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Confession time

Okay, I have to confess. I caught the crunk lurgy. I may have picked it up at work, though no one here seems to be sick except me, or from Daddy who has a really mild cold. But I have it and I have it big. No fever though, so I am still on my feet. We'll see what they say when I go for chemo this afternoon.

Did I tell you that I am coming to hate Wednesdays? Yes, it is the one day I can't pretend that there is nothing wrong with me. That I can't be 'well'. I suppose that it would be best if I just admitted that I have a terrible disease and that the risk of recurrance, even with chemo, is 'significant'. But then I will be depressed. I am already finding it difficult to plan much farther out than a week. I don't want to look reality in the face; I want to bury my face in the pillow.

I got my hair cut. When I have radiation, I won't be able to shower so I wanted something easier to wash in the sink. I don't like it, but at least I have hair to cut.

More later after chemo. I will keep you posted.


There is no question about where you caught the crunk lurgy... Mendon and I are so guilty. You had two children come in from FOUR int'l airports, from THREE airplanes, with all kinds of icky sticky germs that people who have overabundances of white blood cells can't fight off. I'm sorry. We didn't want you to be in a bubble, either, because we would Not have been allowed in to visit.
: (

Oh, Maman!

I'm so sorry you're sick, both recovering from a distal pancreatectomy and with the crunk lurgy. The distal pancreatectomy was miserable - but it cut the cancerous bits out of you and they are gone.

If the crunk lurgy hasn't knocked you off your feet yet then you'll probably recover from it just fine.

I love you Mommy.

Kristen is right. We are guilty as charged. Though, you seem to be in high enough spirits to joke about contracting rhinobola. I remember when I was little, I would come out feeling sick and you'd say, "you have a fever you're not going to school." Then I would crack a joke or laugh at something funny and you'd give me this severe look and say, "If you can laugh then you're not that sick are you?" At which point I'd sober up and try to give you the sickest most contrite look and say, "No, I really don't feel well."

feel better maman, I love you, too.

Hey! Guess what! I want to bury my face in a pillow and avoid reality too! Yay!

I came to visit ma and pa and brought the crunk lurgy with me only to find that she already had it- well yeah, I knew she had it but what I didn't know was that we had the exact same symptoms. I am still fighting it off- how bout you? I hope you are feeling healthier. My poor nose is tore up from all those tissues!

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