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In my selfishnes, I told Mendon and Nathan not to come this weekend to see me before my surgery.

I felt that I needed to save my energy to go into the surgery well rested (Fat Chance!) and that I had a lot of details to attend to, etc. I would be busy.

Then I talked to Mara, who told me that part of Nathan's concern was that it might be the last he got to see me. Well, Daddy sort of voiced the same concern. So, I brought it up with my Doctor's nurse. She basically dismissed (but gently, with kindness) my fears. She reassured me that the doctor thinks I am young (I totally love that part) and healthy (otherwise) and have a good chance of fighting this off.

I mentioned that I had suggested that the boys come up the following weekend and her response was, yes, that I could even be home by then! I was a bit surprised by that, but pleased. I thought you all might like to hear that too. I know you are all worried about me. Daddy and I are worried, too! But, I really feel pretty good. Yes, I have lost a little bit more weight, but only in the last two weeks, so I haven't totally melted away. And I am in pretty good spirits, which is of the utmost importantance.

I have decided that I am not really going to be having surgery next week, but that I am going on a cruise in the Greek Isles. The weather is lovely this time of year. Warm, but not too hot. And I am thin enough to wear a bathing suit with confidence. Plus I have a really lovely evening dress for the formal dinners. (Royal blue -- Rae and Kristen have seen it.) So wish me Bon Voyage!


Thanks, Maman. I hope you have a fabulous trip. And your guide is Scottish, to boot! Good times will definitely be had :-)

Hey, Maman!

I hope you have a good trip to the Greek Isles!

I'm planning on flying back home Tuesday of next week, provided I can get my tickets changed.

I'll speak to you tonight.

By the way, you might want to ask Daddy to pick up the package that you have waiting for you at the FedEx Depot; I'll send you the details later.

Your computer shipped yesterday, so it'll take two or three business days to arrive, showing up, conveniently, on Monday or Tuesday (*sigh* timing is everything, no?)

Anyway, I'll see you soon, Maman.

- Nathan

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