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The Last Piece of Tape is Gone

Yesterday, I had my last radiation treatment. The tech ripped off the last piece of tape covering and protecting my marks. The skin underneath is a bit funky since the tape was there for about eight weeks, but it is gone. The marks will wear off in the next week or two. It feels like a milestone. It will still be a while before I get my energy back, but I do feel better than I did. (Couldn't really feel too much worse!)


Wow, I can barely get through twenty-four hours without ripping a bandaid off of whatever it's covering. I'm amazed you lasted as long as you did without going insane. I hope you feel better soon. Will they finish the 5-FU treatments when you're feeling better?

Yay! Congratulations! Monday night we went out for Ana Gerda's birthday (yes, that's the crazy Brazilian) :-) and they wanted to make it a celebration of as many things as possible, so we celebrated the end of your chemo/radiation combo treatments, too!

No, no more 5-FU for me, baby! I do have more chemo to go through, but not 5-FU. I still have to talk to the doctor about the next step and that won't happen until middle of April, so the subject of this blog might change for a bit. Or be silent. Don't know. Depends on how my energy returns.

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