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Easier Said Than Done.
I can't quite remember the rest of the song, but this is the lyric currently stuck in my head. I find it very interesting that this is how my subconscious lets me know where it is.

I thought you might like an update of how things are with me right now. Good. Yes, things are good right now. I know that seems hard to believe, but it’s true. The shingles are itchy and annoying during the day, but endurable. At night, for some reason, the pain can become quite intense, but I am able to get around that with Darvoset. I have even gotten 7 hours of sleep (last night), so I feel pretty energetic, which is a good thing.

Next weekend is the big Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Expo that I have been planning for the Women’s Center since May. We have about 80 vendors coming; a dozen authors will be there to sign and discuss their books (including such titles as “Sleeping With Your Gynecologist”, I am not making that up! Needless to say, I delegated the authors’ corner to someone else); a café; raffles and door prizes; keynote speaker and a dozen workshops. Very big deal. We are doing this instead of the food, dance, etc. fundraiser. This year we won’t make quite as much money, but it will still be a significant amount.

My and Merry’s goal was to bring the Women’s Center Endowment fund up to $100,000. It won’t happen this year, but we took it from 0 to over $46,000 in five years. Not too shabby. I think by the time we are finished this year, we should be at about $60,000.

Anyway, enough about the Women’s Center and back to me! Well, truth be told, I do think about work a lot. It means a lot to me. I know that what I do helps women, in general and individually. And that give meaning to my living, which is a good thing. It keeps me in good spirits, and that is what I want to let you know, I am doing well.

After the Expo, Heidi and I are running away to New York for the weekend. Yes, a whole weekend in the Big City. We are going to eat chocolate and see a Broadway show. I’m going to shop for yarn. (Small projects, I guess.) Go to the MOMA, or not. Maybe the Guggenheim. Walk Central Park, or even take one of the carriage rides. Have fun. Make memories.


I'm glad you're doing well, Maman. Have fun - both at the Expo and in New York!

I went to Marc's this morning and as I was writing the check, I realized that today is Mensch's birthday. 22 on the 22nd. Takes me back a few years. Good memories.
Thank you.

Thanks for getting that song stuck in MY head ;)

Mmmm....yarn shopping in NY! Yummy. Anything on your yarn wish list? I've got a pretty big stash going on and would gladly lighten my load.

Good luck with the fundraiser!

I really don't have anything on my wish list. I'm not sure I will have time to make anything with it. I was going to look for what we used to call Baby Yarn, but I don't think I will find it, even in New York. It is a 3-ply and finer than fingering yarn. Oh, well. I'll have to find a different pattern for booties. Or adjust the one I have for gauge.

I may pick up some alpaca to make some . . . well, I can't say because it might ruin the surprise. But I got one made and it sooooooo soft and cuddly. Would love to make some more.

Thanks for the well-wishes on the Fundraiser. I so can't wait until it is over. What a relief that will be!

hello old friend! this is a voice from the past and thailand.i have enjoyed reading your blog. i have forgotten how to be so creative-if i ever knew. here i deal in basic english and communication , not much else.things here aree changing-time will tell how much. write back if you have the chance. yes, i did call and leave the criptic message.more later

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