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The Drive

Drive we did.

From Alexandria, Virginia to Stowe, Vermont.

It took eleven hours.

This was our glorious chariot - a black Chrysler Sebring Limited edition convertible. Ah, I miss my car.

The Car

That's Paul sitting in the back seat, deep in contemplation about how to purge the last remaining shred of self-respect from his system. You can almost hear the thoughts.

Blow goats? No, that won't be enough. I need something that will really alienate my friends. Somthing that will earn me a new title of self-loathing.

And here's Chris, come to join us on this great Odyssey.

Secret Agent Man

Chris has two modes - focussed, efficient action and full stop. Both are a bit infectious. If he's moving full tilt, you want to get caught up in whatever it is he's doing, even if it's scrubbing the tub. If he's indolent, his listlessness is a powerful soporific. It even puts the cat to sleep.

In this photo, he is in his Action Man mode.

Some of you have never seen Old Town Alexandria or been to visit me in Virginia. You should come in summer or early fall, when the rivers are still warm and we can go creeking and swimming out in Shenandoah National Park.

Anyway, here's an example of a random old townhouse in the Gamla Stan; I chose this house because we were parked in front of it and I was too lazy to walk elsewhere.

It's a front door.

Driving conditions were less than ideal. Most of the trip it looked like this outside the window.

Like the North Sea in winter

At around four in the morning, Chris and I were woken up by the sensation of the car trying to leave the ground. Paul was doing 110 in this fog, arms taut, beads of sweat forming and trickling down the side of his face, eyes bulging.

Vermont was gorgeous once we got there, though. Pine covered mountains, lazy cows lounging on idyllic hillsides and lots of sunshine.

Vermont Is Stunning

On the way from the hotel to the wedding site, we saw a WWII memorial and stopped to take a few pictures; I doubt if many folks know it's there.

Why is this guy dressed in white...

...but cast in bronze? Weird, eh?

Pictures from the wedding itself:

Danielle and Laura, the Maid of Honor.

The Bride and her lovely sister!

The Groomsmen walk on.

The Groomsmen. I'm out of step, not Chris.

Here comes the bride, as radiant as she should be on her wedding day.

Okay, actually, she looks just a bit unsteady. The look on her face seems to say: "My God, what am I about to do?" which seems like a pretty healthy sentiment to me. I know if I were walking down the aisle, about to marry Karl, I'd be thinking the same thing.

Da da da da

We couldn't help but notice that the little bottles of maple syrup that they gave us on the table looked a lot like naggins of bourbon. Unsurprisingly, they tasted just like maple syrup.

Chug! Chug! Chug!

Karl and Danielle started off the dancing; this is the happy couple making their way to the floor. The dinner and dance was outdoors, under a huge canopy. We could look right out over the Vermont mountains - absolutely beautiful.

Karl & Danielle

This is Gregg & James. Gregg was the photographer, but he's also one of four best friends that are still quite close: Bj, Gregg, James and me. Bj couldn't make the wedding because of other commitments, but here are Gregg and James; it was awesome to see them again. I don't see them anywhere near enough.

Gregg is a brilliant photographer; James is a brilliant politician. May they have long and distinguished careers.

Gregg and James

That night there was much rejoicing. The next morning, there was much lamenting of the previous night's rejoicing. Here is a "Maid" of, er, "Honor" being snuck back to her hotel in the black convertible chariot of Valour!

Mission Improbable

And here's a picture of Astrid, Karl's cousin from Germany!

One way. The moral vacuum.

Here's me and Gregg; the picture was taken by Gregg, who has a knack for taking self portraits at arm's length. I don't know how he focuses the camera. As I said, pure genius.

Me & Gregg

Laura Dunn, the Maid of Honor, has a more complete photo album of the wedding. You can find it here.


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See, that's not fair-- you're making me to look guilty, I am in no way guilty of anything un-Maid of Honorish (I don't think!). Glad to see the pics, aren't there more? :)

So how come the can of fruit cocktail is still in Va?

Well, we ended up not eating it. Didn't have the heart, really; we've had it for six years and we drove around with it in the car for twenty hours. It's almost a family friend.

Speaking of eleven hour road trips Eric and I just came back from a vacation on the sunny shores of Michigan. We have a friend whose family owns a place up on Devils lake and it was beautiful. I am beginning to get over my freakish and unexplicable (and recently discovered) fear of water. We went jet skiing and got burnt pretty bad...it was so chilly compared to DC I didn't even think the sun could be out! I have definitley acclimated to DC weather. I feel like I am home here! There is nothing like have four seasons a year.

You know, Nae, if you wait much longer the fruit won't be any good. Yes, canned foods can go bad. You can tell because the top or bottom will bulge.

Thanks for posting pictures of Karl and Danielle. She's a helluva hottie of a bride, though she was always a helluva hottie now that I think about it. Meredith hit me to your site which is great because now I have one other method of stalking you. The private investigator was beginning to get expensive.

I'm still struck by how much Nathan looks like Trotsky? Scoff? Check this out:


Hey, Jess! So good to see you! The more the merrier.

And who's that making the Trotsky comparisons? I don't at all mind being compared to Trotsky. He might have been a Commie, but he was so brilliant and subversive that the other Commie's went to great lengths to erase him from history. Having Trotsky rule the Soviet Union instead of Stalin would have made for a very different world indeed.

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