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More Good News

I got the results of my mammogram. They were negative . . . which is positive! Yea! Not that I ever for a momment thought it would be otherwise.

And when I went to the Nutritionist, she gave me a booklet, Wise Food Choises after Bowel Surgery. She asked if I had been given this book when released from the hospital. No, but it sure would have been helpful. Better late than never, I guess.


Errrr. . .that still urks by butt. Thinking back on it recently, I know full well that if you had been sent home to an empty home you would not have made it. It's unconscionable, in my mind, that they would send someone home in your condition - what if you didn't have a support network/family? I can't imagine you driving to the pharmacy to get your drugs, buying the right food for yourself - it wouldn't have happened. You'd have been dead - mainly because that first week especially, you would have been happy to let that happen. Errrrrr!

Well, they wouldn't have let me out of the hospital without someone being there with me for the first 24 hours -- not that that would have been enough. I just can't imagine what I would have done without all of you.

I'm with Mara, only less angry. I view the system as broken and filled with people who have a broken approach to healing people with pancreatic cancer.

I think that they don't really understand what happens and why some people heal and some don't and it's in need of some scientific rigour.

I'm also glad that Mara and Daddy and I were there - and especially grateful to Heidi. Heidi's visit was a critical one. She told us all sorts of things that we needed to know in order to help and I felt like we turned a corner after her visit - and so did Mara (I remember she blogged about it).

Love you!

P.S. Did you get something in the mail today? Didja? Huh?

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