

Check-in part 2:

I'm back in Delhi. That is, yesterday I was in Agra to see the Taj Mahal. It was unusual to all of a sudden be in a place that I never dreamed I would be. I'll be sure to post pictures and write about that once I return to Chennai.

Far more amazing was the day before. I spent the day with the same two Baha'is that I had mentioned in my last comment. Misaq and Fauez. They essentially took care of me and made sure that I had an enjoyable time in Delhi. We spent the day in Delhi doing some touristy things and then that night, Fauez and I went to the Temple (Misaq had a lecture to give at the Baha'i House). Fauez and the rest of the Baha'is were busy for some time, which meant I had the Lotus Temple to myself so that I could sing and pray and just relax. It was so wonderful. After I had a few prayers alone, the rest of the Baha'is joined me and they sang (There are some male volunteers that can really sing). After a short while, the volunteering Baha'is filtered off to bed, turned most of the lights off and told Fauez and I that we could stay as long as we liked. We prayed and sang and listened for about an hour before we left. We got back to the Baha'i House about 2 1/2 hours after we arrived at the Temple and I was giddy over the priviledge that I was just allowed. So, I'm happy, well, challenged, exhausted, and headed back to the Temple for one more visit soon. Tonight, I leave for Chennai, and I'll be there after about 1.5 day's train ride. I hope that you're all well and looking forward to dealing with me again soon. I will see most of you in a week or two.
Much love-


Hopefully, by the time I see you, you will:

1. have figured out how to answer the vague question of "so, tell us about India. . .".


2. completed a beautiful slideshow about your trip that we can watch while your busy getting primped for your wedding :-)

Correction: while you're getting primped . . .

I'm not sure why you skip over the 'day in a life'. For those of us who have never, and probably will never, spend a day there, that sounds fascinating.

Mara, I will most certainly have something put together for anyone who is interested. I need to do that to prove to Miami that I'm worth what they've invested in my travels. And as for answering The question, I'll be ambiguous to anyone who I don't know well enough to have reading my blog. Mendon's response (it was hot) worked quite well. And, I hope that anyone who has been reading this will have better questions than that.

Maman, I don't skip over "a day in the life" so much as I try to keep it scarce. I don't want my blog becoming a public PDA in which I just create a To-Do list rather than something remotely stimulating. The former blogging option is a little juvenile, but easy to slip into. So, I'm keeping it in mind, but allowing for exceptions.