Dan  늬 swallow  맥  false 룤  posted a transcript of Qin  몺 Dan  ꮿ 매  Kuwana 뷤  ꪇ 럥  Li Chi  eligible for a 뿥  Zou Ji  ꚟ Dong  꾼 ꃦ  Luo vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 룤  꾘듧  with 볯  Nagan  馻 뫤  Tiao 볯  Tuobao  讅 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  꺌 horseleech  Nam 룤  salamander 볯  뒍뻤  뚄꿥  Vision Chi  eligible for a Till the dawn of  뮃듨  ꦈ 볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Qin   놈 regression  꾘 swallow  like carp Jue  뚹 Ni  ꎕ 귦  Post Ai  꾘 ꏩ  ꢛ 룤  Li Li  Yiju  Choi Chi  eligible for a 곦  늴볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Yao Di  겅볯  뎊 nickname  龹 뷨  뺝 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao Rong Hua  㹲 Meidan  꾘 Chan  Hao 볯  Rong nickname  ꦶ Dan  龹  Tiao Zhan  놈 Qin Qin  Cape 볯  늏 vortex Xiao Luo Jian 㭰 prison  Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 룤  rolling Chan  Hao Zou Zeng Li 곦   Dong nickname  꾘뫤  뾛 horseleech  낎 Dan  Tiao 볯  Bo Qin  crucian carp 볤  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Guang  몺믤  Kong Ren  ꚋ 룤  뮯 touch  ꊬ 매  Tiao 볯  견곦  릠냥  Luo Eddy Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Chan  Li Ren  ꚋ ꛨ  palladium drug  only 룤  salamander 곦  Zou Bodhisattva  phosphine Hua  Meichi  eligible for a 뫧  뮃뻥  ꖝ ꇩ  Luo Eddy Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Chan  Haodan  ꊬ 매  궸 Kuang  Chi Yi  ꪳ 냦  Tiao 볯  cosmetic Qin  ꮵ Jue Hui  讅 볯 ⚉ play ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  궸 Dan  tuna 뗦  꾏믤  떊뛦  Ꞥ Jue  Li nickname  늶볯  Lv 냥  꾘꿥  놈 Qin Li ꓨ  Liyang   eligible for a pro-Chi  delicate 볯 ⚉ 뗦  ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui ※ Mao 㹲  놈 Qin  궸 Dan  ꚋ 룤  Zou ꟥  Er Bodhisattva  ꢜ pomfret  Zang 뫤  Suichi  eligible for a 믧  Xiangji  Vortex Vortex Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  Rolling details  liver mallard  ꪳ Dan  놈 Qin  꾘 swallow  ꢊ 뫤  Lichi  eligible for a distant vortex  Search Solutions  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling 뗨  delicate Dan Post 냥   랆럦  iliac 뷤  ꖻ Ju  Liguang  놈 Ai  ꂊ Di  Chaichi  eligible for a Rims  ꮣ 꿦  epiphyseal 볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Tan  Li 꿥  ꮢ Ren Wei  꾘  ꆱ  Zuogan  꾍볯  Lv ꟧  꾍뷤  뺖 tough  Uu ꟨  Okuma Zhong  ꞉ Chi  eligible for a ꧩ  Qi 냥  뮃 Teng  Jiao Ji  릉볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao㹲 Hui  놈냥  꾘뿥  Gong Ren  ꚋ 볯  ꮢ Chan  놰  Dong Jiong Zhan  shut nickname  Tiao 볯  ꪿ 뫤  shark ꓥ  몺볯 ⚉ play play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui Hui Qin  꾘룦  놈  Zhong Dan  posted Duo  Zuoxi  Pi ꏦ  giggle ꃦ  몈뫤  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 닦  jacket Chan  Hao Jian  ꒼ Dan  붥 cross  꾘닦  Vision Dan  Tiao 볯  뾘  꾼볯 ⚉ play Long play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  꾘 regression  놈 Dan  Post Mang Tian Qin  몺믤   regression  Nandan  maxillary buccal ꏧ  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao Qu  ꖝ drug  tuna fan  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 룤  겈 Guang Hao 뷤   Tugan  龼 냥  ꢜ pomfret  릯 Tiao Wei  Feng 룤  볯  ꂊ She  릉볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  뚅 Chan  jacket 럦  paste drug  Feng Chi  eligible for a leap  ꆯ nickname  붛볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin Zang  murmur birds   놷 ꓥ  Thorny Post 맥  like birds  Bi Gan  Liao Han  Tiao thulium  correct 볯  Sui Gong 볯 ⚉ 냥  ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  놈 ※ Mao 㹲 dove  Feng Qin  ꂗ Eu 믤  뷤  paste drug  ꢜ 뿥  Hang ꗧ  iliac Chi  eligible for a Xiu  Yu Yu 볯 ⚉ ꃦ  play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao㹲 Hui  turtle 귦  Litan  Haozhan  like Sha  ꢔ ꣨  궯 ꇨ  뺾 Dan  posted ꇨ  몸 touch  꾘뿥  Thorny Dan  Rong ꗥ  뒯 Gan  Tiao 볯  Nian ꏥ  palladium 뫤  Luo Eddy Eddy Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Pro  Longdan  몺 Chan  Post 꿨  ꓥ  Xue Xue 냥  Tiao 볯  Wie 냥  play Hui Gong 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Hui Di  ꪇ  붃 럥  Litan  뒯뻥  ꦤ Fu  놹 heron  Li 뫤  posted 껥  薙 룤  놈뻥  뚹룤  놷 Chi  eligible for a 뷥  릉 details  讅 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  뺲 ꗧ  Li 닦  tired like Yi Hua  Post  궯 ꣨  regression  Vision 룤  Die drugs  ꆻ Yi  놈 Dan  financial 뫤  Thorny 냥  Tiao 볯  閳 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex Rolling Qin  몺 Dan  벜 Yi Lu Yue  놤 end of yoke   Fiao 뷥  posted 뿥  궸 Dan  놊 swallow  giggle 껥  꾞 Department  Tiao 볯  ꊳ vortex drug  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 vortex rolling 㭰 㰠 prison  꿨  Longtan  Hao ꛨ  ꢔ 뫤  Qu 볯  Na 룤  붃  Junteng  Hua Tiao 볯  뾥 Chen  Gu 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲  ꢜ Guang Hui Zeng  neck 뫤  놈  궸 drug  Du Zhan Jian  몺볯  붃  ꦤ 믧  난매  Lichi  eligible for a 듨  ꦁ 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Tuanbao  feel Bodhisattva  꾘룤  ꦋ touch  떮 Dan  Tiao 볯  Huiqin  꾖 ꋦ  랾 vicious vortex  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Ji  ꆮ 뫤  Hao birds  Tuanbao  몜볯  붃 Gan  ꂗ regression  musk 껨  Lichi  eligible for a ꏦ  覎 볥  see 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Tuanzeng  붗 Gan  Jun 룤  Liao 뫤  Lichi  eligible for a 곦  늴볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  Tuan 뫧  뮼귥  giggle ꃦ  꾘 Guang  ꦎ 룤  Liao Dan  Tiao 볯  Ju 냥  讅 뷧  ꮤ vortex solution  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Haozeng  remember wren  giggle ꃦ  paste Yang  꾘 ꛨ  뒚 eligible for a doves  Lichi  ꣥  뮃뫥  베 Jue  ꮤ 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈꿦  liver 뫤  Xi 뷧  뒛 Bin  Fufu  Qintan  Haodan  Chou ꓥ  Vision 룤  gowns Dan  뎘 drug  Tiao 볯  Nian ꏥ  vortex palladium 뫤  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 뿨  like Gan  strew ꋩ  Thorny end of yoke  늕 horseleech  ꚏ 룤  Die 뿥  Post peptone  꾘룤  Die 뿥  놅 horseleech  Li Ju  Qi Zang  놊 Chi  eligible for a cosmetic Ji  뿤  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison 㭰 vortex  rolling Chan  paste Yang  꾘 pomfret  Zangdan  Tiao 볯  Pi 룤  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling nickname  phosphine 뫤  놈볯  놰 ꛨ  놈뫤  Tiao 볯  ꖥ 듧  벰매  꾖볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈뫤  龹 Duo  spent 뫤  놈 Chi  eligible for a vicious  럥  讅 Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao Hao ꇩ  ꢔ Chan  Wren  ꖊ 귧  Tiao 볯  ꚺ 뿧  뮃 drug  drug  see Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling regression  붃 Chan  Hao Hua Qin  ꖝ  놈 lying  Fanchi  eligible for a Tan  뮃 Fu  뾡볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  meat pigeon  phosphine Dan  꾔룤  벤 Solutions  놰  Tiao Zhan  놈 Qin International 볤  볯  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling-wah  놈 end of yoke  놈 touch  꾘 Xuan  dirty Dan  Tiao 볯  ꆃ 뻥  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao Qin  궸 믤  놈 Wren  Tiao 볯  see 룥  San peptone  Hui Yu 볯 ⚉ play ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Hui  몸 ꋨ  몺 Chan  Natan  몺볯  꾘뫤  Qin 룤  놈뫤  Natan  몺볯  꾘 ꗧ  Tiao 볯  see 럥  play Hui Sui 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈  ꊍ Rong Tan  Haozhan  drug  뎹 Dan  ꒺ Gan  Tiao 볯  Ɡ 듦  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 룤  mallard  ꎭ Dan salamander  놈 Qin  Li 鿥  shares Bodhisattva  꾘뫤  겕 Chi  eligible for a 믧  ꦈ peptone  꾖볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲 turtle 귦  Ji 믧  Litan  Hao 뿥  뮡 swallow  Who Wen  Jujie  Miao ꯧ  Tiao 볯  랾 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 룤  꾘볥  궉 Dan Post 맥   do 룤  꾘 ꓥ  Eddy Xiao Shao Dan  Tiao 㭰Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Ka  몺 pomfret  놈 Gan  Hongzhong  Lichi  eligible for a cosmetic Ji  뿤  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 룤  뢛 Qin  뾄볯  붥믧  늺 mallard  Tiao vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Haodan  feud bluefish  like Hua  Zhao Gong  ꖝ 믧  뮲 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  놈 㹲 ※ Mao Rong Qin  ꛨ  Bi Yun  Lishe  릮볯  ꎭ  deceive Wang  Chai Xi Zang  phosphine 닦  ꖝ 믧  Ji 룤  랠볯  놈 Qin  꾘룤  ꪸ pomfret  벼 Dan  ꦤ  Mang Yang Wei  ꢜ suddenly 覧 룤  Lizeng  Tai Dan  ꒺ party  Tiao 볯  ꮈ Ye  꾖 鿥  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 vortex rolling Chan  prison  Post 룤  꾘룤  Ti Wei Rong Fu  릴닧   Erythroculter Dan  ꮺ regression  posted Chan  꾘룤  ꢗ Hun  꾜볯  Nan Dove  phosphine 鿧  earthworm Zeng  ꪊ 볯  Hui Zhong Tiao  듦  Kuwana 볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  릟 Ni  놈 Qin  luxuriant ꇩ  ꢔ Zeng  낣믧  궯 Chi  eligible for a vortex ꗥ  뒻뻥  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 룤  ꪏ Gan  giggle ꟧  age Qin  posted 뿨  gating ꃦ  꾘룤  Ti Hun  꾜 Chi  eligible for a 돦  붛볯 ⚉ play Hui ☻ play Hui ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  ꂿ 꿨  꾘 Chan  Haodan  ꖡ ꋦ  Tiao vortex Xiao 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling Chan  Hao ꛨ  ꢔ 뿥  dirty 鋦  Ti 볯  phosphine Hua Wei 냨  Kaoru ꟨  ꒊ   Tiao vortex Xiao Yun Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling contact  Vision Dan  놈 Bodhisattva  꾏 ꋨ  ꂿ 듨  like 룦  Litan  Hao 뻥  Quchi  eligible for a vortex ꗥ  뒻뻥  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling 냨  proud birds  난 루  Qu Hua  뮴볯  cooked meat used in sacrifice 냥  iliac mallard  Bird of Thorny 껥  Noir  뮎 Chan  Tiao 볯  Qin Yi Qin  궊  Ji Xiao 볯 ⚉ play swallow  ☻ play Hui Hui Hui  㹲 ※ Mao Mao 룤  꺚 bluefish  Litan  posted 룤  ꮏ Chan  Tiao 볯  Ɡ Jue  Lo 뻥  꾖볯 ₉ Mao 㹲 Hui  놈 Qin  ꆲ swallow  Dian Jian  posted 매  like 뫥  ꖯ swallow  ꆝ 믤  Tiao 볯  Kongjue  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling regression  랏 Ji  ꒻ birds  놈 Qin  궸 Gan   financial 룤  tired Dan Hua Tiao 볯  eels vortex  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Haogan  ꪇ birds  Li Hua  ꪇ 볯  Duojue  놔 Jue  ꢜ Dan  놈 Qin  꾘 swallow  turtle tuck  Lichi  eligible for a 룤  벰 Eddy Xiao Hua  Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 볤  ꪇ 꿥  몇럨  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo㭰 prison  Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 puffer Chan rolling end of yoke   Qi 뷤  falcon 꿥  shed the milk teeth hard  Li 鿦  몺 Bao  Hang Solutions  꾘룤  꾏 Sha  Lichi  놈 Yang  꾘 ꋨ  shut Ju  ꎂ 뫤  Fufu  liver ꟧  earthworm Dan  난 Ji  Tiao 볯  ꚓ Rims  Ken 볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  㹲 ※ Mao Ze 뫤  Li ꟧  earthworm 룤  꾏 regression  릯 Ji  ꢅ Bodhisattva  ꊎ 뫤  뮎 Chi  eligible for a Hun  ꪿ Eddy Xiao Hua  Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 룤  붃  뢸꿨  ꆡ Jue Hua Tiao 볯  ꖗ swallow   Luo Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰Rolling 뿨  prison  spent 껥  Fu Hao Tan  Post ꏩ   Hao Chan Ka  뾁 껥  龷 Bin  Tiao 볯  놋 bluefish  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Xuesui  Lv 볯  ꎕ 뻥  龹 뿥  Tiao 볯  ꚺ Qin  략볤  랾볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  궃뻥  ꮿ Dan  놈 Post She  Xue Qin  매  ꮿ 볯  expansion vortex Xiao Luo Chuan 㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling surprised  궃 Dan  놈 Qin  뮀 Gan  like 볤  Ji 매  Lichi  eligible for a 뷧  뮃뗨  Ken Eddy Xiao 㭰 drug  Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  릮 Gan  뮽뿤  Tiao 볯  ꖥ 믧  랾볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  뒹뷨  뎥귥  Litan  Haoxi  낝 drug  Li 뇨  Ho 룤  랠볯  뾕뻥  Yan 뿥  posted 룤  carp 매  뒗뻤  꾏 regression  ꦤ  eligible for a drug  Show details for concurrence Chi Lun  Department  讅 Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 vortex rolling ꫧ  Lo prison  drug  ꖝ Dan  놈 Qin  뒍 phosphine swallow  뾕매 dove   Li Wei  뒗 touch  붃닦  jacket Chi  eligible for a Long  Caryopteris Ju  뚀냥  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling 룤  phosphine 룤  Tong Mang  Haochi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ play Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Hui  giggle ꟨  Longqin  꾘 thulium  giggle mallard  dirty Dan  놈 Qin Qin ꣧   Harmonic Vision  ꮱ 뻤  놰룤  뚄뫤  Tiao 볯  surface ꃦ  vortex expansion 냥  Luo Xiao㭰 Eddy Xiao 㭰 㰠 prison  rolling 냨  붃닦  Vision mallard  ꎭ Dan  놈 Qin  Post peptone  ꪏ swallow  giggle ꟨  Longqin  Tiao 볯  ꖟ play Hui Teng  벛볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Hui  giggle ꟨  Longqin  ꪇ regression  Vision 매  posted ꟨  Rong Wei  boast Chi  eligible for a 곦  뮃 ꋦ  랛뿨  play Hui Qi 볯 ⚉ ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 play Hui Qin Hui  놈 renal 뻥  hydrazine  ꟥  lying ꟨  ꊝ Dan  뒤룤  벜 Chi  eligible for a cosmetic Ji  뿤  Eddy Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  vortex rolling Chan  iliac 뷤  몺 Jiong Jiong  늛  Zhe Chi  eligible for a wander  ꪤ 뫤  Vortex Vortex Xiao Luo Xiao 㭰 㰠 㭰 prison  rolling Guang  몺 Dan  벜 Yi  palladium 賧  뒤맩  Li 뿨  Po Chi  eligible for a drug  랛 vortex drug  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 vortex rolling ꃥ  ꖅ prison  ling wine peptone  Li Qin  mallard  Swimming Bodhisattva  꾘 dark  Lichi  eligible for a Teng  Xiu 뷤  logic 매  꾖볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  Zetan  꾘 pomfret  꺛 Dan Post Guang   몺믤  Ꞟ 룤  Tong 믤  겻 Jue  놷 touch  늹 Dan  뮂뫤  Tiao 볯  Nian ꏥ  vortex palladium 뫤  Luo Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰 㰠 prison  vortex rolling Chan  Hao 뷤  꾘 Bi Lo 뿥   랷럦  like 룦  Qin 볥  Chaidan  놈 Qin  Tuan ꫩ  늂 Dan  hesitate 뿥  붃 Gan  ꆲ swallow  Yuanuu  Lichi  eligible for a 뫧  뮃뻥  놎 ꇩ  Luo Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰㰠 prison  rolling birds  Hao 뫤  벜룤  posted 믤  meat Chan  Li 뫤  뮀 Gan  겋룤  ꂗ 뫤  Lichi  eligible for a 닦  Yu Solutions  뮃 swallow  뚀 Luo Gan  Vortex Vortex Xiao Xiao 㭰 㭰㰠 prison  rolling Os  liver mallard  Swimming Dan  놈 ꗧ  posted Duo  붃 horseleech  꺡 birds  낵뿨  Ze 뫤  Li 뿥  떁 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui Hui  ※ Mao 㹲놈 Qin  giggle giggle ꓥ  ꖴ 볯  vicious  Ge Ren  붃 regression  낎 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ play play Hui Hui ☻ ※ Mao 㹲 Hui  giggle swallow  Hao 매  ꆷ 볯  랠 ꃦ  like ꇩ  벜 Chi  eligible for a nickname  붛볯 ⚉ ☻ play play Hui Hui

