o. I remember now.

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Last Monday, Mendon left for a few days (2 nights) to take his clients to summer camp. Now, I am usually afraid of being alone, the dark, closets, nightmares, intruders, mirrors, creaky noises, spiders, and of getting cold at night, but for those few days of solitude, I was so blissed out that I couldn’t be bothered to worry myself with fear. I didn’t cook (but I’m going to pretend that I was on a “raw diet,” it’s, like, for my health!), I didn’t have to clean up for anyone but myself, I read two entire novels, practiced plenty, got a bunch of jewelry posted on my website, and slept beautiful, uninterrupted sleep. I love having my own bed; some days I think that Ricky and Lucy really had something going for them there.

Wednesday night, we were scheduled to have Mendon arrive back, to host Feast, and to pick up my mom from the airport. While Wednesday night was a wee bit of what I might call stressful, it was completely worth it to get my mom into town and start a mini-vacation for myself. Little did I know that this mini-vacation would become in my brain my last chance at summer. Everything that I wanted to do for weeks and weeks of working full time and teaching and not seeing the light of day came out full-force once my mom arrived.

Sorry, mom.

In the few days following, this is what we/I did:
Worked ½ day, had an interview, bought gems at the “Rock Shop”, ate Ethiopian food, took a lake and river boat tour in Chicago, ate Chicago pizza downtown, had my nails buffed (Oh My They Are SHINY) and got a french manicure (shinier!), went to Millennium Park, went to Art Museum, had falafel, played with stamps with Mom, ate blueberry pancakes and strawberry crepes, went to the House of Worship, went to the Glenwood Arts Fair, spent an afternoon at the beach (awesome – I forgot how good the water feels), practiced violin, slept 24 hours, walked 10 miles (it’s a guess, but a very conservative one), got lost twice, did some thrift store shopping, drove to the airport twice, and did a wee bit of knitting. Also ate one carton of strawberries.

In spite of it all, I made it into work on Monday on my feet.

While one might assume that we used the week to catch up and rest a little bit, the truth of the story is that today (Friday), I’m barely able to sit up in my chair I’m so exhausted (by this, I mean that I might be able to, but it feels risky to try).

In the interim, Mendon started school. Organic Chemistry and Physics.

And, I think to myself, Oh, right, this is what it felt like to be in class all through university. I’ve resorted to trying to drink water to keep myself awake. Awesome!

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I am jazzed by you enjoying life. You go girl.....
I visited Liam, Mara, Mark Weds.,Thrs. Fri. I am now home and completely tired. Mostly from being up into the nites as Liam wakes and cries.
And driving for three hours then doing chores at home does have a toll. But I ran and rode my bike and I am somewhat refreshed after my shower. I do believe the busier we are the happier we feel. I was glad to hear you are knitting again. See you soon....
all my love....

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