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April 16, 2007


Mark and Mara's baby was born late Wednesday, the 4th of April.

There have been a ton of pictures, but here are a few more.

I can't get over the way seeing him makes me feel; it damn near brings tears to my eyes every time he cuddles.

Uncle Puika.jpg

I do a lot of sleeping. So does Liam. It's a happy coincidence.

Aunt Rachael & Liam.jpg

Liam and his Aunt Rachael, my sister (yay! I love my sister; she's smart and pretty.)

Maman, Liam, Kristen.jpg

Liam, Gramma and Aunt Kristen, my sister-in-law.

My family immediately started crowding around him and working to try and figure out what makes him stop crying and what doesn't, how to make him smile and be happy. We love the newest Dornbrook.

Grampa passed away on Good Friday

On Good Friday, my grandfather, Eugene Foster Dornbrook, passed away.

He was 88.

We buried him on Friday the 13th.

My uncles all got up to speak and my Papa too. I was so proud he's my Daddy. He gave a good speech.

He and my grandmother were married for sixty-four years.

In 1944, the Germans shot the tail off his B-17 and he was the only person to survive. He thought fast and lived. He was imprisoned in Stalagluft 13 and tried to escape, along with a number of other prisoners, most of whom were killed.

They later made a movie about it called The Great Escape, which I have not seen.

God bless you, Grampa. Thank you for all that you did.

April 5, 2007

Last night was the best night of my life.

Mara had a 5 lb. baby boy. His name is Liam.

I don't know anything else, but that's enough.

I'm trying hard to concentrate on work. I think he was born around midnight last night, because I got the text from my Mother at 0440 my time. I couldn't sleep.

I can't explain it, but I'm so happy - so happy for my sister, for Mark, for this new baby Fojas.

I'm just...just over the moon.

Best day ever!