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I'm Changing the Subject

Here are some photos from the 4th of July, that I promised weeks ago! Daddy had to work, so Rae and I went over to Gloria's house for a get-together.

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Oops! Here is one more photo from our Grand Canyon Trip. It is from the Navajo Bridge at one end of the canyon, close to Lee's Ferry. Impressive, no?

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And here's my Rae-rae! With me! In a skirt she made just the day before! And do I have enough pairs of glasses?!?!

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Here is the whole Women's Center staff -- well, almost. One of our students is missing and Terry (in the orange in the back, next to Merry) did volunteer in the Women's Center a few months back, but is not a part of the staff. Just a good friend.

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And here I am, in Gloria's back yard, working on Mara's sock. Yes, this should be waiting for you when you get back to Haifa. Or arriving shortly after you do.


Gorgeous skirt, Rae! That's exactly the kind of skirt I'd like - now I know what I need to do. I wish I could spend a weekend with Maman sewing (or just even going through all of my summer clothes currently resident at her home!!).

I am enjoying the skirt too:)

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