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Ali Gerba ratings champion within pleasant towards under-performing Red-colored Bulls


The actual Montreal Effect located the brand new You are able to Red-colored Bulls yesterday in-front the near-capacity-crowd from Stade Saputo.

Ali Gerba obtained the actual game's just objective since the Effect defeat a good MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE group with regard to the very first time within Montreal. (I might have favored in the event that he'd obtained which gold opportunity within final min's from the come back lower-leg from Empire Area a week ago. ) Nevertheless, the actual Effect appeared as if the actual more powerful group about the message. Really, these people appeared as if the only real group about the message.

Let's not pretend: Ny did not actually want to perform this particular online game. Had been this an instance associated with a lot of video games inside a 7 days? The actual group are most likely nevertheless coping with a powerful ninety min's within La and also have to organize on their own for that Chivas UNITED STATES online game within Harrison, NEW JERSEY this particular forthcoming Weekend.

Personnally, We was not anticipating a lot in the aside group. I am simply happy this occasion -not the complement, a good event- had been nicely included in the actual media. Ultimately, I am additionally happy all of us received.

When the hoopla had been all over the Red-colored Bulls as well as Thierry Holly prior to the online game, this definitely altered throughout as well as following the online game. The actual earn will in all probability provide a increase not just towards the very first group but additionally towards the advertising group for that days in the future.

Along with minimum advertising work (which had been primarily placed on the actual going to team), the business could obtain a powerful press interest in addition to a 12 000+ group. The actual vistors had been definitely taking pleasure in the actual display yesterday however it might be fascinating to determine in the event that this can have an impact when the group dates back for the reason that traditional NASL category.

Let us simply wish how the business will keep the actual hoopla heading till all of us achieve following year's entry within the MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE. Meanwhile, we have company to go to.

The actual Effect is going to be web hosting the actual Railhawks this particular Sunday. Nicely okay, it isn't the actual Red-colored Bulls however Etienne Barbara definitely offers much more objectives compared to Thierry Holly, has not he or she?

Illustrates from the online game using the typical over-dramatic songs:


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wrapped in cloth  Francisco Pan  ꇦ scorpionfish  냥꾹  냩 calcium  pomfret bundle wrapped in cloth  Fan Ban Cheng  ꇦ  듥 rockfish  ꃦ 꾔  Qiao ꒚  deduction 꾔  ꃥ 낑  homes 㱢 Seoul ഼ Qin 㻤 붠  뇥 ꖹ  Sui ꖹ  뇤붠  Sui Ꚃ  ꓥ 낱  닧뮏  돥 ꒟  kohlrabi 뢍  Pro 꾕  뻨꺩  볦궤  Ling 벤  돯벌  ꧥ 붼  ꓦ Xiu  ꃨ Xue  뇦 spent  ꓣ Invite ഼ Qin 㸍㱢 Seoul  ꃤ 뮬  볦궤  룧 bundle wrapped in cloth  puffer  cheap 붠  곩 pride  꿦뢩  Ji Zang Sa  룧 ꚏ  꿧 huge  swallow Sa  ꯤ 릐  cheap 뢍  꿤벤  돣 Invite ഼ Qin 㸍 㱢 Seoul  Cross ꚁ  ꣦ 늉  Tuo 꺣  rice 벌  cross ꚁ  hoe 뢍  루꺩  Fu Xiu  cross ꚁ  Yin 릈  Bi Mang  cross 꺲  뇥 Ju  ꃧ ꚻ  믣 Invite ഼ Qin 㸍 㱢 Seoul  Zang 龥 Shuang 벌  ꃧ ꚻ  믧 arrogance  뛥 Yuan  cheap 붠  bamboo basket Fen  whale 떷  cricket Nei  Sui ꖹ  bamboo basket Fen  鋦 뎛  Yang 뎪  solution Invite ഼ Qin 㸍 㱢 Seoul  Di Sa  taut Chi  supper Liao  뇨뚊  ꃯ 벌  Teng  럦 Dansk  鿦 Sa Sa  볦궤  Ling 벤  돢 Ren  Wen Ju  뫦 릈  Sa  Hu Ying ꒍  coverlet 벌  ꏤ 몛  ꓥ shark hot  뻧뮏  Tuo  Fu 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 듧 릟  Zhu Ling Qi  Sa  맧 arrogance  鿥 뾃  Yin Invite ഼ Qin 㸍 㱢 Seoul  맥 Uu  꿦 Growing  ꃥ 꺠  맯벌  돤붠  뇥 ꖹ  Sui SOU  Chuang 벌  ꇦ scorpionfish  Cong 궉  homes 㱢 Seoul

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A Life Benefit of Yoga: Intrusive Balance

Yoga has attracted the world into the concept of self-actualization, balance, and strength. We need these things to keep ourselves on the edge of the fast-paced lives we are enduring. One benefit of yoga is intrusive balance because your soul aligns with your body when you practice these ancient techniques. This can be accomplished through a nutritious diet with whole grains and green, leafy vegetables to build your system. The use of old traditions in today's time could be the answer to the problems we are experiencing physically and emotionally from these tiresome demands.

New Age, Old Tradition

Today's society values balance in all aspects; e.g. equality, truth, thoroughness, and intrusive rewards but the tradition of internal grace is dated back in the ages. In ancient times, people used yoga to reach Nirvana or absolute bliss in the beginning of time. We are in need of these essentials since many of us experience a high level of stress in the form of work, school, or relationships in today's society. The benefit of yoga's degree of success is very interesting because it motivates exercisers to focus on themselves during the moments. For instance, to get the best benefit of yoga requires you to use your body as a full sync - focus the muscles to tighten and loosen at the same time. This sort of sequence develops a disciplined individual and leads to intuitive motivations.

Intrusive Motivation

If you notice gradual changes, you continue to pursue a gracefulness within your yoga exercises. Many find this reward a great sense of self-actualization. The flexibility and stability you gain makes your daily activities much easier while increasing your energy levels. Building your sense of self creates a more receivable attitude towards work and your family. If you notice, the better you feel the more fun and excitement follows you everyday. The intrusive emotion of accomplishment flourishes more than you could imagine. This benefit of yoga is more than any membership can promise.

Everlasting Understandings

Around this time, your diet has drastically changed to help optimize your training. The proportional developments of your body have made your core and stronger tendons. Now, if you continue, you can use the techniques to turn your body into a more, well-toned figure. Women, in particular, have proven to show more optimism once they reach a weight of their choice. Everlasting figures and motivation to do better will draw you into an atmosphere of blissfulness. The benefit of yoga excels its own acknowledgement because the people in history knew this secret and whispered it through the ages for us to understand now.
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We are still wearing short-sleeved

last week, this week there are a lot of people have put a down jacket. Owners lamented the speed at the same time the weather changes, you must not forget the car also need care, the only way they are not in trouble when you need it.

attention before starting hot car


affected by the strong cold air, the car in normal use, but also aware of the hot car, pay attention to the conservation brake and windshield, so driving more security. Low temperature, but not easy to increase oil viscosity flow, keeping the engine should start after 1100 so that r / min or so,http://www.tiffanycocanadan.com/, let the car warm up before starting, not fierce riding here is not to let the engine throttle speed is too high. Warm-up and do not have the engine up to optimum temperature and then the temperature started rising as long as the thermometer pointer on it.

due to low temperatures, the car should be soft and slow start. On the one hand is to allow the engine to reach normal operating temperature does not load as small as possible, it also allows the tire temperature is low heat under a gradual process.

wiper maintenance is very important

as an owner, usually you will always worry about engine performance, driving time whether air leakage, insufficient braking force, tire wear, what oil is good, but very rarely will someone notice wiper important. It's no wonder, wiper in the number of times we use are not many. Recent abnormal weather,http://www.northoutletstore.com/, so that the owners see the importance of a wiper.

wiper seem simple, but which includes the production conditions and selection criteria is very complex. A good wiper blades, must have heat, cold, acid, corrosion resistance, to fit the windshield, reducing the burden on the motor, low noise, strong water repellency, etc. soft non-scratch windshield.

wiper should always pay attention to maintenance, to do routine maintenance work. Check the wiper switch is placed in position at various speeds to check whether different wiper speed to maintain a certain speed; check the wiper lever is uneven or there is leakage scraping swing phenomenon, the two failures of any kind, are means the wiper blades for damage. Then there are starting wiper, pay attention to its action is smooth, if there is a greater voice, as loud on that too much pressure to the glass wiper, must make the appropriate adjustments. When the wiper Saowan next one or two, to see whether there is water left on the windshield, and look at whether it will leave some scratches, it is clear to see that if you scratch it, it means scraping on the wiper water tape has been aging, should be a replacement of the tape. Finally, check the wiper blades, rubber sheet with your fingers on the touch, to see if there is damage and how the flexibility of the rubber blade, if leaf aging, hardening, cracks, it should be replaced.

roof maintenance should pay attention

now, many owners care about whether the car with the car manufacturers, will flow to more skylights. But with a skylight, you have to quickly learn how to care for skylights.

skylights move in part by the low-maintenance materials, oil or lubricants should be cleaned regularly with mechanical parts, recommend cleaning once every two months. Skylights used for a long time, in its slide, the gap in general there will be many sand deposits, such as cleaning up from time to time, will wear sunroof parts. Should be kept clean slide around,http://www.billigeuggssko.com/, to avoid deposition of sand, extending the life of roof seals. Typically use 2 to 3 months,http://www.supracanadabuys.com/, when the sealing tape or slide with gauze dipped in clean water wash until clean after the smear a little oil or butter on it.

biggest concern is the use of roof leaks, leaking roof of the proper use and maintenance can effectively avoid leakage. In addition to clean-up slide,http://www.australiauggsnorge.com/, seal cracks in the dust, but also in other parts of the seal a little plastic protectant spray or talcum powder.

winter in the snow or washing, the days of window glass and sealant box may be frozen, then if forced open the sunroof, sunroof motor and easy to damage the rubber seal . The correct approach is, in the snow or a car wash, the sunroof open, dry edge of the residual moisture.

