Uhm, do you think we don't notice that?


Dear Arizona, its citizens, its law-makers,

You've made English your official language, and you've denied a larger list of governmental benefits to illegal immigrants (so, good luck, my Mexican friends, if you are a victim of a hate crime in the area). You've discriminated against youths seeking higher education. You've voted against the rights, health and well-being of the people that keep your cities moving. You also did this in the name of finances, eh? Please, next time you push a discriminatory bill, be sure to send out a few notes to inform voters that our federal government spends 3.8 BILLION dollars yearly to control and maintain the Border. It seems that maybe, just maybe there has to be a better way to reallocate this money in such a way that helps to remove racism from our laws, rather than making it governmental policy.

Most sincerely,


America, Fuck Yeah! While Team America may not have been your cup of tea- I think you would definitely enjoy a film I just watched titled Corporation. It is a documentary. You would appreciate many aspects of this film.

and no Mensch to kiss it okay! I'm sorry.

I sincerely wish that I could kiss Arizona and make it better.

Why would it be that I cannot open your website from Opera? There is some error about script after which screen goes black.

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