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So- I thought I was dealing well with my mother's death. I came home and felt really good about taking care of her. I felt- and still do - an inner strength that came from caring for my mother.

But I've got hives. I'm not allergic to anything. I'm just stressed. My body is dealing with what my mind cannot. Of course- having hives adds to the stress. It's circular.

Last night an ambulance hit my parked car. It wasn't the prius. That just can't drive in the snow, especially on hills. Which means I'm forced to stay overnight at work whenever there is accumulation. Fortunately my employer is an avid reader and I'm able to entertain myself.


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I'm so sorry!! My body does the same thing (not that that would be any consolation). I developed shingles and about 20 ulcers in my mouth once .... caused by the stress I thought I was handling pretty well stemming from an impending surgery. It will get better. You (and Mara and Nathan and Mendon and your dad) did a pretty amazing thing. :)

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