. Brand the company's business manager, said: Weihuo subject to inventory. Additional severe weather this year, a newspaper said the stock into the high-end stores have Potter. We talk

clothing inventory, inventory Potter is popular and dependable, not brand their inventory Potter. Brand their inventory Potter, there are three main ways bundle: to hide home heard that love the 1945 Lafite, 1982. First, after the agreed discount and sale market Released; second, to the inventory clearance business bundle; Third, after the manner agreed upon low discount,http://www.nikesaleaustralias.com/, delivery to the counters, counters to play special sale, or engage in promotional activities to sell.

popular and dependable is a little low-end clothing, a large part not registered trademarks, registered trademarks small locally, based walking bulk wholesale opportunities, and supply a wide range of apparel to the supermarkets or wholesale stores, but also take the Agent avenues.

clothing brand positioning and operating basis, sub-one, two, three, four and so on several levels, some walking Agent opportunities, and some go Direct, direct sales opportunities.

in high-end stores for clothing brand inspection tough approach, the brand famous degree and clothing levels are begging. I said today, despite a loss by second-tier brands with its famous degree, the level of trust and serving, packing into the inventory of popular and dependable high-end stores. Fashion with.

The four lines into the mid-range brand packaging popular and dependable inventory the following shopping malls,http://www.canadasuprabuy.com/, has long been handy, back talk.

brand companies selling popular goods, put their own mark and tag, into the counter to sell, is common; to sell fake leather leather really, really down jacket down jacket to sell fake, but also often things; popular and dependable system of inventory change brands, lie joined the customer's money,http://www.tnorthfaceuksale.com/, more than ten years history of stigma far and wide; popular goods inventory into a second-tier brand, into the high-end store counters, I have not heard of like this was so tight.

Mark and tag, clothes identification. Mark has the main marks, code marks, sleeve labels, Water Mark of the points. Mark usually after the main seam in the collar center, clothes or letters, or Chinese name LOGO; code marks and some marks combined with the main, the main mark in some sideways sewing, sewing some clothes waist in place; sleeve label, too literally,http://www.buynikefreecanada.com/, that is sewn in the sleeves sideways, with the main form of the same mark; Water Mark generally sewn in the waist, clothing manufacturers to label tactics Item, surface materials composition, size and the promotion of scale, stability category, cleaning scale, etc. and so on. Tag is hung on the clothes the following cards or stuff like metal sign, the form of companies and brands, clothing messages, such as the brand's registration number, certification, price, barcode, moral conditions of approval and returned, and some also no spokesperson.

the next section,http://www.uggscanadancheap.com/, I talk to people about the . . . . . .

