JetLag Day2

That's exactly what today was, just jetlag. I'm so tired. I can't stay awake. Mendon and I are both tired and cranky. It's 10:43, which means that I'm going to shower and go to bed. We also did our first day of service today, which involved a lot of walking and a lot of staring a a computer screen for many hours. We were researching a bunch of different topics for the psychologist here. I enjoyed exploring the topics, but I was burned out by 2. (To justify that, we were up at FOUR THIRTY this morning, thanks to Mendon, whose jet lag pulled him out of bed then.) So, then, we got lost in the gardens - good luck getting out! - and returned to the apt to sleep through the rest of the afternoon, have dinner, have Mara generously make us hot cocoa, and find myself given a few minutes at the computer to blog. Oh, yeah, and Mendon pulled me in to playing video games for 15 minutes or so. Although this may sound like an awful day, I promise that it is just a very unenthusiastic ending to it. I need to blog earlier in the day.

PS, I should have pictures tomorrow.