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Okay, Something is seriously UP!

Okay, Guys,
What's up? I know something is going on and I want to know what it is!

I know where it is and who is involved, but I don't know what it is. How do I know? Because of the silence. Homeland security listens to chatter, but I am alarmed by its absence. Mara dropped a hint at 'something' that couldn't be mentioned until Friday. Today is Sunday. Still nothing. And Violetta? the prolific Violetta? Nothing, not one entry, since July 10th. That's over a week! Unheard of!
I haven't heard from Nathan, but that is all too normal. Rae and I talked last night. She and Eric are settling into their new townhouse in old Alexandria. It is more like a house than an apartment, so they are becoming acquainted with some of the pitfalls of houses (damp basements, etc.), but over all seem to be doing well.
Mensch and Kristen are here and well. We spent yesterday cooking for each other.
Well, I'm on to a new entry. Yes, more than one in one day. What kind of monster have you created, Nae?



Sorry to disappoint you... my "secret" was teaching a class on laundry. Okay? Whoop di doo da, no?

I have plenty to say - SO MUCH TO SAY!!! - but I am so busy and I don't just want to put it in a 'comment'. This week has been life-changing for me. It has been so amazing. When I get to come up for air I'll tell what has been going on.

I ca't agree more. I've been blogging, commenting and no responses...I am not THAT boring! Anyhow...I'm glad you finally said it...where the hell is everybody?

I have to laugh! That is too rich! Especially since I hold you all up as good examples of how well I raised you. (We have this ongoing discussion at work and other places too. They see me as the mean mother because I had you all doing chores and laundry at fairly young ages. One of my goals was to produce independently functioning adults. I have more than succeeded. Your success is my proof!) The other mother who I was cooking with in Fort Wayne had home schooled her daughter, but she had never had her do a load of laundry. So while at Fort Wayne, her daughter had to do a load of laundry. She asked one of the other girls to help her because she didn't want to admit to her mother that she hadn't really listened when her mother had given her instructions. The other girl came screaming up the stairs that the nameless daughter had never done laundry! It is true. Too many parents don't really prepare their children for the real world. And laundry is real world! I know because I was one of those unprepared children. We had a cleaning lady. My mother had had servants growing up. As a result, she had the attitude that this was low work and resented having to do it, and wanted to protect me from the drudgery. Well, then when the real world hit me, I had to overcome the loathing of daily chores. I never wanted you guys to develop those attitudes. I'm not sure I really was successful, but at least it was demystified and no worse than it actually is. Good for you! And good for your students. How did they come to choose you for this high honor?

By the way, V said she's taking a 2 week hiatus from blogging as part of a 'program'. I think she's detoxing :-) You should see her again Sunday, I think. Either this Sunday or the next. I never know when people say "next Sunday" whether they mean this coming one, or the one after that...

On vacation! I've been to the States, Denmark and Sweden as well as a three day music festival. I'm exhausted but happy. Pictures and blogs will go up later.

Rae, your blogs are not boring! I've been a bit busy, but I tried to respond.
Mara, say hi to V for me. I miss her. But I understand her needing to take a break. I just sort of wish she had warned us so I wouldn't have worried. Sorry I am such a worry wart.
Nae, Hope you had a nice time. Yes, I've read your blogs. So you didn't have a nice time, but it sounds as though you enjoyed it anyway.

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