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Mrs. Job

I sure know that I want God's mercy, not His justice. And I am hoping that what is going on right now is not about His justice, because if it is, I have caused some pain and havoc in my life.

It is not enough that I get a diagnosis of terminal cancer, but now I have shingles? What the *%#@ is up with that!?!??!?!!?

Yes, I went to my primary care physcian today. I made the appointment on either Friday or Monday, can't remember, doesn't matter. I was there to ask her if she would be my doctor while I died, walk with me and all that. And, oh, by the way, I have these bug bites here at my waist, whadda yathink? Well, Stephanie, those aren't bug bites, those are shingles. Been under some stress lately?

I can hear my mother laughing, and saying, "See, I told you you were a cosmic joke." hmmmmm. Not all that funny.


I Am So Sorry. Uh. Good luck with those. Take care of yourself; reduce your stress levels. I hope that they are well isolated and mild. Knowing how heinous shingles can be, knowing that you have freaking cancer, and knowing what's likely to come, all of this knowledge brings to mind one thing:
It's not fair!
(And, yeah, I know that this isn't the way the world works, but that doesn't make it less desirable).

I was on my way to Australia- wanna join me?

I am very sure this all has nothing to do with God.....or you causing it....shingles just plain #%*@ing suck!!!!!
How can i help?

I'm with Rae. :-)

Oops. I should not have done that. I looked it up on the web. Won't do that again. I hope it is 'mild' and I hope your doctor gave you drugs for it.

Wow. If God will not give us more than we can handle, I am in awe. You have a much higher capacity for these things than I do. I had shingles, granted only one lesion, about ten years ago. It was a nice scabby red one on the side of my neck. I'd gone to my doctor to figure out what the ulcers in my mouth were (keep in mind I was scheduled for a cervical procedure about two weeks after this), and he told me that the whole thing (shingles an ulcers both) were caused by stress! Now I ask you ... if the body will try to protect itself .... why would it cause more stress in response to the initial stressor??!! Stephanie ... John and I will be in Mentor for Thanksgiving ... so if you get a knock on your door, that'd be us. Don't worry ... as with Mara, I as well remember your phone number ... I'll give you a call first. :)

Crys, I'll be in Mentor by Thanksgiving, too! Yay! We'll be waiting for the knock :-)

I think it goes something like, He won't give us more than we can handle with His help. I think He may be checking to see if I am leaning enough or trying to go it alone.

Australia sounds good, though Greece wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

oh yeah ... that's right. I guess I still subscribe to "I can do it myself!". Though that philosophy has gotten me into so much trouble the past 30 years, you think I'd learn. ..... So I'll see you in November!!! (you wouldn't happen to have that recipe for the trail mix you 'd make for (Mara and me? Just Mara and I stole some? Maybe we both just grabbed some ... it was in a stock pot on the stove and it smelled and tasted fabulous!), would you? I remember you making that .... 15 years ago? Longer? But it was/is SOOOOO good!!!!

Trail mix? Maybe Chex mix? I do have that one. And I got to tell you, it starts with a pound of bacon.

No- you did't have to tell us. . .it's one of those secrets better kept:) I still would eat it!

Stuff & Clutter!!!!! Mmmm. And seeing as how we eat it once in 15 years, I think perhaps our hearts can handle it, no? :-)

Stuff & Clutter! Yes!!! That was it!!!! Pound of bacon? That's ok ... my heart can definitely handle it! John thinks I lost my mind last night because I was raving about (yes, it was Chex Mix). Wait till he tastes it!!!! mmmmmm mmm mmmmmm.!!!!

I look forward to making it! But, we really can't let Daddy have any. And we could modify it just a bit to be slightly less deadly. I will make it with Mara when she comes home. All of a sudden, 3 and a half weeks seems an eternity. But it is best you are not here when my shingles are actively yucky.

Agreed ... the shingles are why I ended up having to cancel my surgery ... it was going to happen at our "Women & Infants Hospital", and they were a bit hesitant to expose our most popular birthing hospital to the virus that causes chicken pox. Can't understand why ... ;) I'm so looking forward to this!!!! Thank you!!! (And I also would like to copy the recipe ... I looked through the recipe box Mara gave me for my wedding and it wasn't there :(

Funny, I don't think it's in my recipe box either.

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