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Something Amazing Happened

It was Saturday. I had a few errands to run and I asked Daddy if he would like to join me. So, off we trod to Joann's. We were crossing the parking lot to enter the store as Daddy put his hand on my shoulder. I felt as though a hair was being pulled and moved Daddy's hand off. He looked to see what I was complaining about and found a bee had stung me. Daddy got the stinger out and squeezed to get out some of the venom. That is when the amazing thing happened . . .

nothing. Yes, nothing. I didn't get sick. I didn't get dizzy. I didn't throw up. I didn't run a fever. I didn't have to go to the emergency ward. Daddy put a little Benedryl on the spot when we got to the car and we went about our errands. I reacted like a 'normal' person. It was sort of special.

And Daddy and were both relieved that the bee didn't sting him! That might sound bad on Daddy's part, but believe me, I am really, really glad that he wasn't stung. That would have been a disaster!

By the way, photos from the family reunion are on my Flickr site. Only problem seems to be is that I discovered that I have 2 Flickr sites. Don't know how that happened. And they both have family reunion photos on them, but from different years.


Well, as there are more photos on your more recent Flickr site, I'd stick with that one, I guess. Oops!

I'm glad you didn't get sick from the bee sting, I didn't realize you got sick like that from a bee sting. And I'm glad Daddy didn't get stung, either. Is there an anaphalactic kit in the cars?

I don't get sick from bee stings. And I didn't. But it seems lately that I have been rather vulnerable to things that never made me sick before. Like standing up. No, we don't carry the anaphalactic kit in the car. It is supposed to be refrigerated and it expires eventually. If it had been Daddy who was stung, it would have been a 911 call.

Maman and Papa, I was talking to Linda about this recently. I told her that papa has an epipen because I thought that he did. If he doesn't have one, it could be a lifesaver and it's more resistant to daily storage than the injection kit.

This is fabulous!

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