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Big Improvement

I just wanted to update everyone that I am feeling much better. I sort of care about life again! That is a real victory.

I stopped radiation a week ago today and stopped taking my anti-nausea meds on Saturday. What a difference! I stayed awake all day Saturday, visited with Ruth Twaddell for several hours, talked on the phone for several hours, did laundry, changed the sheets on the bed -- and made supper! It wasn't anything terrific, but I had been talking to Nathan and he had been making and eating 'breakfast' with a friend for about 6 hours and it inspired me to make French Toast. I know that sounds like a regular day to most of you, but it was a day I hadn't seen in over a month.

Then on Sunday, I swept the front and back porches, went out to dinner with Daddy, bought some red current bushes and heeled them in the garden until we can deal with them. Then we watched two episodes of Firefly. Again, I stayed awake all day. These are real victories.

And today I am doing some Women's Center work from home. Everyone has been so supportive, so I just wanted you to know I was doing better.

Oh, and all the marks that will wash off my tummy have! My fingers are still peeling, but I find that after about 3 days, it all blends and heals pretty well.


This is fabulous maman! I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better. When Kristen and I were home everything was just miserable. You were sick, we were fasting, couldn't get the car, etc... I'm sorry that all of that had to come together. I love you; feel better.

Well, if all that came together in a bad way, then you'll be happy to hear, Mendon, that all the goodness has come together now, too! Mark talked to his Mom last night - the carburator is fixed and is waiting for you in May.

Maman, I am S-O-O-O-O happy to hear this! Hearing about food inspired you to cook?! Wow - now that is H-U-G-E!!! Yay!!!

I have heard such good things about you from Kristen and Mendon. I am very happy to hear that you are feeling better. ~their friend from oxford

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