Hey! Look what I did this weekend!



There are also another 4(?) pairs that aren't included. Two of them are with more of the blue and green glass beads, and the other two are like the far left pairs, except that the one with the curlies on top has square beads and the one that is all wire and a few seed beads is red, instead of black. The fish are from Israel, they just needed a transformation.

Translation: I had NO homework! : )

With my time, I also made curtains for our flat - finally - and I spent some time catching up with the chores that have been left undone.

Also interesting is the reaction that all of Oxford is having to the violent crimes that have been occurring. I will admit that the crimes are frightening (see Mendon's blog for details) and that Mendon and I have checked to make sure that our windows are locked (only one of them was...?!). He claims that we aren't changing anything in our routines... I think it's interesting to watch the way that these events change the mindsets of MU students. All of a sudden, the MUPD is handing out mase and there are forums, discussion boards, and campus club speak-outs. I was contacted (as a Baha'i Club leader) and asked to speak to stduents. It amazes me that we react so extremely only when the crime makes the news, only when it happens in a relatively small time span. I only wish that the other crimes that happen constantly in Oxford could get more press. I wish that they wouldn't be turned into humor in the Miami Student. I wish that people would be willing to recognize all of the victims that are low-profile, and willing to admit that they live in a society that creates this pain, crime, and disorder. It just amazes how blissfully we live without reality.

On another note, I'm back! Haifa was awesome and school is looking to be managable. Last Friday one of Mendon's and my profs saw us walking in the hall and asked us, "Oh, do you like eachother?" Mendon's response of "We're married" was priceless, just as much as our prof's response: "Not all married people like eachother." : ) Mendon had Andrew and Charlene down this past weekend. It was completely chaotic, but fun. Another news note, is that I'm planning on playing a recital this semester. I've scheduled it for April 15th at 3 pm. Currently, the repertoire is Kabalevsky's Violin Concerto and a few movements of Bach. More on that later. : )

At any rate, I promise, I am trying to avoid these hodge-podge posts, but I've been bad about blogging since ... October?


Awesome jewelry! I love what you made - BRAVO!!
I'm also working on a jewelry project, which I will keep secret for now.
The squeaky wheel is getting the grease as far as the Miami response to the crime. Thanks for locking your windows.

Agreed - very awesome jewelry! :-)

You are so talented!

Hodgepodge is wonderful! Order is, well order. Order is wonderful appropriately. I am happy to hear you really, really enjoyed Haifa-ing. It will sit on the shelf of wonderful memories long after the effects have permanently changed you.
The fish-rings are simply gorgeous!!!!
Were you home schooled?