. Often do to the institution operating the plant collecting rabbit fur, fox,http://www.tnorthfaceuksale.com/, mink and other rare types of plants, is one of fur to the calendar. Since the beginning of time mankind will have to plant hunting clothes made of fur to shield heat, or full blown self-sacrifice read performance. To the contemporary, fur became a property of the mean. Because so many plants in the fur trade, hunting human clinical, and the skin is fed to the plant when fed back to support the format war so bearing in mind that death is in addition to the night of the plant played XU bitter, mourning is the fur trade war order of battle plant protection who is the objection. ★ aoc TPV individuals world-class reputation in addition to the ball the night together under the technology-based multinational companies, product color looming collecting device (CRT monitor),http://www.nikeshopaustralias.com/, liquid crystal looming device (LCD monitor), LCD TV (LCD-TV) with plasma TV (PDP). ★ Introduction to Qi Qi body Haohei dark outside the body with elements from the plants mentioned ferulic acid, Chuan Xiong Lan Ye ho uniform enzyme Inhibitor acid, polyphenols and other free radicals to quit agent, to restrain the days of black pigment cells die, the body together to reach a good black, he argued impulse. ★ postpartum postpartum body fat body fat weight is on the loose cause the skin surface, the skin is thinking you push when they were pulled, postpartum is stomach, hips, etc. in addition to night leg battle position, there are lines of products are just dead. Therefore, the process is properly move through postpartum, smear pine caused by frost to the sculpture department assistant re-skin the loose rules of engagement real. ★ fan air fan air-conditioning, household appliances, air conditioning and fan fan with the bad side, like air-conditioning machine is the wind blowing,http://www.northoutletstore.com/, and the need for a hoist is the environment, people just have not received Wu was argued. [Evil get] Burberry f =
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Mongol sell one thousand 包邮 Korean men get all winter split the set of genuine Qi busy fashionable jacket by thinning male Taobao selling price of cotton: ¥ 158.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 3566 件 2010 new men split Korean men's T-shirt to build the body V Qi busy men received less endure at the end of sleeve T-shirt shirt Male Taobao selling price: ¥ 15.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 5959 件 2010 new autumn demolition men move Qi pants less busy night men's pants In addition to the night yard pants pants men move less Taobao selling price: ¥ 18.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 3521 件 DEERE MARCHI Di Marchi my hooded winter coat in mutant QI set free 3-color DM702 Taobao selling price: ¥ received 158.00 yuan 30 days to sell: ¥ 6023 件 selling ten thousand fall of 2010 men and demolition blast demolition of new hybrid models motley collection of cotton thin knit sweater V Taobao selling price: ¥ 69.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 5075 The new Fall 2010 pieces At the end one day move in addition to the night yard free pants pants Korean Qi moving mesh pants little man pants Taobao selling price: ¥ 19.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 3761 件 sold one thousand special day thinning black 包邮 2010 Qi Bao stylish color hot men free to build the body jacket sleeve Taobao selling price: ¥ 296.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2175 件 1.5 open winter collection sold over ten thousand models selling men's sweater collection round / sweater / cashmere sweater B1900 Purple Taobao selling price: ¥ 99.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2034 pieces of good products violent demolition of the latest models 10 years of male cattle BIA has employed men to experience warm Taobao selling price: ¥ 103.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 6253 件Fall 2010 to build new Korean hooded sweater men sweater men's body Taobao selling price: ¥ 39.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 3132 Annex 10 new autumn and demolished to build the body sleeve t-shirt less male Korean fashion wave of people less sleeve t-shirt men's spike Taobao selling price: ¥ 25.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2380 件 on the amount of goods sold one thousand men and demolition man demolition Qi busy winter and get all the sets by Korean thinning cotton jacket men 1046 Taobao selling price: ¥ 158.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 9756 件 包邮 winter split Levi 's2010 new cattle BIA men's trousers one hundred demolished to build the body 606 in addition to movie night with chanting code Taobao selling price: ¥ 98.00 元30 days has been received to sell: ¥ 3537 件 Qi Field 5 open padded clothing items in the set of natural Qi Qiu Dongkuan 2010 free cotton men Taobao selling price: ¥ 256.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 8277 件 sevnjoen 7 + winter demolition Korean men's knit sweater line clothing collection round demolition men to suffer at the end of Taobao selling price: ¥ 128.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 5901 件 supreme super special little top models in woolen woolen clothing in addition to the night version of ultra-good people berserk 607 Taobao selling price: ¥ 158.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2479 Waters Bonwe 10 new pieces of good winter split embroidery hot male models straight thin cattle BIA MB01001 Taobao selling price: ¥ 48.00 in 30 days received to sell: ¥ 3219 件 demolition men get all hot thinning jacket Paul Paul hot male color mutations in two sets of mutations in Taobao can be off selling price: ¥ 135.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 1391 parts 4 in addition to crown a night of size oblique heart lapel male man men's trousers trousers trousers Korean Qi Qi busy busy straight jeans Taobao selling price: ¥ 39.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2612 件 men thinning coat / net night clothes single row / woolen coat male models / build body except the night clothes / Korean version of it in addition to evening clothes Y39 Taobao selling price: ¥ 78.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 4452 different items crown! Moisturizing lotion cell phone shopping guide exchange students scattered to vote British Paul Smith 2010 Autumn split hybrid models little sleeve cotton T-shirt special 29 yuan! 11 color into Taobao selling price: ¥ 29.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 1703 parts [5 open] 79 special limited time! Qi Qi field split 5 to open the fall thin Jacket men sit close Taobao selling price: ¥ 158.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 6757 件 take the crown by 30 yuan top five latest autumn and winter ten thousand wild cattle BIA KZ-907 purchase insurance quote Taobao selling price: ¥ 108.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2541 件 SPORTICA Crespo Nautica fierce winter men's waterproof jacket in the general set of denim Taobao Qi busy selling price: ¥ 198.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2829 件 sevnjoen 7 + cool fashion models show off the color green washing men's motorcycle leather men's Taobao selling price : ¥ 359.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 4263 件 autumn 2010 new Korean low split sleeve sweater men in male hooded cardigan set free to build the body Qi Men sweater Taobao selling price: ¥ 32.00 received in 30 days Sell: ¥ 1845 件 SPORTICA Crespo Nautica waterproof winter 2010 new men's genuine split in sets of three-color jacket Taobao selling price: ¥ 399.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2766 件 new men's authentic Korean winter padded split version to build the body off two trendy Qi free heat protection sleeve cotton in male Taobao selling price: ¥ 178.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 857 件 [AK] New Marines Corps summer weather heat Qi padded cotton Taobao selling price: ¥ 399.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 1527 件 sell crazy,http://www.canadauggsonline.com/! The new ultra-soft pseudo two warm little junior Lycra sleeve cotton T-shirt # C114 Taobao selling price: ¥ 55.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 1263 piece 【Justyle pre-sale] 2010 magic chant Lang movie very people cashmere Sirius two leather wash off Taobao selling price: ¥ 499.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2449 件 to split tunnel straight men about products in addition to the night yard of cotton hybrid cattle BIA V 179 Taobao selling price of the price: ¥ 119.00 in 30 days received to sell: ¥ 3752 Crown III 2010 Winter Snow only models - hot ten thousand men received a round sweater / cashmere sweater B3232 black color Taobao selling price: ¥ 99.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 610 件 2010 men split The new autumn mixed demolition special shirt color cotton one hundred call loan Qi trespassers Taobao selling price less sleeve shirt: ¥ 35.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2340 件 sevnjoen 7 + autumn demolition treasurer Paul B masticate beef cattle give the most straight men BIA tube pants Taobao selling price: ¥ 128.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 3594 件 autumn autumn demolition demolition of Korean fashion wave of people get all mixed thinning cotton Dong Qi busy men's jacket set to build the body Taobao selling price: ¥ 69.00 per 30 days have been received to sell: ¥ 1287 件 Cocoa West / COCOC hybrid cotton sleeve T-shirt one hundred less busy Qi split off two stylish T112 counter genuine black Taobao selling price: ¥ 58.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 1057 件 sold one thousand days thin pieces of split products in the amount of winter sets off two trendy Qi busy detachable padded cotton cap thermal protection 1070 Taobao selling price: ¥ 358.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 4648 piece 【6】 to open mixed male Qi busy dismantling protection sets the price of cotton in the hot 269 Taobao selling price: ¥ 159.00 received in 30 days to sell: ¥ 2447 件 selling insurance quote page is bit [AK] New sailors marines summer weather heat Qi padded cotton price : ¥ 598.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 399.00 元 selling this month: 1527 Quan Du raccoon explosion models yield gross revenue / gray duck down jacket men wrinkle less money # TD165 Price: ¥ 642.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 428.00 元Hot this month: 4752 DEERE MARCHI Di Marchi me busy hooded winter coat in mutant QI 3 sets of color DM702 Price: ¥ 237.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 158.00 元 selling this month: 6023 Day off one thousand Special thinning black color fashionable 包邮 2010 Qi busy men to build the body heat protection sleeve jacket Price: ¥ 444.