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It Rained Last Night

I was thinking of calling Noah. Read more. And this was posted last night. I don't know what the News-Herald has to say about it today because we didn't get a paper this morning. And there is no answer at the News-Herald this morning.

Merry has her appointment at the Clinic this morning. Gloria was going to go with her but she got stranded at a friend's house last night and couldn't even get home this morning. So we rearranged and Merry was going to come and get me, but 615, 306, Munson and Lost Nation are all closed. She couldn't reach me and I can 't get to work.

The good news is that we are fine and dry. Merry's back yard is a lake and Cindy has 3 inches in her basement. Well, okay, that isn't so good, but we are fine. I will try to go in to work in about an hour.


Wow. That's a storm. I certainly understand the stranded feeling, living in Limboland here in Edinburgh, having no idea what to do next . . . I'm glad your basement isn't flooded. That little incline your house is one did always serve us well in time of storms.

I think our very sandy soil helps too. The problem at Cindy's was their storm sewers, so I guess we were just lucky. Gramma called last night asking about you. I encouraged her to look at the blogs, but I'm afraid she might not, though with Uncle Gene there, they might together. I know she worries.

And we did lose the Uma Thurman Plant (suddenly, I can't remember what kind of a flower it wasa! Can I still claim chemo-brain?) I will post the before picture.

The front page of today's News-Herald looks exactly like the article you linked to. The only additions to the article are a few more pictures.

My mom says that some roads are closed in Madison, too, and the parking lot where she works has water up to her waist. The creeks are overflowing here, but it sounds like Mentor got hit worse.

On second thought, Madison may have just as many roads closed, but we have a lot fewer houses and businesses to be affected than Mentor.

According to today's News-Herald, Mentor received over 9 inches of rain and Madison got just under 5. Either way, that's a lot of rain!

Wow. What is the world coming to?

Global warming = extreme weather.

I think Rae's got it. And it is all over the country. No one seems to be escaping it. And the reason the website looks just like the front page of the News-Herald is because the link was to the News-Herald. Just our little secret. And today's has even more pictures. Wow! The Grand River really made a mess.

Hey, Maman & Papa!

I'm just glad you are okay.

How's the garden looking?

The aforementioned Uma Thurman plany is a very preococious Dahlia. Was a dahlia.....Uma was chosen because she is supposedly 6 feet tall...

The Garden is lush and Green! And slightly weedy. And we are very fine.

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