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"If a Tree Falls . . .

. . . in the forest, and there is no one to hear it, does it make a sound?"

I always thought this was a philisophical discussion, akin to how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, but I find that it is really a commentary on the feedback loop necessary for effective interpersonal communication.

To what am I referring? Well, I put up a post that was like felling a tree for me, but it seemed as though there was no one there to hear it. No one except Mara (and Valerie) commented, I didn't know if no one had read it or if no one cared enough to comment. Or if it was just too horrible to contemplate. Oh, no, that was just me. Anyway, the feedback loop wasn't closed, so it felt incomplete, sort of like dropping pennies into a black hole. (In The Golden Child, Eddie Murphy throws a pebble into an abyss and never hears it hit. Sort of like that.)

So, in the interest of effective interpersonal communication, I will make clear my expectations clear. When I post, oh, I don't know what I want, okay? I just want to hear from each of you on a regular basis. Stay in touch. Read my blog posts and comment from time to time. If something sounds big (how will you know?), call. I went back and re-read the post and I really did include everything in there, except maybe why they would be doing a third bone marrow biopsy. They would be looking to see if perhaps I have another type of, oh, oops, there is a self-imposed moratorium on that word.


I hear you.

See? That's how it is done. Thanks, Rae. I hear you, too.

Hi, Maman. Sorry for not posting.

I forgive you, but would really like everyone to keep in touch. I find that if I go without hearing from any of you for more than about a week, I start to worry, wonder and miss you. "Hear from" can mean posting on your blog, commenting on my blog, e-mailing me, calling me or visiting me. All are acceptable. I don't want anyone to do the pretzel or totally change their lifestyle/communication style. I just want some contact. I think I have always wanted this, but now that I have a damned diagnoses, I feel that my wishes carry more weight.

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