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I'm Baaaack!


This website will tell you a little bit about the trip, but I promise I will tell you more. And, no, Mensch, I didn't pick up pin worm this year. That is a good thing, by the way. I did drink the water . . . and lived to tell about it.

The trip was for seven days, including get to and getting back from Arizona. I managed the credit aspect of the trip, but the trip was organized by BorderLinks. For more information about them, see this website. http://www.borderlinks.org/bl/index.htm

We were a group of 10 this year, four credit students (including Alana), four non-credit students, plus me and Merry. With our BorderLinks guides, Cecila and Lauren, that made 12 of us in a 15 passanger van -- without a roof rack. Yes, that is important. Why, you ask? Because that means that we had to fit ourselves and our luggage inside the van. Wouldn't be too bad because I had advised everyone to pack light, and they did. But remember that we also each had our sleeping bags/bedrolls with us. We made it, but without too much room to spare. And have you riden on Mexican roads before? The paved ones aren't too bad, but they aren't all paved.

At one point in Agua Prieta Cecila was driving us to or fro and she took a 'new route.' Always an adventure. This road went into a ditch with about an 8 foot drop and back out again in about the space of 30 feet. Okay, maybe 35 feet. We all became very close during the trip, but you get the picture; it was pretty steep. I think Rae had made a comment about sharing danger having that effect on relationships.

I will write more later, but I have to go off and teach about writing a business plan. And Merry totaled her car on the way to Naw Ruz yesterday, so I have to take her to pick up a rental on the way. Never a dull moment. (She's fine, thank goodness.)


I'm really looking forward to hearing more about your trip!

I did make that comment, it was at Karen Knaus' wedding shower:) It sounds like this trip would have fit right in with my learning experiences right now. I'm hoping somesay to spend a summer in Mexico and polish my spanish(after relearning it at home, cause I'm gonna have to!).

Oh, Rae, I would LOVE to have you come with me. (Remember, I tried last year?) We will go again next year, I'm sure. You would love Lauren. She is just your age (4 months older) and so well grounded. (much like you) You could ask Alana about her experience when she comes down to visit. I bet you will get an entirely different point of view from her than you would from me. But I get the sleeping bag (the old brown/green one with the pheasants in it.) You can borrow a different one from me if you need it.

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