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Lake Woebegone

and all the news that isn't:

Not a whole lot going on here, but a few changes. I want to keep everyone updated to the changes in the house and neighborhood so when you come to visit you won't feel disoriented.

Did I show a photo of the new awning? I can't remember. Not really much of a change here, but . . .

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We got our new window on Friday! Doesn't it look nice? and it is all energy-efficient! It is supposed to keep all the summer heat out and let fresh air in. Well, that would have been just marvelous in June, but it is now October and in the 50's. I hope it is just as energy efficient in the other direction.

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And here is how it looks from the outside. It does change the character of the house to slightly less cozy/cottage-y, but I think the improved view and ventilation will be worth it. We're even think of/exploring putting in new windows in the living room as well.

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Here is how Bill's lot looks these days. No progress on the building front, but the lot is clear. It seems to be slow going. They seem to be doing most of the work on weekends, so I am surmising that this is actually a side job for a contractor.

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Looks better from a distance than close-up. Rob and Carolyn's garage is in a bit of a state.

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And if left fallow for too long, it will become overrun with wildlife! Actually, this cat also hangs out at our house. He was in the garden sunning himself when I got home from work on Friday. He was under the zucchini plants when I caught a glimpse of him. I thought, "Wow. what a great big Zucchini!" Then he turned around and looked at me. What a relief.


Thanks for sharing! Everything still looks so beautifully green and lush and flowering. The window looks very nice indeed.

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