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Meet the Parents

Here it is, 9:15 on a Sunday morning. All is pretty quiet here. Daddy is putzing in the kitchen, Mendon is sleeping and I am on the computer. I am faced with a moral dilemma.

Today, later this afternoon, we are going to go over to Kristen’s house to meet her mother and her mother’s boyfriend. No stress there! But that isn’t the dilemma. The dilemma is what to bring.

When Linda (Kristen’s mother) called to extend the invitation, I asked what I should bring. (Not my first instinct, but isn’t this how Gramma raised me? I mean, did I get the Midwestern thing wrong? So far, so good?) Linda’s response was that I could bring some dessert.

Okay, first dilemma. I am still trying to lose a little more weight and so desserts have become, well, dangerous and forbidden territory. So, I thought maybe I could compromise (I know, that spells disaster right there.) First I thought maybe a good melon would make a nice dessert. Kristen advised me that her mother was likely to incorporate melon in the meal and wouldn’t see that as a dessert. Okay, so I went to Cooking Light and found what sounded like a good recipe, except that it used low-fat, no sugar instant pudding, low-fat brownie mix made with egg whites and several containers of Cool-Whip. You get the picture. Not what I think of as food. Then I tried a more recent issue and found Meringue Raspberry sorbet sandwiches. Right up my alley. Great stuff.
But Mensch wants me to make Schmeeze. Now we all love Schmeeze. But there are several problems with Schmeeze.

One. It is a heart attack in a spoon, therefore Daddy objects to it (and with good reason!).

Two. One bowl will cost a dress size. ‘Nuf said.

Three. It is made with raw eggs. Not even remotely cooked.

Both Linda and the Mark, her boyfriend, are health professionals and object to raw eggs in food. (I bet they both use Miracle Whip!) Now, I could make Schmeeze and just not tell them what is in it, but that feels like the wrong way to start what could be a long-term relationship. Plus, how would I feel if someone used alcohol in a dish, assuming that I couldn’t tell and would never know and what I didn’t know wouldn’t hurt me? I would be pretty upset, that’s how I would feel.

So, what to do? I wish I had posted this blog last weekend so I could have gotten some feedback in enough time to do something about it.

And the Schmeeze? It calls for Super fine sugar. You can make your own in the blender, but it is easier to buy it. Well, not really. I had to try 4 stores before I found it. It seems that no one carries it anymore. So I have all the ingredients. . .

Of course, I suspect that all this agony has nothing to do with the dessert.


Make banana muffins with chocolate chips in them...super yummy and slightly healthy!

Well, I don't know if this comment will help in time or even it sounds good to you.........fresh berries, dessert cups, whipped cream (fresh is best!), and white chocolate sauce.
It is easy and a great summer treat! I usually slice strawberries, top them with sugar (or Splenda - my parents are on Atkins) and let them sit for a bit so they make their own syrup. Then I start with the desssert cup on the bottom, strawberries and blueberries next, whipped cream (a good amount), more berries, and then drizzle some white chocolate syrup on the top.

My mom used to make this in the summers, it is a cool, almost refreshing dessert. (Best made just before you serve it.)

Have a great Sunday afternoon!

We survived. I made pineapple upside down cake.

ange, what are dessert cups?

They are little, round cake cups.......cups because they have a shallow center. You can buy them at the supermarket, usually the bread or bakery section.

Oh yeah! I've seen them. They seem to put them in the produce aisle so you think 'Strawberry short cake.' That would have been simpler.

I'm glad you survived (sorry, I was home sick for the past two days).

How did the rest of the time go w/ Kristen's family?

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