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Three People, One house, Three Centuries

Last night Mendon was on the front porch talking to Kristen on Skype while blogging. Daddy was sitting in the rocker talking to Gramma on the cordless phone while watching something on TV. And I was in the kitchen, barefoot, standing at the sink pitting sour cherries picked from our tree.


In a flamingo stance- one leg bent- foot resting just above her other knee on her inner thigh. Leaning towards the window listening to the sounds of the crickets and the ocassional car that can be heard driving by. I can invision this scene perfectly.

In my pasiley dress with the blue and white striped apron tied around my middle, under the glare of the kitchen light, lighten bugs flying around outside my window.

You could write an entire novel this way. That would be interesting. Especially coming from this family. : ) I enjoy the scene as well. It's things like this that make me ready to come back.

That's where I get that stance from? Hm, guess so.

my contribution:

As her fingers become more deeply stained by the increasing amount of red cherry juice they are exposed to, and her mind wanders further into her usual fret over her various children she suddenly realizes that her nose is about to drip and she needs a tissue. Except her fingers are all cherry juiced up and if she moves to wash them and then dry them, by that time the nose will have already dripped. Which reminds her how much she misses her daughters, who used to always spot the nose drip and grab a tissue for her. For a second she contemplates calling her husband or her son, but quickly realizes they are both 'double-booked'. "Well," she thinks, "I best wash these hands and get myself a tissue."

Oh, God! Help me breathe! I am laughing so hard it hurts!
This is so dead-on, Mara
By the way, I meant 3 centuries, as in Mensch is in the 21st century, Daddy in the 20th and I am in the 19th.

OH . . . I thought the third one was the age of the house. I don't think the cherries stain red. The juice only stains when it dries- and then it is brown.

Rae, are cherries in season there? They are here, and I've been eating tons of them. The stain I'm referring to is not the 2-hour later dried stain, but the one you get all over you as you eat them.

Drr - of course, they're in season! Nannie just harvested them! heheheheh . . .

They are just coming into season here. But the ones in the store aren't the sour ones ma gets from Montey- which make your fingers sticky rather than red.

The cherries are actually about a week or two late this year. I meant to tell you that, Rae, when you were talking about your peaches. And they don't stain red or any other color, until it dries, but, boy, do they squirt sticky juice all over -- all over me, the kitchen, the walls, the floor, everywhere. I often need a shower afterwards, even though my fingers are all pruney from pickling in the juice.

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