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Gramma Update

This is one of those good news, bag news entries. Except that I can't remember quite what the good news is . . .

Well, here is the story. Gramma was going to have her surgery on Thursday. Uncle Gene arrived last Sunday so that he could be here and helpful to Gramma while she recovered. Tuesday they went to Metro General Hospital for preadmission testing. Then they went out to lunch to make it special for Grampa. From there they took him to the nursing home where he was to stay for one month while Gramma recovered. Anyway, they made a day of it. When they got home, there was a message saying that Gramma is anemic and needs another test. So, Wednesday morning they trudge back to Metro for this other test. Remember that every movement is painful for Gramma at this point. I think they did it, but them U. Gene and Gramma go on to her doctor. Her doctor informs her that she is too anemic to have the surgery, that they had been trying to get a hold of her since the previous morning and that the next time the doctor can fit her surgery into his schedule is sometime in November. (!)

I feel so bad for her. Last weekend she was saying that she couldn't wait for her surgery, that Thursday seemed so far away. Now she has to wait two more months.

They went back to the nursing home and brought Grampa home on Thursday. He must be really confused by now, or else he just accepts whatever happens. He may have already forgotten that he was there. Anyway, as I said, I'm not sure what the good news is, except maybe that U. Gene is there for a month.


Wow! That's rough.

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