

watching old movie 1.jpg

I didn't actually expect that anyone would guess (it doesn't take much to figure out what is going on). But, thanks for doing it. I was just in an wi-fi cafe and didn't want to write there. It wasn't so much the cafe as it was the convention that had gathered of middle-school bus drivers. "those kids!..." was not approrpriate background for ANY thought. Let alone coherent sentences. But, I was in a wi-fi cafe and that where I had to upload the pic because I was being lazy. That's also why I went ahead and published it before I bothered to write on it. Lazy.

So, the picture. I'm definitely watching a movie. That's what you see. We all pick a side and the man starts to turn a crank on top. The stand starts to wobble and swing here and there, which is why I'm holding the viewer. We get through the black and white count down (the numbers with the circles and shapes around them) and in addition to turning the wheel, this man is now singing, too. Traditional raag improvisation, Carnatic music. It was lovely. And then, the movie comes on. And it's a traditional Western movie. WIth cowboys. : ) It was great. It lasted maybe 90 seconds, but just enough to really enjoy the entire experience. It was one of my favorites in India and one of the first. When I saw the picture (it isn't mine. Srini took it on Kevin's camera? Gina's?) I had almost forgotten about it. So, I got excited and decided that I ought to share it with you, even though you can't see the wobbly stand or hear the gritty voice of our artisan.


In the infamous words of Mara,

Not guessing on it yet.

Kristen--change the name of the picture and repost it!

I was going to be brave and post something laughable, but now I don't have to. Actually, one of my guesses would have been right.

Alright, I'll start the betting: it looks like you're watching some sort of movie. Albeit a very odd one, but a movie nonetheless.

Either you're watching some strange kaleidoscope that includes all of the viewer's eyes, or you're about to get a bunch of ground meat shot straight through your irises. I hope it's the former.

So, I take it you're not in Mentor right now?

Mark says: "she has really nice hands"


: ) I am in Mentor right now. I was being lazy because (for whatever reason) it's difficult for me to get my mac online from the house. So, rather than setting up the connection, rather than burning images onto a disk, rather than putting them on my desktop like I ought to, I just loaded the image from a cafe and decided I would write once I got time here. That's the long explanation of my laziness and making sense of why I'm still in Mentor.
As for my hands, I was a little surprised when I saw the picture. I had to think, "those are the same ones that I beat up so severely with sitar and violin? naaah"

Seriously, they have a wi-fi cafe in Mentor?

Totally, and it's in walking distance! It's right nextdoor to the parking lot just past Bondies that has the dentist in the back. It's crazy close. What's rahmat's flikr address?