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Can we talk?

I was driving to work this morning, slightly late, as usual, listening to NPR and a story about the Pope. I have great respect for Pope John Paul II. It got me to thinking about the Universal House of Justice. I was musing how when we were there, we met several members of the House and how they were the most humble and gracious of men. Mr. Semple came up to us and started a conversation; he and his wife chatted with us about things, nothing special. It wasn't even until I got home that I realized he was a member of the House, and was one of the original members! He is a nice, funny guy, but overwhelmingly wise and reflective. I was thinking about the fact that in the future, it is unlikely that mere visitors would have the kind of access and familiarity with the members of the Univeral House of Justice that Daddy and I enjoyed. And we did enjoy it, too.

So anyway, this is where my thoughts were as I was driving down Lost Nation. I pulled myself out of my woolly thoughts long enough to realize there was something odd about the car in front of me. The lights seemed to be white, not red. As I came to, I realized that there were three cars coming towards me and one of them was in my lane! At this point I started to become a little worried. I laid on the horn, but she didn't budge. I quickly looked to my right, and thank God!, there was no one there. I pulled over to the right lane just as this car whizzed past me, in the lane I had just been in. By this time, my heart was in my mouth and struggling to get out! It was quite a frightening moment. I'm not sure what she thought she was doing, or why. I have wondered all day if she hit someone else coming down the street like I was. I mean, if she did, the person she hit would be in the right, but dead right.


Those sorts of things really shake me up. I'm glad you are alright. By the way, I really like the way you began by telling what you were thinking about before the near miss. In fact, I love that thoughts are included in the crash part, you totally brought me into your world.

You also notice how seemless the transition is between 'one' Universal House of Justice and 'another'? There is, in effect, no change! Many lives are affected, and yet, it all happens quietly - if you and I hadn't been here, would you even know that it had happened? I recognize that many people feel the most recent pope to have been a wonderful man, but it makes me happy knowing that it isn't about personality in the Baha'i Faith.

And thank goodness your pulled out of those thoughts quickly enough to realize that a car was coming right at you!!!!

Thanks for the comments. I can see that your teacher skills are working. I must admit, I try to make the entries readable, but that isn't my first concern.

And it really was a scary moment! I have no idea what was going through the driver's mind. I refer to her as 'she', but I don't really know. Someone asked me if I had gotten her license plate number, but all I was looking for was a way out!

whoa! Crazy lost nation drivers. I have been in more near misses on lost nation than on any other road, with the possible exception of 306 and pipeline (the second was in Gambia), and I don't drive down lost nation very often

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