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Nathan visited us

Okay, here is the test to see what kind of a student I really am.  If you don't see any photos, go to my flickr page (no, I don't know the address) to see these, or whatever you can't see here.

Nathan came to visit.  Here is proof.  He is sitting on the bench outside the back door.  He is wearing (only one of because I wasn't quite finished with the other one) one of his new socks.

Okay, for some reason I can't quite understand, I can only put one photo up here.  This thing (window) keeps disappearing behind Flock.  And I can't get the text to go below the photo.  So I might just return to Movable Type.  More later, I'm going to bed.


See those funny little A's? That is because I learned to type before I learned to word process. So I hit the space bar twice after a period. And then I get a funny A with a hat. Only in Flock. In case you were wondering.

Nathan looks great! Has he lost weight?

I didn't ask. I just loved him the way he came.

What weird A's? I also double space after a period. Did I get that from you? I don't adjust to change well!

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