Good Investment


Yes it is.
good investment.bmp

...the ways one can justify not doing homework.


Well, Kristen, we could get AdSense for, but I don't know if we have enough page views to support it.

I'll take a look.

Well, at this rate, she's got, what? another 3 years of school, at least (do you want to do a PhD?), so she has some time to hone her blogging skills to make them attractive to the masses - see it's still about marketability! :-) (for example, - she was up for 'best food blog' in the Bloggies (is that what it was called? the blog awards?)). Anywho, just a thought.

I've been spending some time over at the Gaping Void. Strangely, he doesn't really talk about what gets people to his blog. It's pretty aparent though, if you do some snooping what makes Hugh's blog as popular as it is. If Nathan and I put our heads together, we could market without too much difficulty.

To be honest, I don't desire such a blog for myself. I had an image of the usual question being presented to a child, "and what do you want to be when you grow up?" Additionally, it seems kind of shady to make money off of my blog, especially with ads... if there was ever such a change here, I would be the first to vote on an All Profits For Maman and Papa Dornbrook's Yearly Vacation Policy. Which, now that I think about it, doesn't sound all that bad.

I agree Kristen. To be free in unemployment, or retirement, or just to be free to live would be a splendid gift or reality. Do not ever lose your ability to see the fantasy and to feel its peaceful co-existence with truth.
Somewhere in between is hope for the combination of the two in your visions.And Most journals make money after the fact for others. For example, "The Biography of Mark Twain". I am looking forward to your next "pear"fict thought!