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Adama improved

Adama improved.jpg

I don't know what happened to the original, but here is another attempt. Much better, don't you think?
Cherrio, more tomorrow!


So, really-tall-white-guy-in-Middle-America-somewhere, is this the 'right' Adama?

I have caught the bug that knocked Mariam out for over an hour last Friday. guh! Mariam is six. SHe didn't have a temperature so she couldn't be sent home...sound familiar?

Some day I'll write about how I've had to reprogram myself about working when sick - or not. The attitude is rather different from the one we grew up with!

Sorry, it's that Protestant-work-ethic rearing its ugly head.

Don't get me wrong, it worked fine for us. I'm not the only person who has had to reprogram - but because we are a small, tight-knit community, things can become epidemic status in no time - and usually do.

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