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Back to Basics

Well, it is back to just me and Daddy. Well, he's not my Daddy, and depending if you are one of my children or not, he may or may not be your Daddy either. It is all very confusing, but shows how we tend to define ourselves ond others by roles rather than who we really are, which is a whole different subject.

The point is that Mendon is now at Miami and we are at home alone, so to speak. And, I sort of hate to say this, but it feels really good. When Mendon first went to Louhelen last year and then to The Gambia, there was an adjustment period, but this time we seem to have slipped right into the groove.

We had a nice visit with Ann and Rich Grove (is he Grove, or is only Ann Grove?) and feast at their house Friday night. Then on Saturday morning Ann had to go to work and Rich went somewhere else and Amina, Whitney, Eli and Rhonda came over and visited for a while. It was so good to see them. They have left the house and are putting it on the market. It will cost them a bundle because they will have to pay back the government for all their "help". Such help a body could do without! Anyway, Whitney is working full time and thinking of becoming a nurse. Amina is almost finished-- one quarter and one course that is only offered in the Spring. Rhonda has moved to Indiana to stay with her mother, who was recently widowed. And Elijah is cute as can be and all boy- go, go, go! His hair as started to come in, very blond and curly in the back, but the bangs are straight. He has these deep brown eyes and looks so intently from them. Amina was not feeling her usual energetic self, but was doing remarkable well for having spent Thursday night in the ER and being diagnosed with viral menegitis. (She's fine, really, just sore and tired.)
Anyway, yesterday I finally finished Lefthand of Darkness. I think I am too old to read Ursula K. LaGuin. I really couldn't quite get into it. I'm sure there was a commentary there on brotherhood, tolerance, equality or something, but it was just too much to wade through. I want to read words I know, not learn a new language that will only be used in this short span of time and space. Too much like work.

Mara, you asked about how the visit with Kristen's mum went. Well, if I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't. I don't want to step outside my comfort zone. And I was. You know what happens when I feel socially uncomfortable -- I go all formal, falling back on my upbringing. Well, that makes me look like a pompous ass and does nothing to make others feel comfortable. I just hope that our paths keep crossing so that I can finally feel comfortable and relax and let me be me. Not something I trust. Anybody know where I can get a personality transplant?


Rich is not Grove, but since this is public, I won't post it.

I am so, so, so, so, so relieved to hear Amina is up and moving and okay. I still can't believe everything that is happening to them. My heart aches for them.

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