

My husband is awesome. Absolutely awesome.

Why, you might ask, are you bugging us about your husband is he so awesome?

Well, I would reply, because I haven't blogged in a millenia or so because he feeds me!

Recently, I got the flu. Hard. I did not want to eat, I did not want to move, not even to go to the bathroom. He fed me. Which was quite the sacrifice for my fasting hubby. He fed me Ramen. It was perfect, and probably the only thing I could eat. Shortly after my entirely beige diet, I was joining the ranks of the fasting. The first night of breaking the fast, we were having leftovers from Mendon's daily ritual of making a new bowl food recipe. I took half of a bite, then another half, and kindly informed him that this complex foods thing was just not going to work.

So, he made me some ramen. And a salad. And then, the word was uttered: miso, and just a few days after the flu, I had quite the craving. No place in town makes miso soup. The grocery store was unaware of such a food. We tried to see if China One, our slightly shadier Chinese restaurant, would have such a thing. We asked. They said no. Then, the owner said, "do you want me to make you some? I can." And I started to glow. The possibility of my soup fix being fixed was almost too much to handle. "You two like seaweed? My mother sends me seaweed from my hometown on the coast in great big bundles (at this point, she hugs an invisible pilates ball)" She disappears into the back to make the prized stuff and kindly informs us that she will be charging us for the special house soup. Mendon balks slightly; I think what a deal we're getting seeing as I won't need to start bribing her.

This is the special moment at which Derek, her son, appears mid-chatter. He shows us his pictures, his books, his DVDs, his DVD player (nice going, kid!), his helicopter, his paper, "do you know how to make airplanes?"
and he pulls us to an open table and folds a paper airplane with the greatest of speed and dexterity. I'm sure he makes his teacher so nervous. He scolds me for being slow, and wrong. The same for Mendon. He fixes our planes and then shoots his right through the restaurant.

So, anyways, Mendon didn't do any cooking there, but tonight and last night, he was a busy bee for me. Tonight was our first night of home-made miso soup. Super fantastic.

miso soup 002.jpg

Last night, last night dearies, was the craziest of all. I've been a little bit concerned about me getting enough calories, because a bowl of cereal and a bowl of salad 2000 calories doth not make. Not even with the pom-juice. So, when I found this naughty, naughty cinnamon roll recipe from a blog that I've been reading regularly, I begged. I oogled. I fantasized. He caved.


The recipe involves I think 2 cups of butter... I have calories to spare! Uhm, and if you couldn't guess it, the buns taste really freaking good.

Just to top off the post, here are some of my more recent creations. My favorite bowl, ever, a creamer, and an Ayyam-i-Ha candle votive for Uncle Duncan.


cinn buns 004.jpg


Gorgeous pottery! And fabulous husband! Hope you made it through the flu relatively quickly! John actually said last night that he felt like he was coming down with "something", which translates to he will do more around the house that he's feeling well. My initial thought was ... great! We're selling our house (to the RI Airport on Monday the 19th), and the shed needs to sorted into what we want to move, and what we want to donate.) Really. Rotten of me? Not anymore. It really is bizarre. Not that he doesn't pamper me on a regular basis ... but when he's not feeling well, it seems that he uses the opportunity to "huddy, what do you want me to make for didder?" Me: Nothing, I'll cook. Baby, where are you going? John: od by way to the post office to buy stabps. Me: why now? You're sick! Him: doe, i'b okay I cad do it. heehee ... very cute. (the first couple times.) Now, it equates to me racing to beat him to doing things like re-roofing the house because he's sick. ;)

***...more than when...", not "...that he's feeling..." oops

Wow! Beautiful! And I'm glad Mensch is taking good care of you. Glad you are feeling better.

It is Souper Fun! (uh, that's not a pun, it's a British spelling...)

You are making me drool! I am happy you can eat again. And I love your pottery! It is all very gorgeous.

I made rice bags today! I don't think I have perfected the size, though. What size do you typically make them?

I usually just make it up. 4-6 inches wide, 7-8 inches long? That's average, they can be smaller or larger; Mendon's Maman likes hers to be more like 8 x 12, with less rice than I put into mine.

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