Hogwart's Feast at Harris Dining Hall


I was, I admit, taking advantage of the upcoming Hogwarts Feast to make fun of school food. But, tonight, Mendon and I thoroughly enjoyed the themed dinner. We stuffed ourselves on good steak, potato and onion pancakes, some (not many) veggies, mozzarella sticks, Jelly Bellies (which were not every-flavor), some sort of chicken thing that only Mendon ate (tribute to usual dinners at school), and there were rice crispy treats that were painted purple with yellow lightning bolts on them. I almost forgot to include that there was butterbeer served... but you'll have to ask Mendon about it. : ) The lights were dimmed, and there were candles at the tables (the usual restaurant globes). Additionally, everyone and everything was decorated. Plus, everyone was having fun with the event, so there was lots of chatter, noise, and excitement, which completed the Hogwarts image. Quite fun, quite fun.

back to work. I need to ease off of the blogging for long enough to do my stats.


I'm disappointed that all the special dinners this year are on Tuesdays. It sounded like fun but I have only a limited amount of time between marching band and botany lab.

How cool! The only time our cafeteria did stuff like that was Valentine's Day - heart-shaped chicken nuggets included. Which all diffidently resisted - but went anyway because the nuggets were actually pretty good and we were poor :-)

Oh, and they did a really nice Thanksgiving dinner, too.