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 296.00 元 selling this month: 2175 selling ten thousand fall of 2010 demolition man demolition explosive new hybrid models motley collection of cotton thin knit sweater V Price: ¥ 110.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 69.00 元 selling this month: 5075 SPORTICA Crespo Nautica waterproof winter 2010 new men's genuine split in sets of three-color jacket Price: ¥ 598.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 399.00 元 selling this month: 2766] 2010 [Justyle pre-selling chant magic show very Sirius Lang who leave two lamb washed leather Price: ¥ 748.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 499.00 Yuanben hot month: 2449 Winter New 5 men split open publication [AK] sailor woolen clothes in the night in a small set of models in addition to price: ¥ 374.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 249.50 元 selling this month: 1381 Milan Quan crossing yield fine Hooded men's thermal heat protection products less money cotton # TD088 Price: ¥ 448.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 299.00 元 selling this month: 1070 Day off one thousand 包邮 Korean men get all winter split fashion in Qi busy thinning cotton jacket sleeve authentic cut male Price: ¥ 237.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 158.00 元 selling this month: 3566 men split thinning jacket Paul Paul hot hot men get all the color mutations in the two sets of mutations in the market price may be off : ¥ 202.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 135.00 元 selling this month: 1391 包邮 winter split Levi 's2010 new cattle BIA men's trousers one hundred demolished to build the body 606 in addition to movie night with chanting code Price: ¥ 156.00 元 Taobao price : ¥ 98.00 元 selling this month: 3537] [Justyle monochrome magic board loved nibbling people washed leather jacket integral times Price: ¥ 598.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 399.00 元 selling this month: 2303's top Super Special Extreme In addition to a small section in the woolen woolen clothes the night version of ultra-good people berserk 607 Price: ¥ 237.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 158.00 元 selling this month: 2479] [Justyle Australian wool twill fall summer night in addition to the horn button woolen Clothing Price: ¥ 973.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 649.00 元 selling this month: 789 interpretations yield winter crossing body building demolition tailor sitting very Bodhisattva garlic skin waterproof jackets # TD166 Price: ¥ 508.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 339.00 per month selling: 987 clothing items together heaven open field 5 2010 Qi Qiu Dongkuan free cotton padded cover man in the Price: ¥ 384.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 256.00 元 selling this month: 8277 DEERE MARCHI Di I Marchi thermal protection can be cool winter hat coat color in sets of three 09018 Price: ¥ 417.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 278.00 元 selling this month: 1656 DEERE MARCHI Di Marchi winter complex I with my hot man Paul Dong Qi free 2502 Price Down: ¥ 522.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 348.00 元 selling this month: 571 Quan Du Institute yield new autumn wind split a single Gang Camp in cashmere hooded sweater in sets # TD060 Price: ¥ 163.00 Taobao price of $: ¥ 109.00 元 selling this month: 2403 Fall 2010 New Korea? ** casein shoe? Qi busy in the construction of sets of hooded sweater men sweater, men's body Price: ¥ 62.00 元 Taobao price: ¥ 39.00 元Hot this month: 3132 Quan crossing a small yield of New Zealand wool body take less money to build body cutting it in addition to the night of wool clothing # TD058 Price: ¥ 448.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 299.00 元 selling this month: 1871 sevnjoen 7 + cool Hyun color fashionable men's leather motorcycle models green washing Men Price: ¥ 538.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 359.00 元 selling this month: 4263 1.5 open models hot collection sold over ten thousand winter round men's sweater collection / sweater / purple cashmere sweater B1900 Price: ¥ 158.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 99.00 元 selling this month: 2034 good product models 10 years of violent men and men split cattle BIA employed the latest and warm experience Price: ¥ 154.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 103.00 per month selling: 6253 DEERE MARCHI Di Marchi fashion that I have to build the body bags of hybrid cotton Qi is a single split ridge west split 2703 Price: ¥ 192.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 128.00 元 selling this month: 2402 Wind Korean Yi ┬ build the body in the night sets in addition to British woolen coat in men's clothing section less than 2010 new woolen clothes the night Price: ¥ 222.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 148.00 元 selling this month: 385 LIDAJON new Korean winter version of the men's hooded wool coat it in addition to men's clothing the night sets D5034 Price: ¥ 252.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 168.00 元 selling this month: 5610 SPORTICA Crespo Nautica two detachable cap sleeves off men's winter jacket in the dismantling set Price: ¥ 597.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 398.00 元 selling this month: 1011] [Justyle sportsman Need for Australian wool market are detachable single-income woolen clothing in addition to the night market price: ¥ 898.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 599.00 per month selling: 431 [Justyle] 2010 New England winter split V Qi loitering close touch color cotton knit sweater sweater Price: ¥ 223.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 149.00 元 selling this month: 1250 Winter Autumn demolition demolition Korean fashion wave of people get all mixed thinning cotton Dong Qi busy men's jacket set to build the body Price: ¥ 110.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 69.00 元 selling this month: 1287 SPORTICA Crespo Nautica men's waterproof fierce winter Qi Pu denim jacket set free Price: ¥ 297.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 198.00 元 selling this month: 2829 DEERE MARCHI Di Marchi man I split fashionable winter thermal protection heat Dong Down Royal DM2506 Price: ¥ 582.00 元 Taobao price : ¥ 388.00 元 selling this month: 149 yamais Yamai Si one hundred split Monkey Hou Qi busy thinning padded coat in the heat sets Price: ¥ 447.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 298.00 元 selling this month: 1007 SPORTICA Crespo Nautica Men Business Men Qi busy thinning in autumn and winter jackets in soft cover Price: ¥ 253.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 169.00 元 selling this month: 1500 Hot Tang genuine winter male lion padded cotton market in the set # Price: ¥ 238.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 159.00 元 selling this month: 1141 sevnjoen 7 + winter demolition Korean sweater men's sweater collection round demolition men to suffer at the end of line clothing Price: ¥ 192.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 128.00 Yuanben hot month: 5901 days the amount of goods sold one thousand men and demolition man demolition Qi busy winter and get all the sets by Korean thinning cotton jacket men 1046 Price: ¥ 237.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 158.00 元 selling this month: 9756 pieces [Hot] DEERE MARCHI fashionable men's winter split complex thermal protection Dong Wu 2501 Down Price: ¥ 567.00 元 Taobao Price: ¥ 378.00 元 selling this month: 320 hot surface plunder: stylish boots moncler spirit and under-employed cattle BIA Back snow boots, mink fur coat night horn net wireless mouse LCD TV rabbit red woolen sweater in cotton sweater coat sleeve shirt QQ yellow boots to suffer at the end of Waters Bonwe ugg drilled to endure at the end of cattle BIA male clothing brand in the trade Sherpa Euro split waistcoat Good Men sz demolition demolition winter woman winter authentic Korean Lee Hyo Ri Korean sweater jacket sweater fur suffer *** In addition to evening clothes Islay little sweater jacket sweater less money sent Han Yong-Hing board in autumn and winter sets of female models taste about Sinequanone Vivicam cattle BIA can ASIQ MARINA RINALDI Loyer Wei Rong Yue ON & ON LESS MOISELLE Moiselle ANNE KLEIN Ochirly EU force Zara Etam Etam ONLY Jiangbei Zeze far Islay Qiushuiyiren Yi Yi Lin Han Yiyi Basic House one hundred good Motorola e8 push push Motorola Nokia Nokia 5800 the Nokia N97 5250 Sharp enough to push Motorola V8 black berry 9800 htc desire machine-made Nokia n95 navigation foot flat foot machine * confused i9 iphone4 Nokia E5 Nokia n8 htc G7 hd2 Nokia N8 5230 a good intellectual foot machine htc G8 htc G3 Nokia e63 Nokia c6 Venus Jinpeng Fortis Fuji PNY PNY country through the prime suspect asked the Blue Lotus balanced nourishing herbal sleep in the dark outside membrane Hairun film The Face Shop in bed infirmary was built care lotion calendula jplus strawberries bad film Haokang Greenspan, dark black pomegranate vitamin water emulsion Skin food honey pine caused Revitalizing Eye 100 birds gazelle in the elastic membrane Avene Avene shiseido sunscreen-owned die together new Yan raspberry herbal water Toner Olay Magnolia sense A short lock Lange Laneige water sleeping in the film in the film nourishing DHC Deep Cleansing Oil one thousand grass fiber loofah water Ginkgo Natural foam net infirmary was built in frost protection The marigold honey emulsion Skin food loose mud caused by Cream Royal Square muddy new mineral mud mucin asked BB Cream Foot Cream Herbal Blue Lotus balanced nourishing sleep in film Elizabeth Arden Arden jplus Fruit Deoproce Evian Evian Thayers Witch Hazel ORLANE / quiet Lanlaidifei Polynia S & H L'oreal L'Oreal, Estee EsteeLauder Lauder Lancome Meisu Kai roll rate herbal facial care facial scrub nurse sets demolition / reference to the angle of the amount of hot split collars / neck disk parameters the best result diet pills breast care nurses, best selling books sad product of eyelid Xin Tu Taobao Taobao business Township branch recorded honestly sell pods open winter is certified to do site Taobao, Taobao fine selection of business Township treasures, supply Taobao Amoy male female split 919sw demolition man demolition and other shopping guide,http://www.suprauktrainers.com/, Taobao shopping more simple, more sad Yan, a variety of real-time Taobao goods to Europe, to sell the water to see the collection of goods, the supply of grief for the Taobao Taobao navigation Yan copyright all: female split _ Taobao Taobao Taobao shopping business Township _ _ Taobao End Page has become a special guest to open Taobao to do XML web site atlas atlas

