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I know, I should be in bed. I have to go to work tomorrow. But, Daddy is working and I always have trouble going to bed alone. In the dark.

Well, I noticed a difference today. When people asked me 'How are you?', I didn't feel like a fraud when I said, 'Fine.' That is a big improvement. I sort of feel like I have been waiting to exhale, and now, I sort of can. Only a little bit, not a full breath. I think this is going to take some getting used to. I have been a cancer patient for 8 months now. Now I need to learn how to be a cancer survivor. I hope.


Hey, Maman!

You're winning! You're winning.

I think that's fantastic.

Get some sleep; you'll feel better if you do.

Much love,
Your son Nathan

Yes, sleep is good. I stayed up until Daddy got home, then it was 1 am when we went to sleep. Boy, was this morning early. He is working 11 to 7 tonight. I think we both will hate that schedule.

I'm glad to hear that you're well and that you expect to be with us long enough to knit us sweaters:)

Whoa! Is he working 11pm-7am? Those are evil shifts.

Nae, what's maman winning?

Yarn! She wins more yarn to play with!
Do you know that Mendon reads the Yarn Harlot? (He's even been faster to get to her new posts than I can compete with). (And Mason-Dixon, sometimes, too).

Enough outright silliness. I'm glad to hear that your scan is clear, but I agree with your sentiments (from this and your previous post). It's not the rushing wave of relief that I was hoping a clear scan would be. I still feel like I'm waiting, but I don't know why. It's odd. I'm sorry to hear that you're not getting the most of or the best of sleep, but I really hope that there are no 11pm to 7am shifts.

Mensch, I'm winning the war! One day, one scan at a time. It ain't over; that's why it doesn't feel like an overwhelming victory. But I have been extended for at least 4 months.
And I win yarn??!?! Yipee! Where is it coming from? (Just kidding, I have a bit of a stash I have to work through and I am probably going to get some more today with Heidi.)
There will be more 11 to 7 shifts. It is just the nature of Daddy's work. We will just have to get used to it. And we will.

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