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I promised you photos

Yesterday was very cold, but we still managed to have a good time. Cindy's mother, Bev, brought Gramma and together the four of us went first to a tea room in Kirtland, then on to the quilt show.

I ordered some Rooibus Belgian Chocolate tea for the table, sort of on Mara's recommendation (this was as close as I could come) and it was very delicious! I was going to buy some, but my stomach was slightly rebelling at the rich bites of dessert I shared with Cindy, so I lost my heart for it, but I will go back and get some. It is the perfect tea to serve at Feast. Rich and desserty, but no caffine. (I hope!)

By the way, I have been 'bulking up' this last week in anticipation of radiation starting on Monday. I made it up to 145 this morning! I'm so chuffed!

And speaking of chuffed, I finished knitting my Knitting Olympic baby sweater. I still have to sew it together, which I will do tomorrow while waiting for doctors, chemo, labs, radiation, etc. It is an amazing little sweater, knit all in one piece from the back of the neck down to the hem. That sounds simple, but until I actually got it off the needles, I had no idea how it would fit together. None, whatsoever.

Daddy and I made it to the Gathering Place on Friday. It was a hard trip to make for me, anyway. But good. For me, it was an admission that a) I have cancer (I spent large parts of my day trying to prove to myself and others that I am 'well') and that b) I might not be able to deal with this alone. They don't have a group specifically for pancreatic cancer patients, which is fine with me. I don't really want to be with 'those' people. You see, I'm not like 'them'! I'm well! (and I'm not much in denial, either.) Anyway, Eileen Cohan remembered Nathan and Mara from their visit there in November and says hello. (I had to tell her I was the patient and not a 'family member'.)


Well- Speaking of remembering people ...I saw Lynn Farnsworth yesterday. We all got together for dinner and then some of us went to see Maya's show (which was fabulous! titled The Story). She sends her hello's to You and Papa. Also- I have a second place trophy from the Pairs Go tournament yesterday morning! What a day:) A windy day at that!

Also- I have a second place trophy from the Pairs Go tournament yesterday morning.
What is this?!?

And we're chuffed for you! What a wonderful little tea trip. I'm SO, SO, SO happy that you took photos with you all being happy together in them. And I'm glad you liked the rooibos. If you don't want to go all the way back for it . . . you know where to order it :-) and no, rooibos contains no caffeine.

I can't wait to see the Knitting Olympics sweater! You know, we could put up the little "Knitting Olympics" button on your blog if you wanted.

Gros bisous.

All the way back? We're talking 2 miles from where I work. And I do have a car, so the hill won't bother me. But thanks. I will post a scan of the sweater once it is really done, done. And I don't know how to do the button thing.

And Rae, I figured out the Pairs Go. For some reason the G looked like a C to me and then it didn't make any sense. But I got it now.

BTW, Mara, your tea arrived, and thinking it was my yarn, I opened the box. Boy, did it smell good! Lucky you.

Oooh! I'm so excited! [is this tea room new?]

I figured out the Pairs Go thing, too (I googled it). Congratulations, Rae! Wow!

I'm glad you went to the Gathering Place. You're not the only one in this family who has some denial issues about you having cancer.

By the way, Maman, you look great. I thought your hair was going to be shorter than that! And the quilt, hanging off the floor as it is, looks humungous!!!!

King size. Aunt Cindy figure Mensch would need it big. Hair - short enough to wash in the sink. I don't want to freeze! It is still winter here. No, the tea room is about 8 - 10 years old. And quite charming.

Being aware of one's denial is the first step to...recognition of denial? Panic, fear, anger, tears - oh that's right, dealing with reality!

I'm not being a brat here- just talking about denial. Not mine of course!

Wow, congrats, looks like you may be one of the early arrivals at the finish line for the Olympics...perhaps you need a matching hat or something to make it a challenge?

I have been knitting furiously getting ready for Intercalary days but am still uncertain whether anyone will have anything that is finished.

I sort of cheated. It is just a baby sweater. I could knit a little cap to match it. That would be cute. It is an Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern that made absolutely no sense when you read it. I looked a the picture and couldn't figure out how it all went together. As soon as I finished it, it became very clear, but it a feat of engineering.

Well, the word in cyberspace is that 1)Elizabeth Zimmerman was the end-all be-all of the knitting world and that 2) her patterns aren't something to sniff at.

I also had a heck of a time just finding a picture of the sweater, which is very cute and looks like at least one sweater I had for "Mara Noelle" (yes, folks, I recognize that is my name. It was a doll given to my older brother at my birth. maybe he thought all babies were supposed to have that name? or he wanted his own? anyway. . .) From the look of it, it seems your experience is pretty typical - knit blind, finish it and 'tada' it makes sense. Good job! I look forward to seeing the yarn, the color and what button(s) you use!

Hey. That's an awesome picture maman and you look great. I feel like I should comment every time you post a picture of my quilt. I think that what I really have to say is, "I'm cold!"

And you will be getting it the next time you are in the neighborhood. (Assuming that you don't come before March 23.)

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