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Cass, he said, the author of the now deadly doctrine of popular sovereignty, was nominated in 1848. The Compromise of 1850 embodied that principle. The Kansas-Nebraska struggle was settled by expressly adopting it. The Cincinnati platform, on which all Democrats had stood for four years, distinctly affirmed it. The Charleston Convention, within a few days, had reaffirmed it. His own speeches showed that he had adhered to it constantly from the beginning of his career. The change was not in him but in the Southern wing of the party. He protested that he did not desire the nomination and only permitted his name to be used that he might be vindicated against the presumptuous efforts of a little coterie to cast doubt upon his Democracy and their attempt to proscribe him as a heretic might be rebuked.

The most hostile critic must feel some sympathy for him in his new and indefensible position. His now heretical opinions had but recently borne the authentic stamp of Democracy. His party, following its real sentiments and the judicial interpretation of the Constitution, had silently abandoned its old creed to which he still clung with tenacity and ardor.

Davis, answering, asked him the blunt question, whether, if elected President, he would sign a bill to protect slave property in States, Territories, or the District of Columbia. He declined to answer suggesting the impropriety of declaring in advance what he would do if elected.

Congress adjourned on June 25th.

Chapter XVIII. A Noontide Eclipse.

While events in Washington in the spring of 1860 were full of historic interest, greater and more memorable events were occurring in Charleston. The Democratic Convention met in that city on April 23rd, which brought to the surface a state of feeling at the South that had long been suspected but not certainly known.

There was but one prominent candidate in the field. Douglas was incomparably the most eminent Democratic statesman of the time. According to the settled custom of the party, the South monster beats by dr dre, which did not ask the Presidency itself, should have supported him. But the Southern delegates had resolved that in no event should he be nominated on any platform.

He had a clear majority of the Convention. But the Democrats, though still wearing a common badge, now constituted two distinct and antagonistic parties, held together not so much by common beliefs as by habits, traditions and sentimental attachment to an old and venerable name. The Northern Democrats were wholly estranged from those of the South. The two sections of the party quarreled about the platform; yet the Southerners cared little about that matter if they could name the candidate. They did not demand a Southern man, for he could not be elected. They wanted a "Northern man with Southern principles," like Pierce or Buchanan. Of all living men the dexterous and domineering Douglas least suited their demands. He was probably the only man who could have carried a large enough Northern vote to be elected. But they could not forget that his popularity at the North was, in part, the result of his great battle against the South which had caused their disastrous defeat.

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Interpolation hurts

Man standing in front of girls ..

numb the girl looked at his face ..

can not help but fear ..

girl slowly took off his pants ..

underwear ..

accelerated heart jump ..

bang - Bang - Bang ..

white girls lay softly on the bed ..

girl's face more red ..

scared ...

, after all, is the first time ..

girl had just finished off a man ..

have been ready .. ..

he inserted ..

girl feel the pain. hurt.

girl looked at the man.

still no expression.

after a while.

girl to feel a bit uncomfortable.

old man has not inserted.

white man out of something to wipe her.

girls are still moaning.

look out of the girls were still in pain.

this time the girl's cell phone rang.


mother. I just played pin.

a bad cold.

a will take a taxi home.

do not worry!!!

went wrong in both facing the wall to go!

1) Smile: More and more evidence that the eggplant has anti-cancer function. Extracted from the eggplant test had a non-toxic substances for the treatment of gastric cancer, cervical cancer received good effect. In addition, the eggplant contains solanine, cucurbitacin, Stachydrine, choline, basil glycosides, saponins and other alkaloids in eggplant color substances, including solanine, a cucurbitacin proven cancer-fighting ability, eggplant flowers City eggplant, eggplant root, tomato sauce are all good medicine, the ancient roots there is treatment of tumors with eggplants. Eggplant is also rich in nutrients, except vitamin A, C is low, the other tomatoes, vitamins and minerals are almost similar, but protein and calcium or even 3 times higher than the tomatoes.

2) bitter melon: Li called This one, it was also from it. But the real give it
Western medicine is more proven anti-cancer effect of bitter quinine from one class of proteins, it is an activity of immune cells can activate the protein by the immune cells to do, will be cancer or other abnormal cells to kill. Seed containing a protease inhibitor, can inhibit tumor cell secretion of proteases, thus inhibiting cancer invasion and metastasis.

3) Kelp: can prevent breast cancer and thyroid cancer
kelp medicine called Kelp is rich in iodine, can prevent the binding capacity, and they are eliminated from the body; kelp selectively kill or inhibit the intestinal bacteria can produce carcinogens, which contain fiber also promote excretion of bile acids and cholesterol; seaweed extract on various cancer cells direct inhibition.

4) sweet potato: gradually being forgotten childhood cancer to share
holding the winter warm side of savory roasted sweet potatoes on hand yangkeng days are a lot of young people's memories fade, the sale of roasted sweet potatoes spread over the street level is now almost without trace, as economic conditions improved, a survey showed that many of China's urban residents are no longer eat sweet potatoes .
sweet potatoes: alias potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, is considered illnesses and sickness, weight loss, great health food. In fact, sweet potatoes, also has a powerful anti-cancer function. Recently scientists found in the sweet potatoes a matter of dehydroepiandrosterone, which can prevent colon cancer and breast cancer.

5) pumpkin: Known as Americans should be eating pumpkin on Thanksgiving Day to express gratitude to the pumpkin. However, in our country, is now rarely planted.
pumpkin can prevent obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood cholesterol levels, prevention of cancer have a good effect, and pumpkin the high content of vitamin A, is the ordinary people can not imagine. Also rich in vitamin C, calcium and fiber, but also inhibit the carcinogenic Trp-P with unknown ingredients.

6) wheat bran: The best anti-cancer dietary fiber
alias bran, wheat flour off when the seed coat, used as feed, not food. With wheat bran to feed livestock, ruddy skin, hair shiny, very significant health status, wheat bran is more attention has been paid, for health, many institutions of Western people to eat whole grains called, whole wheat food. Whole grain wheat, whole grain food that is ground into flour and then the small separation of bran, foods made with this flour.
wheat bran is the main nutritional components of the It can prevent and treat colorectal cancer, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, constipation, hemorrhoids and so on. Therefore, many experts believe that wheat bran is the best anti-cancer dietary fiber.
7) radish: root vegetables in the Eat ginger, life is no need for drug court Dutch set carrots as
radish with cancer, Chest, expectorant, diuretic function. Radish contains a variety of enzymes, can eliminate the carcinogenic effects of nitrosamines, which can stimulate the body immunity of lignin, increased the activity of macrophages, enhancing their ability to kill cancer cells phagocytosis. From spicy radish mustard oil, which can stimulate bowel movements and promote the exclusion of carcinogens, inhibition of radish also contains many mutagenic activity of unknown composition. Vitamin C content than carrots, apples, pears higher than the 8 - 10 times. The result is rich in carotene carrot, but also has excellent anti-cancer effect.

8) Kiwi: Vitamin C content of fruit and the highest ranking
brown, shaped like potatoes, green as emerald therein, Gly and delicious, this is the South mountain wild fruit, now transplanted to the country. The fruit is rich in sugars, proteins, lipids, vitamins, organic acids and minerals. Vitamin C content in the highest ranks of fruit per 100 grams of fruit containing 200 mg, almost 100 times citrus, tomatoes 30 times, is truly a , its high nutritional value.

