

How lovely it has been, this break from blogging, from work, from life in general.

Two weekends ago, Mendon and I were visiting his parents for the family reunion. We played board games, colored, and I dyed a bunch of cotton yarn. Kinda sounds like girl-scout camp, huh? Regardless, it was really wonderful to be back and visiting.

These are the things that I finished / started while I was there:

asana everything for now 029.jpg

back everything for now 030.jpg
The back to this is a little bit.. funny... still. That will be my project to correct over the next 3-4 weeks, or whenever I finally get around to it.

sock everything for now 036.jpg


This past weekend, my mommy came to visit. Which was also great fun. We played board games and made bead necklaces. Girlscout camp, the sequel.

Today, I made my final summer run for the all-girls' most-campy of them all. I took a bizillion pictures of jewlery that I've made (and actually, some that my momma made) so that I can get rid of the crap- it's piling up sell it. In addition to a load of earrings and a modest collection of bracelets, I also have (the star of the show) 3 silk necklaces. They're so soft next to your skin; it's fabulous. I feel guilty trying them on. (Hey! A lost Catholic theme in the 500-words or less "what I did on my summer vacation" essay!) They're so plush.


So, I suppose, wish me luck as I contact the local store owners. It will be interesting. (Also: I'll need to be locking down prices for the silk necklaces in the next few days, so if you've any suggestions, I'd love to hear them).

PS. You might have noticed that girl scouts are always selling their cookies, too. Those freakin' cookies provide over 1/2 of their total income ( Oddly enough, because I'll be leaving my job shortly, my jewlery could also... well, never mind.


My mom thinks you'll make the most profit if you put your jewelry on ebay. I don't know too much about it, but she has quite the business going on that site.

And I like the tank top. The front view is very cute.

See you soon!

The silk necklaces: not less than $25.

silk necklace to wear with jeans-$10.00? (college book store-let them mark them up from there )
silk to wear with evening gown-$22.00? (profs, postgrads, moms-direct buys)
now how much each would you make on them then? Well, I don't need to know but you do.
i can imagine you selling 100 of them.

I think you at least double what the materials cost and then add ten dollars for labor time... That sounds sort of like what we did in Beads of Yin.

The problem with buying online is that you can't try it on.

The necklaces you make are really gorgeous!

I agree with Mara. At the very least, no less than $25. But, because you're here in oxford, with the market that you have, you probably are going to want to try and push closer to $45. It's so trendy that MOMA sells these things. Which means that it's avant garde enought that it will appear unique in the little midwest town of oxford, but not be off-putting. If you market this well (image, image, Nicole Kidman, image) you can sell it. As my mother says, something is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. The trick to making something worth more is convincing someone that it's worth more without scaring them off by astronomical prices.

The Asana. I think the problem I have with it is the back. I like the view from the front. I like that it is fitted. I don't quite get the holes in the back. I have had this reservation about the design since I first saw it in

I love the silk necklace. Make sure you make them big enough for the rest of us too. I'd pay $25, but be really disappointed if it choked me.

Love the socks - they are way too cool ! Hope the visit w/Linda was great- having the time for a visit is always a welcomed event.

I love the top you made. It fits perfectly in the front, and I hope you can remedy the back to your preference. The necklace is lovely. I'd pay $25-$30 for it, as a splurge on my tight little budget. Really, I'm interested in buying one. And I'm ecstatic about those socks! The varigated yarn works so well with that pattern. I'm still fumbling around with a pair I started back in December. I'm almost done with the afghan you taught me how to make, though. It's a gift for my niece, who's turning one year old next week. It should be a warm winter for her. Thanks for sharing your projects! You are inspiring.