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I wonder

how many ants I have eaten . . .

This morning I went out to the raspberry bushes and picked about a cup of berries for my morning cereal. Since I am eating bran flakes with bran buds on top, beleive me, I need all the help I can get in the flavor department and berries of any sort are a delicious topper. I could see, even without my glasses that there were quite a few ants, so I washed the berries, something I am generally opposed to. So you can see, there really were a lot of ants. Fine, I washed them and picked them over very carefully. As I put the bowl on the dining room table, Daddy picked off one more ant -- the last one, I thought and hoped. I sat down and read the paper while I ate my bran on bran with berries, feeling quite satisfied and pleased. When I cleared my bowl, I saw one more ant walking around the rim of my bowl. Well, I guess I didn't get them all. I only wonder how many more I didn't get and just where they went. Or maybe it is better to not dwell too long on the topic.


enh, a little extra protein :-)

Alright, everybody, somebody from Alabama tried to convince me today that Ohio was part of the South. She even went to the extent of telling me she was excellent in geography [I kept silent on my own "humble" beginnings...]. Her reasoning was that Abdul'Baha had said everything Maryland and south was the "South". [of course, that's what the Mason-Dixon line says, too...] Now, that's all well and good, but Ohio is not south of Maryland, or even level with it. She went and checked the map... true, the southern portion of Ohio is level with Maryland, but at least a good half of the state is also north of it.

Okay, just a comment. Phew, didn't know I felt that strongly about it, but then I'd never actually heard a state that borders Canada be called "southern"...

I could understand this if she were from Albania, but Alabama? I think she makes a case for the importance of universal education, or at least a national curriculum.

Nannie, be nice... no, that didn't sound right. Maman, be nice! I had this discussion with a gentleman from kentucky. I told him that kentucky was a southern state. he said, 'it's a border state' and then i said, 'hmmmm... i guess that north and south is still very drawn along the lines of the civil war' and he agreed. there's still a good deal of animosity i've discovered. also, i've found out that a lot of people here think that they're still in the antebellum south. well, i knew that before.

You know what the funny thing is! People from the Deep South laugh at/tease us in D.C. for believing that we are in The South! Eric and I believed that we were moving to a tropical wonderland cause here we are, living in the South. technically we are, but we still get a real winter...we just also get a real spring and a real fall that last more than two weeks apiece:)

Am I mistaken in remembering that DC was not part of the Confederacy? (No, of course, I am not wrong . . . what was I thinking?) So, no wonder they laugh at you. But maybe the miscommunication stems from the definition of South, as in geographical/meteorological vs. political?

And I was being, well, if 'not nice', at least not really mean. I mean, doesn't it make sense that someone living in the US would know where Ohio was, at least in general terms? I'll be honest, I am a bit uncertain as to just (specifically) some of the states are, like Missouri, but I do have a general concept of the area of the map where to look for them.

Although I refer to myself as living in D.C.
I live in Virginia, which is in The South.

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