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Back on Track

We are back on track for radiation starting on Monday. I had a full day last Friday and a half day on Monday of tests at the cardiologist's. I have no results from the tests, but Dr. Pelley called and said we are to start back with the radiation and 5-FU on Monday, so I guess he is satisfied.

I was diagnosed with P.O.T.S., Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, which means when I stand up my blood stays in my feet and I might faint. Big hairy deal. No treatment. Not much in the way of symptoms either. Not to downplay my 'episode' two weeks ago. It was a bit scary. And because I was sitting in a chair when I passed out, the blood didn't return to my head to revive me. Some of the tests were sort of like medieval torture, but I survived.

I must say, it does feel like the doctors don't talk among themselves and are relying on me for information. I'm pretty reliable, but it could become like a game of Whisper Down the Lane. I was a bit surprised to have Dr. Pelley asking me, what the cardiologist said, especially since all the records are on-line. I don't have access, but they do.

This Saturday, Gramma, Cindy, Bev and I are going to go to the Quilt Show together and have a tea/lunch at a sweet tea room in Kirtland. It should be fun. And we have Friday off from Lakeland (President's Day) so I think I will take the time to go the Gather Place, finally.


You'll really like the Gathering Place. And as the weather warms up, they have some gorgeous patio areas. Really, you'll love it - clearly they are targeted toward middle age middle income women (sorry, but they are - not that no one else can or does use them, but when you see it you'll know what I mean). There'll be plenty of purple to suit you :-)

Let us know how much fun you have at the quilt show and the tea room (someone will bring their camera, right? take picture not only of the quilt and tea, but of you all enjoying them, too, right?) - and keep us posted on the 5-FU/radiation treatment. Seems the 5-FU is rather appropriately named, in my humble opinion. . . .

Hey, if you've got POTS then I'll self diagnose myself with PANS or, even better, KETTLES! Ha, won't that be the pot calling the kettle black! Uh, yeah, I probably get dizzy for the same reasons maman does. If you recall she's told stories of having dizzy spells like this when she was my age. Also, Uncle Phillip had bad circulation in his feet, if you recall (one of the few things I actually do recall), I'll bet it runs in the family.

Uncle Philippe didn't have a pulse in his legs, a bit different. That is a sign of advanced heart disease and a result of a steady diet of hamburgers and rice, augmented with coffee and cigarettes.

Uncle Phillip taught me how to multiply and divide over a series of afternoons just after he moved to Mentor. I was five. It was weird and powerful. I knew more than all the other kids! Then, later, I forgot and had to learn it again.

Uncle Philippe! Uncle Philippe!

My apologies, maman. Uncle Philippe and Aunt Betsy also gave me a keychain that made noises. I'm pretty sure that I used it to annoy the heck out of everyone until I was about 10 and it just died. My memories of Uncle Philippe are so dreamlike and punctuated. I can remember his gravelly voice but less so an image of him. I have images in my mind of Philippe but they are fuzzy. I still have his keys from work on the wall in my old bedroom. They were a keepsake that I grabbed around the time of his funeral to remember him. I didn't realize that they would later help me deal with the emotiioins that I'd subverted for several years.

I miss Uncle Philippe, but in a good way that makes me smile.
I love you, maman.

Speaking of Uncle Phillipe I just picked up his picture. Ma said we could all choose one to keep and I took a great black and white photo of him smoking. I put a red metal frame around it imagining that his flannel might be that color. It looks sharp.

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