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Where's Violetta?

I was over at Three Legged Duck this morning, as I am basically every morning, to get my dose of Violetta.

For those of you who have not partaken of the sweet nectar of Violetta's thoughts, this is a blog not to be missed, and you can still get much enjoyment by reading all of her back posts.

The thing is, Violetta is normall astonishingly prolific. She can post five or six times in a single day.

I cannot do this; outside of the professional blogging community where folks make their money off what they write, it's unheard of.

But she's gone underground. Not a peep in two weeks. She hasn't said where she's gone, she's not commenting on other blogs, she's just kind of disappeared.

Mara did say that she'd decided to take a short break from the blogging, but I'm not sure why. Well, Violetta, I miss you. Come on back! Write some more! I loved your writing.

Also, I promise that I'll have at least one picture of Sweden up before the weekend is over.


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I miss V. too!

Maman! Is 0730 on a Saturday; there's plenty of time to write comments later. Go back to bed, get some more sleep, get up and have a cup of hot cocoa and read the blogs.

I like the daily ritual of reading the blogs with a cup of tea and posting occasional thoughts.

Well, Nae, so do I. And I want you to know that 7:30 am shows great restraint and consideration on my part. Both today and yesterday, I woke up in the 5 to 6 am range. So I had my tea and my fruit, then I went to the computer. I don't want to start too early, or it would wake your father. Not considerate. Sometimes it is a challenge to fill those early morning hours in a way that feels good and yet doesn't disturb others. I suspect that the ideal activity would be gardening, but I have trouble working up quite that much ambition. I went out this morning to pick raspberries for my ceral, though. I found two things: a) the raspberries that crept under the fence and are growing in our neighbor's yard are bearing more fruit than ours and b) the golden raspberries didn't make it, I am sad to say. Actually, I found a third thing. I didn't get all the stem borers out of the zucchini. I think I will have to perform a second surgery, which will imperil the plants, but it should be easier as the worms are larger now and easier to see. Enjoy your cocoa and blogs.
You know I just can't sleep past a certain hour. But it is funny that it is only on weekends that I wake up so freaking early.

Okay, my secret is going to come out. I am brain dead! I went to post on my blog this morning and I can't. Why? you ask? Because I changed my password (I could never remember the one Nae gave me) and now I can't remember the one I gave me! I thought it was a variation on my standard one, but I guess not. Or else I spelled my name wrong. Or what-ever! I jumped through the forget your password? hoop and it said it was going to email me my new and improved password, but I haven't gotten it yet. It must have gone to my work email. I hope. But I feel like I didn't pass to the Too Stoopid to Live Test. I mean, it's only been a week for crying out loud! And I'm the one who gave me the 'easier' password.

Nae, is there anyway to use italics and bold in comments or only body?

To use italics in a comment, use the HTML tags for italics and bold.

Whether HTML is allowed in comments is configurable from your blog's homepage; I allow them in mine because I believe it makes for richer content.

For a complete list of available HTML tags, try this link.

It will also show you how to write anchors, which are handy; they allow you to create crosslinked entries where you can reference another comment or even another website entirely from within your comments (just like I do above).

Thanks. If I ever get back into my blog, I'll try it.

You still can't get into your blog?


Okay, I'll fix it.

you really ought to have left the password as before because at least at that rate you could have called me and asked:)

Yeah, yeah, whatever. I am trying to be independent!
(And I am having fun with the HTML!) Thanks, Nae. I'll check my @dornbrook.com account to see what new password I have. If I can remember that password.

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