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I have a question for you all.

How do you want to receive bad news? Not that I have any at the moment, but if I should, I would prefer to know your favored mode of delivery.


Call me.

And if you know I'm at work (here and now in Israel), email me and tell me to call you.

To my face, preferably, but if I'm at school I want you to call me, preferably on a friday, but monday's and the other five days are just as good, too.

and if you don't want to tell me but know that you need to tell me, let me know and I'll find a way home for a weekend. Then you can tell me when I'm in the same room with you.

call me. and call me immediuately.


I'm glad I didn't see this thread until today. Sheesh!

Just for future reference, a phone call is probably the best way.

So, basically, for all future reference, your children want to be kept informed - as directly as possible.

Guess what? Me, too! So call me sometimes. Don't wait for me to call you with bad news! Remind me that you want me to be part of your life. That is part of what makes calling you with bad news so hard.

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