Knitting = statement = art


It's true.
Trees need sweaters, too.


As a novice knitter, I cannot even imagine knitting around a tree!

(First thought) Of course this makes me smile, because I'm such a treehugger!

(Second thought) Someone actually devoted time and energy to do this??

I love it.

I'm sure the artiste would not be too keen on knitting around a tree in the cold, either. If you go to the site, there's a picture somewhere of the seam in the back of the sweater. Clever, eh?

HaHaHaHa! What a funny cartoon. Ah, to be married to the author. I get to see all of the previews! It's just like being a sponsor to one of those internet machinima sites.

There is this whole 'movement' that I have read about to knit odd things for public places, things that make you 'huh?' when you see them. I wish I could remember more of them. They were pretty funny.