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Into Every Life Some Joy Must Fall

And here is some of mine. Just thought I'd share.
1. When I got home from the Clinic on Tuesday, the amarylis that Gramma gave to Nathan to plant back in November was in full bloom, and I mean full. I have never seen an amarylis with so many blossoms. SIX! You can't see them all in this picture because I just couldn't get them all in. There are four on top and two more below.
2. Cindy and I went to the Lake FarmParks Quilt show yesterday. Though our quilt didn't win any ribbons, it is very well displayed. As you walk in the door, you can't miss it, with a spot light and everything.

I was going to post photos, but I can't remember how to make them small enough on the imac. I could do it on my PC, so the first one to let me know how to do it will be richly rewarded -- with being able to see my images!

And I wanted to get back to lasagna. Vegetable lasagna, to be specific. I like it. I think it doesn't like me anymore. Anyway, I made some and you can see it made Daddy happy. And now you can see why I don't make it more often. We will be eating this stuff for a long time to come, especially since we have to eat it judicously. (I wish I was a better speller!)

Thank you to Mark, Mara and Mensch for helping me with the photos. What you said, Mara, is exactly what Nathan had told me to do and I had forgotten. Thanks again to all of you.

PS I'll write about my visit to the Clinic today later. It was a long day and I have to go back on Monday. Nothing bad happened, so don't get your shorts in a knot. But I don't know what any of it means or what the ramifications are. I'll let you all know when I do.


Maman, open graphic converter (if it isn't in your dock, click on the little Q in the upper right hand corner of the screen. type Graphic converter in and wait for it to find it. Open an image. Browse for your image, select it, click the open button (or double click the image thumbnail). When the picture is open, open the "Picture" menu and move your cursor over the "Scale" (or Size, I can't remember) option. A popout menu will appear. Select the Resize command (the simplist one). It will give you the option to change your percentages by height and width in order to resize your photo. You can only do this once before it starts to get fuzzy but that's how I posted all of the pics from Haifa. give me a call if you want help or just want to chat.

Wow, both the amaryllis and the quilt are gorgeous. I can see how our quilt is a precursor to this one. Nae, there is an advantage to being the last single Dornbrook kid - you will get a rocking awesome quilt after all the experience Aunt CIndy and Maman have gotten from all of our quilts.

Mensch, Kristen - how cool is it that your quilt has been in a contest?!

Yes, fabulous quilt!

To be fair, I didn't have any input in either of the first two quilts, and not all that much on this one, either. I worked with the colors and picked some of the fabrics, but Cindy did all of the sewing. Well, actually, I started to do some of the sewing, but after seeing what I had done, she took over. And did a wonderful job.

I was going to comment on the flowers, but their prettiness is far overpowered by the gorgeousness of that quilt! It's really spectacular! I'm awed and humbled. I don't think I've ever made anything that beautiful.

I am so guilty of neglecting this post that even has a picture of the much-sought-after wedding quilt. : ) I'm so pleased to see it finally, and I'm sure that I will be all the more overwhelmed with its beauty once it's here (or we're there, or whatever). I love the flowers, too. Thanks for posting the pictures!

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