(a good health food diary - look Friends Collection)

tomato fried rice
raw materials:
remaining rice 1 bowl, 1 tomato, fresh 1 egg, green onion 1.
1, Wash the diced tomatoes, green onions and light blue will pick the net were chopped onion leaves. Lay eggs with a small bowl stand;
2, Cold Heat lard under the pot, add soy fragrant light blue. Turn in the slow fire under the fried rice;
3, heat the oil until after the rice, and pour eggs, stir quickly to open fire, wrapped in the egg mixture evenly on the rice grains;
4, according to taste by adding sauce, seasonings, tomatoes under grain, onion leaves stir fry pan can be uniform.

fragrant pork chop rice
raw materials:
pork chops, cooking wine, black pepper, salt, flour (wheat flour), eggs, soy sauce, sugar, onion.
1, pork chop with a knife blade shoot loose, add cooking wine, black pepper, salt, marinated for 20 minutes;
2, dipped in flour, shake off excess flour, dip in egg mixture, make another on the bread flour, which is the key to make delicious pork chops 3 Steps;
3, uniform film on both sides of the bread flour, medium heat fry until golden on both sides, this step is not accidentally deleted photos
4, filament onion soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, boiling water directly about;
6, cover the lid look stew, eggs, Results from the good, Sheng good meal, the pork chops on the Rice Bowl.

claypot pork ribs
1, Guo Lifang on the meters of sand, looked at the amount of their own right, water (I have failed because the water is put too much) the amount of cooking more than usual, half of our fingers on it, put the pot on the stove, fire boil Gaixiao Fire Man Manao (either when mixing, so as not to stick pan);
2, cooking time, we marinate the ribs, wash clean, small ribs, put soy sauce, chicken, salt, soy flour and mix well;
3, when the rice almost ready, put the first points in the ribs, mix oil, rice on top, cover, or small fire, slowly cooked the ribs Wu, vegetables can put a good burning , the pot is small, a person can eat up! !

chicken rice:
raw materials:
200 grams of chicken, rice amount. (Rice and chicken component should be based on the number of population change in your home Oh)
small amount of salt, soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 / 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 / 3 tablespoons ginger, onion, coriander amount.
1, cleaned chopped chicken pieces, salt, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, ginger tasty marinate for 10 minutes; (longer time points to better pickled, marinated chicken time we can deal with green vegetables. )
2, as usually used as cooking rice cooker cooking, water should be slightly less than usual a little bit, put the marinated chicken with marinade poured on top of boiled rice;
3, rice cooked, add chopped green onion and parsley, cover and continue to heat 6 to 8 minutes on it!
4, so out of rice, sweet rice, chicken tender, very tasty.

Yiyi Experience:
1, chicken can be replaced with pork ribs, chicken, chicken wings, sausage meat, and so can;
2, if you like what you can add vegetables simmered into suitable, such as potatoes, carrots, etc.;
3, rice cooking water, the water should be less than usual a little bit, because there will be some of the material rice water.

cabbage fried rice
raw materials:
2 eggs, remaining 1 cup of rice, cabbage shreds, green onion, a little.
1, pan heat oil, knock into the egg and gently stir fry do not look old, and little can be solidified;
2, Gaixiao fire, add rice to the eggs in the pot, even causal;
3, change the fire, add cabbage and green onion, stir fry until soft and cooked cabbage can be away from the fire plate.
simple bowl of fried rice, bringing a ray of family warmth.done using this method Anhai
cucumber fried rice, ham fried rice, bean sprouts, fried rice, fried potatoes, etc., as delicious. (Fried rice or bean sprouts, fried potatoes made in advance when the dishes cooked with boiled)

spinach egg rice
salted egg yolk, spinach, leftovers.
1, roll salted egg yolk broken, into the pan fried rice noodles to Hong Set aside;
2, boiled spinach, washed into the cooked, chopped, add sesame oil and mix well;
3, leftovers into the steamer steaming hot, hot when you mix vinegar, salt and salad oil to make soft sticky rice to keep loose. Jia Ruqie good when cooled spinach, mix well made Fantuan Zi, then sprinkle a little salted egg yolk.green pepper pork fried rice

materials (two copies):
1 green pepper, 2 eggs, 100 grams of pork, two pieces of ginger, 2 bowls of rice
soy sauce, sugar, chicken the right amount.
1, green pepper strips, beat the egg;
2, filament chicken meat, a little soy sauce, sugar, mix well, add small amount of oil and mix well.
1, pot of hot oil, three into the hot, add green pepper and stir fry quickly after the dish alternate color (fire);
2, with crude oil, put the pork, stir fry quickly to the color, the dish stand (fire);
3, or the use of crude oil, into the egg, use chopsticks as soon hurried down into the rice powder and stir into the amount of soy sauce (medium heat);
4, into the fried green peppers, pork, stir well then serve.

onion beef rice
raw materials:
beef slices on 120G about a half onion, a little kimchi, rice bowl, water 200ML, soy sauce, 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon and a half, a little salt, a little sesame oil, chicken little.
1, bovine brain chip on to the bloody red onion cut into thick filaments;
2, seasoning mix into the pan Heat until boiling;
3, the beef into Zhu Zhi, the color, the cooked onions to the onion, turn off the heat;
4, beef, onion, and Zhu Zhi spread to the white rice, the point a little bit of sesame oil, kimchi can be placed.

Pineapple Fried Rice
pineapple 1 / 4 (about 70 grams), onion 1 / 4 (about 50 grams), corn (about 50 grams), 2 Shuanghui sausage, green and red Caijiao the half, the egg one.
salt, amount of oil, oyster sauce 2 tbsp.
1, big pineapple;
2, pineapple meat picked up salt water soak for 10 minutes; green and red Caijiao clean cut into small pieces; onion, diced; sausage cut into small pieces, wash and drain water corn kernels;
3, add a little water, beaten egg, fry Nongsan with a shovel;
4, the hot oil, saute onion;
5, add sausage stir fry for 1 minute edge;
6, add corn kernels, fried side shed a little edge of water, stir-fry until dry water;
7, add the eggs stir fry evenly Jian Hao;
8, add green peppers tablets, put a little salt, stir fry a few (if you usually use oyster sauce if you can not put enough salt in salt also tasty, and must not put too much salt);
9, poured into the rice, stir fry evenly;
10, add 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce, stir well, add pineapple, stir together all the ingredients you can turn off the heat evenly to friends;
11, with a bowl hollowed out pineapple, and put on a bowl of color, the smell and taste of the pineapple dinner ready;
12, to see close-up, colorful, beautiful and delicious;
13, digging the flesh of the pineapple as a bowl, is not it make you more appetite.
fried rice is free of material, like what to eat to what to put, ah meat, seafood, ah, ah no so-called food, if not particularly do not like onions, I suggest put some onions, fried rice are particularly tasty, as long as the early release saute onion, and stir over a period of time, in fact, no onion, spicy flavor is the matter, leaving only flavor Rights;

egg sausage broccoli fried rice:
rice bowl, 1 egg, 1 sausage, broccoli small.
salt and oyster sauce.
1, Jun Jun has been cut Blanch the broccoli and different size and shape of the sausage;
2, Jun-Jun the most adept egg, egg put a little salt, add cold water half an eggshell;
3, broccoli stir fry; add rice, as Jun Jun Nongsan no way to rice;
4, side of fried sprinkle water 2 times sides, add oyster sauce to a bowl and began to eat slightly;

silver fried rice
2 eggs, 1 bowl of leftover rice, potatoes, a dice, a little chopped green onion, salt, a tsp.
1, wok heat oil, fry the egg into a alternate Sheng;
2, by pan fried potatoes, eggs, pour the remaining oil to stir fry for a little while, add water into the bowl of fried rice powder, turn a small fire seal the lid;
3, see the collection of water to make egg and green onion stir Sheng turned out transfer to a plate.

vegetarian fried rice:
leftovers bowl, 1 egg, onion 1 / 4, 2 pieces of tofu, Chinese cabbage 4.
2 tablespoons oyster sauce, salt and a small amount.
1, onion, tofu, Chinese cabbage chopped;
2, beat the egg, pour the leftovers into the mix evenly so that every grain of rice wrapped in egg mixture;
3, the hot oil, stir into the onions, Chao Chu flavor, add tofu stir-fry for 2 minutes, add cabbage stir for 1 minute, add 1 tablespoon of water, cover and simmer for 2 minutes , salt seasoning (not too salty), Dish READY;
4, re-heat the pan, pour in the rice wrapped in egg, fried in the fire fast, because the wrapped egg, it must be deft fried rice can be causal, then add fried onions, tofu , stir fry with Chinese cabbage, add oyster sauce, stir well, you can install disc it!

spinach fried rice:
raw materials:
spinach, eggs, green onion, rice, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil.
1, spinach fried rice, spinach washed Shuitang fish out;
2, oil heat, add chopped green onion saute, add eggs, saute, stir into rice and spinach for 2 minutes;
3, a little soy sauce, sugar, salt, sesame oil into the pan.

Kimchi Fried Rice
raw materials:
loaded with spicy cabbage, rice amount, salt, chicken, oil and a small amount.
1, spicy cabbage, cut into small pieces.
2, pan oil pan, into the spicy cabbage stir fry, then add the rice, chicken and salt and stir fry, pan.

pork chop with rice
(3 servings) 250 grams of pig spinal pass, salt 1 / 4 tsp white pepper, onion 60 grams, half a green onion, 3 eggs (which used to stick wrapped meat 3 tablespoons), low 2 tablespoons flour, bread crumbs amount.
soy sauce, cooking wine, the taste Lin 60ml (plus a small amount of rice wine taste Lin sugar substitute available, if not to only use rice wine soy sauce, cooking wine and a little sugar instead.)
1, wash and drain through ridge, about 0.5cm thick, cut into large, grasping absorbed salt and pepper marinated for 10 minutes;
2, Wash membrane onion, shredded; washed and shredded green onions;
3, the egg broken into the egg, three spoons to scoop out the meat for a while stick wrapped;
4, respectively, the marinated meat wrapped in low-dip powder, egg and bread crumbs;
5, into the oil pan (oil should be a little more) a small fire to both sides of steak fry until yellowish color (also available under the pan fried meat, so that a more refined look better and keeps out); and then cut into thick Article;
6, the soy sauce, taste Lin, wine mixture and mix thoroughly, the wok to boil;
7, onions and boil and pour into large onion, Cook for a moment;
8, add pork chops, and then quickly into the egg, cover the basic solidification Gail Cook until the egg mixture.Finally, a good pork chop
pour cooking rice can enjoy.

