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End of the Moratorium

I really didn't want to write about cancer, but it seems to be ever inserting itself into my life.

Merry has been having 'female problems' for the last few months, nothing earth shattering, but annoying. She asked me if I thought she should see the doctor about this. I said, rather firmly, I will admit, that yes, she needed to see the doctor. They did several tests ("procedures"), and today Merry received her diagnosis. She has endometrial cancer. (At this point, I feel like throwing some crockery!)

Fortunately, Gloria went with her to the doctor's office. Neither was prepared for this, and Merry's reaction is to stuff her emotions. She is very strong and prides herself in her independence. It makes it hard to read her reaction. I really don't know how she is feeling about the whole thing, but I know how I am feeling! Pissed off, that's how! Enough, already! Go away, cancer! I don't want you in my life anymore. I never wanted to let you in, in the first place. You have caused me more pain, for more years, than you have the right to. You have no right to be in my life! At all, ever. Now, be gone!

Okay, no more bad news. Back to promised photos of clematis and our killer dalihas (6 feet tall!). This weekend Daddy will be working all weekend so I will be home alone. So either I will lie on the sofa and eat bonbons, or I will weed the garden and sort junk. Or maybe I will post new photos. Or watch movies. Of course, I won't eat popcorn.

As a Matter of Fact, here is some good news! Daddy just called me from his test! He got . . .Well, I'll let him tell you how he did. Needless to say, he is pleased, but I know he would love to hear from you and tell you himself.


Maman. *sigh* I wish I had words for it. I agree, "Cancer! Get the heck out!"

I know what you'll do this weekend!!! What was it you wanted to watch on television?

And I agree, "cancer, be gone!" Phhbbtt!

Mara, wait! What will I be doing this weekend? What did I want to watch on TV? This Old House? Anyway, I forgot, Rae is coming up this weekend! So, yea!

No, there were television shows that you wanted to watch, but knew Daddy wouldn't enjoy - somehow, I don't think it was "This Old House"! I was describing some show, maybe?, on cable where two families swapped races . . . and you said there was something on network news . . . does that trigger anything?

We can sew together! I will bring my machine and fabric/ pattern for a skirt I've been wanting to make. Perhaps I'll even bring some things to mend. . . Or we could go to the beach. or both:) Sorry that so many people in your life have/had cancer.

We don't have cable, but that swap-race show would be interesting, or could be, if it is done well.

Rae, forgive me. I had totally forgotten you were coming when I wrote that originally. My so bad. Sewing would be good, nae, GREAT! I have some to catch up on and could use your help with pinning. I'll get Daddy to clear the dining room table so we have room. You don't have to bring your machine; you can use mine.

I was thinking more about the whole cancer thing. . . and I realized it is just a disease -- not an automatic death sentence. Yes, it came as a bit of a shock, but people live with chronic diseases all the time. Let's look at heart diseases. In some people only have a minor heart defect like a murmer that really doesn't affect their overall health or limit their activities. Others may have a massive heart attack which drops them in their tracks. Still others may have a chronic condition that doesn't kill them but affects their quality of life. Cancer is a bit like that, too. There are all sorts of different cancers and they come in different stages, grades and levels of development. So, instead of dying of cancer, I am trying to focus on living with cancer. It may be part of my life for a long time. I'd better figure out how to get along with it.

I was talking to Amelia about endometrial cancer and she said that her understanding was that it is one of the most 'containable' cancers, as it is often resolved by a hysterectomy and the cancer usually spreads to places within that area before it spreads to other places.

I don't know Merry's situation, of course, but I was comforted to hear this. She has our prayers.

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