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That's right, I'm going to be teaching a credit class. We have only 4 credit students but we also have 4 non-credit students, adults who just want to know more about Mexico, NAFTA and how the economies and peoples interact. I will be back in time to celebrate Naw Ruz.

The weather in Nogales, Sonora is supposed to be in the 70's and 80's. We are also going to Altar, which is predicted into the 90's. I would hate to see what the summers are like. It is a dry heat, so not so bad, but being the desert, the temperature drops by 40 to 50 degrees at night and the homes we stay in aren't heated. As a matter of fact, by American standards, they are hardly buildings. They are made of found materials, so the walls can be cardboard nailed to scrap wood and the roofs might be tin, but with nail holes. I could see the stars through the roof over my head as I lay in bed last year.

A bientot.

Well, folks, this is a temporary good bye. I am going to Mexico on Sunday to 'explore the border'.


I can't wait to hear about your trip! I hope you have a great time ... and maybe even bring back a cool picture or two to share?

I envy you for those warm days...though I suppose I will have mine sooner in DC than you will in Mentor. I think that this class you teach in Mexico is a cool thing to do. Have a blast and report back.

You're teaching classes?

What classes are you teaching?


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