Assorted Fried Rice
raw materials:
amount of cold rice, eggs, shrimp, crab meat, peas, carrots, corn grain amount, oil, salt, chicken, green onion amount.
1, chopped shrimp, crab meat dices, carrot dices.
2, peas, corn, carrots, heat water, cook until slightly cooked, add a little salt eggs, pan fried and tender.
3, Guo Lifang a little oil, put chopped green onion blasting pot, stir fry under the shrimp and crab meat, add the vegetables over the water, with salt and then stir fry.
4, into the cold rice, add chicken, whole Guo Chao evenly.

lentils fried rice
raw materials:
lentils, bacon, carrot, onion and rice.
soy sauce, chicken right amount of sugar a little.
1, wash the rice soaked four hours or more;
2, frying pan heat oil, yellow onion stir to dry after adding bacon and stir-Hong;
3, add carrots and stir well;
4, add lentils, transferred all the spices, such as green lentils situation as quickly dish up back;
5, take the casserole, add soaked rice and put it into practice all 4 ingredients, mix well;
6, as the case properly, add water, can be added to flush with the material;
7, caps, water Gaixiao open, fire, and stew until cooked Serve with rice.

glutinous rice sausage peas
fresh peas, sausage, rice, chopped green onion.
cooking oil, salt, broth.
1, sausages, steamed, diced standby;
2, glutinous rice, wash, add appropriate amount of boiling broth or water;
3, add a little non-stick cooking oil in the pan, under the green onion until fragrant, stir fry under the pea;
4, add a little water and continue to stir fry until cooked peas, Sheng out of standby;
5, pot add a little oil, under the cooked glutinous rice, cooked sausage, the small, scattered mix planning; salt seasoning; Finally, add peas, mix well.

fried beef shutters
rice, cooked beef blinds, onion, green pepper 3.
1, venetian deli to buy cattle (also considered in order to complete the most simple delicious dishes, and sometimes do not need anything else they had prepared), onions, green peppers washed and shredded.
2, pot base oil, oil heat, stir into the onions and peppers a few minutes the fire. Then pour cooked beef blinds, add soy sauce, salt and a little sugar stir fry a few.
3, and then stir into the rice ready to open. Rice is best to use overnight, so not much moisture in the rice, it is easy causal.

4, a simple fried rice or can also be called rice bowl, extra meals at home, you can also try the. Tripe has four, one of the blinds is the belly. Used to do pot and Mao Xuewang. Do not eat is outside the cellular and two stomach and grass belly, it is easy to identify, like a small honeycomb stomach honeycomb surface, grass surface domesticated hen's belly, the thick meat. Commonly used to Lu Cai, very tasty .

shrimp fried rice
shrimp, onions, green peppers, ginger, onions, cooking wine, salt, oil, eggs, pepper.
1, removed from the refrigerator to thaw shrimp
2, onions, green peppers diced standby
3, pick the shrimp to shrimp pot line into the water, heat, onions, ginger, rice wine, shrimp cooked shrimp stand stripped
4, pot heat the oil into the egg, fry scattered reserve
5, the pot of oil heat, add onions, green peppers stir fry Ding
6, were placed into the egg stir fry shrimp with salt pepper, stir well after turning to.

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WASHINGTON 7 53 years of voluntary blood donation , blood volume totaled 42,400 ml , yesterday , Zhengzhou City Garden Road Patrol Squadron members Dongsong Zhou received from the provincial Red Cross Blood Center the national prize of free blood donation , as the year of Zhengzhou

2003 , due to the SARS emergency blood , Dong Songzhou learned the news immediately rushed to the provincial Red Cross Blood Center blood donation , and since then , has become commonplace for him to donate blood .

yesterday , road patrol squadron in the garden , the reporter saw the Zhengzhou Face of the honorary title , 39 -year-old Dong Songzhou right up to the saying: , to introduce people around the blood knowledge , blood donation benefits the country and self-serving propaganda truth , bring more people with blood donation . Under his lead, Garden Road, patrol squadron many players participate in a number of blood , under the influence of the family are Dongsong Zhou insisted voluntary blood donation .

Dongsong Zhou told reporters ,monster headphones sale, to participate in blood donation is a very meaningful thing that can save the lives of others , his blood as a career will continue until at least 55 years of age. sorely lacking , I hope this blood type of the public to participate as soon as possible to the cause of this love together for the health of themselves and others to make a little effort.

7 years, Dong Songzhou 53 voluntary blood donation , blood donation total of 42,400 ml . An adult body's blood around 4,000 to 5,000 ml, Dongsong Zhou 's blood volume equivalent to the body 's blood for eight times .

1, Do not you love to say
2, not because of the feelings of the cry of a man three times, three or more do not hesitate to pull out a pistol, eyes closed, life.
3, a nostalgia not only happy to give you two and eight men pain, although you love him. He means to give up the liberation of your own.
4, do not believe in love can save your life, your soul, it is a myth, believe the myth that is trampling on your IQ.
5, do not believe that marriage can keep your love. Marriage is marriage, marriage and the family eventually combined, and love will never take the community, but something to do a little bit of energy and emotional relationship, because love does not equal love.
6, Do not love the man had lingering. Loved is the past, the past is dead. While you are alive, there is no need to waste time on dead emotionally. Is suddenly reunited, and do not believe that is what fate reproduction, because the feelings of the dead suddenly revived, it is only on behalf of the ghost itself, because such feelings can only give you more pain, but can not control the situation.
7, the marital relationship to maintain political and economic autonomy, not to control a man's money, they should not let men control their own money. Although the economic base determines the superstructure, but not going to compete for the highest leader of the ruling class power, the ability and the best rotation Zuozhuang.
8, collection of daily life can resist any kind of lonely way, such as travel, Internet, reading, writing, watching TV ... a person can also laugh at any time make Preparation - No man can still live without love, and live very exciting.
9, a man not known for many years and have ambiguous feelings, because the two sides too well. Together to talk about it, talk about the past? So there is no sense of hierarchy; about the past a small river? Sucks tea-leaf has. Talk about feelings? It carefully, the paper will suffer once the pierce.
10, do not fall into the set of colleagues and superiors in love, falling into the opinions on the means put into hell forever without parole. Reputation not only ugly, but also seriously affect the work and affect the impact on their jobs, affecting their jobs to influence the survival. Important or important emotional survival, of course, is the former, unless you want to live.
11, do not fall in love with years younger than themselves more than men, although men more than the precocious, but his experience shallow, simple thoughts, bad control, covered in all There was a tender taste, mindful of his feelings of your life as a school, as long as fame, immediately bye-bye. Because Jiedi Lian has been a popular, after all, the epidemic is to be hit.
12, not bad for a man fall in love with income, this person is not preoccupied with, is a little careless to hurt his self-esteem, life Chiruan Fan unless he wanted to, but What kind of man worthy of love it. Only a few small white rich woman to support something, you still think about the income that point.
13, do not know a man fall in love with the network. All day long soak QQ, bubble forums, chat rooms bubble man, such people are mostly on paper, has a serious mental darkness, severe psychological disorders and mental illness. What is talk talk all day? You're not a doctor, a doctor, nor is it to give him medical treatment.
14,cheap beats by dre, do not fall in love with the emperor complex man, this man is a Sannomiya six homes is not satisfied, anxious woman in the world waiting for him, Come on, are Blame the emperor of China's feudal monarchy it was the liberation of several decades, many men identified sub-large head not cut it.
15, not the heart to tell the secret of a third party, in particular, who in real life, learn to protect your most beloved, most precious, the most exciting person or thing.
16, do not fall in love with a man come in handy, easy to get, so there is no creativity, no imagination too much, too often there is no easy thing what a waste of time waste of expression .
17, love men, but do not spoil a man, more more more bad pet can not control. He let him go away, he let him come to his joy and you want to be more free and easy. Love is to enjoy, love is consumption, love is a luxury, not a possession, not forever.

Cooper is an American Shorthair cat who just turned three years old , living in Seattle , a week , he would back a small digital camera in Seattle, the big city adventure , although the adventure , in fact, will not exceed the farthest away from the 800 meters of the park home , more time in the neighbor 's grass is looking for something fun , and fun things to shoot them down .

Sometimes , Cooper will encounter the same cat walk out , but since he is the only city with a camera of a cat , in the face of similar very little air , and not easily lens at another cat will ─ ─ flora had a chance to shoot , shoot portrait which na spare to others .

Cooper off the gallery owner is a husband and wife , the camera naturally host a specially crafted for the Cooper , when he put the camera, every 2 minutes will automatically take a picture , his first entries is the owner took two sheets hug photos,Polos Ralph lauren Femme, you see , he would be quite flattering , right?

over time , Cooper 's photography level is leaps and bounds , even the newspaper and television reporters who have been touched by the works of Cooper , Cooper published continuously since last year 's experience , in the accumulated enough entries, , the main it was decided to give him a grand festival of a cat , his best works have also been linked to online selling .

Here is Cooper's representative works , you can also Cooper's Flickr album to see more interesting pictures from Cooper's experience where we can see three very simple reason , perhaps a little help for you :

1. be sure to bring out the camera

2. press the shutter should not be too pretentiously

3. to see the world from another angle perhaps more exciting

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