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Fruit Cocktail

You may remember this post: The Definite Article: June 2004 Archives

In it, I talked about the Fruit Salad of Legend, The Drive and the triumph of the human spirit.

Today, I'm going to show you my picture with the Fruit Salad of Legend!

Am I not gorgeous? I am. I am gorgeous. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.

There you go. We've kept the Fruit Salad of Legend on a shelf for six years, waiting for this day, the day of The Drive.

Early that morning, Chris and I stumbled out into the kitchen and Chris made one of his gloriously thick pots of coffee. It tastes like ambrosia if I get it fresh, but it gives me heart palpitations. That's what I call coffee.

Anyway, we drank it black, not because I wanted to drink it black, but because there was no milk in the fridge. Okay, actually, there WAS a container that had once HAD milk in the fridge. I bought it during my last trip home. That was in March.

Chris doesn't have much use for milk.


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So where is the Legendary Can of Fruit Cocktail now!?! Still on the shelf? Did you take that road trip, or is this just about paying homage to the can?

Well, we took it on the road trip with us, with the full intention of eating it in Vermont.

As the Bard said, however, "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee."

The Fruit Cocktail of Legend is still safely ensconced on a shelf at 206 Skyhill Road #2.

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